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The light of day
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Rosslyn Carnegie
Rosslyn Carnegie
The light of day Iwg6UDD
The light of day C3530d97c13b8d06f1f5214ceff173f1

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Owner of an orphanage
Own thestrength,

After Frederick had left. Her whole world just crumbled down. The woman had excused herself to one of the people that was helping her out. Stepping out under the disguise of not feeling all too well and that she’d go to a doctor. But instead, she went to a tavern. Where she had met Dolores, they had a rather pleasant evening. But in the end she had returned to the orphanage, checking in on the sleeping kids. Before she went to her own room. Curling up into a little ball in the bed and sobbing all night. The visit of Frederick had shaken her to her core, and had brought up all those feelings she had locked away.

The next morning, she looked presentable again. Making breakfast for the kids. Today would be the day that mister Marlborough would come by. While every part of her screamed to simply just call it off, she simply couldn’t. The roof needed fixing as did that dreadful beam that was about to take the whole roof down with it, if it cracked completely. She rubbed her cheeks. Drinking some water. After that she sat down with the kids, going over their day. Just keeping her focus on them. It was for the best or she’d be a crying miss again. No, there was no time for that. Not now, not ever.

When most of them had left, she was busy with the cleanup of the kitchen when a knock on the door sounded. Her heart thudded in her chest. What if it was the baron again? Shortly she swallowed. No. It would be Clarence, they had set an hour when he’d come. With a heavy heart she moved towards the door, eventually opening it up. Spotting the one she was expecting, which brightened up her face instantly.

In your softness.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:55 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
The light of day Untitled
The light of day Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
He would go back to the orphanage today. He had taken some time off to put some work in. Rosslyn had told him there was more work to be done and Clarence had stated that he would find the time to come and help as much as possible. And a promise was a promise, so they had set a day and time. The idea of being around the children and doing something good filled his chest with excitement. He couldn't wait to fix up that darn roof. It would take a lot of stress off of the lady of the house. She must have been worried about it, especially around these times. With winter at their doorstep, it was crucial to keep the children warm. They couldn't have any leaks now. It could cause mould to grow in spring and then a whole new arrangement of problems could arise. It was better to prevent then to cure, as he always told himself. That was a mentality he held high as a doctor, but also a person. Being mostly proactive, but also active when a problem was already present. He would never shy away from any challenge, especially if it meant helping people. This was what he lived for. To help others, to make the world a better place. That was the reason why he got up in the morning, that was what kept him going.

Just like now. He had picked up some materials he would need to patch up the things she had mentioned. He had hired a wagon and horse so that he could easily move it all to her place. He was strong, but he knew that he couldn't carry all of this back to the middle ring. As he slowly patted the sturdy horse, he stepped past the animal, checking the cargo one last time. As he quietly counted all the planks that were stacked in the wagon, he tilted his head. The fruit he had bought for the kids looked fine too. And the pie his maid and his daughter had baked looked fine too. He nodded, putting his doctors bag next to the things, before closing off the thing. As he gave it a last shove to check it's sturdiness, he smiled. Looked good, that wouldn't give in any time soon. He quickly stepped forward and easily jumped on the seat that was reserved for the one steering the entire thing. As he gently grabbed the reins and adjusted them in his hand. Giving the command to the loyal animal to go forward. The mare shook her head, before starting to walk at a steady pace, eventually speeding up to a steady trot when they were out of the densest part of the upper ring.

He knew the way by heart and after guiding the horse through streets and streets on end, he eventually got his destination in sight. A new bright smile curled on his lips as he slowed the animal down, eventually pulling up in the garden next to the estate, where he brought the horse to a halt. Clarence didn't hesitate and got of the wagon, quickly patting the mare that had pulled it all, before walking towards the back of his ride. The bay coloured creature shook her head and lowered her head, her attention was already on the grass below her. The man opened the back and pulled his bag towards him, so that he could grab the box that was behind it. He had to jump on top of the wagon for a moment as he wasn't tall enough to grab it in one go. He chuckled for a moment, pulling everything towards him before jumping back off and lifting it all up. He let his gaze go over the garden, eventually seeing the door between the cracks of the box he was carrying. He adjusted his grip a bit before going forward, praying to Renestrae that he wouldn't trip over anything on his way there.

And luckily he didn't. As he put the weight of the box on one arm, he lifted the other to knock. This almost caused him to lose balance. As his hand swiftly found a way back to the thing he was carrying. Woah. Didn't want to drop that now. It didn't take too long before he could hear movement inside, followed by footsteps. And soon after, she opened the door. A bright smile appeared on the man's face as he saw her. "Good morning miss Rosslyn," he said in a gentle tone, before turning himself. He was again, too small to peer over the box, so he had to stand a bit sideways to get a better view of her. As soon as he did he noted that something was... off. Yet he kept his smile up, tilting his head. "Ella baked a pie with her babysitter. She told me it was for you and the kids, so here I am," He chuckled for a moment. "Oh and some fruit for the kids, they were on sale on the market this morning, so I thought they would love some," They were mostly apples and pears that were stacked in the box, but it would be something. He never showed up empty handed. He simply couldn't. Every time when he saw something all he could think about was how the kids would love it. So when he saw the fruit, he just bought it with that intend. The pie? Well... That was just his sweet little Ella. She loved to bake, even though she was just a toddler. And every time when she heard that he would be going to the orphanage, she asked him if she could go to... Or could help like daddy did. Today had been this pie a token of this childlike innocence. She was perfect in every way, his little girl. And he couldn't be more proud of her. Truly one of a kind, even if he said so himself.
Wed Dec 28, 2022 12:00 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Rosslyn Carnegie
Rosslyn Carnegie
The light of day Iwg6UDD
The light of day C3530d97c13b8d06f1f5214ceff173f1

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Owner of an orphanage
Own the strength,

Had she shot a lucky prayer up to Renestrae that it wouldn’t be Frederick again? For sure. Seeing him so fast after yesterday wouldn’t do her well. Since she clearly was still rather shocked about the whole ordeal. Confused mainly as to why he would look her up after all this time. But today, today was all about the building she was in. And the man for the job had hopefully just knocked on her door. When opening that said door, she smiled. A wave of relief washed over him. God, she had never been this happy to see his face. Clarence was exactly the man he needed, not alone to carry out the repairs in the building. But because she knew he could lift her spirits without even trying too hard.

’Good morning Clarence!’ She quipped almost, peeking at all the stuff he was carrying. Oh boy, what had he brought with this time around? The answer came soon enough and she chuckled ever so softly. ’Tell her we all say thanks.’ She nodded. Deciding on relieving the man of the box that was blocking his view. Making her shoot a wink at him. ’Thank you Clarence, you really shouldn’t have done this.’ Deciding on walking in, carrying the box to the kitchen. She’d put the fruits in a smaller basket later on. ’You can put the pie wherever you find a spot.’ While she always kept everything as clean as she could, after yesterday she hadn’t really found the strength to clean up after breakfast much apart from cleaning the plates from the eating table. But it was quite messy here.

’Alright, where do you want to start?’

In your softness.
Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:42 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
The light of day Untitled
The light of day Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
Clarence was the type of man that always did too much. But in his eyes it just never felt as too much. It was just right, just enough, or maybe even a bit too little. His brain would always fill in the gaps, giving him space to think and mull over the small faults. It could always be better, he could always be better. And that was the reason he always reached for something else. Like the fruit, the pie... Everything he had taken with him. Because every small gesture couldn't be enough. But that was the thing with him. Treat others with kindness, with a gentle and giving heart. He would give everything for the people around him. But he knew that he couldn't do that, because he had a daughter to take care of, a brother that needed him. He couldn't simply sell the house and just live a life on the road doing small gestures of kindness. Although the idea sounded genuinely amazing, he still had duty and responsibilities he couldn't abandon. He just hoped that somewhere, out there, maybe in another lifetime, a version of him was able to live that out. It sometimes made him chuckle, the many ideas he had. The many dreams he had. But for him one really was stuck above the rest. And that was the whole reason why he was here once more... Or maybe there were other reasons. A combination of the both, that much was for sure.

That gentle, warm smile remained on his lips when she started to speak, even widening a bit. Even though he had sensed that something was off, all of that seemed to fade in a matter of seconds. As if the mere sight of him had changed her mood. He pushed the thought away for now, as he didn't want to pry in her feelings or private life. Besides, it could also be nothing... That wouldn't be the first time after all. He had a tendency to be a bit overbearing. But could anyone really blame him? He just didn't want anyone to feel bad, let it be emotionally or physically. It was the whole reason why he had chosen this career path. She spoke once more and he nodded. Ella would be excited about it, even though she still hadn't grasped the idea of what 'thank you' meant. All she knew was that it was a good word. Like all children simply seeking out attention, he was glad she mostly leaned into the positive kind. But before he could open his mouth and ask her something, she took over the box from him. He blinked in surprise for a moment. Huh? She thanked him and headed inside with the stuff, something the man quickly followed her on. He closed the door behind him, before turning back to her. "My lady please you don't have to carry all that it's bad for your back-" he said as he quickly paced after her in the kitchen. His voice clearly shimmering in concern. It's not that he labelled her as weak, definitely not. Lifting work could really put a toll on the body. And for someone like her, that most likely had a lot of work to do, it wouldn't really... Do her any good.

But as soon as he went in the kitchen, she had already put the thing down. He paused for a moment, looking at her, tilting his head... Before shooting her a small smile. He turned his head as he nodded on her words, putting the remaining stuff down and placing the pie on the table. It didn't take long for her to actually ask the question of todays work, something he didn't immediately replied on. It was quite noticeable, after all, how chaotic the place was. For someone who didn't visit the place often, they would simply put it on the fact that it was an orphanage, but Clarence had a keen eye and knew that Rosslyn wasn't the type to leave things this messy. That thought crept back in his head, but he quickly shoved it away. No. No prying, no questions. She didn't need that. "I'll clean the kitchen first and do the dishes and then I'll have a look at that roof," he said with a nod, before smiling once more. He looked at some of the things that were scattered all over and without hesitation he started to collect some of the things that were still out on the dining table, quickly turning around and putting them where they belonged. As he moved around the area he would often look at her, shooting her a kind, warm smile. "So, how are the kids?" he eventually said as he closed some cabinets once the most essential things were cleared out. He moved himself to the sink and poured out some water so he could start doing some of the dishes that weren't done yet. He pulled up his sleeves as he started to do his work. "Ella has been asking me to come along but I think she's still too young. Maybe next year? What do you think?" His focus was clearly on the things in front of him as he tried to concentrate.
Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:02 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Rosslyn Carnegie
Rosslyn Carnegie
The light of day Iwg6UDD
The light of day C3530d97c13b8d06f1f5214ceff173f1

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Owner of an orphanage
Own the strength,

Rosslyn was more than grateful that Clarence wanted to come and help her. Not only with the work that needed to be done on the house. No, she was genuinely happy that he was around for her own state of mind as well. Would she share? Who knew? But at least he was around to brighten her mood. Exactly what she needed after the shitty start she had to her day yesterday. Though Rosslyn wasn’t one to do anything, so she took one of the boxes and carried it inside. Chuckling at his words and shaking her head. ’First of all, it’s Rosslyn. Second of all, I carry around children day in and day out if I need to. Ain’t no box is going to hurt me.’ She spoke enthusiastically. If anything she could stand her ground. But she did like the fact that he was worried. Quite sure that he had that about everyone, but she could tell herself something else right?

Rosslyn loaded what was in the box over into little baskets and made sure to put everything away so the kids wouldn’t grab things themselves. Not that they weren’t allowed to do so, but for now she’d rather put everything away so it looked a bit tidier. Just a bit though. Because in all honesty, the kitchen looked like an utter mess. Something the other did notice as well, which made her swallow. Right.. ’You don’t need to clean Clarence.. If anything I can do that myself.’ She spoke a bit flustered. Damnit. She needed to get a grip on herself. It wasn’t okay that she had left things like this after breakfast. Very unlike her. Stupid Frederick. Clarence however did exactly what he said, making the blonde step in eventually and helping as well. No, she wasn’t going to let him clean on his own.

’Energetic, keen to learn, most of the time absolute angels apart from a few who tend to make life a bit more.. entertaining.’ She chuckled ever so softly. Going to stand next to him and took a clean rag so she could dry the dishes. ’She is always welcome here. But well, whenever you feel ready off course. And please do so when the kids are here, then she has a play buddy.’ The idea alone made a smile appear on her lips. Looking at him for a second. ’How are you?’

In your softness.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
The light of day Untitled
The light of day Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ You're going to make it, trust me. You're going to be okay ❞
He had always been the type of guy to look out for everyone. So, was it really weird for him to call out to her to be careful...? She was a lady, a lady who did heavy labor day in and out. He had heard many stories of people struggling with their backs after such active lives and he worried for her too. What if she got something earlier than expected? What if he could have prevented it? If anything, it was just better to prevent to heal, so just stating it was... It was just normal for him. She chuckled and Clarence looked at her for a moment as she spoke. He raised his brows a bit at her words, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks when she corrected him. AH- It was just formalities, right? How he was supposed to act around a lady. "I see... My apologies," he said softly as he followed her into the home. "It's just... As a doctor I must say that preventing is better than healing. So, from a medical standpoint I do have to give the advice that you... Shouldn't," he smiled at her as he said that. It was out of concern for her, really. But then again, all he did was his job.

He wouldn't make note of the fact that things seemed like a mess in the kitchen. She was on her own, after all. And with children you never knew how the day would go. Perhaps she had had her hands full with other things. And so, he started to clean, making sure that things were as they normally were. And with that happy, unbothered smile on his face it was clear that he didn't seem to mind much. Of course, he didn't mind. He came here to help out, make the workload a bit lighter for her. And he came here for the well-being of the children. It brought him joy to help, to give a helping hand, so he didn't mind at all. So, when she spoke, he smiled at her once more. "It's okay Rosslyn, really," he said softly to her. "I don't mind helping out at all," He never did. Perhaps it was part of the fact that he was raised with the Marlborough mindset. The whole family was all for charities and helping others out. So, all he did was add onto what he had learned from his parents. "Besides, it'll go faster with two,"

And as he continued to clean and do the dishes, he asked about the kids. Rosslyn was keen to respond, and the man smiled at her words. It was great to hear these things. He chuckled at her last words, shrugging slowly. "The adventurous ones hm?" he noted. "I'm glad they're all doing well," It would mean less stress for her. And he wouldn't have to make her worry with more medical stuff. Children were such a vulnerable group after all. His smile widened when she spoke of Ella and he softly hummed at her words. She was right. The small girl was an only child, not really having anyone of her age around her. Beside from him, his brother, Isaac and the nanny, her circle was quite small. And sometimes it was unfortunate that the age gap between her and their adopted nephew was so big. Because he could see the orphan boy try and bond with her. Yet, like most things, he seemed very skittish with the whole thing and would much rather avoid then confront the situation. "Maybe in a few months I'll give it a go," She was almost turning three, after all. As much as he would love to take her with him, he still had to think about her safety and her well-being first.

She asked how he was as they both tended to the dishes. He was cleaning them, and she was drying them. For a moment his dark eyes went to her. "I'm doing okay," he said with a nod. "Charles is doing well, Ella and Isaac are doing great too. Work is going fine as well," Yea, everything was just as it was supposed to go. Despite for some... Hiccups. But he wasn't going to mention those to her... Or anyone for that matter. "And you? How are you doing?" He hoped that, with that question he didn't pry into anything too personal. To make it clearer he averted his eyes, looking back at his work. If she wanted to share what was wrong, she could. But she didn't have to, he would never pressure anyone into doing such things.
Thu May 04, 2023 10:58 am
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