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This kind of cold
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
This kind of cold 3UOvOIY
This kind of cold 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
After the chaos that had unfolded on the festivities, he had wondered if it wasn't a better idea for him to... Talk about it with Fauna and see if they could get her somewhere safer. It's not that he couldn't see anything coming that could harm her. If he really wanted, he could see it all. One simple touch and he would see her destiny. But he didn't want that. He was terrified of what kind of future awaited her, feeling powerless to change it. So for now he just trusted his guts and his head. And from what he had heard and observed, it would be better to steer clear from the drama that had unfolded within the royal family. He didn't know what her family would say, but if he was smart about it he could use the excuse of his magic to keep them quiet. He was a good diviner, after all. His divinations had never been wrong and he was always able to deliver on a job. The almost reputation he had build up as a kid still seemed to linger whenever other Rizals were involved. Somewhat annoying, but there was little to be done about it. Now that he was in their country, he should just steer clear of it for as long as he could. It was the best he could do.

His duty for now, keeping Fauna safe, requested so much from him. Physically he could deliver, of course he could. But for him it was more mentally that seemed to strain him. So... He had taken his axe and had walked out in the gardens. His eyes averted to the heaven as he stepped outside. It was pretty clouded, would it be snowing soon? He hummed almost silently so, a slight annoyance in his tone. He didn't like that in the slightest. If there was one thing he wasn't adjusting to, it was the cold weather. The fact he was wearing multiple layers of clothing was clear evidence of this. And despite that futile effort, he was still rubbing his hands together and blowing hot air in them. It was just the kind of cold that seemed to last and linger, nothing really helped to make him feel any better. Or perhaps that was just it with Ravaryn, being cold was just part of the deal.

After going around for one round he came to a halt, frowning. No training grounds to be seen. He sighed, placing the weapon down for just a moment. He rubbed his hands against each other once more and shook his head. Of course he had been too... Stubborn to ask another guard for directions. Well... Stubborn... More like shy, reserved... Scared. He didn't really feel like conversating with them. But was this any better...? He wasn't sure.  
Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:45 pm
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Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
This kind of cold IzBexY8
This kind of cold Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

With everything that had gone down, security within the castle was risen. There was not a moment that the Crown Princess or her siblings were to be left alone. The attack still lingered, at least the aftermath of it. He wasn’t quite sure about how her other siblings were coping with it all, but for her it was different. She had been a part of it. She had found the assailant in the gardens, having killed another man. She had seen too much of things that she shouldn’t ever see. He checked in with her regularly, but he didn’t want to be too overbearinG. If anything the knight just wanted her to know that he was there whenever she did need someone to talk to.

Today, right now, he had been asked to train with a few other guards. Something that happened more often given that he was an Elessar. The top of the lot when it came to improving the skills of others. He had made sure that another guard would be looking over the Princess for the time he was away. If he hadn’t found anybody he simply wouldn’t have accepted the invite.

As Caspian made his way over to the training grounds he stumbled upon someone he hadn’t really seen before. Or well, he knew that the guy himself was a relative of Fauna. But further than that. Spotting the axe in his hand. ’Looking for the training grounds? Follow me.’ He simply stated, walking past him. There was no time to lose after all.

It must be made.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:51 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
This kind of cold 3UOvOIY
This kind of cold 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He was just wandering around like some sort of lost dog... Because this was just not his place to be. He was used to his own little place, where everything was just where it was supposed to be. He had never been good with directions or just finding his way in general, but this was just getting ridiculous. He had sighed, shaking his head ever so slightly. Perhaps returning to his room and seeing if Fauna could help him find it was the best course of action. It was just that, in his head, there was a conflict going on regarding it. What would she be thinking if he came back with the simple statement that he had gotten lost in the gardens, looking for the training ground. SOmething in him told him that she wouldn't mind, but another part of him didn't want to give in to that feeling and... prove (?) himself or something. To whom? No idea.

And that dilemma went on in his head, until he saw movement in the corner of his eye. Zuhayr turned himself to the guard, bowing his head a bit to the other to greet him. Panic already setting in as a thousand reasons why the other was here already flooded his mind. Was he not suppsoed to be here? maybe he wasn't after everything that had went down that one night. He stared at the other for just a moment after that, looking at the ground every few seconds as he just felt that horrible tension rise in him. How damn annoying. But there wasn't much that followed, as the man just told him to follow him for the training grounds. Zuhayr blinked in surprise, caught a bit off guard by the invitation of the man, but he quickly shot after him. Adjusting to his pace when he was with him. "Thank you," he said with another nod. "The name's Zuhayr- Zuhayr uhm..." He paused for a moment as he wondered if he was allowed to introduce himself like that. Maybe it was better if he did? He wasn't sure. "Rizal," He normally never mentioned his last name, because it felt like such a cheap tool to simply be... Judged by others.
Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:12 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
This kind of cold IzBexY8
This kind of cold Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight
Our worth is not given.

While on his way he had come across someone had hadn’t seen a lot. A few times maybe in the hallways but it remained at that But it was quite clear that the man was looking for a place to train. That or chop someone their head off. But he doubted the last one would be the case. Unless the man in front of him was really daft, but still. It wasn’t that the training grounds were hidden that well, but with a few wrong turns someone could end up here. So maybe luck was on the side of this lad. Caspian wouldn’t simply pass the man without asking, he seemed out of place so he might help out as well right?

He had simply walked past him, assuming the other would follow. Which he seemed to do. He threw a glance over his shoulder and smiled warmly. Zuhayr. Alright, he would try and remember that. Though if anything, his last name certainly helped him on the matter. ’Caspian Elessar, nice to meet you.’ He simply nodded, straightening his back as he walked further on. His hand resting on his blade. ’The axe, your favorite or?’ He glanced at the other. It was a peculiar weapon to fight with or even to choose as the weapon you wanted. But to each their own after all. ’You’re looking for a sparring partner or?’

It must be made.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:16 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
This kind of cold 3UOvOIY
This kind of cold 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
Th castle was filled with guards, but that was only normal... He assumed. And with so many men that had their duties with the king, there was sure to be some sort of area for them to practice and train. Of course, someone like him wouldn't be able to find it on his own. He was already a lost cause in the city he was born and raised in. So, in a completely new place he surely wasn't going to find what he was looking for. Luckily someone had noticed and had helped him out. For once he was blessed with social interaction. For once it was actually useful, who would have known hm?

As he introduced himself, the other did so as well. He nodded at him, trying to grasp the name that was thrown at him. Caspian Elessar. He wasn't all too great with remembering names, but well... He could only try his best. At least he didn't have some complex name that went on for too long... Caspian, yea that was alright. And as he tried to run over the name over and over in his head, in an effort to keep it there, the other started to speak once more. His gaze went to him as he asked about his weapon of choice, and he slowly nodded when he was asked if it was his favorite. "I find it easy to wield," he told the other, looking over him as to find what his weapon was. And as expected of a guard; he had a sword. He had seen many with such weapons here. Supposedly the most widespread and easy to learn weapon.... Or that's what he would assume. He personally liked the bombastic way the axe allowed him to move. Being able to use his entire body and force to finish things in one swift movement. "I'm mostly self-taught anyway,"

And then the guard if he was looking for a sparring partner. Zuhayr blinked in surprise, after which he averted his gaze. "I never really spar with people anymore," he confessed softly. "I can get a bit too much... Into it?" he shrugged ever so slightly as his mind wandered back to the incident that had happened on the provening. Something that had caused a girl her arm and eventually her life. "Or if you have a spare sword...?" He showed the other a soft smile as he offered it up. He would most likely fail horribly, as he had never wielded a sword before. The only thing he knew was that footwork was very important. But more than that... Well, he was a lost cause.
Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:59 pm
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