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Up On High
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Up On High Pasted10
Up On High Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
It was quiet up here... Nothing more than the simple chill in the air and the faint sounds of passing critters on the ground. He had some time to himself, today, and he had every intent to make the most of it as he found a little spot up above on a little hill. Deirdre makes himself comfortable, and takes a few minutes to just enjoy the atmosphere before idly tugging out a pen and sketchbook to take in the little details before him.
Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:25 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
Up On High HdukYTo
Up On High Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

Free Reign.

Life was boring when you had to wait. And Vox had been waiting for weeks now, at least it felt like it. Why couldn't the moon get fuller quicker? Why couldn't he just speed up the process, get himself turned into that horrible furry creature and then be done with it? It was annoying him and he knew why. The transformation was nearing. Only a couple of days and it would be that nightmare all over again.

Vox tried to distract himself by walking around the city. It wasn't like anyone was going to stop him from doing that. Walking around wasn't illegal for the royal family, right? He could make it illegal with all the shit he constantly put himself in. Today he had managed to get himself a little further away from the city however, the quietness catching up to him now. It was nice somewhat.

But that silence got so rudely disturbed by a person. A person. How dare they. "Hey, that's my spot," Vox so pleasantly announced himself, knowing fully well he'd never been here before. But still he frowned and looked a little sad. As best he could of course.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:18 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Up On High Pasted10
Up On High Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
Deirdre blinks at the sound of another voice, having spent that time fairly engrossed in his sketching. He looks up at the unfamiliar face and squints. Is that a thing? Reserving a little slice of nature like this?

He tilts his head and offers him a soft smile before scooting over and patting the spot on the ground beside him. Deirdre wouldn't leave, but he would make room, if need be. He fiddles with his pen and thinks no further on it before looking back to his sketchbook.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:25 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Vox Ylindar
Vox Ylindar
Up On High HdukYTo
Up On High Cl5tqtj

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Royal pain in the ass

Free Reign.

Vox hadn't seen the stranger before. Duh, otherwise he wouldn't be a stranger. Plus, Ishgard was full of people he didn't know. It was both horrible and enjoyable. 'Cause most of the people didn't know him either, since he barely showed up to any fancy event his uncle threw. They didn't want him to be a 'security risk'. Unless there was food involved.

Claiming a spot in nature was useless, hence why he did it. He was a little surprised to see the stranger not respond and simply just moving a little to offer the spot to Vox. It made him grin in confusion. Still he moved closer to sit down next to the other. "I was kidding, I've never been here before," he chuckled, immedately drawn to the other's sketchbook. Personal space? Don't know her. "Oh! Watcha drawing?" he immediately asked enthusiastically, peering at the pages. Looked like some fine art going on over there.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:54 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Up On High Pasted10
Up On High Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
He didn't mind the lack of space, not really thinking too hard on it. There's a small, inaudible laugh from him at the mention that he's never been here before.

Deirdre shifts a bit to pass him the sketchbook, showing him the drawing of the view before them: Snow topped trees and distant mountains beside the little town they lived in. While the other man looks over the drawing, he tugs out his notebook and cracks open a page... before sprawling down words on it.

It's a nice spot. Not many people come here.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:05 pm
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