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Good people are hard to find - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Good people are hard to find - Page 2 XwC2DZk
Good people are hard to find - Page 2 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Did you get what you wanted
When you made me think you loved me
And did it make you feel honest
To leave us behind for a feeling
Hearing him say those words back to her. It was such a new thing, but at the same time, it felt like they had said it for as long as they had known each other. It warmed her completely, and she sighed in this absolute happiness she had never felt before. She couldn't hear it enough. Though she was surprised by them both and how they were so publicly loving, for everyone to hear and see. Therion could blame it on the drugs in his system, but could she as well?
She thought back to their time in Ravaryn, but there was still a painful stain on those memories. Somehow, she couldn't shake it completely. It would take time for her as well. And with the new revelations they discovered about the whole situation, of Therion not actually knowing about it. It added a new layer of difficulty. But thinking of her beloved enjoying his time on the ice, it made her smile as he chuckled. "No, you haven't. So I guess we have to go back sometimes." The idea of traveling with Therion made her eyes almost sparkle, even though of returning to the place she had left in such a cloud of darkness, made her nervous already.

She nodded as he explained why she felt the way she did. "I'm sure it will pass soon enough." Relieved to hear he was feeling better, she smiled, though she unintentionally glanced upwards as if she expected a ghostly shape of Therion to float around. "We'll take it easy for the time being." It didn't surprise her that he was still feeling it all. If twenty minutes in those fumes made her feel like this, she couldn't imagine how he felt. Even back in Ravaryn, when he let her try some of his stuff, it hadn't been as bad as it was now. Maybe it was different in Lemuria. Or perhaps the Lythrania air did something to it? Aside from the fact that he had been at it for five days straight. Thinking back at those days while she wallowed in emotions, he had been there, laying on that bed. Chasing Lythrana knows what? A vision. But what exactly she didn't know. It was a type of magic she didn't understand, but she wanted to. She was going to ask him one day, when he was more sober and clear-minded. Now her priorities were helping him recover from those five days. Step one had been done, he had food. Step two was proving to be a challenge to get there. He wasn't jumping at the idea, which she expected, but she couldn't let it go that easily. He asked a fair question, though. She didn't imagine Aurelia being thrilled with the idea of another Rizal in her home. Nor her father, if he knew the extent of her relationship with Therion. They had already broken so many rules, being together. Which had something exciting too. Even her siblings might push back on the whole idea of them together. Which she couldn't blame them for after the week they spent with her. So it was something she was going to need to explain to them at some point. Hopefully, to rally some support behind Therion and herself. But that was a worry for later. Because Therion agreed to her plan. She let out a high pitched squeal, ending in a giggle, triumphantly smiling. "Really great to know that puppy-eyes work on you!" Teasing him as she got up. She blushed when he sneaked a kiss, shutting her right up. She took his arm, glancing a loving look his way before they took off. This was going to be an experience. Of that she was certain.

& Therion
Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:17 am
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