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[DMB] To fall in love is the Greatest crime
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IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
[DMB] To fall in love is the Greatest crime EmesTWTfredHeader
[DMB] To fall in love is the Greatest crime EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
Dreamers, they never learn, beyond the point, of no return
From the moment he stepped foot into the great hall, his face half hidden behind a black and golden mask, it had taken him approximately three seconds to lay his eyes on her. The ballroom, superbly decorated and filled with hundreds if not thousands of formidable-dressed Alderrath citizens from all types of backgrounds, once a year. There was an abundance of brain-tickling and eye-catching pictures, views, and people in wonderful outfits to look at. It could even be too much for some. And if Frederick had been able to take it all in, he would probably agree with the many ooh's and awe's. How was he ever able to do that, though, when his eye could only fall on the most radiant and perfect creature in the whole room? Even with a mask hiding her face, he would recognize her from a mile away. The shape of her back as she moved, the soft honey color of her hair, the way her dress formed around her perfect body. Her smile, excited and elegant in a way that was unique to her and her alone. Oh, how he had missed the sight of her, Alison Winter.

The last time they spoke was a day he would rather erase from their history. Something he tried to repair not long after, with a letter, an invitation, and a promise of an apology. But life got in the way. Or actually.. death. His father's, to be precise. So the Baron of Glimmerhollow had to leave his beloved capital and deal with things in the town that were his responsibility. Several weeks, if not months, passed before he was able to return to Alderrath. He never got the chance to write her another message. So perhaps tonight was his chance to set things straight. Fulfill that one promise he made her. For he hadn't forgotten the promise her mother, the Duchess, had made to him.

With a glass of champagne in hand, he stood in one corner of the ballroom, not really engaging in any conversation with anyone. All he could do was look at her from a distance, watch her, and experience her again after months of being away from her. Observing her every step and move through the room. If she took a moment of fresh air in the garden, he would follow from a distance. If she was led from one side of the room to another in the arms of her dancing partner, he would follow along the side of the ballroom, teeth grinding as he watched her hold the color of their shirts and laugh in enjoyment. Waiting for a moment, the moment to step in front of her and ask; ”May I have the next dance, Lady Alison?”    

(& Lady Alison Winter)

Outfit I
Outfit II
Accessories I
Accessories II
(C) Ross
Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:44 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
[DMB] To fall in love is the Greatest crime JS82q3hE_o
[DMB] To fall in love is the Greatest crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

Livin' in winter, I am your summer
Alison loved nights like these. Always had, always would. Even if her mind was so full with worry and uncertainty right now, it helped to distract her. She loved meeting new people and catching up with old friends, loved the way the musicians sounded so grand in the large ballroom.

The night was in full swings and the few drinks she had had made her forget the last bit of worry. She felt on top of the world as she laughed even louder and her eyes sparkled with even more joy than usual. The people around her seemed to enjoy themselves, too, which was half of the fun, really. As the song ended and she bid her dance partner goodbye, she was about to head off and find herself something to drink. But before she could do so, someone stepped in front of her and asked for her next dance. Even without the sound of his voice, she would have recognised him, despite the fact that he was not holding his cane anymore. Her smile faltered ever so slightly, although she was careful not to let it show too much. This was not the night for fighting or petty drama. "You may," she answered as she gave him her hand, "although I am not sure why you think I am Lady Alison." A small smirk appeared on her face. She knew she wasn't anonymous tonight, but she liked to pretend. Just as much as she did not want to immediately confront him with the fact that he never responded to her letter. Sometimes it was good to be in muddy waters, at least for a little while.


Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:27 pm
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