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The red-light district
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
The red-light district QZrZStW
The red-light district 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Arlyana Torvaris Lyall made his way through the city, with only one goal in mind; finding his brother. The older man was needed back at the Tyrgg house. Apparently, if some of the young officers were to be believed. He was last seen heading into town a few hours earlier. Though that was all, Lyall had to go on. Ishgard was a big place, and so finding him could prove to be a challenge. At first Lyall checked all the usual places, the market, blacksmiths, ect. But as the day drew to a close, he still had not been able to find the man. Not only that, but no one had seen him either. The black haired man, was running out of options. Perhaps he should just return to the house. For all he knew, Arkyn could well already be there. 

Perhaps, but there was still one area of the city he hadn't been yet. One that his brother could well be hiding in. Lyall wouldn't put it past him. He always was very found of girls. And loved it when they returned the attention, be it real or fake. The soldier sighed, but made his way to "that" part of the city. Where taverns offered more than just wine and a meal. Perhaps something could be said about him too; for Lyall knew exactly which places to seek out. But really that knowledge was handed down to him by his uncle, when they were traveling the world together. Though, he never made use of a tavern wench. He didn't think less of those, who were selling their bodies. But he just had no use for it. Not then, and certainly not now. He couldn't touch another woman in that way without thinking of his wife. And how he had failed her.

"You there," he said to a woman that was standing outside one of the taverns he had marked out in his head. She was quite beautiful, he had to admit. With long flowing chestnut hair, and mesmerizing eyes. Lyall threw a gold coin her way as he approached. So that he would have her attention. "I'm looking for my brother." He gave her a gentle look as he explained was exactly he wanted from her "He's a tall bloke, with white hair and amber eyes. You really can't miss 'em" Lyall went on, looking around him as he did. He hoped that none of his fellow officers were here, he didn't want them to think he frequented places like this. "Seen him around here by any chance?" 
Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:06 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
The red-light district NBgpUR6N_o
The red-light district GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Many people actually had a lot of misperceptions about tavern wenches, or better yet, whores. They all seemed to think that they did it for fun, or because they liked it, but none of them would have ever chosen their line of work if they had better chances at life. Nobody had ever given a shit about them, and because of that, they eventually found out the hard truth. They were worth a whole lot more for what was in between their legs.. And that wasn’t right, but Arlyana wasn’t able to change the world they were living in. If only she could, then maybe, she could have found herself in the arms of different men..

But that all had seemed like a far away dream that would never come to pass, and for her own sake, she had buried that dream, along with most of her actual feelings. Besides earning the extra coins on the side, Arlyana was also tasked with keeping the other customers happy, and this time, that meant escorting an old drunken man back to his horse. She had moved one of his arms around her shoulder and walked him back outside, to where his horse was standing. Carefully she helped him to get up in the saddle, which hadn’t been an easy task because he could barely sit straight. Yet, eventually, she managed to get him up there, but when she turned back around, she was met with a handsome stranger.

Her light green eyes quickly met with his before they began to study his face, softly opening her mouth in awe. In a fast reflex she caught the coin he threw at her, looking down at it. But it took her a few seconds to register his words, after which she blinked a few times as she snapped back into reality. ”Ah yes, I have seen him. There aren’t a lot of people who fit that description, but he was here last night.” She honestly told him, getting back into that charming appearance of hers with a smile. ”I could tell you more, but you know, information is very valuable in this place..” She went on, teasingly looking back at the coin, possibly hinting that his pay wasn’t enough. Ofcourse, she was joking with him, but he couldn’t know that.

Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:53 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
The red-light district QZrZStW
The red-light district 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @tagg ”Ah yes, I have seen him. There aren’t a lot of people who fit that description, but he was here last night.” The woman said, with the edges of her mouth turned up. She had a very bewitching smile. Though it didn't do much for him. He knew that it was all just show. That these women were nothing more but actresses. Lyall pondered her words nonetheless. His fellow men-at-arms told him that they had last seen his brother set off to the city. This very day. Now, that didn't mean he couldn't have been here last night. But, what? Did he stumble back home just to leave again? It wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Knowing Arkyn. But it also didn't really add up, did it? However, he was intrigued. So he threw her another coin, one he was sure she would catch again with no problem. Seeing as, she was quick to snatch the first one out of the air. Lyall didn't really mind spending his money this way. The dent that it would make on his finances would hardly be noticeable. And even if it did. He felt that the woman might need it more than he did. "Oh I'm sure a woman like you knows a great deal about all sorts of things" No really. She most certainly did. Men spoke, especially when in the arms of a pretty lady. They spoke about things they probably shouldn't. Spilling all sorts of secrets and intelligence. Without even realizing it "But do go on. My brother's presence is urgently needed back home and, well, I honestly don't dare to return without him." northerner spoke, his voice a lot more gentle than before.
Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:30 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
The red-light district NBgpUR6N_o
The red-light district GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Like any other working girl, Arlyana was a very good actress, but that didn't always meant that she was acting. Not that anyone would ever notice the difference. Because most people already had their judgment ready from the moment they figured out what she was. To them it didn’t really matter what she felt, as long as she was able to spread her legs to any man who wanted to get between them. So, she had just learned to play the game with them instead of trying to prove to them that she was different. That was much easier, considering the fact that she didn’t want to break her own heart again.

The handsome dark haired stranger seemed to think about her words for a short moment, until he tossed her another coin. One she caught again without showing much effort. Yeah well, something about practice makes perfect right? But his comment made her lose most of her smile. Not that it surprised her, certainly not after looking at the man’s clothes. It definitely looked like he was able to lose the amount of coins he had given her already, because he probably owned plenty of them. Which also explained his now snobby attitude towards her. But still, maybe she had hoped for a bit more .. kindness, perhaps. And a bit less judgment.

”Sure do,” She told him, telling him the truth even if she didn’t seem too happy about it. Swallowing for a moment as she looked down at the coin before looking back unto those dark eyes. Lowering her expectations a bit, feeling the uncertainty set in whether she actually wanted to return the coin back to him. It showed for a moment, the slight disappointment in her eyes, before she forced herself to smile at him again. But then he started talking again, saying he didn’t dare to go back without his brother, now speaking in a much softer tone. ”Sounds a bit like you're in trouble.” She told him a simple observation she made out of it. Widening her smile a bit more again, though it was certainly not as sincere anymore. ”Follow me and I’ll tell you.” She went on, giving him a slightly playful look before casually moving herself away from him, back into the tavern and towards a room with a bit less company. Well, I mean, she wasn’t going to let him almost freeze her to death outside in the clothes she was wearing.

Sat Nov 19, 2022 4:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
The red-light district QZrZStW
The red-light district 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @tagg He noticed her shift in behavior. Even if it was subtle. And quickly covered up with a smile. He knew he had said something that displeased her. And Lyall was sure it had to be his first comment. "A woman like you." Now that, he replayed the sentence in his head. He could see how someone could take it the wrong way. Even if he didn't mean it like that. The soldier could just ignore the slight. The woman seemed to; as she made no mention of it. And just furthered the conversation. She even gave him a somewhat playful smile after she told him to follow her. Into the tavern. At first, he wanted to continue on his quest. But this nagging feeling intensified. And he knew that it would only get worse if he didn't do something about it. So only after having set a few steps he stopped. And placed his hand on the shoulder of the woman. In a bid to make her stop as well. "I didn't mean to disrespect you." He said as he searched for her eyes. It was somewhat hard for him to apologize, he didn't have to do it often, after all. And back in the north, one wouldn't express so quickly, either. Out of pride and stubbornness. But if there was one thing Lyall had learned on his travels, it was that a true man did admit to his faults. Acceptance was the first step on the road to betterment, after all. "So i'm sorry if I did." He went on as he took a step back from the woman. Perhaps this was why his wife had left him. Because he demeaned her. If he had, he had done so unintentionally. But then again, his intent was also not to offend the tavern wench. And yet he had. "What I meant was that, I genuinely think you're an intelligent woman, one that has much knowledge to share. Not only about your profession, but about other things too." Lyall hoped she would understand him, at least a bit better now. But perhaps the damage was already done. And this was ll for naught. First impressions were often lasting ones. "Look, if you want me to go, then I will." The solder then said. "If my brother is here, then I'll find him." Perhaps he wouldn't, but it was a bet he was willing to make. Since forcing the woman to be in his presence. Even if she didn't want to- just because he had thrown some coins her way. That didn't feel right. 
Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:38 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
The red-light district NBgpUR6N_o
The red-light district GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
The truth was, she did know a lot of things. Because yes, men liked to talk when they found themselves in the warm embrace of women. And sometimes they even told secrets. It was often foolish to underestimate the knowledge of whores, especially when it came down to the ones who were smart enough to remember everything. But a lot of people also failed to recognize them as living human beings with actual feelings. Not that she minded it so much, at least not on most nights when she was making enough money from men who thought like that, but.. Every once in a while, it would get underneath her skin.

And this man seemed to have caught on to that. But instead of ignoring it, like he could have done, he suddenly stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. She waited only a short moment, until she heard his voice, softly turning her head to look at his hand before her green eyes found his darker eyes again. An apology eventually came as well, and this kind of surprised her, because that rarely ever happened. Which made her believe it had, indeed, not been his intention. However, when he went on, she almost rolled her eyes. ”Yeah well, I find that a little hard to believe.” She scoffed, moving her eyes away from him to look back at the door of the tavern. ”Most people don’t think like that.” She honestly told him, taking a step back from here his hand wasn’t able to reach her shoulder anymore before looking back at him. Knowing this was probably not a smart move if she had ever intended to make more money on him by charming him into a room with her. But today wasn’t her day, apparently, and she didn’t like liars. It also made it clear that she didn’t quite belong where she was, for the fact that she was not always able to put aside her own feelings.

”No, it’s fine, you paid me for some information and I will give it to you.” She then told him when he asked her if she wanted him to leave. Taking a deep breath, setting things aside like she was used to doing. ”But I do not want to freeze myself to death out here.” Arlyana went on, explaining why she had been wanting to take him inside. Well, she might have had some other intentions as well, but those were now off the table.

Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:12 pm
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