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[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It was an eluding idea. Cause a scene, leave together, not looking back. Especially that last part. What he wouldn't give to just leave everything behind, not look back and live his life somewhere else with her at his side. But with both their families, that just wasn't an option. They had to keep that in mind, or lose everything that they worked for. He smiled only about the idea, before drinking from his tankard. But he couldn't ignore the fact that the idea sounded.. great.
A small chuckle was heard when she told him that he would have his other senses to use on her. The urge to make a comment on that was  great, but he decided against it. Didn't want to ruin the mood, nor let others hear it. When she explained who the family member was, Therion tilted his head a bit, thinking if the name rang any kind of bell. "No clue." He spoke honestly, it had to be of a part of his family that they didn't spoke with or something. The Rizal family was spread far and wide and it wasn't like they had family gatherings every few weeks. "But I believe she'll be lucky with him, if he's anything like you." Two could play the game, even though he died a little on the inside saying it back. This was too cheesy, even for him.
Once they spoke about their adventures without each other, Therion could think about a reason why they had missed each other. But how did you explain to someone that you laid all day on bed getting high because you didn't want to see or talk to anyone. So, he just listened, smiled softly, looking down at his drink while taking the occasional chug. "Only a few days?" He sounded surprised. So, his magic found it funny to immediately give her back to him, even while she was only a few days within the city dome. Fucker.
He just let het speak, but was secretly happy with the food arriving. The conversation was airy and pleasant while they were eating. Still, Therion had a hard time not thinking about the kiss they had just shared. The feeling between them, it was addictive. Almost as much as the opioids that he was so used to by now. It was a new kind of addictive and he was all here for it. They laughed, had fun and enjoyed the surprisingly good food while having the time of their lives. They shared some bites, while teaching each other some more. Two more tankards of beer went with his food and when he noticed that Anui couldn't just finish her plate, he humbly asked to finish it for her. Therion hadn't even noticed that something got stuck, not before she told him that he got something. Before he could do anything, she was already cleaning some food from his beard. This was the reason why he kept it short, but also reminded himself that he had to trim it again soon.
When he was finally finished, he leaned back on the chair and sighed softly. "I'm stuffed, but that was good." It had been a while since he had this much for dinner, but it did his body good. Now he could go for another few days with little to nothing to eat. Living on smoke alone, so to say. He, however, also started to feel the ungodly amounts of beer that he had downed and his company had started moving from side to side. It also made his giggle a bit. "Come.." a hic interrupted his sentence, which made him giggle more. "Come on, I'll pay." It may not have been the smartest idea to get up to pay, but he did it anyway. After failing to get up once and having to wait for a moment once he actually stood, he made his way to the bar and paid for dinner, the drinks and a good tip. Maybe some hush money, but Anui didn't need to know about that. After that he straightened his back and shook his head. This made him a bit clearer, at least to get to the door in a straight line. He had some other plans for tonight, as the moon was only just high in the sky. They had enough time, but he needed some thing before that. "One moment." He spoke softly, before turning the corner around the inn. On the corner was a rain barrel, filled to the bring with water. Holding his breath, he dipped his head in it. He swiped his wet hair backwards and got the water out of his eyes, before walking back to Anui. "Best way to sober up." He said with a soft chuckle. He let her grab his arm, before leading her towards a small park. "I found this spot a few years back. It's always quite, but with the full moon it bathes in moonlight." The full moon's light did indeed let the whole park bath in it's cold light, making it look like they were in some kind of fantasy world. "Care for a dance?" He asked her softly, keeping her close to his body.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 30, 2023 3:00 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu hadn't enjoyed herself this much since... well, probably since over a year ago, since the last time she was with Therion. In those months, her crazy, expressive, and rebellious colleagues were often with them too, as she had to work a lot in Ravaryn. Now she was free, at least for the time being, and she could have Therion all to herself. Loving every minute of it, as time went on. Though her happy mood was surely elevated by the wine as well. She smiled at the satisfied sorcerer next to her. "I told you it was good." A little triumphantly, she grinned, which rolled into a giggle when she noticed how the older man clearly showed signs of drunkenness. She couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to stand up, trying to hide it behind her hands with little success. She didn't mean it to, but the alcohol made everything funnier, and she too was clearly inebriated. It actually made her dread standing up herself. Luckily, she had one last big gulp left in her cup of wine, which she downed, while Therion paid for the meal. She then noticed Aaricia coming over, to take the plates, but not before she put something in Aniu's hand. "Here, I made these fresh this afternoon. From the house." Aniu opened her hand and saw a small napkin knotted into a satchel, with a sweet smell coming from it. Aniu immediately knew what it was and looked up at Aaricia with a beaming smile. "Oh your chocolates! I've missed these! How sweet of you Aaricia, you really shouldn't have!" the sorceress grabbed her hand for a moment as she thanked her. She stood up, a little better than Therion had done, but still not very stable, laughing a bit at herself. She placed her hand on her forehead for a moment, noticing how the room was spinning a bit. "Oeff that's the wine talking" she giggled. With the little cloth satchel in hand, she made some last small talk with the innkeeper's wife. Complimenting the food and service while they walked together to the door. There, she waited for Therion to join her, which he did in a remarkably straight line.

When they stepped outside, the cool evening air cleared her head a little, and she took a deep breath. "That was.. delightful." she sighed a happy sigh. "I think I did good picking this place." she giggled up at Therion, with a slight slur in her speach. Curious of what he was doing, she walked after him around the corner, letting out a loud, infectious, and drunken laughter when she watched him promptly dunk his head in a barrel of water. "I'm sure it is!" she said, bursting in laughter again. "But I'm not going to do that." With her thumb, she stroked his cheek, pushing a wet lock of hair behind his ear as she giggled. Even though the young woman loved water, she wasn't willing to take a head dunk herself, not even to sober up a bit. She then took the arm he presented her, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked. "I could stay like this forever." She sighed softly in contentment. When they arrived at the park, she let go of him for a moment, amazed by the moonlit pavement. "How beautiful." The calm waves above the dome gave it that signature wavey light pattern she had seen so often in the sun. But right here and now, with Therion, it was even more beautiful. She made a little twirl around the moonlit area, imagining herself in some kind of fantasy daydream... or nightdream? While her dress flowed behind her. A soft giggle rolled off her tongue, twirling back into the sorcerer's arms. She gave him a surprised smile with his next question. "I'd love to." Her voice deep and alluring, with an excited twinkle in her moonlit eyes. Placing her hands in his to be led into a romantic dance. She didn't even care that there was no music around, as she softly hummed to the rhythm of their paces.  

& Therion
Tue May 30, 2023 9:36 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It felt good to have such an amount of alcohol in his system. It had been a good couple of years since he had this much fun, so he didn’t really care nor wanted to think about tomorrow. The headache will be ghastly, but it shall all be worth it. Even his dunk in the water would only clear his head that much. It made him at least speak full sentences, so that was a good start. His vision was still trying to get him off the straight path and at moments he felt his stomach churn. Luckily, looking at his side made this all worth it. With her head on his shoulder, which made him sink to his right side a bit more than he wanted, they walked through the late night streets of the former capital.
In his days in the opium dens he had heard some crazy people talk about being able to feel the moonlight, the soft light of the moon on one’s bare skins. He used to be afraid that it were the Lycans talking, but right now he had to agree with them. It felt nice, the soft breeze, the moonlight, the warmth of Anui upon his shoulder. It was almost shameful how short off a walk this was, before they entered the small park. When he had offered to dance with her, his heart fluttered when she accepted and he grabbed her hand in his. Placing his other hand on her waist, before smiling softly when she started to hum a little melody. Listening to the tune, he led the dance. Starting slow, for his own stomachs sake, he moved her across the park.
Hours moved on, or so he thought, while the couple waltzed through the park. His body moving on an auto pilot, while he held her close to himself. Even in this state of euphoria, a little devious plan had come to mind and, hopefully without her noticing, he had moved her towards the side of the park. In one last twirl, he grabbed her at her waist and planned her in the water of the fountain before jumping in it after her and grinning from ear to ear. All of his worries gone, just having fun. They could go to his house afterwards anyway, so why not.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 30, 2023 10:16 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Oh, how good it felt to dance in his arms! How intoxicating and mesmerizing to let their bodies move together! Aniu felt so safe in his arms, so wanted, so at home, and at the same time, so high up in the clouds that she felt like they were flying. At least her mind was. And maybe her body a little as well. It was sometimes easy to forget that Therion had a higher upbringing, just like her, but he clearly knew what he was doing, even with the copious amounts of beer in his system. Expertly leading her around the park, although slowly at first. Which may be for the better, as her world had already been spinning a bit. If they stopped now, she'd probably lose her balance, so she hoped he didn't. Not yet. Not ever! She was entranced by the moonlight and shadows in the twilight, by Therion twirling her around and then holding her close to his body again, and by his dark but mysterious eyes, from which she couldn't look away, even if she wanted to. Enchanted, she felt transported to a place where only the two of them existed in absolute bliss and love. She has never felt happier than in this moment, and she wished they could be like this forever.

And then he planted her in the fountain. She naturally let out a yelp as the cold water soaked the bottom of her dress and feet. Completely surprised. She almost instantly lost her balance now that they had stopped dancing, and her drunken brain couldn't handle the sudden change and heaviness of the wet hem on her dress. She tried to grab him in her fall, missing him by just a hair, and for a moment she had the most panicked expression on her face. She submerged up to her shoulders, lying at full length in the fountain. Instantly sober, she gasped for air in the rather cold water, trying to push herself up. "Therion!" She yelled, bursting out in laughter, struggling to get up with the heavy, soaked dress. "Oh gods, my dress!" She slapped the water in his direction, unable to stop laughing. A devious grin appeared on her face when she finally managed to get on her feet, throwing herself, and her heavy dress, on him in an attempt to submerge him too. She wasn't going to be the only one who'd be soaked this evening.

& Therion
Tue May 30, 2023 11:29 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It was a gamble, a hundred percent a gamble. She might not have liked it, kicked him in the groin and leave him alone in the water. But she didn’t, of course she didn’t. She did, however, let out a yelp when she fell in the cold water, followed by his name in yell volume. Therion couldn’t help but burst into laughing, the pure panic in her eyes was glorious. He used to do this with his brother, but the waters in Raveryn were way colder than here. It wouldn’t but the first time that they came home with the sniffles from the cold. Their mother could laugh with it, their dad not really. And after the last time, when he actually got really sick, they stopped playing in the waters. Now, however, Therion felt like a little kid again. Watching how her water soaked dress almost prevented her from getting up. He did a few steps back, afraid of what was to come next. He had a hunch, a very valid one. The look in her eyes did not work with the devilish smile on her face. But the older man wasn’t afraid, he saw the fun in this all. Otherwise he wouldn’t have planted her in the fountain to begin with. ”It’s just a dress,” he said while raising his arms to protect himself from the water that got splashed in his face. But the moment he lowered his arms, he felt a very heavy wait agains his chest. Air got knocked out of his lungs when Anui jumped against him. She wasn’t that heavy, but the water soaked dress did the trick. And even though Therion was well build, he couldn’t handle this with both the alcohol in his system and his own soaked clothes. He slipped, wrapped his arms around her body as a reaction and both went under. Not being able to breath, with the wind knocked out of him, Therion had to let Anui go the moment he felt himself submerge in the water. Scrambling to get up, he broke the water surface and gasped for air, before laughing. ”You got heavy with that dress,” he said, while getting the water out of his eyes. He placed a finger under he chin and stole a quick kiss, before trying to get up. ”Looks like the fun is over,” his voice dripping with disappointment. He nodded towards a light that was getting closer. Might be a guard trying to figure out what all the noise was. Not a risk he was willing to take. So, he jumped out of the fountain and helped her out as well. ”Let’s get you warm.” He took her hand in his, squishing it softly, before starting to make way to his house. They could use a fire right now.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue May 30, 2023 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
It was such a strange thing to see how a day could progress. Become something entirely different than you'd expect. Aniu never would've dreamed she'd end up here in this fountain with the man she had loved so ardently in Ravaryn, when she woke up this morning. But now it felt like they had never parted. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was something else, but the dark-haired sorceress loved this playful, almost childlike side of him. Hoping it was she who brought it out in him. It made it so she just couldn't be angry about this whole ordeal. Not with him. Not right now. No, her heart was too full of love, her mind too full of happiness, and her belly too full of wine. Although the cold water helped her clear her mind fairly well.
Her countermove worked, wrapping her arms around him as she threw herself and the heavy dress on him. Making her scream like a little kid, playing in the water—almost literally—as they went down. This time Aniu submerged fully as well, pushing herself up from the bottom with her hands. For a moment, she was worried that she'd hurt Therion with her actions, but thankfully, he laughed. "Yes, I know!" She replied with feigned annoyance, but the smile on her face was too bright to ever be annoyed. She just rubbed the water out of her face when he suddenly surprised her with a quick kiss, making her heart flutter. If it was up to her, they wouldn't leave it at that stolen kiss, but just then, as she got up from the water, still struggling with the heavy dress, Therion noticed the light coming their way. The disappointment in his voice could be read off of her face too. For a moment, it felt like there was nobody else but them, but that bubble burst with the unwanted visit. She suddenly realized how this could hurt her reputation. As much as she liked to think that people cared for her as a person, like Therion did, she knew there were many people who believed the fantasy of her performances, something she couldn't and shouldn't ruin.
She flashed him a thankful smile as he helped her out of the fountain, still feeling a bit wobbly and unsteady with the added weight of the dress. It dripped water everywhere and left a nice and clear trail. She hoped it wouldn't cause any problems, and the person with the light wasn't going to follow it. She intertwined her fingers with his as they walked back. "I didn't hurt you, back there, did I?" She asked softly in the dark, empty street. The walk was short, just like before—not more than fifteen minutes, thankfully—because the wet dress made her actually shiver a little. She was glad to be with the Rizal at this time of night, especially in this part of the former capital. When they arrived back at his front door, her dress had stopped dripping, but was still rather heavy, and she couldn't wait to get inside and get warm with him. She waited for him to open the door, holding onto his hand still, gently stroking her thumb against his. When the door was opened, she turned around just before she walked in, kissing him softly with one hand on his cheek, stealing a kiss back from him, before she started on the annoyingly heavy task of getting that wet dress up the stairs, with a smile.

& Therion
Wed May 31, 2023 1:11 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He hated it, how one person could ruin an evening like this. He wanted to stay in that fountain, in the water, playing with the woman who he had missed with all his being. Yet, he couldn't gamble on who the person was and ruin both hers and his reputation. They had to think about the family, after all. Still, if he could, he would keep her here, playing like the kids they once were. He may be twice her age, but there was a time when they both were kids. With no worries for the future. And sometimes he wished he could return to that time.
He had closed his eyes for a moment, while they walked together. Their hands intertwined, a feeling so natural he never wanted it to end. The thought of dragging out this walk slipped in his mind, but a cold breeze made him shiver and he could only imagine how cold Anui felt in that soaked dress. He wasn't even worried about the trail that they were leaving. It would dry up anyway. If it was a guard who came and check, they might think it were kids playing. "You didn't." His voice reassuring when she asked him if she had hurt him. He clicked his tongue, preventing himself from speaking more cheesy stuff. Not going to let that happen, not now.
He rummages his pockets, trying to find the key. That worked out, opening the door needed a bit more skill. It wasn't the first time he tried and failed to open this door, both while being drunk or high, sometimes both. He cursed under his breath before opening the door and letting Anui inside. Even though the jump in the fountain had sobered him up quite a bit, there still was this lingering feeling of euphoria, just like when he had found her on the market. It was a good feeling to have around her. And something he wished would never fade. While he walked inside, he sneaked past her and threw a few logs in a small fireplace. This was one of the few conditions that Therion had when he was looking for a place. He needed a fireplace, it kept him calm and reminded him of home. Me made quick work of starting a fire on the logs and waited for it to burn warm. "You can borrow a shirt, if you want. Wearing that dress will only make you sick." From a pile he grabbed a shirt of his an gave it to her, before walking up behind her. "Let me help." He placed her still wet hair over her shoulder, before starting to untangle the laces on her back. It was only a few hours past when he was doing the same, but it felt like a life time. It felt natural, as if it was meant to be.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Wed May 31, 2023 1:47 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
For the most part, their evening had been so lively. The talking, the drinking, the laughing, the eating, the dancing...hmmm the dancing... A peaceful quietness had taken over now, and even though their fun had been ruined a little by that stranger, Aniu didn't mind as much. Not now, that she walked beside him, hand in hand. This was what she always wanted. Just him. All of him. In every situation and setting. It scared her a little how these strong feelings just seemed to have reappeared. It felt like she had locked them away and buried them in a secret location in her heart, like pirate treasure. The moment they found each other, she couldn't even control it. They just busted out, laying her heart bare for this man. This loving, sweet, complicated man. But at the same time, she couldn't believe it was all coincidence. It was just not possible. Not these feelings. By the gods, if it wasn't Raanan, it surely must be Lythrana pulling these strings.

Her eyes started to feel a bit heavy, a combination of the highs and lows of the day, combined with the wine. All she wanted now, was to get Therion and herself warm and dry. With a nice, warm cup of tea. Which, in fact, was the first thing she started with. ”I'll get things ready for tea,” she said as she disappeared into the small kitchen. As if she had been living there with him already. Now that they were inside, the cold clothes were already a little more bearable, and frankly, she hadn't thought about what to do with her wet dress. It wasn't like she could walk around naked, until it was dry again. She came out of the kitchen, a tray in hand with a kettle of water, two cups, and enough tea leaves on the side for multiple uses. She placed the kettle next to the fire to warm up. Next to the cups, lay a small unfolded napkin with two square pieces of chocolate on it. The small gift of the innkeepers. Aniu had almost forgotten that she put them in her pocket. They hadn't come home completely dry, but a little water never hurt anything. So she wanted to serve them with the tea.

”Thats nice,” She smiled warmly, placing her hand on his arm and looking at the fire. It seemed that Therion already had a plan for her dress dilemma, and he handed her one of his shirts. ”Thank you, but please get yourself some dry clothes first..” She got quiet when he started to unlace her dress. Not because she didn't want him to help undo her dress or because she was nervous. She actually felt very calm and welcomed his hands, freeing her from the wet clothing. But she couldn't help but feel that pleasurable tension from this afternoon flare up in her. Making her cheeks ever so slightly blush in the light of the warm fire. Her body instinctively reacted, even when she tried not to, making her breath rise a little in her chest. And as he went to work on her dress, she almost whispered a soft ”Thank you,” while she started untying and untangling her wet braid. She closed her eyes as she savored this moment of intimacy with him. Combing her fingers through her long black hair, until she felt her dress come loose. With it, she felt like she could breathe a little better again, as always when she got rid of her corset. And unlike this afternoon, she let her dress slide down, laying her back bare for him.

& Therion
Wed May 31, 2023 2:22 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Why did moments like this feel like they had never parted. About a year had been between their last meeting and this one and it just felt like nothing at all had changed. But in reality, a lot had changed. She had changed most of all. All the things that had happened, that he had missed somehow, it had left a mark on her. Maybe not visible by the naked eye, but he knew they were there. It was also the reason why he was hesitant with his doings. He wanted, oh he wanted it so badly, but he would respect her and her wishes. And thus, while she was making tea and he was looking for some dry clothes for both of them, he shivered a bit from the cold of the water that was trying to soak his body. While the fire was slowly warming up the place, and the tea would most definitely help once they had changed, he stood behind Anui and helped her out of her dress. It was easier now, while being able to look at what he was doing, but he still couldn't fully concentrate on it. That, and the water made it difficult to find the correct strings. Once he had detangled everything, the dress fell with a wet thump on the ground. He felt how she took a breath, as if this was the first time she could actually breath in. He had respect for the ladies who had to wear a corset all day, his ribs would be bruised and broken after a day. So the fact that some ladies walked around in for days at an end baffled him. He knew that some men also wore them, but it was never for him. He had the slender figure that it wasn't necessary, thank the gods. He traced her neck with his finger, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under his touch. Slowly going down over her shoulder, shoulder blade, down towards her hip. Behind him laid the shirt that he had picked out for her, but he actually just wanted to admire her beauty like this. "You're beautiful," he spoke softly in her ear, before pressing his lips in her neck. Was it the alcohol speaking? Or just the fact that he had to miss this for the past year. Both were valid options, but all he wanted right now was her. He wanted all of her, devour her, make her his again. But he also wanted to respect her wishes, so if she would give any indication that she didn't want to. He would stop. Yes, he would stop.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Wed May 31, 2023 8:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
The moment her dress hit the ground, there it was. Vulnerability. There she stood, almost completely exposed. A feeling that could feel highly unsafe in some situations. In most cases, actually. But here, with Therion, she couldn't feel more comfortable and wanted. She knew when she pushed him away this afternoon that it wasn't because she didn't want him. She wanted him more than anything. Body and soul. She wished she could explain it. How it tore her heart apart, doing that to him, even though she only tried to protect them both. Protect her heart and mind. But now she wasn't so sure if that was what she was doing. Now it felt like torture to them both to not give in.
In that moment she had known, that if Therion had continued with the undoing of her dress, that she wouldn't be able to stop. She had been so consumed by him, by his fiery touch and his lips. It felt like an untamable force had taken over. But now, as she stood there in the light of the warm fire, her eyes closed, shivering under his gentle touch, she did have control. Or perhaps not at all. A different kind of loss of control. She didn't know anymore. All she knew was that she didn't want him to stop. Unaware of how she bit her own lip and tilted her head ever so slightly to the side, almost inviting his lips on the soft skin of her neck. She gasped softly when he spoke in her ear, something she didn't expect. She took a deep breath again, as she smiled, his compliment echoing in her mind. She wanted to thank him, for his kind words, his sweet touch. She wanted to listen to the voice that had warned her earlier today. But something had changed since then. Most likely, the alcohol made it easier to ignore boundaries, even the ones she set for herself. But it was something more too. Every moment with him today, she felt her walls crumble, and she never enjoyed it more than today. She wanted to let him in. She wanted to be his again. She wanted to feel his love like she had felt in Ravaryn. She wanted... "I want you," Her breathy and soft voice was drenched in longing for him. It was out before she realized it, surprising herself with the truth.
Her hands had been resting somewhere around her hair, too enchanted by his touch to move them, but now her one hand reached up and found its way into his still somewhat wet hair. She leaned her back against him, as her other hand found one of his, guiding it around and up her torso. His clothes were still wet, making her finally turn around, to find his lips in a tender kiss, while her fingers slowly started unbuttoning his wet shirt. That fire that had moved her this afternoon had been blazing and high. The fire that moved her now was calm, and like a blue flame, even hotter.

& Therion

Wed May 31, 2023 10:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
How invited as it was, he still had to hold himself back. He couldn't give his desires go full range, not just yet. He could feel her shiver under his touch, making it even more unbearable for him. There were a spark had started this evening, a full blown fire was burning his chest. Glowing from within, trying to spread towards the rest of his body. As if he drew with fire on her skin, painting his love around her shoulder, down to her hip. A little gasp was heard when he spoke to her, which made him smile. He loved the effect that he had on her, same as she had on him. He wanted to be careful, slowing lowering her walls, making her trust him again. The alcohol was helping a great deal with this, not he knew that eventually he had to do it on his own. He couldn't make her drunk every time, as it would only have the opposite effect of what he wanted to accomplice. Her words rang in his ears and the moment she turned around and found his lips with hers, Therion couldn't do anything but surrender the last bit of control he had about this situation.
One of her hands found its way into his hair, while she guided his hand towards her torso. He deepened her tender kiss, hungry for more, while he felt how she was unbuttoning his shirt. With little to no patient left, he threw the shirt over his head. It landed on the ground, next to the one he had fetched for Anui to wear. There wouldn't be any time soon that they would need that anyway. Kissing her again, he hungry licked her lips, waiting for permission, wanting for permission. He wanted all of it, all of her. He had been waiting too long for another shot at this. And now with a little extra push of the alcohol in his system, he finally took that shot. His arms wrapped around her body, playing on her back, with one hand within her hair. Only breaking away for a quick gasp of air. "I've missed you, all of you." He told her with a husky voice, and by the gods, he had wanted her.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Wed May 31, 2023 10:51 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home

Aniu could feel how he had waited for a hint, a cue, a sign of her. So considerate of her wants and needs. Aniu had always struggled with expressing those feelings, but with Therion, it felt easier. Clearer. There was never much for her to say before he understood. In this moment, he understood her very well. He reacted just as eagerly as he had when they kissed during dinner, but this time there was nothing holding them back anymore. And though she tried to start calmly, that eagerness fueled her desire to new levels. His impatience made her smile, and as soon as his shirt came off, she was on his body. Her lips and finger tips were craving every inch of him. Skin-to-skin, she could feel his heart race against hers. She felt his tongue, asking for permission on her lips. As if he needed any. As if she wasn't already his to take. Her breath was paired with an accidental moan here and there. Giving him what he wanted, what he craved, and what she craved of him. Tasting, touching, and exploring that deeply tender and fiery kiss. Like a dance. Pressing herself against him. In his arms. Just like they had done during their dance in the moonlight. Now they shared a dance in the firelight. Making her skin tingle with electrifying sensations. By Lythrana, he could play her like an instrument.
It is yours, all of me." She answered his heated confession with a soft, breathy whisper in his ear, before her lips and teasing tongue took their turn on his neck.  Her hands found their curious way from his chest to his neck and back, down to his hips, where they found the rim of his pants. She traced her fingers along its side before disappearing underneath the fabric, hungering for more of him. All of him.

& Therion
Wed May 31, 2023 11:57 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The passion, the chemistry between the two was like they never left. Like the past year just didn't happen. Like nothing had even changed between them. He had waited for her, waited until she gave him permission to do what he wanted. He didn't want to hurt her all over again. But his body was hunkering for this high, this euphoria. It had almost completely taken over both his mind and his body, making it move without him thinking about it. He tasted her lips, wanting more and the moment he was given the permission he didn't let an inch unexplored. The moment his shirt came off, she was all over him. Feeling the electricity build up between them, made him crave the skin to skin contact even more. Pressing her body to his, he felt how their heart beat in unison. And with a heightened state of mind he explored the rest of her body. Hands playing around her body, tender, wanting, craving, while he moved on from her lips to her neck, tenderly sucking on her porcelain skin.
Her words made his head spin. This was a new high, not even a new sensation, but just something that he had missed for the last year. Her lips on his neck made him whimper a soft moan, before moving his hands around her backside. But it was the moment when her hands explored down that it was his time for a gasp. By the gods he had missed this. With one smooth motion had he picked her up from the ground, from within her dress and gently laid her down on the bed. Hovering above her, he pressed a kiss on her collarbone before slowly moving downwards, around her chest, over her belly, further down. All with a playful twinkle in his eye.

Ik denk niet dat ik dit kan doen zonder te explicit te worden, so sorry kids <3

With one hand he wiped a string of her hair out of her face, while looking at her while she laid next to him. Above them, the sun started to raise, with her first rays and warmth trying to enter his window. The fire was smouldering in the fire place, with the tea completely forgotten. A tiredness had fallen over him, yet sleep eluded him. A very stern headache, however, did find his way behind his eyes, but it was all worth it in the end. All was good, for now at least.  
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:18 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu had never been with anyone but Therion. And yet she couldn't imagine it being any better than with him. As if her body was made for his. As if she was made to love him and him alone. The way he treated her in their intertwined state. How he worshipped every piece of her. It felt divine, and if she could think of anything other than the feeling of his burning hands on her skin and in her hair, his eager lips on hers, and his warm skin on hers, she could wonder if she even deserved all this. But she was absolutely bewitched by him, body and soul.
Now that she had given into her desire, she was reminded of the whirlwind of passion they shared in Ravaryn. It was the highest high she had ever experienced with another person. It was hard to believe they were right back in that place again. If someone had told her she would end up here again, in his arms, she probably would've laughed. Labeling it a cruel joke to even pretend like she could experience it again. Not to mention experiencing it again with Therion. So as they explored and satisfied each other's needs for each other, it was hard for Aniu to wrap her head around it.
His hands, teasing and exploring every sensitive area he could reach, and his mouth tasting and sucking the delicate skin of her neck, it was too much for her to keep quiet, as she unintentionally teased with breathy moans and whimpers in his ear. Giving air to the pleasure of his touch.
As she returned the favor, exploring his neck and ear with her mouth, gently nibbling on his earlobe, she enjoyed his reaction. Making him whimper and moan with a simple touch was like magic. It made her want more, so when her hand explored further down, she got what she hoped for. Looking at his face filled with delight as he let out a gasp of pleasure. He didn't grant her anymore, though, when she felt his hands pick her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he carried her to the bed; she had already crashed into a passionate kiss again before he laid her down. The sheets felt cool underneath her hot skin, adding a new sensation. The look in her eyes, locking onto his, said more than a thousand words ever could. She was his, and he was hers. Curious to see what he planned, as he didn't cradle back into her arms, she followed him with her eyes, pushing herself a bit up from the bed with her elbows. She bit her lip with a playful but longing smile when she saw that look in his eyes. She was quickly reminded of his skills once more when he made his way down, and she dropped back into the pillows, grabbing handfuls of sheets. If the neighbors weren't already awoken by their passion, Therion made sure Aniu would wake them up now.

We all know the drill here. His name is Therion.

He had probably noticed her waking up slowly, when she made a soft, sleepy moaning noise. Cradling herself against his chest for a moment in an attempt to find that lovely, satisfying sleep again. But soon she felt that familiar splitting headache after a booze-filled night, pulling her out of that sleep. She felt his hand stroking away a lock of her messy morning hair, opening her eyes to see he was staring at her. The mere sight of him filled her chest with an indescribable warmth. A sweet, loving, but sleepy smile adorned her face. She slid her head a little up the pillow so their eyesight would line up, as her nose rubbed gently against his. Her lips found his again, tenderly. Reminding her of the night before. "I don't want it to be morning yet," she said with a slight crack in her voice. "Let is be night again, I want it to never end." she said with a chuckle in her voice, before yawning away from him. When she nestled back against his chest at listened to his calm breathing she asked ”How did you sleep?”

& Therion
Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:11 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He could say that all was well, yet something was bugging his mind. Last night, it felt like a dream, a godsent dream. And waking up here next to her, it made it even better. His head hurt, that was a given after the amount of alcohol that was probably still somewhere in his system. A smile could be found on his face, yet it was there with a frown as well. He stroked her face, getting rid of a stray strand of hair on her cheek. It had woken her up and the frown disappeared. A warmth spread through his body when she snuggled up against him and he kissed her nose when she rubbed hers against his. "There is no reason for us to get up" He spoke softly, kissing her forehead. He knew that was a lie, there were multiple reasons why they had to get up. And one of them was the fact that his whole body had started to react to the fact that his last hit had been yesterday. His had trouble keeping his hand steady, while he softly let his fingers stroke over her body. But it was mostly his heartrate that had gone up that gave it away. He felt a uneasy kind of panic starting to build up.
Slowly he sat up, grabbing a pair of pants from the ground and pulling it up. "Shall we retry that tea?" He said with a soft smile. It wasn't that he didn't want to lay in bed with her all day, but he needed a moment for himself. There was something bothering him. And thus he grabbed the cups from the ground and started making his way towards the small kitchen.
Last night, it felt like a dream, a dream like stupor. He had recognized that feeling, although it was different, clearer than normally. He got these kinds of visions mostly when he was using the stronger opioids. So the fact that these kind of nights could also trigger them was a new kind of feeling for him. But it wasn't the feeling of the vision that brought him of his apropos. It was what he had seen that bothered him. Anui was prominent in his vision, something that was obvious thinking about what was going on. But it was the sight of another man that had thrown him off. A younger man, good looking, high position. With a dark shadow around his shoulders. The fact that it had filled him with a weird kind of jealousy didn't make it better. Especially because he didn't know the man, nor did he know what his relationship was towards Anui. The only thing he knew, was that it wasn't family.
A sharp pain in his hand brough him back to reality. Apparently, while he was thinking back to the vision, he had crushed the cup that he was holding and splinters stuck in his right hand. "Fuck." He mumbled, while placing the shards on the table and started picking out the other splinters. Good start of the day, fuck.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:15 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
The warmth in her chest spread to every corner of her body at the thought of them staying in bed for as long as they wanted. Even in Ravaryn, they hadn't had an opportunity for such a delightful idea. Since she had to work so much during those days. With her eyes still closed, she smiled. "Liar," she said with a soft chuckle, as they both knew that wasn't true. If it wasn't for her duties to her family, it was for the mere fact that Aniu had nothing but her dress with her. She took a deep breath, enjoying his soft and gentle touches. Still a bit dazed by sleep, she hadn't even noticed that he ignored her question. The headache didn't help, and all she truly wanted to do was pull him closer in her arms, bury her face in his neck, and take a walk into dreamland together, until their bodies had recovered from the hangover, which he no doubt suffered from as well. Just before he got up, she suddenly became aware of something worrying. Forcing her mind into a fully awake state. His heartbeat was racing.
Aniu pushed herself up, a worried frown on her face. She sat behind him on the bed, putting her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder for a moment, while he looked for his pants. Quickly placing a kiss on his shoulder before he stood up. She wanted to ask if he was feeling okay. She was suddenly afraid that everything they had done last night was too much after his panic attack. Before she could say anything, though, he smiled at her as he mentioned the tea. The sorceress couldn't help but smile back. Examining his expression and observing his body language quietly, while he took the tea cups and made his way into the kitchen. He seemed okay, for the most part. Hangover and tired, for sure, but... okay? Something was brewing in his mind; she was sure of that. But Aniu didn't want to push him into conversations he wasn't ready to have. She would rather let him come to her at his own pace, and she really, really hoped he would.
The woman fell back into the sheets for a moment. Rubbing her temples and letting out a soft, painful moan. The bed felt empty without him, making her feel uneasy to lay there. So, with some of the sheets wrapped around her naked body, she got up from the bed. With a half ear listening to sounds coming from the kitchen, she inspected her dress, which still lay on the floor, right where they left it. Her fingers stroked through its fabric, remembering the events of the night before. The thought alone made her bite her lip again, and for a moment, she was transported back. She still had a hard time understanding how one person could make her this deliriously happy. Or how lucky she had been to find him. Again. She grabbed the dress from the floor. Still a bit wet, so she draped it over a chair.
Aniu had just pulled a shirt of Therion over her head, when she heard the sound of something breaking from the kitchen. Within seconds, she had appeared next to him with worry-filled eyes. "Oh, love, what happened?" She winched through her teeth, seeing his bloody hand and the shards on the table. "Sit down, I'll help you." Her voice calm but worried, she pulled up a chair for him and quickly went and grabbed the kettle from the night before. It had been boiling in the fire when they were distracted with each other, but by now it was only lukewarm in the smoldering coals. "Here," When she came back, she filled a bowl with the warm water and helped him gently clean out his hand. "Do you have clean sheets?" She asked, looking around the kitchen for a moment. "This needs to be bandaged up."

& Therion
Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:16 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The vision bothered him, it filled him with a rage that he hadn't felt in a long time. Most of the time, Therion was pretty good at keeping his emotions at bay, especially after the whole fiasco with his brother and nephew. But now there was a fire burning in him and the sight of this other man, made it almost go out of control. After a year, he had finally something to fight for again and it made his whole body react to it. On it's own, apparently, as he had crushed the cup that he was holding. Thank the gods, he hadn't poured the tea yet, otherwise he would be stuck with burn wounds as well. Ani stood next to him in a heartbeat and grabbed a chair for him to sit on. She called him love and it made his heart flutter for a moment, but his mind was occupied this moment. Not only was the trembling in his hand even worse, he had to get a grip of his emotions, before things went wrong. Therion sat down, placing his elbow on his knee, so that he could let Ani take a look at it. Quickly, she had boiled a some water and started with cleaning out the cuts that the cup had made. The man hissed slightly when the warm water touched his thorn up hand and he pulled back for a moment. "Oh, sorry." He said, but his mind was far in the distant. He didn't want her looking at him right now. He wasn't his normal self. He needed his drugs, he needed to calm down. Yet, as long as she was here, that wasn't an option. And he couldn't just ask her to leave. His hand was trembling even more now that he had realized how long his last hit had been. "It's alright, no need for the bandages." His voice was colder, less loving, more erratic. With the smallest hint of upcoming doom in it. His heart was stilling beating in his chest and he felt how he was losing his sense of self with every passing moment. "How about I walk you home." Please, don't be mad at me for this. I can't let you see me like this.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:59 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Something had changed, and it had changed drastically. She didn't know what exactly was going through his mind or what had happened in the short time that he had spent in the kitchen alone, but something was definitely bothering him. The frown on her brow wasn't only for his wounded hand anymore. She worried that she had done something wrong, and with his slashed hand, she didn't really have the time to figure it out. Priorities.
She flashed him a kind smile when he apologized for something that was only natural, but he didn't seem to notice. He seemed far away, and again she felt torn between attending to his wounds and figuring out what was going on with him mentally. "That's okay." She said softly, hoping that her voice would bring him out of his clouded mind. Her brows furrowed a bit in concentration. "I don't think the cut is too deep, but it's hard to tell... You're shaking pretty badly, Therion." She looked up at him, trying to meet his gaze, her eyes riddled with concern for him. "And yes, you do need bandages, don't be silly." She stood up from her chair, leaving his hand in the bowl, while she looked around for a piece of cloth or something she could rip up. His tone hadn't gone unnoticed, but she chalked it mostly up to the pain. Luckily, she found something that could work as bandages; she quickly ripped it up and sat back down again so she could cover his wounds. But what he said next made her look up with a confused look in her eyes. "Home? I'm not leaving you now. I'm taking you to a healer. This needs to be looked at." She pushed a lock of his hair out of his face in a loving gesture, noticing how unsettled his expression had turned. "Therion, what's wrong? Why do you want me to go home? I made you a promise, remember? I'm not leaving you." Aniu was clearly confused and maybe a little hurt by this sudden distance, but she was mostly very worried about his well-being.

& Therion
Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Fuck. That's it, that was his only thought. And this was why he actually needed some stuff at home, even if he had a chance to get kicked out of this house. But it would have made his morning so much easier for him. She was so kind to him, tried to help him wherever she could. But with this, she just couldn't help him. It was something he had to do on his own. The vision was getting pushed to the back of his mind, while the need for his drugs became his main priority. Maybe, maybe he could prolong it. Just long enough for her to get home and get his hit. But getting her out of his house was already a task and a half. Therion looked up, met her gaze, when she spoke about his shaking hands. He bit his lip, wanting to tell the truth, but couldn't. It would make this only worse, that he knew for certain. Once again she started about the bandages and he wanted to pull his hand back, call her out on it and just leave it like that. But he couldn't. Begrudgingly he let her work on his hand, binding it and cleaning it.
Fuck. He knew this would bite him in the ass. Of course she wouldn't leave, not after last night. He looked at his bandaged hand and stood up, turning his back to her. "Your family will be worried." He told her, his voice stern and cold. "I can't keep you here, Anui. Not unless you notify them that you're with me." It hurt, oh it hurt. But this was the best solution. He searched through one of his cabinets, there should be something that he was saving for a rainy day. Fuck, he really didn't want to do this here, now. But it would be the only way he could keep her safe, from him. Oh, there. A small metal tin, he had taken these with him from Raveryn. Once given to him by his father before he left for his traveling. He opened the tin, held it upside down and found one last cigar. Walking back to the kitchen, he lit it by the fire on which his teapot was standing. Placing it between his lips, he finally felt at peace again. "Fuck." Blowing smoke out of corners of his mouth.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
For a moment, she was able to, thankfully, get him out of his mind. As she looked into his dark brown eyes, she could just see the struggle he had with something. Making her believe more and more that whatever was wrong hadn't anything to do with his wounded hand. She wished he would just tell her. Let her help him if she's able. Support him at least.
Maybe he couldn't say it because it was something about her. She tried to push that nagging self-doubt and insecurity away and focus back on his wounds. He didn't resist when she started bandaging his hand, and that was at least something. It wasn't a perfect solution; it was only a temporary fix. She really wanted him to see a healer out of fear that he might lose some feeling or use of his hand. That shaking wasn't normal for such an injury, and it wasn't like he couldn't bear the sight of blood.
She frowned at his words, feeling the sting of his cold voice. She hated it. Treating her as if she was a child. "Let them be worried. You're more important to me than their worries." It felt like a weak excuse to get her away or something. Was that what he tried to do? She didn't understand where this had all of a sudden come from, and if that really was what he wanted, why didn't he just say so? As he rummaged, almost chaotically searching for something, her eyes followed him. "Be careful," She mumbled, clearly insecure about saying anything to him. All she wanted was his well-being. And she wanted a clearer explanation for all this shift in behavior. And the more she thought about it, the more it hurt. With anger and rejection as the main emotions that burned in her eyes. "You can't keep me here, or you don't want to keep me here?" Her voice sounded bitter, clearly upset about this hurtful revelation. "If that's the case, you should just tell me. I'm an adult, Therion, just like you." She stood up and walked over to the living area, where she had draped her dress over a chair. The thing wasn't fully dry and was all wrinkled after lying on the floor all night. But it was the only thing she had to wear. She could hardly go out on the street in just his shirt. She fought the tears that were burning in her eyes, which wasn't easy with that banging headache. She didn't want him to see her cry. She didn't even want to seem upset. He had every right to ask her to leave. Just because they spent a night... an amazing night... didn't mean that he owed her anything. She wanted to stay with him, more than anything, but if he didn't want that... anymore, she had to respect that. No matter how painful that was. She quickly pulled his shirt over her head again and started to put on the dress, with some struggle. From the corner of her eye, she watched him, wishing and hoping he would tell her to stay. But he was clearly way more interested in his cigar.

& Therion
Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:19 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Why, why was she so stubborn. It would have been so much easier if she would just leave and let him to his own business. He couldn’t guarantee her safety as she stayed here and that was the worse. Hurting her was not something he wanted to do, but he started to get afraid of himself. True, the last time that something actually had happened, he was high out of his mind and now he was more clear than he had been in years. And that though was scaring him more than the childmurder he had committed. She spoke to him, softly, mumbling while he was looking for the old cigar that his father had left him with. It broke his heart to hear her like this, but it was for the better. Her next words, however, stung like a dagger. He wanted her to stay, he wanted her at his side forever. But fuck, he had to get things fixed first before he could do that. ”Go, just go.” He told her, cold, but hurt. He watched her getting dress, he wanted to rip the dress right of her shoulder here and there, but the trembling had taken over more of his body and he started to feel sick in combination of the splitting headache. He had to be stern for this one. Still, he wanted to help her, as a last thing or something. He never meant to hurt her again, over again. So, he turned his back to her, let the cigar hang from his lips. ”Go back to your other boyfriend.” The words passed his lips before he really thought about it. But they were said and he couldn’t take them back. Fuck. He fucked up badly this time.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:11 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 XwC2DZk
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
I know  .  .  .
Oh the wind in my hair
It sings my song
To be a wanderer
To be a wanderer and to go home
Aniu was so confused. What seemed like only moments ago when she woke up in his arms now seemed like hours, if not days. Oh how she wished to be back in that moment again. To feel that intense warmth again. It was still there, but it was as if he was trying to put it out like a fire by burying it under dirt. How could that feeling of happiness flip so fast. She wanted to be angry at him, for acting like this, for treating her this way, and for making her doubt everything he had said and done since the day before. Every feeling that had resurfaced. Had it all been a lie? No, she knew better. She knew there was more to it. She just couldn't understand what that was exactly, and he for sure wasn't telling her. It was as if he suddenly raised these enormous walls between them, and all she wanted was to climb them and jump over them so she could land next to him and stay there forever. She wanted to understand. She wanted to fix whatever cracked between them, but he didn't give her the chance. He completely stonewalled her.

Her eyes started to water when he told her to go. His voice was cold; nothing was left of his kindness and warmth. But she could still hear a hint of pain in him. Even though her mind tried to tell her otherwise by doubting and assuming things she didn't have actual answers to, her heart believed that he didn't want this. Not really. Even now, as she got dressed, she could feel his eyes on her. His dark, soulful eyes. If he'd only let her in. If she could only take him in her arms and show him that she could be trusted, he could tell her whatever was bothering him. She had to try, so when he turned his back to her again, she reached out to him. But just before her hand touched his shoulder, she froze. Her heart dropped as she stared at his rigid shoulders, stiff and rejecting. Even if she knew anything to say to those words... To that accusation, she wasn't able to since every word would get stuck in her closed up throat. She wasn't entirely sure what he meant... who he meant... her first thought was Ezriel. Was that the vision he had of her? Had he seen something about the former crown prince and herself? It was the only explanation. What he implied with it, though, was more painful than anything. And the worst part was; it did make her want to see Ezriel now. With Therion pushing her away like this, it felt like she had no one. No one who cared for her like he did.. or used to do. "Fine." was all she managed to spat at his back. Bitter and hurt. And more angry than she wanted to let on. She walked straight to his door, not granting him one single look after that, and slammed it shut behind her. She almost fell down the stairs—that's how fast she needed to get out of there. She could feel the emotions boiling in her chest. The pain, the rejection, the accusation, and the loss of something that had only scarcely returned to her. Oh, how foolish she was to believe he actually cared for her. Had she been just another "fuck" for him? A distraction? Her world was spinning as she ran into the street. With every step that she took, her head pounded almost rhythmically as she passed people. Blurry in her tear-filled eyes.

& Therion
Sat Jun 03, 2023 7:03 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 PfErOMx
[M] I am the righteous hand of god - Page 3 Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It was for the greater good. He had to get her out of here, maybe he shouldn't even let her back in. It was too dangerous for her to be around him. He was .. unpredictable, as long as he couldn't be honest with both her and himself. It was better to just sent her away now, let her leave without having to look back. Still, he wouldn't admit that last night was a mistake. Because it wasn't. It was the best thing that had happened to him in the past year. And it was himself that was in the way. His past, his actions, his habits. Her words, that single word, it was as if someone pushed a dagger in his heart and twisted it. It hurt, by Raanan, it hurt. But he had to be stern, be strong, let her go. Smoke curled up from the corners of his mouth upwards to his eyes, making the dry and painful. He didn't even look up when she slammed the door shut after her. Suddenly his house felt cold, like a Nightreign day back in Raveryn. He shivered and tiredness overcame him. Followed by anger, anger at himself, anger about this situation. It was his fault, all of this was his fault. In one smooth rage filled motion he swiped the other cup from the table and smashed it against the wall, followed by a heartbroken scream.

He didn't know how long he sat there, on the ground, surrounded by two shattered cups, one still with his blood on it. The cigar had been burned up and an ash pile had formed in front of him, while he sat with his head down. He dipped the but of the cigar in some water, before standing up, grabbing a shirt. He stopped for a moment, this was the shirt he had given to Ani. With a growl he put it over his head, grabbed his money pouch and left his house. Slamming the door, yet again, when he stepped outside.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:02 pm
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