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What I did for love
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
What I did for love Banner10
What I did for love Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman

it takes grace to remain kind

Lorraine didn't stop until she got back home with the injured man. It was dark by the time she arrived at the camp of her people, trotting straight to her mother's caravan, who was sitting at the campfire with two of her sisters. "Help me get him down," Her mother and sisters flocked around the horse, grabbing the reins, with worried looks on their faces. "Lola, what happened! You look terrible! Who is this man!" Bombarding her with questions, they helped her of the horse. Lorraine ignored them all, only focused on the unconscious chicken thief. "Quickly. Get him into the caravan, on my bed" Together the women were able to get the man off the horse and into the caravan. Lorraine went to work. Cleaning him up and assessing the damage. She worked through the night, assisted by her mother and sisters. Cleaning his wounds, stitching them up if needed, applying all kinds of healing and soothing ointments so his body could rest and heal, and forcing a warm herbal tea down his throat that would put him into a deep sleep.

Her mother tried to clean up Lorraine as well. Urging her to take a break and clean off the mud that was still plastered all over her face and clothing. Lorraine did so reluctantly, but as soon as she was done caring for herself, she was back at the side of the bed. Making sure her patient was still breathing. There she stayed all night. By the time the dawn broke through the pitch black of the night sky, she had fallen for the immensity of the tiredness that came after the whole unnerving ordeal from the night before. Sitting on a chair next to the bed, with her head and arms resting on the side of the bed, next to his legs. Her face had a peaceful expression of sleep. The only proof of her struggles from the night before were the faint blue and purple marks forming around her throat. In the early hours of the morning, her sister popped quietly into the caravan with a platter. It was filled with bread, cheese, dried meat, and apples. She left it on a small side table. A clay jug filled with cold water from the clear stream that rippled nearby their camp, as well as two horse-bone drink naps, were left for them both. For now, the family would let them sleep. 
sheet by Pip with love ❦
Crawford Grimgott

Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:32 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
What I did for love G63Ki5H
What I did for love VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

Bury me face down

'.. sear his flesh and bone,' a lashing tongue from the deep whispered. 'Rabid mongrel. Ours. In line for the pyre. Ours,' said another. 'Decay, decay.' Other voices soon chimed in: overlapping with each other, stumbling over and merging with the seething remarks. 'Upon the brink of the abyss forevermore. Pull his innards out..' The natural carvings in the wood? They weren't carvings. 'Smite him. Smite this wicked - ' Multiple eyes now opened in the wood cracks, eerily stretched out, twisted, upside down or vertically aligned - some blinking slowly, others rapidly, but all had one all too obvious emotion in common: rage.

'- Heathen!'

Gasping for air, he bolted upright, his heart still pounding in his throat. Slowly, the rest of his surroundings began to focus to their true shapes and colors. The first thing he noticed was that the carvings in the wood were just that: carvings. Secondly, he was lying in a bed. A very warm and comfortable bed - or perhaps it just seemed that way because it had been years since he had the luxury of sleeping in one. Where was his pendant? With a jolt of fear, his hands had automatically reached for the jewelry of Renestrae around his neck, but his fingers only clawed over his own bare skin. Crawford looked down to notice that it was indeed gone. He was also tucked in some kind of rejected, splashy psychedelic jester attire, but like for.. in bed. Or something. And he was drenched in cold sweat. Still a bit woozy, he allowed his gaze to wander. A bunch of throw pillows lay nicely arranged on accent benches. There were a lot of colorful drapes made from all kinds of fabrics, diffusing the sunlight to a soft, golden glow. Through specks of dust, he saw potted houseplants, baskets, cabinets, rugs, chaises, some dimmed pendant lights. All of it could be described as highly decorated; beautiful even.

Right now, all the vibrant colors did nothing more but give him a skull-splitting headache. What in Purgatory's name, even.. The furniture, this 'settlement' - for a lack of better word.. Some free-spirited bohemians had ceased their twig-twirling frolicking to pull him out of the mud, dress him up and probably soon came cartwheeling inside the wagon again, popping burning sage up his nostrils while whacking a tambourine. "Wonderful," he quietly muttered to himself. The man grumpily pulled the blankets high up to his chin, already angry with Renestrae, Odiria, Ashmoor and everyone and everything, that he was forced to make up some next escape plan already. It wasn't until now that he spotted her: the girl from the farm. Soon the memories from that last endeavour came pouring in, too. How she had saved him from certain death. How he had saved her, albeit not with the direct intention to do so, but simply to scavenge his eggs unbothered.

Behind his half-established blanket burrito, Crawford observed her, his head tilted to the side a bit. She was resting peacefully. Strands of dark brown hair framed her face, which was half tucked away in the cradling embrace of her arms. Had she been next to his side all this time? Not used to such acts of kindness at all, he pulled his gaze away from her again, by chance averting his attention to a silver platter close to him. Food? Immediately he launched his body toward it, stuffing cheese, bread and meat down his throat all at once like his life depended on it, chugging it down with large gulps of water that splattered all over his chest and bedside. Until he burst into loud wails of pain in his attempt to devour the hard apples with his bruised face.
Lorraine Doe

Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:10 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
What I did for love Banner10
What I did for love Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman

it takes grace to remain kind

As peaceful as she might seem in her sleep, her dreams were anything but. Plagued by the nightmarish memories of the day before, her sleeping mind was filled with furious, hellish doglike creatures foaming at the mouth, snapping at her feet, and choking on thick mud while great feathered beasts with sharp claws scratched open her face. Suddenly she was grabbed by the throat by two enormous hands and pulled up to a giant's face. His eyes empty with death as a huge claymore had split open his skull. He opened his mouth and burst into loud wails of pain. Finally she woke up from the nightmare, jolting up from the bed with a loud gasp. The wooden chair she had been sitting on tipped over, causing her to lose her balance and fall into the chair on the floor. Her voice rasped noticeably from her bruised up neck as she muttered softly in pain.

She then locked eyes with the chicken thief, with a surprised expression that soon turned into one of embarrassment. She soon realized what had woken her up. The raven-haired man, draping half out of bed over a platter of food, still wailing in pain. She quickly got up, placing the chair on its feet again as well. ”You're awake! Be careful! Your face is still quite sore. How are you feeling?” Happy to see that he was already awake and well enough to eat on his own, She smiled at him. For a while there, she was worried he wouldn't wake up at all after the beating he had endured. Her face grimaced a bit in pain as she had to swallow and rub her tender neck, only then realizing the damage to her throat and voice.

She quickly started working on another warm herbal tea to soothe his headaches and let him rest some more. Only leaving the caravan for a moment to grab some hot water from the firepit, where her mother always had a pot boiling for warm tea. Back inside, she prepared the tea, after which she grabbed a small knife and an apple. She sat back down on the chair that had fallen over and started to slice the apple into more bite-sized pieces. ”I.. I want to thank you. For what you did. You saved my life.” She offered him a piece of the apple. Her expression was one of gratitude with a gentle smile. Though the worry she felt shone through her green eyes.  
sheet by Pip with love ❦
Crawford Grimgott

Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:28 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Crawford Grimgott
Crawford Grimgott
What I did for love G63Ki5H
What I did for love VdwGPC5

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Mage
Occupation: (homeless) servant

Bury me face down

The first light of dawn kissed the girl's face softly; rays veiling her in a tranquility she much deserved after yesterday's turmoil. He would have observed her a little while longer. If not for all the free, within-arm's-length food presented next to him. That was his plan: stuff mouth, munch and stare at her in confusion, while secretly - somewhere deep inside - allowing his unrest to be soothed by her appearance. Or was it something else that kept the shadows shifting in his eye corners at bay, the whispers silent? Because, for the first time in, well.. ever, it truly seemed peaceful. How strange to be able to describe it as such. Nothing had ever been peaceful in his life. A loud thump suddenly broke that pleasant stillness; loud enough to startle him, even through his own wails of pain. For a moment, she looked at him and he looked back, only to realize that.. She had fallen. Out of her chair. What a complete dunce. Who the hell fell like that? Yet, there was something in the brief exchange of bewilderment he couldn't quite place. The girl averted her gaze in embarrassment as she fixed up her chair, and he slumped back against the pillow, trying to wipe away the crusts of bread from his mouth corners. Not awkward at all. His brow knotted into a frown at the question of how he was feeling. "Like chickens violently shat on me all over," he groaned, painfully rubbing one of his cheekbones. Those feathered ladies sure got their revenge. And what did he get? Zero eggs, was what.

Crawford quietly watched her from the bed as she tended to his needs, leaving him alone for a while. While looking around for something to steal later, the smell of a minty, oily substance filled his crooked nose. He sneezed. Just now he realized his chest was bound in bandages, and that the smell wafted from his own skin from under his gypsy PJs. Not only was he put in bed attire; some healing hands had probably tended to his injuries prior. Meaning that they had seen it. All of it. How much his ribs and pelvis stuck out the height of the Ancient Mountains in the north; his sunk in stomach; his sickly pale skin; his discolored feet and hands, like his crappy blood flow couldn't reach those limbs. Even his mutilated ankle, causing his bird-like limp, had not been safe from prying eyes. The raven-haired man pursed his lips as he stiffly pulled down the hem of his outerwear under the blankets, the tip of his nose a bit flushed. Utter shame washed over him. He didn't like that. He didn't like that thought at all. It was vulnerable. Private. A dead give-away of his own poor status. These wayfarer healers, these vagrants - mustn't think they could lump him together with them.

She soon returned, but the grouchiness was still plastered over him. It didn't disappear when she started cutting apples for him all cutesy. He resistantly took the bite-sized piece of fruit with a look on his face like it was dipped in all of Odiria's common poisons one by one, even sniffing it in his cupped hands. Carefully he started nibbling on it with the good side of his jaw, although still eying the girl warily. The welcoming, fresh sourness was almost too much for his taste buds to handle. So much, in fact, it made his eyes a bit stingy. He hadn't had apple for so long.. Or, he thought that had to be the reason. And then - Renestrae have mercy - the apple pieces shot down the wrong way at her kindhearted remark of saving her life and he nearly died, again, in a coughing fit. "I- I wasn't-! I did not - woman, I was collecting eggs. Eggs." With flushed cheeks he averted his gaze. "And I wished to merrily continue doing so until I was hindered, so I - Saints, I just removed the hinder. 'The hell are you thinking!" She just happened to be there. Goodness hecking fuck. That was all there was to it. In a moment of silence, Crawford clenched his bandaged fists on his lap, bitterly staring at her from under the tufts of his exploded hairdo. Before he cast down his painfully softened gaze at the blankets, that was. Perhaps even a bit sad. Her neck.. it was bruised black and blue. "Why were you with that oaf in the first place?" he quietly asked in his best effort to not sound concerned.
Lorraine Doe

Tue Feb 07, 2023 10:08 am
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