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Build yourself a myth
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The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel running errands? Wow, put it in the papers! But some things she could not just trust her servants to buy for her. Some things were just for her, and while she expected there was some shadow following her to make sure she was not hurt, whatever would end up in the sleeves of her dress was for no ones concern. So she walked down the pavement, she twirled a small umbrella on her shoulder, while her wavy hair made a mess of itself in a brisk wind, yet she refused to put it up.

Maybel found herself in a small apothecary, she knew was run by the high priests brother. But it was a curious little place. Everybody who was anybody knew that it was a little hub for gossip, and it was sometimes even better than the gossip in the backrooms at a party. Because it was place where servants met up to pick up parcels for their employers, and exchanged the most fun scandels of their masters backrooms. Again, one of the reasons why she came here herself, and not let somebody else do it for her. But the shop was empty today, bar for the familiar face on the counter.

‘‘Good morning, mister Aphelion,’’ she hummed happily. She closed her umbrella and set it next to the door. She tried to untangle the worst of her messy hair, before walking up to the counter. ‘‘Something to help me sleep, please,’’ she said a matter of factually. Her life was changing so fast the past couple weeks, that she could not keep up with all the emotions. She was trying to keep up so many versions of herself. A hurt daughter for the father that was to marry again, the fun little cousin, the good big sister and the bitch to her new step-mother. And oh, not to forget the courting high lady, but that gave her energy more then it took. ‘‘It's just for me. No enemies to put to sleep, yet,’’ she joked, while she leaned against the counter, a small smile hanging on her lips.
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Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:00 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

The man was busy with writing down the stock he had. A calm expression on his face as his finger moved over some of the vials behind the counter. Shortly humming. He needed to stock up on a few things. Though he wasn’t really worried about that. Most of it he could gather himself, for other things he had a person that brought it to him. So no, if anything he wasn’t going to worry about the small stock he had left. When he heard the door the man looked up. A customer. One that had been coming here more often lately. Perhaps some problems?

’Miss Winter.’ He nodded politely. Her ask made him smile shortly. He turned around and grabbed something off the wooden stand. A small brew, mainly mixed with valerian root which worked sleep inducing. ’Take this with water, two scoops max and about thirty minutes before you go to bed.’ Briefly chuckling at her words. ’Yet? I won’t be complicit to any murders though. But if you ever need that kind of thing, I can refer you to someone.’ A joke, but not really. But he was quite certain she’d take it as a joke. ’Someone causing you problems?’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:49 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel smiled cheerily when he greeted her and he started to help her with her small sleep potion. It felt like that, anyway. If magic and witches were forbidden, Ketiga came quite close to a wizard himself. She took the parcel from him, and she couldn't help but open it and smell. It had a weird, pungent smell, which wasn't all that pleasant. She pulled up her nose, but did not complain.

Maybel's eyes lit up when he smiled at her joke, and even cracked one himself. She hid her grin behind a gloved hand for a while. ‘‘You insult me, murder?! I would never. Don't put those words in my mouth,’’ she said theatrically. ‘‘But I'll remember the offer, mister.’’ She winked at him playfully. But when he asked if someone was troubling her, she sighed and leaned forwards against the counter again. ‘‘No, not really. Not yet,’’ she answered him. She didn't even notice how easily she started talking to him. ‘‘But it would be nice to just put someone that annoys you to sleep so they won't bother you for a few blissful hours.’’ She could think of a few people. Duchess Winter, for example. That woman scared the creeps out of her. And if she was in a kind mood, she could take out Alison's little guard. And specifically the newest thorn in her side. ‘‘Like evil step-mothers.’’
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Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:10 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Ketiga chuckled wholeheartedly. 'Of course you wouldn’t. People like us, have people for that don’t we?’ Shooting her a playful smile. If anything he didn’t mean anything by it, though it was laced with truth for certain. The face she made when she had opened the parcel made his grin curl up even higher. ’It’s best to not smell it. I would suggest taking it with a really strong-smelling tea.’ He hummed. If anything it would make it more tolerable for her stomach.

Not yet. That didn’t mean much good. Leaning on the counter with his arms which closed a bit of distance between the two of them. Yet it still remained respectful. Humming at her words. Aha, it was that kind of a problem. ’Well, you know me. I always have something for anything.’ A brief smile on his lips as he looked her in the eyes. Though he would prefer that she’d come after hours then. Given that he didn’t want that kind of business out in the open. But when she mentioned something else he looked up. Raising a brow and sighing softly. ’Ah! I’m sorry for that mishap on your father’s side. While I never had the chance to get a stepmother, I’m sure I’d probably react the same.’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.

Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:42 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she listened to him. People like them/ She put her elbow on the counter and leaned her chin in her hand, while her pale green eyes studied him. He was quick to put himself in the same tax bracket as she was. But she felt like they were nothing alike. Unless he knew something she didn't. ‘‘Perhaps,’’ she answered slowly. ‘‘Not so fond of doing dirty work?’’ she eventually joked to lighten the spirits again. Because by Renestrae, she would never get her hands dirty. Maybe there was truth in Ketiga's words. She chuckled softly when he commented on the smell. ‘‘Duly noted,’’ she said with a roll of her eyes.

Maybel perked up a bit more again, when Ketiga told her he had something for anything. She felt like he was starting to thread on thinner ice, and she enjoyed it. She was a bit of an adrenaline seeker herself. And for a woman in her standing, this was as exiting as it would get, trying yo deceiver a hidden meaning behind spoken words. ‘‘Do I know you, though?’’ she replied with a small smirk. He had locked her eyes in hers and she narrowed them for a second. But when he replied to her words about her step-mother-to-be, she sighed dramatically and perked up again, her hands down on the counter. ‘‘Praise yourself lucky,’’ she started to complain. ‘‘This is my second one. And somehow this is worse, because.. well I'm not a child anymore and- never mind. I won't bore you with my petty thoughts.’’ She placed her hands on her small parcel. ‘‘I can handle myself. Two scoops max, right?’’
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Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:44 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

The way she leaned on his counter and just looked at him made him hu. He had gotten her right where he wanted her to be fair. Having her think that they were the same when it came down to money. Money was only one thing though. If there was something that truly made him rich was his undying amount of sources that fed him with all kinds of information. When she spoke he chuckled softly. ’That’s information I can’t share.’ A playful grin lining his lips as he pulled a hand through his dark hair. Eyes finding hers for a split second.

’Does anyone truly know someone?’ Ketiga said right back, raising a brow. No one knew him, but at the same time everyone did. It was a thin line he was balancing on. But oh, how he lived for doing it. But something more interesting came out as well. Apparently her father was getting married again. Something he did need to remember for sure. When she started rambling he tilted his head shortly. Reaching out for her, but placing his hand right next to hers on the counter. ’Please miss Maybel, you never bore me with your thoughts.’ An open invitation for her to share more, or not. That was all up to her. ’We all need someone who we can vent to after all.’ A faint smile lining his lips.

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Fri Nov 25, 2022 2:28 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
This was just Maybel getting bored. She liked to dance on the boundaries of society. But just chatting up with mister Alphelion was barely pushing the limits. They both knew they were joking. They both knew this didn't mean anything. She was not entirely stupid. She knew sometimes people dissappeard in mysterious ways, but it was better no to go and pry if you valued your own skin. If someone disappeared, they most likely deserved it. And when Ketiga was the first to give in, a small smirk hung on her lips. ‘‘Boo,’’ she said with a pouted lip.

So that was a no. Ketiga avoided the question, and Maybel perked up a bit again. She gave a small shrug at his answer. ‘‘I hope so,’’ she said. ‘‘One would get very lonely.’’ She blinked slowly while she moved her gaze back to him. He could have the busiest shop in the world, talk to every costumer and nobody would ever know him. Maybel did think you would grow a bit lonely after a while, hearing the same stories day in and out. But somehow he was good in it, by only saying a few words. You could never bore me, while he placed his hand so close to hers.

Oh, she shouldn't. Her eyes were down at the counter, looking at what was happening between them. What kind of game was he playing? She looked back up at him. ‘‘And that would be you?’’ she asked with a tiny smile. Maybel felt like just now they had started to play chess. She had the white pieces, she had started with a simple opening, placing her pawns forward. But it was Ketiga who had put his knight on the board, temping her to take it. But she had to be careful for who was guarding the knight and if her pieces were worth sacrificing for it. She was shit at chess anyway. ‘‘Like you said, I don't even know you.’’
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Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Shortly the man chuckled at her words. ’Who knows Maybel? Maybe you’ll get lucky if you play your cards right.’ The man shot her a playful wink. If anything he’d never disclose if he had taken a life himself, that would be sharing too much. And if anything, trusting others wasn’t something he did. He rather kept the strings in his hand, playing the kingdom as long as he could. For that, that was something he was really good at. Even though no one truly knew what he actually did. No, he was happy to play the part of being the pharmacist to those that needed ailments like the young lady in front of him.

’Ah, but knowing someone truly has nothing to do with being lonely, miss.’ If anything he wasn’t a lonely man, nothing close to it actually. But the way he worked with his acquaintances was different from how most people acted around others. Ketiga truly studies people's demeanor and often their whereabouts. He kept people at a distance, for good measure. If it would ever come out what he truly did on a daily basis, well things would grow rather dangerous for him. So no, unlike the popular opinion he preferred this over anything else really.

His eyes found hers, the corner of his mouth slightly curling up. ’If you’d let me. I could be.’ He simply stated, the top of his thumb touching the side of her hand, barely, yet she would feel it. This game they were playing was a way to pass time. But well if anything, he did want to find out the root of her problems. Something that could only be obtained by talking to her. Though he certainly did not mind doing so. ’In my opinion, those you don’t truly know, are the ones that can offer the best kind of advice or are the best listeners. If you’d share the matter in your own circle, people would go around talking behind your back to anyone or no one in particular. If you choose to pick me, it wouldn’t ever leave the walls of this place.’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:04 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Maybel did enjoy this kind of game. But she knew he would not disclose anything today, he was being a bit stubborn. And she did not feel like prying in the hitman for hire business just yet. Maybel had no true enemies, just people she did not like. And like in every family, there were people that did not like each other. She just had to ignore evil aunts and step-mothers. So she gave a small shrug, with eyes telling that she was up for the challenge. But she was also horrible at playing cards, unable to keep them close to her chest. Her poker-face was laughable. However, never too late to learn.

Ketiga did show himself as a true man. She rolled her eyes. She also did not like being told what to think, or that a man wanted to prove that she was wrong. ‘‘I disagree,’’ she replied to his remark about knowing somebody truly. ‘‘You might not be alone, but you could still be lonely.’’ Maybe men just liked to hide their feelings all the time, trying to be rough and tough all the time. She looked up at him defiantly. ‘‘But I understand you would prefer being a mystery.’’ And it was annoying that she wanted to solve that mystery. He was a puzzle she now needed to solve.

Somehow the spotlights were now on her. Ketiga was a much tougher opponent then she would have expected. She felt the brush of his thumb on her hand and her eyes flashed back down to the counter. He was trying to reel her in and it was very tempting. Or maybe she was just overthinking. Maybe he just liked her? She glanced back up and listened to his words and she had to suppress a smile. ‘‘But then you would get to know me. Deeply, intimately...’’ It was a paradox. ‘‘And then it's not true anymore.’’ She gave him a smug smile. She was not all beauty and no brain. If it was true what he wanted to offer, if he wanted to pry in her mind. After all, it was all still hypothetical. Nothing was real, yet. Still a game. And she could play defensive, or offensive. And they both knew it was her style to just take that damn chess piece and move forward, not being able to resist. Her pinkie extended to his hand, her eyes trailing back down again. ‘‘And you might not like me then.’’
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Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:25 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Did Ketiga have an endgame in mind for this conversation? Not really, he’d accept anything she wanted to share. The man was simply curious that was all. Curiosity never truly killed anyone after all? And the fact that she had mentioned a new stepmother, it was something he had to dig deeper into after all. For the sake of keeping up the good name of the Winter’s. After all, he worked for them in many ways. So if anything, this new woman was certainly someone that had appeared on his radar. To figure out if she had dark secrets of her own that could possibly cause harm to Maybel or any of the other Winter’s. Something he couldn’t have happening. Imagine, all his hard work trampled by some idiot who was out for them. No, not on his watch.

She disagreed, which made the corner of his mouth curl up. ’You’d be surprised how unlonely being alone could feel Maybel.’ The man simply stated. Ketiga never felt lonely. As loneliness was only a subjective unwelcome feeling of lack or loss of companionship. No, Ketiga Aphelion never felt lonely. Because in a way, what the man could offer was almost always needed. Which made him a very wanted man for those who knew that he did. Besides, he simply enjoyed taking a step back. Working from the shadows to either destroy someone or lift someone from the ground up? It was simply how he was wired. Being a mystery. Yes, he quite enjoyed being exactly that. If anything, having people know nothing about you apart from the things you let know. That was power.

How lovely he found talking about himself, he’d rather talk about her. Have her say the things she needed to get of her chest. It would make her feel that much better after all. ’This only goes how far you want it to go. You’re in charge of whatever you say to me. And maybe, maybe I want to get to know you. Deep down.’ A very soft smile curled around his lips. The faint touch of her pinkie against his hand made him look at their hands. For a brief moment a very open expression on his face. ’I don’t think I could ever dislike you.’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:08 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
Build yourself a myth Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
Build yourself a myth Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
This man was impossible. She listened to him, tried to understand the words and make sense of it all. But it just, did not. After a while, she just gave up and laughed it of. She could just not understand how you could just have that happy live all by yourself. She would feel miserable. Yes, she could entertain herself for a short while by herself, but she thrived in society. She enjoyed small talk and creating a bit of chaos on the way. That was why she lingered here. She could have been long gone already, picked up her little parcel and be on her merry way. But no, she had to talk to the only man in the city who would rather be alone. And that was why she was hanging around, because maybe it would annoy him a just a little bit. Or maybe because she was enjoying herself a bit too much.

‘‘Well, maybe you are not alone alone.’’ That sounded weird. ‘‘But I would be terribly miserable,’’ she replied to him. She would not be able to convince him, or would he be able to convince her. He still was a bit weird though, but well. He was hiding underneath the surface. Listen, but not speak. She should be bored of him, but his funny little words kept her on edge. And when she thought she was being witty, he was being cleverer. ‘‘But, if you change your mind. I'm always down for good company.’’

The smug expression on her face wilted away as he told her she could decide, and maybe he wanted to get to know her. What a peculiar tactic, giving her the reins but also expression that he would like to now her. She tilted her head to the side. So she would ask. ‘‘Why?’’ The furrowed her brows a bit, but she liked the little smile on his lips. And she giggled as he noted that he would never dislike her. He was exactly where she wanted him to. Saying sweet nothings, making promises he could never know he would be able to keep. It was the same song, every time. But she had to admit, she had not heard this couplet yet. So it was time to set the trap, open herself up a bit more. He did not move anymore, so she would take charge once more, by placing her dainty fingers on his wrist know. ‘‘I would like to think that too.’’
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Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:04 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
Build yourself a myth PM7s1T0
Build yourself a myth D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Frankly, he didn’t think she would understand his desire to be alone. But it simply was just like that. Ketiga enjoyed being alone more than anything. Being able to tap into any conversation with either customers, people on the street, or people that worked for his bigger picture. It was the way his world worked and not many people could find themselves in that sort of thinking. If anything, he couldn’t care less if she understood or not. His little flocks kept coming to him whenever he desired it and brought him all the information he could wish for. Which was more than enough for him. People getting close to him, simply didn’t hold much regard for them. Nor did he respect anyone enough to actually let them come close. Numerous had tried, and most of them had found their untimely death one way or another. Never without reason. But a false reason? That was not something he shied away from.

’To each their own.’ The man smiled up at her. A woman like her would indeed be quite miserable if she lived a life like his. Then again, a life like his wasn’t for most. So honestly he couldn’t blame her. ’Isn’t that why you are still here? The corner of his mouth curled up playfully as he looked her in the eyes. Tilting his head for a moment. If anything, he was being entertained by her. While he wasn’t quite sure if she was enjoying herself, he did doubt that she would be bored out of her mind. Otherwise, she would’ve walked right out the door. Right?

’Because you’re interesting. And I happen to like people that can keep my interest. Don’t you?’ He asked her, locking eyes with her for a moment. As she placed her fingers on his wrist the smile slightly grew. Not letting go of her eyes just yet. Carefully turning the palm of his hand upward, exposing his wrist to her. ’You, Maybel Winter, are the most peculiar woman that I have ever met. Though you must forgive me if those words were spoken out of turn. After all, I’m just a humble apothecary. Offering up my services.’

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:53 pm
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