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Not worthy of your time
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Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Not worthy of your time CypBckU
Not worthy of your time ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

He had seen the sun rise, trickling light through both the sea water and the dome surrounding Lythrania. Sitting on his balcony, he had been playing music, he finished a painting and made some progress in a song he wanted to show Aniu when she was home. The guard had told him that his older sister hadn't been home this night and he wondered where she had been hanging out. He was almost getting used to not being able to find his twin sister late at night. But now that his older sister was in town, he had hoped to be able to spent a bit more time with her. Yet, she had disappeared yesterday and Deimos couldn't lie to himself that he was a bit worried about her. So, now that he was sitting in the starting light of the sun, with an instrument in his hands and a tune in his head, he had been waiting. Waiting for Aniu to return home, to see that she was safe and sound. Maybe than, he would be able to get a wink of sleep.
It was Häti, the summon who was sitting next to him, who had noticed the woman walking towards the castle. He whimpered softly, getting his summoners' attention. Deimos placed the instrument on the ground and stood op. He looked over the balcony, but it was too far away to see in what kind of state his older sister was. So, he grabbed his summoners' staff,  stuck it in the holder around his waist and whistle Häti to follow him. Together they ran downstairs, hopefully not waking everyone up, and out of the door. "Ani?" He asked, while walking towards her. She looked horrible, she had been crying, but she also looked pale. As if she had seen something horrific. As if someone had hurt her. "Hey, what happened? Where have you been?" He placed his hands on her shoulders and stopped her, trying to get a look at her face. He noticed no bruises on her, not as far as he could see at least. A few marks on her neck, something he had to ask her about later. For now, he was happy that she was home and safe.

+ tagAniu Vylasar
+ notes Worried younger brother is worried
Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:08 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Not worthy of your time XwC2DZk
Not worthy of your time EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Once I was happy
You found it intriguing
Then you got to me & left me bleeding
You make me feel like a fool
Tears had been streaming down her face for almost all the way back home. At this time of day, there weren't enough people awake for her to care if she was seen. She just wanted to get home. Dive into her pillows and scream into them. Aniu felt like the biggest fool of them all. How could she have been so stupid... so gullible? Of course, it was too good to be true. The whole night. All of it. Had he played her from the moment he found her on that bench in the square? Had he just used her for … And had she really just let him? She didn't understand why he had even been able to. She never let herself be used like that, but somehow he could. It made her angry—at herself and at him. It hurt when he pushed her away all of a sudden. His words, aiming to hurt her. She just knew it was to hurt her, to push her away harder. Gods, it hurt. Especially after she opened up to him. Giving herself to him like that. They had shared things she had never shared with anyone. Not just in words. It was almost too unbelievable to her that they had spent such an amazing night together for Therion to just turn around and kick her out like that. And even though he was a grown man, she was incredibly worried for him.

Her mind was one big clusterfuck of emotions stuck in a web of incoherent thought. She was too hungover to think clearly, too upset to connect the dots, and too nauseous to focus on it any longer. She actually wanted to go and see her sister, but there was no way that Chaska would be awake at this hour. None of her family would be awake at this hour which made her feel even more alone. She didn't want to bother anyone with this either. Gods how was she even going to explain this to anyone. Perhaps it was best if she just went to bed and never woke up again. Tears burned in her eyes again and a soft sob escaped her as she walked to the castle. Thank Lythrana she was atleast home. Oh how she wished Ezriel truly was here now. She could really use someone's support right now.

And almost as if her wish was granted on the spot she heard her name being called. "Deimos? Surprise to see her brother was visible in her eyes. She felt an instinctual force to pretend like she was fine. She was his older sister, he wasn't supposed to see her in a state like this. He shouldn't be the one taking care of her, it was her job to take care of him. Like she had done with both him and his twin sister in their youth. Helping her parents wherever she could. He was her baby brother and she struggled to see him in any other way. Though she couldn't deny feeling a glad to see her brother and she truly had to fight the urge to break down at his feet. She quickly wiped away any of the last escaped tears on her cheeks as he stopped her. ”What are you doing here? Why are you awake? Have you slept at all?” Worry took over when she noticed the tiredness in his face and eyes. Deflecting his questions, though not entirely on purpose.

& Baby D <3
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:05 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Deimos Vylasar
Deimos Vylasar
Not worthy of your time CypBckU
Not worthy of your time ZMLqZ7g

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Troublemaker / Painter
mummy don't know daddy's getting hot

He was worried, of course he was worried. He hadn't seen his sister all day and now she came back running with tears in her eyes and marks in her neck. And still, still she was more worried about him. He might have been the younger brother, he was still the man here. He had to take care of his sister, as she absolutely looked like she needed him. Or anyone at least. So, he held her close, giving her the space to cry if she wanted to. "No need to worry about me. What happened to you? Who did this to you?" He asked her while he once again let his eyes go over her body. She didn't seem to be hurt or hurting. Yet, it looked like someone ripped her heart out and ate it in front of her. She looked pale, with puffy eyes and visibly shaken. He hadn't seen her nor his twin sister like this, but he had seen some other girls getting their hearts crushed by assholes. Which made him wonder who was in his right freaking mind to hurt such a wonderful lady like his older sister.
He softly stroked her back, hoping to be able to calm her a bit down. "Come, let us sit down." He suggested, while he gestured her towards the seats on the patio. After placing her on one of the seats, he crouched down before her and took her hands in his. "Which bastard do I have to beat up for you?" He said, with a weirdly stern voice and an angry spark in his deep brown eyes. He was willing to help Ani, because nobody, nobody, would hurt one of his sisters.

+ tagAniu Vylasar
+ notes Worried younger brother is worried
Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:40 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Not worthy of your time XwC2DZk
Not worthy of your time EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Once I was happy
You found it intriguing
Then you got to me & left me bleeding
You make me feel like a fool
Her attempts to deflect from her own distress were quickly pushed aside by Deimos. Taking on the mature and caring role, to the great surprise and comfort of his older sister.  When she left years ago, Deimos was barely a teen, and she had missed his transformation into the man that stood before her. Now her shaky emotions made it hard to stand her ground as the older sister to him, seeing him react like that. Asking her what happened and who did this to her. She could feel the tears well up again as she tried to swallow away the lump in her throat. Unable to look him in the eye, she stumbled over her words, trying hard not to burst out in tears again. "I..I... c..can't.." She started while Deimos stroked her back gently, struggling to regulate her breathing. When he suggested they sit down, she could only nod. Burying her face in her hands once he placed her on the chair, she let the sobs out with shaking shoulders. She felt so ashamed for being this upset. Unable to find her words and scared to share them with her brother. She didn't know how or where to start. What he would think or do. This was a side they hadn't shared before. Not as adults. The fact that he was so worried and protective of her just when she needed it most, it struck her deeply and broke her even more. He managed to make her chuckle through her tears for a moment, giving her a chance to take some much-needed breaths as he took her hand and asked her who to beat up. "That's sweet of you, but please don't" She took a deep breath, softly sniffing, noticing Deimos' familiar beside him on the ground. She reached her hand out to the creature, giving it a chance to sniff it before letting her hand go through it's unearthly, magical, but very familiar fur. It instantly calmed her a bit, but it didn't fully take away the heartache that was slashed into her chest by the Rizal. For a moment she considered Deimos' offer, before she shook her head. Therion had hurt her deeply, but she didn't want that. Not ever. "I.. I.. don't know how to explain this." She glanced a watery and regretful look his way, because she really wanted to. Part of her still felt enormous guilt for her baby brother because he was here in Lythrania for an arranged marriage. How could she tell him about Therion without sharing the history she shared with the Rizal? And the numerous rules they had broken to be together. The same rules that put her twin siblings in their current situation.

& Baby D <3
Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:05 pm
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