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High infidelity
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
Why did society demand she attend something as riduculous as a gallery opening? Not only had an enveloppe arrived for her at the Aphelion estate, she had also been presented with one by one of the keepers of the Howard estate. Someone must really want her to be present. That, or they wanted to show they were on good terms with the last Howard: the one with the fortune. She supposed the latter was the true motive behind the invitation.

It wasn't like she completely belonged among the crowd. While she was dressed ever so elegantly in a beautiful gown and her hair pulled back into an ornate hairstyle, she didn't look like the other women. She wasn't dressed in bright colours and frolicky details to show off just how wealthy she was. She didn't feel the need to act frivolous in order to appease the Winter family. The only upside to it all was that, unlike most of the women, she didn't have to powder herself in order to look more pale. Her porcelain skin was already perfect.

When another obnoxiously loud laugh erupted she slowly turned her head. Of course it came from Alison Winter. She was surrounded by people who Vivienne couldn't possibly believe were all friends of her. Yet she shone brighter than the sun and they all admired her for it. It made the tall girl rather.. tired (to put it nicely). Finally she'd had enough and walked out of the large room filled with paintings, her glass of red wine firmly in hand. She reached a more remote part of the gallery that no one apparently bothered to visit. Why would the people look at art when they could look at each other, right? It was foolish behaviour. She sat down on one of the comfortable benches, her sight stuck on a large painting in front of her. It was rather gloomy, but beautifully conducted. Just like her. Finally some peace and quiet.


& alison winter
Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:23 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Being the person who would inherit rulership over all of Ashmoor came with both pros and cons. The job itself, eventually, was not as glamorous as it might seem. Yes, it came with fame and riches, but also with tough decisions, boring meetings and little privacy. The question whether or not it was something she wanted had never been relevant, but if someone were to ask her she was quite sure the answer would be affirmative. She felt the job suited her quite well, whether that was by nature or nurture she wasn't sure. But no matter the reason why, she liked being needed, being important.

And besides, it did have its perks. She absolutely loved the social activities that came with it, from balls to watching the races to gallery openings. Alison had been looking forward to it all week, her favourite pastime combined with the favourite part of her duties. A new gallery was the perfect addition to the Upper Ring, showcasing talent from all around... the Upper Ring, mostly. After all, those were often the people that were able to explore their talents.

"Oh, don't flatter me!" she laughed in response to a friend who had just told her that her art should be hanging in the new gallery. It was only a semi-humble reply, really, as the idea had intrigued her before; she just wasn't sure if she wanted her real name stuck underneath yet. Not that she desperately wanted to remain anonymous, but the thought of being critiqued didn't seem too appealing. "If you will excuse me, I am just going to take a quick look around." She softly put her hand on her friend's arm for a moment as a way to say goodbye, a cheerful smile on her face. If it were any other opening she would have preferred to stay and chat, but this time she was actually more interested in the reason why they were all here.

She took her time strolling towards the emptier rooms, carefully taking in the different paintings. Lately they all seemed to become more rough, not as bound to the rules of perfection and realism as when she was a child. She did like that development, she thought, even though it did take some getting used to. The paintings resembled her quick studies more than what she considered finished pieces, but they also encompassed a certain movement and emotion that was hard to find in the portraits that hung in the Winter home.

As she rounded a corner, a particular emotional piece caught her eye. It was very dark, and she wondered what the person who painted it had thought about during the process. She took a moment to take it in, until it kind of started to make her feel depressed and she turned around. It was only then she saw the dark shape of Vivienne Howard sitting on a bench right across from the painting, looking as though she had just jumped out of it. As if the whole thing wasn't depressing enough. Alison contemplated acting like she hadn't seen the girl for a quick second, but that would just be unbelievable at this point. "Howard." she thus started, "How fitting to find you here." Her voice wasn't snarky or anything; she was actually quite proud of herself for sounding so neutral towards someone she disliked so much.


Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:36 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
The further Vivienne had distanced herself from the lively social crowd, the more pleased she became. She didn't miss the empty chatter for even a second. Frankly, all the sweet-talk was making her feel particularly bothersome and sick. It was one of the most important reasons she had loved growing up outside of Alderrath so much. It was occasions like these where she missed the home in the Ashmoorian countryside, far away from all the sickly sweet bootlicking.

Away from all the unnecessary small talk the emo girl finally found her peace. It gave her a chance to actually do what she had come here to do: appreciate the endless works of art that graced the walls of the gallery. She passed by painting after painting until, eventually, she found one that was particularly to her liking. Perhaps it was the melancholy that drew her to it, or maybe it was the fact that it was on the far end of the gallery. It didn't matter, this remote corner became her safe refuge.

Until it was so cruelly invaded by none other than Alison Winter.

As soon as her own surname resounded in the gallery, a sigh of utter discontent left her lips. She turned her head ever so slightly, only to see hues of horrific candy coated giddiness. Of course the darling of society had to wear a most unsightly colour pink. As if she didn't stick out enough already with that higher-than-life attitude of hers.

"Winter." She stated in an indifferent manner as she briefly offered the lady a nod. She might loathe the girl, but she hadn't lost all her manners. More than the somewhat respectful nod was all Alison Winter would get from her though, she didn't even bother looking at her for longer than a second. It simply hurt her eyes to look at such a bright shade of pink. Or perhaps she had a hard time focussing on anything other than 'the dress'. "I prefer to actually spend some time admiring the art instead of smiling my way through this event." She stated as she sought to find a place in the portrait she could focus on. "Shouldn't you be talking to.. whomever?" She asked with a tone of disinterest. In other words: get going and leave me by my lonesome.

Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:43 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime

In essence, Alison was quite open-minded. Not everyone was the same and that was perfectly fine. Otherwise the world would get too boring anyway. She therefore didn’t mind Faolan’s quiet nature, or how prissy Lottie could sometimes be. She also didn’t mind how gloomy and lonesome Howard could be.

What she did mind was that awfully stuck up, arrogant personality of hers.

Honestly, there was rude and then there was Vivienne Howard. She didn’t seem to give a care about anyone that wasn’t herself and didn’t even try to hide it. Alison couldn’t imagine what that must be like, such a bleak and lonely existence when it was so easily avoided. She would have loved to invite her into her circle of friends, to take her under her wing. But it had been clear from the very beginning that that was not something Howard wanted.

”No one here expects you to smile, Howard.” She wondered whether she was even capable of smiling. Maybe those muscles in her face had moved so little that they were frozen in place. If only that could prevent the nasty words that so often escaped her mouth. Even now, despite the fact that the younger woman was looking elsewhere she kept talking to her, inviting exactly the response that she seemed so adamant at preventing. ”Am I not talking to someone?” the blonde asked in return, one thick eyebrow slightly raised. She could do this all day if she wanted to. As long as Vivienne would play nice she had nothing against the girl.

In other words, it would probably be a very short conversation.


Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:11 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
Vivienne was a girl who delighted in serene melancholy. She didn't enjoy pointless conversation about senseless trivial topics that the many talked about each day. She didn't prefer the giddiness that seemed to overtake the brain of the upper class dimwits. There was nothing she so adored than living in solitude. She thrived when she was surrounded by silence, so she'd be left to mentally spar with the only person she truly tolerated: herself.

To someone like her, it was an utter shame that the serene silence she found herself in had to be ruined by the likes of Alison Winter. Sometimes she wondered if there was someone she despised more, but none came to mind. Vivienne thought of her mind as a diamond: cold,  hard and brilliant. Winter's on the other hand was more comparable to rose quartz: translucent, dull and foolishly focused on emotions such as love. It didn't help that the Heiress happened to be wearing a rather ghastly shade of pink, only further affirming Vivienne's inner thoughts about the matter.

No one expected her to smile. A cynical snicker left Vivienne's lips as soon as she the statement. "They don't? Because smiling thoughtlessly seems to be all that is expected nowadays." She remarked dryly. Her question had been a rather poor attempt at getting the sweetly-dressed tart to leave, as the blonde only further engaged in a conversation no one had asked for. "How you mistakingly call me 'someone'." She mused pensively as her eyes roamed over the portrait. A classic Winter thing to assume, she supposed. "I do hope that, considering you're conversing with me, you have something more sensible to say. I don't care much for empty assumptions and useless questions."  She continued calmly. Did she just call Alison Winter unintelligent? Not exactly, but the other woman would probably see it that way. Vivienne supposed that Winter couldn't help it, after all, the blonde lived in a world of ignorance. And many thought that ignorance was bliss. Many who were utter imbeciles, of course.

Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:05 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Of course, high society wasn't everything. For more introverted people it was probably awful that they were always expected to be present and look happy to be there even when they weren't. For people like her, the expectations that were put onto her were sometimes hard to deal with, the way she had to keep her high spirited nature in check in order to be more graceful and ladylike. She had gotten used to it, though, had learned to play the game and even enjoyed it now. In essence, she had become that charming, graceful young lady throughout the years, with only sporadic outbursts of enthusiasm. And it did her well.

She thought that it might be good for Vivienne as well. Wouldn't it be better for her, not to have that permanent frown on her face? Unfortunately she was so damn stubborn, so set in her ways of hating the world around her and everyone in it. It was clear by the words that sounded from her mouth now, so arrogantly putting herself above others. As if everyone needed to pass a test to see if they were intelligent enough to be allowed to converse with Vivienne Howard; no room for empty assumptions and useless questions. A small, amused look appeared on the blonde's face. "You know, Howard, life is about more than proving you're the best. Don't you think it takes up so much of your energy, judging others all day long?" Her voice was low and knowing as she looked at the dark-haired girl. "It would do your pretty face good if you stopped frowning every once in a while." Although, on the other hand, she couldn't quite picture her smiling; that just felt wrong. But maybe she could start by relaxing it every now and then.


Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:44 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
There was nothing more ludicrous that the play of 'pretend' the upper class of Ashmoor liked to play. It was exhausting and frankly, there was little worth to it. The only thing one could accomplish by smiling endlessly was receiving an empty compliment or two. Vivienne supposed that some people would be utterly content with that: the thought that people liked them, based on little but looks and titles. One of those people must be Alison 'I am as excruciatingly sweet as my dress' Winter.

It didn't surprise Vivienne that the blonde came up with a rather so-so comeback. The heiress even had that higher-than-life amused look on her face, as if she had just come up with a brilliant takedown of the dark-haired girl. Vivienne just found the look considerably annoying. "You know, Winter," she started calmly. "I don't really have to prove anything when it is so blatantly obvious. As for judging others, it is a much more amusing pastime than trying to be a perfect darling of society." She stated.

To make matters worse, Winter had the nerve to tell her that she ought to smile more. "I only smile when there's a reason to," She told her with a sigh. The girl turned towards the blonde, looking at her with an amused look in her eye. "It is interesting to know you find me pretty." She mused as she looked Alison up and down. "You're not wrong of course, little fruit tart." And finally, the corners of her lips turned upwards slightly.

Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:57 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Alison could really do this all day. She wasn't trying to annoy her or win any argument they might have, just having a little chat. One of many she would have that day. So she really didn't care if Vivienne thought that she was annoying or shallow, that she was somehow losing; it wasn't a competition. She was having a good time and she was not too sure that the same could be said for the pale girl, although she did say that judging others was amusing for her. "Is it?" she hummed, her head slightly tilted. She wanted that for her, to be amused, but it didn't really seem like she was.

She met her eyes when she was finally blessed enough to be looked at. Truth be told, there was some amusement to be found in her gaze. Apparently, for the first time that day she had said something that was interesting enough to be spoken about. Who would have thought it would have been about Vivienne's looks. "That's what is interesting to you? My opinion on how you look?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she searched for any sort of ridicule or sarcasm in her eyes.

But her gaze was gone already as it went up and down the blonde's stature. The two of them looked quite contrasting, opposites even. Other than she had expected of Howard, she did care about other people's opinions on her looks. She always tried hard to look good for everyone, even though realistically that was quite impossible. So the brunette's taunting remark really shouldn't come as a surprise, but it did make her slightly uncomfortable. Little fruit tart. Truly, what a nasty person she was. But she wouldn't allow her to get the best of her, so even though the hurt flashed across her eyes for just a moment, a perfectly amused smile stayed plastered on her face. Well. I am glad my appearance has made you finally smile." she said, her low voice silky smooth. "You know you are welcome to come and borrow any of my dresses whenever you please." She knew that her acting blissfully unaware would only make her think lower of her, but she didn't care. She would not have the satisfaction of insulting her.


Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:29 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
By responding to Alison just minutes ago Vivienne now realised that she was stuck with her. The Howard girl would never stray away from dominating just about anyone in a conversation, especially not if that person was Alison Winter. "Oh so very." She spoke in what could be a reassuring tone, hadn't it been for the lack of amusement in her eyes. "People tend to make such foolish remarks," she went on. "It makes knowing that you're the smartest person in a room all the more rewarding." A lonely existance if there ever was one, but that was what she preferred in life.

Finally, a hint of amusement found its way into her eyes. Perhaps the blonde hadn't meant to be so blunt; Vivienne could only assume that calling her 'pretty' wasn't what Winter had meant to say. But the little 'slip-up' was what stuck with her. Of course, the sickly-sweet girl wasn't wrong. "Well I wouldn't dare to make you uncomfortable by talking about anything else than looks." She remarked casually. How accompanying of her. Perhaps she had a heart after all.

The blonde was truly the physical embodiment of annoyance for Vivienne Howard. The way Winter so effortlessly plastered an empty smile on her face was nonsensical. It made her appear all the more void of any intellectual capability. Yet had dark-haired girl detected something else too? It had been so brief, but she could have sworn she spotted a look of disturbance on the 'perfect' face of society's darling. It was almost a shame it was buried under a slur of more pointless words.

"Believe me when it wasn't your appearance that has made me smile." She said slowly as she took a step toward the other. She didn't care to explain it, nor did she want to. She'd let Winter spend many a sleepless night trying to figure it out, emphasis on trying. Another step in her direction. "I have no intention to dress in such a colourful manner." She said, her eyes briefly displaying an utter discontent at the thought of it. "But you would like to see me in one of your dresses?" She taunted as she showed a smug grin. Another step. "Perhaps that would make me even more 'pretty', and more to your liking." A last step forward, so that she was standing so very close to the blonde that she could see all the tiny brown spots in the tart's eyes. "Why do you feel the need to like me, Peach?" She teased, clearly very content with the new nickname she had just thought of. How it would bother Winter, how amusing.

Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:16 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime

The snide remarks she could handle. Alison was raised in a certain way, Vivienne in another; that was fine. What the dark-haired girl failed to see was that every dress, every look and smile and well-placed comment had its function. Alison wanted people to like her, that much was true, but there was more to it. She had a goal in life, one that was set in stone from the moment she was born. A well-liked heiress meant, one day, a well-liked and respected leader. And if Howard failed to understand that then maybe she wasn’t as bright as she thought. Booksmart, sure. But there was more to life.

So the comments were the comments. Even after the friendly nickname she could take a breath and stay calm, not letting herself be provoked. But that wasn’t enough, was it? Somewhere along the way it seemed like she had done the provoking. A change had happened; where the Howard spawn had been uninterested and bored in the beginning, she was now fully focused on the conversation. On her. Step by step the distance between them was closed and Alison’s eyes seemed to become larger with each one. Her breathing became slightly heavier as her gaze stayed locked with the other’s. Instinctively, she brought her hand up to twist the necklace resting on her collarbone, only to find out she wasn’t wearing one that day; brushing against exposed skin instead.

She felt threatened. Not that she would ever admit it, but the look on her face said enough. ”I—“ she started, but Vivienne went on until she reached a certain word. No, name. A shiver ran down Alison’s spine at the mention of it, her stomach feeling as though it dropped to the floor. Did she—? No, she couldn’t. Surely there was no way. Alison dropped her hand as she took the final step, once again exposing herself. She was vulnerable. Vivienne had her right under her thumb.

The way she’d said it. Such a sweet word filled with such loathing. But it wasn’t just loathing. It was amusement and annoyance and provocation. So different than when she heard it last. Her mouth was opened slightly as she looked at her, her cheeks a healthy blush. It was silent for a while before she spoke. ”I despise you.” she said, her voice soft and hoarse.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She hated her. She hated her. Her narcissistic nature, her superiority complex. Always had to be better than everyone else, had to have the last word. So uninterested in others. So adamant to let Alison know of her dominance.

She tried to look away. Truly. She could even walk away if she wanted to. But then the moment would be gone and the dark-haired girl's attention would be focused on dark paintings again. She couldn’t let that happen. She wanted her attention on her. Talk more about putting on her dresses. She could just imagine Vivienne in her room, slipping out of her dark ensemble, the contours of her body visible as she turned around—

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alison was aware of the fact that she had gotten herself into a very difficult situation. Still, the part that couldn’t look away won. Vivienne had won.


Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:22 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
High infidelity E8q58DG
High infidelity 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
A chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. Checkmate, I couldn't lose
Was Alison Winter actually as ignorant and senseless as Vivienne made her out to be? Probably not. If the blonde's mind truly was made of nothing more than straw the dark-haired girl would have never invested as much effort in their conversation. There would be no use in arguing with a dumbfounded fool, it wouldn't be worth her time. But Winter was something else entirely. She was someone that she wanted to argue with, she wanted to prove she was better. In many ways, the high-society tart was her greatest nemesis. And Vivienne would make sure she'd win every single time.

By stepping toward Winter she knew exactly what she was doing. Not only was she filling the girl's head with quick rhetoric, she was also invading her personal space. It was something she herself despised other people doing, but her doing it was for the greater good. She wanted to show the little mademoiselle exactly what she thought of her. Her win was on the horizon and it was looking just peachy.

Her sudden verbal charge paid off. A most smug smirk appeared on Vivienne's face as Winter struggled to say anything. What would she come up with? It would never be as eloquent as her own reasoning, she supposed. Perhaps more empty-headed chatter would follow, which would allow her to come up with a whole new set of insults cloaked in rhetoric that was beyond most people. The conversation she so loathed  was suddenly the brightest part of her day, all because she could show little Peach just how much better she was. That would show her.

Vivienne had so hoped for something worthwile to come her way, but it didn't. All the blonde could say was a simple 'I despise you'. It was the most impotent response there was. An annoyed look appeared on her face as she looked at the girl in front of her. Her eyes were glaring with disappointment. She had won but there was little reward, and she hated it. "Is that all you can say?" She spoke in a cold manner. Gone was the amusement she had previously felt. "Is there truly that little going on in that head of yours?" She asked. She supposed not.

Without any warning she stepped further toward the other. She kept walking, forcing the girl to take steps backwards, right until she saw Winter stop in front of wall behind them. "I thought you to at least be worth this conversation," she said as she laid her hand on the blonde's shoulder. With a remarkably soft touch she pushed the girl against the wall and kept her there. "But you're not even worth my time." She said in a tone that was similar to her touch. "It's a shame, truly." She spoke as she briefly looked the little tart up and down. She would have liked to continue this rivarly, if not for the logic then for whatever else.

It would be best to just go. But she couldn't get herself to leave without making one last remark. Vivienne's free hand carefully tucked a strand of the annoyingly blonde hair behind Winter's ear. "If you are truly dying your hair let me just say you would have looked better as a brunette." She sighed. And with that she let Alison go and walked away. It was just so very disappointing. She should have never toyed with the idea that Winter was a worthy nemesis.

Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:31 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
High infidelity JS82q3hE_o
High infidelity 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
A feeling of slight panic overtook her. The image had crossed her mind for no longer than a second, but it was long enough to engulf every single clear thought going through her head. She had never felt this way before, not even with Faolan for whom her affection was growing each day. So why--? She didn't have the chance to figure out why. As her palms were feeling sweaty and her heartbeat was rising, she had one clear thought: She needed to get away from here. She didn't want to, but she should.

As soon as the decision crossed her mind, however, Vivienne made it impossible for her to leave. Her voice sounded, cold and disapproving, and it made her freeze in place. Is there truly that little going on in that head of yours? Alison's eyes grew big, the corners of her mouth dropping in a frown. She had disappointed her, somehow, and it made her feel awful. Just a minute ago she had brushed off her snide remarks, now it hurt her to her core. Not the fact that she called her dumb, again, no; it was the fact that Howard was so displeased in her. Was there nothing she could do to win her approval?

Why did she care? WHY did she care? She hated her with a passion and had done so for as long as she had known the girl. She was probably just tired. Or maybe some fresh air would fix this mess that was going on in her head. If she would just get away--

But Vivienne started walking towards her and there was nothing she could do but take a step backwards. And another, and another. She hadn't realised how close she was to the wall until she was pushed against it, the cold touch of the girl's hand on her shoulder all she could feel. It felt like electric pulses were pushed into her bloodstream from her shoulder, sending the butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy and the thoughts in her head into a thunderstorm.

It was entirely too much. She didn't even hear the brunette's words at first, just watched as her soft lips moved to form each syllable. How they opened and closed on the word 'time', plush as they collided and shaped on the m. She wanted to feel just how soft they were and almost, almost tilted her head forward. But Vivienne continued and it forced Alison to look up into her eyes, once more seeing the disapproval in them.

She opened her mouth to -- to say what, exactly? -- but Vivienne's hand softly brushed against her cheek and ear as she tucked a strand of hair behind it. This is it. she thought. She's going to kiss me. She knew what kissing was, now, and the thought of it made her cheeks a bright crimson red. She shouldn't want it after those awful words. Hell, she shouldn't want it at all! Why was she wanting it? She didn't know, only knew that she desperately, desperately did.

It was no surprise, then, that it felt like her heart stopped when those final words came out of her mouth. Looked better as a brunette. There had already been a seed of insecurity there and it was now watered, growing like a flower in the sun. But there was something else, too: the smallest possibility that there was a version of herself that Vivienne would even somewhat like.

And then she walked away.

She walked away and just left her there. Left her with all those feelings and thoughts and insecurities, wobbling on her knees as she fought to keep in the tears, her hand clumping the strand of hair that Vivienne had looked at. She counted to thirty, then thirty more, anything to make sure that she was gone. Everything had shifted and she now had a power over her that scared her to the point where she never wanted to see her again.

She waited thirty more seconds and then looked for Nyx to take her home.


Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:34 am
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