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Gotta stay high
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Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress
Traveling from the Lower Ring to the Middle Ring still felt like a dangerous thing to do. She had dyed her hair black, but of course she couldn’t change much about her face. She applied her make-up a bit differently than she had done in the Upper Ring. In the Upper Ring she would’ve only used a little bit to high light some of the features of her face, but in the Lower Ring when she went to work and when traveling to the Middle Ring she actually made an effort to apply her make-up like she had a lot of experience with it. She felt like it turned out pretty well, but the make-up products would eventually run out and that stuff was expensive. The money she had stolen from her father was almost running out because she had bought a house with it and still had to buy food to not pass out from hunger every day. She couldn’t keep doing this.

And she should’ve probably stay away from the Middle Ring, but the temptation was hard to resist. She couldn’t get herself adjusted to the Lower Ring life no matter how hard she tried and walking around these people, even though they were obviously not to be compared with the people in the Upper Ring, made her feel a bit more… worthy? She wore her best clothes to the Middle Ring so that nobody would suspect she was actually living in the Lower Ring. With her black hair and her make-up done differently she hoped she wouldn’t be recognized from anyone that was living in the Upper Ring and that had heard the rumors about her.

As she passed by a few shops, her eyes averted to a store that was obviously a weapon shop. This reminded her of the small dagger she had in her pocket. She couldn’t do anything with it as she didn’t know how to defend herself, but as she looked at the weapons that were stalled out as examples around the shop, she couldn’t help but wonder how it would be if she could actually defend herself, both physically and verbally.

It would make her life in the Lower Ring so much easier, that was for sure.

@Remiël Darleston
Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

Remiël was quietly working on her bow in the workshop of her father, who was in the back melting metal into swords while she was sitting quietly in the front. To aid the customers who would come into the shop. She had already done her fair share of organizing and cleaning up in the place, which was clearly visible in the way the shop presented itself with a bit of a femine touch. And now, there wasn’t a lot to do for her.

When a dark haired woman stopped in front of the smithy, she kept her eyes on her, and even though it didn’t look like she wanted to step inside, she looked somehow interested. Patiently Remy watched her, to see whether she wanted anything. But eventually she decided to help the woman, placing the bow next to her on the table. With her hands behind her back, she slowly approached her, smiling. ”Is there anything I can help you with?” She asked with a friendliness in her eyes. The woman seemed to almost daydream, and even though Remy didn’t want to disturb her peace, she couldn’t help the feeling that there was maybe something the woman wanted help with. She could be wrong, ofcourse, but then she would find out.

Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:16 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress
Hazel drew in a short gasp when someone spoke to her, pulling her out of her deep thoughts. She averted her eyes to the woman standing in front of her. She was beautiful, Hazel noticed. She had long brown hair that matched with her dark eyebrows and dark eyes and she looked to be healthy, nothing compared to some people Hazel saw in the Lower Ring. As she had just moved to the Lower Ring, Hazel was still looking quite healthy herself, so she could get away with the lie that she was from the Middle Ring as long as the toxic environment of the Lower Ring wouldn’t affect her. But she knew it would only be a matter of time before she ran out of money and she would have to go to bed hungry some days because she wasn’t able to buy herself some proper food. She had already tasted the food in the Lower Ring and while it wasn’t poisoned or anything, it lacked the luxury she had in the Upper Ring.

She knew she shouldn’t quicken the process of running out of money by buying herself a weapon, but she still wondered of having one dagger was enough to protect herself in the Lower Ring. She worked night shifts and it had proven itself a lot of times that the streets were dangerous at night. ”Well, this might sound a bit stupid,” Hazel spoke before she could stop herself. ”But I was wondering if you have any knowledge of wielding a weapon. I have a dagger, but I’m not very good with it.” That… was not what she had expected herself to ask of the woman, but she knew what she was saying was true. And maybe wielding a weapon was even more handy than getting a second weapon to protect herself.

After all… if she couldn’t defend herself with one weapon without any knowledge of how to, then what was the point of getting a second dagger?
Sun Jul 31, 2022 12:08 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

If anything, her father had taught Remy not to be so quick to judge people based on appearances. To her it didn’t matter if someone came from the upperring or the lower-ring, she would always help them, without asking too many questions. She didn’t treat anyone in any way she did not want to be treated herself either. Remiël had watched the woman in front of the shop for some time, before she eventually decided to ask her whether she needed help with anything. Her eyes were calmly resting on the woman while she waited patiently for a reply, indicating whether she would want her help or not.

However, instead of asking her about some smithy work, she asked Remy whether she had any knowledge of wielding a weapon, a dagger in particular. She looked at the woman with only a slightly surprised look on her face, but she remained rather calm. ”I do,” She admitted, taking one of the daggers the woman had been looking at, without showing any intent to use it on the woman as she just kept it loosely in her hand. ”I hope you won’t be planning to use this in an attempt to rid yourself of a certain someone in your life.” Remy told her with a soft smile, though, if so, it wouldn’t really be her business to know that either. ”You should never think lightly about taking another person’s life.” It was a slight warning, and while she said it, she looked down at the dagger in her hand. ”But I can most certainly teach you how to defend yourself, if you like.” She continued, looking back up at the woman and offering her the dagger, after which she moved her, gesturing towards a room with more space and less people watching.

Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:01 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel felt her cheeks getting a bit warm, although it wasn’t anything to be ashamed of to admit that you couldn’t wield a weapon. She was raised in the Upper Ring and she didn’t had the need to protect herself there. She was raised in a protective environment, which was probably why she had so much trouble getting adjusted to the life in the Lower Ring. She felt like with her skills she could get overpowered in an instant and that it would only be a matter of time before she would get herself killed or kidnapped. The Lower Ring was no joke and Hazel was told in the inn where she worked at that it was the most dangerous place to be at, even more dangerous than the Agrarian Ring. Maybe that was why she admitted that she needed help.

Luckily for her the woman replied in a positive manner, although Hazel also got some advice. ”I-I don’t intend to,” Hazel stammered. The very idea of taking one’s life made her shiver. She would never be able to do that, no matter how much pain the other would have caused her. Even in her druid form she would rather ran away from danger than head towards it. She just wanted to be able to defend herself if push came to shove and there we no other reason to it, but the woman in front of her couldn’t know that of course. ”I just want to be able to defend myself. I… I moved to the Lower Ring a while ago and it’s quite dangerous there.” The woman would find out that she came from the Lower Ring eventually, so there was no use in hiding it. She looked completely different with her black hair from the woman she used to be in the Upper Ring and she had never seen the woman before, so what was the danger in telling her this?

After she took the dagger from the woman, she followed her to a room with a more open space. It was hidden from onlookers, which Hazel was glad about. She knew she would stumble a lot more over her actions and words if she knew she had an audience. And she felt strangely comfortable around this confident looking woman. ”My name’s Hazel by the way,” she quickly introduced herself before they would get down to business. She hoped that they could be friends after this. Or at least no strangers anymore.

She really could use a friend if she had to be completely honest with herself.

Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

Remiël knew she probably didn’t have the right to say anything about it, after all, she was the one selling weapons, not this woman right over here. But, she wanted for the woman to think about before she would ever take a life, that it was better to save lives. There were consequences, because death was final and it could not be undone. She didn’t want this woman to suffer those consequences, and do anything she might regret later. Yet, the moment the young woman responded back to Remy, she was able to wash away those worries, and she smiled. The woman didn’t seem too fond of the idea.

The black haired woman didn’t need to defend herself, saying that she recently moved to the lower-ring and that she wanted to be able to protect herself, because she could understand her need to want to learn self-defense. And he would have gone along with it even without that explanation, but the woman couldn’t have known that. ”I understand the need and want to protect yourself.” She told her, with a smile, telling her that it was fine. And after she gave the woman the dagger, she walked with her towards the other room, where they would have a bit more privacy.

That wasn’t the only reason why she chose this room, because there was something else. There was a wooden mannequin standing in the corner, made for training, which could be useful. She took it out of the corner and placed it in the middle of the room, where they had enough space. Her eyes turned back to the woman who introduced herself als Hazel. ”Nice to meet you, Hazel, my name is Remiël.” She said, smiling as she placed herself next to the mannequin, before she moved around the woman to stand next to her. Remy wanted to take her hand, to show her how to hold the dagger, but she never liked touching people without asking their permission. ”May I?” She asked with a friendly tone.

Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:39 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress
Hazel felt like she was lucky to have met this kind woman. Even though she was probably born in the Middle Ring, she didn’t have that air of arrogance hanging around her most of the more wealthy people would have. Hazel thought that she probably wouldn’t have as much money as she once had in the Upper Ring, but a business like this couldn’t earn badly, right? Especially since there were so much armored people around in Ashmoor. Even in the Upper Ring there were a lot of guards stationed around and they would have to get their weapons from somewhere. If she could possibly wield a weapon or craft one, she might have chosen a job like this herself. But she felt more comfortable with bringing drinks to customers and cleaning tables, even though the environment surrounding her job wasn’t always as pleasant. She couldn’t complain, especially not for a job within the Lower Ring. She could have done worse, that was for sure.

Luckily the woman understood her, so Hazel decided not to give anything more away about her whereabouts or who she was. She didn’t think this woman would know her, but it would just have to be one wrong word, even unintentionally, spread out to the Upper Ring and she would be in big trouble, especially if the church would get involved. Luckily her druid form was something she could hide as long as she wasn’t exposed to heavy emotions, but she still didn’t want the church to keep an eye on her. That would be disastrous.

The woman introduced herself as Remiël and Hazel gave her a kind nod. ”Nice to meet you as well,” she spoke softly, giving the woman a kind gaze. She nodded once more when the woman asked permission and she held out her own hand with the dagger. She held her hand in a more diagonally way, but it was pure instinct which she acted on. She didn’t know if this was the proper form to hold a dagger.
Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:43 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

Remiël knew things couldn’t be easy, being a woman in a rather big city, with a lot of men wandering the streets at night. She only wanted to know it wasn’t the woman’s intention to stab someone to death out of a grudge, even if it wasn’t her business. It was only a warning, because she wouldn’t - or couldn’t - tell her what to do. After all, it was up to the people themselves to make their own decisions. Remy could, in the end, only hope she would make the right one when handling this weapon.

For a short moment she gave the woman a smile when she told her it was nice to meet her too, before she would dive into the lesson that was to be learned. She asked for permission to take her hand, and when she was given, she took place behind the woman, taking her hand. ”You’ll mostly want to use the underhand, since you’ll be able to use more strength that way.” She said, motioning her hand in a stabbing way, but much slower, in the underhand. Remiël didn’t need to reposition her hand, since she already held it out the right way. She only needed to tighten the grip of the girl on the hilt. ”And you would want to aim upwards, right underneath the ribs.” She said as she moved back from behind the girl to her front. Pointing at the right position on her own torso, then softly placing her hand back on the woman’s hand again, to redirect the dagger towards that position, without stabbing herself. ”Right here.” Her eyes softly moved from the dagger, placed almost against her clothes, back to the woman. She placed herself in a vulnerable position here, because if the woman had any ill intent, she could just shove the dagger right in, but she decided to trust the woman. And it showed in her eyes.

Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:13 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel felt her shoulders relax even more when the woman smiled at her. She felt like she could trust this woman, even if they hadn’t known each other for half an hour. There was some aura hanging around the woman that made Hazel want to let her guard down. She knew she could be naïve because she was an Upper Ringer and before all of this happened she wasn’t even close to anything dangerous, but life in the Lower Ring hadn’t toughened her up hard enough to be distrustful of other people. Maybe she should, but something about Remiël made her feel like that she didn’t have to do that.

The woman started to explain how Hazel could effectively attack her opponent. It wasn’t the explanation that made Hazel raise her eyebrows, even though she hadn’t expected to learn such an aggressive move for the first lesson. It was the fact that Remiël trusted her enough to show her exactly where she should stab, even holding Hazel’s hand while aiming the weapon underneath her own ribs. If Hazel had any ill intent, she could’ve seriously wounded or maybe even kill the woman right now and nobody could ever intervene. But Hazel didn’t have ill intent and a soft gaze implemented itself in her features when she looked at Remiël, silently thanking her for trusting her back.

”I’m confused,” she spoke softly. ”This should be able to kill someone, right? Do I really have to go that far to survive in the Lower Ring, you think?” It was an advanced move that would surely leave a nasty wound and more likely kill her opponent, since if she could aim right she would go straight for the heart. Hazel lowered the weapon to make sure to Remiël that she really didn’t have any ill intent, although she felt like that if she had Remiël would have noticed by now.

Or not. One blow like that and it could be all over. Only the thought of it made Hazel shiver.

Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:39 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

Trust came both ways. This girl had asked Remy to teach her how to use a dagger, and Remy wanted to help her in the best way that she could, which meant showing some vulnerability. If the girl would aim at the wrong places on the human body, she could lose the dagger, and then she could possibly lose her life with it. You would think that it was easy to stab someone, but in truth, it wasn’t as easy as it would seem. Bones were hard, and not easy to maneuver around. But there were a few weak spots, and if she were to aim upwards, right underneath the ribs, she would be able to reach the heart.

So, she showed her the way to do it, and she could see in the soft facial expression that this surprised her. Her eyes kept looking at the woman while she was holding her hand, even thereby holding the dagger as well. Letting her speak. ”Yes, but if your life is in danger from someone who is able to kill you, you can’t afford to take any risks.” She told the woman, who was rather small build, like herself, even if Remy did harbor a bit more strength then she did. If there was a large man in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to win the fight, and only wounding him wouldn’t be enough to save herself. ”Ofcourse, I hope you will never have to use it.” She then told her, honestly.

Softly the girl lowered the dagger and Remy moved her eyes down before looking back up into her eyes. ”You can practise on this wooden man if you like, you won’t be able to hurt him.” She then told her, taking a step back and smiling at her own little joke. Then Remiël was able to tell her if she was doing it right, and possibly give her more advice on how to hold the dagger, even if she already seemed to be holding it right.

Sun Oct 23, 2022 9:23 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Remiël was putting herself in quite the critical condition with the way she held the dagger towards her chest. She didn’t even know Hazel that well and Hazel could only have respect for such amount of courage. If Hazel had wrong intentions, she could either seriously wound the woman or even kill her in the process. But luckily for Remiël Hazel didn’t have any bad intentions; she even drew back a little to avoid pressing the tip further into the soft flesh that was hidden under the beautiful clothes the woman in front of her wore. The woman answered her question and Hazel bit her lip, but eventually she gave a nod. She understood that it would be necessary to save her own life to go to these kind of measures, but the idea of killing someone still made her feel uneasy.

”I hope so as well,” she muttered softly, turning towards the wooden man that was stationed in the center of the room. She approached it and placed the dagger where she thought Remiël had held the tip of the dagger just now, pressing upwards. Then she averted her gaze shyly towards Remiël, slowly lifting a questionable eyebrow, as if she was asking if she was doing it right. She wanted to make small talk with the woman, but she was scared that he would start asking questions that Hazel couldn’t afford herself to answer, so it was probably better to just stick with the training and not get too personal with her.

Tue Oct 25, 2022 2:31 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Remiël Darleston
Remiël Darleston
Nienn Bean
Gotta stay high 1XNHQ6yO_o
Gotta stay high Tumblr_p7tdfuRdB91wwhs5lo2_400

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Mage
Occupation: Smith

These burning flames, these crashing waves
Wash over me like a hurricane

Remiël trusted her own instincts enough to know this girl wouldn’t hurt her, because she had seemed rather insecure about everything from the moment she had set foot in the smithy. It didn’t seem like her intention to hurt anything, because she only wanted to protect herself. Someone like that wouldn’t just attack another person without any good reason, which was why she dared to hold the blade in front of her belly, right beneath her ribcage. Showing her where she needed to aim if she wanted to be successful in her attempt to get away from someone.

The woman even drew back a little, clearly not comfortable with holding a dagger against another person, but she had to learn to trust herself as well. If she herself knew that she wasn’t going to hurt Remy, then she had nothing to fear from holding the dagger against her skin. Nothing could happen. A quick smile was headed in her direction when the woman told her she hoped so too, because taking a life never should be the intention. But then she allowed the woman to practice on a wooded man.

Her eyes kept careful watch on her movement, and while she held the dagger in the right position, she still lacked strength. ”That was good, but now with more force.” She told her, crossing her arms while waiting for her to give it another try.

Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:02 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Gotta stay high 53zL75vk_o
Gotta stay high TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel could feel that Remiël was watching her, so she couldn’t help but lift a questionable eyebrow at the young woman when she practiced what Remiël had learned her just now. She listened closely to the advice and nodded, to which she averted her gaze back to her hand that was still holding the dagger. But she didn’t move upwards. She just gazed at the dagger, many questions whirling around in her head. She knew that getting close to the woman would be a possible risk of exposing herself, but she couldn’t help that she wanted to have at least someone to talk to. She wasn’t as naïve to spill all her darkest secrets to the woman, but it wouldn’t be wrong to get at least a little to know her, right?

”How come you know so much about this? Did someone teach it to you?” she asked, turning her head towards the woman. ”I don’t mean to intrude on personal matters of course, but…” She smiled a little shyly at the woman as she kept on going with spilling her thoughts to the woman. ”I can’t help myself from thinking that you’re really easy to talk to.” Maybe a little too easy.

Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:33 am
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