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to be loved, it’s not a crime
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
When he left Alison on her own in the garden he almost immediately wanted to turn back around and apologise. Instead, he did what he did best. He sat down in the library that just so happened to be at then end hall where his bedroom was with a view of both the frontside of the house as well as the gardens. On a good day it was the perfect place to read, but now he sat down on the sofa while the walls felt like they were coming closer and closer.

He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just be happy with the woman he was going to marry. Things were going so well before Edward Winter showed up, so why ruin them the second he arrived? Weren’t they allowed to be glad they were ending up together and just have teenager like feelings for a few hours? There were so many men jealous of this arrangement that would switch places with him in a heartbeat, so many men that would never understand why they chose Faolan out of all of them. Maybe he would never fully understand it himself either. Just like he didn’t understand why he left her out there and run away from his problems once again.

Of course, most of his behaviour came from his childhood and weren’t a conscious decision, but after all those years of acting the way he did it was confronting. It felt as if Alison held a mirror in front of him the entire time and just made him look at himself. Made him see every smallest bit that he hated and tried to hide so deep down, just for her to dig it back up.

She made Faolan feel like he had to to reach in to his chest and feel his heart, tender and soft as it was, protected by the thorns it had grown over the years to resist it being bruised.

When he finally touched his heart though, out there in the garden with Alison, he became uncomfortably and painfully aware of how human he was once again. How weak, brittle and above all how tired he was. How he wants and needs just like everyone else, no matter how hard he tried to fight and rise above such things.

He had given himself one full day to drown in his self pity. One day. 24 hours. In those hours he didn’t leave his room unless it was absolutely necessary. He had closed his eyes and exhaled with his face buried in his hands. He had felt the weight of everything all at once and nothing at the same time. Faolan was always expected more of himself than anyone else does and at that moment it was crushing him.

After those hours though, he pulled himself back together and decided to face his fiancée again. They had both gotten some time apart and think about what happened. About what Faolan had done, most likely.

By the time everything was ready the sun was already shining brightly. The leather of two sets of reigns in his hands felt familiar and exciting. There were two horses, one standing on each side of him. A stunning grey on his left and a black one on his right. Of course, the one on his right side was his. A stallion without a name, even though it had been his for a few years now. Perhaps Alison could help him finally give the horse a name. If she wanted to see him.

He waited outside for a few minutes as a servant made it’s way inside to get his fiancée. No horses allowed inside, of course. Which was quite odd considering the amount of Winter women that somewhat resembled a horse. (Not Alison of course. She was perfect).

When she finally stepped outside every word he had so carefully picked and thought through disappeared from his mind and left him speechless. ”Hi. Faolan begun. ”I would like to apologise for my behaviour the other day and ask you to join me on a ride?” His pale grey eyes found hers and he hoped her answer would be yes or this would be terribly embarrassing. Faolan liked horses, sure, but riding wasn’t his passion as much as it was Alison’s.

Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:12 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
It had been weird coming home that day. Joining her father's side at the council meeting as if nothing had happened, staying professional as if she didn't just want to go to her quarters and disappear. Edward hadn't let on that anything was the matter either, of course. He had a talent for continuing business no matter what. It wasn't until later that night, after they'd all had dinner, that she was called to his office. She had a good relationship with her father, certainly better than with her mother. Nevertheless, she was nervous for this conversation. She couldn't shake the look that he'd had in his eyes that afternoon.

Indeed, he told her that he was disappointed. That he expected better of her than to be frolicking around with her fiancé. Her first priority should always, always be Ashmoor and he'd thought that she understood that by now. 24 years old, for Renestrae's sake. She tried arguing, told him that she always worked hard and tried her best but that she didn't think there was any harm in getting to know her fiancé better before they would get married. He wouldn't have it, though. Her marriage was nothing more than a transaction and she was lucky that they had even picked someone her own age.

The conversation had hurt, but her father was right. She was Ashmoor's only heir, a status which not only gave her privileges, but also duties and responsibilities. Faolan would have to adapt to her life, not the other way around. So for the next 24 hours she dived into her work, not even caring whether he would try to contact her. (That was a lie. She cared very deeply and if anything tried to use the work to distract her from the whole situation.)

At first she was hurt, but as the hours passed it turned into anger. He had abandoned her, and this wasn't even a truly hard situation. It was just her father. What would happen if she stood for a greater fire? Would he leave her then as well, because he was having difficulties? That was not something she could rely on; he really would need to get his act together if he wanted this to work.

A knock on her door as a servant announced his presence. "Lord Pyrrhos is here to see you, milady." Ah. At least he had some sort of dignity. She wasn't ready to see him, though, not when she had so much work to catch up on. "Tell him I do not want to see him." she said, her deep voice neutral. "He is here with your horse, milady." What? What was he doing with Ivy?

She made her way outside to see for herself and lo and behold, there he stood. Ivy in his left hand, his own black stallion in his right. Alison walked down the steps that led from the door she had come out of and stopped a few meters in front of him, slightly narrowing her eyes. He had come to apologize and take her on a ride. But she wasn't ready to go on a ride and just chit-chat as if they were chummy as ever. Besides, she had better things to do. The servant that had fetched her had followed her outside and she motioned for him to take the grey mare. "Jack, will you take Ivy back to her stable please?" Her tone was cold as she kept her gaze fixed on her fiancé. This was the part where he could either persevere or go back home.

Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Of course, with some Winters having horse like features, he had to be engaged to the woman with the stubborn personality of a donkey. Faolan liked that about her, but not when he had an entire day planned for them that he had been working on for a few days now. It was nothing big but they had been together for a few months and there was yet to be an ‘official first date’ between them. Just the two of them spending time together doing couple-y things without the worry of who they were supposed to be in front of others. Just them. That was what he needed. Without fathers interrupting or servants barging in and disturbing the peace.

At first, he wanted to give the reigns to Jack and let him take the horse back to it’s stables. He decided though, that this would be the first time he’d show he actually had a backbone. ”No. You’re coming with me, peach.” He wasn’t sure where the nickname had come from, he had tried various ones in his head but none seemed to work. Though he wasn’t sure if this one worked either. If he was being honest with himself they all felt cringe worthy and like he was a twelve year old, but he knew Alison liked nicknames, even if it was just a shorter version of her name. Once again his pale eyes found hers as one of his eyebrows rose slowly in a questioning manner, silently asking her if she would send him away.

Sat Dec 24, 2022 12:40 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Alison wasn't sure what his reasoning behind this whole thing was. She supposed the fact that he was even here was a good first step, but he had to understand that she wouldn't just drop everything and run into his arms after what had happened.

Instead of handing the reigns over to Jack, though, he decided all of a sudden to be funny and stand his ground. She raised an eyebrow at that, was about to intervene when he spoke. His words made her breath catch in her throat, her eyes slightly widening. “…What?” Immediately her cheeks turned a bright crimson red. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the definitive no, the way his tone left no room for further arguing, or if it was because of the name he called her. Peach? Images of him wiping the juice from her lips flashed through her mind, accompanied with both feelings of guilt and excitement. She wanted to turn back inside and get rid of these confusing feelings so that she could focus, but it was too late; she wouldn’t be able to focus anymore now.

She closed the distance between them and stopped right in front of him, placing her hand on top of his skinny wrist. ”What are you doing?” she asked semi-softly, a bad attempt at a whisper. It was downright mean of him, making her feel all of these things only to leave her to deal with them herself.
Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:53 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
Of course he would immediately regret the nickname. The second it rolled from his lips and filled the air between them he could feel the palms of his hands growing hot. He took her bright red cheeks as a positive response to the nickname he used though. Alison closed the distance between them and placed her hand on his wrist, leaving him to catch his breath for a second. ”What are you doing?” She was gorgeous. Faolan had let go of the reigns in his hand, allowing his horse to graze while he wrapped his arm around Alison her waist, pulling her against his chest. ”Kissing you today, hopefully.” A gentle breeze played with the loose strands framing her face and for a second he let go of the reigns of the mare as well to tuck them behind her ear. From the corner of his eye he could see Jack taking the reigns from him and awkwardly stare at the sky in an attempt to give them their privacy whilst still doing his work.

”And of course taking you on a date, if you’ll let me.” He then added softly, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. ”It’s completely understandable if you say no, I was an asshole after all.” With those words being whispered in her ear he pressed a kiss just below her earlobe. He tried his best to show her that he was in fact interested in her and perhaps slowly getting feelings, romantic feelings, for the blonde in his arms. That was why he tried to show her that he did with his touches, they were far from his comfort zone but at that moment he didn’t mind. His heart started beating against his chest like a wild animal locked away in a cage made of flesh and bone. It felt as if it wanted to break out and jump in the arms of the woman in front of him, begging him to let her take care of the organ. It felt like with every beat the words he had only ever read on paper came closer and closer to escaping the prison that were his lips and teeth, but he kept them down, pressed his lips and jaw together. Locking them away with his oh so fragile heart that longed to be wanted, loved.

There was a sparkle of hope in his pale eyes as he waited for her answer, calming the raging beast that was his heart.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:15 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Navigating this relationship of theirs was not an easy feat. It was confusing. Not only because they were put together and then just had to make it work, but also because of both their personalities clashing sometimes. She wanted to go for it, fully, throw her entire heart and soul into it, while he was more closed-off and distant. So when he kissed her the other day, she thought that had been a breakthrough. Until he had left her without a word. It had hurt her, and she didn't appreciate him toying with her emotions like that. And now here he was, all of a sudden throwing around charming nicknames, as if that would make everything okay? Absolutely not.

So she looked at him sternly, trying to hide the fact that he was already winning her over with just the use of that one word. He needed to explain himself, beg for her forgiveness, anything. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that she had walked up to him by pulling her even closer. Her body was touching his now, and she had to look up ever so slightly to find his perfect pale gaze. Or not, and she could just study his lips instead. If only he would... kiss her? Yes. No! She needed to get out of his grip, get out of here and back inside before she made any bad decisions. But before she could do so, his fingers fluttered across the skin surrounding her ear and she was frozen in place. She could feel her ears grow hot, could feel the butterflies in her stomach racing around as her breath was stuck in her throat. He shouldn't be doing this, not here, not now.

And yet he just continued, placing a kiss on her forehead as if it was nothing, as if it was a routine act that wouldn't make her melt under his touch. It wasn't. He was putting a spell on her, and she could feel her carefully controlled anger ebbing away. "I--" He interrupted her as he went on, towards her ear now, a whisper followed by a kiss that formed the final straw. A soft sound escaped from the back of her throat, something between a hum and a moan, and her eyes were fluttered close. He had her completely under his spell, with every hair on her body standing up in a tingling excitement, knees wobbly underneath her. At this point, she would do anything he asked of her. He just needed to seal the deal, finish off the two kisses with a proper one. Please.

But it didn't come, he just left her hanging for it and it was only now that she fully registered his words. Yes, he was an asshole. The most wonderful, beautiful, terrible person in the world. She wanted him so badly, yet all he ever did was tease her. Pulling away right when he had her. Her eyes fluttered open again, and she looked at him with a mixture of want and hurt. It was hard to decipher the look on his face; it always was. But his glittering eyes revealed something. Did he enjoy playing around with her heart like that? "Stop being so mean." she softly pleaded. It was cruel, the way he tried to convince her with this side of his she didn't know and wanted to explore so badly, even though she knew she shouldn't. "Please."
Thu Jan 12, 2023 11:18 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
His way of showing his feelings towards someone would never be through loving touches or words being said. It would be acts of service. It would be him, picking up his favourite book and annotating it for the person his heart wanted, even though his brain would tell him not to. He would annotate the books for that person and gift it to them. A book with his heart and soul written down on every page. It would be more intimate for him than getting naked together could ever be. Faolan hoped he would have that with the blonde in front of him one day. He would make sure they would have that one day.

With him pressing soft kisses to both her forehead and underbeath her ear a small smile made it's way on his rosy cheeks. He wanted to go further. Press his lips against hers and hope that she still tasted like fresh peaches. Faolan wanted to kiss her but the everlasting fear of her not wanting him held him back. It clawed at his throat, his head, with claw like nails and bit him with razor sharp teeth. Thoughts drove his mind crazy and his hands started to shake ever so slightly while he cupped her cheek and gently moved his thumb over her cheekbone. ”Stop being so mean.” Alison pleaded him softly. ”Please.”

There hung a silence between them. A silence that could last the rest of their marriage if he ruined it right now. ”How am I being mean?” Faolan whispered with a deep frown on his forehead.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:52 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
"I have been second to Jo my whole life, in everything. And I will not be the person you settle for just because you cannot have her. I won't -- I won't do it. Not when I've spent my entire life loving you." grapje

His hand felt cool on her flaming cheeks, a welcome change of temperature. She wished that she wasn't so difficult. That the mere fact that he was here was enough and that she could join him on a ride and be back before dinner without feeling guilty about it. But it wasn't so easy. Her head and her heart were in a constant screaming match, telling her what she should do and what she wanted to do. She knew that she should stay in control. That, even when they were married, she would not allow herself to get distracted from her duty; no man should ever hold such power over her. She was to serve Ashmoor and he was there to ensure that there would be someone else to take over her job when her time was up. Simple as that. So pray tell, then, why did it all feel so difficult?

Because he was more than the future father to her children. He was someone she wanted to trust, someone to be her friend above all else. They hadn't gotten that far, not yet. Because the truth was that she didn't trust him at all after what happened in his garden. She didn't trust him not to hurt her, even though she wanted nothing more than to jump in the pool that was his love and trust that he would be there when she surfaced.

She wasn't sure what she expected him to say, and so the silence that fell between them felt like it lasted an eternity. Somewhere in the back of her mind a thought played up that he shouldn't be frowning like that if he didn't want the line to become permanent, but it was silenced as soon as he spoke. Was she surprised that he didn't seem to understand what he was doing? Not exactly. How could he, really? This was new for both of them and she was sure that she had unknowingly done things to make him uncomfortable as well. She pondered over her words for a moment, not sure how to get her point across (which was a first, really). "You tease me." she started. "You lure me in with your sweet words and your beautiful face..." She stopped for a moment, cheeks flaring as she realised that this was the first time she was honestly sharing her true feelings for him, out loud. "The point is --" she continued, -- you make me feel all of these things and then you turn away and act as if none of it means anything. And now you're here and I can just feel you doing it all over again." She looked down at the ground, averting her sad eyes from his for a moment. It was a very vulnerable position she found herself in and she didn't like it one bit. "I really want to know where we are standing. Because I understand if this is just an arrangement for you but I would really just like to know." Her voice got softer towards the end as she looked back up at him. God, she felt like such a child. Stop being mean. Was that really how a future duchess was supposed to handle things? Probably not, but it did accurately voice her feelings. It made her feel slightly ashamed, though. This probably wasn't how he had pictured their engagement at all.
Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:50 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.

One of the first dreams he could remember was that he had dreamt of the sea. He had once read a book about it, well his brother had read it to him at the times they were supposed to be asleep, but he had dreamt of it. He had dreamt of a big boat with a pirates flag, waves crashing against the side of his boat and his brother being there with him. At first it was just the two of them, but slowly the shadows stepped into the sun and turned into people. The few friends he made on the way. A partner he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and have children with. The shape of the partner was never very clear, but if he were to have that same dream now, he knew it would slowly begin to take the shape of a certain blonde woman. It would be blurry and vague, but it would be her.

That thought terrified him.

Not because it would be Alison, but the boat. It was a metaphor for so many things in his life and if she would be there on the boat with him, if he let her into his heart, she would see who he truely was inside. She would get to see every ripple and every ship that had sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

”You tease me. You lure me in with your sweet words and your beautiful face…” Faolan couldn’t help the almost teasing smile that crept up his cheeks. ”You think I’m beautiful?” Then, Alison filled the air between them with more honest feelings and he couldn’t help but wonder how she still stood here when he made her question all those things.

”You are-“ his tongue felt strange in his mouth. ”You are so much more to me than just an arragnement, Alison.” Was it love? No, perhaps not yet love in the way they wanted to love each other, but for now it was love in a way that was just as important. It was a comfortable feeling. ”I like you, I really do and I am truely ashamed of my behaviour.” He now matched the sad look on her face. More hidden behind the walls perhaps, but it was there and visible for her.

Carefully, almost like he doing the simple task of taking off his shoes, he did just that. He matched the sad look on her face because he felt the same. There he was. All skin and bone without a carefully build armour around everything that made Faolan who he was. Slowly he moved his hand up to cup her cheek. ”Give me one last chance to show you how I actually feel about this. Us.” Her cheek felt warm in his cold hand. If she said no he would accept that answer and their relationship would be purely buisness, but if she let him have this last chance to show her the feelings he truely felt, he would make the most of it.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:48 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
She was certain she was on the right path in life. That if she were offered to trade her life for one of comfort, stability and happiness without the added pressures of being Edward Winter's only child, she would decline. She was made to bear that burden and was sure that, when the time came, she would be able to do it. It wouldn't be easy, but it would make her happy, she thought. She was the sort of person that needed so desperately to be useful, to challenge her mind and herself, to take the reigns rather than stand idly by to watch it all unfold. She wouldn't be satisfied with an average life.

Still, sometimes she couldn't help but yearn for it. How much easier would it have been if she had just had a brother. If she could be more like her cousin Lottie, so excited to get married and start a new life as some lord's wife. She would have more time for her art and embroidery, more time to participate in society. She would make their house a home, pick out the most beautiful flowers every day herself instead of letting a servant handle it. Above all, she would be a better mother to their children if they were granted those, a bitter realization that she knew was both true and not something she could change.

Lady Alison Pyrrhos would lead a happy life, in service to her husband and children and perfectly content socializing and gossiping with the other ladies of the Upper Ring. But Lady Alison Pyrrhos was not her.

Alison Winter had a duty to uphold, one that involved many more people than her immediate family. And so she had to be critical; with the people she surrounded herself with but most importantly with herself. She should not be spending so much time worrying about things, no, feelings she couldn't control and so it was better to just outrightly ask. Even if the answer that could possibly follow terrified her.

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she waited for his answer and she actually felt a bit nauseous as well. Nervous. She could not do much more than stand there and let his words glide over her, frozen in place. Fearing to get hurt again.

But she didn't get hurt. His words were kind and and honest and true, judging by the look of his face. She wasn't sure she had ever seen him show so much emotion before. It felt intimate, a peek into his soul that she had silently begged for for so long.

It felt like coming home.

Even if she couldn't be Lady Pyrrhos, she could still be his. The opportunity was right in front of her if she would only allow him back in.

She put her hand on top of his and squeezed it softly. "Okay." she said as a small smile made its way back onto her face. It was never gone for long, anyway.
Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:22 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy

there is a rabid beast in me

I am a bruise — the soft rot of a peach  

Small and split open. The seam of me screams.
One way to describe Faolan would be the ocean. Something he once loved so very dearly and he now feared. Yes. Faolan was the ocean. Terrified of himself and how he would drag people with him when the tides would change. He was a calm, flat ocean, but with dark grey clouds softly rumbling high in the sky. At least that was how he presented himself. In reality he felt more like a swimmer in a tidal wave. It's funny how we sometimes grow to be the thing we fear the most.

But, perhaps he was the stars. Only seen when the night was at it's darkest. Only fully seen from the corners of your eyes.

Alison placed her hand on top of his and all his worries disappeared at once. They could make this work. They would. Faolan brought her hand up to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. "Will you join me now, my lady?" Faolan took the reigns in his free hand again and waited for her answer once more, though he was more certain now that she would actually say yes. There was a small glint of joy in his eyes. Where they would usually be as calm, yet deceiving as the calm ocean just before a thunderstorm, he was now showing her every ripple in the water that the wind created.

He softened himself as much as possible. Just for Alison.

Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:39 am
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Her eyes glittered in an almost triumphant way as he brought her hand up to his lips. She liked when he directed his attention towards her, specified his words for her. My lady, Alison, and now, she supposed, Peach. The way his lips shaped those words made her feel special.

She nodded for an answer, mimicking the rare, joyful look in his eyes. This was a new playing field, a level one. One in which she didn't have to prod and prompt to know what he was thinking. It overwhelmed her a bit. He was now a man with a plan and thoughts and feelings and opinions and it made her ever more curious for his opinion of her. He had said he liked her; now she wanted to explore what exactly that meant.

She took Ivy's reigns from him and it wasn't long until she was comfortably seated on the grey mare's back, both legs to one side as the saddle allowed her to do. "Where are you taking me, my lord?" she said with a cheeky glint in her eyes. The promise she had made to her father was entirely forgotten now that the opportunity for adventure had presented itself.
Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:09 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy
you were taken from me a little too easily –
The life he had been living ever since he and Alison had announced their engagement was one he had not been prepared for in the slightest. Of course with his family being who they were there had always been certain expectations that he had to reach, but this was different. This wasn’t just his mother, his father and his grandparents he had to keep satisfied, it was Ashmoor. The people that lived there. The thought alone could send him into cardiac arrest without a doubt. Though, that was a conversation for another time perhaps.

For now he had to focus his attention on the gorgeous woman in front of him that wanted to spend her day with him and forget her duties for a bit. He could only hope he was the only one that she treated like that, that would’ve made it more special. ”I like you.” He repeated softly, staring at her. ”I like spending time with you. Even if that means having to sit still for hours because you got some new paint from who knows where and you want to try it. Even if that means I have to spend time with your mother Faolan had whispered the last word with a cheeky grin on his pale face. The sunny weather made barely noticeable freckles almost appear out of thin air on his porcelain skin, but you could only notice them if you truly paid attention. Something she somehow always did. Perhaps it was the artist in her that made her notice details as small as those were. The same with the small scar through his eyebrow or above his lip. She somehow noticed them when no one else did. He only wished she knew he spend just as much time watching her when they were together.

All he did was wink at her when she asked her question and took off in a trot. It would be a surprise and hoped she would like it.

as though you were not mine to begin with

Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:05 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Seated comfortably on her trusted mare, she wasn't sure this was the right decision after her father's words. It was too late now, though: any feelings of doubt were pushed so far down to the back of her mind that they were no more than a whisper as feelings of longing and excitement prevailed. Not just longing for spending the day outside, but for spending it with Faolan. She had a certain hunger in getting to know him, desperate for conversations both easy and meaningful. His mind was such a mystery to her, so different from the other Upperclass men who seemed to do nothing but flaunt and prance around like peacocks. She wanted to unravel his every thought, know his favourite colour and food, what he saw when he looked in the mirror and how much time he spent in front of it, which of the many scarves he owned made him feel the coziest.

She laughed at his honesty, knowing it was the truth. She could indeed spend hours trying out new paints, but even with her old ones she could spend hours studying his face. The way his deep-set eyes were nestled under his brows, how the strong lines of his nose and jaw worked together to result in perfect harmony, as if crafted from a piece of marble. Every time she saw him, she was taken aback by the fact that someone like that could even exist. Even now she discovered new, perfect elements of his face, like the faintest hint of freckles dotted around his cheekbones. That, in combination with his mention of her mother, made her remember that she wasn't supposed to be going out without a hat or sun parasol in this sort of weather. Tomorrow at the breakfast table her own freckles would probably already be flared up enough for her mother to notice and scold her for it. She didn't care, though. "She is not that bad." she tried to protest, although with a knowing look on her face.

Before she knew it, he had taken off. How rude! Although she wasn't mad, because how could she with that wink? No, instead she started trotting after him, quickening into a canter as soon as the cobblestones made way for softer footing. It didn't take long before she had overtaken him, with Ivy knowing the routes by heart.
Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:06 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy
you were taken from me a little too easily –

There were times where he would question his feelings for the heiress. He would spend his nightly hours questioning if the feelings were just his thoughts telling him that if he didn’t, he would live a miserable, loveless life. Then, there were the hours where the sun shone brightly in the sky with birds chirping and the sweet, sugary taste of peach on his lips. In those moments he was sure that they were real. They were.

Were hers, though? Was he on her mind when she was alone at night, when she was drinking wine with gorgeous women with a gentle touch and soft hands? Was he on her mind when she was eating and there was a peach on the dinner table? He could only hope so, but part of him knew it wasn’t so. He had accepted it though. He would happily fall for her if that meant feeling what he was feeling once in his life. At least he would finally know what the great poets meant when they wrote about burning eyes and shattered hearts.

Ivy was faster than his own horse, but he didn’t mind. (The view was better there anyways). ”Never said that she was.” Faolan replied with a boyish grin on his face. ”To the right here, Alison.”

When they finally arrived everything was all ready for them to tie the horses to the trees and enjoy the view. He had arranged a simple lunch with fresh fruits, sandwiches and other things that had to be included during a lunch. ”I know it's not much,” Faolan started whilst rubbing the back of his neck. There was a simple blanket on the ground to keep them from getting their clothes dirty, but the view was his favourite. From a distance. The ever-reaching ocean. He didn't finish his scentence. First, he wanted to know what she was thinking.

as though you were not mine to begin with

Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:42 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
Even if all else failed, he had given her this. This feeling of being alive, nothing on her mind but her horse and her fiancé. She knew that there would come a time when she wouldn't be able to afford a whole day of living in the moment. Her responsibilities would become endlessly on-going, her guards even more present than they already were. But right now this was it. She looked back over her shoulder as his voice sounded, the ever-present naughty glint shining in her eyes as she steered her dappled grey mare to the right.

As she jumped off she took no notice to the way her dress crinkled up or or how a few strands of hair had escaped her braids. Instead, her gaze fell on the carefully prepared picknick and then on the ocean. For a moment it felt like her breathing stopped as she took in the sight, taking a few steps forward. It was so vast. Endless. She had never given the ocean much thought as everything she needed was within the city walls. Standing here now, it made her feel small and as though she stood on top of the world all the same. Is this what her father felt like when he spoke to his people, overlooking the citizens from the balustrade of their home? Above them, detached, but also: vulnerable. There was no controlling, only working with. Making sure systems of dams and dykes were put in place to lead the current into the right direction, hoping the waves stayed small enough to keep your head up.

She could feel that this was something that would give her sleepless nights in the future. For now, the ocean was quiet and the soft susurration calmed her. She turned around to her fiancé, the loose strands of hair around her face softly moving with the ocean breeze. When it came to it she would have a boat. And, who knew, maybe if they put in the effort it could be a ship. A ship with large sails and an anchor, with enough supplies to outlast any storm. He could set the sails for her as he had set the picknick. "It's perfect." she answered with a soft smile as she reached for his hand.
Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:23 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Faolan Pyrrhos
Faolan Pyrrhos
to be loved, it’s not a crime 87ecb203d414ab1695eb3a8be286d276c6bb0b02
to be loved, it’s not a crime Cb0ccc943ba2e7322f944fba76aac20d

Character sheet
Age: 27 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: being a pretty boy
you were taken from me a little too easily –

Everyone knew that romance had never been his thing. Well, everyone could guess it. It was Faolan Pyrrhos after all. His parents had disowned his brother and his entire family line was made up out of power and money, never love.

Once, when he was younger and his tutor had fallen ill for an unknown amount of time, there was a time he went to school. An actual school with more kids from the upper ring. The entire experience felt so strange that he almost missed the home schooling. He almost missed the feeling of the ruler on the back of his hand every time he would pick up his pen with his left hand instead of his right. The pain he would go though at his parents hands was nothing compared to children of his age. They were ruthless in a way grownups would never be with strangers around.

That was the first time he heard the rumour that spread around the upper ring like the plague. That the Pyrrhos’ weren’t capapble of feeling love. Of feeling anything other than disgust, hatred. He was eight, eight and starting to believe every word they said. Eight and hiding in the closet at home with tears in his eyes.

He was nine and he still went to school every morning. Bruises were hidden underneath the long sleeves of his clothes, his posture straight, hair neat, glossy eyes.

Ten and a completely different person than he was two years before. The boy that picked flowers on his way home had gone and all that was left behind was an empty shell of who he once was. He had turned who his parents wanted him to be. Posh, neat, polite and yet harsh. His blue eyes had turned to grey with no spark to be found.

He was twenty-five (and a half) when that changed. Slowly. He met the woman he was meant to marry one day. They would go to parties together, gatherings, meetings. Anything. It was all business and no feelings at all.

Somewhere along the line that changed for Faolan though. Something deep inside him slowly awakened and made him want to pick the prettiest of flowers again.

Now, he was twenty-seven and nervous about a picknic he had organised. It had been years since the last time he had heard the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs, but a part of him found comfort in the once so terrifying sound. He wouldn’t drown. He wouldn’t let himself. Not when he had a reason to keep swimming this time.

Faolan took her hand and intwined their fingers. ”It is, isn’t it?” He smiled, not once tearing his eyes away from hers. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

Of course he wasn’t talking about the view of the ocean. Maybe he would be the first to change the rumour.

as though you were not mine to begin with

Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:33 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
to be loved, it’s not a crime JS82q3hE_o
to be loved, it’s not a crime 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
As he squeezed her hand, she knew how difficult it must have been for him to set this up. She didn't know why, not exactly. Just that there was some kind of blockage deep within him that prevented him from opening his heart as easily as she did. But when she looked up at his face, there was something in his gaze that hadn't been there before. It made her blush slightly, being looked at in this way, and she tore her gaze away from his as she stared at her feet. A rare occurrence for her to feel shy.

Her eyes fell on the picknick basket, the lid slightly opened to reveal the food that was inside of it. There, right at the very top, was a beautiful, large peach. The reminder of that day made her blush even more noticeable as not only her cheeks but also her ears started flaring up. She was so easily winded up, it was the worst. From exploding over a minor set-back to blushing because of a fruit, her emotions were always so close to the surface. She sometimes wondered if her life would be easier if she were more like her fiancé in that sense.

She picked it up and finally looked up at him again. "You think you're funny, do you?" she said teasingly, if only to hide the fact that he had her under his thumb. Then she took a bite. She was hungry anyway.
Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:37 am
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