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Ezekiel Vylasar
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar Image
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard

Ezekiel Vylasar
And here you come, with a shield for a heart and a sword for a tongue
Gender Male
Age 20 y/o
Species Sorcerer
Magic Summoning
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Moonray Officer
P.O.B Lemuria
Residence Lythrania
Height 1,74
Build Lean
Hair color Silver
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Brown & Blue
Skin Tone Pale


Ezekiel is a fair, handsome young man. His face has soft features; a round frame and plumb lips. He usually has silver hair, worn in a short haircut but long enough to cover his ears and forehead. The most striking part on his face about him, are his different color deep-set eyes; his left blue and right brown. Currently his trademark silver hair had been died black to push himself away from his Rizal ancestry. It had also grown quite a bit, reaching to his eyes.


Ezekiel deliberatly tries to be unapproachable. He wears an disinterested or somewhat intense expression on his face. He is often very aloof and uses short sentences to answer, or can be really reactive and extreme when he is worked up. Ezekiel walks with bigger paces to make up for his lack in height. Only with complete strangers who have no idea about his heritage, he can act more relaxed and let his true self shimmer through.


Ezekiel rarely wears color. He is often found in comfortable white, black or tan blouses and loose fitting pants. For more formal events, he is often clad in darker suits with silver details, or in more of the hues of blue that are required of his house. He often wears silver accessoires, some simpel earrings, rings or occasionally a necklace.
Constellation The Raven
Alignment Neutral Evil
Ezekiel is a very shielded person. He hides away his true feelings most of the time. He comes across as rude and uninterested. He will speak with the proper etiquette but will remain silent most of the time. Is is very protective of himself, which makes him lash out quickly at minor inconveniences. He is quick to anger and will not shy away from hurting another with his words. Ezekiel can be unreasonable, is uncooperative when people want something from him or want him to change. He generally thinks the worst of people and is very distrustful. He calls the world inherently bad, so why should he try to be a better person for it? Ezekiel acts very selfishly and avoids confrontations at all cost.

Ezekiel's rash nature is caused by his tough youth. When he was a boy, he used to be a gentle, caring kid who didn't know the word "jealousy". But when he learned the truth that his mother wasn't his real mother and his family was his "real" family, it was the first betrayal he felt. Even if he had a loving home and he called his cousin his brother, he began feeling like an outsider. It was the beginning of his colder self, creating a harder layer towards the outside of the world. It was all very confusing to his young mind. Especially when he started to lash out in anger more often at the unfairness of it all. He did not feel like the proud Vylasar at all, but as a bastard boy left at someone's doorstep.

Ezekiel now has accepted his faith as what he is. He has no ambition to do something great. He acts lazy and ungrateful. His caring personality has melted away. He started to mingle more with the common folk, where he could loosen up and be a better version of himself. He is very popular there, and his soft and pleasant character shines through, even if his connections are shallow.
Family Tree


father Elyon Vylasar
mother Camilla Rizal


Twin-sister Alyssia Rizal

Aunt, uncles & cousins

Aunt Aurelia Vylasar
Uncle Abaris Vylasar
Uncle Valerio Vylasar
Aunt Accalia Vylasar
Aunt Isabella Rizal
Cousin Myrddin Vylasar
Magic type Sorcerer
Expertise Summoning

Ezekiel is trained in summoning a familiar, like was foretold by Mortem Rizal before he was born. Ezekiel's familiar is a grizzly bear. He managed to summon it at first when he was a child, and the bear was still a cub. Them both being children, made them like brothers. He called the cub Kenai, and their relationship was just like someone to play with. Kenai was something that was truly his, and the only close family he felt he ever had, his own blood.

Now Kenai, like Ezekiel, has grown up. He is a full grown grizzly bear, even bigger then it's earthly counterparts. When the bear became larger, he created more of a mind of it's own. Kenai is a huge predator, so it's logical the beast is hard to control. As they grew up, their close bond started to water down. Ezekiel started to summon him less and less, because the beast would be destructive, and the less he got out, the less obedient he got.

Ezekiel can still summon his familiar with certain ease, but it demands a lot of strength. To summon him, he speaks a spell in the old language of Lemuria, after which he slams his staff on the ground. As Kenai is such a big entity of raw energy, he cannot summon him for a long time, and leaving him out too long, physically drains Ezekiel, as such as the familiar will take over his own energy.


Ezekiel is the son of Camilla Rizal and Elyon Vylasar. Camilla Rizal, as a nobody from the Rizal family, wanted to prove herself by marrying a Vylasar. She traveled to Lemuria and managed to seduce Elyon at the young age of nineteen and the two of them were blessed with twins. As foretold by a Rizal fortune teller, both the children were blessed with sorcerer magic. Ezekiel with summoning and his sister with divination. Camilla wanted to return with the twins to Ravaryn,  but Elyon found the letter with that explained that both children were sorcerers, so he demanded the Vylasar child to stay in Lemuria. Camilla eventually budged, but Elyon mysteriously disappeared at sea. The Vylasars were not accepting Camilla to take them both, so as just a baby, Ezekiel Vylasar was torn away from his closest family.

Ezekiel's aunt, Aurelia Vylasar took him under her wing. She was also just widowed with a young child in her arms. So Myrddin and him became practically brothers. As young children, just walking around and not a care in the world, the two of them became the closest of brothers, although Aurelia never called Ezekiel son. It was the best years of his life. He just had to worry about playing. He never noticed that tensions were rising as Myrddin never started to speak like he did. He could communicate with his brother perfectly fine. He spoke, and Myrddin used his body language. Ezekiel even started learning some sign language with him to be able to speak with him. The two of them became little adventurous.

Ezekiel was there when Myrddin summoned for the first time. He cheered him on as he created his parrot. He was there when Myrddin finally started to find his voice. They were close to inseparable. And when Ezekiel started to get frustrated as his summoning did not seem to come, for days, weeks, month, even years, Myrddin was there to help him teach it. But as a Rizal was never wrong, Ezekiel managed to summon his bear cub when he was almost eight years old.

Early Teens

When they got older, the lives of them got more and more complicated. Myrddin got targeted more for his disability and started to lash out more and more. Ezekiel tried to help him, but some things he could not help with. When Myr also got angry at him, more friction started to create between them. And this was also around the time Ezekiel started to realize more and more what it meant that Aurelia was just his aunt and no mother. He started to ask about his real parents more and more, but almost everything he asked got denied. They did tell him a lot about Elyon, but his mother is somehow of limits. Kids, being kids, were cruel and found out about this. And they struck where it hurt most. Terms like "bastard" were being thrown about. His closest friend in this time, was his bear cub which he had named Kenai. The young bear was truly his, his own flesh and blood, it felt like, and the only real family he had ever had. But he still missed the brother he had lost. Myrddin became more and more angry, getting himself in trouble, pushing Ezekiel away. But one time Ezekiel just snapped when he saw children picking on Myrddin, even though they weren't close anymore at this point, he still wanted to help. The two Vylasars had both become laughing stock. It was cruel and unfair. So Ezekiel send his bear after the bullies, protecting Myrddin in the proces. Ezekiel was severely punished and the two cousins were separated from classes, this being the last nail in the coffin for their once, great childhood together.

They lived their separate lives, and dislike started to fester like an infected wound between them. But when Myrddin inured himself, Ezekiel had visited him loyally. But the love once between them, was lost. All he could see was a hurt, weak and angry boy. Myrddin had been a more skilled fighter then he was, he always had been, but for a young Ezekiel it was nice to see he had a chance to be better than Myrddin. Maybe Aurelia then wanted to have her as her own, real son, after all. Ezekiel picked up training in the sword. He had not been interested in fighting before, focusing his lessons on magic, as his once so dear cub Kenai, became more disobedient with the day. He was an adolescent animal as well now, he had his first taste of battle and Ezekiel felt that he was losing grip on the animal. So when he was actually quite talented with the sword, he continued training in the sword.

Around this time, Myrddin was sent away to train with the royal guard. Ezekiel never even said goodbye. He got a position as squire of one of the knights in the royal family in Lythrania. The first years he tried so hard to be the best he could be. He wanted to be perfect, a knight in shining armour one day. But the thing he really wanted, was never achievable. He had a loving family, a perfectly fine place to stay, a good relationship with the royal family, but it just did not feel real. He felt like an imposter.

Late teens

Myrddin returned a changed boy, in some ways. He was still angry, but it was much less than it used to be. He also was a lot more drilled than Ezekiel was. Ezekiel never had to work hard a day in his life. Sometimes during tournaments he had to march a bit quicker, but he had never trained awfully hard. But he was still bigger than Myrddin, and that gave him a fair chance the first few years when they sparred. But they had never returned as friends, their relationship became a more toxic, rivalry one. What he especially disliked, was that Myrddin was amazing at summoning. But he had a obedient bird, that's what Ezekiel told himself.

Ezekiel started to give up at this point that he would be anything more than an outsider. When things got tough, he just walked away. He started to train less, read more, get some of that real life he was longing for. He eventually started dreaming about travelling the world. There were so many places he had not been to yet. The island was terribly small. Some visits to Moonbright did not cut it anymore. And when the monarchy fell, he felt that that might could be his chance.

Young adult

That chance passed. Not Lythrania was to be the capitol, but Moonbright. He asked his aunt to leave to the capital, but she insisted his place was here, where the sorcerer family would reside and that he was still too young. Myrddin had decided he wanted to grow, so Ezekiel was no opponent for him anymore, but he still knew how he could hurt his cousin. Because where his cousin was lacking was charisma, and Ezekiel had plenty. He is loved at court and with the common people. He had been in Lythrania his whole damn life, so when Myrddin became captain, it had hurt. He felt passed, even though he never had ambition for being captain or was he first in line. He was no son of Aurelia, no heir to anything. So he had just bit his tongue and accepted his position as officer.

Ezekiel is no great officer. He keeps hiring young boys without promise, but he does it to safe them from the streets. He does not show up to every training, had one of his guards organize the patrols and often comes late at his patrols. But he is often forgiven by his squad, because he gets them out of trouble if they need it. He can make scandals disappear and keep their ledgers clear. Ezekiel tends to bend the rules when they seem unfair or unjust. Right now he is just accepting his faith and that this is the best he can get.

  • Ezekiel is actually heartbroken he can't control his familiar as well anymore. He still feels deeply connected with him and it's like losing part of himself.
  • Ezekiel has no idea that he had a twin-sister.
  • The bear familiar is a nod to his family in Ravaryn and Rizal blood, Ezekiel just doesn't know it.
  • Ezekiel is not very religious. He does believe in the Odirian Deities, but he rarely visits a church or other holy place.
  • Ezekiel had a vast knowledge about wildlife. He dived deeply into it to understand his familiar more. He is specialized in large mammals.
  • Ezekiel can communicate with Myrddin using sign language they created among their family. They also created a lot of secret words together when they were young.

Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:42 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Ezekiel Vylasar XuTWurPc_o
Ezekiel Vylasar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:11 am
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