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[M] Dumb little things
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He couldn't help but smile when he stepped away from the door, the key clenched in his hand. The mansion felt rather empty now that people had left for the festival of star... Whatever. Oh what did it even matter? People were out, out of the city, out of the house. And that meant he was alone. He had the entire estate to himself for just a little bit and of course, his dumb mind had decided that whatever he had done, was the best thing he could have done. The fluttering sensation in his chest gave him a little pep in his step. He hadn't felt so alive in days, not since their little adventure on the boat. And he had daydreamed about it every day, staring off into the distance as he thought back about just being alone with him. Just them and their dumb little words, their dumb little gestures. His smile widened once more. It really was as if the world had gotten so much brighter after that and he honestly didn't mind. But he craved for more, he really did. So that's why he had made an excuse for today.

Myrddin was usually an honest man, someone who lived very closely to duty as well. If his mother requested him to go do something, he did so. And usually he never really cared much, despite the fact that his mental and emotional state were all over the place. But oh he had dared to say something now. Not really denying what she wanted, but essentially stating that he had way too much work backed up thanks to his absence when he was in Moonbright. Not wrong, he still had a lot to do, but that wasn't the reason he had remained in Lythrania while others had left. Because he had seen his opportunity to create something special. A stupid little thing. But their entire situation were just made up from stupid little things. And that just made him happy. Oh how he looked forward to see the other smile again. He was so beautiful when he wasn't so serious. Although, if he was being really honest, seeing the other working wasn't wrong, not in the slightest. Men in uniform am I right?

He had told Shyam that he was meeting important folk in the mansion today and that such matters regarded confidential information. A very blatant lie, but he had wrote it to him that morning and left it as a letter in the others room. Take the day off, go do something fun in the city. Was written in the letter as well. He just couldn't have him accidentally run into him while he did his thing. And he had worked hard, even if he said so himself. Usually maids and other people did such things for him. He just had to lift his hand and it would arranged. But there was something special about doing things yourself. And maybe it had been difficult, but he had learned some stuff from his errors. Which, in their own right, made him a bit nervous. It wasn't perfect and that felt wrong. If there was one person that deserved perfection, it was him. His smile widened a bit, which was a combination of him being both nervous as well as excited. Oh he just wished he had done right for once. Because this was special, even for him. And he just hoped he could make it special for him as well. Because that was what made it all worth it in the end.

The blonde man had gotten dressed in a more loose attire, something he usually wore while practicing his dance. It was still very formal and pretty, but not as uptight as his normal clothing he trained in or did any meetings with. No suit or gear. Just plain simple. He took out the ties that held his hair together nicely and shook his head, bringing his hand through it in one quick motion. That was better. He looked at himself in the mirror, smiling at himself for just a moment. He looked like he was ready to go do... Nothing. Just relax or even go to bed. This was really not how he usually went out or even rarely left his room. But it was fine right? Something else for once. He nodded, putting his stuff down and grabbing his notebook and pen, placing it in his back pocket before leaving his room. It was already getting pretty late, so maybe the other would get back soon.

So the young man stood waiting in the grand hall, leaning against the wall as he held on to a rose. Gently rolling the stem between his fingers as his eyes got lost in the pattern of it's barely blooming bud. He tilted his head, smiling brightly as he continued to twirl it between his hands. Daydreaming away like he had done so many times before this week.
Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:20 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Take the day off and go do something fun. Right. That had been the message he had found earlier that day. Which had confused him. But he didn’t question it. What fun was there to do in the city when the bigger part of that said city had gone up to Silvercrest for a festival. But well, he did as he was told. He went to the city. Dressed in a dark gray attire, his sword for once, was left in his room. So the man just went out for a stroll at first. But the emptiness of the city, he wasn’t really fond of him. Every now and then he came across somebody but nothing really entertaining. Still wondering why Myrr would’ve send him out, especially when they had the whole place to themselves? But maybe that wasn’t where his mind needed to go right now? Though often enough at night the memories of that boat trip came flooding back. Shortly he chuckled. This was stupid.

After a few hours of literally doing nothing, just walking around town like a headless chicken he had decided to go back. If anything he could go back to his room and catch up on some reading right? Seemed like a valid idea. And thus a while later he walked back into the estate, pushing open a door. Only to be met by Myr in the grand hall, with a rose in hand. Hm? What was going on? Did the other have a hot date? Was that the reason to why he had been sent away? Oh.. For a brief moment he tilted his head, unsure how to feel about that statement. Making him pull a hand through his hair.

’I know you said take the day off, I’m just going to read in my room. I shall try to be silent.’ He signed at the other, the slightest smile on his lips.

within you.

Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:27 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He was a bit nervous, not entirely sure how the other would respond to the situation. They hadn't really... spoken about what had happened yet. But that didn't mean they couldn't... Try to build on that little thing they had, right? That's how he thought about it at least. It was easy to label the man as a bit delusional for how he was thinking, because well... Perhaps he was imagining things. But he couldn't help but listen to that little voice in the back of his mind, who told him that this was exactly what needed to happen. It made him smile even wider, more out of nervousness and excitement than anything else. A way to release all that tension that was building up inside of him. He just had to hold on to the idea that the worst possible thing that could happen was the fact that Shy rejected him. And well, that would be fine... Right? At least they would be on the same page from there on and he would know his place. Yea...

When he heard the familiar sound of the door being opened, he lifted his gaze. The guard had returned from the city. The blond man smiled at the other as he walked in, slowly stepping away from the wall he had just leaned against. His mind started to race as it tried to gather itself, get the courage to actually do this thing. But now that the other was here, he actually panicked a bit. He had prepared everything except for what to say. He had been busy all day that he hadn't even thought about that. Fuck. But before he knew it, Shy was already signing something at him. And as he read the signs his smile faded a bit. What he- He blinked in surprise at him, frowning for just a second. Read the room did he not- Did he not understand that this was for him? The tall man tilted his head a bit as he averted his gaze, shaking his head slowly. What an idiot he was, really. He had walked in on him standing here, waiting for someone. Did Shy really think this was for someone else? The damn fool...

He shook his head again, walking towards the other as he lifted one hand to sign at him. 'I think you have to check your eyesight, because you're reading it wrongly,' he signed at him with a smile on his face. He slowly came to a halt, only a bit away from the other. As he looked over his face, he suddenly felt a rush wash over him. His mind had decided what it wanted to do, but when he thought about it, he just panicked a little. His smile widened a bit awkwardly as he looked away from the other. His gaze drifting off to nothing particular. It was when he felt that damn blush warm up his cheeks, that he suddenly bowed his head, making a courtesy for the other as he held out the rose. Keeping his eyes fixated on the floor and his head rotated towards it as well. Slightly shaking out of excitement and nervousness... Man, he felt like he was going to burst.
Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:49 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The idea to just go to his room and read a good book, it sounded so appealing. Just a bit of zoning out for the day and in the evening he could go check up on Myrddin. Yeah, it sounded like a solid plan to him. A soft smile lingered on his lips when he entered the estate once more. To be honest he almost jumped in the air when he had spotted the other. Though when he looked more closely it seemed pretty clear that he was waiting for someone and had the intention of making the most out of it. Shyam was who he was and didn’t connect the dots right away. Assuming that someone else might be invited over to come and join the blonde. Which wasn’t that weird of an assumption right? If anything whatever was playing between them, was something, that should be kept under the wraps. Something he didn’t mind, but well it wasn’t like he liked the idea of someone else being with Myrddin. But that was his problem.

But the other soon moved towards him and he raised a brow. ’What do you mean?’ Shortly he bit his lip. So.. This was for him? But then a whole series of events happened, ending up with Myrddin, the heir to this place, making a courtesy for him? Shyam raised his hand to the rose accepting it from him, chuckling ever so shortly. ’You know I should be doing that for you right, not the other way around?’ He teased playfully.

within you.

Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:18 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
What was even going through the others head right now... Did he really think that some mysterious third person would show up? If anyone knew if he had someone who he was seeing secretly, it should be Shyam. The man was almost always by his side. Which did... Annoy him from time to time, but he had appreciated the others’ company more now that they were getting well... Quite close with one another. Myrddin couldn't help but smile when he saw how surprised he was. It was a bit weird that he was just standing there, waiting for him. But well, call him cliché of cheesy or whatever, but in his head it was just the most perfect thing to do. And yet here they were, with the other not seeing what was going on here because of that thick head of his. He really was something else, wasn't he?

Yea, he really didn't get it, his words were clear about that. So instead of signing him an answer, he bowed towards the other, giving him the rose as he did. His hand was shaking slightly out of excitement, scared that the other might reject him or worse, laugh at him. So, he braced himself for the worst possible scenario as he just remained in this pose. He held his breath, as he felt his cheeks get warmer by the second. Dear Lythrana was he blushing already? By the gods he was hopeless. He really couldn't help himself, even in such a simple situation. It really showed how little experience he had in this... Or that he wasn't used to these fluttering feelings in his chest. It was all so exciting, yet so terrifying... And after what seemed like an eternity, he took the flower from him. Myrddin didn't dare to look up yet as he felt a bit embarrassed about the ever-growing blush on his face... Until... He... Laughed.

The blonde slowly looked up at the other as he heard this. His heart aching a bit as his anxiety took the better of him. He was being ridiculous, wasn't he? This was a mistake... But then the other spoke to him and he blinked in surprise, slowly rising back to his full length as he let out a soft chuckle, more as stress relief than anything else. He looked at the ground for a moment, taking a step forward as he shook his head. 'Why don't we switch up things for a day then?' he signed back at the other with a gentle smile on his lips. The blush still on his cheeks as he tilted his head a bit. 'You'll be the most important man in the house and I'll.... Be your servant,' By Lythrana, was this turning in some kind of roleplay? He could almost sink through the floor out of pure shame.... And it was quite noticeable on his face as well. 'You deserve a day off,' He really did. But was this the best way to go about it? Probably not.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The courtesy was something he hadn’t expected. It was weird. Very weird. He should be doing that for him. At least, that was the way things were. Not that he ever did anymore. Except perhaps when his mother was in the vicinity but that was something else. He carefully took the rose, letting it twirl in his fingers for a second. Before he had laughed ever so softly. Wondering what was going through his mind. His own mind was a bigger puzzle. Cause deep down he still had that stupid thought that this wasn’t for him, and that hurt. But the longer this lasted, the more he became aware of it that this indeed was for him.

As Myr looked up he looked him in the eyes. That blush on his cheeks made him feel all warm and giddy on the inside. But then, then Myr started signing and he blinked in surprise. Where was he going with this? Servant? He couldn’t help but chuckle once more. Stepping a bit closer to him, bringing his free hand to his cheek. ’I might deserve a day off. But you’ll always be my master.’ His words sounded like a whisper and before he even noticed, he pressed his lips against Myr’s. Heartrate spiking instantly as his hand moved to the back of his neck.

within you.

Fri Mar 03, 2023 1:51 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
Oh what was he doing? He was such an idiot. He shouldn't have done this, not like this. The way he saw it, it wasn't that bad yet. Right...? Well, he was generally bad with words, but it would seem that his selection this time had sparked something in the other. The chuckle made him blink in surprise, letting out a soft laugh as to try and relief some of that stress. He averted his gaze for just a moment when Shy stepped closer. Rolling his shoulders a bit back he tried to keep his posture as it was supposed to be; which allowed him to at least stand a bit tall. He was fine, this was fine... His grey eyes went back to the other as it found a way to his cheek, carefully placing it on his face. The sorcerer smiled softly, letting his head gently rest against him.

The words he spoke caught him off guard. And as soon as he spoke them, he could feel the temperature rise and a sensation turn in his stomach. Fuck. That was kinda hot. The blush on his cheeks became brighter once more as he leaned in to the other, eagerly accepting the kiss that was offered to him. Temptation took him over as he wrapped his arms around the others neck, pulling him in closer as he let the passion pour over. He couldn't help but press his body against his. A gesture of literal begging for more. He closed his eye, enjoying the moment as his hands found a way to the others hair. His fingers intertwining with the strands. A moment that could last forever if it was up to him. He hungered for more and his entire body screamed for it. How he needed this man right now. Oh, he was such a desperate mess. But he didn't care in the moment. All that mattered was how much he wanted this and more. Oh... Definitely more.

He tilted his head a bit back, barely opening his eyes as he looked at the other. A smile curling on his lips as he held himself a bit back, softly biting his tongue a bit as his one of his hand came lose. 'Do you mind a bit of work on your day off?' he signed with the hand, before tilting his hand back to the other, pressing himself closer to him as he went in for another kiss.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Were it his words? Was it something else? At this point he wasn’t quite sure anymore. The only thing that he was certain off was that he wanted to kiss the other. And boy did he. The reaction of the other made the corners of his mouth curl up, pressing even closer. The moment turned heated and it stayed that way for a bit. Clear enough that he wanted more out of this, way more. His mind not even busy with the fact that someone might walk in on them right now. His heartrate had spiked up, and given with how close they were he did wonder if Myr could feel it.

It was the blonde that backed away a bit. Making him tilt his head for a second. Shy’s cheeks had flushed into a bright red and he couldn’t help but chuckle ever so softly. Wanting to reply to the other but as soon as he wanted to let go, another kiss was planted on his lips. Shy pressed back, gently pushing him against the wall a bit more. Holding Myr closer, fingers slightly tugging at his hair as his breathing got a bit more shallow.

Eventually breaking of the kiss, but staying close. Eyes locked with the others. ’We should go somewhere else.’ He whispered softly against his lips, nose brushing along his.

within you.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:15 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
Myrddin hadn't known the definition of desire until he had heard those words. By Lythrana, what a man this was. It got his entire body ready for more, wanting more, needing more. He needed all of him and damn he was desperate for it. This feeling, this sensation, matched up perfectly to what other guards had told them what passion felt like. And it was true what they had told him. Words couldn't properly describe what kind of feelings rushed through you in such moment. It was driving him insane, made him hungry for more. More of him. He now realized how much he had waited for this moment ever since they got off that boat.

Passionate kisses and desire filled movements made him even more crazy about it all. He just let it all happen to him as he was pressed up against the wall. Letting out a gasp of air between their kissing as he smiled at him, gently moving his head a bit more towards the other. His hands placed over his shoulder, to the back of his head. He could feel the same with the other, how he tugged at his hair. And man, it was really doing things to him. He chuckled, grabbing the others wrist as he moved out of the way. Eagerly he pulled the other with him, actually using his full strength to do so. And he walked at a high pace as he ran up the stairs and down the hall... All the way up to his room.

Once inside, Myrddin made sure to lock it up. Not that it mattered anyway, since there was almost no-one in the estate apart from some maids who were doing their chores. The blond man looked at the other for a moment, tilting his head a bit as he stepped closer to him, slowly lifting his hands to his own loose shirt. As he slowly started to unbutton each and every one of them, awaiting whatever the other would do in the moment.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Whatever Myr had planned for them, seemed to fly out of the door instantly. Not that Shyam minded right now. If anything, he had been yearning for a moment like this with him for a while now. After the boat trip here, things certainly had shifted between the both of them. Something he liked, a whole lot. The more Myr gave him, the more he took. Yet not without returning the favor. Want and need were spiking more and more during their kiss. This wasn’t healthy, the way this man was playing around with his emotions so easily. By Lythrana.

His words weren’t cold yet, or he was being pulled with. Making him grin shortly. Keeping up with him quite easily. Soon as that door was locked, he felt lightning roll over his skin. Heart racing in his chest as he stepped closer to him. Bringing his hands to the small opening that was created by Myr already and without a hint of hesitation he tore the piece of clothing open. Fingers greedily moving over his abdomen, trailing his muscles, before pressing his lips against Myr’s once more. Eyes locked with the others as he pressed even closer to him.

Yet he broke that kiss quite rapidly again, pulling the dark shirt over his head and tossing it away. A shiver running over his spine. Eyes searching his, playfully raising an eyebrow at the other. Challenging him. Wondering how far he could push the other, yet it was Shyam who caved again. Closing the distance between them once more.

within you.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 3:11 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He didn't even have time to get properly undressed. Shyam was eager to literally rip open the rest of his buttons. Myrddin gasped for air as soon as he felt the others hand on his skin and did the motion. The way he did it made him feel even more excited about it all and he couldn't help himself but chuckle as he tried to catch his breath. His gentle touch making him somewhat shiver as he tried to hold himself back for at least a little bit longer. But when they shared another kiss once more, he couldn't help himself anymore. He stepped closer, pressing himself against him as his hands found a way under his shirt, pushing it up more and more. The way he was pressing himself on the other; it was clear how much he wanted this. No signs or words were needed for that.

Shy broke that kiss back off and for just a moment he let out an almost silent sound, as to let his disappointment be heard. But the other pulled off his shirt in one swift motion, hm... The blond man bit his lip a bit as he put one of his hands on the others shoulder, tilting his head towards him as he came closer once more. His other hand finding a way to his chest. As his fingers gently went to his hair and his fingers intertwined with it, he went back in for another kiss. The hand down below getting more and more comfortable as it started to explore beyond what could be seen. He was truly impatient about this. And everything about him showed that. He wanted him so badly, by the gods. This was insane.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 6:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The moment he felt his hands underneath his shirt he gasped ever so softly. His own hands skimming over his body, eventually resting on his lowerback. Pressing back into the kiss. A slightly nervous feeling creeping up on him. Heart thudding rapidly in his chest. Being this close to the other, feeling how his own body yearned for even the slightest touch of the other. It wasn’t like anything he had ever experienced. This was new for him. Frankly he wasn’t even sure if this had been the plan of the other all along. But certain needs had simply taken over and there was no stopping that now.

That slight disappointed sound caught him, which simply made him smirk as he pulled of his shirt. Soon welcoming his touch back, looking straight into his eyes for a second. His touch caused little sparks to dance over his skin. Slowly but surely Shyam guided Myr towards the nearest wall. Pressing him against it while deepening the kiss. His hand moving to the one that was scouring over his body, pinning it up above his head. Lips moving from the other his lips to his neck. Briefly halting, wondering if this was okay. ’Tell me if you feel uncomfortable.’ He softly whispered against his skin. Was he himself uncomfortable? Maybe a tad. But that slowly disappeared to the background as he focused on Myr his body.

within you.
Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:38 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
When he felt him gasp for air, he couldn't help but smile. Excitement sparking from his every being as he looked on to the other. So close together he could barely contain himself and it was damn noticeable. He pressed himself so closely to him, his one hand exploring every inch of skin he could reach for. Perhaps pressing on to places he shouldn't yet force himself to. But how could he not? He had waited for another day like this ever since they arrived. And they both knew it, because compared to then, they were both sober. And he didn't mind it at all. This feeling, this sensation, was intoxicating to his mind. It allowed him to be more brave than he normally was. Something that the other surely would feel once he had hands back on him.

The smirk on his face suited him so well. Damn he looked so good when he looked at him like that. The slight teasing he did was something that pushed him to do more, to want more from him. It wasn't fair at all, to make him wait. He wasn't the best when it came to such things, after all. He was eager to just go for it, give himself over completely to the other. His entire body felt so much sensitive and when he felt his hand on his body once more, he gasped for air, giggling ever so softly between the heavy breathes. He tilted his head a bit back, feeling the wall behind him as he leaned against it. The support was appreciated, because he honestly didn't know how much longer he could hold out like this.

The one hand that was already exploring much further then he should be, was grabbed. In one swift motion it was pinned above his head and he closed his eyes for a moment as his free hand laid over the others shoulder, holding onto him as he felt passion run over his body once more. His lips started to dance across his neck, a sensation that caused him to gasp for air again, tensing up his body as he grabbed the others hair ever so gently with his free hand, biting his lip.

And then he stopped. Myrddin slowly opened his eyes, looking at the other while panting softly. His voice reached him and for a moment he kept looking at him, his fingers still intertwined with his hair. He slowly pulled his hand back, but the distance between them didn't really allow him to sign anything to him. Not that he was planning any of that now. He simply lowered his head a bit more, gently pressing his lips against the others cheek as he started to move. His lips finding a way more to the side of his head, where he placed it ever so slightly on his ear. Embracing every inch of him, his free hand went to the others arm, as he slowly reached to his free arm. As his fingers wandered over his skin, he eventually found his hand. Softly he closed his fingers around his as he grabbed a hold of it, giving him a gentle squeeze as he let out a soft sound from his lips. All the while he opened his legs ever so slightly so he could lower himself more to the others height, or even below him. The movement allowing him to move away from the others face. He tilted his head, looking the other in the eye as a smile curled on his lips. By the gods he was just perfect.
Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:47 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The way they were pressed against each other at first, made him quite aware of a few things. There was some excitement for sure, on both ends. Craving more than just those simple touches way more. Myr seemed set on certain things and well, how could he deny him those? Maybe this should happen, yet why did it feel so good then? Why did it appear that the two of them fitted so well together? But all those questions were pushed to the back of his mouth as Myr demanded all his attention right now. He would have time to go over his thoughts later. Right?

That small giggle sounded like music in his ears. But frankly, nerves were striking harder than he had anticipated. But he couldn’t lose track of what they were doing here. If anything he wanted this and Myr clearly wanted it too. As Myr, his hand was trailing further down his body a new kind of fire was sparked within. The slightest of gasps slipped over his lips. Within a matter of seconds, that hand was pinned above his head and Shyam stared straight into the other his eyes. An almost dangerous grin lined his lips. Placing his lips on his neck, teeth grazing over the soft skin as his hot breath fanned over it.

For a brief moment, he had stopped, his doubts playing mind games with him at this point, looking up at the other and feeling how his own breathing had gotten heavier. Myr pulled his hand back all of the sudden. An almost whining sound slipped over his lips at the loss of touch. But as a kiss was pressed against his cheek he swallowed, cheeks instantly turning red. For a second closing his eyes as a whole new wave of emotions rolled through him as Myr moved. Goosebumps appeared all over his arms, making the faintest moan slip. Which, if it was even possible, made him turn even redder. Yet what he did, encouraged him to go on. ’You’re sure?’ It was the softest of whispers, but he had to ask. Though with everything that was happening, he already knew the answer.

So when the other had given the go, Shyam slowly lifted him away from the wall. Holding him in his arms while he carried him over to the bed. Carefully laying him down, placing one hand on his waist and the other on his neck. Kissing his lips again, with even more hunger behind.

within you.
Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:03 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He was eager and perhaps a bit selfish with his actions. Myrddin wasn't setting any limits on himself. His hands explored freely as if the others body was his playground. Wandering around as he looked at him, awaiting a response with every action he did. Every new expression the other made, every new sound that left his lips filled him with excitement. His entire body had never felt this energetic before, almost as if he could burst at the slightest touch. And he did, almost every time when the other grabbed him, touched him,... He wasn't the rational man he normally was; he was like a completely different person in the moment. Driven crazy by the sensation that overwhelmed him. He wanted everything he had. His touch, his attention, his love. He wanted all of it and every new action was clear about it; he couldn't wait any longer.

Locking eyes with the other as his hand was pinned above his head, caused a rush of pleasure to roll over his body. Damn he was good looking. He had to hold himself back as to not let out a soft whimper... or moan. Honestly he just had to hold himself back in general. His heavy breathing the only thing that kept him standing as he leaned against the wall. The entire situation brought him too much joy that it just completely blurred out all the rest. He could hear his words, but barely took notice of his doubts. He just enjoyed it all, every second, every part of him. Every touch and every sensation that sparked new things in his body. Whereas Shyam was clearly worrying about it all, Myrddin had already embraced it to the fullest. Worry was nowhere in his mind. If anything, he had never been so at peace. The many voices of doubts that usually clouded his thoughts had vanished. It had all become so clear for him; and that all for such a simple thing. Desire worked in funny ways.

When he moved back a bit he noticed how much the other was blushing and his smile widened. His grey eyes sparkled softly as he looked at the other with anticipation. He went through his legs a bit more, ready to completely throw himself on his knees before him. Ready to please him as he was pleasing him. He tilted his head a bit as he slowly brought his tongue over his lips, lifting one brow at him. He didn't need words or signs to inform him what he wanted to do to him. The sound the other had made, made him break character a bit as he started to giggle again. Yet, he quickly regained his posture... And more words left the others lips. Oh... How words could ruin things so easily. The blond man nodded at him, biting his lip softly as he raised his brows at him. Thrusting his hips a bit forward as to press himself more to the other. A hard position to say the least as he was still somewhat going through his knees. But he was capable enough to at least remain like this for some time.

When his arms closed around him and he was lifted off the ground, his eyes widened. He blinked in surprise, moving his own arms softly around the others back. As his mouth found a way to the others neck, where he softly started to trace the edges with his lips. Offering him soft kisses with every inch he explored. His fingers finding their own path along his back, following his muscles as they curled around natural shapes his body had. And where he was eager and impulsive, Shyam was so gentle. As he placed him down on bed. Myr couldn't help himself as a soft sound left his lips. He pushed himself more towards the other, arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled him in. Embracing the kiss that was offered to him. It only took a few more seconds for his hands to go other places. His breathing heightened once more, letting out another soft giggle as he finally gave in to it all. To him.


He stared up at the ceiling for just a moment, his mind still somewhat hazy from it all. It had felt so surreal... Yet, when he turned his head he could see it wasn't. He slowly blinked, pushing himself closer to the other once more. As he snuggled up against him, he laid his head against his shoulder, one hand slowly reaching upwards to his hair, where he started to gently twirl the others dark hair around his finger. His free hand found its way to his chest, where he let his hand rest for a minute... Before he moved his fingers slowly over the other. Gently tracing shapes along his upper body. Stars... Circles... Hearts. His eyes focused on what he was doing as he let out a soft sigh. He could remain here for forever. He turned his head a bit, so he could look at the other more. His smile widening as soon as he saw him. Slowly, he halted his actions, pushing himself softly closer to him as he pressed a kiss on his cheek.
Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:23 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Doubts were filling his mind, but with how fast they had come, they disappeared even quicker. Which was for the best. They both wanted this, it had been bound to happen and now the moment was here and Shyam couldn’t help himself with suddenly getting shy.. But Myr, he handled it perfectly. Not that he had expected anything else from the other. Since he was perfection, in every way shape or form. There was so much more he wanted to say, so much more he wanted to confess. But the other quite literally stole his breath away. With every single touch, every single time he moved or just simply the way he looked at him. It made him weak in the knees.

But when that nod followed, he felt like whatever was holding him back was gone. Quite easily lifting the other in his arms and carrying him over to the bed. The surprise on the blond his face made him chuckle ever so softly. No, he wasn’t going to let this all go down that easily. This was about pleasure, yet not only for himself but for the other too. If there was one thing that he wanted to do, it was to show Myrddin how much he actually cared about him. He wanted to bring him to a point where he might’ve never been before, he wanted to make him feel good. Once on the bed they connected again, Shyam’s fingers moved over the other his body. Yet enjoying the touch of the other as well, which made his heart beat even faster than it already was.
While panting heavily, he laid right next to him. Staring up at the ceiling. His cheeks flushed, his whole being was flushed. Now leaving him lying there, bare, dare he even say it, fragile. Shyam swallowed softly, trying to regain himself a bit more. Feeling the slight brushing of their skin against each other, which made him smile ever so softly. Instantly wrapping an arm around the other, the ends of Myr’s hair tickling his shoulder. The moment itself was so blissful, for a very brief moment his mind had just shut off. No thoughts, just vibes.

Enjoying the soft touch on his chest, which left goosebumps all over. Smiling as the kiss was planted on his cheek. Turning just a bit more to the other, lifting his own hand to his cheek and pulling him in. Kissing his lips again. Noses brushing along each other. ’I love you. Never forget that.’

within you.
Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:34 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He could feel his heartbeat, the way he was breathing... He chuckled a bit as he noticed that the other was still very much in the moment that they had just shared. Myrddin embraced him for it. Looking at his flushed face, his body that was still somewhat tensed up because of it all. Slowly relaxing more and more as they let it all wash over them. What had happened and the peace they were at now. If he only could remain in that perfect little moment, forever in his arms, so close up against him. That idea.. Caused a little spark in his chest. A warmth that welled up, spreading all around his body. A pleasant feeling that made him feel all fuzzy and simply... Happy. Man... he had never been so happy before. That stupid smile on his lips, it only widened as time went on. This is what he had missed all this time. Not a what, but a who. And it would seem it was really was him. He was just perfect in every way possible.

As he kissed him softly, he could feel the other move. He looked at him, their eyes meeting once more. And when they did, he couldn't help but smile at him. His hand guided him softly as the distance was closed once more. Their lips met once more in a gentle embrace. And he held onto that for just that moment, closing his eyes as he let the situation guide him. They parted once more, their faces still touching each other in gentle and soft ways. As he spoke, he opened his eyes, turning his body more towards him as he pressed himself more against him. Those words made him smile even more. They were such simple, yet complex words. But it was just the kind of thing that they needed right now.

His fingers brushed along his cheek as he used his other hand to push himself a bit upwards. He tilted his head, looking at the other as he leaned on his arm, looking at the other for just a moment... His fingertips tracing along the edges of his face. From his cheekbone, to his ear, to the top of his face... He hovered there for a moment, before slowly moving back the way they had come. Embracing every piece of him that they met along the way. Slowly, his hand parted ways with his face. 'I love you so much,' he signed at him. His fingers finding a way back to where they belonged; slowly tracing along the path they had walked before. And as he did, he pushed himself more onto the other. One leg at each side as he placed himself on top of him. He hummed softly, placing himself down. His head resting partially on his chest, partially on his shoulder. One hand slowly intertwining with his hair as the other held him.... As close as possible.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The doubts from before, were very slowly breaking through again. Yet not with the same power as before. If anything, it wasn’t powerful enough to keep his mind from what they had just shared. A moment he would cherish for sure. Because no, he had no clue if more moments like these would ever follow. Things weren’t that easy. He took a deep breath, letting the thoughts die down. He wasn’t going to allow those thoughts to ruin the moment. Stay in the present. The present was certainly something he liked. Myrddin slightly pressed against him. Yes, today life was more than kind for him.

Another kiss was shared, and in a way, it felt more real than ever. Which made him smile. A warm feeling flooding over him. This was something else entirely. And he quite liked it. Feeling him press closer made him chuckle ever so softly, his fingers trailing the other his naked back. Tracing his muscles, his spine. Cherishing every little touch he could get out of the other.

As the blonde sat up he slightly turned a bit again, a shiver rolling over his spine as he felt the other his hand move. That felt, rather good? Eyes moved up to Myr his face, wanting to pull him closer again. Though he didn’t. Partially scared of breaking the moment. The loss of touch made him pout. But that out appeared as soon as he saw the other sign. Making his heart flutter. You know, the real butterflies thing. He felt it. Big time. A feeling that only grew larger when the other placed himself on top of him. Which made Shyam curl one arm over the other his back, while his other hand rested on one of his legs. Lazily drawing little figures on it.

within you.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:05 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
The small changes in his face were beautiful. As he smiled at him, it filled him with a warmth. It rushed over his body, filling every fibber of his being with pure bliss. He loved it when he saw him smile. He absolutely adored it, seeing him happy. He was so stunning when he looked at him like that. But it wasn't all about his looks. Perhaps a few weeks ago it was. Sure, Shy was a very handsome man, but he had found something even more stunning on the inside. Such a kind and caring man. So considerate of everything he did. It was the best part of him and he adored him for it. Even his slight imperfections and faults made his heart race faster. They were just the right amount of wrong and right... And it fit perfectly. How and why had the universe granted this to him? It was unreal. He was unreal. This was all... So unreal. Yet, it was all here, right in front of him. He could feel him, hear him, see him. He was his and he belonged to him. Just for a moment they were each others and everything was just right. This was how the puzzle pieces fit together, he was sure of that.

As he laid there, on top of him, his eyes closed as he listened to his heartbeat, the way he was breathing... As he embraced his warmth and his touch. The way he held onto him and he melted right into him. And he could just pass out here. Drift off to sleep. But he fought against it, because he didn't want this moment to vanish from him. He wanted this to remain, for eternity. And if it couldn't be forever, he wanted this to last for as long as it could. That was a promise he made for himself. For the happiest he had ever been.

He slowly tilted his head, looking up at him. He moved himself slowly, pressing a kiss on his neck with a slight humming sound. His one hand still playing with his hair as his other found a way to his face. He hovered it for a moment, contemplating if he should do the thing he wanted to do, or keep this all going for just a little longer. The little argument in his head didn't last long and before he knew it, he was softy tracing his cheek once more. However, his smile shifted to a more mischievous one as he halted and gave the other a poke in his cheek, pressing his head against his chin as he did. Wakey wakey.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:47 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

However they ended up here, it wasn’t something he had expected when he first started working for the other. To be completely fair they didn’t see eye to eye at the start. Which was the complete opposite now. Sure, about other things they bickered and everything. But it had also made room for something else entirely. Something deeper. Something he couldn’t put in to words. It was more than love, way more. On his end. For Myr he couldn’t say. But Shyam knew that for him, this was it. This man was the person with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Was that a bit too overwhelming? Sure. But he couldn’t deny it anymore. Not after last week. Not after all the time they spend together, growing closer to each other.

Shy enjoyed this, Myr laying on his chest. Relaxed. Yeah, he could fall asleep like this for sure. Just basking in the heat of the other and the afterglow of what they just did. So yes, he was indeed dozing of just a bit when his neck was kissed. Making him smile lazily. But then he poked him in the cheek. Making him frown shortly as he lifted his head just a tiny bit. A slight groan escaping him, displeased.

’Hmm, what’s up?’ He yawned.

within you.
Fri Mar 17, 2023 6:58 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He couldn't help but smile as he saw the other almost drifting off to sleep. It was absolutely adorable. And if he was being honest, he could just stay in this moment forever, looking at him and embracing him. But he knew they hadn't unlimited time. They would never have enough of it. So... For as much they still had left, he wanted to show the other what he had done. Even though it wasn't much, he just wanted to share it with him. Especially now, now that he was more sure of his emotions and feelings then ever before. It made him feel like he was in control of his life, for once. And it was beautiful that he could, especially with him. His smile widened at the thought. Damn... He really had it bad for him, hadn't he?

He chuckled when he noticed how sleepy he was. Seeing his face shift a bit from that peaceful expression he had before. Myrddin slowly placed his free hand next to the other, pushing himself more upwards so that he was now hovering over him. As he waited for him to finally look at him. He looked down on him, smiling once more as he heard his voice. The hand that had just poked him carefully traced the edges of his face as leaned in, kissing him gently once more. Aw. He wasn't too happy that he had disrupted his peace. He almost felt bad for doing so, but something in him told him that the other wouldn't mind if he knew why he had woken him up. Slowly, he lifted his head back upwards, looking a the other once more. The tender smile that had been placed on his face seemed to shift to something more playful as he raised his brows a bit. He waited for a little bit, before finally moving himself from the other.

He got to his feet rather quickly, grabbing his pants off the floor as he quickly pulled it back on. Because well... It was quite chilly, especially without any clothing. The blond man grabbed his shirt as well, but as he looked it over he realized that the thing was completely ruined now. He turned his head a bit as he looked at the man still in his bed. Waiting to see if he would look at him. 'You owe me a new shirt,' he signed at the other with a soft smile on his lips as he placed the thing over a chair. He turned himself towards his closet, opening it as he looked over some of his clothing. Something simple would be enough, right?
Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Sleep was pulling at him from all directions. And he wanted to give in. But that was not something Myr would allow him to do so. Rude. But a kiss quickly disrupted his train of thoughts. Making him push back ever so softly. Holding onto that warm feeling that was spreading inside his chest once more. This truly was the best thing ever. But he could use a nap. But then, his source of warmth disappeared and he looked up rather confused. Slowly sitting up as well, tilting his head when the other was getting dressed. What on earth was he doing?

A smirk curling around his lips when Myr signed something. ’I like you better without.’ He grinned, slowly getting out as well as he took his pants. Pulling them back on. Before he took his shirt from the ground and walked over to Myrddin. Playfully pulling his own shirt over the head of the blonde. ’Now you have a shirt.’ A teasing kiss was being placed right underneath his earlobe. Before he turned away. Taking Myr his shirt of the ground and putting that on happily. ’Works perfectly.’

within you.

Mon Mar 20, 2023 2:24 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
The other was so cute like this. And, yea, he did feel somewhat bad that he had to get up and disturb this perfect moment. But he knew, or at least hoped, that the other would appreciate what he had done for him. He was honestly kind of nervous, stressed that the other wouldn't like it as much as he thought he would. But he held on to to the more positive side. Of course he would, right? Sure he would... It wasn't something completely perfect, but it was something from the heart and that was what truly mattered, right?

He rolled his eyes as a smile curled on his face when Shy spoke. Of course he did, but he wasn't going to walk around the castle half naked. So with that he moved to his closet. Looking over some of the items he had, he placed his hand against his chin, lost in deep thought he tilted his head. What would be the best choice here..? He wasn't all too sure. Some things were already too much for this occasion while others were just not enough for him. He wanted something casual, but not too casual. Ah... His mind was really working overtime for this one. What a pain it was.

Luckily for him, his hero wasn't far and came to the rescue. The shirt was pulled over his head and the man blinked in surprise, turning his head somewhat as he adjusted the thing. That smile appeared back on his face as soon as he planted a kiss on his head. Hm... He couldn't help but chuckle when the other noted he now had a shirt and he nodded at him, pulling the fabric more down as he put his arms through as well. Although Shyam was bulkier than him, he was still smaller in length. And where it was barely noticeable at first sight, Myrddin did notice that it was just a tiny bit short for him, which would mean that the slightest movement above his head would show of his bare skin. Perhaps that was just what the other wanted... Sneaky, but what could he do about it.

When he turned around he could see how the other put on his shirt instead. He chuckled as he stepped forward, gently grabbing both sides of the shirt as he tugged at a bit. With no more buttons to close it up, it was now just a perfect frame for the others body. He looked over it, gently moving his hands more towards each other... Until he had to stop. He frowned, tugging at it a big more but noting that he wasn't able to bring both sides together. Wh- This had been loose for him before. Was he really that skinny compared to him? He pouted his lips somewhat as he readjusted his hands, pulling again at the fabric, now a bit lower then before. Okay so it looked like it was mostly his chest. Damn. He really felt skinny when he looked at it like that. But also... It kind of made him smile as well. How much more perfect could he get...?

He slowly let go of the shirt, looking up at the other as he shrugged. 'Yes, perfectly,' he signed with a smile as he stepped away, moving back to the door he had locked before. As he opened it again, he turned his head somewhat, tilting it ever so slightly. 'But make sure no-one sees those,' he signed as he nodded to the open shirt. Yea. Those were for him to enjoy... 'The maids will lose it if they see you like this,' probably not. He would lose it, but that wasn't something he was going to mention.
Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:22 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Shyam soon joined him, pulling the shirt he had worn earlier over his head. A grin on his lips. The man still looked to die for even in his clothes. Which shortly made him swallow. The urge to peel the clothes back off was infuriatingly big. But he kept himself grounded, as far as he could. Taking a deep breath as he locked eyes with the other for a second when he turned around. A soft smile lingering on his lips. When the other came forward he did tilt his head. What was he doing?

But when he started to pull at the sides of the shirt Shyam was wearing he chuckled softly. Playfull as he was he flexed his muscles while the other kept trying to close the shirt. Although it was a tad to long for him, the athletic build of the man filled it up quite nicely. If he said so himself.  ’It’s not going to work lover.’ He chuckled softly, shooting him a playful wink as he briefly brought up his hand, fingertips brushing over Myr his cheek. He was so perfect. No one should come this close to perfection, it was unhealthy for his heart.

As the other stepped away he raised a brow. Laughing ever so softly at the next remark. ’Oh? You certain it will be the maids that lose it? Not a handsome young man with blonde hair?’ Teasing all the way. The raven haired man walked up to the other, fingers playfully brushing over his hand. ’So where are we going? What is it that you have planned hm?’ Shyam lowkey hoped it had something to do with food, cause after everything he was quite starved now.

within you.
Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:22 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
Myr had felt slightly jealous about the fact that the other was more broadly built. Well, it wasn't a huge surprise. The blond man was tall, maybe even lanky if he didn't train as much as he did. He wouldn't call himself skinny... Until he put himself next to Shy. They most likely trained equally as much, yet the other seemed to have filled out more properly than he had. It just showed him how much more fragile he was built than him. And where he would want to push on that jealousy, it became clear that it was something else entirely. He absolutely loved the sight of this. If it wasn't for the fact that they had plans, he would fall to his knees once more for the other, ready to deliver another round of pleasure to the both of them.

He couldn't help but lift his brows a bit when he spoke. Lover hm? The wink really caught him off guard and he pouted a bit at him as he tilted his head, letting his face be gently guided by the others hand. He let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes as he just let the moment be. Even if it was just for a few seconds, he still embraced it.

Yet, it wouldn't be Myr if he didn't at least act a bit on it. As he took a step back a smile curled on his face as he quickly signed. 'Maybe you're just fat,' He stuck out his tongue a bit as he turned around, acting as if he had just not insulted the other. Well... It was harmless teasing, the other knew this all too well. Besides, it was right there for the taking, how could he not.

And of course the teasing had to go both ways. As the other made a remark on it he couldn't help but put a small smile on his face. 'You should introduce me to this handsome fellah, he sounds nice,' he signed back to him as he looked at him from the corner of his eye. But then the teasing shifted back to what he had planned. HIs smile widened when the other spoke, his hand gently grabbing onto his as he let his fingers intertwine with him. 'I made something for us,' he signed at the other, after which he opened the door. He leaned into the hall, peaking around the corner as to check that no-one was there. And luckily for them, that was the reality of the situation. He stepped out, guiding the other by gently tugging at his arm. 'I even cooked something for you,' Which, if he knew anything about Myr's cooking... Would be awful. But that dumb smile on his face was full of excitement and genuine joy. Even if he knew, how could he turn it down when he was shining like this at his achievement.
Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:41 am
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