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[M] Make a mercy out of me
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
When he had thought things couldn't possibly get any worse, he had just made it worse. He walked away from that damn room, his fingers at his lips as he brushed away the blood of a split lip. He and Shyam had just had a good scuffle, which he came out unvictorious. He told himself it was mainly because he just went in with his injured fist first. He had just forgotten about it. But his hand certainly didn't. So when push came to shove, the electrifying pain that came through his hand was something he would not forget.

It was ugly. He was still steaming from it. It was stupid anyway to try to make amends. Because they would blame him anyway, no matter how hard he would say he was sorry, or if he would beg for forgiveness. Well, he wasn't going to anyway, and now he certainly would never again. His right hand now hung useless next to his body and he would be terribly sore in the morning. He didn't want to think about it. Right about know, he wanted to drink something strong and sink into a deep sleep.

Ezekiel was on his way to his chambers. He wiped his sleeve over his lip, because he had gotten tired of the taste of blood pretty quickly. He would go looking for a healer the next day. Because for know, he wanted to flee from it all. It was getting more and more tempting to flee the city all in itself. But the thing was, it was not just his own future he was throwing away anymore. And if you talk of the devil, there she was.
Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:08 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
The sorceress had almost jumped up in excitement when one of the servants handed her the letter sent by her parents, only to be left with a gut wrenching feeling after putting it down. She'd locked herself within her room for the next few hours or so, contemplating the choices their parents seemed to impose upon her and Deimos. Both of them had been promised to someone back to back, and now she wouldn't even be allowed to move back home anymore. She didn't know whether to feel anger, anguish or a mixture of both. It was a fact that she had not be the easiest daughter for them to raise, but she never expected them to betray her like this, when she was within such a vulnerable position already.

It had taken her some strength to get herself back on her feet and leave the guest room. Perhaps some fresh air -- as far as the air could be considered 'fresh' inside this giant fishbowl of a city, could help her make sense of the whole situation. Leaving the letter behind she stepped out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind her as she prayed to Lythrana not to bump into anybody during her walk towards the courtyard. No family members, no servants, no nothing.

So far her prayers seemed to have been heard. While the sound of her shoes echoed throughout the hallway, there had not been a single soul in sight. Until now. As she turned one of the corners, her tear stained eyes met the familiar gaze of the one person she didn't want to bump into right now. She could have easily ignored him as she walked past, wouldn't it be for the state in which she found him.

The sorceress halted, eyes wide with both fear and disbelief as she laid eyes upon his bloodstained clothes, wondering to who or what that blood belonged. It was certain he'd gotten into a fight of some sort as his busted lip betrayed. For a moment the girl stood nailed to the ground, not knowing how to approach him. It was clear that the man needed help, though. After taking care of her during their night within Silvercrest, she kind of owed him.

"What in Lythrana's name have you gotten yourself into," she spoke softly as she approached him. Though her words may have sounded like a sneer, the undertone of both disbelief and a glimpse of worry were clear. She didn't meet his eyes yet as her gaze was stuck on both his clothing and injuries. Her day might have been bad, but his certainly didn't go any better. 
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:20 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Turn on your heels and flee. That was all what was going through his mind. Just turn the other way, and he complain his rude behaviour the next day when she would probably be mad at him again. Or well, Chaska did not really get mad. She would just stare at him with those not-amused eyes and make some snarky comment about him being a coward. He could handle that, he did not have to explain anything to her at all. He barely even dared to lift his eyes to look at her. But he did, a little stolen glance, he saw that she was crying.

She was brave about it, though. Because after all, she approached him. Ezekiel also had stopped dead, not moving as she came closer. But the distance between them still lingered and while she asked a question he about predicted, the voice didn't hold the same power as it used to, in those rare few moments they had shone more of their true colors to each other. So when she wasn't looking at him, he looked at her. Her sadness was a high contrast to his anger, and they both hid it terribly. Because he immediately felt like he had to be defensive. None of her business. But he just tensed up his jaw. ‘‘Trouble,’’ he scoffed simply. He still did not want to explain himself to her. ‘‘Haven't you heard?’’ he continued bitterly. He imagined his little show had spread like wildfire.  

Oh, what a mess he must look like. He truly felt like it to. So he drew his gaze away again as he wiped a finger over his lip again. And if she knew about it, would she be scared of him? Would she be angry? Would she think her life was ruined, now she had to be with him? He was not making good first, second or third impressions. And as this stand-off was being quite something they had seen before between them, only the stakes were like a hundred times higher. ‘‘So what's your problem?’’
Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:59 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
 For a moment she wished that she never left that room, but after seeing the man in front of her in this state she couldn't simply leave him behind. Her own sadness had been quick to fade at the sight of her betrothed, leaving room for her to worry about who or what could have caused this to happen. Though, she caught herself silently praying to whatever deity would listen. Praying that the blood which stained his clothing had not been caused by him. Praying that she wouldn't be marrying some kind of murderer.

The girl narrowed her eyes at his answer as she clicked her toungue in dissaproval, feeling her sympathy fade with every nonchalant action he'd throw her way. The following question confused her even more. "What are you talking about?" She didn't even try to hide the frustation in her voice, as well as a small hint of annoyance at his attitude. Was she supposed to have heard something that involved her bethroted getting beat up? "Who did this to you?" It was clear that she was angry, or frustrated at the very least. Still she couldn't help but to feel a glimpse of worry. His appearance was like a difference of day and night compared to what he looked like on their previous encounters.

Another glance at his injuries caused her stomache to turn. It made her forget about her own puffy eyes as she sought out his, noticing how he drew a finger over his busted lip to wipe away the blood. "You need to sit down," she commanded as she took hold of his sleeve, nudging him towards the direction of his chambers. She couldn't have him fainting in the middle of the hallway or something similar.   
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:18 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel turned his head to the side as he saw her finding her fire again. It was not her approval he was after, but still he felt uneasy about it. Because he was afraid there would be a lot more of this- no, he would never allow to let himself go like that ever again. But today he was all but able to walk away from a fight, and the next one had just appeared in front of him. Although this was a very different opponent, and he had a very different part of himself to protect.  

So, she hadn't heard. Chaska looked kinda upset by this. For a split second he wondered if it might be better if she would hear it from him. Because then maybe, maybe, he could make her understand. But then again, he did not need her understanding. He didn't care if she would hate him after this. She already didn't like him. Well, the feeling was mutual. ‘‘No-one of note,’’ he replied stoically. Shyam was after al just a guard, not important. No, nobody would bat an eye if he had only roughed up the guard for a bit. Like, they wouldn't be happy. But he had made Myrddin bedridden. And the backlash from that would be like no other. His aunt would be livid. Maybe at the end of the day their common problem could be solved and the engagement would be cancelled. Maybe if Chaska's parents would hear of this... ‘‘Just an accident.’’ That was a blatant lie, but it was all he had right now.

And then she had him by the arm, telling- no ordering him to sit down. He pulled his arm back swiftly as his eyes shot at her. He was still pumping adrenaline through his veins, he barely felt the pain. But what he did feel was the way she tried to steer him. Why did she even care? ‘‘Don't worry about it,’’ he hissed at her, noticing his hostile tone too late. He stepped away from her as he gave her another look. He couldn't do this right now. He could not even try to be slightly mannered, to try and woo her into some kind of live that they could have together. She had asked him not to pretend and this was what she would get: no pretending.  He slightly shook his head as he broke the eye contact and turned to walk to his room.  
Mon Mar 06, 2023 12:02 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
The way he acted like it was nothing, like she was overreacting, only added more fuel to the fire. Was this truly the man her parents wanted her to marry? The man who caused them to send her here with a cheap lie, only for them to tell her she wouldn't be moving be back home within a stupid letter? They clearly weren't the only ones lying. Perhaps that was just part of being a Vylasar.

"Stop lying to me," she hissed, taking a step closer towards him as she cleanched her fists in anger. This was exactly why she didn't want to run into anyone. She didn't mean to take the anger towards her parents out on him, but right now he was truly getting on her last nerve. Why did she even bother to worry about him. He might have gotten her home safely back at the feast of starlight, but that didn't mean she'd let him walk all over her whenever he pleased.  

Her heart raced in her chest as he pulled away, followed by another remark which rubbed her the wrong way. For a moment she'd been too stunned to speak, trying to get hold of her anger as he gave her one last look before continuing his way. At this point she could have done the same. She could have continued her way towards the courtyard and let him figure his shit out on his own, just the way he wanted it. She could have, if she hadn't let the whirlwind of emotions get the better of her.

The sorceress turned around and followed him, fastening her pace as she tried to catch up to him. Once again she took hold of his sleeve, a lot more firm than the previous attempt. "Don't take me for an imbecile," she spat as she narrowed her eyes to slits. "I'm going to walk you to your room, and you're going to tell me exactly what happened." Her eyes burned with fury, though not all of that was his cause. He had simply been the idiot who fueled her flames into a forest fire and now had to face the consequences. She let go of his sleeve once more, refusing to break eye contact.  
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Mon Mar 06, 2023 1:19 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
By Lythrania, woman, just let it go. That was what almost stumbled over his lips as she kept pushing. So what if he was lying, wasn't it clear enough that he did want to talk about this, least of all with her. Maybe they had to go back to pretending and was she becoming way to comfortable already. Had he hinted too much that they were friends or something, back in Silvercrest? When she stepped closer, he looked down at her for a long second, because he recognized that fieriness in her. But today it was not spend on her being angry at the world, but directly at him.

Ezekiel had no good respons to that. She wanted answers that he did want to give her. So he did what he did best, just walk away from the problem in front of him, because he could not allow himself to lose it again. And once he turned her back at her, he almost thought that it had worked. But seemed that being stubborn really was a strong trait in the Vylasar family, because she was at his side soon enough. So when she grabbed him again, he flinched and pulled back, but Chaska was prepared now, her hand clasped firmly around the fabric of his sleeve. The urge to get violent was getting stronger and he really had to contain himself not to snap. Because although it felt like he was at the bottom of the barrel, it sure would make things even far more worse.

So he just exhaled sharply in displeasure when she spoke again. Of course he did not think she was stupid. It was probably the opposite, too smart for her own good. Her words made him glance at her quickly a few times. She really was pushing him against a wall, wasn't she? ‘‘Fine,’’ he finally spat back, but there was no love in those words. And he hated himself for giving in, but the look in the eyes of Chaska betrayed that she would not.

Ezekiel's mind circled back to the idea that maybe it was better if he heard it from him. But it was also the shame and guilt that made him not want to tell her, even after her demands. He tried to shrug her hand of him one last time, before taking big steps to walk to his room. It was not far anyway, so if she so desperately wanted to, she had to keep up. He opened the door, again forgetting about his busted right hand and hissing through his teeth as he slammed the door handle a bit too enthusiastically. He looked back over his shoulder at Chaska. Welcome home, he supposed.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:08 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
She had been bracing herself for the worst as she locked eyes with him. Perhaps it would have been the safer choice to leave him be, but she needed to know what was going on, especially now that this was going to be her home. She couldn't hide behind the idea of fleeing back to Moonbright anymore. If only her parents knew about the state the spouse that they'd chosen for her was in right now.  

Her tensed muscles relaxed as she heared his response, though it wasn't a very wholehearted one. "Good," she spat back, driven by her need to always have the last say in these kind of matters. She had no idea what kind of story would await her once she'd set foot within his chambers. Whatever the cause for his injuries may have been, she'd pick knowledge over ignorance any day.

The sorceress quietly followed her betrothed as he stepped towards his room, clearly upset by the way she forced him to take her with him. They were quick to arrive seeing how close they'd been during their confrontation in the hallways. The silver haired man proceeded to open the door, clearly unaware of his injuries. She furrowed her brow at his reaction, startled by the sudden hiss. "Careful, idiot," she replied sharply. He'd only make it worse by not giving himself a break.

She quietly shut the door behind them, making sure he wouldn't attempt doing so and hurting his hand once more, after which she proceeded to lean against it. She crossed her arms as her gaze sought out his, not paying much attention to the interior of the room that would sooner or later belong to both of them. None of them would leave this room until he had been patched up and she knew exactly what had been the cause of this.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:16 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
In some ways they were similar, in some they were the polar opposites. And at this moment, the two of them clashed harder then they had ever done before. Because all he wanted was to run away from the confrontation, but she kept confronting him again and again. When she needed to have the last word, he narrowed his eyes at her. By Lythrania, this woman was already getting under his skin.

Her bickering was unrelenting as she continued to comment on every little thing he seemed to do. ‘‘I am,’’ he hissed back at her, not granting her to have a last word this time. But she probably would. He could almost here her sarcastic "I see" already. But once they were in his room, he almost wished he could be relieved. But his safe space was invaded, and he could not lose the tension in his shoulders. He heard her close the door behind him and he halted in this empty room. And when he turned half back to her, to see her with her arms crossed leaning against the door, he raised his eyebrows, as if it was a challenge. ‘‘And now what, hm?’’ He tilted his head to the side a bit, because he still wasn't convinced why she was so adamant to follow him hear. He just scoffed and moved further into the room, grabbing a clean towel and dipped it into some water, only to press it against his face firmly wipe the blood of his face.

Ezekiel turned and leaned against a dresser, almost at the opposite side of the room. He could feel her look burning into his skin, but he kept silent. Because he knew that the questions would start coming any second now. And he was preparing himself for a reply. He carefully looked back at her. He had to give her at least this, she was not afraid. And in the meantime, he had to do everything to not let him allow himself to be terrified. Now that the adrenaline was wearing of, his mind circled back to earlier this morning. A darkness that clouded this very room. Ezekiel set his jaw and dabbed at his lip.

Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:33 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
It was clear that he wanted to be left alone, which only raised her suspicion about the situation. Anyone who'd find their acquaintance covered in blood would have questions, and someone who didn't have anything to hide would have answered them. She rolled her eyes at his response as they set foot within the room. For a moment, during their night within Silvercrest, he'd seemed different from other men. Turned out he was the same as any other. A man who didn't dare to even think about accepting any kind of help, even if the one offering would be woman he was about to share the rest of his life with.

Her gaze followed him as he walked through the room, awaiting an explanation, only to be met with a petty question. Had he already forgotten the reason why she followed him? In the meantime he'd chosen a wise spot to await her answer: The opposite side of the room. A sigh of annoyance left her lips as she made her way towards where he was standing. "Now, you're going to tell me the reason why you're covered in blood." She'd be lying if she didn't admit to be afraid of the answer, but she couldn't let that fear get the better of her. As long as she remained to be the one in control he wouldn't be able to lay a hand on her, or so she liked to believe.

"Give me that," she snarled as she snatched the towel from his hand, now closing the distance that still remained between them."You're only making it worse." As she found a clean spot on the towel which was now partly covered in blood, she started gently patting the area around his busted lip. Though her actions were gentle, her gaze didn't soften. Apparantly, he couldn't even take after his own injuries properly.    
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:06 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
If this was a preview of how their future was going to be like, they would have a long, exasperating life in front of them. And how she kept invading his personal space and his mind, was infuriating. It started innocent, grabbing his arm to convince their cousin how wonderfully pleased she was with the union. But then the questions had started, the resentment. And for a second it had felt like they had a shared interest, a common enemy. But no, that had just been wishful thinking.

Chaska made her way over to him and the question that he knew was coming, came. So he sighed and looked back at the ground. He had stalled it for as long as he could, be she was just- not taking no for an answer. Ezekiel absently kept hold of his towel, shuffling on his feet for a second. He just had to bite through the sour apple. He would just have to answer it. The ugly truth would only satisfy her. And in the best situation, it would scare her away. By Lythrana, it was so stupid. He had been such an idiot. And the more the realization dawned on him to say the words out loud, he just felt guilty.

Ezekiel was roughly pulled out of his thought as the towel was snatched from his, and Chaska stated that he was doing it wrong, or whatever. Ezekiel's eyes widened slightly as she came very close now, her hand raising to his face. He backed away slightly, but as soon as she started to gently pat the wound, he just froze. His heart rate elevated as his eyes fluttered from her hand near his face, to her face, her eyes, the two colors of her hair. And he gave into it, let her help him, if it was only this. ‘‘It's not mine-’’ he promptly started. Who was he trying to distract? Her, or himself? ‘‘Well, most of it. I-’’ He struggled to find the right words, mainly because he was just ashamed. As much as he wanted to blame Myr, at the end of the day it was his fault. He shook his head slightly. ‘‘I put Myrddin in the infirmary and doing so made myself very... unpopular.’’

Ezekiel gave a tiny shrug. That was it, basically. No beating around the bush. He blinked and forced himself not to look away. He would not allow himself that way out. It was mental torture for himself, but he needed to see her reaction. He had to, that was part of the punishment. After seeing Myrddin's panic and Shyam's anger, he deserved whatever Chaska would serve up for him. He did not want to run away from that.

Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
To her surprise, it seemed like he, for once, accepted her offer to help. She had not known what to expect. Perhaps a petty response, or an attempt to push her away from him. Instead, though, he finally seemed to give up on his tough guy act. The sorceress kept tending to his injury, hoping the bleeding would stop sooner or later, awaiting his response. Altough he could be such an annoying and stubborn idiot, it was the least she could do for the man who would have to do the same for her once the endstage of her illness struck. If anything, her care towards him was an investment.

Finally he began to talk. While her hand still hovered beside his lips, she stopped patting the wound, giving him more room to speak. She felt her heart racing once more as he admitted that most of the blood wasn't his, contemplating whether to feel relieved or scared by his confession. The man seemed to stumble over his words, but as soon as he continued her eyes widened. "You did.. what?"

She slowly lowered the hand that had been tending to his injury as she took a step back, her gaze a mixture of fear, anger and confusion. At least he'd specified the word 'infirmary', hopefully indicating that their cousin was alive. This time she was the one stumbling over her words, begging herself to get a grip on the situation. She had been the one who forced him into telling her, after all. "But, why?" She didn't know what else to say or ask. Her eyes glanced upon his bloodstained clothes once more. That was quite a lot of blood, too much for it to be caused by an innocent tussle between cousins.

She didn't know whether to run away, scold him, or perhaps doing both. Instead of doing any of those things, though, she tried her best to calm down. This couldn't have been the whole story after all. "Tell me the whole story," she demanded, though her voice didn't sound as convincing as it had before. Doubt and fear had been clear within the undertone of her voice. Even the fire in her eyes had faded. She refused to believe her betrothed to be some kind of heartless barbarian who'd pick a fight with his cousin without good reason.     
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:27 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
As soon as the realization hit Chaska and she moved away, and he saw the storm-cloud of emotions in his eyes, he had seen enough. He bit on the inside of his cheek as his gaze went to the ground again. He closed his eyes for a second as she was starting to fumble a bit, searching for words, or the right questions to ask. And by the Lythrania, he had no idea how he could respond to it. Maybe he should tell the woman he would spend the rest of his life with the stupid history between him and his cousin that had imploded today. But Chaska has been here for like a whole twenty minutes. He could not trust her.

‘‘It's complicated,’’ he defensively barked back at her. It was a weak excuse, but he hoped it would at least scare her of to pry any further. And it was not as if she would be talking to Myr about it any time soon, whatever that prick would tell her about it. He better not say anything. Another person he could not trust. This house felt more like a prison and enemies were all around him. The only reason he was still here, was that fragile bond of family and the duty woven into it.

Ezekiel looked back up at her as she tried to convince him to tell more, but he only gave her a stern look. ‘‘Don't,’’ he said, but it had an undertone of pleading. But that moment swiftly faded away as he placed a mad frown on his head and looked away again. ‘‘Don't try to pry into my life, only because you think you are entitled to it because of this arrangement.’’ He told her what happened, she did not need the details. About how he could not stand Myrddin. That their bond was ruined since they were boys. Or even worse, that he had no control over his magic. She did not need that. They were to be married, and that was it. ‘‘I don't owe you anything.’’

Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
The sorceress took another step back as he threw his defending response at her. Perhaps she'd pushed him to his limit, but she didn't care. Her limit had been reached the second she got hold of that letter. As much as he would've liked to play that card, this whole situation wasn't just about him. It was about them, seeing how their futures had been forced to intertwine with one another.  

"This whole damn family is complicated," she spat back at him, clearly letting her emotions get the better of her as her voice cracked mid-sentence. Her hands were shaking in anticipation, ready to defend herself if the man in front of her dared forcing her into the same fate as their cousin. If only she'd brought her staff with her, Sköll would have torn him to shreds, staining her dress the same way as his clothes. Perhaps the two of them had more in common than they'd think.

She had not averted her gaze from him as he looked her in the eye, challenging him to throw whatever defenses he had at her. And he did. Words that hit her like bullets. If only he knew how glad she'd be turn her back on him and return to her home, her true home. He could've cleaned up his own mess, and she wouldn't even have tried to get involved with any with. Unfortunately for her, this man was her only shot at a decent future. She had to swallow every insult, every harsh word he'd throw her way, or suffer the consequences of the cancelled engagement.

Her body was trembling as she tried to contain her fury,  but every word he spoke made it harder for her not to give in to her rage. "You truly do not understand, do you?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she met his, clenching her fists until her knuckles turned white. "Your life won't be yours anymore, and neither will mine." Her heart was racing as she tried to calm herself down, fighting the urge to verbally burn him to the ground. "From the moment our par-" She paused for a split second, remembering what he had told her about his parents. "-caregivers agreed to this arrangement, our fates have been intertwined. You can keep acting like some sort of coward and run from that fate-" she paused, catching her breath as she took a few steps towards him once more. "Or you could turn around, look me in the eye and deal with it." Her hands still trembled, unable to keep a tear from rolling down her cheek as she locked her gaze with his, her mind a whirlwind of emotions.        
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Tue Mar 07, 2023 5:12 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel felt a tiny bit of victory as he scared her away a bit more. He never wanted her here, so being defensive seemed to finally start working. Only that he had to give up the last piece of a good impression she might thought of him. But it just felt safer to push her away. Even if she was trying so hard, to show her good intentions. To make this... work? He never understood where she got that irrational idea. It somehow always seemed to resort back to this, shaky hands and trembling voices.

Well, that was an open door. He scoffed at her words. This family was all kinds of fucked up, and it was all being swept under the rug. Maybe it was the crazy ideas, rooted stuck in tradition and duty, that sorcerers only had to marry other sorcerers, because imagine if that power was being left to the big world, far from home. Because then you would have creatures like him, reaping havoc all over the continent. No, better to keep them locked away under the sea, was it not?

So the silver haired man struck, and he struck low. He wanted to push her away more and more. He did not want to hurt her, but it eventually happened anyway. So why not start now, when it would be short lived and they had not yet build something to break down. Chaska went for the attack and Ezekiel still looked away from her, exhaling sharply as she told him their lives weren't their. Were they ever? They were traded away so easily. And she continued to rage on, judging the people responsible for their situation and sentencing their fates in the same sentence. And then she was close to him again, demanding him to man up and look at her. Ezekiel clenched his jaw and turned his back to her, her face ever so close to his. Close enough for him to sea a tear stream down her face. And for a moment, his angry expression wavered as a pang of guilt went right through his body.

The silence that followed was painful, as the air was heavy between them. And the pang of guilt was soon overruled by anger again. At her, at his aunt, at everybody who got in his way today. And it all wavered down at this point, where he was angry that her words started to make sense. ‘‘Okay,’’ he hissed through his teeth. He did not understand why she was so desperate for this to work, to bow down at her parents feet. ‘‘If that is what you want.’’ And in one motion he moved forward, not leaning against the dresser anymore where she had pushed him back against. For a moment he stood somewhat taller than her, looking down at her teary face, and then he moved his hands upwards, putting them both them on her neck, his thumbs thumbs resting just in front of her ears, and he crashed his lips against hers.

Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:11 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
Maybe she'd been too hard on him, or perhaps these words were exactly the ones he needed to hear right now. Adrenaline pumped through her body as she kept her eyes on him, her breathing shallow, as if she could break down into tears at any moment now. The silence was long and painful, similar to the silences haunting their first few meetings. Though this time, feelings of anger and frustration clouded the atmosphere within the room.

And finally he spoke. The sorceress gritted her teeth at his tone, ready for whatever bullets he'd fire back at her this time. She prepared herself for the same verbal treatment she'd given him seconds ago. But instead of doing so, he bridged the little distance still left between them. She flinched shortly at the swiftness of his approach, but remained to stand her ground, shifting her gaze between his odd colored eyes as he looked down upon her. Was this an attempt at intimidating her? If so, he'd failed. Even though she learned that he was capable of agression, she wouldn't allow herself to back down now. If he truly dared to lay a hand on her she could always scream for the guards to notice, and-

It all happened so swiftly. From the placement of his hands to his lips now crashing into hers. For a second she froze, dropping the blood-covered towel on the ground as she tried to comprehend what was happening. It was as if all the rage, frustration and disappointment she'd been repressing came crashing down on her all at once, ready to be released upon the man who'd set them free.

The bitter taste of blood didn't stop her from deepening the kiss as she pressed her body against his, her hands finding their way and getting tangeled up within his matted, silver hair. The thought of her dress being stained with her cousin's blood didn't even cross her mind as she bit down on his lower lip, perhaps a little too rough for it to be considered loving. There wasn't a glimpse of love to be found within their actions after all.

Desperate for air the sorceress broke the kiss, trying to catch her breath before giving into his temptation once more. "You truly are an idiot," she panted against his lips, lowering one of her hands to rest upon his chest as he sought out his gaze.       
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:53 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The sorcerers heart-rate went up a few notches as he stopped thinking and started doing. It had been a very, very rash decision. He was backed up in a corner and there was no way out. He did not want to talk to her, he wanted to stop her from pushing on so much. He hated how she did not allow him to bury his feelings, to not walk away from his, to just shut up and give in. And when he saw the options of escape disappearing in front of him, he took the problem head on. If she wanted a marriage, she would know what it meant.

As soon as he kissed her, he felt her tense up. This might be the biggest mistake in his life, maybe bigger than putting the heir of Lythrania on a deathbed. He expected her to fight back, move away from him as soon as the towel dropped to the floor. He pressed his fingers tighter in her neck, daring her not to let go. She wanted this, she made him to it, or that was what he told himself in that split second of uncertainty.

It did not take long. No, she came clashing towards his body and the kiss quickly deepened. Everything short circuited in his brain as he started to heat up from head to toe, as every single touch of her felt scorching. He grunted when she bit on his already sore lip. She was not stepping down, so his good hand moved up inwards her hair and tugged at the back of her head. The rusty taste in his mouth started to mix with a few of her salty tears.

As roughly as they came together, how sudden it halted. But only for a moment to catch a breath. He looked at her, their faces closer than ever, his hands sliding down his body, as he felt his heart pounding in his throat. She had enough time to insult him once again. An idiot? Hm, well. For a moment a small smirk tugged on his lips. ‘‘Stop talking,’’ he said as he grabbed the wrist of the hand that had slid down his chest. And when he leaned back in for another kiss, he pushed his body back against hers, forcing her to step backwards. And while he hungrily kissed her, he moved her back against one off the walls, raising her hand he was holding above her head and pinning it down.
Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:35 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
 Perhaps this was the safest way for them to express their hatred towards each other, tugging at each others hair and clothes and blaming it on their duties as soon to be husband and wife. Instead of suffering the same fate as her cousin, she got to endure his anger in a way fitted to their relationship. While she had been surprised by his sudden approach, she wouldn’t grant him the victory in dominance he so clearly desired. He’d have to fight her for it, and by Lythrana, would she put up a fight.

As much as she hated to give into it, her body was met with a burning sensation as he said those words. A surprised gasp escaped her lips as the firmly took hold of her wrist, crashing his lips onto hers once more. The sorceress was barely given time to respond as she was being shoved into the nearest wall behind them, softly groaning at the impact.

It was tempting to disobey him, purely for the sake of getting under his skin, but the silver haired sorcerer didn’t even give her a chance to open her mouth for anything other than the taste of blood. Her free hand found its way to the collar of his tunic, grabbing a hand full of fabric as she roughly pulled him closer against her already stained dress. “Make me,” she managed to bring out as she caught her breath once more, yearning to witness the look in his eyes as she taunted him, wondering how far she could push him without endangering their engagement.   
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:07 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was quite funny how easy it was for him to change tactics. Because at least he could be in control of this. It was picking between poisons, and this tasted intoxicatingly sweet. And when he made her shut up, it made him forget what they were actually fighting about. He could only think about what was happening in this moment, which wasn’t very helpful, as his mind was jumping from shameful desire to the embarrassment that it had to come to this.

The sorcerer did not regret is as their bodies crashed together against the wall. Chaska also did not back down. When she was overwhelmed in the first instant, she seemed to have found her fire back. Was she angry? At least she stopped complaining. She certainly was not complaining now, as she forced him even closer to her. He looked at her, as her lips had turned scarlet as well. He breathed heavily as she said those two words. Even know, she just would not back down, and she knew exactly how to get him worked up.

Ezekiel probably should have taken this moment as a sign to back down, step away and let not get himself tempted in a challenge, again. But he knew what would happen if he did, because Chaska had no breaks, ever, it seemed. So he lowered his injured hand from her face, grazing it past the curve of her neck as his thumb trailed down from her chin, over her throat. And once his hand was low enough, he pressed his fingers tighter around her neck. His eyes were still on her as he slightly raised his eyebrows for a moment. The pressure of his grip on her other hand faltered as he moved in to place a kiss next to her ear.

Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:14 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
She wondered if the way he acted towards her back within Silvercrest had been nothing but an act. She had not been able to find but a glimpse of agression in his behaviour, perhaps she'd even assumed him to be somewhat gentle. Even when she had been an easy target at the end of the night, he had put her safely to bed without even trying to make a move.

That same man now had her pinned against a wall, hungry for the taste of her lips as their bodies clashed into one another, burning up at every trace againt her skin. As much as her body begged for her to give into his touch, she couldn't let herself give up the battle for dominance just yet, even when she felt his fingertips tracing downwards, eventually tightening themselves around her neck. As she sought out his gaze once more she was met with a devious smirk, seconds before his lips found their way below her ear.  

A silent moan left her lips, one that almost sounded like she was about to say his name, swallowing the word just in time. She wanted to give in, let him take control and unleash all of his complicated feelings of anger onto her, but she couldn't. It would set the tone for the entirety of their marriage, and she couldn't let him get away with the pleasure of finding his perfect, obedient spouse. If she'd have to suffer the consequences of this marriage so would he, even if their marriage would result in an everlasting fight for dominance and control.

In between her fastened breaths she slid her free hand underneath his tunic, gently tracing her fingertips against the outline of his muscles, eventually finding her way downward towards the waistband of his trousers. A faint smirk laced her lips as she slipped a finger underneath, teasingly circling around the parts barely hidden underneath the fabric. Perhaps he wanted to shut her up, but she wanted to hear him whimper under her touch, begging her for more. Two could put up a fight, and she'd make sure he wouldn't forget what kind of woman he'd marry.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:22 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel admired how she was handling everything. She seemed to be thriving on it, with those devilish looks she was giving him. It almost made him forget why he was doing this, what kind of escape route he was taking. Because of both paths he could choose, this seemed to be the less rocky one. So before he brought his lips to her skin again, he dug in his fingers a bit further in the soft skin of her neck, with protest of his hurting hand, that probably had a few broken bones.

When he heard affirmation of breath getting stuck in her throat, he smiled against her skin, before biting down softly. His breath was hot near her ear and he ravished in the moment he felt completely in control. He was no longer running. He was making her tremble soon enough. He would make sure she would forget what they were fighting about. And next morning- well, that was a problem for the next morning.

But Chaska was not backing down either, as he felt her hand slipping beneath his shirt. Every part of their skins making contact, made him burn up. He felt shivers down his spine, but it was the good kind of tingly sensation. And as he work his way down from her jawline to the nape of her neck, she traced her fingers down. Ezekiel inhaled sharply and froze in his movements. All the way it was then.

The sorcerer released her neck as he took her hand that was teasing him below the belt. He looked at her with something that almost could be described as a teasing smile. Not yet. He took a step back as he took both her hands and then turned her around like it was some dance, bringing her arms above her head and making them cross in front of her body as he brought his hands around her waist. Then he pushed his hips against her and shoving her against the wall again. Then he released her wrists and started to work on undoing the laces of her dress on her back.

Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:10 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
She had always imagined her first time to be loving and memorable, until she realised it was going to be an act of duty once she got word of the arrangement. She became repulsed by the idea, getting rid of any fantasies she came up with over the years. Perhaps this was her way of taking back control, getting tangled up in a fight for dominance with her betrothed covered in blood, before their martial duties were even expected to be fulfilled. Right now she barely thought about the sin they'd commit, as long as she was able to forget about the whole situation, even just for a brief moment.

Her grin widened as she felt him respond to her touch, giving in to the sensation of his lips against her neck before he seemed to be frozen in place for a second. "Relax," she purred inside his ear, her voice a mere gasp for air as her slender hand disappeared inside his trousers just a tiny bit further.

The silver haired sorcerer didn't grant her much time to explore the parts of his skin hidden beneath the fabric. Their gazes met for a moment as she answered his smirk with a challenging one of her own, her expression soon changing into a pout as he stepped back, freeing her hand from underneath his waistband as he took hold of it himself. She wanted to taunt him, teasing for not letting her explore further below the belt, but the man in front of her seemed to have his mind set on something else.

Before she realised it he was twirling her around, causing her to face the wall as she was being pushed against it once more. The fabric of her dress didn't quite succeed in refraining the warmth from his hands to transfer onto her skin as he pushed his hips against hers, forcing a burning sensation through her body. Pushing back against his hips was her way of demanding him to continue, but instead, his hands had found their way to the lacing of her dress, gently untying it as her body ached for more. "Hurry up," she snarled at him as she looked over his shoulder, though the demand came out more desperate than intended. She needed him now, before her consious would get the better of her.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:12 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It somehow did not feel wrong to explore her body with his lips like this. Because, someday, this would all be his anyways. It was fucked up and strangled in old traditions, but it was all he was raised up with. Someday he would be given another sorceress to multiply with. It was known. They were just the first victims in their generation. He had no idea how they had to figure this out. This was probably not the way, but at this moment in time he did not care anymore as her hair tickled his nose as he bit down in her skin.

Still, he was very susceptibel when things started to get tense. Every step was another mountain to cross. And as her finger went further down, his ability to breath properly was taken away. He chuckled softly as she told him to relax. They were far past that point. So he took a last taste of her skin, before taking matters in his own hands.

Chaska somehow looked a bit underwhelmed as he took a step back? Did she really think he would hesitate now? He had taken the leap. He did not only dipped his toe in the waters, he had dived into it, submerged himself completely. And her taunting only put more oil to the fire. And her grinding back to his hips, only made him force himself into her even more. So when he fiddled with the long stings that laced her dress to her body, her remark made him scoff. ‘‘Impatience doesn't suit you,’’ he told her with a smirk, as he strongly pulled on the strings as to make a point. Their gazes crossed once more as she looked over her shoulder. She was desperate for it at this point. He would lie if he didn't share the sentiment.

When the dress was loose enough, the sorcerer places his hands on her shoulders and shimmied the dress over them. He followed the curves of her body as he helped her remove her arms from the fabric. And when they were past that point, he tugged on her dress. It passed her hips as he went on his haunches when the fabric dropped to the ground. His hands stroked her bare thighs as he placed a kiss on the base of her spine, and then he slowly made his way back up, leaving a trail of kisses.

Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:05 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

shed every skin that doesn't fit
even if they call you cold-blooded
Though she had been feeling disappointed as the silver haired man stepped away from her, he was soon to reassure her that he wasn't going anywhere. Both of them had taken this too far to back down now. Soon enough this would be their duty, so they might as well overcome that obstacle now that they were blinded by their anger. It surely was easier to mark each other's bodies and tear off their clothes when driven by rage instead of duty.

Her grin widened as she felt the man behind her respond to the movements of her hips, but the absence of his hands made her crave their warmth once more. "Then you shouldn't keep me waiting," she complained as she granted him another, sharp look over her shoulder, though the firm tug at the lacing of her dress and the gasp that followed managed to shut her up quickly.

Perhaps it had been to tease her, or perhaps undoing laced dresses wasn't part of his expertise, yet. Her impatience increased with every second passing as she felt him tug and twist his way out of this puzzle. Finally she felt the light colored fabric loosen around her body, her skin burning up at his touch once more. He took off the dress carefully, making sure not to miss a curve as his hands slid against her now uncovered skin. The change of temperature sent shivers across her exposed spine as the fabric reached her heels and she was left in nothing but the bare coverage of her undergarments.

It was as if something within their dynamic shifted now that she was stripped of the safety of the fabric covering most of her body. She had been left exposed and vulnerable, admired by the silver haired sorcerer as he feasted upon her bare skin, leaving a trail of kisses upward her spine, her body left with a tingling sensation at every touch. She hated to admit the fact that she preferred this over the hungry crashing of lips against eachother, especially paired with the taste of blood.

And so she waited until his lips no longer returned to her skin before turning around to face him, her gaze softened compared to how she stared at him minutes ago. Now, it was her turn to get rid of her vulnerability towards him, by causing them to become equals once more. The sorceress pressed her lips against his, firmly, but a lot softer than before, as she once again slid her hands underneath the bloodstained tunic. Instead of tracing down towards his waistline, her hands slid upward across his skin, breaking the kiss as she tried to get tid of the fabric  refraining their bodies from melting into eachother.
@ Ezekiel Vylasar
Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:35 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
This might be a huge mistake he would regret in the morning. But after the collection  of problems he had gathered today, this might only be a mere drop in the ocean. The sorcerer was not complaining now, and neither was Chaska. Well, all but her impatient sneers. The last of which made him grin a little. Their eyes locked once more as she looked over her shoulder, and then he made quick work of her dress.

But how much Ezekiel tried, he could not pretend she was some faceless woman. This was his bride to-be. The one he would share his bed with many more times after this. And he did not want to revel in this moment right now, but his body was treacherous as his fingers traced her soft skin. And while his touches had softened a bit, his mind could wander of for a while as he rested his forehead against her back for just a second. He had gotten what he wanted: she did not question him anymore. But at what cost? Ezekiel had made it much more complicated in his fit of anger, which was a returning problem.

Chaska was the one who returned him back in the moment, as she turned around and they looked at each other. He was slightly confused as her gaze had seemed to shift too. And as they hovered in the nothing for a moment, he almost expected that she had changed her mind. But she hadn't, confirmed by the next kiss. And the switch flipped in Ezekiel too, as he closed his arms around her waist, letting himself sink into the kiss. It was different then before, as their bad tempers had started to fade away. They were once again those two angry-at-the-world kids drifting on a boat in Silvercrest. The only thing that they had to have in common. Chaska had other ideas as she took control of the situation now as her hands were once again on his bare skin. And as she trailed them up, he willingly lifted up his arms. His tunic was quickly removed and dropped to the floor. He quickly returned his hands to cup her face and pressed another kiss on her lips.

They both knew where this was going now, and as his impatience started to grow as well. So his hands trailed down, following the curves of her body once more. He broke the kiss for a second, looking at her, checking if she was still alright. And then he bend down his knees slightly and lifted her up, catching on of her legs and guiding it around his body.
Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:54 pm
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