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Thank you for the light
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Thank you for the light Untitled
Thank you for the light Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He had no idea how he had done it, but he managed to convince a tavern owner to actually let him stay there for a couple of days. Telling the old man that it would be worth his time and effort. He would even help around if he wanted! And if he needed he could get more folk in. The man had chuckled, actually really liking the little act he put up with it. But he knew deep down that it wasn't for the fact that he had sung or done some performance or even his smooth talking. No. The man had commented how much he looked like his grandson who had been missing for 10 years now. How it sounded, the man was a bit dementing. Slowly losing his memories. He would sometimes even call him by his grandsons name, Ozzy. And well.. As Ozzy, he was more then welcome to stay. Perhaps... That would be a good way to start his life here. Ozzy Skau. It had a nice ring to it if you asked him. And it wouldn't even be traced back to him when just hearing it on the go. The real Ozzy was most likely.. Dead anyway. The entire Skau family for that matter. Just old man... Mister Leif Skau, who was still waiting for his grandson to come home from his hunting trip. Well.. He was home now.

And after a day the man had completely taken on something he corrected himself for at first. His old age finally leaving his vulnerable and open. Or maybe... He was just trying to live in a fantasy. The man lived on the edge of the city, having some stables that were... in some bad shape. Leif had told him he was free to renovate the place and he would even give him some coin to get stuff for Miss Spots. After working on the roof first couple of days, he started to put together one of the stables. Cleaning up some mould and other nasty as he went along. But he kept a smile on his face as he did. Having shelter and food was a good way to start out. Maybe he could even get his brother to come live here too. It wasn't half bad. As he finished up for the day, he took a step back, letting the paint horse step into her newly build stable. It didn't look pretty, nor did it look stable enough. But he smiled as he looked on how the small horse went to lay down and let out a loud sigh. "You like it girl?" He said with a chuckle as he leaned against the door. "I'll head into town to pick up some hay now, so I trust you keep an eye out for mister Leif, ok?" Another snort from the pony made him chuckle. She was clearly tired.

It would have actually been better if he had headed into town with Miss Spots... And a cart. Because moving an entire haybale wasn't something he would be able to do. As he listened to the old farmer explain to him that he didn't have any by hand, he did make clear that he could come pick op a bale the next day. "Oh! But that's great! How much coin?" The man chuckled, giving him a fairly low price. POlaris nodded. "I'll bring the coin tomorrow when I'll pick it up, thank you so much," And with those words he smiled at the old man, walking further into the city.

Ravaryn felt different from the other nations he'd been to. As he slowly stopped at a shop having fruits on display, he slowly kneeled down. He would love an apple right about now. As he opened the small coin poach that he had gotten from the old man, he counted them out loud. One coin for two apples. He picked one out, doing the exchange as it went and put the fruit away in his sidebag while standing up. "Thank you!" He said with a smile, his eyes focused on his hands. Being busy with opening the bag and putting his wares away, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:41 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Thank you for the light I4JNuiG
Thank you for the light 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

Scorpius had been out and about today. Running a few errands that had to be taken care off. Some minor things, yet things that were still of importance and couldn’t be trusted to the staff. So he gladly took on the task. It gae him some time out of the castle as well. Dressed in a dark attire with some red embroidery he moved through the city. Talking to some people when they recognized him. But most of all the man just liked being out and about.

He had always enjoyed the busy atmosphere of Ishgard. Certainly when there was a market. Simply enjoying everything about it. The vendors, the delicious smells from the stands that offered hot food or beverages and so on. Something he would return to after delivering the last message of the day. The dark haired boy almost bounced around the city. If anything, he adored it here. And well, just to establish some more connections with the people of the town felt particularly good. If anything, he wasn’t solely a prince that hid away in the castle.

Once back on the market he was talking to someone while strolling around. Until abruptly being bumped into or bumping into someone himself. Which almost made him fall on the ground. Yet he had grabbed the one he bumped into by the arm, keeping himself and hopefully the other upright.

’Oh, excuse me sir.’

the astrologer, of our futures.

Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:57 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Thank you for the light Untitled
Thank you for the light Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
Two apples wasn't much, but buying an entire bag would be a waste of money as well. Although he knew that Miss Spots would love some apples, he had heard that the fruit wasn't actually that great for horses. So maybe he should get some actual good stuff. Oats or something. He had no idea where he would be able to find those things, but he could always ask around. Even though he had expected that the people of the north would be cold, he had only been met with kindness and hospitality so far. It made him feel a bit bad for stealing that bread a couple of towns back. But he had to do what he had to do to keep himself going. SOmetimes that included doing things that would be regarded as off limits on any other days. He closed his bag as his mind wandered back to the little town. What if he went back now and gave them new bread, would that change anything? He would love to bring it to them. To pay it back in some way...

He bumped into someone and almost lost balance as he did. His eyes widened, panicking for a slit second. But someone grabbed his arm and held him upright. He blinked rapidly, his eyes wide from surprise. As his gaze swiftly went to the person he had bumped into, he felt himself get a bit flustered. Oh... The man looked like he was well kept and generally looked expensive. Something that he wasn't. Probably still having the strong smell of Miss Spots in his clothing, he looked nothing more like a poor worker. Which he was, in the end. It was funny how far he had strayed from his roots. Destined to become a great mage and scholar, now he was barely meeting ends. He simply never had any affinity for magic. Only latter in life it became apparent why that was. Polaris felt himself get more flustered, feeling very embarrassed as he stood there. What had he done?

The man spoke and he nodded quickly. "Oh no it's-" In the corner of his eye he could spot someone giving him the side eye. He quickly glanced of at them, but they already continued their walk down the market. Polaris frowned in confusion, but looked back at the stranger. "I wasn't paying attention. My apologies," He said, slowly putting in a smile as he chuckled. "Clumsy old me, these things always happen to me," Why did he even say that? Like it mattered for this man. He shook his head slowly and looked away for a moment, before looking back at the man. "I- I didn't hurt you... Right?" As if he could. He wasn't that broad or impressive. Just a bit on the taller side, but not as tall as him. So... He doubted it.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:10 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Thank you for the light I4JNuiG
Thank you for the light 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

He did like doing these things. It made him feel somewhat important to actually deliver the letters of his father. It was just a simple job but in the end he was out there doing it only because he felt the need to help out. And maybe because the servant who normally did it had fallen ill a few days ago and he took pity on the young man. But that was something that he hadn’t told his father about. No, he had only told him that he would bring the letter to where they needed to be going, because he felt like taking a walk would do him some good.

Scorpius had a firm grip on the arm of the other keeping them both upright. A slight smile appeared on his face when he looked at the other. If anything, he looked like he hadn’t taken a bath in a few days. Not that it mattered. If anything, Scorpius wasn’t the kind of person to think less of another by the way he looked. It had its reasons most likely. The young Prince didn’t let go of the other his arm just yet, making sure that the other was indeed alright.

Shortly he chuckled at his words, shaking his head. ’I guess we both weren’t paying enough attention to what we were doing. No harm is done.’ He tried to reassure the other, briefly squeezing his lower arm before letting go of the man. Corner of his mouth curling up briefly as he shrugged, being clumsy was something he was as well so truly he did understand. ’No worries. Are you okay?’ Scorpius asked softly, looking the other in the eyes for a moment. ’Let me get you something to drink hm? You’ll feel better!’

the astrologer, of our futures.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:34 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Thank you for the light Untitled
Thank you for the light Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
It had been so clumsy of him to not pay attention to where he was going. It made him a bit flustered to say the least. Perhaps straight up embarrassment actually came closer to what was going on in his head. As the man clung onto his arm, he could only feel his cheeks get a bit warmer. He cleared his throat in a scarce attempt to correct himself and keep his head from going too fast. He should remain calm in situations like these. Panicking wasn't gonna get him anywhere. If anything it would only get him in trouble. So... To relieve the stress he was feeling he put on a bright smile, as he usually did when he felt a bit uncomfortable. Or just generally felt any strong type of emotions.

The other chuckled, shaking his head as he started to speak. It would seem the both of them hadn't been paying attention. Polaris smiled at him. What a gentleman, really. The soft squeeze he felt in his lower arm, made him chuckle as well. He tried to find some stupid words to say, to lighten the mood, but he couldn't. That wasn't much like him, really, since he usually always knew what to say in any situation. Perhaps it was the fact that the man looked expensive and from high standing. His attitude seeming to fit that picture as well. He felt a bit of fear creep up on him as his mind started to think about days that have long passed. The rich man that had locked him up for so long had also looked like a gentleman at first. Although he was way older then him... And the smile this stranger had was bright and open. He... Surely didn't have any mal intend, did he? He silently promised himself to stay cautious. The nerves he was feeling were most likely subconscious. There was no reason to panic over these things.

The man asked him if he was okay and Larry felt himself come more at ease. "Ah... Yes. Yes, I'm fine," He said in his soft voice, nodding at the man. As his amber eyes went over the other, he quickly got an offer from him. He blinked in surprise, not used to these kinds of things anymore. When he was a bard he would get these kinds of offers sometimes. But being locked up for so long... It would be funny if someone made that comment while he was stuck in his merfolk form. "That's really kind of your sir," he said with another nod. "I think that would be lovely, if it's not too much trouble, of course," Although he felt his arms tense up a bit, he carefully placed them behind his back, folding one hand in the other as he started to fidget. "The name's Ozzy," He said, smiling brightly at the young man. If they were getting a drink he might as well give the other his 'name'. It was partially to see if this man knew who he was or if he wouldn't care what name he dropped. Polaris was a name way too special. It stood out. If he were to drop it, word could spread and before he knew it the man that was after him would be in Ishgard. He couldn't risk that.
Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:39 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Thank you for the light I4JNuiG
Thank you for the light 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

If bumping into someone was reason to make a big fuss, then you were knocking on the wrong door with Scorpius. With how much of a clutz he was on a daily basis, he could really afford to get angry at everyone that bumped him or vice versa. Because well, to him personally it happened quite a lot. Simply because his mind was often busy with other things. Sometimes more important, other times not so much. But that was simply who he was. A boy with his head in the clouds. Sometimes a bit too much in the clouds, on the other hand it was also his job to be busy with the sky after all. But still. He knew that he should pay more attention to his surroundings.

Briefly he tilted his head as the other was looking at him in a strange way. But he let it pass. Maybe it was dawning on him who he actually was. Though for now, he hoped that wasn’t so. If anything the guy didn’t really seem to be from around. Though of course he could be mistaken. But for sure, it would be his first time in Ishgard. It had to be. A face like that was something he would remember for sure. The lad seemed a bit jumpy. Or maybe that was still the adrenaline from the scare they had from bumping into each other.

When the surprised look appeared, he bit his lip for a second. A faint blush coloring his cheeks. Maybe a bit too forward? But he wanted to make the guy feel at ease. For some reason. ’I wouldn’t suggest it, if it was too much trouble. Trust me, it’s my pleasure. Are you new in town? Or just passing through?’ An icebreaker like no other. If anything he loved striking a conversation with anyone and fairly, this stranger looked interesting to say the least. ’Ozzy?’ It rolled gracefully off his lips. A warm smile appeared on his lips. ’Such a peculiar name.’ He nodded, peculiar but kind of cool as well. ’I’m Scorpius.’ Sticking out his hand once more, smiling widely at the other.

the astrologer, of our futures.

Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Thank you for the light Untitled
Thank you for the light Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
For some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that he should... Do something. Let it be step away or even do something more then simply saying what he was saying. As if he was in front of someone that demanded way more respect then he was giving him. He took a deep breath, shaking his shoulders loose as he did. No, it should be fine. The man looked very refined and spoke in ways that made him seem like a true wealthy gentleman, but he was sure that he was perhaps just a rich mans son. A very kind... Son to say the least. He was polite and kind, didn't even insult him like he had expected to. It made him smile a bit brighter as he realized this. Pure kindness was still apart of this world. How he wished he could become part of that. The north was truly home to something magical, wasn't it? He didn't expect it to be like this, but for the handful of days that he had been here, he had only seen warmth. Perhaps he had found his place after all. No no... He shouldn't settle that quickly. He should still keep his guard up. You never knew, after all.

The gentleman spoke to him and Polaris blinked in surprise, placing a hand over his mouth. If it was too much trouble he wouldn't have offered. He smiled softly, averting his eyes as he felt a blush grow on his face. Right. That was clumsy of him to even say. He should have taken that into consideration. But like the gentleman the stranger was, he made him feel assured and somewhat safe in his stumbling words. It was all his pleasure. His amber eyes went back to the other, smiling softly as he nodded. What a kind soul. He went on to ask him if he was new on town... And for a moment he felt his mind drifting, wandering.. Wanting to tell him yes and offer up his honesty as a result. But as soon as he noticed this, he refrained himself. Trusting someone he had just run into wasn't very... Safe. Maybe somewhere in the future, he could permit himself to do so. But people were still after him. He was a lost trophy for someone in Moonbright. His soldiers had scattered through Odiria in search of him. How much his fragile soul wanted to reach out that light inside of him, building something up, a friendship, he couldn't. He had to shelter himself. For now.

"I was born here," He said, weaving his lie more and more as he went on. "But I left for Xaila with my parents when I was 5 years old. I have recently returned to live with my grandfather. He runs a small tavern at the edge of town," Playing the role of the passed away Ozzy, the grandson the old man once had. Not only was it perfect for his story, but it would also give the man some comfort in his last days. Sickness had already taken a hold of his mind. He forgot everything he told the man... And even when he had corrected him, he kept calling him by his grandsons name... The old man perhaps... Didn't know what he was doing. But he was saving a life of someone that would forever be grateful to him.

The gentleman spoke his name in a way that made him blink rapidly in surprise. Oh... How elegant that sounded in his mouth. He smiled, wondering how his real name would sound in the accent the other had. He tilted his head somewhat as he noted it was a peculiar name. The soft smile on his lips became a soft chuckle as he did. "Thank you?" He said as he smiled, looking up at the other. Although his thanks was sincere, he couldn't help but wonder if it was meant as a compliment or observation. Regardless, it felt like something positive. The man went on to introduce himself. This time he held out his hand as he spoke his name. Polaris looked at him, slowly blinking. The name sounded familiar, but also very strange. Like... It was a unique name, a rare name... But someone he knew or had read about had the name. He frowned slowly... Ah... Perhaps it had been in his studies that a Scorpius had been the subject of a story. That could have always been the case. He quickly shook the thought, reaching out his hand in return as to shake his hand. "A lovely name," he noted with a smile. "Its nice to meet you, Scorpius," As he let his name roll over his lips, he couldn't help but wonder how it would sound in a song. It had such fine tunes to it, he would surely be able to make something beautiful with it.
Sun Nov 06, 2022 12:58 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Thank you for the light I4JNuiG
Thank you for the light 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

He did wonder about a lot of things when it came down to the stranger. In the first moment he had met him, he had looked like a deer that was being hunted. Scared almost as if he would beat the living crap out of him. I mean, have you looked at him? While he could certainly throw a punch, he undoubtedly would never harm someone for such a simple thing as bumping into each other. That would clearly make him a monster. Something he wasn’t. Not even closely. But he seemed to defrost as the conversation picked up, an actual smile appearing on the other his face. Which made him return the same. Good. There was no need in creating some stupid drama about a thing like this. And just maybe he did enjoy the fact that this man didn’t seem to have a clue about who he was. Which was weird in a way, but he liked it nonetheless. For once, he could just be Scorpius. And not the Prince.

When the other stated that he was born here, he tilted his head slightly. Could be, but why had he never seen him before then? Ah, there came the answer. ’Xaila hm? What’s it like? Hot I assume.’ Scorpius chuckled ever so softly. But the mention of the tavern made him smile warmly. He knew that tavern, he also knew the man that ran it. What he had failed to mention was his son. Though if anything Scorpius had only visited the place once and that was by accident. ’Send old Leif my regards. I’m sure he will remember me.’ He smiled warmly. If anything he would remember him right. Didn’t really see why not. There weren’t many who didn’t know who he was alas. Sometimes he did wonder what it was to live your life, completely free of ranks and what more. It would be freedom in an entirely different way. He’d be able to vanish, without having the guard being in uproar while searching for him. Wasn’t that the dream?

Shortly he chuckled, briefly raising his hand. ’It wasn’t meant in a bad way. It’s just a name I don’t hear that frequently.’ A warm smile curling around his lips. Looking at the other for a moment while he had introduced himself. Not a sign of recognition moving through the other. They shook his hands and that was that. A new friend was made. Kind of. ’Thank you, and the pleasure is all mine.’ He nodded, big smile on his lips. Letting go of his hands. ’Let’s grab that drink yes?’ Pointing in the direction of where an inn was located. It was out of the centre of the city, so if anything he wasn’t that worried about being recognized and if he was. So be it. Already walking in that direction, hoping the other would follow.

the astrologer, of our futures.
Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:16 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Thank you for the light XuTWurPc_o
Thank you for the light MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Random event
The drink that will change your life
As the two gentlemen walk into the tavern, a man suddenly walks up to them, offering them a drink if they decide to sit with him. There is a strange look in his eyes, his teeth are rotting and his clothes are almost falling apart. Yet, he doesn’t seem unfriendly. Maybe a little too friendly even.

Then he says; “This drink will change your life.”

What could he possibly mean by that? Are you willing to find out? Or do you not trust it..

You can decide to sit at his table and drink whatever drink he has to offer you, or you can choose to ignore him.
Tag @Nienie on discord in the tagbox if you decide what to do with him.
Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:04 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Thank you for the light Untitled
Thank you for the light Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He noticed how he kept on smiling, which was quite peculiar for him. Usually he held a smile for appearances, always trying to show his best to other people as to keep spirits up for them. He had always been more of a person who gave then took. And that was perhaps his flaw. He always wanted to keep others from worrying about him, showing them the best of what he could offer to them. For if he couldn't, he always felt like he was lacking, not being worthy of being apart of anything that was going on. Perhaps it had been the years with his family, where he had never been able to please his parents. Or perhaps it was the years of being locked up, being nothing more than a trophy for a man that didn't seem to care much about his mental well being. He took a deep breath, letting all those doubts and past mistakes slowly fade away. Today was a new day and he had to look forward to it, he had to.

He smiled when the other spoke of Xaila and Polaris nodded. "Compared to Ravaryn everything is hot," he said with a soft chuckle, but nodding afterwards. "It's really a polar opposite of here," And even though Ishgard still had tame weather, he still had it quite cold. The rain and snowstorms he had already met weren't pleasant at all. The tropical weather that Lemuria had to offer was much more pleasing to him. If it was up to him, he would pick the scorching heat over freezing any day. When Scorpius spoke a name he didn't quite remember he almost frowned, but he caught himself on time before he did. The old man's name- He blinked in surprise, clearly a bit shocked that the other knew him. Oh... Xeion. Busted.. Or... Not? His body tensed up a bit, barely noticeable, but it was there. But the other just gave him some kind words he could give the other. After some seconds he started to smile again, as it had vanished from his surprise. "I- I will," He said with a nod, feeling the anxiety creep up on him as he tried to find something to safe himself from the lie he had woven for himself. To take over someone's life like that... It really had it risks. "Although... Between just the two of us..." He paused for a moment, the corners of his mouth turning somewhat down, this wasn't really pleasant news to share. "He's been quite forgetful... Recently..." And he had read plenty of books about illnesses that came with age. An illness that took your memory, slowly reaping away at its victim was one of them. He was no doctor, but he was still somewhat of a scholar... And well, you didn't have to be a doctor to know that that was exactly what Leif had.

He nodded slowly when the other took note of his fake name. Ozzy... Well. If he thought that was a particular name, then he was sure he would have had a field day with his actual name. The thought alone made him chuckle. "Then we both have unique names," He noted with a nod at the other, tilting his head somewhat when he did. Their conversation eventually led back to that drink... And Polaris couldn't help but feel very anxious once more. The last time he actually went to a tavern, it didn't end well. He had been imprisoned for years. But this gentleman didn't know that. As he looked up at the other with his dark amber eyes in an attempt to find something to trust, his smile slowly widened. He nodded slowly after some time. "Of course yes," He said as he took a step back. "Do you know any good places?" He asked the other. As he had just noted he wasn't from around here, Scorpius was sure to pick up on it right? And well, it seemed so. The other started to walk and the man followed him with a smile, looking at him for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.

It didn't seem so far, but when they eventually arrived at the spot and entered the tavern, Polaris was immediately taken aback by the man approaching them. His demeanour and pushy way of acting right as they entered the building made him noticeably uncomfortable. He simply smiled at the man for a moment, before looking at Scorpius, as if to ask him what he wanted from this.
Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:42 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Thank you for the light I4JNuiG
Thank you for the light 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

’Well, I can’t say you’re wrong. Though Ishgard is still quite warm. I wouldn’t suggest you go up to Norwyn if you think this is cold.’ Scorpius chuckled ever so softly. Nodding at his following words. Off course. It was the polar opposite, Xaila sounded like a faraway place to him. While the young man had learned about it through books, he could never know how it truly was. Simply because he had never been and he wasn’t that sure if he would ever go there. Maybe one day on a diplomatic mission of some kind, who knew. But that was something quite far in the future. Something he didn’t need to pay attention to right now. Certainly not when talking to the other one. No, he deserved his full attention.

When he had mentioned the old man, he couldn’t help but him. He did remember him, yet he didn’t really know the other that well. Maybe he should pay them a visit soon? Though that would totally blow his cover of not being an important person to the one standing in front of him. Not that Scorpous was trying to keep that from him. But right now, he simply enjoyed talking to someone that didn’t know him as the Prince. ’Oh, he is? That’s a pity. I’m sorry.’ He shortly bit his lip. It was something that came with a certain age. ’Is it bad already? Or does he still recognize you?’ He carefully asked, not wanting to push on the matter. Though he was a tad worried.

A grin curled around his lip when the other called his name unique. It was. But in his family, more things were rather unusual. A nod following. ’Yes, I know just the place actually!’ A place he did visit frequent, but where they did leave him alone. Letting him enjoy his privacy. For a brief moment he looked around, catching the eye of the man that needed to keep an eye on him. Shortly smiling in his direction in particular, notifying that he could make himself scarce. He never really did but well. As they walked to the tavern, there was a pleasant silence between them.

Once inside they were approached by someone he had truly neve seen in his life, seems to be the day for that. Sitting down at the table and looking up when he started talking. What was presented made him hum shortly. Right, he shouldn’t do it. But frankly, maybe he was in an adventurous mood today. ’What do you say? Let’s be a bit crazy today!’ A smirk curled around his lips, he was set on it. If anything, what could truly go wrong right?

the astrologer, of our futures.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 2:22 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Thank you for the light XuTWurPc_o
Thank you for the light MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Random event
The drink that will change your life
While one of the gentlemen seemed rather hesitant, the other one seems to be rather eager to take the drink from the strange man. For a moment, the stranger’s smile begins to widen as he looks at the one willing to take a chance on this opportunity to change his life, for the better, or for worse..

The stranger takes the hand of the young man before him, offering him the drink and looking back at the other. Waiting to see if he would join in on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

You can still decide whether you actually want to drink it, or not.
If you do, you might find that the drink tastes a bit weird, but you will not feel anything immediately.
Though, after a while, you may begin to notice something.
Tag @Nienie on discord in the tagbox again when you start to notice something.
Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:29 pm
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