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Family search: The Grimaldi's
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Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Family search: The Grimaldi's 8o00lah
Family search: The Grimaldi's 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
Hi guys, I'm looking for the Grimaldi's and then some. This is the official search for the family. So it will be filled with all kinds of fun stuff along the way. The Grimaldi's are specialized in mining for sure, owning the mines near Dawnmire. Yet they are also known for their good looks jk jk.

While there are some ages linked to the siblings of Victor, these can be switched around if you want. If you don't want the brother to be the youngest or anything like that. So ages are not set. But just send me a dm for it then. I'm not very demanding on how they look or what they should do as an occupation. The only thing that is set in stone is that no magic runs in the family, given that our Duke would have the beautiful head of Victor for it.

If anyone is interested in one of these, feel free to dm me!
Thanks Jules for letting me use the splendid code!

The Grimaldi’s
Dawnmire ❖ Grimaldi family ❖ Nobles
The family has been active in Ashmoor for decades, being head of Dawnmire a city that exists mainly out of miners, fishermen and farmers. Yet some people that gained more wealth over the years still take residence in the town as well.

When it comes down to trading they are specialized in fish trade and coal trade. Though the latter one remains for Ashmoorian purposes alone. While their fish trade expands overseas. They are a city that has a harbor so lots of trading does commence here. Yet what helps them thrive most of all are their mining  endeavors. Their mines are completely underground, the only entry one has is through tunnels that are located at various places in the city. The mines are solely focused on coal, the thing that keeps their society going. On occasion there are some other things that can be found in the mines like a kind of metal, but this is very rare.

Both parents are still alive and still live in Dawnmire. The Grimaldi’s are quite the extended family already. A close knit family for sure, always putting their family above anything else. Though the one thing that is even more important than family is duty. They have a longstanding alliance with the Winter family due to the friendship between them, a friendship that was solidified when Victor became a knight to the Duke and close friends with his daughter.


A younger brother, could be the youngest of the family. Age can be somewhere in between 20 - 22.  Victor loves all of them equally yet with the younger ones the bond is less because he wasn’t around as much given his training. So if you feel like you want to play out a brother who doesn’t particularly like him, well feel free!

As far as face claims go, I’m open to anything as long as the person has a fair skin tone and dark hair.


One sister isborn a few years prior to his send off to become a page to Duke Winter. So she should be around 25 - 27. It is with her whom Victor would have the best bond. Which can still  be thought out when you make her. But if anything,  the two should at least see eye to eye on a number of things.

As far as face claims go, I’m open to anything as long as the person has a fair skin tone and dark hair.

His youngest sister is somewhere in between 22 – 24. Victor loves all of his siblings off course, yet with the younger ones his bond will be a bit less. But that gives options for plotting, so sure we could have any kind of vibe with the siblings.

As far as face claims go, I’m open to anything as long as the person has a fair skin tone and dark hair.

Cousins, uncles, aunts

Since the family is pretty extended, I’m open to all ideas regarding uncles and aunts and cousins as well. A brother or sister to Maurizio or Vittoria, a child of one of them. Anything can happen!

As far as face claims go, I’m open to anything as long as the person has a fair skin tone and dark hair.



Victor being Victor can’t do it on his own. So I’m looking for one or two people who might guide him through everything. Agewise can be anything from a bit younger to old. Thinking about a head of trade perhaps and someone who occupies himself with the state of the mines and it’s miners.


Most of the people he has met in his life are either from high standing families due to him serving as a knight for the Duke. So either if you have someone in Alderrath or somewhere else in Ashmoor who has come into contact with the Duke and his family or knighthood in general, those are the people that might know Victor. He has also spent a lot of his time in the capital of Ashmoor so he will know more people than just the Winter’s over there.


A close friend is certainly welcome. Somebody who he can confide in when things get a bit too much for him. Most likely also someone that has helped him deal with the loss of his brother.


For sure the man has angered some people in his life, so if you have any cool ideas for this feel free to contact me!


People with whom he might have had a fling in the past or even in the present given his charming personality. Though we have a pure boy who has never been further than second base. Since he does believe in remaining pure until his wedding day comes.


Every man of standing needs a spouse. Given his social status and all, it isn't a surprise that he will be wedded off by his parents. So I’m open to a forced marriage, an amazing love story or anything along those lines.

Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:36 am
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