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Gwendolyn Aerendyl
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Lemuria Citizen
Gwendolyn Aerendyl
Gwendolyn Aerendyl
milf enthousiast
Gwendolyn Aerendyl Q681wJJ
Gwendolyn Aerendyl 5t9CGcw

Character sheet
Age: 35
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Librarian

Gwendolyn Aerendyl
The World Is Changed
Gender female
Age 35
Species Moon elf
Magic Moon magic
Occupation Librarian
Residence Moonbright
Height 1.75
Build slender
Hair color Light blond
Hair texture Wavy
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Fair


Gwendolyn is often highly praised for her beauty, mostly thanks to her timeless features. Such as her striking blue eyes, and golden river of hair. And her alabaster like skin, which can sometimes appear to be white as chalk. She has a youthful glow to her appearance. What causes her to look many years younger than she actually is. But this however common for moon elves. The woman stands tall on her own, mostly thanks to her tall legs. Gwendolyn's posses a slender body, with not many curves. 


Long, and loose fitting dresses. Mostly in light colors, though she is known to wear more sober shades too. Like a navy blue, or Emerald green. Mostly has her hair loose, and she often keeps it at a very long length. Doesn't much accessories, not in her hair. Nor in other places. The most she ever wears is an elegant circlet.


Gwendolyn carries herself with grace. She moves very smoothly and without effort. She has a noble, but gentle air around her. And is generally calm. 
Constellation The Empress
Alignment Neutral Good

Gwendolyn is a very kind woman. She cares deeply about others and their feelings. And thus always tries her best to be as amiable as possible. Despite this; she has a very strong "no nonsense" kind of attitude. If she feels someone is not deserving of her goodwill, then she can turn rather cold and heartless. She also has no patience for such individuals. But rather than engage in argument, with someone, she chooses to simply walk away. Gwendolyn feels that mostly that is the best option. Since she doesn't way to lower herself to their standards. She does however believe in second chances, and will always offer one. And often doesn't hold grudges, or if she does; not for very long. Gwendolyn is very intelligent, and is always hungry for knowledge. She loved to learn, and can spend hours studying. It is also here where she is in her true element. 
Family Tree


father Oropher Aerendyl
mother Delphine Aerendyl

Close kin

Husband Ailmon Wynmoira †
Child Luvon Wynmoira †


Brother Evandyr Aerendyl
Brother Andreas Aerendyl
Brother Cassiel Aerendyl
Sister in law Saelwyn Aerendyl
Sister in law Lyrassia Shae-Aerendyl
Sister in law Amarië Aerendyl


Magic type Moonmagic
Expertise Menekinesis

Gwendolyn has perfected the art of "Menekinesis" It workes very similarly to telekinesis. Though not quite. Since she doesn't use the power from her mind to manipulate her surroundings. Instead, she uses the aspect of the moon. More specifically, its gravity. Thanks to that, she can call an object to her. Her "magic" when in use on an object, has a white line around it. Gwendolyn can also do other things with this power such as psychically shape lunar energy into tools and constructs. However, since Gwendolyn has focused more of her time and energy on this art form, her other powers are rather weak. Such as illusions and the bending of water/ice.


-Born as the fourth child of Dephine and Oropher.
-Raised in an environment where she thrived.
-Her love for studying soon became apparent.
-Lots of good teachers were brought in for her.
-However, she always wanted to know more.
-Began dreaming about starting her own library, which was never devoid of new material to read.

Teenage years

-Was engaged to a distant cousin.
-Didn't like it, but did her best to build a good relationship with him.
-It didn't work-they were simply too different.
-He was every traditional, and didn't like the fact his soon-to-be wife was such a bookworm.
-Claiming it was unbecoming for a young lady.
-Gwendolyn was forced to stop her hobby.
-But she still secretly had ways of getting her hands on books and alike.
-Was married at 18.
-The wedding was very grand, and her husband got drunk during it.
-Quickly in her marriage she was caught still pursuing knowledge.
-Her husband was very mad and burned all her books right in front of her.
-Gwendolyn never forgave him.
-The relationship deteriorated even further.
-Ailmon loved the army.
-And was often away fighting wherever he could.
-Which gave her some peace.


-Became pregnant.
-Gave birth to a healthy boy.
-Her husband died in battle
-Though some say he was assassinated, since he was a controversial figure
-Gwendolyn went in mourning
-And took back her original last name, Aerendyl.
-With her husband out of the way, she could begin her lifelong dream
-She opened her very own library in Moonbright
-One that was open for everyone and frequently stocked with new books
-Not only does she run the place.
-She often travels the world in search of new material for the library herself
-Records her own findings where ever she goes.
-However, one day she received a letter announcing the death of her only son.
-He had drowned.
-The details around his death are still unclear.
-Gwendolyn was heartbroken.
-And retreated to her library, living there for a time.
-Completely locked away and drowning in work.
-Started to pick herself up again over time.
-Though, she was never the same.

-Blames herself for her son's death
-Refuses to remarry
-Or have any more kids.
Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:40 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Gwendolyn Aerendyl XuTWurPc_o
Gwendolyn Aerendyl MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:07 am
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