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[FOF] Build a little world
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
[FOF] Build a little world Untitled
[FOF] Build a little world Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He had heard of the festival from the old man plenty of times before today. He had spoken about how he wanted to sell soup and the day before everything would enfold, they went to it. As all the staff got the tavern and food ready for the days to come. Polaris had asked Leif if he could help with building the stall they would put their stuff on. Luckily for him, that was allowed, and for the rest of the day he had hammered away at the wooden stand with two extra pair of hands. A bit clumsy as they had no idea what they were doing, but if there was one thing that his time in Ravaryn had proven to him; then it was the fact that he was quite handy. He had already fixed the roof in the stables... So, compared to that achievement, this was nothing. As he finished up with the last details, polishing the wood so that no-one would get splinters the day after, he could hear a voice behind him. From the tavern the old man called him back, noting that dinner was ready. The young boy let out a content sigh and jumped to his feet, running back to his now home, a joyful expression on his face.

He woke up pretty early that morning. He quickly checked through his window to make sure that it wasn't snow before he got dressed, putting on extra layers of clothing so he wouldn't catch a cold. As soon as he left his room he could already hear a lot of voices, as if the tavern was already serving customers at this time. Polaris ran downstairs, tilting his head in surprise as he saw the staff swiftly finishing up their breakfast. "They heading out already?" He asked as he stepped to the bar, grabbing one of the remaining pieces of bread. "They'll get the stall ready and all that," Leif said with a smile. The boy nodded as he took a seat while taking a small bite of his breakfast. "What are your plans today Ozzy?" He tilted his head a bit as he looked up at the ceiling, a thoughtful humming leaving his lips. "I was thinking of helping with the stall," A chuckle could be heard and his dark eyes quickly found its way back to the old man. He was shaking his head, holding up a hand. "Oh please, my boy, no," he said. "You should enjoy the festival. It is your first festival in Ravaryn after all," Polaris nodded to those words, taking another bite of the bread. "No work for the entirety of the festival," He blinked in surprise. "Are you..." "I'm sure..."

When he finished his breakfast, he left the tavern. At first he looked over at the stall he had build the day before. The rest of the staff was already putting out several pastries while building a small fire to put the pot of soup on. He nodded at them, waving ever so slightly before he turned away. It was very kind of the old man to give him some time off, even offering him some coin so he could spend it on the festival. Polaris felt a bit overwhelmed by it, really, as this was his first day since... Then... That he had to himself. A day where he didn't need to fear for his life. A smile curled on his lips as he pulled his scarf a bit more up, covering his nose in the process. Even though he was wearing so much, he still felt cold. But he had noticed that, no matter how much he put in, his body still shivered. Perhaps he was just sensitive the the temperatures. Not much of a surprise when you realized what kind of climate he was used to.

As he looked up from the ground, he quickly spotted a familiar face. "Scorpius!" He said as he put his arm up, waving at the young man. He quickened his pace in the hopes he could catch up with him. A warm smile on his face, something that was accompanied by his joy filled gaze. "Checking out the market?" he said once he was closer to the other. The bright expression remaining on his face.
Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:22 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FOF] Build a little world I4JNuiG
[FOF] Build a little world 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

A bright smile had been present when he had woken up that morning. The festival was upon them and the boy couldn’t be happier really. If there was any time of the year that he enjoyed most it was this time. Not because of the weather. But because of all the fun the festival brought. He always enjoyed walking around the market, buying little trinkets that he could hopefully later gift to those he cared for. And just the fact that almost everyone seemed into the same spirit as him. Yes, this was going to be fun.Though if anything, it wasn’t the same. Without his older brother present. He shook his head, pushing the thought away as he walked out of his room. Going instantly to the room where breakfast had been served. Happily plucking a few things from the table as he sat down and munching. Being joined by one of the cooks, something Scorpius liked. Just making simple conversation about the menu of the day.

Scorpius had been dressed rather simply, though in the best materials as was put out for him. He wore a simple white button up, with a fur coat over it and some leather trousers. He wore gloves as well, mainly because his fingers always got extremely cold during this time of year. Nothing really weird about that. For the day he had asked to simply be cleared of his personal detail, something that wasn’t allowed. Yet the knight in question had cut him some slack and had decided to watch him from afar. When a voice reached his ears he looked up. He knew that voice. Ozzy!

’Ozzy, nice to see you.’ He smiled brightly as he had come to a halt. Looking at the other and grinning warmly. Now this was a pleasant surprise. ’Well yes, what are you doing here? Isn’t it too cold for you?’ The young man teased the other playfully.

the astrologer, of our futures.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:17 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
[FOF] Build a little world Untitled
[FOF] Build a little world Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
It had been a bit since he had been the charming boy. Their first encounter had been quite nice to say the least. Polaris even dared to say that they had become friends since. Or at least some sort of good acquaintance? He really hoped that the other thought the same way about him. He had felt comfortable around the other, despite what had happened. He had this natural charm about him that could put anyone's worry at rest. And for someone like him, a boy that had been on the run for almost a year now... That really was a blessing. Who would have known that for someone as broken as himself, not only shelter for the body was a necessity. His mind needed some sort of shelter too. And perhaps that came in the slightest form of Scorpius. Just, someone he could maybe build on. A friendship that he needed. Something that would maybe restore the broken trust he had for everything and everyone around him.

The man greeted him and he smiled brightly as he nodded. "It's nice to see you too," He said as if it was a natural response to what the other had said. And maybe it was, because it had left his lips before he knew it. Oh well. It was a response like any other, he couldn't be blamed. However, the other went to ask him a question, one that teased him. He averted his eyes, rolling with them as he chuckled. "Duh, of course!" He said as sighed in an almost dramatic way. "Why didn't you tell me it gets this cold?" He tried to put up his best dramatic frown as he looked up at the other. It didn't take long before he smiled once more. "Yea... But no..." It really didn't take much for him to break character. Which was funny, because in a way he was already playing someone else. Ozzy, not Polaris. But this was something else. Keeping up an actual lie was easy, acting in dramatic ways...? No... "It is really cold.. I've been trying to keep myself warm by layering clothes... But it isn't working," He looked at his own glove covered hands, sighing as he did. "It is what it is," he said as he looked back at Scorpius, smiling once more while he shrugged. He really wanted to huddle close to a fire and just warm up. But... These days were special. "I got some days off for the festival.... And I didn't want to sit inside all day so yea," He looked at his feet for a moment while he smiled. It was nice to have some time off. He was usually working around and in the tavern... And when he wasn't working there he was doing small jobs all around town. Just anything to get by. "Didn't want to miss my first Festival of Frostcrown," It would be a shame. And he never knew where he would be in a year. He could be back in Lemuria by then, or even Xaila... Maybe even Avalon. He never knew where life was taking him...
Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:35 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FOF] Build a little world I4JNuiG
[FOF] Build a little world 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

Had he expected to see Ozzy here? Maybe not, but a part of him had at least hoped that they would run into each other here. And his prayers had been heard apparently. Which he loved even more since he could take the other over the market and look for some gifts for his family while doing it. Maybe possibly for Ozzy as well, but he didn’t need to know that just yet. After all, it would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it? The smile on the other his face brightened him up as well. It was always good to be among friends and he could consider Ozzy as one that was for sure.

Scorpius laughed softly. ’So dramatic, it’s not even very cold right now. You should dress warmer!’ He happily continued with the teasing. Though from the moment he’d notice that the other had enough of it he would call it quits. Since well, too much teasing was a bit overboard. Shortly he shook his head, smile still in place. Keeping an eye on the other. Who stated that it was indeed really cold. Drama lama. But well, to someone that wasn’t used to it, he could understand. Somewhat. ’It kind of depends on how many layers you actually are wearing.’ The young man pouted for a moment. He didn’t look too buff from the layers, so he sincerely doubted that it was actually enough.

’So instead you decided on being outside in the cold all day. And then I’m the weird one.’ The boy chuckled playfully. ’But, regardless of you being cold. I’m happy that you’re here.’ A nod followed. He truly was. ’What do you think of it so far? Apart from cold.’ A warm smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the other. Ah yes, this festival was something that he was proud of. A few people walked by them and they all made a slight curtesy by simply bowing their heads for him. Which made him quite uncomfortable. Just like he was still uncomfortable in not sharing who he truly was with the other. ’Want to grab something warm to drink from one of the stalls?’

the astrologer, of our futures.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:52 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
[FOF] Build a little world Untitled
[FOF] Build a little world Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
In a place where he barely had any friends or connections, it always did him good to see a somewhat familiar face. Scorpius had been one of the first people he had met when he arrived in Ishgard. Although he hadn't been fully honest with the other and he had lied to him about several things, he did feel like they had established a nice steady friendship. At least, he hoped it was somewhat of a friendship. In this lonely world it meant a lot to just have someone by your side. And even though he had found his brother, it was still nice to have something aside from that. It really felt like he could build up his life again from here on out. A normal, steady life. That idea was comforting to him. If only he could add his dream back into the mix hm? Now that would something worth fighting for. To sing again, perform again... To get a new guitar. Man, he really missed his guitar. But for now it was for the better to lay low, especially when it came to performing. Those people who were after him... They surely would be on the lookout for such things if they had gotten a bit of information on him. His singing had always been his greatest talent, but also his biggest giveaway.

It was true that Polaris wasn't used to the cold. And honestly, he didn't think he would ever get used to it. He had always lived in the warmer regions of the continent. Only as of recent had he arrived here, but that was something the others didn't know. For as far that Scorpius knew, he was born in Ravaryn, had lived a bit in Xaila and had returned to be with his grandfather. So when he complained, it was actually quite genuine. The other laughed and told him he was being dramatic; it wasn't even that cold. He shrugged a bit while keeping a smile on his lips. When layers were brought up again he tilted his head. "I did!" he said while shaking his head a bit. Maybe the other didn't think he looked packed, but he really was wearing several layers. He was just naturally skinny and after his experience in Lemuria had he only lost weight. He was never good with bulking up anyway. "Several shirts, at least a few socks, T W O coats man!" he sighed softly. It was all too much, but it didn’t help. Oh how he missed Xaila at a time like this.

When Scorpius went on he looked at him for a moment, pouting his lip a bit as he did. "Being inside is boring," and restraining. It reminded him too much of the life he used to have only a couple of weeks ago, he didn't want to think about it anymore. But then the other went on and he smiled when he said he was happy. He nodded at his question and made a thoughtful humming sound. However, before he could say anything, some people passed by, bowing their head at the other while... Wait a minute. Polaris fell silent for a moment as he looked at the people in the corner of his eye. This- He had always thought that Scorpius was an important person, the son of some wealthy man. But... This kind of behavior was only reserved for... "Royalty," he whispered, barely a sigh. It all fell into place now. Why he had recognized the others’ name, why it had felt so odd and why everyone seemed so kind to him. He didn't know what to do... This... This was dangerous to him.

He stared at the ground for a moment, being clearly uncomfortable in just mere seconds. He didn't know what to do. Should he turn away? Never to see him again? It wasn't too late to do that, he didn't know who he really was, he wouldn't be able to find him if he ran now. He could take his horse and leave the city tonight. He couldn't be near a prince, it would attract too much attention, they would find him and then he would have to go back and everything would have been for nothing. He would be back there, he would be trapped again-
Scorpius voice pulled him out of his trance. He blinked in surprise, clearly shaken, a shimmer of fear in his eyes. He looked at him for a moment, feeling a wave of nausea wash over him. "I-" His voice sounded shaky, and he couldn't help himself but- no other sounds left his lips...

He shook his head slowly, averting his eyes back to the ground and bowing his head like the other people had done... Before taking another step back. His entire being screamed to run. So... After just a couple of seconds, that's just what he did. He turned away and started walking. His world was spinning and the way he was walking... It wasn't stable. His heightened breathing, the sound of his heart in the back of his throat. It was sufficating.
Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:34 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FOF] Build a little world I4JNuiG
[FOF] Build a little world 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

The cold, it would be an ongoing problem for the other if he kept being so whiny about it. Though he could understand, if one wasn’t used to temperatures like these and they came here. Yeah, they would turn into little ice men in no time. Shortly he chuckled as Ozzy stated he had layered up. ’But did you put anything on with fur inside? That’s what will keep the warmth isolated.’ Scorpius told him, a soft smile curling around his lips.

Boring. Well yeah. He could find himself into that way of thinking for sure. Although he liked being cooped up in the library or somewhere else, it had to be with some kind of purpose or else he’d be out of his mind on seconds. It was when a few citizens passed him that everything fell to pieces. He saw something change on the other his face and swallowed. Biting his lip for a moment. ’I.. Sorry.’ He muttered underneath his breath, seeing some kind of fear appear in the other his eyes. Which confused him. Nothing changed though, about them. They were still friends, right?

When he took a step back, Scorpius took a step forward, wanting to stop the other from doing what he was afraid of. But he was too late, Ozzy had taken off. Literally left him standing in the cold. It baffled him for a second. He was uncertain what to do. Should he chase him? But that would make it worse right? Fuck, why didn’t he say something from the first moment on?

Scorpius shut his mind of and started the chase. He wasn’t going to lose a friend over who he was. No.

the astrologer, of our futures.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:23 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
[FOF] Build a little world Untitled
[FOF] Build a little world Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
His mind was racing and so was his heart. His walk was swift, but very unstable as he weaved between the people before him. Sometimes running into some men, but barely processing it. Muttering under his breath a silent apology that didn't seem to reach anyone’s ears. His entire body was screaming to hide away, take his things and run. Because, well, he was supposed to be undercover, he was supposed to lay low. Mingling with a prince? Now that was a recipe for disaster. As soon as the bounty hunters would reach Ishgard and they would hang posters or ask around for him, all would point to the boy that had interacted with the sole remaining prince of Ravaryn. He knew that something was off, he knew that he recognized the name. How could he have been so stupid? He should have sensed it earlier; he should have known earlier. And now... Now his perfect little life, the small thing he had built for himself, was about to fall apart. Where could he even go from here on out? Avalon... Perhaps? Oh by the gods the rainforest would be the most awful place to remain, he would change whenever rain rolled in and- Shit... Shit. Shit!

He almost fell to the ground when he stumbled over something, holding out his hands so he would catch himself in the fall and- Well. His hands landed in some snow on the side of the road, soaking his gloves in an instant, but not yet reaching his skin. He held his breath, jumped instinctively to his feet and started to run. Panic now really set in as he looked around, jolting through the main street before jumping in a smaller alleyway. He kept on running, looking around frantically before finally seeing his safe haven, the tavern. A rush went over him as he headed straight for the building. But then he felt it. He blinked in surprise, turning himself towards the building that was nearest to him; the stables he was renovating behind the tavern. He pulled open the door, closed it shut with a heavy thud and leaned against the wood with heavy breathing. His eyes were as big as they could be as he stared up at the ceiling of the building. The slight humidity had finally breached through the knitted things around his hands and-

He could feel the change going as naturally as it always did, not painful nor really unexpected. You could always feel it before it really happened. The fabric of his pants tore apart as the huge tail developed beneath him. He let a yelp as he collapsed to the floor, knocking over several items that were in his way before finally hitting the ice-cold stone floor. For a moment the world went silent as ringing filled his ears... And he could just stare in front of him. But as time went on everything seemed to stabilize and slowly, he could push himself straight. He turned himself slowly, using his weak strength to move back to the door and leaning against it. A sigh left his lips as he curled himself up in a little ball. His entire body was shaking from the freezing temperatures. He hated this. He hated himself. In a sluggish motion he pulled it his gloves, rubbing his slightly damp hands against his jacket as to try and dry them. Hoping, praying, wishing to every god that he could shift back as quickly as possible.
Mon Apr 24, 2023 11:08 am
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