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If there's a light
Time will tell
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Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
If there's a light Untitled
If there's a light 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
Staying in the castle all day was quite boring if you asked him. Why he was used to being busy all day. Going out on patrols, venturing out on adventures beyond the desert, to the oasis. He had rarely been in Al-Qahil as of late. Always busy doing his duties. It was great, honestly. But those were other times. And he knew all too well that that was behind him. There was nothing that could be done for him to get that position back. And he didn't mourn it, nor did he complain. Not out loud at least. There was a part of him that did miss it. But he tried to say that he still had the memories. And wasn't that all that mattered? Everything had an end anyway. He should be grateful his had gone out in a bang, saving someone. He couldn't have wished for a better way to end his career. Rather go out on a high, then fiddle out slowly from old age. No, Yehu wasn't like that. He had always given it his all. Even now. And he would never stop giving it his all. If his body didn't keep it up, then that was a shame, but he had to deal with that. One step at a time, he would get there.

As he was walking down the corridor from his room, he could quickly hear his personal guard approach him from behind. The blind prince came to a halt and he could hear the man behind him do the same. "Please let me accompany you, sir," He rolled with his eyes, sighing for a moment, before smiling. "Of course, let's chat, come along," he took a step back, his hand reaching out in air as he quickly grabbed onto the arm of the guard, pulling him in closer as he put his arm around the mans neck. He could hear the surprise from the sigh the man let out. He didn't like that hm? Perhaps he should have thought about that before approaching him. Now he was gonna be stuck with him and Yehu would make sure that he would do his work well. But only doing it his way. With certain joy and positivity. None of all that uptight shit he hated so much. But he knew the man wouldn't budge, they rarely would.

It had been close to nightfall and Yehu had asked the guard to bring him to the gardens. As he stepped outside he could certainly feel that it was getting cooler. Nights in the desert were always very cold, but sun elves always managed to keep themselves warm. As his eyes shifted, he stepped a bit further down the garden. Lifting his hands he tried to use some of his magic to try and get a bit of light through his eyes, getting a bit of vision. Turning his hand slowly he could feel the energy of the light through it, guiding his eyes slowly. He slowly noted that he could see a bit more shapes, but no colors. It was still light and shadow. And nothing more. He tilted his head, looking at his hand that had a gentle glow to it as he had casted the spell to try and get a bit of vision. He really had to try and focus it more on his eyes, didn't he?
Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:10 pm
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