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People like me break beautiful things
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The whole world was properly spinning around him now, as he often needed a wall to ground himself again, which made him snicker because he was acting so ridiculously. He might have had a few drinks to many. Maybe. But he had lost his head a long time ago, when he had returned to the dancefloor and started boasting that he could do some aerials. And he could, but when the liquor and the pride had continued to flow, he of course lost his footing and went straight down the floor. Well, it was funny at the time and he would probably not remember what happened the following day. The only evidence would be some mysterious bruises.

His shirt might also be unbuttoned one button to deep, and the fancy jackets were lost somewhere at the party. His head felt very heavy and he was afraid as soon as he would sit down, he wouldn't be able to come back up again. But then again, he still felt incredibly giddy copious amount of alcohol in his blood.

‘‘Chaska, are you still here?’’ he giggled as he turned his back against the wall to steady himself. He narrowed his eyes and scanned the hallway for his bride. It was hard to see sharp, but he found here anyways as they were in the empty hallway. The party had been over for a while now, the music had died down and he imagined that birds would already be chirping at the surface. He let his head fall back against the wall and extended a hand towards his wife. ‘‘Okay, let's go,’’ he said with a boyish grin on his face.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:00 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Did she still wanted to confront her sister about bringing that Rizal to her wedding? Yes. Was the thankful, however, that her sister had taken the time to bathe her and get her out of her wine stained wedding dress? Also yes. She couldn't quite remember how that had happened, only that both her skin and the beautifully beaded dress had been stained red, making quite a fool out of the newlywed bride. Just her luck. She couldn't quite remember how many glasses she had downed, the gap between meeting with her siblings and ending up within that tub remaining a mystery.

Though her bath managed to sober her up a little, her vision and body still suffered from the endlessly refilled glasses of wine. Unable to fall asleep due to the spinning of the room, she simply remained on the familiar bed where Aniu had left her, her hands resting upon her stomach as she stared at the ceiling she had been supposed to gaze upon for the first time today. Most of her belongings had already been moved into Ezekiel's chambers during the feast and ceremony, the realization slowly dawning on her for as far as her intoxicated mind was still able to process everything.

Her elder sister, being the caring and motherly figure she was, had instructed her to simply sleep it out as she waited for her husband to return. And while the hour had grown late already, he still was nowhere to be found within his chambers. So she made sure to get up, cover the pastel colored nightgown her sister had gifted her with some of her husband's robes and stumbled towards the exit of the room, her damp hair draping across the robes that were clearly not hers. She wasn't going to spend her first night here on her own, now that she was finally allowed to stay. Usually around this time, she had been sneaking through the hallways to her own room. This time she was on a quest to retrieve her husband.

Stumbling across the halways, she tightly clutched to the robes as not to reveal anything underneath them. With her free hand she traced the walls, keeping her balance as a familiar voice made sure her search for the silver haired sorcerer wouldn't last long. Turning a corner, she found him with his back against the wall, certainly a lot further gone than she was. Or so she liked to believe. "Where have you been?" She tried to scold him, but the sight of him struggling against the wall turned het strict tone into nothing but giggles. "I've been waiting for you, you know?" Her speech slurred as she neared him, eagerly taking hold of his extended hand as she leaned in against him rather than using the wall for support.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:34 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Had she been here all this time? Or did she appear magically as he called for her? The hardest part of it all was to make it so that there was one Chaska, instead of two. He exhaled with a lot of air as he tried to straightened himself as she started to speak. And as she asked where he had been, he only shrugged his shoulders upwards. ‘‘Dunno,’’ he replied as he tried to raise his head from the wall and looked to where he had come from, pointing towards the hallway with a weak gesture. There, he came from there.

Chaska was also giggling, he was just completely unaware that he was the subject of her amusement. But he knew where he had to go. He would soon find the comfort of his bed and... her? And as their hands claps together, he tried to pull himself up with her help, but she crashed towards him instead. Seemed that she also wasn't as steady on her feet. He started laughing again as he put him other arm around her waist. ‘‘For me? Oh, you shouldn't have,’’ he slurred with a crooked grin, in a attempt to still be a proper, chivalrous gentleman. Or maybe he was being a dick. He never knew with her anyways.

Only then he noticed something was off. He furrowed his brows he looked at her. She had gotten rid of the blue wedding gown and was dressed in- ‘‘That's mine,’’ he noticed when he brought his head back a bit. His lips parted as he was thinking ever so hard. ‘‘What happened? Is it raining?’’
Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sorceress raised an eyebrow at his response, her gaze following the direction in which he'd pointed at. Ah, alright. He just came from the other side of the hallway. Only took him about a few hours or so to get here. "You don't know?" She repeated, her head tilted to the side, genuinely confused about his answer. "Well, you should've been in there, with me." Copying his former gesture, she pointed her finger towards the direction of his chambers, not even sure how long she had been trying to sleep off the effects of the wine.

She couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh. It wasn't something she got to hear very often. Not more than just a chuckle, at least. She had spent this whole night by his side, and yet the feeling of his hand around her waist didn't fail to make her heart flutter. They could do this now, without having to worry about one of the castle's staff members turning a corner. "Yes I do," she protested, pointing an all-knowing finger against his chest as she did. "I'm not spending my wedding night all by myself." Well, technically, Aniu had been there for a part of it. But she didn't want to spend all of it with her sister. No, she wanted to spend it with him, especially now that she wouldn't have to worry about sneaking out anymore.

Oh, at last he had noticed the change of clothes. Had he even taken note of her stunning dress before? This robe was but a rag compared to it.  "So am I," she teased back. "Which means I now have free access to your wardrobe, mister." She couldn't hold back a laugh of her own. "Being married doesn't sound so bad after all." A new, luxurious room, a new wardrobe, spending the night beside the man who still gave her a strange feeling she didn't quite understand, but couldn't quite get enough of. All of it was pretty alright so far.

She snorted at his stupid remark. Raining, in their little fishbowl of a city. "Nooo," she replied, shaking her head. "Aniu just forcefully bathed me." The sorceress clarified, though she couldn't quite hold back some giggles. Poor Aniu almost looked like she had taken a bath as well, with her putting up a fight and wanting to return to the party so badly. "But I forgive her! We had fun." With a grin on her face she released her hand from his grip, before playfully throwing them around his neck. "I don't forgive her for bringing that.. stinky old man to our wedding, though. I don't understand what she sees in him!" Her gaze shifted from his one eye to the other, before leaning in a little closer. She could've smelled the alcohol in his breath if it hadn't been for her own, questionable state. "At least my husband is young and handsome," she giggled, not even giving the poort man a break as she talked his ear off.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:30 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ugh, woman. Was she really angry with him? If this marriage would start of like this, than his future was looking rather grim. His head turned slowly towards she was pointing, noticing that was the way he was going. And after a few moments in his sluggish brain, it clicked. He formed an "aahhh" sound with his lips, but not producing any sound, but a chuckle followed as he couldn't be serious for more than a moment.

His movements were still slow, not very well coordinated, but he kept giggling like a child as she pushed her finger in his chest. He raised his hand to grab her by her wrist to move her hand away. ‘‘Forgive me. I would have been there if I had known.’’ He tossed a meaningful glance at her body, biting his lower lip slowly in the process. They hadn't spent their wedding groping at each other like love-sick children, keeping well away from the eyes of their guests. Nothing but some casual touches.. he thought?

So when she teased that she was his, he smiled once again, whistling between his teeth. Usually he didn't like those comments from her, but he could let it slide for now. But as she continued, he couldn't help but turn his smile upside down. ‘‘That's not fair,’’ he slurred as he moved forwards a bit. But as she started laughing, he couldn't help but laugh with her. ‘‘So that's why you wanted to get married so bad. My impeccable taste.’’ He raised his eyebrows teasingly as he poked a finger against her cheek, giggling at the sight of it.

His hand was brushed away by the shaking of her head as she laughed at him. And as she told that she had been bathed already, he tilted his head to the side. Whatever she wanted, I guess. It explained the damp hair. He furrowed his brows as he thought about it. Why then was she complaining he wasn't there if she had been elsewhere occupied. That fleeting thought went away as her arms were around his neck and she started complaining once more, about something he didn't care much about at the moment. The man that had been with her sister? Yeah, total stranger, probably a total douche. She would forget about him soon enough when her sister had to marry a decent sorcerer. He placed his hands shamelessly on her waist as his fingers slowly traced down as she kept talking and talking. He smiled broadly as she called him young and handsome, and the thought about the stinky man was lost in an instant. ‘‘Lucky you,’’ he murmured as he crossed the distance between their faced and his lips found hers once again.
Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Her heart jumped as he took hold of her wrist, saying his pretty words before gazing upon her body like a predator lying in wait. "Hmm, it's not too late to make it up to me yet," she purred in an attempt to sound seductive, but her words soon shifted into giggles once more. She couldn't help it. He just looked so.. endearing, wearing what was left of his wedding attire as the remaining buttons of his shirt just yearned to be unbuttoned. They'd behaved themselves for long enough, at this hour they simply couldn't blame their wandering hands and lustful gazes anymore.

Why couldn't all their nights be spend like this? Feasting upon wine and liquor until their speech became slurred and all they could to was laugh and giggle like two teenagers hanging out with their first love, sneaking in tiny touches and glances whenever they could. It was almost as if this wedding hadn't been arranged, the way they acted right now, not able to resist one another until they were behind closed doors. "Maybe," she simply replied as she shrugged, her teeth showing as she smiled. "Your clothing is much more comfortable than mine. Ever thought about how it feels to be laced up in corsets every day?"

She hoped to have prevented a flush on her cheeks by shaking off his little touch, though the alcohol probably stained her cheeks the same color as the wine she had been feasting upon. Ranting about the man who clearly didn't deserve her angel of a sister, she barely noticed his hands upon her waist and sliding down towards er hips as she continued to voice her displease. Still, even when visibly annoyed by the siuation, the silver haired sorcered managed to rid her of those worries with a simple, familiar gesture, forcing those thoughts to the back of her mind as his lips found hers. It was almost second nature, the way her hands found their way through his silver hair each time their lips crashed into each other. Back at the altar they had been forced to keep themselves contained, but now, with the wedding behind them, there were rid of all restrictions.

"Good thing we won't have to hide in a storage room anymore," she panted as she broke the kiss, one of her hands cupping his cheek. "How about your chambers instead?" The words barely escaped her lips before she was quick to plant a kiss on his jaw, followed by one a little lower, gently nipping at the tender skin of his neck. "Our chambers, I mean."

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:47 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
His eyes became smaller as he grinned like a smug poacher, who had just caught the catch of a lifetime. A laugh soon rumbled from his chest as she spoke again, her words caught up in giggles. ‘‘Thought so,’’ he replied, lifting his eyebrows quickly once more. The drink made him spill words without thinking, even if he was unsteady on his feet. It was really silly, and they were really down bad after this heavy night. He finally felt light again, thinking he could think about all the sorrows tomorrow. He only needed to focus on what was right in front of him, and how he should survive each next step.

Ezekiel tried to roll his eyes, but his whole head followed suit, making him crack up once more in soundless laughs, exhaling through his nose. He tried to force his face in straight expression, but as he looked back at her smile, he visibly had to fight against a grin. ‘‘But you look so pretty in them,’’ he pouted as she complained about the dresses.

He'd probably never so boldly complimented her before. He never spoken out loud what he thought about her. But it was easy now, rambling away as he no longer thought about consequences nor trying to seduce her. What was the point? They were already married. So when she came closer, it was so easy to just don't give a shit anymore and continue whatever that had started those weeks ago. There were no witnesses now, and even if there were some, who could stop him now, as his hands trailed back up her back.

Their kiss quickly stopped as Chaska spoke those thoughts out loud. No need to hide anymore. Not anywhere. His lips were slightly parted as she made him look at her, her fingers on his cheek, while her lips quickly followed, trailing down his neck which made him move his head backwards. ‘‘Let's go,’’ he repeated in a husky voice as he clumsily shoved her off him. He stumbled forwards as he found his footing in a drunken haze. And with a slap on Chaska's ass he urged her forward, but he quickly needed to steady himself by grabbing her upper arm to not fall face first to the floor.
Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:50 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Couldn't he always be this funny? The way he cracked himself up with his own words each time, she couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it. It was quite adorable too. Having such a handsome smile definitely helped, though. By the gods, if those thoughts ever made it through her lips while under the influence of a few glasses too many she would smack herself in the face the next morning. The silver haired sorcerer was cocky enough already. There was no need to fuel his ego with showing him how down bad she truly seemed to be.

His following words stained her face an even darker color, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ears as she giggled in response. "Is that so?" she teased him, running a playful finger across his chest once more. "But you're always so eager to rid me of them." The first time had certainly took him longer than the second time. The thought of him struggling with the lacing of her dresses forced another set of giggles through her lips. She wondered how long it would actually take him to perfect the skill, seeing that from today on, it would become a daily occurence for him to do so.

A feeling of euphoria surged through her body, realizing that they were allowed to do this. And not only for tonight. It made her want to drag him to his room and onto the bed, to show him what he'd missed out on by not marrying her any sooner, but seeing how her vision blurred more than usual and the room still seemed to spin, she wondered if she'd even be able to reach the chambers in the first place, dragging her stumbling husband along with her.

Fueled with newfound motivation at that incredibly hot tone of his voice, however, she pulled herself together as he pushed her away from her, trying her best balancing herself on bare feet as if she was wearing heels on a cobblestone path. A shriek escaped her lips at the impact of his hand against her behind, resulting in more of those teenager-like giggles as she tried her best to keep her balance, especially at the sudden weight of the man trying to keep himself away from a meeting between his face and the floor beneath them. "Watch out!"She yelled, though it was more of a warning blurted out in between laughs. "You're being quite your cheeky self tonight, I see."

With a sigh, she maneuvered his arm around her neck, hoping to give him some sort of support as they stumbled back to the door of their chambers, swaying side to side as they almost hit some of the trinkets and paintings decorating the hallways. "We're almost there," she announced to no one in particular as the familiar door came in sight. By the gods, she couldn't wait to feel the mattress against her back once more, being tired of balancing both her body weight and that of her beloved, newfound husband.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
His two-colored eyes were probably a bit hazy at this moment, as he kept blinking hard to refocus on her face, trying to keep her features sharp. He probably looked like a blithering idiot, but nothing that he would remember the coming morning. Because his ears still worked fine, and as her giggles reached them, it was just as contagious as his grin widened once more, his eyes trailing down with her hand as she touched him. He raised his eyebrows as he looked back up at her, after her very observant remark. ‘‘You got me there,’’ he snickered as he kept his eyes on her now. He was to far gone to even think about what he was saying in this moment. ‘‘This will be much easier to get rid of,’’ he continued, his fingers hooking underneath the single strap that held the robes together.

Ezekiel made his intentions very clear as they clung together in a mess of ill coordinated limbs, but knowing very well how some things still worked. It was like his senses were numbed, not knowing what was happening a few inches from him. But everything in his close periphery was fine. And it just happened to be his wife. And when they decided to move to his chambers, he felt like he should keep touching her or he might lose her. And then he would have nothing but the walls again to keep him on his feet.

The drunk sorcerer laughed out loud when she yelled across the hallways and he kept laughing as clung unto her when she warned him. He was almost bend over double at the waist for laughing like a child, as he tried to collect himself again, hiding supporting his weight with one hand on his knee. ‘‘You're just funnier today,’’ he told her, a proper excuse for his fits of laughter.

The two of them continued to stumble across the halls. In a different story they would be drunk on love instead of alcohol. Chaska said it wasn't far and as if a miracle happened, they reached his chambers. He leaned on the doorframe and opened the door, that slammed open a bit too hard as he theatrically turned to his wife. ‘‘Ladies first,’’ he slurred, pushing her onwards as he shuffled behind her. But as soon as he set foot in his chambers, a deep frown was on his face as he.. he knew he recognized it as his place, but... ‘‘Something is different.’’
Tue Jun 27, 2023 3:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Perhaps it would've been quite endearing to the unfortune soul walking in on them in this state. Two newlyweds giggling and teasing one another, their mind intoxicated by the rich amount of wine and other festive drinks being served at their special day. Only they knew how things had been before. The nails dug into the others' skin and the tugging at their hair and clothing. For the first time since that one particular night in his chambers their touches felt genuine, even when paired with a whole lot of stumbles and slurring sentences.

The sorceress chuckled at his words, though that chuckle soon turned into a laugh worthy of matching his. "Shut up," she answered, wiping a tear from her eye as she tried to recover from her outburst of laughter. "You're just drunk." By Lythrana, they both were, though she liked to imagine herself being a little less far gone than the man who seemed like he was barely able to support his own weight. The gods would know how he'd even be able to perform his martial duties like this, when he was barely able to reach his chambers in the first place. She could easily imagine him drift off to sleep the moment his back met the sheets, before even getting rid of his wedding attire. As much as she would've liked to scold him for getting drunk beyond that point, she couldn't do anything but giggle at the sigh. What a match they were.

At last, the two of them reached the familiar room, and the whole castle should've known by the way her husband dramatically slammed the door at their entrance. "Always such a gentleman," she replied as she set foot within the room where she'd came from, sarcasm dripping from her voice, though barely distinguishable from her giggles. Without a detour, the bride went straight for the bed, stumbling on her bare feet before falling face first into the familiar sheets she'd spent moments waiting on her husband. She was just about to call him over when his voice forced her to turn around and look him in the eye from across the room. "Yes, silly," she began, sitting up straight on the bed for as far as she was able to, her damp hair leaving a wet mark on the sheets. "They've already moved most of my belongings in here. Look!" Enthusiastically, she pointed her finger to some of the new furniture against the wall. "They even gave me that!" In the direction of her pointing finger stood a beautifully, wooden carved vanity. "Don't be jelous, I'll allow you to make use of it as well." Giggling about her own stupid joke, she let herself back back onto the bed again, staring at the ceiling which still managed to spin.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:34 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel couldn't even remember what had happened an hour ago. What had he been doing before he was stranded in this hallway? Dear gods, he truly had no idea. But it didn't matter, all he needed to do was focus on every next step, which was getting more difficult by the second as he had to fight against the fits of laughter that he just couldn't stop, especially not when Chaska had joined in. Just the sound of her laughter was funny, and thinking about that was funny, and her telling him to shut up was funny.

The sorcerer adjusted his arm around her neck as she told him he was just drunk. ‘‘Hm, you're right, that makes more sense,’’ he nodded, his head felt heavy as he tried to not make every movement dramatic, but it just happened. And as he looked back at her face to see that she had been crying of laughter, a snicker came back up from his throat and he brought his face over a bit closer. ‘‘You're drunk too.’’ It almost sounded like he was scolding her, providing her with this obvious information. And he looked serious for a second, before his mouth curled in a smile once again.

He looked smug as she called him a gentleman. He leaned with his head back against the door, because he didn't have her support anymore. He sighed loudly as he shuffled back into a more upright position as Chaska dropped face-down in the sheets. He looked over at her, before he noticed the remodeling of his chambers. He moved forward slightly, kicking of his shoes, almost falling over before he grabbed onto a cabinet. His head perked up as she cheerily yelled to a new piece of furniture. ‘‘Ahhh,’’ he replied as if it interested him. ‘‘And I am forever grateful for it,’’ he lied to her generous offer that he could use it. But it didn't matter no more, as his gaze turned back to his wife that was splayed back on his bed. His priorities were elsewhere entirely than a few rearrangements.

He maybe had worried over the wedding night in the morning, but right now it was just lust. He didn't care for much more as he stumbled over to the bed. Once his hands leaned on the mattress, he felt a bit more secure. And so he crawled onto the bed, placing his knees between her legs as he moved forward, eventually leaning on his hands just above her shoulders. He looked down at her as his eyes drew over the curves of her face. ‘‘Already tired?’’ he mused at her, another smile tugging at his lips.
Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:16 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
People like me break beautiful things 7mKmf4U5_o
People like me break beautiful things 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sorceress rolled her eyes at his reply, for as far as she was still able to. Smelling the alcohol on his breath as he moved his head closer during his accusations, she couldn't help but chuckle once more. "You should know better than to call out the woman carrying you back to your chambers," she giggled, pretending to drop him for a split second and almost actually tipping over in the process. "But you're not wrong." At this point, she was just happy both of them managed to enjoy their evening, even after the tension of the ceremony and everything surrounding it.

Staring at the ceiling she felt much more comfortable already, supported by the soft sheets against the exposed parts of her legs and arms. The only uncomfortable factor was how the room kept spinning, especially now when laying down. Still, his comment didn't fail to make her laugh. "You better be!" she exclaimed from the other side of the room, still unaware of how he was making his way towards the bed. "But it's alright, in return I'll just continue to borrow your clothes," she continued contently, briefly stretching out her arms above her head as she enjoyed the comfortable feeling of drowning in her husband's robe.

She hadn't noticed him making his way towards her until she felt the mattress beneath her shift from his weight. Before she even truly realized his presence, he'd already crawled on top of her, looking down on her with a smile her cheeks couldn't help but stain from. Yet her lips were laced with a smile of their own, eager to cup his face within her hands as she lost herself in that familiar, odd colored gaze. "No," she protested, biting her lip as she tried to withold herself from giggling, brushing her thumb gently across his cheek. "I came to fetch you for a reason." With those words she removed her hands from his cheeks and used them to tug at the collar of his shirt instead, forcing him closer so she'd be able to clumsily crash her lips into his once more. This was the moment she'd been waiting for. As of today, she could finally give into her desires without having to fear the consequences. She wouldn't have to leave his side this time, sneaking back to her own room as she yearned for his embrace. Tonight she could finally drown herself in that afterglow, keeping him close to her heart as she'd drift off to sleep. But first, they had a duty to fulfill. One that he certainly wouldn't stall the same way he'd tried to stall their wedding.

the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:17 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
People like me break beautiful things Image
People like me break beautiful things Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Yeah yeah, he would thank her later. He was slightly insulted, as if he couldn't walk back to his bed by his own. He definitely could, but this was just much cozier. But as her support where he was leaning heavily on, suddenly wavered underneath his arm, he cursed loudly as she almost made them topple to the ground together. Somehow they kept themselves on their feet, which was followed by another fit of giggles from the both of them. So, they were drunk together. What a wonderful thing.

The room was still spinning around him. He would notice how everything had changed the next morning. He would complain about it then. Especially about the.. what was it? Mirror-thing that she had pointed at. But as she spoke about his clothes, he spun around, pointing a finger towards her. ‘‘About that-’’ It was certainly time to take back what was his.

As he crawl on top of her, he was greeted with her fingers on his cheeks, which felt a new kind of tingly with his head all woozy. A satisfied smirk curled on his lips as he closed his eyes for a second as he hummed happily at her respons. It was silly how this was the way they could communicate the most flawlessly. Even when they were intoxicated way beyond they should be, this was still relatively easy.

He didn't even struggle a single bit as she caught his collar and pulled him closer. He was way to far gone to think about teasing. Their minds were perfectly aligned right now. And he didn't want this because he had to, because it was a wedding night. He wanted to, just because he could. Their kisses were more clumsy then ever, but in between he could smile more. He tried to balance his weight on his knees as his hands moved down her body, undoing the knot that held the robe together, as he slid a hand underneath the fabric. But instead of the bare skin he expected to feel, he felt something smooth as silk.

‘‘Already making use of your wedding gifts?’’ he murmured as he looked up to her face. So his hands went back to her curve of her chest as he tugged at the fabric to slide it over her shoulders, revealing more of the shimmering blue gown with dainty lace decoration. She had been wearing underneath all this time? That was just cruel.
Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:33 pm
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