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[LMF][OPEN] I Fall When You Leave
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Lemuria Citizen
Ether Rizal
Ether Rizal
[LMF][OPEN] I Fall When You Leave I4pgPY7
[LMF][OPEN] I Fall When You Leave UeZYXVC

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Diviner
champagne, cocaine, gasoline & most things inbetween
Ether never thought of himself as a lonely man. Today, he reconsidered. His tavern was closed for the remainder of the festivities of the Luna Moth festival and he had nowhere to go. Most of his employees had families to celebrate with, so of course they were allowed to. Ether, however, did not have any family in either Moonbright nor the whole of Lemuria. So, he was alone. And how he hated being alone. Normally he filled his days to the brim so he would not have to be alone, with his thoughts, with his loneliness. It was a pathetic thought, maybe, that he so longed for others and their approval that he dismayed being on his own. It was the result of his.. problematic childhood, he knew that, he was self-aware enough. Though being self-aware and bettering ones' toxic behaviors was something else entirely.

He went for a walk. Almost every house he passed was filled with light and laughter. There weren't many people walking outside, as he was. He gritted his teeth as he fastened his pace, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He had looked forward to meeting his brother, whom he had invited to join him in this year's festivities. But there hadn't been a reply. Perhaps his raven had gotten lost, perhaps Mortem was too busy to reply. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Ether scoffed. It amazed him how he managed to still be let down by family, even years after having last seen them. Whatever. The plan was to get absolutely shitfaced, tonight. So that he might never remember the absolute misery that filled his body at this moment.
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© yuno
Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:09 pm
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