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[FoF] Cold Monarchist
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Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
[FoF] Cold Monarchist QNxT0fR
[FoF] Cold Monarchist 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Vincent sat quietly on a bench in the grand garden of the palace. It had been beautifully decorated to accommodate for the influx of curious party attendants. The attendants differed greatly, from royals of different kingdoms on diplomatic missions to commoners. Though, usually only commoners from Ravaryn were able to attend due to the long travel.
Due to many nobles and royals attending, Vincent wasn't able to stay back in Moonbright to complete paperwork or get a good night's sleep for the first time in years. With a grumble, he took a sip of his chilled wine as he watched the gentle descent of snow upon the garden. The statues in the garden and the pristine frost-hardened flowers imported for the festivities reflected the rich kingdom of Ravaryn. It was a proud kingdom that had existed for a long time and gathered both wealth and influence through the years. Vincent sighed as he compared the kingdom's vision of unity and strength to the council's... Lemuria needed it's king back on the throne. If only the king could see.
Though a kingdom wasn't without its enemies. Last year an assassination attempt by Freyja Nygård had rocked the political landscape, much like the following trial. The echoes of which were still felt in this kingdom. Vincent was a soldier and military commander, so it hadn't gone unnoticed that security was tighter this time around. Many of the servants wandering the premises without food or drink seemed to be quite attentive and wandering in patrols. In all likelihood, many of the palace guards had been dressed up as servants and were now patrolling the party. As far as Vincent knew all the co-conspirators of last years assassination attempt had stood trial or died, however he understood the precaution. Vincent was usually flanked by his personal guards but at a foreign kingdom's party that wasn't an option and he suddenly felt very vulnerable.
Vincent tracked one of the group of servants as they moved passed him, leaving neat regimented footprints in the snow. With another sip of his wine he looked up to see a figure wander towards the bench he was sitting at. The figure was almost regal in the way he carried himself and Vincent recognized the silver-white hair immediately. It was the governor of Silvercrest, Andreas Aerendyl. Vincent stood to greet the man, adjusting his black-and-red doublet so the studs on the shoulder were aligned with his shoulders. His eyes narrowed and face hardened, readying to meet the man as a council member. Though Vincent had met the governor in previous gatherings of state, he hadn't been able to speak much, but the governor's reputation preceded him. It seemed the same rumours about being a distant and cold socialite that surrounded Vincent surrounded this man as well. Vincent wondered what the elf wanted, or rather, needed.

Tags: Andreas Aerendyl
Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:58 am
IC Posts
Governor of Silvercrest
Andreas Aerendyl
Andreas Aerendyl
[FoF] Cold Monarchist GJ4pgOj
[FoF] Cold Monarchist Thranduil-hobbit

Character sheet
Age: 56 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Governor of Silvercrest
I sailed seas of emotion
i am a dance of light and darkness, a galaxy of shadow and stars
Amidst the comforting cold the celebrations of Ravaryn were nearing a high. The atmosphere was bustling with excitement for the new year and the moon elf had watched the many guests let out cries of joy. Unlike those drunk on wine or stronger northern beverages, Andreas had not partaken in such ridiculous displays of character. He remained a regal and commanding presence amongst the other guests: an elven authority if there had ever been one.

At one point, the governor had found his way outside and was walking through the outer galleries of the palace. He breathed in the icy air and found his magic tingling on his fingertips. Though he was far from the magical source in Lemuria, his mastery of moon magic still allowed him to channel it better than anyone else. The moment did not last long, as he had been discreetly hiding the might of his power from any other magical being that would be able to sense it.

Instead the elf focused his attention on a lonely figure not far from him. He had heard from Vasilisa that most of the council would be in attendance, including Vincent Greywell. The elderly man was much like himself: an impressive figure of aristocracy. With that in mind Andreas approached him silently, his two guards following from a distance. "Master Greywell," he spoke in his low voice. He offered the man a nod of respect. "How are you this fine evening?" He asked him, starting up a conversation that was long overdue.

Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:33 pm
IC Posts
Lemurian Council
Vincent Greywell
Vincent Greywell
[FoF] Cold Monarchist QNxT0fR
[FoF] Cold Monarchist 8LjFhs4

Character sheet
Age: 70
Race: Mage
Occupation: Council member (Master of Arms)
Vincent Ulysess Greywell III
a cold flame is a flame none the less.
Governor Aerendyl was flanked by two of his guards. Without a doubt they had been relieved of their weapons like he was. Vincent was usually accompanied by a number of council soldiers, but it seemed in poor taste to do so since the assassination attempt of the previous festival was still fresh in the people's minds. Though the regal figure with stark-white hair seemed to fade into the snowy backdrop of the palace garden and did not seem to be any cause for concern. Quite the contrary, many guests in the garden seemed transfixed on the regal elf.
Vincent nodded politely and bowed in respect at the noble's greeting. “I am fine, governor. I am glad the festivities are going along nicely. This way I don't even have to keep an eye on the king...” He said while gesturing to one of their host's guards before correcting himself with a wry smile: “I mean, our council leader.
He had heard that the governor shared his political leanings regarding the council, but he wasn't sure. Due to the rumor mill at court, or what used to be court, it couldn't hurt to confirm such things from time to time.

Tags: Andreas Aerendyl
Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:56 pm
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