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[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
It was strange how the atmosphere shifted as the two of them got familiar with each other's touch. They started out as wolves, clawing at each other's skin and sinking their teeth in one another's flesh., both of them craving the taste of anger. Now she stood before him as vulnerable as she'd ever been, taking in the feeling of his lips against the bare skin of her back, strangely relieved at their truce.

It didn't take long for her to get rid of the fabric that kept their bodies from melting into eachother. His tunic had barely reached the floor when he pressed his lips against hers, her cheeks burning up against the touch of his palms. Her kiss softened compared to before. No longer did she bite down on his injured lip, refraining her crimson stained lips from tasting his blood once more. Her fingers continued to trace the lines of his muscles, thoroughly exploring the body she'd soon spend the rest of her nights beside.

Her heart raced in her chest as his hands trailed down, knowing what exactly was awaiting them within the next moment. To her surprise, a faint smile laced her lips as he broke the kiss, noticing a genuine look in his eyes. The man before her was a jerk, no doubt, but something within her knew that he wouldn't force her into anything if she were to back out now. With that feeling of reassurance she met his lips once more, letting him know that she wouldn't back away.

Surprised by his strength, she squeezed her legs together as he lifted her up, arms thrown around his neck in support. The feeling of impatience rose within her chest, knowing the moment in which they'd melt into one another crept ever closer. One of her hands made its way to the back of his head, digging through his silver hair as she granted him one last glance of approval, paired with a faint smirk and her voice a mere whisper. "Don't hold back." 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Mar 16, 2023 4:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The taste of her lips was intoxicating. It only made him crave for more and more, even though his brain told him that he was being the biggest idiot known to man. But he was in good company, because is was Chaska that pushed the right buttons to just kept him longing. Whatever means to whichever end, to rile him up or to make him cooperative: it worked.

Her words were like music in his ears, the tune she carried through the room. The silver haired sorcerer was making the moves, but Chaska was conducting it all. Because all he did was a reaction at her sugar-coated challenges. Not that they were carried in a thick veil, it was obvious what she wanted. But even then he just made sure, for just a second. The confirmation was quickly found in another tender kiss, veiled in the hunger for more.

So he picked her up, closing his arms tight around her body. They hooked together as two perfect fitting puzzle pieces and her fingers were in his hair once more. Their faces were so close together, he could feel her heavy breath on his face. And as she told him not to hold back, he gave her a small smile. No more obstacles in the way. They were already knee deep in this, so who cared if they went head under. He stole another kiss from her lips as he carried her to his bed. They crashed into the sheets together, where his lips started to trail down the whole of her body. And he didn't hold back.

timeskip jullie naughty kids

Ezekiel rolled on his back, slightly panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat. He tried to force his mind not to process what had just happened. He turned his face back to Chaska and a small smile chuckle rolled over his lips. Like it was some relieve that washed over him, or maybe disbelief. He scanned over her face to find her eyes once more. Then he rolled back to his side to quickly press one last kiss on her shoulder. ‘‘You can stay, if you need to,’’ he told her while her pressed her forehead to her arm. And then he rolled over to his other side and pulled the sheets around himself.
Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:37 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
It almost seemed as if the conflict between them never took place, as if his actions hadn't been for the sole purpose of distracting her, and by Lythrania did she need this distracton right now. The thought of her parents' letter had been pushed to the back of her mind, replaced with the type of thoughts she probably wasn't supposed to be having about the man in front of her. After all, they hadn't even been properly engaged yet.

Right now, she craved nothing but the heat of his touch on her skin and his lips pressed against hers. No bottle or flask could compare to the feeling of adrenaline rushing through her body as she let him take control. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Their lives had been forced to intertwine with one another against their will. Perhaps, this would be the biggest amount of control they'd have over their situation. Nobody would bat an eye at them if word would ever travel throughout the castle.

It didn't take long for her to feel the fabric of the bedsheets against her skin as he put her down, his lips eager to explore the parts of her body still unknown to him as her hands remained to dig through his silver hair. Tonight she would be his, respecting the wishes of their families on her own conditions. Perhaps it would be her final act of rebellion before being forced into the role of a loving, caring and obedient wife.


Breathing heavily, the sorceress stared at the ceiling. The sudden absence of his heated body against hers made her crave the warmth and comfort of the bedsheets, which she was soon to pull up all the way until the most vulnerable parts of her body were fully covered. It took her an ounce of courage to turn her face towards the man beside her, which, surprisingly, greeted her with a soft chuckle. The sorceress couldn't force anything more than a faint, apologetic smile on her lips as she met his eyes. Though the sudden kiss against her shoulder shifted her expression into a rather surpised one. Her cheeks flushed, but perhaps the light within the room was too dim for him to notice. That's what she chose to believe, though.

"..Thanks," she quietly responded as her betrothed turned around beside her. "I think I'd like to." Her voice was nothing but a whisper against his back which was now turned towards her. The way he could simply turn around and go to sleep was nothing but a mystery to her. Her body might have been as tired as he was, but heart was still racing and her mind flooded with all sorts of thoughts and worries. Without his touch the room suddenly felt a lot bigger. A lot more lonely, perhaps. The way it made her miss the feeling of his skin against hers was hard to admit, though she was quick to swallow that pill and quietly scooch over to his side of the bed. After a few seconds of hesitation she wrapped and arm around his torso, resting the palm of her hand against his chest. At this point she couldn't be bothered by the way their sweat-coated bodies sticked to one another, as the warmth of his skin against hers was the one thing she was seeking right now.

"Ez," she whispered against the blades of his shoulder, checking if he was still awake and surprised by the way she shortened his name so naturally. "Are we in trouble?" Her voice showed clear traces of exhaustion, but as long as this huge amount of thoughts clouded her mind she wouldn't be able to give into it anyway. She never expected herself to say those words, though.Trouble wasn't usually something she'd bother to lose sleep over, but this was different. Her future depended on this marriage, no matter how she still despised the way the two of them were forced into it. "Let's just keep this to ourselves."
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:59 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
With his back turned to her, he mind kept replaying what just happened in his head. It was like he could still feel her on his fingertips. His heart was still beating fast in his chest as he barely heard her soft thanks. He hummed a soft reply as she told him she would like to stay. He shifted slightly in the bed as he got a bit more comfortable, because suddenly he was very aware that he had a girl in his bed. His betrothed, soon to be wife. He would have to get used to this, he guessed. He could get used to- well, best not to think to much about it. Because he hadn't forgotten why he had made the rash decision to kiss her. He slightly moved the fingers of his injured hand and pressed breathed in slowly as it still hurt to move. He had been able to ignore it while he was too occupied feeling her.

Ezekiel closed his eyes as he tried to force the thoughts out of his mind and find the sweet relief of sleep. He could not run away forever, he knew that, but he would like to stall a bit longer. He tried not to think about the conservations he would probably have to avoid in the morning. His cousin, his aunt would probably be lived the moment she found out about this whole day, and Chaska.. Ezekiel opened his eyes as he felt movement behind him. Did she change her mind? Was she leaving? But quite the opposite, as she closed the distance between them once again. He held his breath as she placed an arm around him, being suddenly very still. Despite being anything but holding back a moment ago, it still had felt like, it was not real. It had just been an escape. However, Chaska had the annoying habit that every time he tried to create distance, she would close it.

The sorcerer inhaled again and kept put, trying badly to pretend to sleep and just let her be. It wasn't half bad. He indeed should just get used to this. He had no choice otherwise. But as her soft whisper sounded like thunder in a clear sky. Ez. Nobody called him that. ‘‘Hm?’’ he replied in a tiny rumble. He didn't even know why he replied, he could have just ignored her. But as she continued to ask him a question, he turned his head slightly. ‘‘No, I don't think so,’’ he whispered back to her. Well, she wasn't. But he was worried too. Because the more he thought about it, how stupider it was to end up like this. He was no longer angry, but by Lythrana, he had made some impulsive decisions today while he was. He turned his head back into the pillow and gritted his teeth back together. Chaska asked him another question and he rolled his eyes. ‘‘Sure,’’ he commented. Not like he would run through the halls in the morning and scream that he banged his soon to be betrothed. He slightly shook his head. ‘‘Like nothing happened,’’ he sighed.

Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:33 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Crawling over to his side of the bed had been a fine remedy for the strange lonely feeling. Though she liked to believe herself to be independent, she always needed someone to rely on whenever the whirlwind of thoughts would cloud her mind with worries. Deimos had always been a voltuneer for that role, but now that the two of them were slowly separated by their duties, she desperately needed a new way of coping. For now the warmth of Ezekiel's skin against hers would do, despite how tense things had been between them before they.. ended up here. She could hardly believe what had happened.

The sorceress was met with a glimpse of relief when he replied, turning his head towards her as he reassured her. "Alright," she simply responded, absently tracing small circles against his chest. The act they comitted couldn't be undone, so perhaps it would be better to forget about it. At least until they were officially married. While that sounded rational enough, she couldn't seem to forget about the way her skin burned up against his touch, and how his lips were desperate to explore each part of her body like it would be the last chance he'd ever get.

"Exactly," she replied at his promise, though his words made her stomache sink for a second. She wouldn't forget about this, ever. He had been the first man she'd allowed to feast upon her body like this, and she couldn't help but wonder if the rest of their nights as husband and wife would be similar. "Like nothing happened." With those words she buried her face into the nape of his neck, wrapping her arm around him just a little tigher, hoping it would get rid of that strange, empty, almost guilty feeling.

"Sleep well," she whispered against the nape of his neck, briefly pressing her lips against his skin once more, knowing that it would be something she wouldn't be able to do any time soon. Not until their marriage, at least. Perhaps, once she'd open her eyes tomorrow she'd despise him once more, instead of being intoxicated by whatever spell was put on people who'd engage in practices like these. Until then, the silver haired man beside her served as her only source of comfort within the big, unfamliar, room.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:50 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Image
[M] Make a mercy out of me - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Suddenly Ezekiel felt very exposed, now the silence had fallen over them and he was once again a victim of his own thoughts. Once he had committed to throwing himself at her, it had become so easy, like their bodies just clicked. But now he was daunted by even the smallest of touches. Because the comfort she searched for, could he provide her that? The moment he had turned her back to her, it was like he had closed that book. And she wanted to still write an epilogue. Why was it like it felt like the beginning of a sequal?

Every movement that she drew on his body, felt like it was being carved in his flesh. And still, he did not want her to stop. Ezekiel kept still as she heard her agree with him. He was not sure if it was the truth he had spoken, but who would care if they shared the sheets once. It would be expected to happen again, if they liked it or not. But as he heard himself say that they would continue in the morning like nothing had happened, it was difficult. Because he knew he would act like that. But it already hung between them, even though their bodies were still pressed against each other, her hands still over him. And then she pressed herself against him even tighter.

Chaska wished him a good night, pressing yet another kiss in his neck. Ezekiel breathed slowly as he kept his eyes closed. It all seemed so simple now, going to sleep together. It was a world of difference from that night in Silvercrest. This was not supposed to happen. And yet. ‘‘Yeah, you too,’’ he replied to her promised, his words breathy. He then laid his arm over the one he wrapped around him and found his fingers intertwine with hers. Leaving unspoken words be unspoken. They should probably talk about this, but they both chose the easy way out. If there even was an easy way.
Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:14 pm
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