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[M] I am the righteous hand of god
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
With smoke all around him, he laid on his back, eyes half closed and his body completely relaxed. There were no vision for today, at least not yet. But he didn't mind, he wasn't a fan of his magic either way, he just wanted to be relaxed and not think. And both things were happening right now. A smile on his face, while he felt around him. The small prayer bead had fallen out of his pocket and he lazily put it back. He didn't want to lose that one, he wasn't planning on going back to Raveryn any time soon. He took another hit from the opioids and closed his eyes. This was the best kind of life he could have. His family might hate him, but he had stopped hating himself, it would only make things worse. He was living in the present, keeping to himself and somehow keeping out of trouble.
Therion drifted away in what seemed like a dream, the smoke had infiltrated this place and he had to push past it to know what was going on. He found himself on the streets of Lythrania, with his instrument in hand. A song caught his ears and like he was on auto pilot, he walked towards it. Pushing through the mass of people, who's faces were all a blur to him, he found a small circle in the middle. A lady was singing, and even though he recognized the sound, he couldn't see her face. She stood up and tried to take his hand, but before he could reach her, Therion shot up and felt a sharp pain in his chest. He was breathing heavily and felt like he was sober in an instant. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt sweat on his back and forehead. "Oh no." He stood up, taking a moment to find his footing and paying the man who ran the establishment before going outside. The sun burned in his eyes, but he had to start looking. Looking for the woman who's voice sounded to familiar, looking for the woman of his vision.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 16, 2023 10:22 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu had decided to explore the city of Lythrania for a bit by herself. She was a wanderer at heart, which was why she loved to travel through Odiria so much. She always enjoyed her work, but what she truly loved was exploring every new location that they ended up at. Taking in the layers of energy that every place had to offer. The cultures, the customs, the nature, and the beliefs every region held. Every place was different, and she loved it. It inspired her and made her feel free. It was one of the reasons she dreaded marriage so much. Scared of losing that freedom. For now, she was safe from those chains. Though, there had been a time when she wasn't. She almost lost that freedom. She quickly shook those thoughts away. She was glad that it hadn't become a reality, but the reason why and the way it ended were still painful. It was the one thing she had not shared with anyone yet. Her secret and hers alone. Well.. and of Therion, of course, but it wasn't like she was going to see him any time soon.

It was a bright day in Lythrania, and she imagined it being wonderful weather up at the surface of the Sanguine Sea. Aniu had always been fascinated by the way the sunlight translated down here, but she did miss some aspects. Like the wind through her hair or the rainstorms. The dark-haired sorceress had found her way through the streets and had ended up near a park of some sort. A small circular square surrounded by the peculiar flora that only grew in Lythrania. It was calm and peaceful compared to the more busy streets, and the young woman was drawn to it. Her mind started to wander, and she regretted thinking about her time in Ravaryn. Now the painful memories stuck, and she didn't know how to get rid of them. As she sat down on a white marble bench, along the side of the square, she almost unconsciously placed a hand over her lower stomach. Stop. Don't do this to yourself. Again, she tried to push it away. Distracting herself with the serenity of her current surroundings, she looked around, relaxing on the bench. She started to hum a melody she often hummed when she comforted her siblings as children. She used it to comfort people who were dear to her to this day. So who knows, perhaps it would give comfort to her, now.

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Sun May 21, 2023 7:58 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
His vision was still blurry and his head was filled with smoke and clouds, but his mind was set on finding this woman. He still couldn't wrap his mind around who she was, but it felt important. His dark eyes drifted over he faces and heads of people in front of him, with the face of the woman still fresh on his muddy minds eye. Therion stopped for a moment, he stood on a small square, surrounded by so many people that anyone would feel claustrophobic. He turned around, again and again, but nobody caught his eye. This was the place of his vision, she had to be here. Yet, he could not see her, nor could he hear her singing. The only thing he heard were people talking about every day things, groceries, injuries, one was even talking about their man cheating. The older Rizal ignored it all, while he felt more and more anxious because he couldn't find her. A lady bumped into him, which made him look around. For a moment, he stood still, took a deep breath and tried to get his head sober. The vision kept lingering in his head, but the smoke around it made it hard for him to think clearly about it. He stepped down, sat down on a chair and placed his head in his hands. His body was shaking and his breathing was short and shallow. He had to calm down, before a panic attack would hit him. A glass of water was forced in his hand. Therion looked up, noticing an older man standing in front of him. "It looked like you could use this," the older man told him before leaving with just a wink. The Rizal downed the glass of water and felt how at least a bit of ease came over him. He closed his eyes, leaned backwards. Now he missed the cold weather back in Raveryn, a good cold bath could help him right now. But that wasn't something he could get here right now. A sigh rolled over his lips before he opened his eyes again, only to finally find the woman who was stuck in his minds eye. He quickly stood up, a bit too quickly as his vision got blurry again and he almost fell backwards. Shaking his head slowly, he found her footing back and slowly walked up to her. His hand still in air, he stopped himself, it wouldn't be the best move to just lay a hand on her shoulder. "Aniu?" He spoke softly, not even thinking but knowing her name in this moment.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon May 22, 2023 2:01 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu had always been good at hiding her true feelings. Building walls and drawing up veils. So as she sat there in the shade of the peculiar Lythrania trees, nobody in the square would ever assume her heart was aching. Everything about her in that moment could be described as almost other-worldly. Her lovely face, calm with a gentle expression in her enigmatic gray eyes. The way she held her body and posture, seated with her legs crossed. Her form fitted white dress draping elegantly down her knees. Fingers intertwined, resting in her lap. A couple locks of curling black hair - escaped from the braid down her back - framing her face. The clear and melodic humming, that softly vibrated behind her lips, complimented her singing talents. She looked close to divine, and it was that quality that made her so well suited for what she did. Graceful and serene, but confident too. And yet she felt rather fragile. It was one of the reasons she had taken a break from work. She had never truly mourned the loss she had suffered in Ravaryn. She didn't allow herself the time, throwing herself into her job or family affairs whenever she could. And of course, keeping it a secret didn't help with all of that. It felt like she had no one to talk to. Not about this, and at least not someone who was here in Lythrania. Thinking about that.. loss, it was intrinsically linked to Therion... Maybe she should write him... It had been such a blur, the time she had spent with him. All of it was a blur, really. And in that moment, she wished she had talked to the Rizal before she left Ravaryn. She may never get that chance again.

Aniu had been so deep in thought, she didn't pay attention to the people around her. Her soft humming eventually died down before she closed her eyes for just a moment. Wishing for a soft and warm ocean breeze in her face. She didn't notice the shadow of a man, falling over her. When suddenly someone softly called her name. She opened her eyes and turned her head toward the man, who now stood beside her with an expression she could only describe as disoriented and panicked. As if he saw a ghost. An audible gasp left her lips. "Therion?" For a moment, it felt like her heart had stopped or she was caught in a dream or something. Why was he here? And how did he find her exactly at this moment? All kinds of conflicting emotions stirred up in her, followed by so many questions, burning on her lips as soon as she recognized his face. But she didn't ask any of them. It was an awfully strange coincidence to see him here in Lythrania, just when he had been on her mind, but that wasn't the reason for the worried look that quickly appeared on her face. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" She quickly stood up from the bench, placing her hand on the side of his face, as she looked him in the eye. Clearly concerned about the man in front of her. He felt clammy and hot under her cool touch, and he didn't seem all that sturdy on his feet. "Come, sit down." she said, gently forcing him onto the bench next to them.

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Mon May 22, 2023 10:50 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The anxiety and the panic that had an icy grip around his heart made this moment so much worse than he had wanted. Seeing her again after those time in Raveryn, wondering why she had appeared in his visions right now. It had brought a weird mix of feeling in him, a feeling of panic, anxiety, but also relieve to see that she's alright and here. Her words made him shake even harder, he had missed someone who cared for him. He hadn't let anyone do that in a long, long time, thinking that he wouldn't be worth it because of what had happened in his past. Yet now, Aniu's words broke him. He let himself be guided to a bench, where he sad down and placed his head in his hands. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself down. But a combination from all the emotions, with the lingering feeling of numbness that was wearing off and the anxiety of his vision. It was just too much for him. He looked up after a moment, looked her in her eyes and forced a small smile on his face. He placed a trembling hand on her cheek. "A vision guided me to you, but the panic hit when I couldn't find you." He spoke softly, carefully looking for the words. "I was scared the vision was wrong, that something happened to you." It may have been just a fluke what the two of them had, but Therion couldn't ignore his deep caring feelings that he harboured for this woman.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon May 22, 2023 11:27 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Moments ago, her heart had been aching over the memories she had of the man beside her. Of what they had shared in the north. She didn't blame him for anything, but his memory was still somewhat harrowing to her. But now that she actually sat beside him, she was surprised at how glad she felt to see him. It was one of the many mixed emotions he had stirred up in her, confusing her even more about the whole situation. At the same time, she didn't want to question it. Just appreciate the fact that she felt this way about someone other than her close family. But these were all thoughts she could worry about later. First, she needed to calm him down. Her words seemed to make it even worse somehow, and she didn't know what to do. By Lythrana, how she wished that she did know. Seeing Therion so distressed... it was awful. As he sat with his head in his hands, she started gently rubbing his back to, hopefully, help calm him down. She felt the urge to bombard him with questions, but she let him take his time. Even though she was still so confused about why he was here and what had made him so panicked. When he finally looked up at her, and she could look into his eyes, the fear in them was still lingering but slowly seemed to fade. She couldn't help but smile back when she saw the corners of his mouth curl up, even if it was a bit strained. The fact that he smiled at all was a relief. His hand felt warm on her cheek. Instinctively, she placed her own hand on his as he started explaining. Her expression was still worried, and she nodded before he continued. His next words struck a chord in her that she hadn't expected. She didn't know what to say, trying to process the warm feeling that filled her chest, but she couldn't look away from his eyes either. He was worried for her? "Oh, Therion" She sighed, taking the hand he had placed on her cheek in her hands and pressing her lips against them. "I'm fine," she assured him with a tender smile, pushing a lock of hair out of his face. Aniu had heard of the struggle that some of the Rizal's had to go through for their visions, but she never imagined this. She felt so guilty for causing this. On impulse, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. "I'm right here, you found me and I'm fine, now" Aniu hadn't actually been fine—she wasn't in immediate danger either, at least nothing she was aware of—before Therion appeared, but now that he was here, she did feel less alone. Holding him for maybe a little too long before she realized it and let go. But not his hand. She held his hand in hers until she was sure he was okay. She let out a sigh, finally giving some air to her relief, before looking at him again. "Are you feeling a bit better? Do you want to go somewhere?" Aniu looked around for a moment, realizing some people were looking at them. "Maybe somewhere a bit more private?" She said, more softly, tilting her head a bit. She still had so many questions for the man, but her first priorities were Therion's needs. And she honestly didn't like an audience for every moment of her life.  

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Tue May 23, 2023 2:28 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
His eyes locked into hers he felt how the icy hand around his heart melted, he had found the source of his vision and it was all good. A happy ending, a new beginning. No, it was never a new beginning. They had said goodbye, a while ago, maybe it was just one big mistake for him to see her again. And were the first wave of anxiety had passed, it made way for a new one once the insecurity kicked in. Why did he even go looking for her? Yes, she had appeared in his vision, but was that the sole reason? He felt his breathing quicken, but was almost forcefully pulled back when she took his hand in hers. He felt her lips against his hands and for a moment, his eyes left hers and moved to the intertwined hands. His dreams and nightmares, his visions, they always had a bitter undertone. Maybe because on it's own, his magic wasn't particularly strong, and this was the universe' way of punishing him. Yet, now that he had found her, all his worries melted like snow before the sun and he finally felt at peace. He got something good out of it. The anxious feeling that she wouldn't want to see him, that he would screw this meeting by well, meeting her. But she wasn't. She looked relieved, worried. Worried about him.
Her words made him blink for a moment, before he actually understood what she was telling him. Maybe this was a bit too much of an open space, but he couldn't really think of another place were he wanted to be right now. Therion only slowly nodded. "I-I have a place close by," his words slow and thoughtful. Not wanting to make it sounds like it was the only option. But he had to take in consideration that he was in the city where her family was from. And it was probably not the best option for him to go there. He didn't really wanted to get the wrath of the Vylasar family over him. "I-if you want, of course." He looked away, as if he was ashamed of something, before taking a deep breath, trying to calm his body. The shaking had faded for the most part, although he still felt a little lightheaded. But Therion wasn't completely sure if that was from this emotional whirlpool, or just the drugs wearing off.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 23, 2023 8:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
The young sorceress had no idea Therion had been in Lythrania when she came here. She hadn't truly thought about him since... well, since she let herself think about it. It was her intention to talk to her sister about it. Tell her about how she met him. Tell her about the short affair she had with him in Ravaryn. Tell her about the things she had done with him. All the things.. The drugs, the intimacy.. How it had made her feel and, more importantly, what it had led to. A pregnancy. A mistake? No, she didn't want to label it that way. But nature decided and took it from her before she got stuck in a life she didn't plan. It was all so conflicting, and she needed to confide in the one person she trusted most; Chaska. But that was before she knew Therion was here. He wasn't someone on the other side of the continent anymore. He wasn't a memory or a side character in her story. He wasn't someone she was never going to see again. Clearly. He was sitting right here in front of her, and somehow he still cared? Did she? Of course she did, but it was all so... conflicting. Barely a week ago, she was struggling with her feelings for Ezriel. She still was, wasn't she? Yes, she was. She loved him. Her letter, written with the Quill of truth, had made that abundantly clear. But he was engaged to be married! She hadn't seen him in years! So it didn't matter what she felt for the former prince. No matter how heartbroken and disappointed it made her feel. And now there was Therion again. He was her first, so of course she had some kind of feelings for him. He had touched her in a way no one else had ever done. Even if it was a mistake. Was it? He appeared here again before her, out of the blue. And she just couldn't deny feeling happy about that. By Lythrana, why was this all such a struggle for her?

Aniu noticed that, even though the Rizal had calmed down a bit, he wasn't completely fine. He still seemed a bit Off. Uncertain of her question even. Maybe he didn't want to leave the square. Before she could offer to stay here or even suggest her family's castle as an option, he nodded and mentioned a place close by. Aniu smiled "Of course I want to. But only if you want to as well?" Therion had looked away as if he were reluctant or embarrassed. Her expression grew a bit worried again "I don't want to invade your space, but I can't allow you to go back without making sure you are alright. I'm not leaving you until you are." She said, as a soft chuckle rolled off her tongue. His forehead was still a bit sweaty, and the look in his eyes... well, it concerned her. For a brief moment, she even considered having a healing mage take a look at him. She pushed a curled black lock of hair out of her own face with her free hand since she was still holding onto his hand with the other. Giving it a soft squeeze.

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Tue May 23, 2023 10:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The only thing he could do was let his thoughts so rampant, he didn't have the means here to stop it. He wouldn't drag Anui back into a world he had showed her, yet ripped her out again. It would not be safe for her to stay longer, to stay longer with him. He would be very poor company, yet, his being begged him for letting her stay close. He had missed her, her company, her warmth. He swallowed softly, wondering what was the right course of action within the current situation.
She didn't seem to mind, to come back to his place. It was not much, a small appartement, he didn't want to spent too much money on it, not knowing how long he would stay in Lumeria. Now, he had a reason to stay longer and that made this decision even more difficult. Therion's mind was going all over the place, and it made it even harder for him to concentrate on what was going on in front of him. She.. she didn't want to leave him until she knew he was safe. Those words, it was such a long time since someone cared for him. Anui was one in a very long time for who he had actually cared and it felt good to know that those feelings were returned. She softly squished his hand and he looked down at it. With still shaking legs, he stood up and took a moment to find his footing. "It's but a short walk." He spoke softly. His eyes went over the crowed and for a moment he felt afraid. "Do you need to contact your family?" He looked at her, while he held out his arm to help her up. Meanwhile, he wished with almost all his being that she said no. He really didn't want to deal with the Vylasar family today. He also knew that she could probably sent her familiar to the estate, right? That would make this a lot easier, and faster.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 23, 2023 10:50 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu wondered what was going through his mind as he seemed to contemplate her words. She hoped she wasn't pushing him into something he didn't want, and she had tried not to. She was actually quite unsure of his feelings towards her, but everything that just happened.. He cared for her. Why did she get the feeling he didn't want her around? It was most likely one of her often misguided assumptions, fueled by insecurity. It still worried her, though, now that she started to slowly realize that it wasn't just concern for his health and well-being. Aniu wanted to stay with him. She felt comfortable with him. She felt... needed. When they met for the first time, she felt an unexplainable attraction to the older man. She knew there was more to him than met the eye.  It was definitely similar to what she had felt for Ezriel, but different. It wasn't like her to just give up her virtue to anyone, even under the influence. The miscarriage had clouded her mind for a long time. But seeing him again affirmed what she had felt before, in Ravaryn. It was what she felt a few minutes ago. That warm feeling filling her chest. She didn't want it to go away. So when she squeezed his hand, it was almost like her unconscious mind was letting him know that she wanted to stay with him.  

When he stood up, it was clear he had still some trouble finding his footing. Yeah, she wasn't going to leave him for a while. "Careful," she said softly, before looking up at him. There was a new kind of relief when he mentioned it only being a short walk. "That's fine, we can take our time if you want." He held out his arm for her, and again she felt that warmth in her chest. She linked her arm in his, gently holding onto him. When Therion mentioned her family, though, the soft smile on her face faded. "Oh, right.. uhm, I'll figure something out. Don't you worry about them." In the heat of the moment, she had completely forgotten the whole situation around the Rizals and the Vylasars. She didn't know any specifics or details about why there even was a situation between the two sorcerer families, but she did know that Aurelia wouldn't be happy to know the two of them. Together. Aniu was never planning on telling the head of her house, but then again, she never expected to be standing on his arm either. People had seen them here, so the cat would get out of the bag sooner or later. But that was a worry for exactly that; later. And honestly, Aniu didn't care what her cousins would think of it all. She let Therion lead the way, still linked to his arm, walking through the streets of Lythrania. "Perhaps I can send a messenger to the castle if I could borrow some paper at your apartment?" It was the only thing she could think of. She didn't want to worry her family either, no matter their thoughts on what she was doing. At these moments, she wished her familiar wasn't so hostile toward strangers. But perhaps, she wouldn't be hostile towards Therion, once she realized Aniu's feelings towards him?

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Wed May 24, 2023 12:33 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Had he missed this? Yes, maybe a bit more than he wanted to admit. After all the shit that went wrong in his life, he had found finally found someone who had cared for him. In the years that he had been traveling, there was nobody who could fill that void just like Anui had done to him. A void that had been made since he had accidently killed his own nephew. A void that had always been there since his father deemed him not good enough for a Rizal, not before he made use of his drugs, that is.
He looked at his hand, that was still in her hands. The little squish that he felt, made him sigh softly. He had missed this, this feeling of being cared for. Therion got up and helped Anui up next to him. She told him to be careful and he only nodded to her. "It's alright, it might be better to get out of here." He felt how eyes were gathering on his back and he didn't like it. Not sure if people started to recognize him nor Anui. Mostly her tho, as she is a native from Lemuria. However, some seem to always recognize him as a Rizal. Not something that he wanted to happen here, because if the two of them got seen together it might become a problem. He looked around for a moment, orientating himself, before walking into one of the narrower streets.
Anui told him that she could sent a letter to her family once they were at his place. "Sure, I might have some paper for you," he spoke softly, looking around, trying to find his way. He had placed his hand on hers while he turned a corner and stopped. There he let her go, looked around his pockets and fished a key out of one of them. He quickly turned the key and opened the door, wishing by himself that he had cleaned the day before. "Up the stairs, second door to the right." He told her after closing the door once they stepped inside. He guided her upstairs and opened the pale green door. Inside was a very small apartment, just two rooms. An unmade bed in the corner, a small sofa on the other end. Books scattered over the ground. The lingering smell of opioids still around. Therion quickly stepped inside and opened the window, something that he should've done before he left this morning. "It's not much, for now, it's good enough." He threw his coat over the back of a chair and gave her the space to get inside. "Tea?" He asked, while disappearing into a very small kitchen around the corner.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Wed May 24, 2023 8:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Therion was a rough-looking man. At first glance, some might even be a bit intimidated by him. With his dark features and visible tattoos, he surely made for an interesting individual. There was an untold story in him, and behind that rugged exterior, Aniu had learned he was a soft-spoken, kind, and caring man. She knew there was a darkness in him, but back in Ravaryn, she hadn't had enough time with him to discover it. Maybe now she had a chance to shine a light in that darkness for him. She truly hoped he'd let her.
But him looking the way he did—rough, stoic, and now not in the best shape— next to her, especially in her white dress, they were like night and day, which was normally something she liked. But maybe not here. They stood out and it made her a bit nervous. She might not care about the opinions of her family, but that wouldn't change the potential wrath it would bring upon them. And she rather spared Therion of that. She, too, had noticed several passersby glancing at them as they made their way through a narrow street. She kept close to the man by her side, wrapping her arm even tighter around his. She never liked being recognized and had already endured strange or even frightening encounters with people who had seen her perform. She looked up at him "I know a jeweler with a shop not far from here. I could ask his son to deliver it to the castle. I'm sure he won't mind." She would have to make up some kind of excuse. Or she could stay vague. Her siblings were going to ask questions, for sure, once she returned.

She couldn't help but look down when Therion grabbed her hand. A tender, almost shy smile appeared on her face, and she felt that warmth again. She had the urge to intertwine her fingers with his, but the two sorcerers turned the last corner, and he let go of her hand before she could. She patiently waited for him to open the door, and like a gentleman, he led her inside first, where the woman—a little curious now—looked around the little hall and up the stairs. She nodded at his directions and lifted her dress a bit so she wouldn't trip while walking up the stairs. What she did trip on was her breath, though, holding it in when Therion placed his hand on her lower back to guide her up the stairs. She instantly forgot how curious she was about his apartment. Only when Therion opened the door to his apartment did she remember to breathe again. Her curiosity took over as she looked around his humble accommodations. Her eye immediately fell on the unmade bed in the corner, which made her smirk a little, looking back at Therion, who was opening the window. She did notice an interesting smell. It wasn't unpleasant; in fact, it smelled a bit like tree resin or freshly cut grass. Very earthy and familiar. But she couldn't put a finger on where she recognized the scent from. "It's perfect, actually." She said, as she stepped inside, flashing a smile at the Rizal. She closed the door behind her "Tea sounds lovely, but let me," Aniu quickly followed him around the corner into the kitchen. Where she again curiously looked around before turning to Therion. "I'm not here as a guest, remember. You don't have to take care of me. I'll take care of you, until you're absolutely okay." Her brows raised slightly in worry again, but paired with a tender smile. She still wasn't sure about his well-being, although the walk to his apartment seemed to do him some good, which made her glad. She placed her hand on his arm "Now, go take a seat. I'll handle this." The concerned expression was replaced by a more determined grin, gently forcing him onto a chair nearby.  

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Wed May 24, 2023 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Some might say that he did it all for show, to be the rebel of the family or something like that. The Rizal family had a reputation to uphold in Raveryn after all and he had been called a disappointment more time than he could remember. He had to be the golden child, the one who actually got the family sorcery, but in stead after years of abuse to trigger it, he was left weak and as a disappointment. Just like his older brother. He remembered the first time he actually got his first vision, the pain that had driven him, the painkillers that had triggered it. It was at that moment that Therion knew that he had a way out. He could numb himself from the experience, from the visions. He could call them dreams, not react on it at all and just leave them be. His father had continued his experiments, until he could trigger his visions without the help of the meds. But they had already done the trick for Therion, giving him the means to escape. And thus, from a very young age, the boy was meant to be an addict.

Now, the sorcerer could only watch as Anui walked passed him and told him that he shouldn’t be the one making tea. She had to take care of him, at least until he was feeling better. The man wanted to voice his complain, but she had placed her hand on his arm, shutting him right up. His dark eyes went from her hand up her arm towards her eyes. She was actually worried about him and he couldn’t do much but oblige. So he sat himself down on the bed and looked out of the window. ”Be careful,” he told her, while his mind started to wander. ”Don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He sneaked in a look into the kitchen, which he could just see from his seat. Thinking back at just a moment ago, when her hand was on his arm and he had to suppress the urge to just cup her face in his hands and press a kiss on those lips. Just like he used to do back in Raveryn. He let out a little sigh, before turning back to the window. Their time in Raveryn was too short, but he couldn’t really remember the reason why they split up. It was all a bit foggy after a point. Weird.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu May 25, 2023 1:17 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
It was odd how easy it felt. How quickly she felt at home with him. Almost as if she never left Ravaryn. Now she wondered if she would've stayed with him, if the miscarriage had never happened. Or if she never got pregnant in the first place. It had been a dark stain on her mind and heart for so long. She remembered thinking at the time that her family was the only one she needed to stop the pain of that loss. She knew now that that wasn't how it worked. It helped, for sure, but it didn't stop it. And now she knew nothing would ever stop it. She would carry it with her for the rest of her days. Over time, it became something she learned to live with. It only clouded her memories now, but not her feelings towards Therion. That much was clear to her now.

There was a moment when she touched his arm. The way he had looked at her... She knew that look. She knew what he was thinking at that moment. She had seen it so often in Ravaryn. And she knew what usually followed. Now, as she was preparing the tea in his kitchen, she couldn't shake those dark eyes of his out of her mind. She understood why he didn't do it. Why he didn't lean in and kiss her right there and then. But, oh, how she wished he had now. Aniu had almost done it herself. When they locked eyes, she could feel her body react, almost leaning in herself, and it surprised her. Scared her even a little. She usually didn't let herself feel this way with most people. But with him, she just couldn't help it, clearly. She remembered feeling similar, when they first met in Ravaryn. It all went so fast and passionately then. She figured it would quickly burn out. She had heard enough stories about those quick and fiery affairs. And she actually believed they had, after she left Ravaryn. Until she saw his face again back in the park and she realized; he had never left her at all.  

A smile crept back on her face again when she heard his voice from the other room. He still worried more about others than himself. "I won't. I promise," she replied, as she looked around for some tea cups or anything that would work as teacups. "I'm a big girl, remember." A couple minutes later, she came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups of tea. "See? Be careful though, it's hot." with a triumphant smile, she handed him a cup, after which she sat down next to him on the bed. She sat there quietly for a couple minutes, blowing on her hot tea and gathering the nerve to ask one of the many questions that had been burning on her lips since she saw him in the square. Quickly changing her mind again, she decided to wait until later. "You know," she started softly, avoiding his gaze "You were actually on my mind when you... appeared." she quickly glanced up at him before looking away again, taking a sip of her tea. She was suddenly very aware of him, remembering the look he had given her in the kitchen. "It was almost as if I summoned you with my thought, right next to me." Her lips curled up a bit, unable to hide how that fact made her feel.

& Therion

Outfit | The melody she hums
Thu May 25, 2023 3:41 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He loved looking out of the window, just sitting here and watching people beneath him walk, talk and do any kind of things. He had heard all kinds of noises in this building, people screaming, people sharing the sheets, he was sure he had heard a murder take place just above his head. With the smoke filling his lungs, his head and this room, he could filter most of it out. But this time, he couldn't concentrate on the people walking past his home. No, his dark eyes went inwards, towards the open room where Anui was working, making tea. The corners of his mouth curled up in a shy smile, before he turned away his gaze and rest his head against the wall. His neighbours weren't home, might be for the better. Didn't want to give his guest a frightening experience. Now that the two shared a close space, he had to actively restrain his thoughts, just so that he could reassure nothing would happen. He watched her walking back with a hot cup of tea in her hands and smiled when she told him that it would be warm. A silence fell over the two, while they sat down on the bed, slowly waiting for the tea to cool down to a temperature so that it would be drinkable. Therion felt his mind racing, it was weird how her company could give him the same high feeling as the drugs did. It would never have the exact same effect, although he wondered what would happen if he stayed in this kind of euphoria, what would happen to his visions. He had just closed his eyes, just to make his heart beat a bit slower, when Anui spoke. She had questions, he was sure about that. It wasn't normal for someone to just randomly show up like that, at least not that he knew about. Not sure how it went down in her family. He blinked a few times slowly, while he looked at her. She was thinking about him? Just before he had showed up. He thought back at the vision, wondering it was triggered by her in any way, shape or form. It would undermine his magic, once again, but it would also make sense. He hadn't given her much thought in the year that they were apart, so why she suddenly appeared in his visions was as much of a mystery to him. He laughed softly when she said that it was almost like she summoned him to her. "When the Vylasar family starts summoning people, I'm moving back to Xaila." There was a laugh in his voice, but he was more serious than before. Summoning people sounded terrifying. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I was confused, I didn't expect you.. eh, in my visions."
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu May 25, 2023 12:20 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
In a moment of silence between the two, Aniu again looked around the room. More questions bubbled up in her mind, but she noticed something held her back from asking them. She assumed it was because she wanted to give him some time to recover from his panic attack. But maybe there was a deeper meaning to it. This elephant in the room that neither of them dared to touch. At least for now. And, frankly, she didn't mind just sitting with him for a moment. She never minded the moments of silence between them. He never made her feel like she needed to fill that empty space with unnecessary conversation. They could just be together. It somehow reminded her of the first time she saw him play his instruments, causing her to look around for one of them.

When she eventually did break the silence, she almost regretted it when she saw he had closed his eyes for a moment. Of course, he needed some rest. But then he looked at her, slowly blinking. For a moment, she looked right back into his deep, dark eyes, almost glued to them while her heartbeat quickened. It was her turn to give him that same look that he had given her before, in the kitchen. Entirely unintentionally, of course. She couldn't help how he made her feel. Aniu was eventually able to tear her eyes away, taking a deep and somewhat shaky breath. She bit her lip before she quickly put her cup of tea to her lips to take a sip. Get a grip, woman!

Her smile widened when he laughed, warming her heart a little. She chuckled at his words "Don't they summon the dead in Xaila? I'd rather summon you.." She said, tilting her head a little, flashing him a playful smile, before she put her cup down. His next words brought her playfulness back down and made her look at him with that slightly worried expression again. Her hand found his, resting on the bedsheets. "It's alright, no need to say sorry." she assured him with a tender smile. "W..what do you think it meant? Me.. in your vision?"

& Therion
Thu May 25, 2023 10:57 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The silence, it was nice. It was peaceful. It felt right. He enjoyed the time they shared, there was no pressure in conversation. They could just be here, sitting next to each other and sipping tea. Nothing had to be said. He enjoyed this, as he took a sip from his tea, almost burned the roof of his mouth and quickly lowered the cup. Not a smart move, he was being to hasty. He had to calm down.
Calming down didn't seem to work out though, because every time their eyes locked he felt how his heart started racing again. Keeping his body in check, keeping his mind in check became harder with every passing minute. His deep brown eyes getting lost in hers, searching for something, anything. There was this one thing, the smallest of hints. He could've just misinterpreted it, and that thought scared him. If he made one wrong move, one step too far, he could ruin everything he had worked towards. But for a moment there, it looked like, he wasn't alone in this.
He snapped out of it when Anui spoke again. He smiled shyly and looked away. "I think I prefer to be here rather than in Xaila. Never was a big fan of the sun." A trait he shared with most of his family. Besides his brother that is, who had willingly moved to Xaila. Therion himself preferred the cold breeze of Raveryn. He looked at her hand on his and in a small moment of weakness, he intertwined his with hers. "I don't know." He sighed, his visons would always be a point of mystery. "But I believe it's something good." Yes, that had to be it. There was no other reason why his vision had brought them back together. He placed his cup on the windowsill and looked out of the window for a moment. Calming down was never an option, not with everything that had happened in just this short of a period. Maybe it was better to just make the best out of it. He unlocked his fingers from hers and placed the back of his hand against her cheek. "It has to be something good," his words nothing more but a whisper while he lowered his fingers to her chin and gently pressed his lips on hers.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu May 25, 2023 11:25 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu felt selfish for even letting herself go to that place. That heat between them. She was so familiar with it, with him. She knew him. His body, his signals. Even now, after all that time. At least that was what her own body told her, reacting so profoundly to even the slightest signs. Struggling to restrain herself. But mentally, she was doubting so much. What if she misread everything? A year was a long time, and who knew how much he had changed? Who knew if he even felt the same way? To care for a person was one thing. But this was something entirely different. Every signal she noticed, those looks, the sighs, the tension. Every time she could feel herself expecting something, he just kept turning away from it. But if he didn't want to, then why did she get the feeling he did?
And what if she didn't misread? Should she lean into it? Let it take over, like it had done so many times before? That was exactly what had caused her so much pain. Well.. not that, but what it had led to. She could feel it pressing, in the back of her mind. Fighting with the part of herself that wanted to ignore it.

Just as she convinced herself that she was reading it all wrong, that he wasn't interested in anything else but their friendship, he surprised her by doing what she wanted to do when they walked on the street. Her heart jumped and ruffled in her chest, and she had trouble stopping the loving smile that wanted to curl up on her lips. Her hand fit perfectly in his, and Aniu allowed herself to caress her thumb gently across the side of his warm but somewhat rough hand. She had missed that.
She did feel a little disappointment when he confessed he didn't know what the vision meant. When she asked the question, she wasn't sure if she really wanted to know the answer. Visions were tricky and vague. But deep down, she hoped it would at least mean something more than just a coincidence. Maybe even a tether back to her. So when he said that he believed it did mean something good, her heart glowed. Making her quietly sigh and gently squeeze his hand again.

She quietly watched him look out the window. She wondered what he was thinking, while the urge to scoot in closer and lean against him grew within her. When he suddenly turned back to her, she locked eyes again. Something in those dark pools had changed. They weren't searching anymore, unlike hers. No, Therion had found something and was now determined to get it. He placed his hand on her warm cheek, glowing with anticipation. Her lips parted slightly, drawing in the air of his whisper. The next moment, she felt his soft and gentle lips on hers. She shut her eyes, with a fluttering heart and leaned into the wave of warmth that followed. For a split second, she held back a little, tried to leave it at that. But she couldn't. Her hand grabbed the color of his shirt almost desperately, preventing him from parting their lips. She wouldn't let him, even if he wanted to, because she didn't want to. She finally knew what he thought. What he wanted. Sinking deeper into the kiss and giving into what she wanted, too. Him. While one hand held on to his shirt, the other found its way up to the nape of his neck and into his hair. Pushing herself closer to him. It was as if he opened a door in her, one that only he could unlock, and everything that came out of it was out of her control.  

& Therion
Fri May 26, 2023 1:36 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
For too long, far too long, had he waiting for a moment like this. A moment of quiet en peace, where he could do whatever he wanted. He was a grown man, for Raanan's sake, yet he always felt to be in the shadow of his father. He was nothing more than a disappointment and had been called that numerous times. But for this moment, he felt free. Free to be able to do what he wanted. Just like a year back, when he was still in Raveryn, before he started traveling again. A year ago, when he like now, had locked eyes with this woman. When he had let her get under his skin, feel him. He had let her see him, something he hadn't let anyone done before. Even his addiction had become apparent. And yes, maybe he let her use a few times, with minimal amounts of course. But it had made what they had mystical. Free.
Now, that euphoric feeling had returned to him. Yet, the drugs were absent. This was purely the feeling of seeing the woman he had loved before again. A feeling he so desperately wanted to give in to. Therion felt how his breathing stopped, the moment his lips found hers. He didn't even notice that he was holding his breath. The only feeling that was there, was his heart racing in his chest. For a moment he felt how she held back and it stopped the beating in his chest. Afraid he had ruined everything, his determination wavered. But the feeling blossomed when her hand found its way to his chest and pulled him closer. Another hand in the back of his neck, making him unable to part their connection. Not that a single fibre in his being was thinking about it. His fingers, who had rested on her chin, moved underneath her earlobe towards the back of her neck. Gently, he grabbed her by the neck, while he tried to force himself to keep it under control. Still, he hungrily licked her lips, waiting, wanting, for more. His free hand moved over her lower back, pushing her closer to himself. Wanting, needing. Needing, wanting. Rational thinking was thrown out of the window, emotions took over. Feelings be damned. It had been a year.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Fri May 26, 2023 2:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
His whisper still echoed through her mind, making her mentally scream; Yes! It was something good. It was something great. It was something amazing. It was the strangest sensation to discover you missed someone so badly without knowing you did, for a whole year. It felt like she had this unimaginable thirst without a drop of water for all this time but at the same time got drowned into the smoothest, freshest and most thirst quenching liquids. And knowing that he felt the same made it only better and tastier. Memories of the two of them together flooded her mind and fueled her lust for him even more. Her skin burned in the best way, under his touch, as he grabbed her gently by the neck. Still so tender and loving but oh so hungry for her. Without hesitation she let him in so she could explore his mouth passionately. She gasped for air in a short moment of disconnect, while his hands moved over her body. The hand that held onto the collar had slipped down to his chest, where she could feel his heart race. The other grabbed onto his hair to close the gab again, that had formed for that short moment. Aniu didn't even notice the soft sounds of pleasure she made. Her mind was all wrapped up into him. It was as if they were right back where they left off and just like back then, there were no chains to hold them down.
Warm waves rushed through her, feeling his body pushed against hers. "Gods, I've missed you," She managed to utter in between their heated kissing. But, in the way they were sitting on the bed, she couldn't get as close as she wanted. So, while still tangled by the mouth, she pushed him a bit so he would face the sofa. Lifting up her dress a bit, enabling her to sit across his lap and even closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, gently digging her nails into his shoulder and back. She loved how gentle and loving he was, but right now he had unleashed something that needed more. Something she very much wanted to give as well to the only man who ever came close enough to receive it.

& Therion
Fri May 26, 2023 2:57 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
A year, it had been a year, almost to the day. r so he thought. No, scratch that, not much thinking was going on right now. As if a fire had been lit within his chest, he felt an unknown warmth go over his body. And he welcomed it, gods be damned, he welcomed it. His mind racing as fast as his heart, he was oh so glad that Anui answered him. Feeling her next to him, onto him, it only felt natural. How, he wondered in between blanks, how had he been living for a year without this. Without this fire, without these feelings, without her. Words, thoughts, ideals, everything was out of the window. The only thing on his mind now was how badly he wanted her, how he wanted this feeling to last.
She answered his advances and once he had free range to explore, he didn't leave an inch where he didn't. Feeling her warmth beneath him only made him wanting to go further. Soft whimpers of pleasure filled his ears and for a second he broke the connection, catching his breath. His mind blank, his dark eyes filled with a lust he hadn't felt within himself in a long time. Her words made it even worse, his cheeks flushed, he looked in her eyes. "I've missed you too," he said, his voice thick with lust. Lips crashed again, but this time a hand pushed him. Letting her, curious what she was doing, he felt her arms around his neck. Two could play this game however, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Without disconnecting their passion, he picked her up gently and placed her on his lap. Nails digging in his shoulder made him growl softly, closely followed by a moan while his hands tried to make quick work of the lacing on her back. He had relinquished all control.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Fri May 26, 2023 3:24 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Therion was her missing puzzle piece. Now that she was with him, on him, and in him again, she felt more complete than she had in a long time. If she had been able to think more than one or two words, she would have realized how much she had missed him. All this time. Unbelievable. She wanted him completely. Every line, every taste, every mark, every sound, and every inch he had to offer. She wanted to give herself completely. How she had before, but maybe even more now that she had lost and found him again. And before she realized it, she confessed how she had missed him. Her eyes, a bright pale gray in the sunlight of the open window, looked lovingly and longingly into his deep, dark eyes. They spoke such volumes of feelings that it made her heart jump. Like lightning. She bit her lip, still surprised by the whirlpool of feelings he had unlocked in her. She plunged back into their throes of passion. Never wanting to let go. His words had tickled something in the back of her mind, though. And even though she felt this consuming want for him, this demanding need to explore further and deeper into his arms, lips, and hands, that something started to press more and more.
Fighting the uncontrollable lust for him, which was hard to do. She let out a surprised moan quickly, followed by a lower, softer giggle in the back of her throat, when he all but read her mind and picked her up so she could sit on his lap. Their center of heat shifted to a lower point where their bodies collided, making her whimper now that she felt that lust she had seen in his eyes just moments ago. Her body instinctively reacted as she dug her nails into his back and shoulder, causing him to growl and moan, softly in her ear.

She could feel his hands on her back, pulling on the lace with practiced fingers. He had done that before, as she knew, and within seconds she could feel her dress come loose, almost slipping down her shoulders if it wasn't for that something finally and very suddenly won from her lust. With one arm, she grabbed the corset of her dress before it fell any further down. The other she quickly placed on his chest and gently but firmly pushed away a little to stop them both. Her heated expression, full of pleasure, was replaced by something you could only label as distressed and maybe even unbelieving. Unable to look him in the eye, all of a sudden she looked down at his chest "I..I can't" She said, in between breaths, though it sounded like she did not want to believe her own words at all. She had to close her eyes, in a pained expression. "I'm sorry." her voice sounded defeated and small. Pushing herself off his lap, still unable to look at him, and turning her back to him while she still held up her corset with one hand. Fighting the tears that burned in her eyes.

& Therion
Fri May 26, 2023 11:45 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
A heat spread through his body, rapidly and taking away his breath, while he tried to grab that very last drop of reasoning. He never wanted to lose complete control, afraid of what could happen if he did. But this moment, these feelings, they brought something familiar lose in him. He wanted to just let go, let this primal feeling go wild and once again make her his. While his fingers were expertly trying to open the laces on her back, he stopped their passionate kiss for a moment, only to press his lips on her jawline and slowly moved to her neck. He wanted her, he needed her. He wanted her to be his, for now and until eternity. If possible he had just stolen her from her family, taken her to a small outcrop on a city and live off the grid. But fate wasn't that kind to them.
The moment he had released the lace on her back and her dress fell off one of her shoulders, he was just looking at her. Admiring her beauty, which meant he had missed the sudden shift in her eyes. Her hand stopped her dress from falling, while the other gently pushed him away. A rough awakening, that's for sure, as he had no clue what was going on. She looked away from him, almost as if she was ashamed of something. The words broke something in him. She.. didn't. That meant it was his fault. He stopped, the feeling like someone threw a bucket of ice water over his back made him shiver. He leaned back, let her go off his lap and watched how she turned her back to him. Therion wasn't sure what to do with all this. Feelings subsided and his mind became clearer with the moment. Which meant that the panic started to kick in. His heart started racing, with his palms becoming clam. Afraid of what could happen next, he sat up on the bed and wanted to extent his hand to place it on her shoulder. But like the first time they met today, he knew that it would be a bad idea for now. "What's wrong?" He asked softly, his voice a weird mix of the latest hints of heat and a caring undertone. He had to know, before he started to blame himself for everything that just happened.  
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat May 27, 2023 12:03 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
When that something finally won over and she stopped herself from going any further, no matter how much she wanted to, it was like her heart was gripped in an icy fist of fear. With that ice came a cold wave of clarity and memories of a bloody and traumatic scene she had tucked away deep into the corners of her mind, burning on her retina. It had made her gasp, which Therion easily could've misread for pleasure as he had made his way down her neck. Oh, how she wished now it was from pleasure. She didn't expect to react this way at all. But deep down she knew what it was. Fear, pain but most of all love. She feared deeply that they would repeat their mistake... no it wasn't a mistake, but whatever it was, she couldn't risk it. And she knew that if they had gone on any further, she wouldn't have been able to stop herself. And that thought pained her. She didn't want to stop herself. Or stop him. She wanted his love, and she wanted to love him. But the trauma had cut so deep, and the memories hurt her so strongly now that she finally allowed them into her mind again. In the square, right before Therion appeared, she had struggled with it too. She had needed him in that moment. He was the only other person who'd been there. In all the blurry mess. She remembered how deep her love had been for him, and what she carried inside. What they made together in the heights of their love. Losing that had thrown her into the deepest well imaginable. For a while, she had lost herself, and through it, she had lost Therion. Seeing him again and realizing that he was the most important thing missing in her life. She didn't want to put them through that again. She needed to protect them both.

At the same time, she felt stupid and selfish for giving in to the attraction and lust in the first place. That wasn't why she came with him. But they both wanted it, that was abundantly clear now. She didn't have to wonder how he felt anymore, and that still made her heart glow. She tried to calm herself, both from their heat that still lingered and the emotions she try to fight back. She could feel Therion move on the bed behind her. Wanting him to just take her in his arms and hold her close. But she had been so abrupt with him, which made her guilt grow. She truly hoped he'd understand, but when he broke the silence, she could feel her heart break into a million pieces. She quickly wiped away an escaped tear before she turned back around to him. "It's me." She sighed, as her breathing became a bit irregular and her eyes turned watery. She still wasn't fully able to look him in the eye, but she managed to look at his mouth. Which clearly showed signs of tension. With her free hand, she grabbed his again. The last time that these feelings pulled her down, she pushed him away. She couldn't let that happen again. She needed to let him in. "I..I haven't properly mourned the.. miscarriage." She said softly, struggling to say the word, closing her eyes for a moment with a pained expression. "Not since I left Ravaryn. I got scared." She finally looked up at his eyes, noticing a desperateness in them now. He was clearly afraid he had done something wrong, and it was her fault for making him feel that way. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to push you away like that." she cupped her hand around the side of his face, switching her gaze from his eyes to his mouth and back again. The urge to kiss him was still so strong, even if it was just to show him how she felt about him. Because that hadn't changed at all.

& Therion
Sat May 27, 2023 1:27 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Countless scenarios played in his head, one feeling more like a fever dream than the other. He couldn’t think, not at 100% capacity at least, not with this heat still lingering between them. And that, that made it even worse. That made his thoughts go rampant faster than he had hoped. He wanted to know what went wrong, because he was certain, oh so certain, that this was something that they both wanted. Just like back then, just like a year ago, when the cold air blew threw a half open window in Raveryn. But now, now he felt scared. Afraid that he had done something wrong, something terribly wrong. Afraid that he ruin that one moment they could have together.
His eyes focused on her when she turned back and noticed the smallest hint of a tear on his cheek. What was wrong? What had happened? She told him that it was her, an answer that didn’t answer anything. And it frustrated him, but he tried to hide it when she grabbed his hand. Her touch scared him, just for a split second, not knowing if it was the correct course of action now. But it was when she started talking that he came to a full stop, in an instant. He felt like, instead of someone throwing the ice bucket over his head, they just dumped him in it. A miscarriage? Since Raveryn? Therion didn’t even noticed that words were stuck in his throat and that it had left his mouth just a little bit open. ”A miscarriage?” He spoke softly, this time grabbing her hands in his. ”But how, when?” It was than that the last of the dots got connected and he felt how all blood disappeared from his face. ”Was it mine?” He asked, broken, while he felt tears burn behind his eyes. Oh dear Raanan, what had he done.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat May 27, 2023 1:43 am
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