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[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It was so easy to talk bullshit like this. They both knew what they were saying were mere pretty words, no truth lay between them. Maybe in some alternate universe they could life out this fantasy of travelling the world, doing whatever they wanted. But things were a lot more complicated, and his roots were stuck in the underwater city. He just couldn't seem to shrug them off. Part of him still cared.

But as the liquor kept intoxicating his blood, care seem to flow away with it. The only one he was caring about, was himself. And if he wanted to have fun and feel good, he should stick close to his hungry friend. In his mind, he was already mentally undressing the sorcerer, getting reacquainted with a more mature body he was hiding underneath those loose fitted clothes. But he was still hesitant to give in to temptation all together, as he should not act like this. But the last remains of his conscience also left as their lips crashed together.

He wasn't even that drunk, but enough to get the edge of. Rhysand just acted like he ordinary would, having a lack of filter at any time. Ezekiel liked him more like this, quiet and his mouth occupied elsewhere. And as he was so kind to loosen his shirt, Ezekiel chuckled softly against his lips. He took the invitation to let his hands wander from his neck, following the contrasting gold to his silver and get a feel of his muscles, which made him take a closer look in between kisses. Rhysand was taller and bigger than he was, naturally blessed with a broader frame than he had. In the past it would have bothered him endlessly, but now he had gotten used to being the smallest in almost every situation, he could appreciate a bit of eye-candy.

Still, it was like he wanted to prove he was not the same man that he had met all those years ago, as tempting it was to fall into the same roles and travel back in time for a night. And if he wanted to do something wrong, he wanted to do it right. And even if he got goosebumps of his lips on his ear, he meant what he said. So he changed the tides, if only for a moment, when he buried his face in the curve of his neck. His lips curved as Rhysand seemed to enjoy it as well, so he placed a kiss next to the skin where he had bitten into.

The necromancer pushed him back as they almost were fighting over who was allowed to lead in this dance. Well, there was not much left of dancing as he was too occupied in the other to remember to move his feet. Ezekiel tilted his head sideways as Rhysand spoke about him losing his "spark". He scoffed. ‘‘You hurt me. How could you ever doubt me?’’ When they looked at each other in the silent moment that followed, he noticed that his chest was rising quicker than probably should from a short dance. And when he placed another kiss on his lips, he cupped his face to deepen whatever he started.

His fingers felt hot on his skin as he felt like that losing patience Rhysand had talk before, started to feel more needy every second. And while Ezekiel wanted to drag it out, even he started to feel like he could not wait for much longer. His expression shifted from something between passion and lust to something more intrigued as both his wrists were locked in his clasp. He felt the storm coming before he was being pushed back through the crowd. He pushed back in the first half of the road, but as he stumbled over people all around, he couldn't help but release a chuckle. And when his back slammed against a wall (again), he let out a gasp as Rhysand pushed his body against him. Ezekiel wriggled his hands above his head in his grasp and looked up at his gaze for a second, shaking his head with a cheeky smile, sliding his tongue over his teeth. ‘‘You certainly didn't lose anything,’’ he commented. And when his hand started to move down, he needed to bite his lip as his gaze shifted to the ceiling as he laid his head back against the wall. He was completely caught between him and no way for him to go, but to fall prey to his touch. Ezekiel started to feel his heartbeat in his throat and he had no idea how to act, as his hands were above his head and he was nothing but a passenger at this moment. A silent moan went over his lips as a new area felt victim to Rhysand's neverending shamelessness. His breathing started to become heavier as the kisses continued mercilessly. He needed to shift his hips against as it became a bit much. ‘‘Where are we staying tonight?’’ he breathed as his curly hair was tickling his nose. Maybe his patience wasn't as strong as he had so boldly announced mere minutes ago.
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:16 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Caelum Vylasar
Caelum Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 KjadvhJ
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 D9g12Xi

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Myrddins righthand
Caelum Vylasar
It had been... An interesting night, to say the least. When Caelum started this first festival day, a little nervous and shy, he had no idea about the things he would be doing and... Especially seeing, tonight. Caelum had had a fun day already, meeting various different people, like the crownprincess, who surely had made an impression on him. When the day neared its end and the sun slowly made its way down to the horizon, Caelum had gone outside to cool off a bit. He was curious how the city looked aswell, so when he wandered off into the streets of Al-Qahil, he soon found himself lost.

After some careful and shy approaches to the city people to ask the way, he had found himself even more lost, the directions not adding up in his mind and the many, many little streets of the city. Eventually he had found himself thirsty, since even the sun going down wasn't cooling enough for him. He sure wasn't used to these Xailan temperatures. So that was when he ventured into a little inn. It looked busy enough, even though it was a bit shady. Caelum wasn't really comfortable stepping inside, the wall of warmth inside slapping in his face. But he did really need a refreshment, so he really hoped the drinks they served here were cold.

It took him a long time, but eventually he had the chance to ask the bartender for a drink. While he waited he looked around the place, seeing various people still partying as if it had just started and they had every energy in them left from when they woke up. Caelum surely hadn't. With a sigh, he sipped his drink. The coldness of it was welcome, to say the least. While he took his sips of his drink, he looked around some more. It was an interesting bunch and surely not the kind of people Caelum would've thought to find himself part of. Well, he wasn't really a part of them, seeing as he sat on the sidelines once again. Nor did he want to be a part of them. Dancing in between them, no thanks, he was done for the night. Maybe he could ask someone here for directions back to his dear bed.

He didn't really get the chance to ask anyone, however, when he saw someone who looked kind of familiar. He squinted his eyes. He really looked familiar. The silver haired man was dancing with someone else, whom he didn't know. He tilted his head in confusion, looking at them dance. Was it really..? No, it could not be. What would he be doing here anyway, without Chaska. He looked around the place in search of Chaska. Maybe she was at the sidelines aswell? But there was no sight of him, and.. Well, by the way they two men were dancing he doubted if she even knew about his whereabouts. But... It can't be him, can it? Caelums brain couldn't really comprehend what he was seeing when they stopped dancing, and after some talking and drinking that the two did, his cousin — because it was his cousin, wasn't it? — was pushed against the wall. Caelum shifted a little to take a peek at the blonde a little better, to make sure it really was who he thought he was seeing. It was a moment of a mere second before the stranger with black hair blocked his view to... Kiss? Ezekiel?

His heart dropped a little at the realisation, his brown eyes widening in shock. Was that.. Really Ezekiel? His younger cousin? Chaska's husband? Oh... Oh dear... Caelum looked away when the two really seemed to go at it, unsure of where to look and what to do. Should he confront him? That would only make it awkward. Ezekiel surely wouldn't want Caelum to see this. He wondered if Chaska knew about his... Endeavours, but he doubted it. He swallowed nervously, looking at them shortly before looking away again. Oh, he really couldn't handle this. Caelum stood up quickly when he heard the sounds coming from the duo, letting his barstool scrape over the floor. Oh, shit. He quickly turned around, hoping they hadn't seen him. Is it him or is it just really hot in here?? He had to get out of here. The Vylasar left his drink unfinished at the bar, making his way out of the inn.

With a heavy sigh he pushed the door open, almost stumbling outside. He took a few steps into the street and stopped there. What the hell did he just witness? Caelum couldn't wrap his head around it. What could he do now? Should he do something? Should he wait for Ezekiel? Should he go find Chaska? Or should he just.. Go home and forget about it? If he even can get home, because the situation inside the inn made him forget completely about asking for any directions. He let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead a little. It surely already was a night to never forget.
Mon Jul 10, 2023 2:56 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Maybe they never should've taken their endeavors to the dense crowd dancing their night of celebration away, seeing as their 'dancing' didn't last as long he'd expect. The necromancer had taken his friend to this place with the expectation of having to win him over, spending the night dancing and drinking until he'd fall victim to his tempations and eagerly followed him into the inn. It seemed, however, that the silver haired sorcerer needed a little less time to get used to the idea of spending the night away from his wife than he'd anticipated. All the more luck to him, though.

The sensation of his skin in between his teeth, followed by a brief kiss didn't fail to part his lips, a sharp inhale filling his lungs with the stale tavern air. He didn't know exactly why the summoner was able to rile him up so effortlessly, even when trying to take control over the situation himself. Perhaps it was because of the fact that he knew this might as well be the last time he'd be able to feast upon his fair skin and delicate features. Within a few days he'd be back on the ship to Lemuria, bickering with his wife about leaving her alone for the night with a fair chance he'd reconsider indulging in such practices ever again, provided that their paths would cross again. Something about this man had made him stand out in his long list of lovers, and he was eager to make sure he'd find out exactly what it was now that he would still be able to.

Briefly laughing at his reply, the necromancer cupped his friends face, gently brushing his thumb against his lips, his gaze stuck on them as his mind strayed elsewhere. His free hand removed itself from underneath his clothing, trading the heat of his skin for that of his hand as he took hold of it,  playfully fidgeting with the glinstering, silver ring around the man's finger in between his'. "Isn't that obvious?" he simply added, turning the ring around to reveal the gemstone his friend had kept hidden downwards. "How about this," he then continued, sliding one of his shimmering, golden rings off his finger and handing it to his friend, folding his hand around his and closing both of their palms around the trinket. "Put it on," he simply commanded, before his hand went right back underneath his shirt and his lips were quick to find his again. "Just for tonight." The words were swiftly spoken in between catching his breath, soon finding themselves tangled up within one another's taste once more.

Walls seemed to be a common theme tonight, as he was quick to have pushed the silver haired sorcerer against one once more, his wrists bound by the grip of his hand, grinning at his friends words. "My mind, perhaps," he joked before hungrily returning his lips to the man's neck, making work of his tender skin while his free hand boldy explored beneath the waistband of his trousers. His breath became heavy at the feeling of his hips eagerly shifting against him, a low, raucous chuckle escaping his throat as he shamelessly increased the pace of his touch. "Want to leave this place and find out?" the necromacer answered, grinning against his neck before straightening his back and looking him in the eye once more, unable to hide the lust in his gaze while mentally ridding him of the light colored fabric keeping their bodies from crashing into one another.
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Tue Jul 11, 2023 12:06 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Rhysand's infatuating charm was just too hard to resist. He was blunt and shameless, and he could because attached to that annoying personality was a perfectly molded face and dark, wavy hair engulfing it. Paired with his daring choice of accessoires, revealing clothing and broad shoulders, he knew he was a feast for the eyes. He knew it all to well, which in any other circumstance would make somebody intolerable and cocky to the point of just being ugly. But it just felt this whole kind of exciting and flattering when such a person was so conspicuously interesting in you. That he didn't care who would see you together, or even made a point that he was his. At least for a night. Like a prized possession. Ezekiel got a wicked kind of kick out of it.

So when he could rile up the insufferable man he had fallen for, forgotten all about, but fiercely remembered as soon as he had lain eyes on him again, he could feel a smug smile tug on his lips. Once he had gotten a taste of his skin, he wanted to devour it all. He knew this would be the last chance they would ever get. He would return to a married live, wither away in Lythrania for all he knew. He would have the perfect, civil life. He would produce little Vylasar's with their little beasts running around. And he would sometimes think about his nights in Xaila with bitter regret, if he would not take this chance tonight. It was so easy. He had a political marriage anyways, it didn't mean anything. But this, this could. For one night.

So when they continued talking, heads close together to make themselves heard over the loud ambiance of the tavern. He tilted his chin upwards as he brushed his lips, slightly parting them as he looked at him in interest as his gaze dropped. But as he took his hand, his eyes turned more suspicious as he started to touch his ring. He smacked his nosy fingers away and closed his hand in a fist. ‘‘Don't ruin it,’’ he warned him as he raised his eyebrows meaningfully. He had just gotten over the fact of his rather sinful behaviour and started to accept the excuses he had told himself in his mind. Rhysand, however, did not listen as he offered a ridiculous idea. Ezekiel looked at him in disbelieve as the warm piece of metal burned in his hand. ‘‘You're crazy,’’ he scoffed at him, as he was met with his touch again, his hand exploring underneath the fabric of his shirt. And as he was met with his lips again, it was hard to just not get carried away with it. So he kissed back, and when Rhysand told it would be just for tonight. ‘‘Should we just exchange vows already too,’’ he joked sarcastically. He knew what the man was doing. He just wanted to make a point, own him for a night. It was twisted, he knew it, still holding the ring in his fist as the kisses continued. ‘‘I'm quite good at it,’’ he said as he broke the kiss, looking up at him with sly glare. ‘‘You, however...’’ It was all a scene, so when he put the piece of gold around the thumb of his right hand, he knew the words spoken were all empty. As empty as the offers of running away together. Ezekiel brought the hand up to the other's face, letting the gold slide over his cheek. ‘‘I'll give you a chance to practice.’’

And before he knew it, he was in the most vulnerable position he had been in a very, very long time. He had nowhere to go, but to fall for every single touch that Rhysand pleased him with. It was... something else. He let a airy laugh pass his lips as he lost his mind. Certainly. He agreed. And as he threw his head back in his neck, he could do nothing but watch to the ceiling as his body betrayed him entirely and he felt his heartbeat in his throat. As the necromancer spoke again he chuckled and buried his face in his neck. He just wanted to reply, as he saw a familiar face pass behind him and he froze instantly. Fuck. Caelum went straight for the exit and Ezekiel wondered if he had recognized him. He must have.

‘‘Not yet,’’ he breathed as Rhysand straightened his back and he finally had a chance to break his hands from his grasp. He could not just casually walk out after his cousin. If he hadn't been spotted yet, he certainly would then. But by Lythrana, did he just want to rip the band-aid off and stumble with him in a room, barely able to make the bed as their impatience got the better of them. ‘‘Just- a little while,’’ he spoke barely as he glanced back at the exit, letting his hands wander over bare skin, sliding it all the way to his back and underneath the waistband of his pants. Just a little distraction for a few minutes, as he looked back up at him. He would explain later, in the morning.. or, never, as he narrowed his siren eyes and leaned back against the wall.
Wed Jul 12, 2023 1:31 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall

He didn't know whether he loved or hated how the young man's gaze made his heart skip a beat. Those inviting, odd colored eyes staring right back at him as his thumb brushed against his parted lips. The loud, ambiant noise surrounding them barely reached him, being too occupied with that rare opportunity willingly throwing himself into his arms. Knowing that this would be their last chance of pulling off a similar rendezvous, the sensation of his lips and teeth crashing into one another left him with a bittersweet aftertaste, fueling his radical behavior.

The smirk playing around his lips vanished for a brief second when his hand was slapped away, apparently not allowed to touch the meaningless, silver trinket around his finger. As if it had any meaning left after he’d decided to leave his wife for a night spent with an old flame. Rolling his eyes at his foolish remark, that familiar smirk returned to his lips as he shamelessly continued to act on his impulsively thoughts, the grin on his face growing wider when his friend didn’t deny his gift.

”For wanting to show you off while I still can?” he breathed against his lips before they found themselves caught up in a kiss once more, his hands finding the familiarity of his skin as they eagerly explored beneath the fabric his shirt. He was used to never being satisfied, always craving the sensation of someone’s skin against his, leaving no room for his mind to dwell on worries that wouldn’t serve him. This time, however, he began to fear it wouldn’t be the touch of another that he craved after he’d returned the man to his family’s estate. It would’ve been another day, night or even hour with this man. The man that somehow managed bring his usual passion to new heights. Perhaps the unattainable would always be the thing he’d crave the most. Those of his kind could never be satisfied after all.

It was hard to keep track of his words in between kisses, as getting lost within that feeling of blissful ignorance was a lot more tempting. Yet he couldn’t help but smile against his lips when his friend finally seemed to give in, breaking the kiss to slide the ring over his thumb, the look in his eyes now similar to that of his own. ”If that’s what it takes to convince you,” he playfully replied, fighting the urge to crash his lips into his once more at the touch of his fingers and the gold against his cheek. Folding his own hand around his, fidgeting with the ring around his thumb, he moved his face closer to his. As if he was about to spill a secret meant only to be known by them. “I, Rhysand Zinyra, hereby vow to make you mine for the night. To commence the season of my patron by igniting that spark between us once more, the one we both know has never truly died out.” The words were spoken softly against his ear for as quiet as the music allowed him to be, before he briefly pressed his lips against the skin beside it. “Though fate may never align the stars in our favor again, tonight they shall watch us make love under their gaze, wondering why the sun and the moon were never destined to meet.” Removing his hand from atop his, the dark haired sorcerer made sure to seal this so called vow with a kiss, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him close as he did.

Straightening his back to witness his gaze after he broke the kiss, a glimpse of pride shone within his eyes as he was eager to beat the man in his own challenge. He had always been confident in his ability to wrap people around his finger, but in this particular case he was certain to pull out all the stops.

Which made itself clear as he had him pushed against the wall mere moments later, his pretentious and fancy phrases exchanged for ragged breaths against the man’s neck, barely holding back anymore when his hand has entered forbidden territory. Calling upon godly forces not to tear his clothing from his body there and then, he found himself surprised at the summoners response. ”Why?” he simply asked, letting go of the man’s wrists before his hands were quick to wander down his back. ”Eager to be shown off some more?” he smirked before pressing his lips against his jaw once more, continuing his shameless exploration. ”I didn’t know you were into that.” He didn’t mind, however, showing everyone who that Lemurian sorcerer belonged to.  
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:45 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Regrets would always come after the facts when he had done something stupid. But it didn't feel like that at the moment. Just one look at Rhysand's eyes, and he knew how much this man was enjoying the moment. The way his lips curled smugly, like he won at life or something. It was like going back in time, and yet it was different than back then. Back then, it was some holiday fling. Something to cherish for what it was, but keep it in the past. They knew their paths may cross again sometimes, but never intertwine. Ezekiel had been realistic about that then and now, he should be careful not to get to caught up in pretty words and blunt touches. It was just for tonight.

Rhysand echoed those thoughts as he spoke the words while he still could, before smothering the words in a new rush of kisses. It messed with his head, fueling the thought that he should relish every second of it, as he dragged his hands upwards, clinging unto his neck as if he would lose him if he let go. When his touch seemed to create sparks, knowing it only felt this more exciting because he should not be doing this. He was acting rash, impulsive, immature. But he couldn't care less about the consequences at this moment. And fuck it anyways, it was not the end of the world. He broke the rules laid down by his deity before, and he was still fine. More than fine, as he pressed his body against Rhysand's exposed chest.

It was more getting more stupid when he decided to basically throw himself at his feet, getting caught up in his stupid games. But when he started teasing him, the rush of it made his lips curl. He looked at the man when his eyes rolled to the back of his head as Rhysand decided to play the game. And as his hand folded over his and they came closer as a gossiping couple, Ezekiel felt his skin tingle, wrapping his other arm around his neck as he started to speak. He couldn't look at him as he spoke the words against his ear, but as he started he had to stifle a chuckle. He couldn't be taking this seriously, could he? But as he continued and the words started to become somehow poetic, Ezekiel forgot how to breath for a hot second.

Their lips met once again, and he had no idea how to respond to this. He truly had dug his own grave. And when he saw his happy face, he couldn't help but smile and avert his gaze to the ground for a short while, shoving him backwards. ‘‘When did you become like this?’’ he asked when he looked back up, closing the distance as soon as he created it. ‘‘You are getting worse with the years.’’ Ezekiel grabbed the sides of his shirt, his gaze drifting down his golden skin for a sneak-peak of what was yet to come. Make love. He didn't even dare use that words in his thoughts to describe his past-time activities. And for him to compare them to the sun and the moon, circling each other on a different side of the world. Only in certain times they could meet in the sky, catching glimpses of each other. It felt like that; them being parallel lines. Always close, similar to the core, but never destined to meet. His gaze changed as he looked back up at him. ‘‘Well. get on with it then.’’

And so he did. It was embarrassing how he could find himself as impatient as he was. He could only think about the heat between them, and how many times he wanted to repeat it before the night ended, making up for the lost years, and the future that would be empty of it. But as he spotted Caelum, he just had to take matters into his own hands, if only for a few minutes to give his cousin time to flee the streets. He could fill those minutes, even if Rhysand was showed his impatience and cockiness in the matter of a few words. He bit his lips as Rhysand was ever so clever to shift every situation in his own favour. That was probably how he lucked through life as he did. He was agreeing, he wanted nothing more than to move it towards another place. But he wouldn't bother Rhys with the truth, as he was living in his own little dream. ‘‘Shut up,’’ he muttered between his lips, at loss for better words, as he tried to distract him with when he leaned more into him, placing his forehead on his shoulder, taking advantage of his now freed hands, hissing as he shifted with his hips once more. His eyes drew towards the exit once more. Enough time had passed, right? Right. Screw it. ‘‘Let's go,’’ he whispered against the nape of his neck when he was done waiting, because much longer, and heads surely would start to turn.
Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:57 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Satisfied by his seemingly flustered reaction, the smirk across his face grew wider. It was all he had intended, to impress his friend with some honey laced words, hoping to convince him to maybe return to the desert kingdom one day. The necromancer knew there was a fair chance for this meeting to be their last. At least in terms of whatever they had set their minds to right now. Persuing him today had been a leap of faith already as soon as he laid eyes upon his wife. And yet he didn't hesitate to crawl right back into his arms to pick up where they had left off last time.

"You know I've always been like this," the necromancer responded, that same smirk residing on his face as he looked down upon his friend, his hands finding their way across the skin of his waist once more, playfully rubbing his thumbs against the muscles of his torso. "And yet you can't keep your hands off me," he continued before pressing his parted lips against his, drawing his gaze away from his exposed chest and forgetting all about that dance they were supposed to be having while drowning in the taste in him. Breaking the kiss, he was surprised to be met with yet another challenge. A challenge he was eager to accept.

He didn't know why this man made him feel the way he did. He had always kept a lustful eye out, trying to lure whatever beautiful men and women he could get his hands upon in between his sheets, seeking out the rush of another body against his. Perhaps it had simply been the memory of their shared first experience together, or the way that even tonight, he knew he had to put in the work to seduce him. Maybe that feeling of superiority, the way his ego was being fed by being able to pursue a married man. One as elegantly and delicately beautiful as he was.

Yet his honey laced words and provocative actions had been able to make him his for the night, and he would make sure everyone in this godforsaken tavern would know. He didn't hold back as he feasted upon the tender skin within his neck, his hand residing somewhere it shouldn't be now that they were still in public. A low, almost sadistic sounding chuckle rolled over his lips at the mans words, his grin growing wider at the impatient shifting of the summoner's hips against his touch. Although he loved to think of himself as the one in charge of this situation, he wasn't quite sure how much longer he'd been able to hold back, a feeling of reassurance surging through his body when his friend whispered against his neck. Those two words were all he needed to release his grip on him and take hold of his hand instead, hastily making his way to the exit of the tavern without a single word.


Impatiently slamming open the door to his rented inn room, he was glad to see the staff had adhered to his requests. Candles illuminated the eccentrically adorned room and fresh fruits had been left at the bedside table. Not that he had much time to take in the scene, as he was swift to drag his friend into the room and slam the door shut behind him, making sure that nobody would bother them. He didn't quite give the silver haired sorcerer a moment to to adjust to this change of scenery as well, as he didn't intend to waste any more time on playful bickering. Crashing his lips into his, the necromancer tried his best to unbutton his friend's white shirt for as fast as the alcohol flowing through his veins allowed him to. "Don't take this off," he commanded him as he broke the kiss, briefly tugging at the dazzling silver chains dangling from his torso as he carefully slid the white colored shirt underneath it over his shoulders. He would love for his treasure for the night to be draped in shimmering jewelry after all.
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:34 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The way he knew he'd just let himself get played with, and he didn't even put up something that looked like a fight. He just let him get swept away in the ecstasy of it all. He wanted to believe Rhysand his pretty words and, well, he didn't think the promises were empty. He would rock his night, one that would not be forgotten easily. However, he would make sure that Rhysand would not forget that one man hidden away underneath the sea. The one that will be unavailable for the foreseeable future.

The kisses continued as hungrily as before, only pausing for teasing words and no complaints. Only when he commented that he could not keep his hands off him, which was true for both of them, he could not help but look him straight in the eye as he dug his thumbs a bit deeper into the soft tissue of his neck. ‘‘I could stop,’’ he replied with a raised eyebrow, knowing that was not an option for either of them. He could already picture everything. Nothing was too prudish for the imagination. He was only more excited about what would have changed now they had aged a few more years and whatever they had picked up while they had grown up. His innocence had withered away, and he could only imagine how much worse his friend had gotten.

And while Rhysand was being the most shameless between the two of them, taking charge of where hands did and did not linger, Ezekiel still felt somewhat in control of his own fate. He could still walk away if he wanted to. A wiser man might. A faithful man would. Ezekiel was neither of them, as he whispered to be taken somewhere nobody would ever find him, as his fingers traced the dimples on the other's back. His chuckles reassured him as they wordlessly agreed to share in nothing more than fun tonight. Harmless fun as they would feast on each other. So his fingers intertwined with his as he stumbled after him as they exited the tavern quicker than they'd entered it, leaving the air that had been thick with sweat and lust.


It had been a short journey to a lousy inn. He didn't dare to look at anyone that might reside in the building as he followed his prized companion to his room. He had no time to take the room into his, as he only noticed the smell of candles burning, combined with something sweet. He had barely time to even look back up at his friend as their lips collided once more and hands wandered up his clothes, which were already no longer tucked neatly in his trousers. As he was freed of looks that might judge or recognize him (as he was quite sure Caelum had seen them) he could clear his mind. No need to be patient anymore.

Their lips parted ways, combined with the needy way Rhysand tugged on his shirt and exposed his shoulders. Ezekiel licked his lips as he noticed what he wanted for this night. That ego of his had certainly grown. He looked him up quickly, as his already-opened shirt was a lot easier to remove from his torso. So rather than to feed his ego even more, he gave him a quick smirk as the fabric of his shirt fell to the floor. ‘‘Good. It was rather expensive.’’ He then willingly pulled his arms out of his shirt and dropped it as if it was garbage on the floor.

Ezekiel moved into his chest as he backed his friend up back towards the bed. It was something royal looking, draped in fabrics that looked like somebody threw up colors on it. But apart from that, all the sheer fabrics that surrounded it like curtains, made it funnily cozy. Ezekiel hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of his friend's pants and didn't need to speak anymore to make clear what he wanted. Just one look was enough before he placed his lips back into his. He would trust Rhysand to make some witty remark somewhere along the way. They would be no nice words shared, certainly not from his side. He had come here with only one goal, and that was to rekindle what once was. To experience it one last time. And he was done waiting for it. So he bared his teeth as he softly bit into the necromancer's lower lip
Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:30 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Ecstasy surged through his body as he’d slammed the door shut behind them, his hands already wandering over his torso and ready to rid him of the fabric keeping their bodies from touching. The man in front of refrained from showing any form of recalcitrance as he slid the fabric across his shoulders, making sure to keep the blistering silver chains in place. ”Worth every coin,” the necromancer replied, his eyes feasting upon the sight of the silver jewelry standing out against his pale skin.

His lustful gaze was interrupted when the summoner made sure to let him know what he craved, pushing him towards the bed as their lips found each other once more and his fingers eagerly slid beyond the waistband of his trousers. The necromancer grinned against his lips as he felt his friend’s teeth sink into his lower lip, satisfied at the sight of his desperation. As if the poor man’s wife had denied him all the pleasures in the world ever since their marriage. Tonight he’d make sure to let him know what he’d missed out on, to let him know what still could be if he decided to ditch his duties there and then and follow him into the Wilds, back to Zahriya. He’d make him forget that poor woman foolish enough to marry someone like him, if only during Lythrana’s reign.

Just as they reached the brightly colored sheets of the bed, the dark haired sorcerer firmly grabbed onto his friend’s waist, turning him around and making them switch places before shifting his weight to his advantage and forcing the summoner to fall back onto the mattress. Using his hands to support his weight, the necromancer was quick to crawl on top of him, towering above him as his golden necklaces dangled from his neck. No matter how much he wanted to convince the man, he couldn’t simply let him stand a chance at taking the lead in their devilish dance. He should’ve known from the start that he’d willingly threw himself into the lion’s den, and the necromancer refused to ever submit himself to another’s dominance. Even the most beautiful of sorcerers wouldn’t be able to tempt him into such position.

His gaze had lingered on the man’s face for a brief moment, taking in those features managing to drive him wild before pressing his lips against his jaw once more. This time, however, he wouldn’t spend much time lingering around his jaw and neck, his gentle trail of kisses slowly moving past his collarbone and down his torso, his tongue carefully following the lines of his muscles while avoiding the metal taste of his shimmering jewelry and occasionally leaving a mark as he made his way downward. Lowering his body all the way until his knees touched the floor beneath him, he was forced to stop his trail of kisses when he had reached the man’s hips, placing his final mark beside his hipbone as he gently sucked on the skin in between his teeth, his hands already making work of the fabric in the way of reaching his desired destination.

It was as if the last ounce of humanity left his gaze as he looked up at his friend, his chains shimmering in the dim light as the shadows perfectly outlined each muscle on his body. The look in his eyes had shifted into nothing but a beastly hunger as he lifted the man’s hips and slid his trousers down across his legs in a demanding manner, all the way until there was nothing left for the imagination before continuing where he had left off, teasingly working his way around his destination before finally giving in, memories of his previous visit flooding back for as far as the alcohol allowed them to.
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:00 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
When their bare skins finally touched, every redistricting thought that had passed his mind in a blurry haze had finally lifted. He could only notice what a pity it was that Rhysand had barely passed his mind in the last few years, because his figure sure wasn't a sight for sore eyes. His hungry expression fitted so nicely on his face and Ezekiel had no other option than to act on it. It was he owed it to himself to grant himself this pleasure. To taste every inch of him and feast on his body one last time.

So when he moved to get what he deserved, his lips shortly curled in a smile as he could feel well to his little nip in his lips. He could show him today that he wasn't that boy from years ago. He wasn't that lost anymore. He had been happy in Xaila then, but still young and pushing against every boundary that there was. He might have lost a little bit of that fight in him, but this land urged it back on. And seeing this man, certainly made him want to break rules more than anything. So he didn't dawdle as he backed him up towards his pretty bed, already having every sinful idea in the book ready.

However, Rhysand wasn't his usual lover in the sheets, and as he was grabbed by the waist, there was little what he could do as the necromancer used his bigger size to make him fall backwards between the sheets. His first instinct was to push his upper body somewhat up on his elbows as he looked over to see Rhysand follow him onto the bed, coming closer as he crawled over him and he was made to lean back and look up at him. As their eyes crossed he expected one of the man's witty remarks, something petty or silly, about how he liked the view. But to his surprise, Rhysand kept whatever thoughts he had to himself and initiated the first kiss. Ezekiel was left speechless as he threw his head backwards and let himself sink in the sheets to enjoy the trail of kisses that was started down his torso.

His hands in the meantime had reached his way over his toned arms, his touch going upwards his body every time Rhysand moved a bit more down, over his shoulders, neck, eventually finding his dark locks and taking hold of it. It was only when his friend reached below his bellybutton, that Ezekiel rolled his head backwards and inhaled sharply, as his back arched every so slightly. His breathing became heavier as he licked his lips to muffle the next few silly noises as Rhysand produced another mark. Asshole, he could think for a split second, before he could feel his hands tugging on the last piece of fabric between them.

Their eyes met in the dim light, and once again he expected some clever remark. But as he saw his gaze, he knew none was needed. No words needed to be wasted. He could only feel his impatience rise as Rhysand was eager to make work of his pants. A quite smug smile passed his lips as he threw his head back in the sheets, remembering the sight fondly of Rhysand kneeling down the bed. But as his mouth started to please him once again, he dug one hand tightly between his wavy hair, his other hand finding the edge of the matrass as he held on tightly. He bit his lips as he tried to hold back the sounds for as long as he could, not wanting to grant Rhysand his way that easily, but he body betrayed him as he squirmed slightly at the touch. He pulled up one knee as he couldn't hold the embarrassing noises anymore and a soft moan was followed by a chuckle. ‘‘Did not expect you to be such a pleaser,’’ he teased him with a breathy voice.
Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
He couldn't help but smirk at the way his friend obediently followed his silent instructions, refraining from struggling against his touches and eagerly letting himself fall against the mattress as he marked his neck and body with a trail of kisses. He didn't need his witty remarks and smug comments as of now, not wanting even a second of time wasted while he could use that time to feast upon the silver haired sorcerer, which now proudly wore his shimmering, golden ring around his thumb. He vowed to make love to him tonight back in that tavern, and even when the summoner had proven himself not to value such vows and promises, he would make sure he'd keep to his, if only to assure he'd be engraved within his mind from this day on, to haunt him in the same way he'd managed to linger within his own mind for the past years.

He could feel his body burning up with excitement at the sounds rolling over his friends lips as he eagerly made work of what he weren't able to reach back at that tavern, one of his hands firmly taking hold of the man's hip while the other assiduously assisted him in his task. Only when his words reached him was when he stopped, straightening his back and rolling back his shoulders as to recover from his so called 'labour'. A breathy chuckle escaped his lips as he readjusted the metal pierced through his lip using his tongue, gazing down upon the sorcerer with the same huger in his eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself, darling," he replied as he got up from his knees, ignoring the straining feeling that the wooden floor left him with.

Crawling atop the bed once more, he made sure to place his knees in between his legs, pushing them aside and spreading them just a little more as he towered above his friend for a brief moment before sitting up straight. His height and build usually were in advantage compared to whoever was willing to share the sheets with him, which made it easier to toss and turn the other to his liking. Taking hold of the man's waist, he was quick to pull him up to his lap, making him able to look up to him instead of the other way around for once. "Has it occured to you that I might simply take pleasure in your squirming and whimpering," he continued as he pulled the man closer into his lap, one of his hands sliding down his back while the other rested against his waist, keeping him in place.

Pressing his parted lips against his once more, the hand sliding down his back continued its way towards its desired destination, firmly taking hold of his behind as he pulled the summoner into his lap with even greater force as the silver chains around his body left a cold sensation against is own, exposed chest. It was a great possibility that his friend was able to feel his excitement as he deepened the kiss, almost running out of breath while not wanting to miss a second of the ecstacy surging through his body. Unfortunately he had to catch his breath eventually, moving his face towards the summoners ear as he did, his lips brushing past his earlobe. "I've been wishing for another chance to get my hands on you, you know."
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:05 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
His mind went completely blank as he had nothing to focus on but Rhysand his undeniable presence on his body. It was like he found the exact buttons to make him stop functioning as he should. And he let himself drift away in it. Reminding himself constantly that this was something he deserved, that was owed to him. In the beginning of the night he had hesitated, but Rhysand made his intentions clear very quickly and look how they ended up. He couldn't help but feel quite content, as his body betrayed in every shape and form. The necromancer hadn't lied one bit in his poetic and maybe a bit over the top vows. Nonetheless, it left him speechless once again.

Ezekiel just couldn't help but comment on the position Rhysand had found himself in. He had been all hands-on and demanding in the tavern, but found himself on his knees soon after. It was quite a sight, as Ezekiel craned his head up, his eyes positively dazed, but with that tiny shimmer of that kept him cheeky during the absurdity of it all. He quickly realized that he should have been better not to say anything, but he felt excited as he had been able to provoke Rhysand with a few tiny words. His lips curled in a grin as the other crawled back unto the bed, over him as they came closer once more. Ezekiel leaned on his elbows as he raised his chest a bit as his eyes followed Rhysand's every move and keeping eye-contact, not backing down from his daring movements.  

His breathing was still elevated as Rhysand pulled him up by his waist. Ezekiel was quick to wrap an arm around his neck as he was propped on his lap. A humorless chuckle left his lips as he felt the heat rise up his cheeks with his stupid comment. ‘‘Don't be too proud of yourself,’’ he told him, before their lips crashed together once more. The summoner didn't know if he should be surprised like he was, as he took both his hands to cup Rhysand's face. Entangled in this tight embrace, it reminded him a bit too much from those years ago. Back then it was so confusing and exciting, when they finally passed the boundaries and did something that felt forbidden. And when he was back in Lythrania, he never felt more alone. Than Rhysand disappeared of the face of the earth and he had almost forgotten about him. But this was real. The touches, the kisses, the heat...

When the kiss broke in heavy breaths, his hands went down his neck to his shoulders. He licked his lips as Rhysand whispered sweet nothings in his ears once again, even if it did make him burn up. A slight scoff escaped Ezekiel as he leaned backwards for a bit, looking him straight in the eye. ‘‘At least you had that luxury,’’ he said with a slight edge to his words. The sorcerer decided to take control in his own hands again and he shoved Rhysand against his shoulders, using his weight to make them move back in the sheets again. He pinned his knees tightly against either side of his hips as he deliberately moved over his crotch. ‘‘I thought you were dead,’’ he said as his hands trailed down over his muscled abdomens. ‘‘But I'll take this gift, from whichever deity it was.’’ If it was his moon or Rhysand's sun that was responsible, it was like a tiny miracle. To make up for time that had been lost. Ezekiel moved back slowly as fingers reached the other's hips, to finally relieve the necromancer of his final piece of clothing. But his patience was quickly lost as he tugged on the fabric of his pants.
Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:24 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Usually he wouldn’t bother getting on his knees for anybody, but something about this man seemed to have enchanted him from the moment of their first meeting. Upon his arrival at the Zinyra estate he’d found himself drawn to him in an unusual way, similar to how he’d been drawn to a beautiful woman like Princess Nephthys. If someone would’ve told him that it was possible to develop such lustful desires for someone of the same sex he wouldn’t have believed them, not able to fathom the idea. And yet, somewhat later during his visit, they had found themselves exploring eachothers bodies as if it was their sole purpose.

He had never truly forgotten about that time, nor did he ever expect to be able to relive it once more. And yet, as if their patrons wished to grant them one final goodbye, he found himself tightly holding onto the summoner as their lips crashed into eachother, his cheeks burning up under the touch of the man’s hands after smirking at his cheeky reply. He was well aware of the fact that this could be the last time he would be able to get his hands on his long lost friend, not sure if the man would ever be tempted into disobeying his duties and defying the vows of his marriage once more.

Unfortunately they had to catch their breath at some point, breaking the kiss as he felt the man's hands slide across his neck. The reply to his whispers, however, managed to catch him off guard more than it should have. He furrowed his brow as his lips brushed against the man's ear, taken aback by the tone of his voice, almost assuming that he had been worrying about him when he'd suddenly stopped writing. It wasn't like he was granted much time to stray on those thoughts, however, being pushed back into the mattress as the roles seemed to be reversed. A groan rolled over his lips as his hips shifted against the summoners provocative touch, pushing his head back into the mattress as his friend continued. It was quite the rollercoaster, the glimpse of guilt forming in his stomach at his words paired with the surging heat between his thighs. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

“I’m a Zinyra,” he simply stated, leaning into his elbows as he sat up to look his friend in the eyes. “Death’s laws don’t apply to me.” A cocky statement, but one he always liked to believe. Jhaan had given his family a way to defy death, even if just for a brief moment. “You of all people should know.” One of his arms reached for the man's face, briefly sliding his hand across his cheek before taking hold of his chin, forcing their gazes to meet for mere seconds before letting go, his body burning up at the touch of his fingers sliding across his torso. Grinning at his remark, he let himself fall back into the mattress, feeling both of their patience vanish as his friend made sure to get rid of the last piece of fabric keeping them from melting into one another once more. "Look who's being romantic now," he teased his friend as he stared up at the ceiling, lifting his hips slightly as the summoner impatiently tugged at the fabric of his trousers.  
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:05 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Every little touch seemed to unlock another hidden memory. Of them exploring Xailan streets together, purposely breaking as many rules as possible during any family event, and then making bets on who could drink the most. Rhysand would always win, and Ezekiel would blame his older age and added weight. But also when the kiss deepened, it was like a feeling he didn't want to admit to himself tried to crawl their way to the surface. The little pang of excitement whenever a letter landed on his doorstep, where nothing of note was written, but it still made him happy. When they stopped coming, combined with the news of the failed royal marriage, he just assumed. So yes, he wanted to hit him in the face for making him think he was dead, ad yet hold him even tighter to not allow him to slip away again.

But he would have to let him go. He was a married man now, which gnawed in the back of his mind. Chaska had done nothing wrong to deserve this, and yet he was only bound to his wife because some old crows had decided they should. At least this was of his choosing. That thought urged him on to get reacquainted with Rhysand's bare body. He noticed how being an outlaw had imperfected his bronze skin, as he felt tiny ridges and edges where they shouldn't be and weren't before.

So to get those resentful feelings into something more productive, he made Rhysand lay on his back as he couldn't help but bite his tongue to hold back a smile as the necromancer just laughed. It was ridiculous in a way. He rarely showed his true feelings, rather keeping them at bay, especially in situations like this, where touches came more demanding with the minute. So when Rhysand propped back up his elbows, his hands paused and he tilted his head to the side. When he so boldly stated that he, a Zinyra, did not obey to the laws of death, he rolled his eyes and shook his head with an amused grin. He was unbelievable. He should truly do something with the way he was able to twist words. He could make a fortune.

Ezekiel's chin was caught in his grasp as he was forced back to look at him. His narrowed eyes were softening up slightly as in a way, he liked to believe his friend was only trying to reassure him, that he was like weeds that would not perish. ‘‘I of all people?’’ he asked slowly, raising his eyebrows with the words. But as Rhysand contently dropped back in the sheets, he didn't want to bother much longer. He made his way down to make work of his trousers, which didn't go by unnoticed. ‘‘Shut up,’’ he grunted. ‘‘I don't see you wasting time,’’ he commented as the dark-haired sorcerer was so kind to willingly speed up the process of undressing him completely. His pants joined the rest of their clothes as useless pieces of fabric on the floor and Ezekiel looked back over to what was waiting for him. It was like the necromancer was served on a silver platter. But it was a pretty bed, enlightened by candlelight and draped over dark patterned sheets. The summoner's hands started to drift from up his knees, over his thighs upwards as they reached their destination. He followed with his mouth, not backing down as he reached sensitive skin and giving back what he had received earlier, seeing how long the big romantic could hold back his moans.
Tue Aug 01, 2023 2:01 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
It was easy to resent himself for how desperate he was to give into his taste and touches. All those years he had repressed his thoughts and feelings resurfacing whenever something reminded him of that time. When they’d speak about their neighboring, seaside kingdom the first thing on his mind was how his silver hair felt in between his fingers, or how his pale skin stood out against his own as their bodies melted into one another. He hadn’t been able to rekindle that certain passion with the other men in between his sheets, even when they possessed those same, Lemurian features which managed to enchant him so. And now, that cheeky, fiery summoner clung onto his neck once more as he drowned in the taste of his kiss.

He couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of his smile, wondering while all of this felt so natural, like they hadn’t just been reunited after spending years apart. His gaze softened for a brief moment has he held onto the summoners chin, taking in the sight of that odd colored gaze which had managed to linger within the back of his mind until this day. He simply nodded at his words before letting him fall back into the mattress, one hand resting behind his head as the other rested atop his stomach in anticipation of his friend’s next move. He knew his friend to be aware of his reckless personality, it had always been a part of him, especially when they sneaked out of the estate to explore the city together. Yet the thought of him worrying about his well-being left him with a mixture of both guilt and satisfaction. Perhaps he hadn’t been the only one reminiscing about the night spent with a certain young man when they had to part ways.

His grin grew wider as the summoner impatiently tugged at his trousers, to which he lifted his hips in response, his body eager to be released of the tension caused by their playful words and cheeky touches. ”I wouldn’t dare,” he cheekily replied, not wanting waste any time on what he assumed would be their last night together. It didn’t take long for his hand to be entangled within the man’s silver locks as he neared what remained hidden underneath the tightened fabric until now, a quiet groan rolling over his lips as his friend was kind enough to return the favor he’d been granted earlier. He tightened his grip on the summoners hair, guiding him to his desired rhythm as his hips eagerly shifted against his touch. As much as he tried to refrain from letting himself go, he couldn’t hold back an occasional, silent whimper as he cursed from under his breath. ”By the gods, how I’ve missed you,” he groaned as he threw his head back into the mattress, closing his eyes and letting the alcohol speak for him as he gave into the sensation he’d tried to hard to replace ever since he’d lost the man.
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:55 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
When Rhysand softened his gaze, the necromancer could magically morph into a whole different person. His eyes are suddenly big and round, bringing out the youthful lines of his face. Still, he was unsure about what he meant about him of all people. Just become they practiced different sides of the same magic? They both had never been witness to the other's abilities. The only proof they had was a surname. But he sure had proven he could cheat death.

He shouldn't ruin his night with silly thoughts. There would be a million questions that would go unanswered anyway. So when the dark-haired sorcerer through his head back down, looking at him so expectantly, he pushed all thoughts aside and acted on the feelings that had been building up all night.

His actions were well received as Rhysand's teasing words were replaced by heated noises that filled the room. He could only imagine how his gentle expression from a moment ago would have changed by now, as he felt his fingers entangle more demandingly in his hair. He now steadied himself with one hand on his thigh, squeezing slightly tighter when he commented how he had missed him. It made him look up as he saw Rhysand enjoying himself maybe a bit too much. Not so quick.

Ezekiel's hand moved away from the source of his pleasure and gripped around the wrist of the hand that had been tucked away in his hair. He propped his knee back under his body and made his way back over the necromancer's body, pinning the wrist he was holding next to his curly locks so he could look straight down at the necromancer. ‘‘Then don't disappear again,’’ he spoke in a husky tone, drawing his face ever so close that their lips brushed against each other, but moving away before Rhysand could make a move.

Unbeknowingstly his heart rate had started to raise significantly as his body reacted to what his mind had decided. Ezekiel pursed his lips together as he raised his chest again, losing his grip on the other's wrist while his hand moved back behind him to where it had been occupied before. Ever so slowly he started to take control of the situation, taking his damn time.

yeehaw baby seven days a week seven different sheets giddy up cowboy hardest timeskip ooit doei doei ik ben hier te nuchter voor

His chest heaved as none of them had held back. Sweat was dripping down his spine as he leaned heavily on his hands placed beside either side of the necromancer. One last look at the sorcerer with a breathy laugh, and he let himself drop to his side and ran his hands through his hair. He closed his eyes as he caught his breath. His mind felt numb as this was the part where he should be wise and return home before the sun would rise. He could not find the words or willpower to do so.
Thu Aug 03, 2023 2:38 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Of course he’d never imagined himself spending the night within his rented room alone, hence why he’d ordered the staff to carefully prepare it before his return. He hadn’t, however, dared to imagine spending the night with that one man which he couldn’t seem to get out of his head. That certain man now feasting upon him as he tightened the grip on his silver locks, calling upon godly forces not to let the sensation of his lips and wicked touches push him over the edge just yet.

The room had been far from quiet as the summoner worked his magic. Shallow breaths and desperate whimpers refrained from leaving the room in complete silence. The necromancer had to catch his breath as his friend crawled back over to him, his wrist pinned above his head as he licked his lips, holding the summoner’s gaze as he distanced that little distance left between them as he spoke. He briefly smirked at his words, lips parting as he attempted to steal another kiss from his lips, not afraid of getting a taste of his own fare.

He shouldn’t have given his friend the illusion of being in control, watching him back down before he could’ve sunk his teeth into the man’s bottom lip, seemingly enjoying himself in his newfound position of power. The necromancer had to refrain himself from turning the tables and force the man back into the mattress as he showed him who truly was the one in charge. However, as soon as the grip on his wrist loosened and his hand traveled back towards its former destination, he couldn’t help but lay back into the mattress, his hand resting against the man’s thigh as he granted him the thing both of them had been craving. Perhaps, for once, he didn’t mind him being in control. “Worry not, darling,” he spoke with breathy voice as he looked up to the man on top of him, strengthening his grip on his thigh. “I’ll find my way back to you once more.”

———— allemaal stoute vieze dingen yeehaw insert old town road by lil nas —————

He could only hope for the walls of his room to be thick enough not to have disturbed the other guests during their heated rendezvous in between the sheets. He hadn’t held back, both physically and vocally, forgetting about the world around them as he got lost in the heat of the moment. The sound of heavy breaths filled room as he looked up at the summoner still towering above him, his now damp, wavy hair sticking against his forehead.

Watching his friend lay down beside him, he was quick to turn his body to face him, his head resting atop his elbow as he lied down while the other hand found the summoners pale face, gently brushing away the stray, silver hairs still sticking against his face. He didn’t know what kind of wicked spell he’d cast upon him, not able to look away from the odd colored gaze he simply hadn’t been able to forget about.

”Stay with me,” he simply commanded after a brief moment of silence, his hand now cupping the man’s cheek as he bridged the little distance between them, pressing his parted lips against his once more, making sure to remember the taste of his lips in case this would truly be their last moment spent together. ”Just for a while,” the necromancer was quick to add the moment he broke the kiss, his thumb now gently brushing against his cheek before lifting his hand and cheekily gestured towards his side of the bed as he playfully used his tongue to adjust the golden jewelry through his lip. Always prepared for situations like this, he’d hidden a bottle of wine somewhere near the bottom of the nightstand. Perhaps it would tempt him to accept his offer, granting them a few little hours to prepare their potential forever goodbye.
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
His mind had gone completely blind over his promise. But the more he tried to wrap his head around the words, the more he wondered how much meaning they held. It sounded hopeful, like the north star in a midnight sky, something to cling to when you were adrift at sea. But even if he would somehow find his way back after this night. What was there to return to? There was nothing left for them in this lifetime. And still, that beacon was a temptation. Like he could cast a line over the continent and it would somehow always reach this man.

It was all he could think about when he stared at the ceiling, his body still heated by the afterglow of his touch. And how more he pondered, how more he felt like all those pretty words were just for tonight. Rhysand must know it too, that this was nothing more than years of wondering solved. Which was amazing and he wasn't complaining. It was just more complicated than he had expected.

It didn't take long for the necromancer to shift against the sheets, which made Ezekiel's head turn to gaze upon his face again. The waves of his hair sticking to his skin annoyingly made him even more handsome. Ezekiel had no idea what to do or say. He could not move his body. He just let the other uncharacteristically gently touch him, which made him doubt even more of the true meaning of his previous words. But then Rhysand just stated three little words, almost casually, as if it was simple. Ezekiel furrowed his brows as the struggle with the conflicted feelings became more apparent. But then they kissed, and he kissed back, and it was like this man was not toying anymore.

The summoner was snapped back to reality quickly as the rest of the sentence followed. Ezekiel pursed his lips together, brushing his thumb over his lower lip as he followed his gaze towards the side of the bed. And as he concluded that staying meant something more lowkey, he felt like he could breathe again. The tension slipped from his face and he deepened his gaze back at the necromancer. He stole leaned in to answer his wishes with another kiss, to steal his tongue back from his pierced lip. ‘‘Okay. I'll stay,’’ he agreed with the necromancer. ‘‘Just for a while.’’

Ezekiel rolled away from his body to help himself with whatever he had stashed away. His hands quickly found a bottle of wine and as he sat up straighter in the bed, he removed the cork with his teeth. Not bothering to find them a set of glasses, he took a swig straight from the bottle, before offering it to Rhysand. ‘‘So will you now tell me what really happened?’’ he asked with a low voice. ‘‘Why you needed to disappear?’’ Ezekiel leaned back in the sheets, his head resting on his hand. ‘‘Why being a prince would be so terrible.’’
Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:48 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
He didn’t know why he had felt the need to press his lips against that of his friend once more, lacking his usual demanding manner and being unusually gentle with his touch. It was almost as if he couldn’t stand the absence of the man’s body against his own, suddenly feeling as if every sliver of distance between them was one too many. Perhaps it was the lingering thought that this night would be their last chance to get lost in one another’s touches and empty promises, imagining silly scenarios in which they’d never stand an actual chance. By the gods, was he eager to drown those unachievable fantasies.

Which is why he was relieved when the summoner reached for the bottle hidden beside the bed, but not before stealing yet another kiss from his lips, one which certainly caught him off guard as he was stunned by its casual nature. All of it felt so natural, and yet thrilling almost as if they could’ve been some happy couple passing one another in the hallways of their home.

The summoner’s words left a grin on his lips as he eventually reached for the bottle, making quick work of opening it as he eagerly chugged away its contents. The necromancer didn’t think twice about following his example as the crimson colored wine was offered to him, listening to the man’s strange shift of conversation before placing the bottle atop the bedside table beside him. If he wanted another taste, he’d be free to come and get it.

“I already told you, darling,” he simply replied, turning his body and face back towards him. “I am simply not cut out to play the part.” Copying his friends position, his head rested against his hand, though his free hand was quick to wander. ”Never have been, never will be.” Placed atop the summoners waist he gently traced his hand across his skin, shamelessly moving downwards and following the natural curve of his behind before moving back towards his waist once more. ”Perhaps, if you had been the charming, Lemurian Prince I had to marry-” the necromancer teasingly bit down his lip as he spoke, pulling him in just a little closer using the hand still resting atop the curve of his waist as he stole another kiss from his lips, hoping to lighten the mood of their shifted conversation.

“Though, If the Queen ever manages to get her hands on me-” he continued, interrupting his own sentence by lifting his hand from the man’s waist and jokingly imitated a slicing gesture across his own neck. A chuckle rolled over his lips at his own, stupid joke as his hand fell back into the sheets, though Ezekiel’s words about him disappearing lingered in the back of his mind, plaguing him with an unfamiliar feeling of what he could only assume was guilt. ”About the sudden disappearance, however,” he started, suddenly a lot less confident in his speech. ”I didn’t inform anyone. Not even my sister.” An apology laid at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t simply blurt it out. The situation had been way more complicated than that.  
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:29 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Ezekiel was too stubborn to admit to himself that he was still hurt by this man. Even though he reveled in every single touch and the way their gazes crossed with some desperate need. He had allowed him to crawl under his skin the first time they'd met. He wasn't innocent then, but he had been naive. Time had made him realize that distance alone was enough to make dreams shatter. He had thought about his lost friend maybe once or twice on the journey towards the desert capitol, reminiscing about past memories. But he had soon replaced them with looking forward to the future. Yesterday it hadn't seemed so bad to be a newlywed.

Now, huddled close to another man's skin, he knew he had done something awful. He had allowed this man to once again crawl into his head, intoxicate his mind, and burn his skin with every touch. And still, he wanted another swig from that poisoned chalice. Because how could this all be bad? They were not hurting anybody. The summoner drew his clouded eyes back up into his as the wine washed down the taste of him.

So perhaps he had lashed out slightly to get some answers or some excuses that would make him feel better about never seeing him again after tonight. The silver-haired sorcerer eyed him up as he used his silver tongue: crowning himself the eternal bachelor. Well, if he wanted to spend the rest of his life roaming the desert with his tribe of beautiful women - as he had described it so humbly - he could. And yet with all those women, Rhysand's hand was still on his ass. ‘‘I envy your naivety.’’ How peaceful would it be in his mind? Rhysand seemed to be able to forget the past like it was some fleeting memory. He should not be surprised as the necromancer followed up with a stupid joke, sealing it with another kiss.

Ezekiel kept his face close to his as he opened his eyes. Joking about marriage would be cruel in any other situation, but here he was, giving himself away for the night to make Rhysand his vows come true. ‘‘And your imagination,’’ he muttered softly. But he couldn't help to curl up his lips in a small smile. He only moved away when the other made a gesture that explained the hard truth what would happen if he would be discovered. The necromancer was still risking his skin, but Ezekiel would not have it any other way. If he hadn't been himself and be his careless self, they would have never rekindled this flame. However, the summoner was not satisfied with his answer. His nostrils flared for a moment when he looked back at him. ‘‘You truly have no conscience, have you?’’ He blamed him for that what was his charm, what he had fallen for in the first place. Rhysand had been a bad influence on him, but he sort of understood the root of his nature, something he could connect with. The man was just... an extreme. ‘‘That's why you lust for married men.’’ He narrowed his eyes and didn't hesitate as he brought his hand at the back of his neck and pressed another demanding kiss on his lips. When he took a short pause to catch his breath. ‘‘Guess we don't have a need for a conscience tonight anyways.’’ And before he knew it, his hands were once again tangled in his messy locks.
harsh truth if he
Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:25 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Even the usually oblivious necromancer could feel the atmosphere within the room shift, though his hands didn't stray from his friend's body for a second, almost as if he'd disappear the moment his fingers wouldn't be caressing the pale skin preserved by the underwater dome. Which he would, the second he'd leave this room and closed the door behind him, the necromancer was almost certain their paths weren't likely to cross once more. He'd return to Zahriyah, playing his part within the tribe while the summoner beside him lawfully adhered to his duties. It would be the end of their short-lived chapter together.

He simply smiled against his lips in reply, drowning in the taste of wine lingering on his tongue. There was nothing to envy, truly. Deep down he knew all he had done so far was flee. From his past, his responsibilities, he'd most likely run from whatever unconvential feelings resurfaced after this night. Yet he would be foolish not to run, knowing that whatever silly scenarios he'd set his mind to within this moment were nothing more than just that.

Smirking at his words, he eyed the shimmering, golden ring around his friend's finger as he moved away from him, that little distance between them suddenly very present. The very least he could do was to stay true to his 'vows', to truly make love to this man now that he still could, all without questioning his feelings for too long. He was used to living in the present after all. And he needed him now, tonight, for as long as their bodies could take it. The necromancer had waved goodbye to the concept of tomorrows as soon as he'd jumped on his horse and fled towards the Wilds.

Parting his lips and leaning in for another taste, he found himself halting at his following words, which carried a weight he hadn't quite expected. His dark gaze found his, giving him a somewhat furrowed brow as the man continued. Bold words, certainly. Before he could even open his mouth in response, however, the summoners' lips were urgently pressed against his once more, only pausing to swap his previous accusations for a statement he could actually agree with. The necromancer didn't protest, allowing his hands to wander once more, demandingly pulling him in closer as his fingers dug into his soft skin.

Breaking the kiss to catch his breath once more, he made sure to take advantage of their short-lived break as he moved himself on top of him, his legs tactically positoned against his inner thighs, able to spread the man's legs at his command if he pleased. "My love," he simply spoke, leaning in as he continued. "There hasn't been a day where the thought of either of you didn't cross my mind." His dark eyes shifted between his odd colored ones, before pressing a kiss against his lips. One hand cupping the mans cheek while the other was used to steady himself as he towered above him. Perhaps his words had been an overstatement, a little flavor of extravanace added to suit his manipulative behavior, but both his siblings - especially his sister - and the summoner he'd spent months writing to had been a frequent thought.

"I was well aware of the bounty I'd put on my head by leaving Al-Qahil. I still am." The sorcerer leaned in closer, removing his hand from the man's cheek to support his shifting body weight as he gently brushed his lips against his friend's ear, lowering his voice. "Which is why I needed both of you to believe I didn't make it across the Wilds." He couldn't quite contain himself, his gentle nibbling at the summoner's earlobe soon escalating to yet another trail of kisses across his jaw. "Yet I've been foolish enough to let a certain, now married man intoxicate me once again, from the moment I laid eyes upon him at that square." His breathy words were laced with frustration, spoken against the tender skin of his neck. No longer did he hold back as he feasted upon him, shamelessly leaving a trail of marks across his skin. "And worst of all-" he interruped himself by closing that little distance between their hips, his body burning up at the sensation of his skin brushing against that of the summoner, breathing the following words against his lips before eagerly claiming a taste of them once more: "I'd approach him again in a heartbeat." 
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:47 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
While his mind was racing, he had a tough time keeping up with everything that was happening. Even if he had a tough time realizing what was happening, he somehow felt hurt, even if he had no reason to, right? This man was nothing but someone he had met that one time. Those intense few days always carried the shadow that it would be short-lived. The distance was too great, the differences in their lives too stark. And still, they circled each other like the sun and the moon, never ready to say goodbye. So when the sun went down and stayed down... He just never expected to see that sunrise ever again.

Sunkissed got a different meaning when he was engulfed between his tanned arms. The conclusion of his thought always ended up in this place. They would never see each other again, so he should cherish every single second. So when the urgent kisses started afresh and Rhysand moved his way on top of him, his hands just naturally found their way around his neck.

The words that followed seemed to rock his world. The expression on his face froze as his eyes turned wider, glancing up at the face that was only illuminated with warm candlelight. What did he just say? His eyebrows moved for a second in a frown, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The sorcerer guessed he was looking for some kind of... validation that he was not some ordinary person to him. But to call it love? The word sounded completely foreign and so carelessly spoken from his lips. And to say something like that in this situation. One last time. It was almost cruel. And yet he wanted more, as their lips crashed again and his hands were suddenly gentle.

There was no way he could respond to those words. He couldn't return the sentiment, as he had thought the man to be dead, that justice had caught up with him and luck had run out. But to know he was still alive and well, just deciding to leave his old life behind and only keep him in his thoughts. Well, it was enough, because their patrons granted them that their paths crossed again. And even if it was a test he was failing, he didn't care much. Rhysand came closer with the intoxicating tone of his voice and Ezekiel wrapped his arms over his shoulders. As he continued speaking excuses, he only had to throw his head back as the necromancer's lips made the hairs in his neck stand up straight yet again. He was driving him wild, and he had fallen prey to it so easily.

Ezekiel had to bite down a gasp as their hips deliberately touched and his whole body seemed to heat up in an instant. The pretty words seemed to be neverending. ‘‘You really are foolish,’’ the summoner rumbled as he managed to compose part of himself as they dived into another kiss. His hands trailed down from his shoulders, lower towards the dip in his back. ‘‘Maybe after tonight we should stop thinking about each other then,’’ he uttered in between kisses. ‘‘Imagine it happening again.’’

In contrast to his words, he dug his fingers firmer into his skin and pulled the necromancer's waist even closer to himself. His teeth found the other's lower lip once more, but this time ever so gently as he tugged softly, before releasing to look him up in the eye again. ‘‘But only after tonight. We should honor your vows.’’
Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:11 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Rhysand Zinyra
Rhysand Zinyra
not juul
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 XgiVb5h8_o
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 21v2stv2_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Exile

When’s it coming? Can’t recall
Oh mirror mirror on the wall
Why this man had been a reoccurring thought for the past years remained a mystery, even to him. But now he found himself towering over his damp body once more, preaching his cheap poetry and looking down at a scene he didn’t expect to see ever again. Perhaps it was the wine talking, but it couldn’t quite compare to the other women he’d shared the sheets with. No matter their beauty and allure, his advances were nothing more than some pretty words and empty touches, until that everlasting craving for distraction from his own mind had been satisfied for Xeion knew how long. No. Everything about this felt different, and he didn’t know whether to cherish or fear those unfamiliar feelings.

Judging from the way his friend froze from underneath him, he could tell he hadn’t quite expect such confession to roll over his lips tonight. The necromancer couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his bewildered expression before getting right back to business. Time didn’t wait for anyone, and it certainly wouldn’t wait for them to finish committing whatever sins plagued their minds tonight.

“If that’s the price I’d have to pay to call you mine for tonight, there’s nothing I’d rather be.” The necromancer whispered the words against his lips with a grin, stealing yet another kiss as his skin burned up beneath Ezekiel’s fingertips.

“Maybe we should,” he simply repeated as he caught his breath for a brief moment, though his honey laced voice made it clear that it wouldn’t happen. Impossible. If it hadn’t been for his family name, he would’ve been pretty sure for his friend to have hexed him in some wicked way, using whatever dark magic at his disposal.

Heat surged through his body as the sorcerer pulled him in closer, gently sinking his teeth into his lower lip before meeting his gaze once again. Those cheeky, odd colored eyes he simply couldn’t get enough of. Part of him wanted to give into this primal sensations and devour him whole, though another, more unfamiliar urge to reciprocate his gentle touches seemed to have the upper hand in whatever strange war was waging through his mind right now.

“Right, about those ‘vows’,”he began as a faint smirk danced around his lips whilst positioning himself to, indeed, honor those vows he’d made up on the spot. “You haven’t told me yours.” Instead of seeking out the lingering taste of wine on his tongue, the necromancer pressed his lips against the tender skin of his neck where his previous trail of love resided. This time, however, he refrained from sucking on the skin in between his teeth, softly brushing his lips against it in between gentle kisses instead. ”Go ahead,” he simply continued, smiling against the tender skin of the summoners neck while teasingly grinding his hips against his, careful not to initiate anything other than teasing just yet. ”I’d love to hear them right now.” 
Sex and bitter cynicism
Laughing, watch it start to fall
Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:58 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Image
[M] Party party yeah [FOP] - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
It was hard to distinguish between "just for tonight" with "forever" between heated breaths. Their lips never seemed to part for longer than to say a few raspy words. And the sorcerer's hands seemed glued to his skin as if he was afraid that Rhysand would slip between his grasp if he would let him go. Even if he wanted to smack that stupid grin on his face when he smiled when he casually mentioned love. Ezekiel just didn't understand why he could be so careless when everything between them was so delicate, but he just didn't care if everything could break into a million pieces. It was worth playing with it for just a night.

Rhysand had a talent for turning a phrase. None the summoner would ever master.  He could call him a monster and he would make himself look like an angel. Every bad word, every uncertainty, even his more daring words, were just overshadowed by his pretty words.

Because he had expected that Rhysand would have enjoyed this free reign he had granted him, basically asking to continue their sweaty dance between the sheets. He had urged their bodies so close to melting, he figured it would no time would be wasted. But his silver tongue started to babble rather than go to work. Well, it didn't leave its job neglected entirely, making its way down the summoner's neck in a way that made his hair stand up straight.

The necromancer pushed the boundaries of his teasing, and Ezekiel was impressed that the man could muster a steady voice at this point. He for sure wasn't sure he could manage something like that, as his breath resided high in his chest. His gaze had been solely on the ceiling as the other had been so kind to make his whole body heat rise, while he could only hold on for dear life. But as he demanded an answer, he blinked slowly to make their gazes cross.

‘‘Doesn't matter what I say,’’ he breathed as steadily as he could, not letting his fingers lose their firm grip. ‘‘It's not like it would change your plans.‘‘ The words were planted close to his ears, his lips brushing the soft, curly hairs sticking out. The cadence of his words was interrupted whenever Rhysand placed a well-located kiss. Only then did he release one hand from the man's waist to take hold of the back of the necromancer's neck. His grasp was urgent. Demanding, to not allow him to stop his trails of pleasure. ‘‘Just do it.’’
Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:22 am
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