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Someone to make you forget your problems
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
Someone to make you forget your problems 53zL75vk_o
Someone to make you forget your problems TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer

It was around noon and Aurora was out on the streets again. She wanted to go to a forest to extract fluids from a plant which she could use to brew a potion, but she had to take care of plainer things like groceries as well. It was an annoying task, especially because the streets were so busy around noon, but her family and herself still had to eat and her parents were both short on time. And so she walked around with a basket, gathering different items to bring back home. The market was quite busy and Aurora had some difficulties with walking around without getting her basket knocked out of her hand. That would be quite annoying, as that would not only be a waste of money, but also a waste of the items she had bought so far.

While she was lucky a certain amount of times, Aurora apparently ran out of luck the fifth time. A young boy ran in her direction and tried to duck under her basket, but he was too late, as was Aurora with lifting the thing up. His head connected with the basket and the thing fell out of her hands, its contents spilled on the ground. The boy gave her a shocked look, but instead of helping her or apologizing, he turned around and ran away. Aurora frowned at this, but she decided to let the matter go and duck down to gather the fallen items. Some of them were still intact where others were destroyed, their contents spilled out on the streets.

And as she had expected, nobody wanted to bother with her either. Nobody helped her. She sighed. Was it going to be like this all day? She was definitely not looking forward to that.

@Perdita Amedda
Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:52 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Nerissa Emoira
Nerissa Emoira
Nienn Bean
Someone to make you forget your problems FM5OXFNE_o
Someone to make you forget your problems Cf14b1402bc618070fea3d11bafcd3a88d873d9c

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Citizen

Ooh, who said it's true
That the growing only happens on your own?

After she had done most of her chores, it was time to take care of herself, or well, sort off. They already took good care of her inside of the castle, much better then she had expected. But there was something about going to the market to buy your own food, something she truly missed. Perdita always enjoyed seeing a lot of people together, and she liked the smell of food on the little stands where people were trying to sell their wares. Some things all depended greatly on one's point of view. And while she could understand that some people might find a place like this too crowded, because it certainly was, she couldn’t help but feel some joy about the liveliness of the market.

Yet, when she suddenly saw how a basket was knocked out of a woman’s hands by a little boy, and nobody seemed interested in helping her pick up the things she had lost, Perdita couldn’t help herself. She quickly put down her own basket and started helping her, placing back the fallen groceries into her basket. Her eyes connected with the woman a few times before they were done. Slowly she stood back up with the last apple in her hand, handing it over to the woman with a smile that showed only the purest of heart. ”Here,” She said, her smile widening a bit as she looked at the beautiful red haired woman.

Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:08 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Aurora Laérys
Aurora Laérys
Someone to make you forget your problems 53zL75vk_o
Someone to make you forget your problems TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 24 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Healer
Aurora’s eyebrows raised in surprise when a woman around her age, maybe a little bit older, crouched down by her side and started to pick her groceries back up, putting them back into her basket. Most items were saved and could therefore easily be put in the basket without causing damage to the other items that were already there. The last item was an apple with a little bump in it, but Aurora wasn’t caring about her fallen groceries anymore. The woman in front of her had her full attention and a smile formed across her lips, showing two dimples in her cheeks. ”You’re a life saver,” she told the woman, laughing a little. She could’ve picked the items up herself, but with this crowd they could be either trampled or knocked down further the street. She would’ve lost a few items if it hadn’t been for the woman and Aurora wanted to show her gratitude.

”Could I treat you to a drink or are you busy?” she asked the woman, smiling at her. It felt like the least she could do. As it was around noon, there weren’t a lot of pubs opened, but an inn would be just as good as well. The woman had saved most of her items from getting more damaged and therefore had saved a lot of Aurora’s money, so the least she could to was giving her a drink in return.

And who knows. They might get to know each other a little and become friends.
Tue Jul 19, 2022 3:44 pm
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