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I'd never make a deal with God
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
I'd never make a deal with God 53zL75vk_o
I'd never make a deal with God TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller
Amora sighed as she studied her nails. Castellan was lucky that she wasn’t the kind of woman who got attached to environments quickly; she’d sure have problems if she would be like that. They were on the move – or better said: on the run – all the time and Norwyn didn’t feel like a safe place to stay anymore after what happened. They would soon leave the kingdom and travel further, to another place where they could mislead people into thinking they were doing some great business with them. Amora couldn’t count the amount of sacks filled with gold she had received from stupid citizens who thought they had bought a good weapon from her, not knowing it would evaporate after a certain amount of time. It depended greatly on how fast Castellan and she could get out; there was also that stupid limit of magic she could use without her passing out. If she used too much magic, she would end up hurting herself and she would have to rest longer, resulting in both Castellan and her being unable to leave a certain place.

With her black hair, different colored eyes and outfit that didn’t leave much to the imagination she was quite a sight to see. Amora felt the corners of her lips go upwards when she heard whistling behind her. For some reason it always irritated Castellan, but she found it to be quite amusing, especially when the men around her were almost drooling because of the way she looked. Men were easy, especially when doing business. Bend down a little or wear a short skirt and you would get nice results immediately. It was probably why Castellan still wanted her around, along with the magic she possessed. Or maybe… She shook her head. She shouldn’t think about that too much.

Amora ventured off into a deserted ally. She wasn’t afraid of walking around here by herself. She had left Castellan at the inn they were currently staying, waiting for orders to move out or to find out that he had made a deal with someone which required her assistance. Amora heard footsteps in front of her, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. If it was a stranger and he or she would have wrong intentions, they soon would find out the skills Amora possessed.

@Arianna Ylindar
Mon Aug 22, 2022 3:07 pm
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