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Cold marble walls
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Ravaryn Citizen
Brann Skygge
Brann Skygge
Cold marble walls Image
Cold marble walls 33635ec2216881af5901268cb9d90605770ec4d8

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Druid
Occupation: Rán's right hand man, handhaver
I've walked the earth and there are so few here that know.
How dark the night, and just how cold the wind can blow.

It was the only thing that could trick him into thinking he was home- for as he squinted just enough, those white marble walls almost looked like snow on the horizon. He used to go all the way up north quite a lot with his mother, she'd go hunting for big game up there and he'd thrive in the cold, in the barren. He knew it sounded weird to others- for most found themselves closer to nature within the forests of odiria, or the endless flower fields in the south. But it was way up north that he found connecting with nature was the easiest. There where weather conditions harden you, there where cold winds nip at your face, your hands and feet. It was there where he felt most sheltered, most at ease. And that was by far not the case around here, in the city that stood warm in the midst of it all, southward of Raveryn. The tall man pressed his lips together a little before continuing to get ready for the day. Dressing into his summer outfit, a simple white shirt and trousers. Nothing more nothing less, as for today there wasn't much adventure planned. Ran had to attend a few meetings, he had to listen and nod. He didn't speak their language as well as Ran did. Their soft-spoken words, their endless rambling.

Once ready Brann swung open his door and stepped into one of the many hallways around- it was funny however how one restless soul could colour an entire room differently. Brann's look went to the brother of his best friend. They were in the middle of a fight again, he didn't even keep track of how many it are exactly by now, he just assumed they always were. And thus his eyes darkened lightly upon seeing him, for he was a simple man really. If ran was mad at you, he had reasons to not welcome you with open arms atleast. "Morning" he greeted him in his low voice, a nod following up closely after.

I've no more kept my warmth.
Than blood upon the snow.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Cold marble walls Naamloos
Cold marble walls 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
The past few days had been weird. But he had already taken note beforehand that these kind of situations would be bound to happen, eventually. Yet, he tried to act as if nothing had happened. As if everything remained as it should be. Play that dumb card he had been playing for years now. As if he was as stupid as they thought he was. As if he wasn't aware of everything going on within these walls. It's not like he didn't have a brain. After all, his flimsy body had to compensate in some ways. And they all thought he was a fool that didn't know any better. How funny, really. One of these days he would have the final laugh. Everything was already set in place, it was just a matter of time, being at the right place at the right time. And then he could finally make them feel what he had been feeling all those years. It's a shame his father wasn't alive anymore to feel it as well. After all, if there was one person who deserved it the most, it was him. But having perished the way he did was perhaps punishment enough. He had suffered like he had, a taste of his own medicine really. Who was weak now dad?

With a grim expression he leaned over the table, pushing around the food on his plate from one side to the other. Some fruit and bread. Very plain food if you asked him. beside from the fact that fruit was an imported good and was scarce at this time of year. Not that Ve cared much for such things. Yes, he knew all too well what kind of things had to be done to get these things on his plate. But he honestly could care less about those things. Maybe it was the fact that he was raised like this, spoiled in many ways. But so be the life of a noble. A lot of them didn't know what they had, until they no longer had it. But for Tryggs such luxury sometimes didn't come as easily. They were considered one of the highest families in Ravaryn, but they were hardy thanks to their upbringings. These kinds of meals...? In Norwyn? They would laugh at something like that. Ishgard was so soft compared and pampered. Much more suited for someone as weak as him. And he hated that that thought crossed his mind. He wanted to belong where his ancestors had lived and perished. It was all he ever wanted.

He looked up when he heard someone enter the room. Well, well, if it wasn't the right-hand man of dearest sister himself. Broad and muscular, like most of the men that were around her. He narrowed his eyes somewhat as he looked at the other, before letting his odd eyed gaze go back to his meal. He had barely eaten, mostly because he wasn't feeling so great right now. He most likely was getting sick, again, but he couldn't be bothered to get it checked out. No-one made note of it either, as he always had a sickly pale complexion. Brann greeted him and the blonde glanced at him slowly. He could feel the distaste from the tone of his voice alone... And it stung. The half blind man let his eyes go over him. "Good morning Brann," he reflected at him, before rising from his seat and taking his plate. "Getting some breakfast or already going out for duty?" he tilted his head a bit as he started to walk, placing his still full plate to the side so the servants would have an easier time cleaning up after him. "If you are not, I uhm- Would like a moment of your time," he turned to the other, putting on a shy smile as he looked up at the broad man.
Tue May 30, 2023 1:12 pm
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