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[M] Dumb little things - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

It was quite cute when the other tried pulling the shirt to a close. But it wouldn’t work anyone could see that in the end. A smile had curled around his lips, though the moment he was called fat made him narrow his eyes. Well, that was quite harmful? Really. Who said that to someone? ’Now you’re just being a bully.’ He shook his head shortly, shoving his hands in his pockets and straightening his back. Knowing damn well the other was joking. But still, taking a crack at someone their appearance wasn’t really a good look. Shortly glancing down at his own stomach. He wasn’t fat right?

’Sometimes he is, sometimes he can be quite the bully.’ Shy smirked shortly. Looking at him. Fingers soon entangling with each other. He had made something? Shyam raised a brow, visibly surprised yet the good kind of surprised. He let himself be guided out of the room, falling into another surprise. He cooked. What would it be? Bread and water? No. That was rude. A smile curled around his lips as he squeezed is hand softly. ’Good. I’m quite hungry.’ He chuckled softly, for a moment looking at the ground. Before putting his focus back on the other, letting himself be guided through the castle.

within you.
Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:08 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
His words hadn't meant to be harmful in any way. But when he noticed that it did, a slight frown came on his face. Had he gone too far with that one? He tilted his head a bit as he blinked in slight confusion. Or was the other really not so confident in himself as he thought he was..? If that really was the case then he felt even more horrible than he already did. Shyam indicated that he was being a bully by stating those words and the corners of his mouth turned down as he saw how the other got a bit awkward about it. Ah... Yea, he really had gone too far. When he even glanced down at himself he heard alarm bells go off in his head. He stepped forward as soon as the other looked down, leaning forward as he put his face in vision of the other. Leaning forward just a couple of inches away from the others belly. 'I'm joking, you're perfect,' he quickly signed as he stepped in closer, clear concern in his eyes as he looked over the others face. It was clear Myrddin didn't know how to play on these things and what went too far and what didn't. 'You're just perfect, please don't be upset,' he signed once more as he came closer to him, looking up at him with those pleading eyes.

When he answered some of his other words he chuckled softly, tilting his head the other way as his smile widened. 'Really? I should beat him up then. That would teach him not to bully such a handsome man,' his fingers slowly intertwined with his as he gave him a gentle squeeze. He was really sorry. He shouldn't have mentioned it. But well. He was a bit jealous of the other. If only he could fill out like that, he would look less like a beanpole most of the time. In some clothing it was really bad, which sometimes made him a bit upset. Because he wasn't as scrawny as others would think. He was strong, muscular. Just not as pronounced as some other people.

But... Onto the surprise and better plans. He smiled at the other as he spoke. He had figured as much. So he gently dragged him along, hand in hand. As they turned corners and ran through corridors, they eventually came to some stairs. The young heir gently tugged at his arm, guiding him up the stairs... And another flight of them, until they had reached an area not a lot of people visited... And it showed. A less known part of the castle. Yet, Myrddin knew all about it from his time training here. Now that these walls were his home he could use and abuse that knowledge to his own benefit. He turned to the other as his smile widened. Coming to a halt in front of a heavy, wooden door. 'Close your eyes,' he signed. 'No peeking,'
Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:57 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

He had no idea to why the words seemingly struck so hard. But he wasn’t planning on mulling over them any longer. Yet while he often appeared to be a very confident man, he knew that he wasn’t. So with someone as flawless as the other stating that he was fat, he couldn’t be quite sure if he meant it or not. There was truth to everything that was said was it not? But when Myr appeared once more, he slightly tilted his head. A soft smile curling around his lips when he signed. ’I’m not upset. Don’t worry.’ The man stated softly, pecking his lips ever so softly. As a sign that he was indeed doing okay.

’I’m afraid I can’t allow that.’ He smirked softly. And here they were, just walking through the hallways of Myr his home. Like nothing mattered in the world, like this was something that they did every day. Oh, how he wished that that could be possible. Yet, they were held back. Both by who the man was, as by the fact that a love like theirs would be frowned upon by many. Even in Lemuria. A sigh slipped his lips. Wandering if they could simply run off. Just them, together out there. Part of him wished it could happen. Yet the more sane part knew that Myrddin would never cast away his duty away. No matter how hard it got for the man. He put his family and this city above anything else. Which Shy respected more than anything. But with moments like these, he dreamt of another spot. To not be banned to the sidelines of Myr his life, or to only be with him in the shadows. Ah, to be young and in love.

Soon enough he was guided upstairs. Not a place he had ever been too. As their walk ended he glanced at the door, slightly tilting his head. ’If you let me fall over something, I’ll sit my fat ass on your face.’ He warned him, jokingly. Closing his eyes as the other instructed him.

within you.
Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:46 am
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He stated he was fine and Myrddin frowned, looking over his face as he tried to find of doubt. He leaned slowly in towards him, gently pressing his lips on his cheek. Kissing away the slightest doubt the other had about himself. He would kiss his entire body if it would make the other feel better. Embrace ever little inch of him. Every part of perfect imperfection that the world would frown upon. There was nothing wrong with him, and there never would be. Because it was him. And every part of him was just right. He brushed his nose gently against the others as a smile widened on his lips, closing his eyes slowly. What if they would just remain in this room and let their emotions win over once more. He wouldn't mind that at all. He could spend an eternity with him, just doing nothing. His gentle touch would just be enough. It was funny to think someone like him, who actually kept his distance from physical touch, craved his so much. It was clear evidence it was all just op to the who instead of the what. And he was his perfect who.

When the other spoke once more he smiled at him. His hands wanted to run through the others hair, gently fixing up some astray strands that were still out of place thanks to their little dance from earlier. But so was his. They both probably looked like they had been through quite the scuffle. Well, perhaps yes, but not in the way one would assume. Myrddin smiled at that thought, already fondly looking back at something that had only happened mere seconds ago. Daydreaming about something like that as they walked through the castle. Just imagine a future like that. Where he would have him all to himself for eternity. Where every night they could curl up in each others arm. Hold onto that sweet feeling he so adored. The man he so loved. It was a fantasy he suddenly held so closely to his heart. Yet, in a bittersweet way, it would only remain as such. For he knew that in this world, in their lives, such thing could never be true. But he could dream about it... And they could sneak some moments into reality every now and then when the world wasn't watching. A compromise for both sides of the coin.

He chuckled when the other spoke, nodding slowly as he watched the other close his eyes. The blonde man gently stepped in front of him, opening the door, before he placed one of each of his hands in the others. Turned towards the other, his own back turned to the room, he guided him inside, a bright smile on his lips. He kept his focus on the other so that he wouldn't trip or walk against something. Not that it would be a bad thing. Bad case scenario he lost his balance and he would catch him. But that wouldn't happen, as he held onto him, guided him... Kept his eyes on him. And as they moved further into the room he came to a halt. His hands slowly intertwining with his as he squeezed it gently, before letting go.

The young man turned around at his own work, looking around quickly to see if everything was still done nicely. And luckily, it was. The candles he had put around the room were still aflame, some of them had been burning for some time and it was showing, but none of them seemed to be shown any signs of harm. He had filled the room with flowers and plants and opened the doors to the grand balcony. Yet, this room wasn't as proper or grand as the others. It was one of those forgotten chambers that never really got any visits. Perhaps in the future it would get some love and attention. But for now Myrddin had made it their little place. Decorating the room to, in some way, simulate perhaps a garden. He had set up a blanket with other things; a basket with breads and fruits, but also a plate of dishes he had made. Some sort of picnic, but it was clear that the man didn't really know how to put one together nor how cooking worked, as some of it just didn't look as picture perfect as one would assume. But as he looked at the work he he prepared for the other, he was beaming. A small little place they could just spend time together. Just up in those tower, where no-one would hear or see them, but they would still be able to enjoy each other just as much as other couples would in any other setting.

He looked at Shyam, leaning in and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek as he tilted his head somewhat against his, awaiting his reaction. He had done it all himself. And that was quite the achievement on its own. Myrddin was, after all, good at many things. But not the general cooking, cleaning... And so on. He had never learned how to do those things, since the maids always did it for him. Yet, he had wanted to try and make something, because it was for him. And he was so proud of himself.
Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Shyam hadn’t expected anything of today to be fair. Just another regular day to begin with. But it was anything but. Which was something he wouldn’t forget easily. Part of him just wanted more of the other, though he was also getting kind of hungry let alone interested in the surprise the other had prepared. He could only imagine what Myrddin had arranged. So yes, in the end they were now on their way to wherever Myr would lead him. A smile resting on his lips as his mind jumped back to what they had shared. Picturing something more for them. Which wasn’t something that was in the stars for them. No for them, it would be a life in the dark, behind closed doors, in forgotten rooms in the castle. Something that he wasn’t happy about. But he knew that it could never be more than that. Not here. Not anywhere really.

Soon enough he was told to close his eyes, which made him smile softly. Though also made him feel kind of powerless about what would happen next. His senses were heightened to say the least. Walking out slowly in front of him as the other guided him to a place. But soon enough he felt the faintest squeeze in his hand. A sign to open his eyes? He wasn’t quite sure. But when he let go, he took it as a sign that it was okay. Opening his eyes and looking around. Taking in the room for a few seconds. Quite amazed by how the place looked, thanks to the other for sure. But just the way it was all put together, a warm little nest almost just for the two of them. Making his heart skip a beat for sure. Slowly reaching back to his hand, squeezing it softly once their fingers were intertwined.

The kiss itself took him out of that dreamy state making him blink for a second. Turning to him and stepping closer to him instantly. Placing his free hand on the other his cheek and pulling him in for a soft yet loving kiss. ’It looks amazing.’ He whispered softly afterward, locking eyes with the other. ’Thank you, really. You’re amazing.’

within you.
Thu Apr 13, 2023 4:30 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
Myrddin had been thinking about doing something like this ever since what happened on the boat. Although a lot of it was like a blur in his mind, he couldn't help but feel like a spark had started that day. And perhaps it was more leaning into desire and passion then real love. But he had come to appreciate him more and more as time went on. Having in interest in him for his looks, but falling for him for who he was. Wasn't that the kind of love people should always strive for? Or was that too much to ask for? Maybe it was and he really had hit the love jackpot. Because in his eyes, the other was perfect. There was literally nothing he could think about that was wrong with him. And that kind of thinking could be easily abused. But Shyam was gentle and sweet, those kind of things most likely not even passing through his mind. Because it was clear for him, at least, that they had found each other through their trip to Moonbright. Passion and love went hand in hand, that he knew. But where one burned brightly at its limits, he didn't know that you could keep on... Loving someone like this. The things he would do for this man if he just asked... By the gods, he really had a grip on him.

And he looked at him with such a sweet smile as the other observed the room. A warmth spreading through his chest as he saw him look over it all, eventually laying his gaze on him as his hand found his. Fingers intertwining, followed by him stepping closer... Which all ended in a kiss. Myrddin smiled brightly as he leaned into the other, closing his eyes as he put his free arm around the others back, rising upwards... And putting it atop his shoulders. Their lips parted ways and the young man opened his eyes, looking down at the dark haired man with such joy in his eyes... And such a big dumb smile. Shyam stated it looked amazing, which made his heart flutter once more. He couldn't put down how happy it made him that he commented on his surprise like this. It made him slowly realize that... Seeing the other happy, made him happy. And that thought made him smile even wider... Or he tried to. His cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling he was doing. But damn, he had never been so happy in his life. The guard thanked him and told him he was amazing, something that caused him to lean back into the other, brushing his nose against his as he let his forehead rest against him. Slowly blinking at him as he looked him over... Before going in for another kiss.

When he finally took a step back, he softly pulled at the others hand, signing him to come. The blonde man stepped forward, sitting down at his make shift picnic before looking over the things he had made. The fruits looked the best, because all he had done was clean them and cute them up. However, the rest of the dishes didn't look as good. Some of it was burned, others already smelled weird and well... None of the plates had a real good look to them. But as he looked over his work, he really looked proud. Well, one thing was for sure. Myrddin wouldn't win any award in cooking, but he sure as hell would qualify for a 'you tried' sticker. His eyes shifted back to the other as he nodded. 'I didn't know what your favorite dish was so I just kinda made some things that I thought would taste nice,' which had resulted in him throwing together things that shouldn't really... Go together.
Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:22 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 9RE29ly
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

This came as a welcome surprise. It really did cause the man was actually close to starvation. Okay not really, but really close. Had he expected Myrddin to come up with something like this? Never in his life. Mainly because the other didn’t really cook in the first place as he always made clear. Would everything taste okay? Probably not, but it was the idea that counted and man he loved it to bits. Just their little room here, it made everything perfect. Even more perfect than the day had already been. The kind of love he felt for the other, was something unmatched. Something he had never truly felt before. Somethings songs would be written about, plays would be written about. Truly the kind of things any person could dream off.

Another kiss was shared and he happily went along with it. Holding the other a bit more firmly. A warm feeling rushing through his body once more. A grin curling on his lips when their lips parted ways, which was caused by the way the other was standing here. With that goofy smile on his lips. By the heavens it was the cutest thing ever. His stomach started to growl, making him chuckle ever so softly while glancing down. Being surprised by another kiss.

Eventually he walked with the other, sitting down next to him. Looking over all the goodies, making him grin even wider. ’You know me, you can cook me a shoe and I’d be happy.’ He shortly laughed, kissing the other his cheek once more. He truly enjoyed this. The fact the other had gone out of his way. He’d lie if this didn’t made him feel special. Happily the man took a piece of fruit and took a bite from it. Making a happy sound. ’You really starved me out.’ He teased. Poking his side.

within you.
Wed May 10, 2023 4:11 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 RbKYMU2
[M] Dumb little things - Page 2 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ You drew stars around my scars ❞
He wanted to lean into the other, close his eyes and just enjoy the moment. He wasn't really extremely hungry, he would have a sandwich... Or something. Not that it mattered what he had. Because as long as he was sharing it with him it was the best meal ever. These were the kinds of thing they would never be able to do in public. Whereas other couples could go out and share their love on dates and other activities, they never could... For a brief moment it did pass his mind that they could run off to Xaila. The only nation where their love wouldn't be frowned upon. They could have a cute little house by that one big river... And they would go on small walks through the city market, hand in hand. And they would have a perfect life. Because they would have each other. Sure, they wouldn't have the luxury that they had now... But Myrddin would trade everything to stay by his side right now. His mind intoxicated by that sweet feeling that made him feel like he was just... On another level. As if he was floating. As if everything was perfect... Because perhaps, it was. If only for this very fleeting moment.

He smiled softly when he looked at him, taking a seat next to him. And he gently shuffled closer to him so their arms touched one another ever so slightly. He laughed quietly as soon as Shy spoke and he shook his head a bit. Ah- He at least hoped it wasn't as bad a shoe. He knew his cooking sucked, most likely because he never had to do it because of his status. People had always tended to him and therefore the young lord had barely any skills in basic tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry... And it was weird, because he never really felt like doing such things before. Even better- he was kind of repulsed by it. But the thought of preforming these small tasks for Shy's well being... Well, suddenly it became something that he loved to do. His mind loved seeing him happy like this... And when he had prepared all of this the thing that motivated him the most was the thought of seeing his beloved happy. It was really funny what he would do for this man- And he honestly didn't even have a good idea of how bad it really was. He really had fallen for this man. He had fallen so hard. And he didn't care at all.

He just looked at him as he enjoyed himself, slowly putting his head against his shoulder as he listened to him. He smiled, closing his eyes for a moment as he started to sign. 'I wanted to show you this earlier,' his hands slowly moved as he turned his head a bit more towards the other, a small grin coming on his face. 'But then something else took priority or... Something,' he leaned closer, pushing a kiss against the others neck as he let out a soft sigh. Not one of relief, but one that was clearly filled with love and admiration. And as one of his hands was placed on the others leg, he started to trace along the fabric of his pants a bit, seemingly lost in thought. But he just enjoyed the moment between them as he closed his eyes every so often. Trying everything he could to make this moment last forever. 'You like it?' his one free hand signed after some time, smiling gently at him. Honestly... He kind of knew that the other would say it was fantastic, even if it wasn't. Because if he was in his place, he would most likely... Do the same. Especially in this situation. On any other occasion Myrddin would be brutally honest. But hey, that's just how he is.
Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:34 pm
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