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Good people are hard to find
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Five days, it had been that long. He didn't even know anymore. The older man rolled on his back, the room, his head and his lungs filled with smoke. He had paid up front, to not be disturbed. There was just one thing that he wanted, nobody to bother him. And thus, they left him alone. Within a private room, for days on end.
Therion had no idea how much time had passed, he went here after sending Anui back home, hurting both her and himself in the process. He hadn't been home every since. And now, now there was this danger point. He had difficulty knowing what was his high, a vision or reality. Everything blurred together and it made him sick, but he couldn't do anything against it. It was like his mind was in overdrive. He had been running, running for so long. The woman in front of him, who he recognized as Ani, kept running away from him. Most of his vision were surrounded around him, but this was different. Because the point of view was both from him and not from him. He was both the chaser and a spectator. And when he was flying above the scene, he could see how someone else was chasing her. Another man, younger, of high birth. The former crown prince of Lemuria. The next moment it was he himself who was chasing her. Grabbing her in his arms, keeping her close, but every time she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He was frightened of this scene, afraid of losing her forever. Losing her because he could never be good enough for her. He saw her in his arms, but yet couldn't see his face. Laughing, crying, being together. He wanted to hurt him, kill him even. But the next scene, he had her in his arms. He wanted to kiss her, to embrace her. Yet Therion wasn't sure who he was at this moment. Was he himself? Was he the former crown prince? Was it a dream, a vision, was it the drugs playing tricks on his tired and overworking mind.
The older Rizal had paid for this service, to be undisturbed for the past few days. But the owner of the estate had made the discission that enough was enough. If they didn't stop him now, he would kill himself. And thus he was writing a letter. They had no contacts or anything for Therion if things went wrong, but as he kept mumbling a name, they thought it was the best to sent word for her. He folded the letter and gave it to one of the message boys, hoping that he could get it to the Vylasar estate as soon as possible.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:46 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
There was a deafening silence surrounding her in the empty bathroom. Aniu sat in the tub for... she wasn't sure how long. The water wasn't warm anymore, but she actually didn't care that much. She was somewhere else with her mind. Like she had been for the past five days. Two of which she almost cried non-stop. Now that she had finally allowed herself some emotions, she had a hard time putting a stop to them again. She was so grateful for her brother and sister and their attempts to comfort her, whenever they could. She knew they had only tried to help, but they didn't really understand. How could they? Their lives had become so much different than hers. And she wasn't sure if they would understand her situation with Therion. Gods.. Therion... She had already lost count of the number of times that she was on the verge of going to him to talk or just to make sure he was alright. But every time, something stopped her. Same with the hand full of crumpled-up letters in her room, she wrote him, but never sent. He had been clear. He needed her gone. Even if she didn't quite believe him. If she was honest, the anger she had felt that day still lingered as well. Angry with him, with herself, and with the situation. It left her distraught. And stuck in her own mind. Not knowing what to do. She hadn't heard from him either, which, to her, was a rather clear sign. Which made her ask herself the most horrible question of all: was this really and finally the end for them?

It took a couple of knocks before she realized there was someone at the door. "Miss Vylasar? Are you there?" Aniu recognized the voice of one of the servant girls. "Come in, Moira?" The girl slipped through the door, keeping her gaze on the floor. "A letter arrived for you, Miss." Aniu's eyes widened, and she could feel her heart skip a beat. Therion? She took the letter from the girl, mumbling a soft thank you and quickly opened it, with wet hands. Moira watched how the young sorceress's expression went through a roller coaster of nuanced emotions while reading the short letter. The expression she eventually landed on was hard to explain. It was a mixture of deep worry and fear, a hint of relief, and also a certain determination. The contents of this letter could explain why he hadn't contacted her, aside from the questions she had once again. Oh, Therion, what did you get yourself into.. Aniu didn't waste any time on them, though, and quickly got out of the tub to get dressed.

Within the hour she had found the establishment, which only increased her concern. She had no idea what to expect. How she would find him, in what state. Or if he even wanted to see her. But this building... this place... It scared her. This wasn't the kind of place she wanted either of them to be seen. The people who came here, in these den's... Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that she was too occupied with Therion, otherwise she would notice the somewhat worrying and alarming scenes around her. She was greeted by the man who had sent her the letter, who quickly took her to a room, amongst many others. On the way he roughly explained what he already told her in the letter. "In here." The man said pointing at last door in the hall. She thanked him and asked to stand-by if anything would happen. She than knocked on the door "Therion? It's me. I'm coming in okay?" When she opened the door she was met with what felt like a wall of strange smoke. It burned her eyes and prickled in her nose and throat, making her cough. She instantly recognized the smell. It was the same as what she had smelled in his apartment. And in Ravaryn too, she realized. Therion laid on the bed, seemingly lifeless. Only the smoke, he was breathing in and out, gave away that he was alive. Staring blankly at the ceiling. "Oh gods," Aniu quickly ran towards the bed, crawling onto it, hovering over him in his line of vision. "Therion? Can you hear me?" Her long black hair fell like a waterfall onto the bed, next to his face. Her eyes filled with worry as she placed her hand on his cheek.

& Therion
Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:46 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
She kept eluding him, running away, disappearing in smoke. He couldn't keep her in his arms, but she stayed for longer in his arms. It made him feel sick, but also light a fire that he had long forgotten. He wanted to fight, he wanted to punch the former crown prince in his pretty little face. He wanted to be victorious and claim his price. But the moment he got closer, they disappeared. He reaches out his name, tried to call out her name. But they only looked over their shoulders, looking at him as if he wat nothing but a lowly commoner, not worthy of their time. It made him feel even more angry, both at himself and at her. The room, at least he thought it was a room. He wasn't exactly certain were he was right now. But the space started to close in on him, making his heart beat in his throat while he walked around in circles. He pressed his hands against his ears, trying to cancel out the sounds of Ani laughing. It wasn't the beautiful laugh that he had come to love, no. This was mockery, pure agonizing mockery. She wanted to hurt him, and she knew how to hit him.

He heard her voice, far in the distance. While the laughing was still echoing in his head. His vision was blurry, through the smoke and the very dimmed light. He noticed the weight on top of him and something was tickling his nose. But his mind was still far off and not working the way it was supposed to. Yet, slowly, the light returned to his dark eyes and he blinked a few times, trying to regain his vision. He hard her voice again, still not sure where it was coming from. Here? In his mind? It could be anywhere. Something cold was pressed against his cheek. He tried to lift an arm, but his body was tired and hungry and he might have been on the edge of serious dehydration. "Ani?" His voice raspy after not speaking and only breathing in smoke for the past couple of days. "Why are you here?" It took him a couple of seconds, slowly gathering his thought, before he realised something. "Why are you here." He tried to scramble up, which was not working now that he realised that Anui was sitting over him.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:34 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
He was so far away. His dark eyes almost dull, as if life had already left them and his body was only waiting to do the same. Bloodshed with even more dark circles around them, than usual. Had he even slept the past couple days? She looked for some kind of recognition in his eyes, something that told her he was there, he was awake or waking up. This wasn't the first time she had seen him intoxicated, but never to this extent and she could feel herself getting panicked. What if she wasn't able to bring him back? The thought alone felt like someone closing up her throat slowly but surely. As if the smoke in this dimly lid room wasn't suffocating enough. But than he blinked and she could see the dullness slowly fading from his eyes. Only when he tried to lift his arm did she let out the breathe she didn't even know she was holding in. So relieved when he said her name, she smiled. "I'm here," she said softly, attempting to hold back a soft sob. She could actively feel the panic leave her body. Her hand stroked his face for a moment before she gently pressed her fingers on the veins in his neck to discover his heart was racing again. "Please, fetch some water!" she urged the owner, who was still standing in the doorway, before looking back down at the man she loved so deeply. Seeing him like this made her anger and doubts that had plagued her for days evaporate like Ravaryn snow in the a Xailan sun. It didn't matter at all anymore. All she needed was him, happy and healthy. It didn't matter if that was with or without her. He asked her the same question twice before trying to get up. Aniu quickly gave him some room to do so "Slowly," helping him sit up with her before answering. "You were mumbling my name." Her eyes did not break away from his face, still overflowing with concern for the Rizal, though the fact that he still called out for her even in this state did make them lit up with a touch of endearment. "The owner sent for me, because you've been here for days." Her voice cracked with emotion as her eyes started to water. "Are you trying to kill yourself Therion? Why are you doing this?" The owner came back with a cup and a pitcher, sloshing with fresh water. Ani mouthed a thank you to the man, taking the cup from him. "Here, drink this. You must be parched." Holding the cup in front of Therion's face to help him drink.  

& Therion
Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:27 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He could still hear it, in his head. The laughing. It was far, in the back of his mind, but it lingered and it didn't make him waking up any better. The fact that Anui was here, basically on his chest, gave him a mixed feeling of happiness and anger. He was glad that she was here, with him, once again. But he also felt betrayed that she was here, in this particular place. He never wanted her here, this was his thing and his thing alone. But that pesky owner had betrayed his trust. However, maybe, Therion noticed when he tried to lift his arm. Maybe it had been for the best. He wondered what would have happened if he had stayed here for any longer. His body hurt, his head was practically exploding. This was worse than any hangover he had before. Anui called for someone to get water, which made him realise how dry his mouth had become. Same with his eyes, but that was probably just the lingering smoke here. He blinked a few times, trying to get a better image of the situation, which was not working at all.
She finally got of him, which meant he could get up. Slowly, because his head was killing him and he felt like he couldn't muster any strength at this moment. But for once, he wasn't trembling. As he had suspecting, Anui told him that the owner had sent word for her. "I told him not to." He mumbled, rubbing his fingers over his temples. "They never listen." He had paid for it, hadn't he. This was once again a moment that loyalty couldn't be bought. A small smile creeped on his face when he heard her voice cracked with emotion. She did care. Of course she did. Otherwise she wouldn't be here. Not for someone like him. The question, however, made him look away. "I never wanted you to see this. Not, like this." Before he could explain more, the owner came back with a cup of water. Therion shot the man a semi angry look, but also knew that he unbeknownst to him had saved his life. "I may have overdone it. I was angry, I wasn't trying to kill myself." He took a sip from the water and when his body recognized the taste of water, he chugged the whole thing. "This.." He looked around the room, still filled with the lingering smoke. "This is how I do my magic." There, he said it. He'd be done with it.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:44 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
Once again, it only took the tiniest curl of his lips into a small smile for him to receive one back. It was like a reflex; she didn't even have control over it. Even if hers was paired with the fear of her own words. She didn't even know why he smiled since her question had been so heavy, but seeing it creep on his face calmed her somewhat, knowing that he was still able to do that. She quietly sat on her knees next to him, listening as he started to talk. She placed her hand on his and softly squeezed to let him know that he shouldn't feel embarrassed. She was there for him. Something she tried to show him over and over.

When the owner returned with the water she had requested, his resentful look didn't go unnoticed. But she kept her mouth shut, even though she herself was incredibly thankful for the actions of the man who handed her the cup. No matter how Therion felt about it. His next words, which were a relief to hear, did cause a bit of a confused frown above her eyes. What had made him so angry that he would go to this place and do... this? If she understood correctly, Therion had been here ever since she left his apartment. What had she done to trigger this? That was, in fact, one of the things she had been trying to break her head over. The reason for that sudden behavior shift that made him so cruel to her that morning. She decided to let him talk now that he had started talking to her again. Afraid of that same shift as before. First, she helped him with his first sip, after which he took the cup from her and downed the whole thing. She took the cup from him again and stepped off the bed. The owner, who was standing in the door still with his arms crossed, had placed the pitcher on a small table against the side wall. Standing with her back towards Therion, she filled the cup again. But with his last words, she froze, placing the pitcher a little too loudly back on the table. Her eyes shot up at the man in the doorway, the owner of the establishment, who gave her a similar look back. Aniu cleared her throat for a moment and softly asked for some privacy. The man obliged with a small nod and closed the door for them.

With the cup still in front of her, she stayed with her back turned for a moment. Leaning with her hands on the table. Her mind went a million miles per second. Having a hard time processing what he just said. She quickly took a sip of the cup before turning around and handing it to him, so he could drink some more. The look on her face was hard to describe since she wasn't sure how to feel. Aniu tended to fill in the blanks on things she wasn't entirely sure of. Assuming and often assuming wrong. It was just how her brain worked, perhaps to protect herself when people hurt her. But everything seemed to fall into place now. There had been so many signs that she somehow didn't see. And now it was clear as day to her. Now that it was right in front of her. Therion was an addict.

She folded her arms in front of her chest, leaning against the table with her bottom, when she started to talk. "Y..your magic? You mean your addiction?" Her voice was unintentionally sharp, but the look in her eye was very intentional. Stop lying. "I.. I don't understand. Why did you need your magic? What did you need to see? And.. and what did I do to make you so angry that you would put yourself through this?" Once she started, it felt like the floodgates opened up, and every question and feeling that went with it just spilled out into the thick air between them. She had to turn around again and face away as she felt the first stings of anger poke at her confused mind. Placing her hands on the table, she wrapped her fingers around the sides so tight that her knuckles turned white.

& Therion
Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:19 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The water felt as a gods gift, as it was trying to cool him down, after what felt like an eternity in this hole. He wanted to dunk his head in the water, sober up, so he could actually talk to her in a fashionable manner. But he wasn't allowed, maybe it was better to do it like this. Let her see how reality was. How dangerous he was for her. No. He didn't want to think that again, not anymore. But still, the past five days were a blur, a blur of reality, his high and visions. He didn't even know if what he had seen was a vision at all.
Anui stood up, to refill the cup. He was thankful for that, because he probably couldn't stand on his legs right now. Yet, he noticed how she froze when he spoke about his magic. And the owner quickly disappeared. A shivering crept over his spine, while he looked how she turned around slowly. It was the shift in her attitude that made him want to disappear into the smoke and run. If she wanted, she could kill him with that look. A thought that probably was crossing her mind right now. Her words, however, stung even more. She called him out, on his magic, on his addition. Her voice was cold, just like he had done days ago. This was payback, and he very much understood that it was of his own making.
The Vylasar sorcerer wanted to know why he had to use his magic, what she had done to make him angry. Why he had put himself through. His eyes flashed with a hint of panic, afraid that she would actually sic her summon on him. A sigh rolled over his lips, he sat up and tapped the bed next to him. Maybe she wanted to listen while sitting down, probably not, but it was the gesture that counted here. "No. I mean my magic." He started quietly. "My divination magic was never strong. I hadn't had my first vision till I was seven years old and very sick. The cough syrup, or whatever numbing agent was in there, actually triggered my magic." He placed a hand in his neck and closed his eyes for a moment, thinking back at that terrible time. "My dad had to get a good heir, to take over the Rizal name. So he started giving me more and more, trying to let me have more visions. I don't even remember how many different kind of medicine I had taken in that time." A shudder went over his shoulders. It was a terrible time. "I got forced in this addition, I had to validate my status as a Rizal. This is the only way my magic is working." He stopped, looked up to Anui and looked away soon after. "No, that's not entirely true." His legs still shaking, but he got up somehow and stepped towards her. Placing his hands on her shoulders. "Making love to you had the same effect. But the withdrawal was too much to bare and I didn't want to have you see me like this. I'm so sorry for sending you away, for using those harsh words to you. But I knew that you would only get angry if I told you that I wanted to get high. I never wanted you to see this disgusting side of me." His mind continued on, he laying his soul bare here for her. Could he untrust her with the darkest part as well?  
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
For days, she had been puzzled by all of this. Worrying about what had happened. What had changed? One moment, she lay in his arms, lovingly. In love. Perhaps both in need of nurturing their hangovers, but blissful none the less. That had been her experience, at least. And the next moment, it felt like someone had blown out the candle that burned for her in his heart. Using his words like arrows to wound her just so she would leave? So he could get high? And then there was that comment about Ezriel. She still only assumed it was about him. But there was no other explanation. She never even mentioned him to Therion. Not in a way that would seem like she still missed him. Or that she even preferred Ezriel over Therion. Which wasn't true at all. Even now, as she felt her anger spread like wildfire, she could still feel her heart yearning for the Rizal. And in this very moment, she hated it. The audacity of this man, blaming it on his magic?! As if that justified any of his cruelness towards her. Or the mental agony he had put her through. After everything!

She had her eyes closed, trying to calm herself down. A part of her knew that it would be unfair to go off on him right now. He wasn't strong enough for that. She wasn't even sure if he had fully returned to reality. He had been alarmed by her reaction, though. She had seen it in his face seconds ago, before she turned around. And he was right to feel that way. Aniu could hear Fenrir's frightful growling in her own mind. Stirring in her, that magic connection to the familiar, wanting to break free and reek havoc. It was why she needed to face away. She had to prevent that at all costs, but with the growing anger, it proved to be a hard task. Especially because Aniu wasn't just angry with Therion. She was also incredibly pissed at herself. How could she have been so blind to his struggles? Addictions didn't just drop out of thin air. She should've known. She should've. Even in Ravaryn, she now realized, there had been signs. Was that the reason he didn't know about her pregnancy? Her miscarriage? Even that made her furious. So much pain and struggle could've been avoided if she just knew.

She could hear his hand tapping on the bed, but she couldn't move. She wasn't even sure if she was able to sit next to him and listen to what he had to say at this moment. Was there even a thing he could say to save his ass right now? Instead of turning around, as he probably hoped, she just took a sharp inhale. Making her shoulders tense up even more. She shook her head slowly in denial when he once again blamed his magic. Don't you dare. She bit the inside of her cheek so as not to actually go off on him. For a couple seconds, she had a hard time listening. His calm demeanor made it feel even worse. But she finally managed to silence Fenrir in her mind as his words, his story, started to penetrate her emotions. Poking through her anger and letting it bleed out. She slowly opened her eyes, staring at the wall through tears that blurred her vision, while he spoke. Her heart was bleeding for him; she could feel how it hurt him to even tell this story. A cold fell over her, thinking of how he had struggled all his life. Just for some stupid magic. She turned around just as he shuddered. She wanted to go to him. Embrace him. But the anger, even though it was dying down, still lingered long enough to stop her. So she wrapped her arms around herself as she watched him look at her and look away again. She had to close her eyes when he started to get up. Knowing what he was about to do. At that moment, when he looked at her before looking away, she could almost feel what he was about to say. She wasn't sure if she wanted to hear it because it would make her anger—her still rather justified anger, completely null and void.

It had no use. She felt his hand on her shoulder, making her head drop forward in defeat, resting on his chest. A shaky, almost soft gasp followed when he spoke the words. Deep down, a part of her knew something like that had happened. She had felt it too. That electricity. Their connection. Her love for him, it was almost scary similar to what her connection felt like with Fenrir, sometimes. And in those intimate moments, she felt it. The magic, working through him. She couldn't be sure, of course, but now that he admitted it, she knew. She placed her hands on his sides first. Still trying to stop herself from leaning into him and pulling him close to her. But he had finally been truthful. He opened himself up to her, and all she could do was accept him. Her hands quickly pulled him close as she buried her face in his neck. "I'm so sorry for making you feel like you couldn't share this with me." Her voice, somewhat muffled against his skin, was filled with emotion once more. Emotions of deep sorrow for his story, his awful childhood, and the horrible things he had to go through. But also a deep and powerful warmth of her wanting to protect and care for him. And the need to show him something good in life for once. He deserved it more than anyone she knew. "Don't ever think I won't accept a part of you, no matter how hard it is." She looked up, taking his face in her hands, resting her forehead against his, and looking deep into his beautiful brown eyes. "I want every part of you. I want you. All of you. I love you, Therion. More than anything." Her final words were but a mere whisper, too overwhelmed by the feelings she cherished for him.

& Therion
Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:44 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
His story, it was his story that he was telling her. He didn't like it, not one bit of it, never did. It was the reason why he lived in solitude, why he never visited his family anymore. He was ashamed, disgusted by what his dad had done to him. On multiple occasions he had tried to get clean, especially after de incident with his nephew, but it never stuck. It had become such an ingrown thing of him, that he hadn’t been able to let it go. And that was part of the fear that he felt right now, that she would be equally disgusted and just leave. That had always been his fear, lingering in the back of his mind ever since she told him about her miscarriage. About the child they could’ve had together, if only she had trusted him and he had noticed. If he hadn’t been high out of his mind. It would always come back to the fact that he had to get his high, his hit, this fucked up addiction.
But he spoke about it, for the fist time in his life, he actually spoke about what had happened and how this all came to be. There was still the lingering fear, the anxiety that held his throat locked up and made drinking the water rather difficult. He was afraid of her reaction, as he could almost feel a certain anger radiate from her shoulders. Therion could only hope that his words would be enough, and although she didn’t seem a hundred perfect calm, she did pull him closer and laid her head in his neck. He couldn’t do much more than smell her hair, her body, her being. And she smelled wonderful. A happiness crept over him, for the first time in days. He had come here to drown his emotions, his feelings, his thoughts. But even with all the drugs in his system, he hadn’t seen this coming. Her words they, they sounded sincere, he knew she meant them. She told him that there wasn’t a part of him she couldn’t accept and he looked away, only to be forced to look her in her eyes when she grabbed his face in her hands. The next sentence, time froze. She.. she loved him? Him, this opioid addict and mediocre sorcerer. The one who had hurt her time and time again. Yet, she was willing to give everything up, because she loved him. Therion couldn’t ignore the feeling of his heart bursting and he opened his mouth to say something. But the image of his nephew, on the ground, with his other nephew and his brother screaming at him, overwhelmed the sorcerer. He snapped his mouth shut thinking. ”I can’t.” A hint of sadness mixed with the glorious feeling of love for the woman in front of him, appeared in his eyes. ”Not until you know the whole truth.” Scrambling for words, he tried to make this a coherent story. But the only words that rolled over his lips were: ”I killed my youngest nephew.”
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon Jun 05, 2023 12:35 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
Aniu always knew there was a darkness in Therion. Something complex and hidden deep behind his rough, unique, and handsome exterior. It was one of the things that attracted her to the man when they met. But he surprised her with his incredibly caring and loving side, without ever discovering that darkness in him. They didn't have the time for that in Ravaryn. Her own darkness didn't allow it, making her run as far as she could. It had felt like she was drowning or free falling towards an unknown pit, and she didn't want to drag him with her. It had been the easiest, but also the hardest and dumbest, solution to the problems she faced during those days. Now all she wanted to do was fall with him. No matter where they landed, as long as they landed together. No matter how angry, confused, or hurt she'd get. She wasn't able to disconnect from the man in front of her. Even if she wanted to. Even if she wanted to push him away. There was nothing she could do about it; she would pull back to him like magnets. Now he finally shown his darkness to her. Showed sides of himself he tried to hide out of fear. But she wasn't going to leave him this time.

It had overwhelmed her—what he told her and how she reacted to it. It wasn't her intention at all to confess her love to him. It just happened, like some kind of force. As if she needed him to know. Which she did, but it was Therion who pulled it out of her without knowing he had. Aniu has rarely been this open and honest about her true feelings. That was even a rarity with some of her family members. And it scared her, but seeing him being honest made it easier for her too. So there it was. She loved him, and now he knew. She didn't expect him to say it back. That wasn't why she told him. She wasn't actually sure what to expect. How he would react. From all that she heard, it didn't sound like he had been met with a lot of love in his life. It felt like she knew his heart, though. That he finally trusted her enough to let her in, as he so clearly did. So even if he couldn't say it yet, she'd be okay with that. He opened his mouth, and for a moment, it seemed like he would say it. Or at least something. The look in her gray eyes, now almost dark in the dimly lit room, was one of understanding as a soft smile curled on her lips. He didn't have to say it if he couldn't just yet. She could already see it in his eyes.
His next words were somewhat confusing, however. That she did not expect... Was there more? As she looked at him, scrambling for words, she tried to convey a certain calmness. Letting him know he could be honest by the soft look in her eyes, still somewhat watery with emotion. But it was the way he said it and the difficulty he had to tell this truth that made her heart pound in her chest. And then he said it.
She wavered. The sound of her pounding heart mummering in her ear, almost deafeningly loud, echoing with the words he just said. Her eyes locked onto his lips as confusion and .. and shock filled her mind. She started to stammer, unable to say a full word. She didn't know what to say. What to think. Until she looked back into his eyes, almost begging to explain this horrific truth.

& Therion
Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:42 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Not a word was spoken between them, but it wasn't really necessary. They could communicate without any spoken word and still completely understand each other. It was this strange connection that the two of them had. It felt like more than just love, as if the dragon magic in their veins was reacting to the other. It was this connection that had made him so happy, and this connection that had made him sending her away even more painful. And now, with him pouring his heart out to her, made it feel like this connection grew ever stronger. She could finally understand his struggle, and why he did what he did. Still, there was this one black spot on his soul. One that he had tried to wipe clean, but never got. It was her confession of love that almost made him forget what had just happen. He wanted to just let it be, run away together, never look back. But that wasn't the point of this talk. He had to tell her what had happened. Otherwise he would never be able to be completely honest with her. And when the words left his lips, he could see how she hadn't expect this. Therion couldn't really blame her, it was quite the bomb that he had dropped on her. And one he could not so easily defuse.
He sighed deeply and breathed in, thinking about how he had to explain this story. "My older brother, Jorgen, moved to Xaila when he met his current wife. I moved with them towards the sun beloved country, wanting to get out under our fathers thumb. While we were living their, they got a son together. A lovely boy named Zuhayr. My brother wasn't sure what kind of magic the boy possessed, because he was of both Rizal and Zinyra blood." He stopped for a moment, thinking back at the easier times of his life. "I had been traveling a lot in those times, meeting other people, learning about other cultures. This went on for a couple of years." Therion looked at his hand, cursing himself for what he was about to tell her. "I returned back to Xaila when I got a letter that they expected a second child. I don't exactly know what went wrong. I .. I got high, but I had to take care of the baby. The next thing I remember was the baby on the ground, Zuhayr screaming at me and Jorgen telling me to get out of his house." He fell silent, thinking back, his eyes watery and almost overflowing with emotion. "I never returned, I haven't spoken with my brother ever since." He placed a hand in his neck and rolled his neck around. "I never spoke with anybody about this." His voice nothing more than a whispering, while he looked up to Anui, afraid of her reaction.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:20 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
All she could do was listen, breathlessly. Attempting to not let her mind go rampant over every possible thing he could mean by what he just confessed to. It made her lightheaded and dizzy—the unintentional images that started flashing through her mind. She somehow couldn't stop them from popping up anyway. Horrific images of the man she loved doing terrible things to an innocent child. It made her whole worldview wobble, literally, as Therion was shaking before her eyes. So she forced herself to listen. Because this couldn't be it. This couldn't be the same man she had come to love so strongly. There had to be more to it. It just had to.
As he talked about his earlier life, she just stood there, almost frozen, leaning against the table behind her, with her eyes glued to his lips. She couldn't look him in the eyes as he spoke. She needed to read his every word. Struggling to do so as her vision started to get a little hazy. Her hands had fallen from his face and were now pressed against her chest, subconsciously, as if they were trying to make sure her heart was still beating.

When Therion got to the part of the story about .. about the... death of the child, even though it had holes, she closed her eyes as it sank in. A tear, that had been hanging onto her waterline now fell down her face. But the expression was perhaps, strangely, after what was just said, one of relief. Her shoulders had tensed up, but they relaxed as she finally softly exhaled. It had been an accident. A terribly tragic accident, but still an accident.
When Therion fell silent, Aniu opened her eyes again to see the deep pain he felt over it. The regret, the guilt—all of it. There was no malice in his body whatsoever. Just the pain of carrying this around all his life. All by himself. Another tear rolled down her face when he looked at her. She didn't know what to say. Trying to process everything. It was too overwhelming. Everything that had happened and all that she discovered in such a short period of time. It made her world spin. It.. actually spun in front of her eyes. Before she knew it, she felt herself slip as her legs decided to forsake her. Her face turned pale, and for a moment, everything went black, but her arm reflexed, and she tried to catch herself on the table, as a weak whimper left her lips in surprise. "I'm sorry, I..I.. don't feel so good..."

& Therion
Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He didn't like reciting this story, even though he had done so many many times in his head. He had made entire conversations that he could've had with his brother if he ever returned to Xaila, to his family there. He knew that his nephew was here in Lemuria. They had seen each other once and things didn't go all that well. Ever since then, he had made plans to write his brother a letter. Yet, it never came to such a thing. And now, now he was sitting here. Telling his life's story to the woman who he oh so deeply cared for. He kept an eye out for him, just in case she would make an one eighty. Not that he suspected as much, but there was a very slim change always. He had noticed how she was not standing stable on her feet and subconscious kept an eye out for her. A good thing, apparently, because once he was done with his story, her face became even more pale. With a speed that surprised him within in weakened state, he caught her before she hit the ground. Sitting on one knee and having her lean against his other, he reached out for the cup with water that she had poured in for him before he started talking. By stretching his body just right, he could reach the cup and placed it on the ground next to her. "Hi, Ani. Stay with me, please." He spoke softly, placing the back of his hand on her forehead. No fever, as far as he noticed. Probably just overwhelmed.  Wondering if he could actually lift her, he tried to muster the strength to stand up. The first time his legs didn't want to work with him and he felt empty and tired. But he had to get her out of here, get some fresh air. So once again, he tried to get up. It was painful and he felt like throwing up because his empty stomach was trying to get some energy to his body. he took a few deep breaths, picked Anui up and placed her in his arms. For a moment, the world spun around him and he had trouble with finding his footing. But once he stood, he slowly walked towards the door. "Arthur!" Therion shouted and the door opened with a frantic owner on the other side. "Get some water, I have to get her outside." Trying to make his own stomach stop turning, he walked upwards on the stairs until he threw his shoulder against the door, opening it.
Finally outside, he placed Anui on one of the benches, with her head on his lap. He felt sick, hungry, had a massive headache and was worried about the woman on his lap. "Hi, Ani, love. You ok?" He spoke softly, wiping her hair out of her face and softly stroking her cheek. "I got you some water." He took the cup from Arthur, who scurried back inside, not wanting to be seen by whoever would be here at this hour.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:02 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
Even if Therion hadn't caught her in her fall and she had just fallen straight to the ground, she wouldn't have noticed it. After her last words, her eyes rolled back as everything turned black. With everything that was going on, the sorceress had been too preoccupied to notice the effect that the smoke, the opioids, started to have on her. It had made her scared thoughts of a murderous Therion more vivid in her mind, but in the moment, she just thought it was her fear. Finally, her mind caught up with her body when she felt it failing her, but by then it was already too late. Cue the fainting. Her slender body lay lifeless in the arms of Therion, with her head dropping backwards. She didn't respond or hear him talk to her, trying to get her conscious again. Only when Therion walked up the stairs did the young woman slowly regain some consciousness. She let out a soft moan, a little disoriented, realizing she was moving.  "A..Are you crazy?" She mumbled before losing her consciousness again. Falling in and out of it a couple times before the fresh air finally cleared her up a bit. The daylight suddenly stung in her eyes as she opened them, blinking up at Therion's worried face. How stupid she felt for fainting like that. Making him carry her all the way outside. "Why did you do that? You are in no state to carry me like that." She spoke softly. Pulling herself up slowly, still feeling a bit weak, she took the cup to take a sip. The fresh air, the light, and the water. It brought her back little by little, and she quickly noticed Therion turning ill. She pushed the water into his hands. "Please, take a drink. You're not well. You idiot." She was instantly worried but also grateful for his actions, which made a small smile appear on her face and that familiar warmth in her heart flutter. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened... I just... I didn't mean to... interrupt you. Are you okay?" Aniu stumbled a bit over her words as she looked at him. "We need to get some food in you." Her voice determined now. The conversation, however important it may be, could wait.

& Therion
Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:23 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He could just force a small smile on his face, while he struggled a bit more than he wanted to admit to get her up the stairs. Feeling how his legs were trembling, not from the lack of drugs, but the lack energy this time, he bit down and continues on. Even if his legs would give out right now, she would fall on him, which might save her from breaking her neck. Anyway, he got outside, placed her down and tried once again to wake her up. This time, it seemed how the fresh air did her good, as she slowly regained her consciousness. Feeling relieved, his placed the dup on her lips, but she took it from him and took a sip. And with just a stupid smile on his face, he listened to how she was chewing him out for carrying her outside, especially within his state. She even apologized for interrupting him and he shook his head. Therion took the cup from her when she pushed it in his hands and obeyed by taking a sip himself. The water refreshed his insides and actually made him feel a bit better. At least his stomach stopped turning. He still needed some food, yes, but this was a good start. "No." He said casually when she told him that they needed to get some food in him. "You're gonna stay here until your head is clear." He looked her up and down. "The amount of fumes in that room. I might be used to it, but for any newcomer it's dangerous. We shouldn't have been talking in there in the first place. Sorry for that." He cracked his neck left and right, before placing his hand on her cheek again. "You scared me, you know. The lights just went out and for a moment I thought it was my doing." He slowly caressed her cheek with his thumb. "I'm so sorry for telling you all this."
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:37 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
If she could, she would bring him back to her family's castle right at that moment. So she could feed and bathe him properly. Have him rest in the soft goose featherbeds. Put Fenrir on guard in front of their door for a couple hours if she had to. He needed to recover from that insane five-day bender he just went through. It had almost been his death, and even then, he put her before himself. His care knew no bounds. When she tried to do the same for him, he didn't let her. Casually declining her statement. "Gods, you're stubborn." Though, a little annoyed by it, she couldn't help the little smile on her face. Before closing her eyes again for a couple seconds, feeling the truth of his words as she softly nodded. She was definitely not fully lucid yet. Her surroundings were still a bit shaky. "I should've realized it too."

When he placed his hand on her cheek, she automatically placed hers on top of it. Gently caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. She slowly shook her head. "I'm not. I'm glad you told me. You have been carrying it alone for too long, love." Feeling her eyes burn at the thought of the pain in his eyes, right before she fainted. She inched closer, placing her free hand on the side of his neck. "This... addiction. It makes you do things you don't have control over. But that doesn't mean you meant to hurt your nephew. You're not a bad person, Therion. Something bad happened to you... a lot of bad things happened to you. Things I desperately want to take away." She paused for a moment, clenching her jaw, as she almost became frustrated and pained, forcing her to close her eyes for a second. "But, what happened... It was out of your control. It was an accident, my love. You can't keep blaming yourself for it, or it will consume you, like it already has. And I won't let it. Not anymore. You deserve so much better than that."

& Therion
Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:27 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
"Rizal." He answered with a chuckle, when she called him stubborn. It was true, though. He had heard from enough people that all Rizals were stubborn as all hell. He still noticed that she wasn't completely clear yet and thus, he wanted her to stay here. It had been five days since he had been home, so a few more hours couldn't hurt. He had to make sure that she was alright, that was the top priority. "They can creep up on you." He told her calmly, when she said that she should've realized.
Every word did him good. She understood, she wasn't mad. He couldn't be more happy than this very moment. Still, he felt some kind of hesitance when she spoke about his addiction and he felt a pain stabbing him just behind his heart. He couldn't blame her for not being happy with him doing all these kind of things. But she surprised him again, telling him that he wasn't his fault. "I've been called broken and useless more times than I can remember, eventually the words stuck." His voice wasn't more than a raspy whisper, while he felt how tears burned behind his eyes. She was right, of course, he had been dealing with all this on his own for such a long time. He hadn't found anyone who he trusted enough to tell, afraid of getting the abuse starting again. Being called weak and useless, for years, had their lasting impact on his mental state after all. "You can't take them away." Therion opened his eyes, not even noticing that he had closed them in the first place. "But I'm happy to not being alone with them anymore." A truthful and heartfelt confession. "I have grieved the death of my nephew in silence, in solitude, for years. Never got a change to speak about it. I'm sorry for not trusting you before, dear. I now realize that I shouldn't have been so afraid when I was with you." He smiled softly. Feeling how his heart fluttered, every time he looked at her eyes. Gods. "I love you." The words were said.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:40 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
When he told her about his nephew, she was stunned. She still was a little. It was a lot to process. She didn't want to be too hasty in her judgments, ever, and now she was glad she hadn't. Therion was a broken man; she knew that. Seeing it in his eyes and hearing it in his words. If she had flipped out, if she had pushed him away again, or anything like that, she didn't know what he would've done. She wasn't sure what she would have done. But he wasn't broken for the reasons he thought he was. "Listen to my words now and let them get stuck instead. You are the most caring and loving man I know." pressing her lips on his forehead, wishing she could kiss those false words right out of his mind. "Which says a lot, by the way, since I know plenty of great men." She added with a soft chuckle. As he continued, she could only nod and smile through her watery eyes as he told her how happy he was that he could share them. She shook her head softly when he apologized for not trusting her. As if she could ever blame him for that. She had been just as bad, for not letting him in when she struggled so much after losing their child. Not just hers, but theirs. She wanted to tell him how she would do everything in her power to share the load he had been carrying. To try and add or replace them with good things, happy things, and so much love. Give him the chance to finally make peace with it. Help him find closure, and give him the happiness and love he deserves. Seeing how happy and relieved he already was filled her heart with such passion and warmth. And then he said it, making her gasp softly before the brightest smile opened up her face. "I love you" She answered almost in a whisper. Catching her off guard with his confession this time, it felt as if her heart just started glowing in her chest like gems, refracting the most beautiful colors of light through her being. And in that moment, she didn't care that people could see. She didn't care if her family found out. She loved him, and he loved her. All she wanted and could do now was wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him like she never had before.

& Therion
Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:44 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It would take time, he had lived with these words clinging to him or his whole life. And to now suddenly change his perspective on himself, it would take time. But it would be a time that he could share with the most wonderful person that he had ever known. When his brother met his wife, he wasn't busy with love, having a family and being happy. He was still recovering from the abuse that his father had inflicted on him. He didn't see what he had seen in her. But their love was pure and caring. And maybe it was something that he had picked up on the way. Had he seen Jorgen as an example, even after everything went wrong. Maybe. He had wanted to be just as happy and carefree, living in a beautiful place, with someone at your side and kids running around. It had broken him when he had broken up that family, that perfect picture. It had made him shut down that side of himself. Telling himself that he wasn't worthy of that kind of perfect life. It was the reason why he was shocked when Anui had told him that she had carried his child. Because it started to break down the walls he had so carefully build up around him. And now, with just a simple talk and a near-death experience, he felt the last pieces of those walls crumble. Maybe now, he could finally find himself longing for that perfect picture again. As long as he could have Anui at his side, he felt like he could conquer all his fears.
She returned his words towards him and before he could react, she had wrapped her arms around him and he felt her lips upon his. A smile crept over his face, before he kissed her back. For a moment forgotten how ill he was feeling from the past five days. Her love could warm him in the harshest nights of Neightreign. It could lest his thirst and satisfy his hunger. He could be looking at her for days on end without feeling any need for basic human necessities. And it was a wonderful feeling. "I'll never let you go again." He spoke softly, when he broke away from her to catch his breath. "But I could use a bite right now." A sheepish smile visible on his face, while his stomach growled like a starving wolf. Yea, he could use some food, desperately.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:28 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
Aniu didn't know how he had done it. For months, she had lived on autopilot. Like a ghost of herself, pretending to be alive. Acting, pretending, and making up an image of herself to present to the world. Like she had done almost every night on stage since Ravaryn. But her colleagues had noticed and tried their best. Her family had noticed and done what they could. None of them were able to bring her back alive. Except for Therion. He made her feel whole and complete again. Even with all the stress and pain they had to endure. He made her feel seen and alive, more alive than she ever felt before. As if she could finally start living. And that was something worth fighting for. He was worth fighting for. And that was her biggest strength against the worries she had. Worries for their future, if they had one, and if their families would support them. There was still a part of her that just wanted to take his hand and go. Leave and disappear. Find happiness elsewhere. There had been a moment when she seriously considered it. Right after she found out she was carrying his child. And thinking back to all that it still stung. But she couldn't do that to her brother and sister. She couldn't do that to the family. And now she couldn't do that to Therion either, now that he'd finally started this road to some kind of closure on his past. A road she would share with him for as long as he wanted her there. Which would be always, as he told her right there and then. It made her almost tear up again, but paired with her sweet chuckle. Oh, how deeply she loved this man. She was finally home.
"Yes, of course!" She got up from the bench, feeling all cleared up again, and offered to help him up too. "I'm actually don't know this part of town... but I think there's a small place just around the corner. I saw it on my way here."

About twenty minutes later, Aniu left a specialty store by herself. She had left Therion for a couple minutes, promising she only needed to get something from the shop next door while he waited for his food to arrive. As she stepped out, she was greeted by the distasteful sight of a man urinating in the alley, defiling the pearl-white stones that were used all over the underwater city. Giving her a dirty look. Almost splattering on her dress as she passed him. This part of Lythrania gave her an uneasy feeling, especially alone. The store she just went to—she wasn't even sure if she could call it a specialty store—had what she needed. Or rather, what she hoped Therion could use instead of the contents he could find in that den. Even if it was just for a little while. So when she returned to his table and sat across from him again, she placed a small metal tin on the table and pushed it towards him. "I'm not sure if these are the same as the one you had, or if they have the same effect... But I noticed you smoked up your last one the other day. If they help you, you need to have them. At least for now." Inside the tin were Lythrania-made cigars, rolled in special pale leaves that only grow on the Lemurian isles. Aniu had been observing him, like she always does. It was why she felt so stupid for not realizing that Therion was struggling with an addiction before. Maybe she could blame it on her love goggles for the man, but even then. Now that she knew, so many of the missing puzzle pieces fell into place. "I'm not going to assume you'll get clean within a week. Or a year or even more... Maybe at all. But if there are ways that can help you without damaging yourself so much, I'm willing to try anything. So, maybe we can start with this?" There was seriousness and sorrow in her eyes, but the smile on her lips was hopeful. Attempting to be supportive and understanding of his struggles. If she could, she'd take the whole addiction away. But she had seen firsthand how risky and horrible that could be. She'd almost lost one of her colleagues over it, back in Xaila. Losing Therion over it—that was unthinkable.  

& Therion
Wed Jun 07, 2023 11:09 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
If the world would be destroyed right now and only the two of them would survive, he would take that chance. Just go wherever they please, be happy and not caring about a thing in this world. It was similar to the feeling that he had right now. Just not giving a damn in this world. He had his world in his arms.
His stomach, however, ruined the mood and he laughed sheepishly because of it. The past five days were finally catching up to him and he could really use some food, before he would fall to the ground. Thankfully, even now, Aniu's knowledge of the city saved him and she mentioned a place she had seen when she was coming to get her. "That sounds lovely." He muttered, while trying to get up. Working on his reserves, he tried to walk around, but that didn't seem to be all that good of an idea.

Happily content, the older Rizal sat at a table in the sun, with a variety of finger food around him. He wasn't the biggest fan of fish, but at this moment his body was happy with everything he put in it. Aniu had left him here, told him that she had something to take care of. First he wanted to come with, but she insisted on going alone and he was too hungry to make an argument. So, he sat here, eating his fish and be happy with it. Therion wondered were she had run off to, as this wasn't the best place for a woman to be alone in. Especially one of the summoners family. Worry overcame him, but he had promised here that he would wait for her to come back. Begrudgingly he continued eating his fish, looking at the street were she had walked into.
It took her a good amount of time before returning, but his heart jumped when he saw her coming back to him. With something in her hand. Aniu sat across of him and moved a metal object towards him. He took a bite from his fish, before taking the metal tin and look inside. Cigars, she had bought him cigars. She had noticed that he had smoked one of the day of their fight, she had remembered it. He closed the tin and felt how his eyes teared up, which he pushed back by rubbing in his eyes. He had never told her the story behind the cigars and yet she cared enough to restock the ones he had smoked. Taking her hands in his, he listened to the rest of her story and smiled shyly. "My dad gave me those cigars, the last time I saw him before moving to Xaila. He told me to save them for the best moment in my life, so we could some them together." And with that he made the promise to himself that he would save these as well, till the moment that was truly so special that they could smoke them together. "I'll do whatever possible to get clean. I'll do everything for you, I don't want to pose any threat or danger to us anymore." He stood up, leaned over the table and kissed her forehead. "It will take time and I don't know how bad I'll get. But I hope you can't blame me for that, as there is only so much I can do." Therion sat back down, looking to his food and moving some shrimp towards her. "Here, eat. I've got plenty."
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 08, 2023 2:07 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
When Ani returned to Therion, she noticed how he had been keeping a keen eye on the street, in which she had disappeared for a bit. That look he gave her when their eyes met across the street warmed her heart. She wanted to surprise him with the tin of cigars, plus he wasn't really able to run around after her in his state. So she had to leave him at their table so he could eat. But she could see how worried he was for her. Even when she had only been gone for a short while. She had to suppress a smile, almost proud of the fact that he cared so much about her. For days she had thought he didn't... no, she had to convince herself that he did care after that cold shoulder he so suddenly gave. With reasons unknown before today. She was glad she trusted her gut and not her deceitful thought process of worry. He cared for her, even loved her. How could she not smile when she looked at him?

When she gave him the tin, she hoped he would be happy. She didn't expect him to actually tear up. Causing an instant panic within herself by distressing him. The young woman leant closer, placing both her hands on the table, which he took in his, as she explained why she bought them. Her thumbs somehow always seemed to get their own life the moment they felt his touch, as they naturally and gently started caressing every little inch of his warm hands they could reach. The slightly worried frown above her gray eyes didn't fade when Therion told his story about his father and those last cigars. Instead, a deeply touched shimmer appeared in her eyes as the corners of her mouth curled into a gentle smile. "That is such a lovely promise, love. I'm sorry you didn't have that chance with him." Softly squeezing his hands. "I hope you'll get another chance to fulfill that promise with him." His next words made it hard for Aniu not to tear up this time. She closed her eyes when he kissed her forehead. It made the butterflies in her stomach flutter like crazy. Wishing they weren't in public at all but back in the privacy of his apartment again. Longing for his fingers on her skin again. Even the gentlest yet simplest touch could light that fire in her. Burning for him, his love, his touch. But all she could do was softly nod, giving him a hopeful smile. Before he sat back down again, she placed her hand on his cheek and pressed her lips against his. "I know," she spoke softly "and I won't blame you. Just promise me you'll talk to me if things get bad. I promise I'll do the same." Aniu had a fear she couldn't say out loud yet, afraid that it might stumble his determination, which was something he needed to fight his inner demons. But she could see in his eyes that he meant every word he said, and she couldn't be more relieved to hear him say those words. Back in the den, after he told her about his past, she wasn't quite sure if he wanted to fight his addiction. He had been struggling with this for longer than she had been alive... She couldn't even imagine fighting something that had been such a part of her life for so long. She hoped he wouldn't end up resenting her for it. So she decided to take careful steps in this process because there might come a day where he would regret promising these things...

Aniu took a sip of her cooled-down mint tea that had been waiting for her, on their table, while she had gone for the cigars. She chuckled a bit awkwardly when he offered her some shrimp."I uh... I'm actually a little allergic to shrimp. But it's fine, love. You need it more than me." Aniu still felt a little nauseous from the accidental opioid intake from earlier, but her tea helped. Wondering how Therion didn't feel that nausea, eating the way he did. But then again, Aniu had breakfast this morning. Therion had breakfast last week. Her eyes fell on a man, passing their table, and she recognized him as the urinator from earlier. Her nose wrinkled a bit in disgust, thinking back to that moment and just the fact that this part of town wasn't the greatest. Especially not for Therion, given the temptations around here. She looked back at her beloved across the table, enjoying his food and regaining some of his strength, a smile playing on her face. He deserved better than this, and there was only one way Aniu could give him it. In her opinion anyway. "Therion?" She then started with a more serious expression as her hand found his again. "Would you please consider coming with me to the Vylasar estate after this? If only for a couple days? You need to be taken care of for a while, and I don't think your apartment is the best place for that..." There was nothing wrong with his apartment, but it was the best argument she could think of right now. She couldn't tell him that she needed some staff to help out with things. Like cooking and preparing baths... She hated to admit it, especially to someone so well traveled and independent as Therion, but Aniu had become accustomed to a certain way of life, and she had no idea how to do it alone. It was a little embarrassing, actually.

& Therion
Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:22 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
A lovely promise, yes, that it had been. If only he hadn't shown that one moment of weakness, it would have been a promise he could keep. He chuckled a bit, not wasting anymore words on the matter. He had made his promise, to himself. And this was one he would keep, for certain. He took a bite from his food, watching how Ani spoke to him. He could sit here and listen to her talk all day long, every day. It didn't matter what the topic of conversation would be. In this case, it was him, as she was talking about how he needed to talk to her when things would go bad. He looked away and smile shyly. "I will." He spoke softly. "I'll start small, lower the dosage, the mount of times. With you, I know I can do this." He softly squished her hands "We can get through everything together, you hear me." His eyes found hers, and he tried his best not to get lost in them. Which was easier said than done. He knew it would be a long, long time to get clean. He had been high for most of his life for the past thirty-ish years and lived on drugs even longer. Even now, after these five days, it wasn't completely out of his system yet. He still felt a bit sluggish, a bit slow. No visions yet, so that was a good thing. He wasn't sure if they would still come even when he wasn't actively using his drugs. But that wasn't something he wanted to think about now. For once, he felt happy. When she told him that she actually was allergic to the shrimp, his heart dropped. "Ah sorry. You want anything else?" Of course he didn't remember, in Raveryn they had mostly meat, no fish.
He followed her eyes towards the man that walked past, having a weird feeling about this. He knew that this wasn't the most safe part of town, which was especially the reason why he had found the den around the corner. It was his way of trying to get away from the prying eyes of others. He didn't look like most of the Rizal family, especially at his uncles side, where they were all blessed with silver hair. But still, some people seemed to recognize him and he didn't want to be seen anywhere. His attention got pulled back to Ani when she spoke, and her words made him almost choke on the piece of fish he just took a bite from. She wanted him to come with her to the Vylasar estate? To be taken care off? He wasn't thát old. He coughed to get the piece of fish out of his windpipe before wiping away the tears from his eyes. "D-don't you think, there will be questions?" He wasn't ready for answering all those questions. "I'm not really the best guy to take home, not in this condition. Come on Ani, what would your sister say?" How were they going to explain the fact that she took a man home that was almost double her age. Even thinking about it gave him severe anxiety and panic. This wasn't going to end well, for him at least.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Fri Jun 09, 2023 3:02 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
It was as if he had read her mind. One moment she was afraid to speak her fears out loud, and the next he almost instantly took those fears away with a word. A meaningful promise. An honesty in his eyes and warmth in the soft squish of her hand. She noticed it had happened before. Back in the drug den when her anger flared up. Part of it had been his story, but she knew that another part was something else. Something unexplainable... Perhaps there was more to his magic than they both realized. Or perhaps it was because he knew her. Truly. Instinctually. It made her feel seen, in the best way possible. As his eyes found hers, it felt like he saw her soul. And something in her could see his. This pure, complex being, raw and bruised by life but still so capable of the deepest love and compassion. It felt like she was made for him. To love him. Before she knew it, the words had already left her lips. "I love you, so much." She spoke softly, her fingers intertwining with his as he held onto her hand. Nodding at his words, giving her hope that they truly would get through everything together. Again, she wished they weren't in a public space. She didn't even notice how her gaze kept lowering towards his lips, slightly curled into that handsome smile of his.
She did notice the slight alarm in his eyes when she told him she was allergic. "Oh please, don't even worry about it. It never came up before. You couldn't have known." She took another sip of her tea, as she looked at his food again. "Actually... I'm still a bit nauseous from before. I don't know how you manage to eat anything." Flashing him an astonished look. "I'm glad you are eating, though. How are you feeling?"  
This area of town was slowly getting on her nerves, and so she hoped she could take Therion back to the Vylasar castle. Only for a day or two. One night at least. Something he clearly didn't expect her to ask as he almost choked on his food. Why did she keep doing this? Asking or saying things that made him choke on food and drinks? And why did she find it so amusing every time? Suppressing an up coming laugh, she covered her mouth. "Are you okay? Here." She pushed her cold mint tea towards him so he could take a sip if he needed to. But as he recovered and was able to protest her idea, a defiant twinkle appeared in her eyes. She folded her arms together as she sat back in her chair, looking at him with a slight head tilt. "What do you think she'll say?" Of course she expected some questions, but she didn't think Therion would actually be so reluctant to go to the castle. "If they have questions, let them ask. I'm not afraid, are you?" She couldn't help but grin a little as she asked. "I happen to think you are the best guy to take home. In fact, you are the only guy I want to take home. In any condition." Her eyes softened as she spoke, unfolding her arms and placing her hand back on his. "Listen if you really don't want to be seen we can also just... sneak into the back door?" she said with a playful giggle in her voice. "I grew up in that castle, with the former royal family. I know that place like the back of my hand after years of playing hide and seek with, uh, members of court." She almost said Ezriel's name, and she wasn't sure if this was the best moment to mention him. She averted her eyes for a moment, hoping Therion didn't notice. "It's only for a night. Please?" Flashing him her sweetest puppy-eyes.

& Therion
Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:15 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
Good people are hard to find PfErOMx
Good people are hard to find Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
His heart jumped when he heard her words. They made him so intensely happy. "I love you too." He spoke softly, resisting the urge to kiss her just here and now. Was he still afraid of them being together in public? Yes. Did the drugs still in his system make it easier? A bit. His words, however, were completely honest. He loved her, with all this being, he had since Raveryn, but he couldn't ignore the fact that he had been broken when she suddenly left him. But that was in the past, and especially he should know how to look to the future. She told him not to worry about him not knowing about her allergy. "I believe we hadn't touched any fish back in Raveryn, had we? They liked to serve mostly meats. I don't think I ever showed you my skills in ice fishing." He chuckled softly. Ishgard wasn't that advanced in ice fishing, as that was mostly a Norwyn thing to do. But he still got training in it, as part of him being a Rizal and all. Same was for dog sliding. He missed the dogs, sometimes, but he knew they would get the best treatment. Sliding in and out of his own thoughts, Therion almost missed what Ani was talking about. "You get used to it. It's your head sending the wrong signals to your stomach, that's all." He told her, finishing his fish with a last bite. "I'm feeling a bit better. The food did me good. I do still feel a bit fluid though, as if I'm above my own body. I guess that will disappear in a couple of hours, hopefully." Although he was quite experienced with his drug use, he had never done a session as long as this one. And he hadn't woken up by himself, but was shaken awake. Which also might explain the fluidness.
Therion noticed how the area was working on Ani's nerves and he wanted to offer to go for a walk, or go back to his place. But she had an other idea and invited him to the Vylasar Castle. Uncertain about the idea, he asked if it was a good idea. She made a few good arguments, if they couldn't see past their age-gap, was it even worth it? No. It was worth it, they just had to go somewhere else. He himself wasn't as highly ranked within the Rizal family, so they might be able to live in Raveryn, if Ani would like that. When she asked if he was afraid, he sighed softly. "Depending on who's gonna see us." The head of the family? Definitely. However, the option to go through the back door might be a good one. It would give them more troubles if they would get caught though. He took a deep breath, rubbing his thumbs over her hands and smiled. "Fine, I'll come with you. Let's see how much chaos we're gonna cause together." He stood up, way more stable than before and helped her up as well. He sneaked in a quick kiss before holding out his arm. He had never been inside the Vylasar Castle, this could go very wrong, very fast. Especially if Zuhayr was there.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:40 am
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