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a good cause
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The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
a good cause Tiz0hA0
a good cause 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
Lionel wasn't the largest horse enthusiast out there, not that he hated them. No, the man could never find it in himself to hate any animal. But he simply didn't have that much to do with them. A horse was hardly needed in his line of work, after all. He stepped forward. His icy blue eyes gazed over the horses she had housed here. He knew that this place was a sanctuary for them. Which was something that Lionel really did find inspiring. So much so that he made a mental note, that the moment he returned to the city. He should swing by the bank, and issue a large donation. For it surely was deserved. Lionel stopped when he reached the center of the building. And called out to the woman he was looking for, "Zoey?" He called. His voice echoing off the walls. He was here to check up on her, in effect. It had been awhile since he had last seen her. But also here had stopped by for other reasons. One's he hoped, she could help him with.
@Zoey Winter
Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:36 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter
a good cause UAZ74eW
a good cause Tumblr_oswxwbPOhk1u0xntco3_r1_250

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Horse trainer
We could just slow down time

Zoey was busy with mucking the stables, not something she particularly enjoyed. Most of the horses were outside, apart from a few who didn’t feel up to it today. Something she could understand. It was kind of like her. When she didn’t want to go home, to be faced with Louis and his lack of affection. It was one of the main things about her marriage that wore her down on almost a daily basis. Simply because she did everything she could to hold on to the feelings she cherished for her husband. But never once had there been a moment of him doing the same. A short sigh slipped over her lips, working out her frustration on the hay.

All of the sudden a voice resounded. Making her look up. Huh? A confused expression appeared on her face. She put her tools down and hummed, stepping out of the stable she was busy with. To be met by a recognizable face. Making the corners of her mouth curl up. Darting to the man in question and wrapping her arms around him. Smiling widely. ’Lionel!’ She beamed happily. Only then it did dawn on her that she must smell like hell right about now. Quickly letting go of the other, her cheeks coloring red. ’I’m sorry, this is not my finest moment. Let’s step outside, so I can air out a bit.’ She laughed ever so softly. There was probably some hay stuck in her hair as well, making her look like exactly what she was. A woman that worked with horses.

Let me adore you.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:26 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
a good cause Tiz0hA0
a good cause 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
He had called out for her, but didn't get a response right away. The man placed his hands around his back as she walked through the stables. It was a very quaint and modestly built, but he had to admit it had a lot of charm. One of the horses stole his attention, he didn't know why. The animal wasn't anything special, but. Somehow he was drawn to it. Lionel walked towards the pen the animal was housed in and gentle patted the side of its neck. He whispered softly to steed, who seemed all too interested in him. Even trying to eat his clothes. But Lionel didn't mind it and merely chuckled quietly. Just then he heard his name echo through the barn, and when he turned to the origin of the sound. He saw Zoey. Lionel stepped away from the animal, but before he could do much else. The woman embraced him. The action was sudden, and so Lionel didn't really know what to do at first. So he just blinked in surprise, standing still like a block of wood. But his icy demeanor quickly melted away. As he retuned, the affectionate gesture, gently wrapping his arms around his sister-in-law. It was short, however, since they soon parted from one another. And when they did, Lionel was back to the upright way he usually held himself. He listened to her speak and nodded when she offered to go outside for a bit. A small and rare smile crept on his face as he gestured for her to go first. "But of course, after you, my lady." He said, his voice soft. He wouldn't mind the change of scenery, but he also didn't mind staying here. The smell, or the way she looked. Didn't bother him at all.
@Zoey Winter
Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:58 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter
a good cause UAZ74eW
a good cause Tumblr_oswxwbPOhk1u0xntco3_r1_250

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Horse trainer
We could just slow down time

Did she ever expect visits? Not really. Though anyone was free to come around to either spend some time with the horses or with her. She didn’t mind. As long as her work got done by the end of the day and she could be home by the time the evening fell. Then everything was okay. Then she would at least be home for Louis. Not that she expected him to be home whenever she walked into their house, but well. The idea to just be there whenever he’d get home was worth more to her than anything. It showed him that she cared and she felt like her husband needed just that, not that he ever voiced something like that. But that was a whole other story. When she spotted the brother of her husband in her little ranch she couldn’t help but smile. It had been quite a while since she had least seen him. In pure Zoey fashion, she hugged him. A way of greeting she did with everyone she knew. Lionel was family, so nothing wrong with that.

Together with him she walked out of the stables, patting her clothes where some hay fell off. Looking out over the paddock where a few horses were spread out. A smile resting on her lips. ’What brings you to the ranch? Everything alright?’ The woman smiled up at the other, looking up. Why did these two men need to be so tall? It was the same with her husband. Though maybe she should just accept that it was more her fault for being so tiny. Her brother had gotten all the height in the family apparently. Very rude. ’Have you been back for long?’

Let me adore you.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:01 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Lionel Winter
Lionel Winter
a good cause Tiz0hA0
a good cause 5nzLram

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Vice admiral/National hero
With the tide
When they stepped outside, Lionel let his sister-in-law walk ahead of him. Quietly following in her wake, with his hands behind his back. Zoey decided to lead him near a paddock, where several horses were stationed. He watched the creatures, for a few moments. While the woman was dusting some hay off her clothing. His eyes found hers again, when he heard her speak. Lionel nodded. "I just wanted to check up on you." He said, while he shot her a short, reassuring smile. It had been the truth, he did truly want to see her. It had been so long, after all. But he would also be lying if he told her, that that was the only reason he had come all this way. But before he could give them to her. She asked him if he was ashore long. Lionel shook his head. "Not terribly long." He did spend perhaps a few days longer than she should have at the Grimadli estate, but nothing outrageous. Lionel always thought it the very height of good manners to knew exactly when to leave. No one wanted a quest who; overstayed their welcome. "I hope my brother is well, I'm planning on visiting him at that university he's been teaching at." He looked at her then, asking with his eyes if that would be a good idea. Since he really couldn't tell; his brother was, and probably always will be; an enigma to him. Lionel sighed, as she moved his gaze away from the woman in front of him. And onto the horses in the field again. "There is also something else, I'd like to ask of you Zoey."
@Zoey Winter
Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:49 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Zoey Winter
Zoey Winter
a good cause UAZ74eW
a good cause Tumblr_oswxwbPOhk1u0xntco3_r1_250

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Horse trainer
We could just slow down time

Zoey smiled up at the man when he stated that he wanted to check up on her. For a brief moment wondering if he knew something about her and Louis’s situation? But she doubted it. If anything nobody knew apart from herself and the man in question. Not even sure if her husband knew what kind of damage he was inflicting on her on a personal level. But that wasn’t something to dwell on right now. ’I’m okay Lionel, no need to worry for me. But I’m happy you’re back.’ She smiled warmly at the other.
Shortly she hummed as her eyes moved to the horses once more.Actually feeling the need to go out riding. Maybe after he had left. ’Ah yes, Louis. I think he’d be pleased with that.’ Which was frankly the only thing she could actually say about the matter. Because truly she had no clue what the other would think if Lional was going to visit him. Louis was quite a hard man to read, even for her. Which was due to a whole lot of things. Was she that bad of a wife?

’Of me? Off course. What is it?’ Wondering what on earth Lionel needed that she could be of help with? Was it something about her brother or about her husband? Or something else entirely?

Let me adore you.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:29 pm
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