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[M] Party party yeah [FOP]
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Unlike most of his newfound tribe, he hadn't participated in the praying ritual. Instead he had hid himself away in his inn for the upcoming days, making sure to leave Yahya well cared for before disappearing into his room until sunrise, when the preparations for the festival had started. It had been much easier to navigate himself through the busy streets then, going unnoticed as he blended into the bustling crowd, most part of his face hidden behind a veil. Ever since abandoning duty and leaving Al-Qahil, he hadn't been able to return without risk. Well, if that hadn't been the consequences of his own actions..

As night fell upon the city and Xeion's natural rays of light made place for a city illuminated by torchlight, the sorcerer truly seemed to be able to let his guard down. The drinking and feasting started, and the people surrounding him changed from the hardworking citizens of Al-Qahil, to people who didn't look like they had a single care in the world as they toasted, drank, feasted and danced throughout the whole city. The sight couldn't help but to put a smile on his veiled face. This was exactly where he came for. Zahriya was a fine village, but no other city knew how to party like Al-Qahil, especially during the start of sunpeak.

The sorcerer had downed a few drinks already when he caught himself dancing on a tiny square within the city, tempting man and woman to join him as he swayed across the crowd gathered around them. As the sound of hands rythmically clapping along the music surrounded him, almost tempted to rid himself of his disguise now that the faint light of torches wouldn't be enough for the people to distinguish his features, his gaze fell upon a famiiar face somewhat further into the crowd, one he hadn't expect to come across this festival.

And so he quietly exited the dance circle, making his way through the crowd where the back of the familiar person greeted him. Quietly approaching the silver haired man, he didn't let his prescence be known up until the very last second, where he surprised him by throwing his arms around his waist, lifting him up in the air, laughing at his own silly little sneak attack. "By Xeion," he chuckled as he put his old friend down, allowing the man's feet steady on the ground again, letting go of him as he did. "If it isn't my favorite Vylasar. I didn't expect to find you here." The necromancer rid himself of his veil, just in case the man didn't recognize him from his voice alone. Caught up in the reunion, he hadn't even noticed the lady standing beside his old friend. How rude.

@ Eze <3
Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:00 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The longer he spend in this country, how more he got attached to it already. The last few weeks had been a real mood booster. He liked to sail, to feel the breeze, the spray of the sea and real sunlight on his skin. A slight tan had already returned to his face, as did some freckles. And as he had spend the day exploring the city, with or without his wife by his side, he realized how much he could just be. Yes, he was obviously a foreigner, but people didn't know who or what he was. They didn't care. It was freedom that he craved so much when he was at home.

He felt kinda bummed out that the day was ending already, knowing that as soon as the sun would sink, people would either return to their homes or extend the party to the depths of the night. As he and Chaska had changed into their more festival fitting attire, trying to fit in with the more extravagant taste of the Xailan people, he was wondering if they fitted every piece of Lemurian silver they could find on him. But as the evening furthered, he didn't notice it so much anymore as the spicy spirits kept him warm and his head comfortable fuzzy.

They followed the noise of merry music and a crowd clapping along. As he watched some of the dancers move over the music, he clapped along with the people without thinking to hard, every now and then moving his head to Chaska's ear to tell her something that he'd noticed among the torchlight.

Until out of the blue, somebody grabbed him by the waist. In a reflex he clutched the arms of the culprit that had gotten a hold of him, as he heard the rumble of laughter break by his ears as his feet were lifted from the ground. ‘‘What the fuck?!’’ he growled between his teeth as a frown formed on his face, although he was soon with both feet back on the ground. And as soon as he was, he whipped around to meet his attacker, but his face was veiled. ‘‘Who do you think you-’’ he started angrily, but as soon as his surname was mentioned and he showed his face, Ezekiel's eyes widened. He was met with that same, stupid grin, he had fallen for all those years ago. He never expected to see Rhysand Zinyra in the flesh ever again. He had almost forgotten about him already. It had only been one drunken night after all. ‘‘Gods,’’ he said in surprise as he placed both his hands on the other man's shoulders and eyes him up and down, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. ‘‘You're still alive,’’ he grinned with a disbelieving expression on his face, before pulling him into a strong embrace, clapping his hand on his back.

blinged up fit x blinged up in beweging
Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:51 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Ah, mission accomplished. The sorcerer couldn't help but grin at the shorter man's response as his feet dangled above the ground. Judging from his fiery attitude, he hadn't been recognized yet or had simply been erased from the young man's mind. Though, after their brief but passionate moments spent together in the past, he wouldn't have guessed the latter. After all, he'd hoped to leave those who he had spent the night with some sort of decent impression. It was the least he could do before he'd find himself lusting for yet another, searching for a way to quench his ever lingering thirst for more.

His heated words went right past him as he rose his hand to get rid of his makeshift disguise. Unveiling his face, it soon became clear that the man in front of him did indeed recognize him, widening the cheeky grin on face as he took in the sight of visible surprise of the other. Chuckling at his words, the man was quick to reciprocrate the brotherly embrace, though his touches remained to be on the more delicate side of the spectrum, compared to the way Ezekiel's hand roughly patted his back.

"Does that surprise you?" the man answered as he freed himself of his embrace, his hand still resting upon his shoulder with his usual smirk smeared on his face. "Actually--" interrupting his own sentence, he swiftly brought the finger from his free to his friend's lips, halting but a hair away from them. "Don't even bother answering that." Most of his acquaintances were surprised at how he managed to stay alive after leaving his bride -- the princess, nonetheless, at the altar and taking off into the wilds by himself. He didn't need some old flame to rub his incompetent life choices in his face. Especially not on a festive night like this.

It was then when his eye finally fell upon the lady beside him, shooting both of them a rather confused look. Though his eyes were quick to glance upon the pearls around her neck, the true meaning behind that trinket hadn't seemed to cross his mind yet. Judging from her reaction, however, it was clear that she accompanied his old friend. "Where are my manners," he began, letting go of the sorcerer as he focused his attention on the lady with the strangely colored hair. He had lowered his voice, however, not meaning to spark the interest of anyone wishing to sent him straight back to the Sun Ring. "Rhysand Zinyra, pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady." Sealing the introduction, he gently took her hand in his as he placed his lips briefly upon the surface before giving her the chance to introduce herself as well. Another Vylasar, huh? Must be one of his cousins then. Or so he though, until she actually introduced herself as his wife.

Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he needed a good second to process the information. Perhaps those drinks from before didn't work in his favor. "Ah, I see," he then replied, stepping away from her as he wrapped one of his arms around the sorcerer's neck. "Do you mind if I borrow your pretty husband for a while, then? I believe the two of us have some catching up to do." Playfully tightening his grip on Ezekiel's neck, he truly made it seem as if they were nothing but a pair of old friends reuniting at a time of celebration. She seemed to believe so, at least, giving him permission as the slightly confused look on her face remained. "I promise to return him to you before dusk," he continued with a smile on his face, resting his free hand upon his heart as to swear on that promise before turning around, dragging the silver haired sorcerer with him as he stepped away from the busy crowd. They couldn't have a proper conversation when their voices would be drowned within the sound of music and laughter.

"By the gods," he continued the conversation as they passed a corner, now finding themselves in a slighty less busy street, the sound of the bustling square still present within the distance. He hadn't lifted his arm from around the man's neck just yet. "I never assumed you to be cut out for marriage." While he was just teasing him, those words were true. Back then, he had seemed like just the type of free spirit he'd recognized himself in. Perhaps one of the reasons why their friendship had.. escalated into something else, that one night.
@ Eze <3
Sat Jun 24, 2023 3:02 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
After his stunt with the princess, Ezekiel would have expected that this man had been hunted down. He was foolish to even dare to walk into the capitol again, even with the disguise he was wearing. But the summoner was nonetheless pleased to see his old friend again. It made this place a bit less foreign as there was at least one person he could talk to without a filter. Rhysand at least trusted him from the start that he would not rat him out to the Daetrys family. Blind, foolish trust. But both of them were never smart from the start.

Ezekiel raised his eyebrows as he asked him if it surprised him, a stupid question indeed and the man quickly said to just not answer that, but not without Rhysand acting like nothing had changed in the meantime. Ezekiel's eyes widened, quickly licking his lips. A small chuckle rolled over his lips as he shook his head in disbelief before swatting away his hand, suddenly being fiery aware of Chaska's gaze and the silver ring on his finger. ‘‘You are either very brave, or very stupid.’’ The silver haired sorcerer looked up at him when he spoke stupid, revealing what he was thinking at the moment.

When the two man finally took a bit more space for themselves, Ezekiel started to straighten his sleeves when he looked back at Chaska and he gave her gaze a small shrug. Rhysand, who was clearly more extravert, took lead in the explanation what was happening as he introduced himself with chest; first- and surname. Ezekiel tried to hide the facepalm he was about to give himself by pushing his hair back. He truly was stupid. He could have just lied about his identity, before Chaska would go asking around who Rhysand truly was. At least his sorcerer surname explained a bit why they knew each other. ‘‘We met when I visited Xaila years ago,’’ he quickly stepped in as he looked back at Chaska with a straight face. That was all she needed to know. They were just old acquaintances. Old friends.

But once Rhysand learned of his knew relationship status, he knew he was screwed for the rest of the night. Because the necromancer was not somebody who would back down quickly. And he felt it as he was hooked in another embrace. He had to work to not stain his cheeks red as Rhysand took immediate control of the situation. The only thing Ezekiel could do before he wa dragged of, was give Chaska a quick shrug with a small smile. And it was the few drinks in him that made him place two fingers on his lips and wave her goodbye. Because he was sure he would not see her again for the rest of the night.

They soon found themselves in a less crowded street and then the truth came out, as he knew Rhysand had been acting before. Ezekiel chuckled and lowered his head for a second. ‘‘If I knew surviving running away from a marriage was that easy, I might have taken after you,’’ he said as he turned his head to his old friend. He finally took his wrist and unwrapped himself from the taller sorcerer, looking back at him. ‘‘She's not too bad, though,’’ he continued, as the past few weeks on sea and now in Xaila had been much less tense. But as he didn't want to linger to long on the subject of his wife, he flicked the back of his hand to the chest of his friend. ‘‘But it's good to see you, truly,’’ he said with a small smile, scanning the surroundings to drink on him.. not being dead? ‘‘How have you been? It must have been crazy.’’ He spotted a small stall that sold what he presumed to be alcoholic beverages. But before he could make his way through the crowd again, he turned back to his friend and grabbed the veil hanging by his neck and tried to indiscreetly shove it in front of his face again. ‘‘And please, cover yourself, idiot.’’  
Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:12 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Out of all people he could've ran into at the festival, he hadn't quite expect the silver haired summoner to be one of them. It wasn't often that the Lemurian sorcerers travelled overseas to meet their allies from beyond the Wilds. And the gods made sure he'd know by sending the one he'd grown fond of his way during this time of celebration, accompanied by his wife even. If it hadn't been for the drinks he'd poured down before, it would've been quite something to process.  

Still, he'd managed to separate him from the woman, even when the summoner seemed to have his doubts about leaving his wife behind to catch up with his old friend. He had to refrain from telling him to loosen up, having just enough brain capacity left not to make himself suspicious in front of the man's wife. Unfortunately, the people from Lemuria weren't as likely to share. Unlike the northern diviners, his family had managed to maintain a strong alliance with the sorcerers of the seaside kingdom, and partly for the sake of this short, fiery man he was dragging along with him, he'd like to keep it that way.

So when he finally turned the corner of that bustling square, he was able to wave that charming, well-mannered sorcerer persona goodbye. Apparantly he even shared those thoughts with his friend, as the man spoke words which sounded much more like the Ezekiel he'd gotten to know back in the day. "So what's stopping you?" he replied in a teasing manner, though his words held some genuine curiosity. His following words however, made him raise a brow in a response, possibly revealing the answer as of why he hadn't chose to run away. "Ah, so you must truly fancy her." His teasing tone remained as the summoner freed himself from the arm around him, still paranoid about his wife keeping her eye on him or something.

The usual smirk reappeared on his face at the touch of his friend's hand against his chest. "Likewise, Ez," he simply replied, his gaze fixed on the sand colored path beneath them. Shrugging at his question, he kicked one of the stray, sand colored rocks aside. "Not too bad, actually," he admitted. "You wouldn't believe me when I'd tell you I've settled within a village ruled by a tribe of beautiful women." The last sentence left his lips with a chuckle. "Though I'm related to half of them, apperantly." Which, in this case, seemingly worked in his favor. Being the son of an Elaris woman, they had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He could barely finish his talk about his newfound heaven on earth, when the veil hanging around his neck was being shoved against his face. "Easy there, darling," he protested, snatching the veil from his hand as he proceeded to cover his face like before. The summoner did have point. "Is that how you speak to your wife as well?" The wide grin on his face would be covered by the veil, but his eyes were sure to betray the enjoyment in teasing the young man. "If so, I surely am flattered to receive the same treatment."
@ Eze <3
Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:34 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Would he hear about all about it in the morning how he had left Chaska behind for the rest of the night? Probably. But it was not like he could say no to probably the only chance he'd have to catch up with his friend. Soon he would be in Lythrania again and this would be a passing memory, yet again. For know, he had nothing to go with but rumours. The two barely knew each other after all. Just a few days years ago didn't mean anything.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes as he asked why he hadn't done the same. ‘‘Duty, honor, family. I know those words are hard to understand for you,’’ he teased back. He would not reveal the complicated web he had found himself in when it had something to do with Chaska. And when his old friend asked if he truly liked her, he scoffed back. ‘‘No,’’ he replied quickly. He didn't really know why he said it. Because it was still his pride hurt that he had it happen to himself. That he had done nothing about it, that somebody else had decided his future for him. ‘‘I'm just saying, it could have been much worse.’’ So when he was done talking about him having a wife, he changed the subject to Rhysand's lack of one. ‘‘Like a princess,’’ he said with a toothy smile on his face, biting the tip of his tongue as he didn't want to laugh out loud at him.

So when the black-haired sorcerer kept speaking about how things have been, he couldn't smother a smile time as he told he had found refuge with a tribe of beautiful women. ‘‘Oh, how you have suffered,’’ he said at him sarcastically. Even back then, he knew the reputation this man held. However, as he told him it was family, he wanted to make an inappropriate joke, but he wisely kept his mouth as it would probably bite him back.

He enjoyed his time spend with this man certainly, but he didn't have an appetite to be caught between him and the law. Rhysand was being his usual fruity self, immediately starting with the pet names. But as he started about his wife once again, he shoved him against the shoulder, as he was quick to make an inappropriate remark. ‘‘Just shut up about it already, okay?’’ His odd-coloured eyes went up to his old friend. He was with him now, wasn't he? He saw his eyes glitter from between the veil that covered his pretty face and he rolled his eyes again. ‘‘For that alone, first rounds are on you.’’ He lifted his hand up palm up to be ready to receive some Xailan coins from his pockets.
Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:31 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
The sorcerer couldn't help but to roll his eyes at his words. The man beside him almost started to sound like his parents, always speaking as if duty was the only purpose of a noble. Perhaps he lacked the responsibility and discipline, but he simply couldn't imagine his life spent at the side of a Princess, adhering to royal duties and simply existing as an asset to strengthening the relationship between his family and the one ruling over the the desert kingdom. Nah, he was fine with his current life, serving the sisters while, in return, they'd sometimes grant him a certain something in return.

"Perhaps, or I simply cannot bring myself to care about such matters." he simply replied as he continued to listen as his friend was quick to reply to his previous question. A little too fast of an answer for someone claiming their wife not to be 'as bad'. If you'd ask him, the silver haired sorcerer was trying his best to convince him of his oh so mature choice in adhering to his family duties. Chuckling at his next, witty remark, the dark haired sorcerer answered his friend with a push against his shoulder. "Very funny," he answered, acting as if he weren't impressed by the way the young man bit back. "Could've been worse, or could've been better," the man continued, testing the waters, estimating how far he could go before his friend would hide behind the concept of loyalty towards his marriage.

He couldn't help but smirk at his response. Being accepted into a tribe of beautiful, strong women sounded like some sort of Xailan dream almost. And yet he'd found himself in that situation. While his duty was merely to serve the sisters, not allowed to practice his magic, he couldn't quite say he minded. For someone escaping his fate of marrying a Princess, he'd done pretty well for himself securing a new home rather than a dungeon cell of some sort. "Immensely," the man answered, his voice laced with drama as he spoke.

With his usual smirk now hidden behind the veil once more, he stared down upon his friend as they continued their way through the torchlit street. Ezekiel, seemingly having enough of speaking about his marriage, had been awfully straightforward with his words. Maybe he hadn't changed as much after all, and traveled all the way to Xaila to escape his so called 'duty', even if just during the celebration. Well, if he truly seeked such distraction, he wouldn't shy away from that chance. Just for old times' sake, perhaps.

"Fine, fine," the sorcerer replied, defeatedly raising his hands for a brief second as he spoke. "I'll pretend I didn't hear a thing, if that's what it takes to ease that tensed little mind of yours." By the gods, for a kingdom neighboring his, those Lemurians sure were something else. Always so fractious and tense. Averting his gaze from the hand which was now being held out to him back to the summoner's gaze, the sorcerer sighed as shook his head, as if slightly disappointed in his typical, foreign behaviour. "Sure, let this poor, godforsaken traveller spend his well earned coin on a rich man's drink."  By the gods, he should've pursued a career in theatre. Wasted, talent, honestly. Instead of handing him his coin pouch -- which was obviously filled with the 'borrowed' riches of his family, he simply took hold of his outstretched hand, dragging him towards the nearest stand to order them two glasses of the finest Xailan wine as he firmly held on to the man's hand. If he had to pretend not to know of his martial status, he certainly wouldn't have to pretend to simply be a friend of his.
@ Eze <3
Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:11 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It pinched in his heart that he felt envious of Rhysand. He just did whatever he wanted, not even worrying about the consequences, so it seemed. Or maybe he found the sweet release of death more comforting sounding than being a prince. He must sound like such the prissy, stuck-up jerk when he spoke like that. But it was the truth, he was locked in the prison called duty. He just lacked the nerve to run away. The only difference between them, that his bride was above him. She only suffered a hurt pride. He had no idea what Chaska would suffer if he had decided to bail out on her.

‘‘It must be so peaceful in your head,’’ he scoffed at his friend as they moved along. Luckily the air seemed to lighten as he got shoved against his shoulder and he gave him a cheeky smile as he turned back at him. He cocked his head to the side as he mentioned that it could have been better. ‘‘So, that's why you ran? You had someone better on the side?’’ he quickly jumped to conclusions. But as he knew the people of Xaila weren't prudish at all, he dared to dip his toes in that kind of culture. ‘‘I thought that wasn't much an issue here,’’ he continued as he sized the man back up again. And next to that, he didn't remember Rhysand to be a loyal man at all. Ezekiel really didn't want to pry in his past, he really didn't care much what the reason was why he bailed out. But he made it a bit too easy to keep teasing.

The silver haired sorcerer granted the other an airy chuckle as he dramatically explained how sad it had been in his new home. He didn't need the details of it all, but he imagined it was spicy. He just wanted to be in the present for now. No strings attached to the future or the past. But that would be impossible, because they already shared a past. One thing was alright, there was no future to worry about. After tonight, they would go their seperate ways, wouldn't they?

So when he asked him to just stop about it, he looked up at him with unwavering eyes until he gave in. A satisfied grin followed as he raised his eyebrows at him. ‘‘Don't act like you care,’’ he called his friend out. Yes, maybe he was tense and so maybe they should do something about it. It was always easier to loosen up and forget about real life after a few drinks. So that's why he changed the subject to their upcoming drinks and the dumb fun that should follow. ‘‘Should have thought about that earlier,’’ he replied to his pouting. But instead of clinging coins that he expected in his outstretched hand, he was pulled by his arm by Rhysand. His first reaction was to pull back, but the necromancer was stubborn and he was pulled of his balance before he could dig his heels in the sand.

He had no idea how to act now. In the back of his mind he knew he should immediately cut this of. He was a married man now. He should act like one and be loyal to his wife. But that was what he was told to do. What was it what he wanted? Why had he acted aloof about his whole marriage to this guy as if he didn't want it in the first place. Which was also true. It was just.. complicated. And this reunion certainly wasn't helping to make it easier. He caught himself wishing that it was him covering his face. Because he didn't want to be seen as a wed man holding hands with another, or because of the blush trying to creep up his face?

As they found themselves by the stand, he inched closer to the taller man to shield their clutched together hands by his body. ‘‘You are being ridiculous now,’’ he whispered closer to his ear as they waited for their drinks. As soon as the wine was placed before them, he grabbed one of the glasses and raised it to his lips, not even bothering to thank him or raise his glass for it, as he brought it to his mouth and just poured it in like it was water. When he put down his empty glass back on the counter, he turned back to Rhysand and now he was the one pulling on his arm. ‘‘And I'm not stupid. I know what you are doing.’’
Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:34 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
The dark haired sorcerer chuckled at his response, flicking a strand of his long, wavy hair out of his face as he shrugged. For someone who had settled for a married life, the young man beside him surely sounded interested in what he'd missed out on. His next remark, however, didn't fail to turning his chuckle into laughter. "Oh, my dear Ezekiel," he spoke, voicing his disbelief in the young man's thought as he wrapped his arm around his neck once more and pulling him in a little closer. "That special someone waiting for me in the Wilds  was more of a something. That something being the sweet taste of freedom." No other man or woman could've convinced him to bind himself to them. "But you're right, we're a lot less selfish in these parts of the continent." he continued. The people in Xaila weren't as fond of monogamy as the rest of the kingdoms. As if it was possible to have your every need fulfilled by only one person for the rest of your life. The princess' husband taking a second wife, however.. He was quite certain the royal family wouldn't accept such matters. If anything, he'd have to be lucky to get along with her second husband.

Still he couldn't quite settle for the thought of his friend truly being satisfied with his choice. The way he spoke about his wife made it certain that he didn't marry her out of love, but the way he kept defending her in a strange, cold way, almost implicated that the man didn't quite know how to feel about the situation. Poor, unfortunate Ezekiel. If anything, it was a fair reminder of what he himself could've ended up like. Stuck in a palace with a demanding wife by his side, not able to enjoy that freedom to go wheverer he wanted, with whoever he wanted. Instead of having to attend boring meetings and claim his place at court, he could play his part as a tribe member and continue to feast upon wine, women and similiar pleasures.

Maybe, just maybe, he could still be of help to his friend. The culture and customs of Lemuria had no place here in the southern lands of Xaila. So perhaps he could simply show him the possibilites, show him what life could've been like if he'd simply followed his gut feeling and chased after that freedom. So he'd taken his friend by the hand and ordered them a glass of the typical, fruity, Xailan wine. One of the few pleasures the poor man was allowed to enjoy still.

A smirk played around his lips as he noticed his friend tense up, closing the little distance between them in an attempt not to look suspicious holding another man's hand. Only one of them was wearing a ring, after all. "Why?" he simply asked, lowering his voice to match that of the man beside him. "Just relax, this isn't your little seaside kingdom." Just as he was about to raise a toast, taking hold of the glass with his free hand, the silver haired sorcerer was eagerly chugging his glass. "Is this another strange, Lemurian custom I'm not aware of?" he asked him with raised eyebrow before raising his own glass to his lips, only finishing about half of it.

A tug on his arm almost caused him to spill the remains of his wine. Before he could even warn the man, however, he was surprised to find himself accused of certain matters. Emptying his glass before putting it away, he closed that little distance left between them, trapping the silver haired man between his body and the counter as he placed his free hand atop. "Then please explain to me, Ezekiel" the necromancer spoke slyly, leaning in forward just a little. "What exactly am I doing, other than showing my dear friend around?"
@ Eze <3
Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:38 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Despite having a live-changing experience, Rhysand hadn't changed one bit. He was still the outspoken, blunt boy he was eager to get to know all those years ago. Ezekiel had been so naive then, and in a way he still was, but he was not that person anymore. Because he had changed over the years. He had been rebelling and angry at the world then, even more than now. Back then he still somewhat cared about so much, his emotions even more extremes. He had like to think that he somewhat grown up over the years, but he had more or less given up. Seeing Rhysand again placed him back in those shoes from back then. But he couldn't afford that, now he had much more to lose.

It looked like the dark-haired man couldn't keep his hands of him, as he was once again stranded in a head-lock. He scoffed when he called his special something freedom. ‘‘Well I hope a taste is enough for you, my friend. Because if you keep introducing yourself with your real name, freedom might be out of your reach, buddy.’’ He poked his finger in his side as he told him so, creating distance between them again. He didn't really know why he was arguing with him so much. He did like the man, in a way. Maybe he even cared that he didn't want to see him locked away, or worse. But he should not care. Because they could act all they want: they didn't know each other at all. Well, maybe some things just created a bond.

Keeping his hand clutched by him did so too. It was not normal in Lemuria for a man in his standing to be with someone like him. He had a duty to fulfill as a Vylasar and a sorcerer. Even if he sucked at being one. And he felt so conflicted as he was doing so, remembering how little he had cared the first time around. That he just reveled in the fact that he had been noticed, and how adventurous it had been. But now he felt stiff and uncertain as his mind was occupied with a lot of different things than just harmless fun. So when he called Rhysand out on it, his eyes darkened as they voices lowered into hushed tones, faces closer together. He pursed his lips together as he looked away. And as he grabbed the glass, Rhysand looked at him almost surprised. ‘‘You told me to relax,’’ he replied dryly as he wiped his underlip with his thumb. And drinking ironically helped with that.

The mood had changed drastically from their joyfull reunion only minutes ago. It seemed that old habits died hard, especially as he found himself trapped between the counted and the necromancers body as soon as he accused him from doing exactly what he was doing right now. Ezekiel turned up his chin as Rhysand was challenging him. He truly hadn't changed. His big, dark eyes were as cheeky as before and he had only turned more handsome with the years, losing his last baby-hairs. Ezekiel felt the counter dig in his back as he leaned back into it. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he sized him up quickly, before giving him a soft smile. ‘‘Nothing,’’ he lied. But Ezekiel didn't want to give him what he wanted to hear. Nor did he want to back down, as he still held some pride in it. But he wasn't stupid, neither was Rhys. They just didn't want to be the first to say it. And so he wriggled his hand out of his grip and twisted around, keeping his body between the sorcerer and the counter, turning his gaze back to the vendor. ‘‘Two more,’’ he told him as he placed his elbows on the counter and leaning slightly forward.
Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:15 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
It was almost like that time back then, where they'd chatted away and found common ground in their sarcastic and eccentric personalities. This time, however, they couldn't seem to escape from a certain tension surrounding them, and while the dark haired sorcerer seemed eager to give into that temptation, his friend seemed a little more hesitant. Well, giving the circumstances, he couldn't quite blame him. This wasn't Lemuria, however, and a day of celebration nonetheless.

Once more, the sorcerer laughed at his remark. He did have a point. He shouldn't be simply giving his identity to people on a golden plate, granting himself a one way ticket to the Daetrys dungeons. "Oh, that's alright," he stated, feeling how the man created distance between them once more. "I'm sure your wife wouldn't dare to rat me out. You would never let that happen, right?" His words came paired with a dramatic, little pout. "Who else would be able to show you how the festival is celebrated the true Xailan way when I am rotting away in that dungeon." To be fair, he didn't really worry about the consequences of coming here to celebrate. By now, he was sure everyone had long forgotten about him. And even when they hadn't, they'd be too drunk and busy celebrating to be paying attention anyway. Nah, there certainly wasn't anything to worry about, but it was kind of endearing that his friend seemed to care enough to bring it up.

He hadn't even put the glass to his lips yet when the summoner eagerly finished his, claiming he was simply doing what he was told. The sorcerer couldn't help but laugh at his remark before downing his own drink. He simply couldn't seem to get a read on the man, no matter how hard he tried to see through the facade he tried to keep up, acting like he even cared about that marriage.

His conflicted words and attitude granted the sorcerer yet another opening to test the waters. Trapping the young man between his body and the counter, he eagerly awaited his answer, leaning in as he kept his gaze strictly on the odd colored eyes which had managed to intrigue him all those years ago. He found himself quite surprised at his answer, seemingly not the only one enjoying their little game of pushing and pulling. His friend could've pushed him away, proving his so called loyalty to the woman with the strange hair, or he could've eagerly given into his advances. Instead, he'd freed himself from his grip and turned himself around, leaving the dark haired sorcerer with familiar, nostalgic thoughts he definitely shouldn't act upon in public setting like this. Still, if that was the kind of dance he wanted to trap himself in tonight, the necromancer would've been the last one to stop him.

"You're certainly eager to drown your thoughts, whatever those may be," the sorcerer chuckled, following his example by shifting his weight towards his arms, both of his hands resting atop the counter and his body now gently pressing against his. "You weren't planning on making me pay for those as well, right?" he continued, thrusting his hips forward at his words in the most subtle of ways as he eyed their second round of drinks being poured. "Unless-" pressing himself against his body a little more firmly as he lowered his voice, he was interrupted by the vendor, briefly meeting his eyes as their drinks were being served in front of them. Talk about timing. Leaning in forward for a last attempt at teasing him, he stretched out his arm to take hold of his glass before taking a step back, removing himself from the crime scene alltogether. Getting rid the veil from his face, the man innocently sipped his newly poured wine, keeping his narrowed gaze on his convienently positioned friend.
@ Eze <3
Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:26 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
A single look in his eyes was enough that he had more on his mind than some innocent drinks. What an joyous way to live. This country was the meaning of "no strings attached". Nobody batted a single eye if something like that happened. Well, maybe there would be eyes on him, the foreigner clad in silver with the weird looking hair. He imagined how easy it would be for him if he had jet-black hair as the man in front of him. Just a few more weeks here, and he could almost pass as local.

His friend kept making suggestive remarks, making ever so sure that he was the only person he should be with tonight. He eyed him up as he gave him an unimpressed look. ‘‘That's an awful lot of trust,’’ he noted calmly. Misplaced, maybe. And how he laid emphasis on that he should celebrate it the Xailan way. So why was he so eager for a taste of Lemuria, hm? ‘‘Oh, I am so grateful that you are willing to give up your time to little old me,’’ he noted sarcastically. ‘‘I'm sure you are the only one willing.’’ Ezekiel prodded him in the side again, a small smile lacing his lips now as this stupid game continued. He just hadn't made up his mind yet. It was the only reassuring thing, that the ball was completely in his court.

But as he was locked between a rock and a hard place, it was starting to be ore difficult to just ignore their history, as it started to look like a dèja vu. It had been so exciting back then, testing the waters with a complete stranger, just because he could. Because he wanted to. Circling around each other like prey the whole night, before it went from bad to worse. And although temptation was knocking on his front door, he surprised himself that he could keep the door locked.

The man couldn't help but comment on his excessive drinking. He was just good at holding his liquor and he wanted to go to that place where ignorance was bliss. As he waited for the drinks to be poured, he felt Rhysand advance to the back of him. Ezekiel bit the inside of his lip as he stayed right put where he was (not that he could go anywhere else) and being very aware of the way his body fit against his. He set his jaw, drumming his fingers on the counter as this game really started to be like who would fold first. ‘‘I was,’’ he replied shortly, but only because he couldn't think of something clever as he just felt him shift against him. This dude really was shameless. Ezekiels hand shifted from the counter, hovering above Rhysand's thigh, but he just hold back as he balled his hand in a fist as he straightened his back ever so slightly as Rhysand just kept pressing on. He had no idea how to act, feeling heat rise as he so didn't need this to be happening right now. And in any other situation he had thrown himself at him. He needed a drink, that's what he truly needed.

And that was his hero in this situation. The drinks came, and with another touch of his chest against his shoulder as the necromancer leaned over to grab his glass, he was freed from the situation. He eagerly took his glass and as he turned back to his friend, his gleaming face was barren once again. Ezekiel bit on his tongue as he looked at him, probably so pleased with himself. And without hesitation the glass of wine was on his lips again, drinking deeply. ‘‘Prick,’’ he said as soon as he swallowed the first half of the glass. But why was the hint of a smile still lingering on his face. He hid it with throwing back the rest of his wine, not going easy on himself this evening. ‘‘I'm going to dance,’’ he stated after he demonstratively put down his empty glass. And with that he simply walked off, back towards the square they left earlier, where music was still drowning from. He felt very confident Rhysand could not resist the temptation to follow in his footsteps.
Sun Jul 02, 2023 2:14 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
He wasn't quite sure why he had his sight set on the silver haired man, especially after finding out his newfound marital status. Perhaps the dark haired sorcerer always have had a thing for the unachievable. He was used to making sure he'd get whatever he desired, whether it was a person, opportunity or a lifestyle. Maybe it had simply been their history, though. Even when it had been nothing but their brief, passionate moments spent together, he had never truly forgotten about him.

And those memories managed to flood his mind once more at the summoner's conflicting behaviour. At first he'd tried his best to avoid much of his usual physical contact, but seemingly changed his mind when he had turned his back to him, their bodies but an inch away from touching. The necromancer had bit the inside of his cheek, unable to contain himself as he had bridged that little distance between them and subtly pressed his body against his. It had been a bold move, even for him, but he couldn't keep the satisfied grin off his lips when the silver haired man didn't move, trading his silver toungue for a short, almost obedient answer. As soon as he was about to tell him how to pay him back for his financial generosity, however, the vendor had been quick to throw a spanner in the works, forcing him to take a step back once he'd taken hold of his newly poured drink.

Of course, his friend was eager to drown whichever worries didn't serve him, chugging the wine like water just like before. The dark haired sorcerer couldn't help but to follow his example, not wanting to stray too much on why exactly he felt that need to take back what was once his for the night. Swiftly downing his drink, he moved past the summoner, leaving the empty glass on the counter as he grinned at what was supposed to be an insult. "You can't fool me," he simply answered, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the counter. He definitely hadn't been the only one getting a little too excited back there. But alas, his stuck up attitude only managed to make the chase more rewarding than ever.

With an invitation disguised as a mere announcement, his friend returned his empty glass as he confidently stepped away into the direction they had just came from. To dance, on that particular square? Couldn't he have chosen a place with less prying eyes? A place where, perhaps, there wouldn't be a fair chance of his wife's eyes burning into his back as he'd join her husband on the dance floor. With those thoughts in mind, the sorcerer was quick to take hold of his friend's wrist, keeping him from moving any further. "Not so fast, darling," he began, strengthening his grip on his wirst before pulling him back. "If you truly want to dance, I'll show you a better place. The music back there couldn't quite grasp the beauty of the festival anyway. Amateurs." Keeping his grip on the summoners wrist, he used his free hand to snatch a few coins out of his pocket, tossing them towards the counter before heading the opposite direction, keeping his steps fast paced. "There's a tavern not too far from here. I'm sure you'll fancy the place," he continued as he dragged his friend along. The tavern for which he was headed was a little more secluded, not too much of a hotspot for tourists but quite popular among the natives of the city. Those with a lifestyle similar to his, at least. The fact that it resided almost right across the inn where he was staying was just a small convenience.
@ Eze <3
Sun Jul 02, 2023 8:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
These kinds of public displays, he didn't even have them with his honest wife. At least, not as far as he could remember. He only remembered they indulged in each other on a drunken wedding night, but as far as he knew, there had been no witnesses. Now, there were many, too much to even count, as the distance between the two man completely disappeared. Ezekiel was to aware of everything to respond with similar stupor. Not that those weren't passing thoughts in his mind. But his reaction was just to freeze as he didn't want to create much more of a scene than that was already happening.

The sorcerer just wished the sweet wine would take the edge of him rather sooner than later. The first few drinks he had had with Chaska certainly weren't enough for this, or rather, him. He had the most legendary night out years ago. It was so tempting to just go back in time and try to redo everything, just thinking it would be just as much fun as it was back then. Not that he was really having fun at the moment, as he saw Rhysand happily glowering at the bar. Ezekiel pouted slightly at him. He really needed to think of something to wipe that expression of his face, without giving him exactly what he wanted. It already was an uphill battle, because he had the gnawing suspicion that Rhysand could get a kick, whatever he would choose to do.

It was so much easier to make assumptions about a man he knew years ago. He already assumed he hadn't changed, that he still was as reckless and thick, and hadn't lost a sliver of that charm. Ezekiel didn't bother to make him cover up again. Maybe the wine was starting to chop away at his worries. But he knew Rhysand just wouldn't listen. And as he announced that he went dancing, he just wanted him to follow him. And if he wasn't, he was thinking about looking for Chaska to make him jealous. It wouldn't go that far, as his strong grip was on his fingers before he could even set a few steps.

Ezekiel whipped around as his arm was once again, locked in his grip. And his silver tongue also returned, which made the silver haired sorcerer glance up from the grip around his wrist to his eyes. He kept talking as if he expected him to believe him, because before he could even argue, he was being dragged away. He couldn't help but chuckle while shaking his head. They sure did act like the kids they were those years ago. Okay, he would agree to pretend he didn't know what Rhysand wanted. ‘‘Seems like I don't have a choice,’’ he commented dryly as he was being forced to take long strides through the streets, as the crowds were thinned out more and more. He looked back over his shoulder only once, before just deciding he shouldn't worry so much anymore and just enjoy his night. He probably wouldn't be here for the next few years to come.

What had happened between them hung heavily in the air, but it seemed like neither of them wanted to acknowledge it verbally. They both knew all to well. It was just easier for Rhysand to resume where they left of, because he had no attachments. And even if he had, his culture allowed his to do whatever he pleased. And apparently he had gotten bored of it, because he chose the Lemurian between all the people present on the streets. In the distance he spotted a place where music was coming from and a few people speaking in front of the building. That must be the place he was dragged of to. ‘‘It better be worth dislocating my shoulder over,’’ he commented as he pulled back against Rhysand's grip, urging him to slow down just a bit. ‘‘Not so eager, pretty boy,’’ he then said as he used his free hand to hold the wirst that was holding his arm. ‘‘I can still walk myself-’’ he commented and when he look over to the tavern, he nudged his head to that way. Probably some well visited place by his old friend, or so he assumed. ‘‘And I don't want to make any of your friends over there jealous.’’
Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:13 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
He knew exactly why he'd wanted to take the silver haired sorcerer to that particular tavern, away from the prying eyes of the many visiting foreigners which were likely to recognize him, or worse, were married to him. This tavern wasn't quite known to those not familiar with the capital, hidden away in somewhat of a shady looking back alley, many Xailan outcasts often gathered to drink, dance, sing and to indulge in other wordly pleasures. He wouldn't have to hide himself behind a veil in there. If those peole weren't too busy intoxicating themselves with alcohol or other stimulants, they simply couldn't bring themselves to care, even if someone were to recognize him. Or so he liked to believe, at least. Maybe the drinks were simply taking their toll on his usually already gullible mindset.

With his mind set on his goal to take his friend there, the dark haired sorcerer swiftly maneuvered his way through the crowd, dragging the silver haired man with him as the crowd slowly began to thin out. "Even if you had, the answer would be clear," he replied after a chuckle escaped his lips. It didn't take long to become obvious. No matter the amount of loyalty he'd sworn to his wife, it wouldn't keep him from ending up in between his brightly colored sheets tonight, his quiet inn room filled with the sound of their ragged breaths and pleads, both dreading dusk and the thought of having to part ways once more. In this brief amount of time spent together, both of their actions had proven how eager they were to relive that one night once more.

The grin on his face grew wider as they neared the place, the colorful curtains serving as the entrance in sight as soon as they'd turned the corner. He was ready to barge right in, order the two of them another round of drinks before they'd give in to the rythm of the music. Ezekiel, however, seemed a little more hesitant. "It is," he tried reassuring him, eager to enter the place.

With the man pulling back against his grip, the two of them soon came to a halt as the dark haired sorcerer turned his face back to his friend, a little taken aback by the sudden hesitation. His next comments, however, didn't fail to smear that familiar grin on his face once more. "Why is that?" he asked curiously, raising a brow he loosened the grip on his wrist. Instead, he now wrapped the arm around his waist, nudging him forward towards the entrance as his fingers fiddled the fabric of his clothing in between his fingers. "I'm sure they'll envy me regardless," the sorcerer continued, briefly trailing across the rows of silver chains using his free hand. "Dancing with a charming, delicate Lemurian man like yourself isn't an opportunity granted to everyone." Making his way towards the entrance, he slightly tightened the grip on his waist as he pushed the brightly colored curtain to the side, revealing a glimpse of what would await them inside. "But don't you worry," the man continued, pulling him closer and briefly brushing his lower lip against his ear, his silver hairs tickling the tip of his nose as he did. "I won't let them lay a hand on you."
@ Eze <3
Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:15 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Another look over his shoulder and he knew he was walking into the trap Rhysand was setting with eyes wide open. He had no idea how he even would find his way to the Zinyra estate if he wanted to, crawling underneath the sheets where his dutiful wife would be waiting for him to close him in her arms. And even if Ezekiel heard all the alarm bells ringing, he still kept on going. Not even pretending to be blind and deaf for all the warning signs. He had told himself before he had set sail for Xaila, he would enjoy himself, to relish every moment under real sunlight. He hadn't thought about Rhysand a second before. But now he was alive and in the flesh, he was just as intoxicating as every drop of wine that had rolled over his lips.

So when the dark haired sorcerer called him out for it, he looked to the side of his head. He set his jaw strongly as he kept his mouth shut, before he would make it worse. But it was getting under his skin, how it was true, but still his ego was hurt for it. He didn't want this to be easy, or feed Rhysand his pride even more. He had really found himself in a sticky situation, where he knew he shouldn't. But he could. And he would. He didn't trust himself to be able to withstand whatever this man had prepared for him.

The patience on this man was however very low. He knew his looks, he knew what it felt like. The hunger of something more. To indulge himself in every spoil underneath the sun to grant himself an escape from the real world. But as he dug his heels somewhat in the sand, he could get Rhysand to a stop, exchanging a few words, but it only granted Rhysand more use of that silver tongue of his and make him feel more like a petulant child. Especially when he only made it worse as his hand moved towards his waist. The entrance came in closer as they edged forwards again, him being pushed forwards like he would be presented on a silver platter. He gave a breathy, sarcastic chuckle as Rhysand said how they would envy him, like he was some rare breed everyone would love to have a go with, while barely touching him in the process, but touching nevertheless. By the Gods, this man was wicked.

It really was time to regain some of his confidence. Maybe it was the wine that strengthened the way he felt about this situation. All the conflicted feelings that started to boil to the surface. And as the curtains were moved away and the shady den was revealed, he at the same time was being handled like Rhysand already owned him. Even if his lips tingled against his ear and the words sounded so promising. He turned his head to the side to meet him halfway, and he turned his chin slightly upwards. ‘‘Ever considered that that is what I want?’’ he replied as he moved his head backwards to take a look at him, as he so valiantly pleaded to be his knight in shining armor. ‘‘I am not a boy anymore.’’ Maybe he wanted to indulge himself in the all the splendor Xaila had to offer. Why repeat something he already knew, when there was so much more on the menu? Ezekiel turned around completely as he faced Rhysand, desperate to regain some control on the situation again. However, he stayed as dangerously close as he had put him in, shaded by his raised arm that held onto the curtain. ‘‘As you said-’’ he told him, when the look in his eyes changed when he slightly narrowed his eyes. ‘‘-I am a rare opportunity.’’ His hands found a was around the strap of fabric tied around Rhysand's waist, pulling his towards himself as he stepped backwards through the entrance of the tavern. ‘‘Bet I can pick and choose,’’ he whispered close to his face.
Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:34 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
The dark haired sorcerer couldn't quite quite put his finger on the intentions behind his friends conflicting behaviour. In one moment, he'd sworn to have him wrapped around his finger once more, only to have his doubts about his sudden shift in behaviour the next. If anything, however, it only made their little game more intriguing, forcing him to push the boundaries of his so called temptations even further.

Yet he didn't know what he'd expected when he'd whispered those words, aside from the man freezing under his touch once more. This time, however, he wasn't met with the obedient behaviour he wished for, with his friend turning his face daringly towards him as he spoke words the dark haired sorcerer couldn't grasp right away. The necromancer raised his brow, waiting for the man to finish as his signature smirk slowly faded from his lips with each word spoken. Even the summoner's hands tugging at the strap of fabric keeping his linen shawl from exposing his chest didn't succeed in curling his lips back into a grin. Holding his gaze with piercing eyes as the distance between their bodies was bridged once more, he felt the man's breath against his lips, refraining himself from showing him who he'd belong to tonight there and then.

But no, this was as much a game to the silver haired man as it was to him, and he certainly didn't plan on giving into his bratty attitude so soon. He hadn't decided just yet if this made their little game more interesting, or if his sudden big talk crushed his ego a little too much to his liking. "Is that so?" the man spoke, moving his free hand towards the man's waist, sliding his fingers underneath the light fabric of his shirt as his friend proceeded his way into the tavern. Pulling him in closer, the man made sure to halt him before stepping any further, letting go of the curtain now falling back into place behind them as that same hand made its way to the summoner's face - of which he definitely needed to wipe that cheeky expression, and resting at the back of his head, digging through his foreign silver locks.

"Bold words coming from a married man," he whispered as he pushed him up against the wall of the small hallway following the entrance, his breathy words spoken against the summoner's neck as he lowered his head, his toungue now trailing its way upwards before his lips were against his skin, gently sucking on the spot as he pressed his body against his. Strategically placing his thigh in between the mans legs, he moved his head back, releasing the tender skin of his neck from in between his teeth to look him in the eye once more. He couldn't let him roam free without a mark of his own. "Alright, then," he simply spoke, creating distance between them, his lower arm supporting his weight as he leaned in against the wall and his other arm falling back across his body, giving the man a chance to free himself from his earlier grasp. "Go ahead, throw yourself to the wolves and find out how fast the word travels." His hand gestured further into the building, where loud music was playing and people were enjoying themselves like there was no tomorrow. "I'm sure they'll be kind enough to deliver you back to my father's estate, perhaps they'll even give their kind regards to your wife." The usual smirk reappeared on his face as the tilted his head slightly. "Shall I take my leave, then? I wouldn't want to be in the way of your.. endeavors tonight." 
@ Eze <3
Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
This newfound confidence suited him much better. Ezekiel didn't want to enter this establishment already obviously another soul in a long list of conquests of Rhysand Zinyra. He wanted to enter the establishment like he was the one that made the dark haired sorcerer follow him. It was not like the game had ended already, it was barely beginning. And he had given Rhysand a head start. He was just catching up.

And with those thoughts, words and acts, he had already given in that some wedding vows would be broken tonight. Well, in the sense of the rules that were combined with Lemurian weddings. It was not like he shared a special bond with his wife. Their marriage was just political, convenient and arranged. He at least owed himself the pleasures of a real chase, just for his time in Xaila. He could treat himself with that, with him. And if he would take a bite of the forbidden fruit, he just as well could devour it whole.

So he felt very pleased as he saw Rhysand's face darken when he started to speak. That spark of control he was getting back in his own hands, as he threatened that maybe he wouldn't be the highest bidder tonight. Not that there was any truth in the words he spoken. Well, maybe he could walk away with anybody in this godforsaken place, but he made it clear he was not planning to as his fingers grasped the fabric of the other's clothes. He just wanted to make him less cocky, wipe that grin of his face, which was working. Ezekiel licked his lips as he glanced up ever so slightly to him, speaking those lasts words before stepping back, tugging him along as he had been almost all night.

Ezekiel glanced over his shoulder only for a quick moment to see where he was going, but they entered a narrow hallway, sandstone walls on either side, with only torchlight to guide them. Music filled his ears as they were not alone for much longer, and as he looked forward to a night filled with drinking, dancing and continuing to tease this man, he had other plans in store for him. He should have known he had flown to close to the sun. ‘‘Yes,’’ he replied, raising his eyebrows for a short moment as he asked him a short question. But as soon as he spoke, Rhysands fingers wandered underneath his shirt and his backwards movements were stopped as he was wrapped into the embrace of his needy grasp.

First, it was his hand at his face that made him wonder what he could have said to urge such a reaction. He pushed his hands back in his sternum to try to push him away from him, but as it was helpless as he found his back against a wall, he suddenly wished that he had a few more inches in height. He had no way to go, not that he was really struggling against it as Rhysand dug his face in his neck. ‘‘I'm in Xaila now, aren't-’’ His words were cut short when Rhysand took the first step into new, yet familiar, territory. For a moment, he had no idea how to act, what to say, what to do, as he might as well relieve himself from the ring around his finger. It was so much. It was needy, and desperate, and hot, and he felt stupid to like it and hate it at the same time. And then, his hands went to the upwards, worked his way in the curly locks of the necromancer and took hold, as he tugged to free himself from the lips sucking at his skin.

Ezekiel could barely register what had just happened as their eyes locked once more, because only then he realized the damage he had done with his cocky words. He really hurt Rhysand's ego, and he couldn't help but laugh. A soft, rumble from his chest as he nodded at his, corners of his mouth down-turned. ‘‘I don't remember you being cruel,’’ he noted as he shoved the other away on his chest, after which he rubbed at the spot in his neck. ‘‘Or desperate.’’ He knew the situation now: Foreign idiot found himself twisted around local criminal. Marvelous. He was just stupid enough that he wanted to throw himself against him, giving him a taste of himself as he would be locked between a rock and a hard place. ‘‘I'll go. I'll drink and dance with or without you, darling,’’ he echoed his pretty words as he took another step forward. ‘‘But I know you won't leave, because no way in hell you let me go in there and miss the reaction of your work.’’ He pushed him against his shoulder as he walked passed him and embraced his foreign delicateness as he moved into the crowded room of the tavern, loud music filling his ears and his goal was the kind barman and his strongest beverages.
Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:13 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
He wasn't sure whether his actions would serve them in their little game of who'd fold first, or if he was the one getting riled up from the the senstion of their bodies pressing against each other and his tender skin between his teeth. Perhaps the wine was to blame, blurring the line between his ego and his needs. As of now, he didn't care if he'd give into the chase, wishing he could simply drag the man outside again and into his inn room, having his way with him until his patron would awake from his slumber and reappear in the sky. But alas, his usual repertoire wouldn't work in his favor while trying yo win over his dense, little Lemurian mind. For once, he had to be patient, which only caused their little game of chase to be more addictive.

He couldn't help but smirk against his neck as he managed to make him swallow those big words. He may have been one of the few men he'd ever touched and still managed to falter under his touch. A feeling unmatched by any kind of stimulant. The fingers hidden beneath the fabric of his shirt trailed small circles around his muscles, while the hand tangled within his silver hair didn't hold back while tugging his head backwards for a better access, refraining from paying attention to the heat surging between his own thighs. By the gods, he couldn't wait to devour this man whole.

The hunger hadn't left his eyes as he pulled back, holding the mans gaze and speaking his petty words. He knew he wouldn't be leaving him behind, not before he'd gotten what he desired and gave him a tour of his luxurious inn room. Only then would he keep to his promise and return him safely to his poor, deceived wife, swallowing the fact that he had to revisit that damned estate to do so. The thought alone made him want to pour another glass of burning liquor down his throat.

He could barely focus on the mans reply, his eyes trailing back to his lips as he painted some unholy scenario's inside his head. "Can you blame me?" he simply answered in reply after a chuckle left his throat. "You might've buried the memory of our little rendezvous in the back of your mind," he started, licking his lips at the thought as he proudly gazed upon the mark he left. "But I certainly have not." It was the first time one of them had voiced their history out loud, but at this point, his mind had been too intoxicated to care.

Lauging at his following words, the sorcerer straightened his back, removing his hand from the wall as he visibly meant to follow the summoner inside. "I don't know whether I should be bothered or flattered by the way you're seeing right through my facade," the replied, his lips curled into a grin as he shamelessly slid his hand across the small of his back as he walked by before bridging the distance between them once more and following him inside, ordering the figure behind the bar to give them the commonly ordered, strongest liquor available by just a nod of his head and the gesture of holding up his two fingers. "This round is on you, darling," he spoke as he shifted his weight to his elbows, back turned towards the barman as he gazed upon the people celebrating in the dim lit, crowded building. Some dancing, some drowning in the taste of eachother, others disappearing to the attic for Xeion knew what reason, all while the loud music drummed within their ears. As soon as their drinks were being served the sorcerer had taken hold of his glass, chugging the liquor to silence his last ounce of consciousness.  "Welcome to the part of Al-Qahil they won't tell you about," he stated, the music unable to drown his voice as he raised his volume. 
@ Eze <3
Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:39 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel shouldn't give in so easily. He knew it. But how could he struggle with his back against a wall, a hand exploring underneath his clothes and another in his hair. It wasn't that he had a lack of physical touch in the past few days, but this was a whole different world as his fingers intertwined with black hair and a body bigger than he was used to was pressed tightly against him. It brought him straight back to a time that shouldn't be repeated, but inevitably would. He had told him he was not a boy anymore. He was a married man, bound to somebody he should be loyal and faithfull to. But he blinked and he had forgotten all about it. Yes, the past few weeks with Chaska had been much more enjoyable than the past, now that they'd had overcome the big wedding hurdle. But even then, not that much had changed. They were still two strangers forced to be together. At least he wanted to be with this stranger of his own choosing.

He was ready to just give in. Just surrender himself to the feeling that made him weak in the knees and cling onto his body as if it was his last night on earth. It might be, because they would leave Xaila so soon. But he remained somewhat level headed, as he didn't want this night to end in a shady hallway of a even shadier tavern.

As they were still close together, his hands barely removed from his body as Ezekiel accused his reckless behaviour. He had his head back against the wall as he looked Rhysand up and down, already planning his way around his body when he got the chance. And when the other spoke again, he straightened his back from the wall and started to tug his shirt back in his pants. ‘‘I haven't forgotten anything,’’ he replied, pushing the man away again with his hand flat against his chest. ‘‘Things are just different now.’’ He rolled his eyes as he looked away from the culprit that would cause him a huge headache in the morning. ‘‘So this-’’ he started, placing his hand over his neck. ‘‘Fuck you.’’

Ezekiel shook his head, hiding a smile as he looked back at the ground. ‘‘You were never that deep,’’ he replied as he kept on going, but not without Rhysand, as expected, following him on his heels. Ever so shameless to place his hand on him, never losing an opportunity to show who was the chaperone of the Lemurian runaway. The ring on his finger might as well been from him at this point. But as the silver was so clearly Lemurian, he his the gemstone of the trinket in his fist.

When they reached the bar, it was Rhysand who ordered and told him these were on him. He rolled his eyes, but as it was fair, he pulled the coins out of his pocket, sliding them over the counter without making eye-contact with the barman. He moved beside Rhysand as he looked over the room, taking in exactly what kind of establishment this was. It was shameless, as people were indulging them in much worse as what had just happened in the hallway. And the look in some eyes, he knew they had consumed more than just a few harmless drinks. He felt much more at ease as soon as the drink was placed between his fingers. He followed Rhysand's lead and chugged it without even blinking an eye. It was much stronger than the wine they had before, and as he licked his lips clean of the burning liquor, he looked over to Rhysand. ‘‘Very charming,’’ he noted with a chuckle. ‘‘I don't think I want to ever leave this place,’’ he added sarcastically. However, when he saw a person staring at him for just a second too long, he turned around again to the barman and dug his hand in his pocket once more. With only eye-contact he agreed with the man and their drinks were refilled as the money was exchanged within a heartbeat.

As he was very eager to get on the level of all the people around him, he was quick to throw back the drink, pouring it in his mouth quicker than he could swallow. With his fingers on his chin, keeping the spillage away from his shirt, he turned to Rhysand again. ‘‘Let's dance.’’ It was about time the alcohol got the edge off him and start to suggest things that he would never do sober.
Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:19 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Raising his brow at his answer, he was surprised to find the man willing to acknowledge the things happened between them all those years ago. He could've simply avoided the answer alltogether, but it only showed that somewhere within the back of his mind, the memories about his touch and taste still lingered. "Are they, though?" the man replied, his grin widening. "I bet you still taste the same." With the wine now finding its way into his system, his replies became more shameless with each minute passing. "You're welcome," he simply replied, his gaze following the hand of his friend reaching out for the mark he'd left him with.

Making its way into the tavern, he'd make sure to hold the gazes of those laying eye upon him or his friend, staring them down as he trailed his hand down the summoner's back. These people were unpredictable, some closer to manic, even. He couldn't blame them, though, knowing what the wrong amount of anything they'd intoxicate themselved with over here could do to an otherwise sane mind. Nonetheless, he needed to warn them about the consequences of even trying to lay a hand on his prey for the night. The man might've not be his to claim, nor would he ever be, but until their patron would claim its place in the sky once more he certainly was.

Both of them were quick to finish their drinks as they gazed upon the scene in front of them, his friend eager to pick up the pace by ordering them another glass. The necromancer couldn't help but laugh at both the action and his remark. "Then don't," he simply answered, looking back over his shoulder at how their glasses were being refilled, taking hold of his glass as soon as the man behind the war was finished. "Wait for me at the city gates on the last day of the festival, and I'll take you to meet the Sun Sisters." An empty promise, truly, mostly because he knew the man wouldn't even consider the offer regardless. The sorcerer eyed the silver ring on his friends finger, a smile lacing his lips at the sight of how he'd turned the gemstone downward, hidden for everyone to see. He almost started to feel sorry for his wife.

Bringing the liquor to his lips once more, his gaze fell upon his friend doing the same, just a lot clumsier, a fair amount of his drink running down his chin. Quick to put is own glass back on the table, the necromancer took his opportunity to grab his friend by the collar of his shirt and back towards him, his toungue grazing acoss the mans chin and back to lips, eager to make sure none of the liquor was being wasted. He could've kept it at that, but noticing a few stares from behind them he couldn't help but deepen their kiss, his hand finding his way through his silver hair once more while the other made sure to hold onto his collar, keeping him close while he drowned in the taste of him.

Breaking the kiss, the sorcerer took a brief moment to catch his breath, not letting go of the man just yet. "I was afraid you'd never ask," he replied, his smirk more satisfied than ever as he pulled his friend further into the crowd, merging themselves within the sea of people dancing within the crowded space. At least nobody would recognize him here, most of the people being too far gone to even distinguish anyone's features at all. Now with the excuse of dancing, however, there was nothing holding him back from letting his hands wander as he swayed his body to the rythm, hoping his friend would soon lose his last ounce of conscience and give into his temptations.
@ Eze <3
Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:01 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
He kept wondering if he should have made different choices. That he should have enjoyed this night with his wife, like he was supposed to, He would have had a perfectly fine night. Chaska and him hadn't fought for the past few weeks, found each other's comfort more than once in their cabin on the ship. However, the choices this night were never truly his. And he had been exited to reconnect with an old friend, even if they had an shared history. he was happy that he was alive, it was never really his plan to end up against a wall, already marked and having a lot of explaining to do in the morning. The fire still lingered between them, even if it was just physical. It was the taboo that made it so much more exciting, that his body reacted like a traitor when he felt his hands all over him,

Ezekiel scoffed at him as he showed him a half smile at his shameless respons. "Well you should know,' he said with his head cocked slightly to the side. "You've already had first course." And when he followed his gaze to his neck, he rolled his eyes and pushed him away as he made his way to the lively tavern.

The gazes of the inevitable regulars in the tavern, he switched his gaze from still trying to regress what had just happened to him, to his unimpressed mask. His chin slightly lowered and his eyes narrowed to have this mix between seductive and dangerous. Ezekiel had never been afraid in a crowd, knowing that with the snap of finger, he could destroy the whole joint if he wanted to. Was it not that his staff was left in Lythrania and he was far from summoning any scary monsters right now. For the people here, he was just as foreign as they were to them. But as he walked over to the bar, Rhysand's hand never wavered from his back.

When his sarcastic comment was met with some crazy plan, he rolled his eyes once more and leaned back further against the bar, empty glass still twirling in his hand. if only it was that easy. He was far too deep for some miraculous escape now. "Never thought you'd be so romantic," he said while putting his glass back. "Is that what you told your bride as well?"

The silver-haired sorcerer could barely stop top wipe his chin, as he was roughly grabbed by the collar and pressed against this to familiar chest, It was safe to say that he was... surprised as Rhysand picked a way more effective way to clean him from the spilled liquor. He was quickly getting drunk now, because he didn't even mind anymore. And when their lips touched, it was like muscle memory took over. one hand found it's way around the wrist that held his collar, while the other went on his waist. And when Rhysand took a short moment to think if he wanted more, the decision was quickly made by the both of them. When the kiss deepened and the taste of liquor was only stronger, mixed with the slightly metal taste of the piercing in his lip, And he wasn't nervous anymore to push back against his body when they now really broke the boundary. No way back. So he dug his fingers tighter in his waist as he turned to push Rhysand his back against the bar. Both could play that game. Maybe it was because there was an audience right now, that he didn't want to be remembered as someone that would lay on his back easily, even by drunken eyes.

So when the kiss was broken, Ezekiel threw his head back for as second, while the pressure on his collar remained. His breathing had risen quickly and his head was really trying hard to make sense of it all, but his thoughts were slowed down by the liquor and his body was already working to what it wanted most. So when dancing was the new offer, he was eager to continue this game. And when they pushed past moving bodies dancing to the beat of the strange music, he didn't mind it that much anymore. And when he found the rhythm of the foreign melodies, his body was quickly glued to Rhysand's. Ezekiel threw his hands around his neck as he moved his lips closer to his ear. "You certainly taste exactly the same," he said close to his ear, almost having to shout over the loud music. And when he pulled his head back, he softly tapped a finger to the corner of his mouth where the piercing was residing. "We don't do that at home."
Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:02 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
Maybe part of the fun of taking him here was to witness the many glares being shot their way. Hungry gazes were drawn to the silver haired summoner like a moth to a flame, all while he'd grant them a teeth bearing smile in return, his hand resting against the man's back as they made their way towards the bar. Those same people would watch them leave soon enough, drunk on both the liquor and the other's touch while they'd stumble out of the tavern and into the inn not too far from here.

His generous offer didn't seem to impress him, watching his friend rolling his eyes in response. The dark haired sorcerer shrugged, that familiar grin residing on his face, watching the man's every move. "Ouch," the man replied sarcastically, resting his hand atop his heart for a brief moment as he pretended to be hurt by his comment. "Don't get me wrong, she's alright," he started, taking hold of the new glass of liquor being served and eagerly bringing it towards his lips. "Though we wouldn't last a week with nothing but each other's company. I'd go insane within mere days, truly." He couldn't suppress a laugh as he spoke his truth, which he was quick to drown with another sip of his drink. The Princess was a beautiful woman. A bit too fierce to his liking, however. She would probably expect to be pulling his strings eventually. "You, however," the necromancer continued, tiling his head to the side as he sought out the man's odd colored gaze once more. "I could get used to having you by my side."

As the liquor made its way to their minds and words like that were being said out loud instead of remaining safely within their thoughts, the result of teeth clashing and tongues intertwining was almost inevitable. Nobody would bat an eye at them in a place like this, meaning that the necromancer wouldn't have to hold back. Tugging onto his collar and digging his hands within the silky, silver locks knowing that this could be one of the last nights he'd be able to do so. He necromancer grinned against the man's teeth as the was being pushed against the bar, briefly grinding his hips against his in response to his sudden shift in dominance. He would've loved to let his hands wander, to rid him of the fabric being in the way of their bodies melting into one another, but the night was still young. Ending it within his inn room so swiftly would've been a waste of the little time they'd have with one another.

With that same smirk smeared across his face, the necromancer caught his breath before his next temptation presented itself in the form dragging him into the crowd, where they would be able to drown themselves in the rythm of the music with nobody paying attention to them. It didn't took his friend long to bridge that distance between them. A gesture he was more than happy to reciprocate by placing his hands upon the man's waist, one of them quick to slide downwards across his lower back, perhaps a little further down than considered appropriate, firmly gripping onto what would be considered his for the night as he smiled at his words. "Perhaps that's for the best," he responded before pressing his lips parted against his for a brief moment. "It would be a shame to get these ruined by a chunk of metal." With that boundary crossed, there was nothing left to stop him from feasting upon his long lost friend, so he continued to press his lips against his jaw, trailing a path all the way up towards his ear. "One other than mine, that is," the necromancer finished his sentence, gently nibbling on the man's earlobe, trying his best not to bite down on the glistering silver earring while hungrily pulling him in even closer, a faint growl leaving his throat at the sensation. "By the gods, you're making it impossible for me to remain patient."
@ Eze <3
Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:20 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The many glares send his way made him nervous in the first place, because he didn't know if it because he was a foreigner, or because he was the next in the long list of lovers of Rhysand Zinyra. Because he knew what he was getting himself into the moment he decided to throw his arms around him in a brotherly embrace. The first time they'd met, they at least had taken the effort to circle around each other for a few hours. But as that had already happened back then, he felt how Rhysand didn't want to waste any time today, as his touches started to become more and more obvious with the minute.

The way Rhysand spoke about the princess, reminded him about how he would think about Chaska. They would be entangled with each other in the night, only to continue fighting in the morning, if not directly after the deed. He pressed his tongue between his teeth as he laughed back at him, shaking his head. ‘‘I know all about it,’’ he replied when he raised his eyebrows. However, he should probably mention that after the marriage, things have been pretty smooth. The weeks on the boat weren't as bad as he had imagined. He was just making excuses in his mind. But he decided to ignore that fact when he looked back at Rhysand's gleaming face. He could keep lying to himself that this was an innocent meeting with an old friend or lie to himself about his marriage. Either way, he was fooling himself, but whatever. When Rhysand mentioned that he was a more worthy partner. And so he leaned more towards him over the bar. ‘‘Too bad,’’ he mused his way. ‘‘Unless you want to flee Xaila all together.’’

When somebody would ask him the next morning what had broken the damn, he wouldn't know what to tell them. But at one point they had their lips against one another and hands travelling over their bodies. When he felt the smile of his against his lips, he wanted to shut him up all together. But when he fought back with his hips, he couldn't help but let his hand wander around his waist, keeping him close as he pulled into the movement. He let out a soft grunt into his mouth as he ended with one more kiss, before he was dragged away to the dancefloor.

The time that he cared about passing glances was long gone as he had his hands around his neck. It was so easy to just get lost in the rhythm of the music, just looking at his handsome face and his Xailan features. Once he thought he had lost in the tides, but had returned to him somehow. People like Rhysand shouldn't exist. The law, karma, anything should have caught him. But he was still here, and his hand was gripping his ass. All the more reason for him to let his fingers travel across his cheekbone.

Ezekiel willingly received the next kiss when Rhysand decided that was the best way to respond. ‘‘Hmm,’’ he replied against his lips. And as he stole another kiss from his lips, he then was treated with the other's lips all over his jaw. He couldn't help but tilt his head to give him access to it all, while one hand found it's way up in his curly locks. His lips parted as he sharply inhaled when his mouth found his way to his ear. Their dancing had resumed to some soft swaying, as he could not multitask between more than than that. He couldn't help but want to taste every inch of him as he continued to make him feel all kind of ways. So his other hand went down his chest, finding it's way underneath his clothes and making a trail with his nails as he did. He scoffed as Rhysand expressed his lack of restrain. And even with the sounds he was making that made him feel all kinds of ways, he still wanted to have that sliver of control. So he grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled his head back. ‘‘Well you have to be,’’ he said as he found his eyes again. ‘‘I'm only in Xaila for a few days,’’ he spoke softly as he returned the favor to press his lips in his neck. ‘‘If I'm breaking the rules, I want to enjoy every fucking second of it.’’ And then he brought out his teeth as he dug softly bit down his tender skin.
Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

this destruction
will be your rebirth
The necromancer couldn’t help but bear his teeth in a grin at his reply, shaking his head before pouring the remaining amount of liquor down his throat. Perhaps this is where the two of them found common ground, other than their rebellious nature. The only difference being that the summoner actually adhered to his duties, now having to face the consequences. At least they would be able to put their marriage related troubles to the side, even if just for one evening.

That smile on his face didn’t fade as his friend moved over, speaking words that would probably make his wife despise him if she ever were to hear about them. He himself, on the other hand, couldn’t help but widen his grin at the response. ”For you, darling, I just might,” he replied, moving his face just a little closer to his, knowing his words to be as empty as the glass he’d slammed back on the counter. No matter his complicated history with the ruling family, he would hate to leave Xaila behind, only keeping the option in mind as a last resort if he truly weren’t able to safely reside here anymore. Not even the prettiest of sorcerers would be able to tempt him to move out of the place he’d always refer to as home.

Though the offer was quite tempting now that his lips crashed into his as he was pushed up against the bar, eagerly responding by thrusting his hips against his, his friend gladly reciprocating the movement. The little noises escaping from his mouth as they were swallowed by his didn’t fail to make his heart race, his mind straying towards all the things he’d be doing to him once he’d gotten them out of this godforsaken tavern.

The necromancer didn’t know why they’d assumed the dance floor to have been a better destination than his inn room, seeing how the two of them eagerly continued their acts within the dense crowd of people moving their bodies to the Xailan melodies. Feeling his hand slide across the fabric of his clothing, trailing down across his chest, he decided to help his friend out by ridding himself of the strap of fabric binding his sand colored robes together. With his bare chest now exposed as the loosen fabric ticked the sides of his waist and his necklaces of gold shimmering against his chest in the faint torchlight, he made sure to give the man a little more access to his body. He couldn’t contain the grin against the summoners lips in between the few words shared between them, wanting nothing more than to just shut him up by pushing that pretty little face of his face first into his mattress to see how much more of those endearing noises he could force through his lips.

Over the years, the necromancer has had many lovers, most of them only for a night or two, forgotten and indistinguishable like a single drop into the ocean. Yet, the memory of his night with this man lingered. Maybe the reason behind it simply being his first experience with a partner of the same sex, or maybe because those of Lemurian or another kingdom’s descend were uncommon to him. Or maybe, just maybe, he was simply intoxicated by his elegant and uncommon features. His dashing silver hair and those odd colored eyes which he’d never stumbled upon before. As if the deities has joined forces once more and forged this annoyingly, delicate and astounding looking face. He couldn’t quite grasp te reason as of why, but once he’d laid eyes upon him in that crowd this night, he knew he needed to relive those past memories before losing sight of him once and for all.

Lost in the ecstasy of his taste, he was surprised to find him taking control of the situation, a faint whimper escaping his throat as head was yanked back, only for his friend to grant himself access to the tender skin of his neck. It wasn’t unlike him to be annoyed by partners claiming to be able to dominate him, but the sudden shift in his words and tone didn’t fail to send a shiver down his spine. ”Fuck, Ez,” he breathed at the sensation of his skin in between his teeth, excited to see his friend finding that fiery spark once more, straightening his back and pushing back against his grip to be able to look down upon him like usual. As it should be. ”I was afraid for that fire inside of you to have been extinguished in the name of ‘duty’,” the necromancer continued, bearing his teeth in a wide grin once more and catching his breath before stealing yet another kiss from his lips.

Even with the heat surging through his body and the excitement of the sudden and newfound passion of the summoner, he couldn’t help but show him to pick his battles wisely. He had a reputation to uphold after all. While his hands had started to wander underneath the fabric his clothing, he now raised his arms to take hold of the man’s wrists, lifting his arms from behind his neck above his head only to push him against the nearest wall behind them, stumbling and clumsily shoving into the people they passed as he did. When he did manage to make it to the wall, however, the necromancer didn’t hesitate keep his wrists pinned above his head, using his body to keep him in place as his free hand started to wander once more, this time moving towards yet unexplored territory and boldly grazed across the area below the belt, the fabric of his trousers keeping him from fully enjoying what he had stumbled upon down there all while happily trailing another path of kisses down his neck, painfully unaware of the figure standing close by and possibly keeping his watchful eye on them.
@ Eze <3
Sun Jul 09, 2023 3:37 am
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