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Silas Aerendyl
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Lemuria Citizen
Silas Aerendyl
Silas Aerendyl
Silas Aerendyl Unknown
Silas Aerendyl F86726074941f779028f50d32afb8cfe

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Moon Elf

Silas Aerendyl
You say foul, loathsome little cockroach like it is a bad thing
Gender Male
Age 22 y/o
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon Magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation ... pft
P.O.B Silvercrest
Residence Silvercrest
Height 1,87
Build Slender
Hair color White
Hair texture Straight
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone Pale


Silas has the typical ethereal looks of a moon elf. He also inhereted their white hair and piercing blue eyes. He is quite tall and slender, built for speed and agility rather than strength. His hair is usually kept short, to show his youth and pointy ears. He also doesn't like to keep it very long, because he thinks it looks more sophisticated that way. His species also makes him look very young. He has flawless skin and a very youthy face for his age.


Silas is an Aerendyl and he makes it known. He looks down on everybody that isn't a Moon Elf. He has this arrogant and smug expression on his face. He walks like he is royalty, upright and like he has stick up his but. He likes to flaunt and to give orders in the name of his father.


Silas is very into his looks, and won't ever appear out of the house with a single piece of clothing out of place. He always makes sure he looks respectable and put-together. Silas usually wears dark robes, to make his white hair pop even more. His clothes are from fancy materials: he is no stranger to wear silk or velvet details. He also likes to flaunt his riches by wearing silver jewelry. A ring with his family crest is always on his finger, as does a pin somewhere on his robes or tie.
Constellation The Hunter
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Silas is arrogant, narcissistic and smug. He based his whole personality on being a Moon Elf and a Aerendyl. Not only is he the superior race, he also comes from the oldest and greatest family of Moon Elves to have ever existed. He wastes no moment to flaunt it in everybody's face. Silas has a huge superiority complex. He is a bully to the less fortunate. He is proud, impatient and spoiled.

But behind the huge ego and superiority complex he has created for himself, is a boy that is desperate to prove himself. And for him the way to be noticed it to be loud and obnoxious. His goal is to create the greatest ripples in the water. He wants to do right by his family, so desparately so that he often crosses the line. Silas isn't near as strong as he shows himself to be. He is his own greatest enemy.
Family Tree


father Andreas Aerendyl
mother Sealwyn Aerendyl


Brother Elros Aerendyl
Brother Castor Aerendyl
Brother Lysanthir Aerendyl
Sister Vasilisa Aerendyl
Sister Anaïre Aerendyl


Uncle Evandyr Aerendyl
Cousins Rhiannon Aerendyl

His family is the most important thing in Silas' life. He based his whole personality on being an Aerendyl. The riches and privileges he gets from being who he is, made his life easy. He thinks his family is the most powerful and pure of all the Moon Elf families. Draco is also the second youngest of his five siblings and the fourth son of Andreas Aelendyr. He knows he is in no position to inheret his father's position. But Silas does everything in his power to be noticed and outshine his older siblings.  
Magic type Moon Magic
Expertise Waterbending

Like most of his family, Silas has the ability to manipulate water. He is trained in the basics and can shape and bend water in most forms that he likes, although it is still rough around the edges.  He is at the point where he can form sufficient waves and shapes and starts to work on changing the physical state of water.

He also dabbles a little bit in illusions. It acquires his greatest focus. It's more like a party trick for him at the moment. Just small things that seem impossible, just to fuck with peoples minds. But his illussions are short-lived and harmless.

Silas had no affinity with healing at all.

Silas his greatest weakness is losing his temper and patience. When something doesn't work out his way, he will start to bend with too much force. That makes the water boil and loose it's shape. He has burned himself a lot on his magic. Usually it's shortlived and with the priviledge of living close to a lot of Moon Elves, he is healed pretty quickly.
Silas was raised like every other Aerendyl. With elitism, classism and sophistication. He was taught the history and learned how to fight. When he found out his affinity for Moon Magic, by getting so angry at one of the other kids he trained with, because he kept beating him in sword fighting. He then soon got his private waterbending master to teach him. Those were the most exhausting and infuriating days in his life. He wanted to be able to show of and be perfect in a single try. He had to learn patience and diligence. Things on which he is still working today.  

will be eleborated after a bit of wanted/plotters

  • My fAthEr wIlL hEaR aBoUt tHiS !!!
  • Hella racist

Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:43 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Silas Aerendyl XuTWurPc_o
Silas Aerendyl MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:04 pm
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