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[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The shining pearls around her neck were quick to become a noticable feature about her appearance, though her relief about achieving them had been short-lived. Not long after their small victory of not wanting to claw each other's eyes out for once, her betrothed seemed to have disappeared without a trace. If it hadn't been for the soon following explanation behind his disappearance those brief moments of peace and understanding between them had meant nothing, but for once, she even felt a glimpse of worry towards the silver haired man who had been forced into isolation by the Governess. Thoughts about visiting him had been frequent, but it would be best for her to lay low regarding this complex family situation. Beside that, she still hadn't heard the full story. For all she knew Myrddin could be the one to blame.

Those three days had been slow. For the first time since her arrival she sat beside an empty seat at dinner, having to bear the burden of their arrangement alone, surprised by the fact how much his prescence - or lack of, in this case, affected her. After their engagement had been sealed, he had been the only person beside Deimos which she hung onto, especially when her twin brother had his own business to take care of now. For the first time ever since her arrival at the castle, she had been entirely on her own, aside from the brief moments during dinner.

Now that those three days had passed, she found herself at the bottom of the tower in which they held her betrothed, arms crossed as she awaited the sound of nearing footsteps. She had no idea how she'd find him, nor if he'd even appreciate her awaiting his arrival, but he owed her an explanation. A true explanation, containing his side of the story, before she could truly form her opinion on the whole situation.

It didn't take long for the guards to arrive at the bottom of the stairs, having brought the familiar young man with them. She didn't dare face him yet, focusing her attention on the guards instead as she greeted them with a polite nod. "I'll take it from here," she announced as she shifted her gaze from one guard to the other, trying her best not to let her doubt show through her voice. Only when the two of them had disappeared completely out of sight was when she finally dared to avert her gaze towards her betrothed, quite nervous about what state she'd find him in after days of isolation.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:53 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Those days in confinement had been the few weirdest days of his life. Shyam was only that entertaining for so long. So apart from the man being his only companion, he had stayed silent for most of the time. He had wanted to do nothing more than rage through the cell, but he couldn't show his true colors with his accomplice inmate. So after one day of pacing, barely sleeping and being alone with his thoughts, he had quickly started to turn very moody.

Because his aunt had got to him, just like she wanted. He kept playing what had happened in his mind over, and over, and over again. And he kept thinking of "what if". What would he have done if he could turn back time? Would he have hit Myr square in the face to prove his point? Would he have swallowed his pride and let his bird calm his a pretend-Vylasar? In the beginning he would have, he would like to pretend that he could be a bigger man. That he could never hurt his cousin. Even in some scenario's he would explain it to him, and Myr would understand. But when the days started to strech into what seemed to be forever, his thought started to become more violent again. Because why she he just allow them to treat him like that? He did not have to do that. And if he had to make a point with using violence, with showing them what happened if you pushed him to much. They had gotten so used to him just giving up when things got difficult, that they assumed he would just roll over and give in. Well, screw that, and screw them too. He wasn't in the wrong for this.

So when the guards turned up, but with the keys this time, he almost even didn't want to rise. Because they would all expect that everything would be fine after this. But what choice did he have? His aunt had gotten exactly what she wanted, a sorcerer stripped from his power and backed in a corner. He was back at what he was, a boy that had lost the taste of a fight, of ambition. He would return to his old ways, being background noise while the important Vylasars were talking.

Ezekiel was accompanied by two guards that trailed before and behind him as he walked down the spiraling stairs of the tower. And once he had reached the bottom, he looked behind him, almost longing for his safe little room where no-one would bother him. But as he set foot on level ground again, he spotted her in an instant and his heart skipped a beat. There was confusion on his face as he stared at Chaska, who was not looking back at him. Why was she here? He had expected that he would be brought straight back to his aunt and receive another warning. But no, Chaska was taking it from here.

The sorcerer looked exactly what you'd expected from somebody who had been locked in confinement for three days. Scruffy, and tired. The guards headed to his betrothed words and turned away. A long silence followed as they sound of their footsteps drowned away. And as she finally looked to him, he averted his quickly. He didn't know how to act, because in a way, he was ashamed. Ashamed that this was the man she had to marry with. That just a few days after the engagement, she had to wait for him down the stairs of a prison cell. And yet, she was still wearing the pearls he had given to him. ‘‘I guess they told you everything,’’ he noted with a hoarse voice, rough from a few days of barely using it.
Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Her gaze had been fixed upon the guards until they completely disappeared out of sight, holding off the moment in which she had to meet his. She was surprised to find him averting his gaze from her, though she hadn't know what to expect. Part of her had expected him to be angry for trying to get involved within his personal business once more, but those pearls around her neck almost obligated her to do so. Instead of a scolding, however, his following words sounded more exhausted than angry. Weak, almost, which wasn't surprising after three days of isolation. Her stomach turned at the sight of him. A roughened up appearance paired with an empty gaze. If the Governess truly meant to extinguish that ever burning flame inside of him, she surely seemed to have succeeded.

The sorceress shook her head at his words. "They haven't told me your side of the story," she told him, her voice steady and clear. Perhaps everyone within the castle expected her to despise her betrothed for what he had done, and she surely had when he chose to take advantage of her to release his frustrations, rather shutting her up than to share the burden with her. Until recently, when she thought to have noticed a glimpse of what laid beyond his rough surface, when he decided to leave the door open for once. Just enough for her to have a peek at the man beyond the burden.

He needed to the get out of this place and freshen up before she even stood a chance of breaking through that surface again. Harsh words and fightng only gotten her so far, and those three days without his prescence had given her time to think. If she truly were to give him a chance she had to be tactical, instead of letting her silver toungue and temper get the better of her. Which had to be possible when he would stop crawling under skin.

"Come on," she stated, nodding towards the direction of the hallway. "Let's get you back to your chambers." With those words she placed her hand against the back of his shoulder, gently pushing him ahead and leading him as she stepped towards the hallway herself. Scolding or interrogating him right here wouldn't get her anywhere other than backed up in yet another fight. Beside that, he could use the bath she'd made the servants prepare for him after three days of rotting away behind bars.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:23 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was like it wasn't meant for them to meet in normal circumstances. He wasn't sure if he felt relieved or extremely uncomfortable that she was here. Because he felt that they were bound to start fighting again. But she was here, waiting for him. There would be nobody else, because he had nobody else. Still, he felt ashamed to have to share this moment with her. He preferred to keep everything close to his chest, safe where nobody could use them to hurt him. Because he felt like he could not trust anybody, so that he only would be let down again. But after all his barking at this girl, she was still here. He could not believe it, like she wasn't real.

Ezekiel had not taken a moment to try to get to know the woman that soon would be his wife. He had gotten to know her over the past few weeks, but he hadn't felt the need to get to learn more about this girl. Maybe then he would have noticed that she cared more than she made look. And when she replied that he hadn't heard his side of the story, he felt this sudden relieve. There was still someone who even bothered to listen to him before making up her mind. He already was so sure nobody would believe him if he told them, that they already had their opinions about him, so he didn't even care to try make them believe otherwise. So he glanced up towards her, giving her a small shrug.

The sorcerer almost expected her to get angry at him. How could he be so stupid to get locked up? How dared he drag her reputation down with him? His eyes were once again at her neck. Did she wear those pearls with shame? He was surprised at her gentle statement to get him back to his chambers, guiding him down the hallway with a hand. “Yeah, sure,” he replied distantly. His mind was whirring though, as he started walking down the hallway, guided back towards his room. Their footsteps echoed softly through the halls as he kept his gaze down, but he took a quick peek at her. He felt like he owed her an explanation. But instead: “You don't have to do this. I mean, you don't owe me anything,” he started to ramble. He furrowed his brow as he look back in front of him. “I mean, I don't want to be a burden to you.”
Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:26 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The feeling of relief at seeing his face once more had surprised her. She couldn't try to imagine in which state he'd leave the tower in which he had been isolated from everyone. Three days didn't seem like much, but three whole days without any form of interaction, locked up behind the bars within a murky cell, she couldn't quite imagine anyone thriving in such siituation. Perhaps her feelings increased when he had not shown anger towards her for once, though she couldn't quite guess if her company was appreciated.

She hadn't removed her hand from behind his shoulder as they stepped towards the hallway, focusing on the sound of their steps rather than the whirlwind of thoughts in her mind. She tried so hard to refrain from scolding him for even letting this situation occur during her stay within the castle, but she tightly held onto her own words; She hadn't heard his side of the story. Those words would remain to be her anchor until she could form an honest opinion about the man beside her. The man who recently claimed her as his.

The sorceress became so focused on the sound of their footsteps that she let his voice startled her, shortly twitching her free hand in response., though his words were unexpected. She kept refraining herself from assuming too much, but she'd swear to even recognize a glimpse of regret. "I know," she simply replied, shooting him a brief glance from the corner of her eye. The following words, however, were some of which she'd never expect to hear. It wasn't often that she was left speechless, always having a wide variety of sharp or witty responses ready. This time, however, she struggled to come up with a suiting response, even challenging her own beliefs of what approach was even suitable for a situation like this. She couldn't simply comfort and baby him while the wounds he managed to inflict to her heart were still healing, and yet, comfort seemed to be exactly what he needed right now.

Her free hand trailed towards her necklace, fidgeting one of the pearls in between her fingers. "Our burdens have become mutual ever since you gave me this," she stated, turning her head to look him in the eye properly this time. "It's fine, I promise." Sometimes she wondered if he even knew what it meant. Beside them having to fulfill their duties towards their family, marriage meant having someone on your team at all times. That's what she always assumed it to be, at least. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she so desperately tried to hold on to this arrangement. Demos had always been that person to her, but now that he had been challenged by some duties of his own, she imagined their time spent together to quickly decrease.

She remained silent for the rest of the walk through the castle, which seemed a lot longer than usual. Perhaps she simply didn't know what to say. She just wanted to have him back within his chambers, away from the hands of the people who took him away in the first place. At least until finding out the true reason behind his behaviour. Until she could form an unbiased opinion about him, even if that statement was just her coping with the idea of having a possible destructive, murderous husband, which she simply refused to believe. For her own sanity as well.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:16 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The walk back to his chambers seemed to take forever. The silence that followed was painful, yet familiar. Because they seemed to thrive in uncomfortable silences, that it almost felt like it should be like this. Ezekiel tried to find the balance between not saying a word and still apologizing for his behaviour. The last few days he had thought about it a lot and he didn't think he would change a thing. Maybe he should have, but he knew he just couldn't have. You could serve him the same problem a hundred times, and every time he would choose to protect himself and his pride, or what was left of it.

He had never expected Chaska to be so understanding. He expected her to be mad at him, more then ever today. But she remained almost... Understanding. In a way that was foreign to him. So when the silence returned, he was thinking about what had happened between them. Ever since when they first met in Lythrania when she arrived, towards their night in Silvercrest, and every fight that had followed. Including the one he had avoided, by interrupting her interrogation with a kiss and everything that had followed after that. He hadn't forgotten the way her body curved, or the way she felt against his touch or tasted against his lips. All for it to end right here, with him freed from days in prison and she awaiting his return. It was messed up, and yet he was grateful.

When she spoke again, her hands touching her necklace, he wanted to protest. But she ensured it was fine. Nothing about this was fine, but her promise was like a sweet release. Like there was at least some person in his corner, backing him when nobody else did. But she still hadn't heard his side of the story, and he was still debating what she should tell her. “It shouldn't be,” he replied softly. He hated to saddle her with his burdens. It wasn't fair, because he had gotten himself in real shit. She should not be brought down with him. He would make this right with his aunt, whenever he had scrambled the nerve together to speak out against her.

Once they arrived at his chambers, he opened the door for her. He followed her inside, and he was greeted with the sweet smell of bath salts and the feeling of warm steam to his skin. And then he realized. He looked back at Chaska and shook his head in disbelief. “You shouldn't have,” he muttered. Yet, he couldn't hide a slight smile from his face. He had thought about a proper meal and a warm bath those days in prison. Only when you were stripped from comfort, you know what you missed, and how blessed and rich they were in the castle. So, he glanced over to his betrothed, giving her a slight smile. “Thank you,” he told her, barely a whisper, as he graces the back of his hand slightly against hers.
Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:23 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The silver haired man remained to be persistent regarding his thoughts about their situation, seemingly not wanting to drag her into anything he’d caused. She suppressed a scoff at the thought. Ever since their arrangement had been sealed by those pearls, his business became hers. Anything he’d do to shame the family name would be associated with her, especially after they’d be wed. It was only natural for her to take responsibility now, though perhaps that need was driven by guilt as well. Guilt about how she and her parents managed to trap him into a marriage with a woman who, in time, wouldn’t be suited for the role of a mother or a wife.

He was right, it shouldn’t have been fine, as many other things going on within this world shouldn’t. There was nothing they could do about that, nothing but to keep to their promise of shaping their own destiny. So instead of arguing with this statement once more, she simply hushed him, placing a finger in front of her pursed lips.

At last they made it to their chambers, where a weight seemed to be lifted off her shoulders as soon as she passed him through the door. She hadn’t set foot within this room ever since that night they’d shared together. One quick glance towards the bed succeeded in flooding her mind with those images once more. Images which she should’ve long forgotten about, but simply didn’t seem to be able to move on from. Between those sheets they’d found their truce for the night, trading their sharp words arguments for nails and tongues. Her cheeks flushed a crimson color at the thought of it.

His words brought her back to reality, where she was soon to meet his gaze. A soft, perhaps even thankful gaze compared to the icy stares she had gotten used to. She couldn’t repress her lips from curling into a smile as she stared at the ground. That swift brush against the back of her hand as he thanked her, however, didn’t help against the crimson flush on her cheeks which she so desperately tried to hide. ”Don’t thank me,” she swiftly answered, her gaze still focused on the floor beneath them. ”I merely asked the servants to prepare it.” It had been the least she could do for a man who hadn’t been able to bathe himself for three days straight.

The sorceress stepped towards the bed, sitting down at the side which she considered hers after their shared night together. A side of the bed she’d once claim as her own. “Now get in, before the water runs cold,” she commanded, paired with a gesture of her hand before she turned around to face the wall. ”I won’t peek,” the woman was quick to add, though she couldn’t hide the teasing tone of her voice. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t laid eyes upon him before, or if that imagine of him remained to visit her dreams every now and then. 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was weird to be back here. The window was cracked open a tiny bit to prevent the glass from fogging up. And even that he felt like this place was a ballroom compared to his home for the past few days, it was like it was cramped with her presence here. He would have preferred to be alone once he returned to this- his life he supposed. He didn't know how to continue from here. It was not like his problems were suddenly fixed with three days spend behind bars. It was not like everybody suddenly had forgiven and forgotten, just to move on. He imagined him holing up in here for a few more days whilst he figured that out. But he wasn't alone anymore, and even in patching up the wounds he had left on his family, it seemed somebody was willing to help. That was perhaps the strangest feeling.

Ezekiel looked back at Chaska when she found her way so easily back in his mind. The guilt of dragging her down with him weight heavy on his shoulders while he looked at her, especially as he her look at the ground. He didn't know her well, but this felt even unfamiliar for him, as she usually faced him so head-on. She always looked to fearless. She mentioned that she had asked the servants to do so, and that his thanks was misplaced. But she had cared to do so. Again that funny feeling krept up his spine, that after all, she still cared. Why?

Before he could thank her again, she moved away from him, straying further in the room to go to his bed. He produced an inaudible chuckle as she turned her back to him as she urged him onwards and a promise not to peak. ‘‘I suppose you are staying then,’’ he replied softly as he turned towards the bath. He touched the water with two fingers to test the temperature. The prospect of indulging him in the hot water was intoxicating. Ezekiel glanced over to where Chaska was sitting and as promised, no peaking. Not as if she hadn't seen every part of him before. He turned his back to her and started to unbutton his shirt and eventually stripping himself from all his clothes in silence.

When he slipped in the water he soon let the water flow over his shoulders, letting the water raise up towards his chin. His eyes darted towards the side of the room, and he sighed as he let himself soak the remains of the past few days away. His breath made small ripples in the water as he furrowed his brow. ‘‘Why are you-’’ His voice was small as he started to unravel his mind about this girl. It was still so hard to wrap his mind about it all. Why would she bother? He struggled to find the right words to ask those questions gnawing away at him. ‘‘I still just don't get you, I suppose.’’
Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
To her surprise he allowed her to stay, simply acknowledging the fact instead of sending her away or command her to leave him alone. Perhaps their shared night made it unnecessary to do so. It wasn't as if the sight of him hadn't been engraved into her mind already, or if they weren't supposed to witness each other like that after they'd been officially wed. "I think you've already spent enough time on your own," she replied, that familiar, sarcastic tone of voice returning once again, though her words showed a glimpse of kindness. She just wanted to stay close to him now that he seemed to open up a little, before that door would be shut and boarded up once and for all. Perhaps her change of behaviour could be considered taking advantage of his vulnerable state, but it wasn't as if the intention behind it was ill-natured.

Keeping her promise was a bit harder than anticipated, as she was quick to catch herself shooting him a glance from over her shoulder while he was stripping himself from his worn out clothes. Her gaze trailed down the muscles on his bare back, quickly averting back to the wall as he slid down his trousers, heat flushing her cheeks once more. She hated the way that night managed to corrupt her mind with thoughts unfamiliar to her before, sneaking up to her again and again. And yet she had to refrain herself from glancing over once more, though the sound of water was quick to give away that he'd already disappeared within the tub.

She hadn't noticed her tensed muscles until they relaxed, his body safely out of sight now. A faint smile appeared at the sound of his relieved sigh as he was quick to submerge himself into the water. She couldn't quite imagine how the past three days must have been for him. Rotting away within a murky cell with no company other than his own thoughts, not even able to bathe himself properly. Surprisingly enough, he'd even thanked her, though it was quite sad that it took him three days of confinement before the two of them could finally communicate properly. Still, she hadn't regretted this little arrangement. If that was what it took for her to get him to open up, she would be able to overlook the extra effort he actually owed her.

The sorceress scoffed at his answer. "That's alright," she simply replied. She barely even got why she was doing this herself, beside trying to make up for the guilt about trapping him with her, perhaps. Especially now that he'd shown a glimpse of compassion during his proposal. It wasn't like the two of them had taken any time to get to know each other properly, aside from.. no, she wouldn't let her mind wander towards that direction again. Instead she chose to get up and make her way towards the tub, passing a dresser in which she had managed to hide a little surprise while the servants had been preparing his bath. As she walked over to him she made sure not to let her gaze wander as she passed him, biting the inside of her cheek as she did, before she sat herself down on the floor beside the tub and faced him.

"I figured you could use some of this," she stated after showing him the bottle she just picked up from within the drawer as she extended his arm towards him, though she was quick to pull back again, not giving him a chance to snatch it from her hand yet. "It's meant to be shared, however," she added, her eyes narrowed into a stern expression, though she couldn't contain a faint smirk as she handed him the bottle. "I.. borrowed it from the kitchen staff," she continued proudly, her elbow resting atopthe edge of the tub as her hand was used as a headrest. "Forgot to borrow us cups, though." If he were to complain about having to drink from the bottle now, she might have to learn him about being grateful by giving him a taste of his own bathwater instead.    
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:53 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel bit on the inside of his lip as Chaska noted that he had been by himself enough already. He didn't know why she thought she would be the one qualified enough to accompany him. Or did she maybe think he had nobody else, and this was because out of pity. He didn't like to be treated like he was some charity, or because she thought she had to only because they were about to be wed soon. And still, her annoying, stubborn presence was appreciated. The sorcerer still thought that she was here because of one of those reasons, but he was really too defeated to start arguing about it. So he let her be and glanced at her for a short moment, before giving her a quick smile.

So once he had lowered himself in the water, he could feel the warmth seeping back into his bones. But soon also the thoughts about Chaska came flooding back. Those days in that cell, his mind had mainly whirred about the whole debacle with Myr, how things had worked out, how he had been treated. About his broken relationship with his familiar. And in the same way, how he had fucked up every little bit of honour he had left in this household. His aunt thought him nothing but a liability at this point. Chaska in those past days had been more of a side-thought. He had thought about this girl nothing more than another somebody he could disappoint, drag down with him, and how their marriage was only to make up for his let-down in the current generation. Maybe the next would prosper instead. Only in the middle of the night, when he sleep would not find him, he would think about how she had crawled up next to him that only night.

But now she was here for him, he realized that she was more than a side-thought. She had said it to him before, multiple times, that he should learn that his problems were hers now as well. He just didn't want to accept that. But her words had proven themselves to be true. Only she kept up her part of that promise and he had not. He had just gotten them closer for one night, just to push her away again. So when it "was alright" that he didn't get her, he looked at her from the side of his eyes. Was it really? She raised from her the bed, he looked back at the backwater and suck even lower in the water. Not something to talk about, apparently. And as she rattled somewhere in a dresser, he had to suppress the urge to look up again what on earth she was doing now. And even worse start to have color on his cheeks as she moved closer. It was not like he was at almost his most vulnerable or something. But she sat down beside the tub and he glanced over to her.

Chaska was full of surprises. Another piece of proof why he did not get this girl. But she had stashed wine in his room. He could barely believe it. ‘‘By Lythrana,’’ he muttered while he suppressed a cheeky smile. Well, it helped make them talk that one night on the lake. Maybe she was just returning the favour. ‘‘You figured right,’’ he said as he sat up straighter in the water. But as he moved his hand out of the water to accept her gift, she pulled back and her rolled his eyes at her as he leaned back in the water again. But she handed it over once she told him it was for sharing. He looked back at her as he put the bottle to his lips and took a big sip and listened to her story about stealing it from the kitchen. ‘‘This will do,’’ he answered with a cheek. ‘‘I didn't think you had it in you to "borrow" such things,’’ he teased back at her as he raised his eyebrows shortly at her, and taking another sip from the bottle. He did remember her hogging his liquor in Silvercrest, but after the second he handed it back to her.
Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:44 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
 The setting reminded her somewhat of that night spent together in Silvercrest. Sitting across each other, sipping on alcohol to drown the awkward silence and worries for a bit. This time, though, she'd try her best not empty the bottle by herself. The sorceress did not expect for the two of them to be able to sit talk like this so soon, seeing that every interaction after that night had resulted in sharp words and arguing. Though, she hadn't been able to fully let het guard down yet, ready to strike back as soon as he would.

She scoffed at his words, a faint smile lacing her lips. Constantly expecting a warzone resulted in a glimpse of relief each time he'd choose being thankful over pushing her away once more. Perhaps their little agreement after the proposal had meant more to him than she thought it would, or maybe he'd just grown tired from three days of confinement, saving his previous attitude for when his strength would return. Whatever the cause of his change in behaviour was, it was better to just roll with it instead of falling back on the anger he'd left her with, especially now that he dared being so vulnerable around her, both physically and mentally.  

"You're welcome," she answered with the same smirk, eyeing him as he gratefully chugged the bottle's contents, biting her lip as she refrained herself from looking anywhere but his face. A chuckle left her lips at his following remark, slowly shaking her head in response. "Which proves how little you actually know about me," she replied, returning his teasing tone of voice. While she hadn't been exactly proud of it, she'd been a menace back within Moonbright. Especially soon after finding out about her condition, which had fueled her rebellious side to the point of frequently getting into trouble. Now that she though back about those times, she wondered how her parents even managed to find her a marriage candidate.

"Though it's not something you'd brag about towards your future husband," the sorceress was quick to continue. With those words she reached out as he handed her the bottle after his second chug, accidentally managing to partly fold her hand around his as she took hold of it above the tub's steaming water. Luckily she was able to swiftly put the bottle to her lips, chugging a fair amount of the wine in hopes of refraining her cheeks from turning rosy, wiping away any possible remains or stains with the sleeve of her dress before handing him the bottle again. Her gaze remained focused on his, making sure not to let it stray anywhere else, though the.. exposed state in which he sat across her made it quite hard not to, especially with her mind tempted to go back to that certain night between them, now that she once again found herself in that room.

"I suppose we're even now," she spoke as she extended her arm towards him, referring to that night within Silvercrest. It was the least she could do for a man going through the things he had been enduring for the past few days. "Don't get used to this kind of treatment, though," she warned him, but the playful grin on her face was quick to betray her sarcasm.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:01 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was so easy to let himself just fall into the ease of this - whatever this was. Because it was weird, really, from an objective view. She was surprisingly gentle with him. Expect of raging against him from getting himself locked up for days, she did not form an opinion unless he heard his side of the story. And instead of demanding answers right now, she prepared a warm welcome home with steaming baths and a bottle of wine to share, as she had curled up next to the bath on the cold floor. His eyes just barely went over the edge of the tub as he studied her. It felt like there was a hidden catch that he hadn't discovered yet.

So what if there was? The prospect of being easygoing, falling for whatever snare she was setting for him, was much more tempting than to be stubborn about it. Maybe he had lost a part of his willpower in that tower. But the foresight of drowning some of his sorrows with that bottle in her hands. And she gave him a medicine to numb the pain, so be it. He'd rather try a taste of that, it was better than whatever he would have come up by his own for his first night out.

Ezekiel let himself be taken by her wave of smirks and sarcastic comments. The wine tasted divine. Those three days had felt like three weeks, so this was the first taste of a proper drink. He almost choked on the wine as she commented that she didn't know her at all. She continued quickly and took the bottle from his hand, which made them touch for a moment. He quickly looked away as he brought a finger to his lips to wipe some residue wine away. ‘‘Don't worry, I won't tell about your secret past-times,’’ he replied with a small smirk. ‘‘What else do you do, instead of nicking wine, falling into boats and telling other people what to do?’’ he asked her with a raised eyebrow as he eyed her down as she wiped her lips with her sleeve. It was so easy to imagine how the wine would taste on her lips. That previous night had been messy in so many ways, and it should not have happened. But now they were so close again, not leaving much to the imagination as he was so exposed just inches away. It gave him nerves he should not have. He broke off his gaze when she streched her arm with the bottle towards him again and he quickly took it and brought the bottle to his lips. He took a generous sip, craving the rosy buzz in his head to ease the nerves in his body and mind.

The sorcerer chuckled softly as she mentioned that he should not get used to this. ‘‘Believe me, I never will.’’ And he didn't think they were square after this, but he took it as a complete win. The wine bottle find his way to her hand again. He moved closed to the edge of the tub and rested his chin on the edge, blinking slowly. ‘‘And about you having to stay here- I'm sorry. I can imagine it's not what you wished for.’’ Staying here, with him, taking care for the criminal on parole, like if she payed his bail and took care of him. In a way, this was him apologizing for what he had said in the tunnel. For not taking notice of her life then, but him trying to change that now, as she took so much notice of him. They were not even close to being even.
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:28 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
 The sorceress rolled her eyes at his response, though flattered about the fact that he finally seemed to show some interest within the woman he'd soon call his wife. She had let go of that expectation ever since their little agreement, thinking that it was the most compassion she'd get out of him. Perhaps those three days caused him to rethink his choices made so far, making her feel glad she'd given him a chance before releasing her anger about getting himself locked up about him right away.

"Lucky me," she scoffed, putting the bottle to her lips as she tasted the fruits of her "labour", though his next remark caused her to almost choke on that small sip. "That pretty much sums up the entirety of my personality," she replied mockingly. "Turns out you actually have been paying attention after all." She wished she could've told him more, though, but the girl had always lacked any passions or hobby, spending most of her childhood wishing she was able to paint the most beautiful artwork like Deimos or lose herself into a song like Aniu could. Ever since the discovery of her illness, her days consisted of getting into trouble and rebelling against the unfairness of the world.

"Though it would be safe to say I like reading," she absently mumbled to nobody in particular, her eyes staring further into the room. Books had always been her escapism. Whether they'd contain mostly pictures or written words about the other kingdoms. Even books about that rathole of a district seemed to interest her. Though, ever since the knowledge of her illness crept up on her, she'd never really cared for books. One day they'd become inaccessible to her anyway. "Ever tried reading a book?" Instead of beating up your cousin and getting yourself locked up behind bars. Though she was smart enough to let that last sentence dwell within her mind instead of spoken out loud. "Or have you always been too busy guarding the city from danger," she added with a hint of sarcasm. The fact that he was a guard had been the only thing known to her before even laying eyes upon him.

Her eyes darted back to him as he moved closer, feeling the heat stain her cheeks as he rested his head against the edge of the tub as she took hold of the bottle once more, quick to drown away the feelings about him which kept finding their way back to her. That chug of wine didn't help, however, as the man was now showing a side of him she hadn't even dared to expect. Was he.. apologizing? For a brief moment she didn't know what to reply, caught off guard by this sudden change of events. "..It's alright," she then replied, her voice grown a lot softer and less confident compared to before. It wasn't alright at all, but he wasn't the one she needed to take that anger out upon. "I would've appreciated them telling me truth from the start, though. Instead of sending me here with a lie." Instead of her hand, her head now rested against the arm atop the tub, draping part of her hair across the edge as it reached beyond the surface of the water. She hadn't even noticed. "Don't apologize, however. I'm sure you didn't appreciate them burdening you with a sudden bride to look after as well." She couldn't blame him for disliking her, especially after trying to crawl under his skin and force herself into his life like that. Though she hadn't really had a choice. The man in front of her would be her only shot at a secure future. "Are you.. ok now, though?" She quietly continued, her voice not far from a whisper now that their faces had been closer together, mostly referring to these past three days. Her words came paired with the gesture of handing him the bottle once more.   
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
How three days could change a man. He was just tired of fighting at this point. So yes, maybe she had won, gotten her way and made him speak more than two words for once. Or not with frustration or anger lining his every word. They had replaced awkwardness - in some ways, he was still naked - for some... could you call it banter? He would sign for it this moment as the bottle was passed from their hands over and over again, and when his words made her choke like she had done a moment ago, he felt somewhat pleased.

‘‘You sound surprised,’’ he commented on her last remark. He was only joking, of course. There for sure would be much more beneath the surface. Maybe this stubborn, snarky personality she kept up was a façade. Maybe she was just like this. How would he know? Because in the sarcasm of her words, there was a truth. He had taken no effort to get to know her. She might have tried with him, but he had kept that door tightly locked for her. Instead they had gotten to know each other's bodies. He inhaled deeply by the though of that, making an effort to keep his eyes on her eyes and the curves of her face. He could distract himself to count the amount of white strands between her raven hair.

They picked away at each other, learning tiny things about them. She told him she liked to read a book and he nodded slowly. So she was an educated woman. Or maybe she just liked to read stories. Fairytales, with kings and queens, knights and dragons to slay. Maybe she had expected their marriage to be some storybook romance. But he did not make her the hopeless romantic. So when she asked him - quite ruthlessly - if he had ever read a book, he chuckled. ‘‘No, I can't read,’’ he told her a blatantly lie, but he kept a straight face. She looked across the room, so she might notice there were some books stashed in piles near a desk. Old ones, from when he was a child having to be educated on the usual stuff. But also his collection on mammal behaviour, especially about his familiar. Luckily she distracted him from those thoughts with a comment on his occupation. ‘‘Oh yeah, very,’’ he said with a smirk. ‘‘I'll guess I'll be of duty now, too. Thanks for reminding me,’’ he continued sarcastically, but with a hint of bitterness. He actually liked his job. Yeah, he was cutting corners, not taking it really seriously. But it gave him a lot of freedom, and he liked being among normal people.

The tone of the conservation changed a bit when he moved closer. He mentioned her having to stay here, and she seemed to be caught a bit of guard. She started to tell about her parents for a while and she leaned more against the tub, there eyes were on the same level now. Ezekiel blinked slowly as he looked down to see her long hair fall in the water. ‘‘Yeah, screw parents,’’ he mumbled absentmindedly as he moved a hand upwards to save her hair from the water. He brushed it over her shoulder. He looked back up at her as she called herself the burdened bride they saddled him up with. He furrowed his brows at that comment. ‘‘I don't think it's me looking after you,’’ he noticed, his voice started to soften. ‘‘You have met me. I think we both know who the burden is.’’ He was surprised by how easy he made himself look bad in front of her. Maybe the wine was already making him spill hard truths easier. Maybe her choice of words was messing with his mind. Maybe it were her eyes, looking straight trough him. And when the bottle made it's way to his hand again, for once he did not bring it directly to his lips. ‘‘Sure,’’ he replied in a soft whisper when she asked him if she was okay. The bottle in his hand went down a bit lower, breaking the surface of the water partly. He wasn't, really. But he would be, eventually. He always was. ‘‘Are you?’’
Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
 The atmosphere continued to surprise her as they exchanged words without arguing for once. Instead of snarling, she listened. And he gave her the chance to listen by opening up for once. Perhaps it had been the wine which made it easier to open up for them. She had barely been able to enjoy her breakfast this morning, as the nerves about facing her betrothed kept her from doing so.

"I am," she answered, trying to keep her voice steady while a chuckle was quick to disrupt it. His sudden interest definitely surprised her. While all of this had been going on, she had truly given up on the idea of ever being able to communicate with her future husband. The arrangement in itself had been a tough enough pill to swallow, but being married off to a man who wouldn't bat an eye at her except for the timed he'd be able to feast upon her body didn't exactly made it any easier. That's the picture she'd painted of him before the proposal, however, where he suddenly decided to leave the door open for her just a bit. A crack wide enough for her to take a peek at what laid beyond the surface. Enough for her to give him another chance.

His following answer raised her brow in suspicion. Weren't all nobles supposed to be able to read? Well, perhaps he just lacked the talent. "That's.. unfortunate," she replied with furrowed brow, trying to hide the fact that she was, in fact, judging him a little bit. Perhaps that judgement had been rooted in disappointment, not being able to ask him to read her anything once she wouldn't be able to. Something as simple as a private letter would have to be read to her by a servant. That thought of dependency turned her stomach. He was quick to rid her of those thoughts with a sarcastic note about his guarding duties. "I wouldn't assume such thing," she simply commented, hoping to reassure him a little. "It would be their loss, though." If he had been ablet to land his cousin into the infirmary, he sure as hell would be able to defend the city from any possible threat.

She tried to keep her heart from beating faster as their eyes met on the same level, their faces close to eachother now that both of them rested their head against the edge. She faintly chuckled at his remark about parents. "Sometimes, yes," she agreed, her cheeks stained red as he brushed her hair back over her shoulder, leaving a wet stain on her dress. She hadn't even noticed her hair draping down the edge, but thanked him with a smile. Perhaps that little smile holding the most warmth she'd given him so far. The following remark, however, managed to surprise her once more. She hadn't expect these kind of words to ever leave his lips. The feeling of guilt crept up on her once more. He truly didn't know, did he? About the fate of their marriage. About their illness who'd possibly destroy it. "You'd be surprised," she scoffed softly in reply, averting his gaze from his as she eyed the ripples in the water. "You're not.. that bad, I suppose. They could've married me off worse." the sorceress continued, her eyes finding his once more, though this time he'd refrain from sipping the bottle directly as he answered.

That soft voice wasn't like him at all. At least, not the way she'd known him. Maybe she even felt for him, her stomach sinking at the sight of how defeated he seemed. "I'm alright," she simply replied, trying to refrain the worry in her voice from showing. A blatant lie, that was. But this wasn't about her. "I don't believe you are, though."  Her heart raced at those words, scared that he'd push her away once again. Scared that all of the progress they'd made would be wiped away by that simple remark. And yet she needed to make sure. She needed him to open up to her, to get a glimpse of what was going on in his mind. It was a risk she had to take. Now that the bottle had been passed to him, she moved her free hand towards his face, carefully slicking back the wet streaks of hair sticking against his forehead, her cheeks flushing as she did. "And I wouldn't blame you." Instead of returning her hand right away, she moved to the side of his cheek, gently brushing the back of hand against him for a brief moment. He had tasted every inch of her, and yet, these brief seconds of intimacy managed to sent shivers down her spine. Perhaps the wine had managed to give her more courage than she assumed it would.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:36 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The sorcerer had no idea what he would have expected the moment he was free. Probably an extension from his solitary stay in his prison cell. Not ever had he expected for his fiance to await him down the stairs. And not in a million years would he have expected for them to speak this openly since their re-introduction to each other. It was stupid how easy it was. Maybe it was because he was at his lowest, he did not care about the consequences anymore. He would marry her, they would not be able that outcome. It crystal clear, because she wore the pearls around her neck. She still did.

They shared chuckles, cheeky glances, words. It was complete alien to him. Because he would have had peace with them being not able to talk to each other. Maybe he would even have taken peace to only found each other's comfort between the sheets. At least then they would have been true to their duty. It had been surprisingly easy, but it was extremely hard to look her straight in the eyes after that night. Because he could not see her normally, without seeing all of her. She had been nothing but a burden to him, but then again, she was the only one waiting for him.

He laughed out loud when she told him it was unfortunate. ‘‘I'm kidding,’’ he mused with a smirk. But he'd had her, for at least a second. He could write every little love poem he would steal from books - if he wanted to. But he was not that cheesy. And he didn't think she would like lazy flattery. And somewhere, he did want her to think he was completely stupid. Maybe he could have kept up the façade and surprise her one day. But there had been enough surprises already. But when they continued to his job, he scoffed when she replied. She had way too much trust in him. ‘‘Nah, I could use a vacation,’’ he replied with a raise of his eyebrows. The boys would manage without him. Lythrania was a stupidly peaceful city anyway. You would get that, when you had no way to run, in a dome under the sea.

The smile she gifted him when he brushed back her hair, was something else. It reminded him starkly from when he had brushed her hair away when he had attached the necklace around her neck. He had felt the silky strand between his fingers then, differently when he had pulled them on a previous night. So it was easier for him to gift her a tiny bit of his feelings towards her. He was tempted to keep his damp hands around her shoulder, but he drooped down quickly into the safety of his tub, with only his eyes to keep on her. She looked away as she called him "not the worst". Their eyes met once again as he looked at her. He did not know how he should feel. Should he thank her? Instead he just looked at her, feeling indifferent. He had given her a glimpse of vulnerability, and he wasn't half bad. ‘‘I guess we have the rest of our lives to figure out who is worse.’’

Alright, the second time she used that word. Ezekiel looked at her with examining eyes. The words that followed, however, made his heart race. He felt the tension surge up his body, reach his throat as she spoke those words. No, he wasn't fine, but was it that obvious? Maybe, considered the circumstances, it was easy to deduce. But he wanted to look fine. He wanted to be alright. ‘‘Don't worry about me,’’ he breathed to her, as she moved her hand towards his face. Her touches felt soothing, but he didn't want to fall into that trap. He didn't want to admit that he was not where he was supposed to be: a proud Vylasar. He was beaten down, but he was to stubborn to show it.

It was so easy to lean into her touch. To close his eyes and feel the heat creep from his cheek, over the rest of his body. What was she doing? He could not figure that out. Was she trying to comfort him? His two-coloured eyes were darting across her face when she touched her cheek, stating that she wouldn't blame me. ‘‘I'm fine,’’ he reassured her. He followed with a quick glance to her lips. The intimacy between them, only made the desire to bridge that distance between them even more. They would be husband and wife, one day. And to avoid this conversation, he knew he could do one thing. But when he looked at her, he didn't feel like he was the one imitating that creeping feeling. So he leaned his face against her hand and he leaned in forwards, gently pressing his lips against hers.
Wed Apr 05, 2023 12:32 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She couldn't help but to feel content with the choice she'd made, the choice to await him at the bottom of that tower. She had been so nervous, perhaps even scared of his possible response. Yet, those pearls around her neck kept reminding her of her duty. Even if he had been angry, he couldn't have blamed her. He had simply disappeared in her eyes if the Governess hadn't told her about the situation. But he had been so calm compared to his previous behaviour. She even started to assume that he might've appreciated her company.

 The sorceress rolled her eyes at his response, but couldn't suppress a chuckle. Of course he was kidding. A Vylasar not being able to read would be.. frowned upon, to say the least. "I see, I would've believed you, though," she teased him with a grin, though it was clear she was just mocking him. It was nice to know that he could read, after all. It wasn't like she could ask their other cousin for help once she would not be able to read on her own anymore. Beside Deimos, her husband would be the only one she'd even dare to ask. Luckily he took the worry about his work lightly, scoffing it off like he could use the vacation. The sorceress shrugged in reponse. The city seemed peaceful so far anyway. It wasn't like the absence of one guard would matter.

His sudden touch had come as a surpise, and yet that brief moment of him brushing her hair behind her shoulder left her wishing for more. She barely noticed the wet stain left on her dress as she stared into his eyes, afraid that the flush of her cheeks would betray her thoughts. Those next words didn't help, widening her eyes at the surprise. The rest of their lives. It was a confirmation that he truly wanted to give their marriage a shot. Or at least, that's how she liked to entepret the phrase. A smile appeared on her face once more as she nodded. "We have," she simply agreed, though her voice softened to a mere whisper.

She could see how he was struggling, and yet he remained to deny his feelings, stating that he truly was fine. Perhaps she would've forced him into telling her the truth, if it hadn't been for the distraction of his breath against her skin. She hadn't even noticed the little distance between their faces until now, which caused her heart to skip a beat. Ever since that night dreams about tasting his lips once more had been haunting her, to the point where it was all she could think about as soon as she laid eyes upon him. She despised him for it, wondering what kind of spell he'd put on her during their truce in between his sheets.

Just as she was about to demand an answer, she was caught off guard by the feeling of his lips against hers. It had been all that she'd been craving, though it wasn't supposed to happen now. This wasn't what she'd planned. She'd merely fix him up and comfort him, hoping to hear his side of the story in return for her efforts. She hadn't expect to taste his lips once more, although it couldn't be compared to last the time she had. His lips felt soft against hers, no longer tasting of blood and misery. Gently brushing her toungue againt his lower lip, she could taste a hint of the wine, however, which she'd preferred over that bitter taste from that night. But she wasn't supposed to, this wasn't supposed to be happening right now.

As he leaned into her touch, her hand made its way to the back of his head, finally able to dig itself through his silver hair once more. Gently this time, unlike that night in which their bodies intertwined. She'd pulled and tugged at his silver locks as if her life depended on it. This time her touch was matching the way his lips had found hers; Gently. The sensation forced her into deepening the kiss, before she finally found the courage to break it. She wouldn't end up under his spell again. Being used as a distraction once more wasn't the reason behind her visit.

The sorceress sat up straight from her position of leaning into the tub, her fingers still intertwined with his silver hair as she looked him in the eye. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find the words. She wanted to scold him for trying to go down that road once more, but at the same time she wanted nothing but his touch. Her gaze shifted from his eyes back to his lips, before her free hand slowly made its way towards the tub, breaking the surface of the water as her fingers folded itself around the bottle he was holding Ja je dacht iets anders he x. She needed that liquid courage to tell him, so the sorceress was quick to bring the bottle to her lips, chugging the red liquid in hopes of finding the right words. "Did you truly assume this would work a second time?" She stated as the bottle left her lips, though her tone wasn't as confident as she'd liked it to be. "Though I must admit, it almost did," she quietly added, looking up to him through her eyelashes, unable to hide the glimpse of lust still present in her gaze.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was maybe the most exciting form of magic they would see in this room, how remarkably easy it seemed for them to slide into a complete different version of themselves. Well, at least for him, she seemed to just be a slightly gentler version of the person he started to learn to know. And he had to admit, he liked to be the one to make her eyes roll, in a lighthearted kind of way. In a slightly toxic kind of way, he was charmed by it. So he had to fight against a smirk when she teased back. ‘‘Good. I'll be sure to note somewhere that you are gullible,’’ he replied in a the same tone she had used for him, as he tilted his head slightly to the side.

The sorcerer wasn't quite sure why it had been so easy to push her hair to the side. It was a easy way to reduce the distance between them and make his eyes dance over her face. Maybe the wine made an easy victim of his malnourished state from the past few days. The red liquid had been a proper feast after time went so slowly. It was a bit pathetic how spoiled they had grown to be, but he had been deprived of more than wine for the past few days. And as he spotted a slight flush and noticed her voice lessen in power in response to his words, he knew he had touched her somewhere, even though their skins were still apart. His eyes darted to hers again, giving her a slight nod in confirmation. Their whole lives. That time seemed to be endless. How much of it would he waste behind bars again? How much time would they waste dancing around each other, fighting, making up?

Ezekiel was easy to allow himself to lean into her touch. The soft brushes of her fingertips against his skin, made him tingle in that funny way that he should not defeat him so easily. But it did, and she made him long for more. It was easy to blame their upcoming marriage to excuse these kind of sins. They were expected to lay that way anyway, so why postpone the inevitable? He wasn't fine, and she so obviously wanted to talk about it. She just loved to analyze him like he was... a project. But at the same time touch him that way, looking at him with those doe eyes. So he kissed her, because once again, this was easier than the truth, and he really thought he had spotted the same longing in her.

The kiss was quickly deepened when her hand found her way on the back of his head. It made him pull more towards her, his hand drifting from out of the water and enclose his fingers around her forearm that reached behind his head. Chaska tasted like red wine and he was hungry for more. But somehow they kept hold of their intimate bubble, as they moved slowly, like a gentle lapping lake, instead of a crashing wave. It was nothing like their dirty and rough first kiss. And as he lightly sucked her upper lip, he felt himself getting carried away.

It was like she threw a bucket of ice water on top of his head when the broke the kiss. He leaned his nose pressed forward to claim her lips once more, but she moved away further and his eyes opened with a hint of confusion. Her fingers were still in his hair, as he tightened his grip on her arm. When she finally seemed to break their stalemate, her hand went down in the tub, only to steal the bottle of wine. Ezekiel found nerves creep up on him as he watched her chug the carefully stolen wine. But then she admitted what was clouding her mind, and he drew back from her. It was like being struck by lightning, as he accused him again. He had not forgotten what she had made him out of in that tunnel. And again, she was not being fair. So he pushed her hand away from his head and sloughed back deeper into the water. She obviously expected some kind of apology. He wiped his thumb across his lower lip as he broke his gaze away from her. ‘‘I did not hear you complain,’’ he muttered bitterly. Not the first time, and not now. And so he completely went defensive again. ‘‘And don't act high and mighty. You started it.’’ He looked back at her, still spotting that look in her eyes that made him do drawn to her. But it was back to the start.
Thu Apr 06, 2023 1:27 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
That cocky attitude which once fueled her annoyance had been oddly charming for the past few moments. She couldn’t help but to roll her eyes as his smug comments, even though they were obviously stupid, managed to force a chuckle out of her throat every now and then. Her heart fluttered as he tilted his head, making her avert her gaze for a moment not to let cheeks stain red once more. ”Yes, better write that down within those books you don’t read,” she continued to tease him.

Apparently he was just as eager for the taste of her lips as she was, quickly responding by closing his fingers around her arm. She didn’t mind that icky feeling of water against her sleeve if it meant that she could remain within this moment a little longer. The gentle sucking and nipping at each other’s lips sent shivers down her spine as she fought the urge to let her free hand wander beneath the water’s surface, desperate for those little whimpers which still managed to haunt dreams. Instead, she gave in to that lingering feeling of fear and hurt as she broke the kiss.

The knot within her stomach tightened as she met his gaze, seemingly confused on why she’d broken their kiss. That look in his eyes tempted her to lean in and find his lips once more, reassure him by digging her hands through his hair and pressing her body close against his. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t stand that empty feeling which soon followed. Loneliness creeping up on her as he wrapped himself up in his sheets instead of taking her in his arms, only to act as if it hadn’t happened. Which they had to, because it wasn’t supposed to happen, yet. And yet he could’ve let her know that he cared in some way, instead of being stupid and getting himself locked behind bars.

Her heart seemed to shatter for a moment as he pushed away her hand, seemingly offended by her words. She knew he would be upset, and yet she couldn’t have chosen another way to phrase her thoughts. ”Because I wasn’t,” she muttered back at his reply, knees now pulled up to her chest as she rested her chin atop them, arms hugging tightly around her legs as she averted his gaze like he did. She hadn’t been complaining. If anything, she’d been relieved as his lips found hers again, until that feeling creeped up on her. Perhaps she was just scared. Scared of being used again, scared of being replaceable, scared of being convenient.

That next comment, however, managed to strike a nerve as her eyes darted right back to him. “So?” she snarled even before she’d been able to think her response through. ”You’ve been stuck in my mind ever since that damned night,” she continued in a frustrated manner, her heart racing as her words started to come out on their own, as if her self control had been weakened by the red wine on her empty stomach. ”If I knew I’d be more to you than a mere distraction from whatever feelings you decide to suppress, I might’ve even given in again,” she scoffed, perhaps even mad at herself for admitting, clenching her jaw as she finished speaking. She didn’t know why she wanted him to acknowledge her so bad. They were to be married anyway, and yet that reassurance wasn’t enough. Perhaps, she too have had her fair share of emotions who’d never made it to the surface, which somehow bottled up inside of her at the sight of his stupidly handsome face now. 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Apr 06, 2023 12:21 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
When her soft chuckles filled the room once more, he could not help but to sport that boyish grin again. However, he wasn't the only one that could be witty. She commented again and he nodded slightly unimpressed, but that sparkle which she had made return to his eyes. This was easy. Speaking like this, cracking jokes, trying to out-clever one another. This felt safe and like he had control over the situation. Had they not moved closer to one another, had they not pushed boundaries once more, this might have been a perfectly happy night. But he just had to cross that boundary.

So when Chaska left him high and dry, he just couldn't help but feel rejected. And in a way only himself was to blame as he had fell for her charms, eager to feel the way of that night again. She had him now backed up against a wall, even more exposed than ever. So even when he tried one small movement forwards to hope to tempt her come back for more, he only scared her off more. And so he lashed out once again, falling back into old habits, refusing to look at her again. Because he knew what would be coming next, tough words in an attempt to make him speak up. She always managed to get him back in that uncomfortable position. She craved answers, apparently more than she craved him.

So he would much rather wrinkle away in his bathwater than to have that conversation. He could not help but feeling upset, and all rational thoughts flew out of the window. For example, that he had ruined this perfectly, happy reunion. That he should be relieved that somebody still cared. He should have protected that with all he had, but he just had to screw it up anyway. This woman's mind worked in a funny way, anyway. He could not read her damn mind and maybe he wanted to, to make this all so much simpler. He glanced back at her as she muttered softly, seeing that she had shrunken away in a defensive position too. They both valued their self-pity more than whatever they had to build for their family, wasn't it? And when he accused her for initiating this situation, she seemed offended.

Their eyes crossed again as tempers were rising. Ezekiel bit on the inside of his lip, ready to whatever accusation she had at the ready for him. However, she managed to blast him straight of his feet with that comment. His eyes widened before he quickly looked away. He really would have liked to disappear in this moment, but he was in a very intimate position where he could not run away from.

Ezekiel had no idea the impact he actually had made on this girl. He only felt like they were in this sort of agreement, in this limbo they created with each other. She had told about her frustrations like being a... distraction before. But he had exploded at that comment then, without trying to really defend himself. Chaska was adamant to remind him again, demanding an explanation. ‘‘You know it's not like that,’’ he finally bit back when he looked back at her tiny stature. ‘‘It was you that wanted to keep it between us. You left that morning.’’ He had not forgotten that he had woken up by himself. It was a crystal clear message that she did not want to see him. So well, he had respected that wish, and it was what he wanted well. Until it was him that ended that silence, which she had gotten mad about as well. There was no winning with her. She shoved everything back at him. And yes, he fucked up, he had gotten Myr in a hospital bed and himself behind bars, but that had nothing to do with this. She had asked him to commit to his duty to his marriage and he had offered a compromise. ‘‘But sure, blame me, Chaska,’’ he finished his words with a roll of his eyes.
Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:55 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
At this moment she couldn’t help but blaming herself for screwing this up. Their conversations had been running smoothly. She even genuinely laughed at some of his stupid jokes. They could’ve continued this trust building type of interaction if they hadn’t let their feelings take over once more. That kiss, no matter how gentle and kind had reminder her of that night once more, though she yearned to explore the rest of his body in the same, tender way. No clawing or tugging at each other’s hair. The marks on her skin could’ve stayed, though..

No, they couldn’t have. And neither would she let him use her as a distraction once more. At this point she didn’t even care about his feelings anymore. He could keep them hidden, take them to his grave even, as long he wouldn’t use her body to distract himself from them.

Perhaps she was being irrational, but that feeling of being nothing more than another body for him to use had made her feel disgusting. Who knows how many women he used to treat this way before she came along. And yet, the sins they committed that night had been all she could think about, not being able to go through a day of not imaging his body towering above her, or the touch of his tongue against her bare skin. Clearly it hadn’t meant anything to him, though the tone of his voice when he accused her of leaving him that morning gave her the tiniest spark of hope that it had.

Looking up from her defensive posture she met his anger filled gaze. ”Then why did you kiss me?” Her eyes narrowed as she asked him, though she knew the blame hadn’t be his entirely. She had more than given into his advances back then, biting and clawing at his skin like it had been the only way in which she could release her anger upon him. But it hadn’t been her who had initiated that sin, and it hadn’t been her who’d turned her back at him as soon as their truce came to an end.

She became silent at his next remark. ”Like you would’ve wanted me to stay,” she answered quietly, averting her gaze once more as she wrapped her arms around her legs a little tighter. ”You barely even looked at me after.” She hadn’t forgotten about the way she craved his warmth. He’d allowed her to cuddle up against him, even accepted the arm she’d wrap around his torso. And yet she would’ve wanted him to take care of her in that moment. To hold her and assure her that she hadn’t just thrown her life away by being impatient with her betrothed. “Shut up,” she simply replied to his last accusation, though her voice had grown softer. Perhaps this whole visit had been a bad idea after all.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Apr 06, 2023 8:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was sinful how he was thinking how he could end this struggle of words with some determination and a heavy voice. It had worked before. He could shut her up and forget why she was even mad in the first place. She might be able to resist the obvious pull she was having for him. He'd felt it in the way her hand burrowed through his hair. But he was not going to be that desperate after being rejected like that. Ezekiel, after all, only truly protected himself. He kept his secrets close to his heart, among with the demons that danced in his mind, thriving on every spark of lust he had felt for her.

He had managed to say the perfect words to fuel that fire in her again. The expression on her face changed from unsure, maybe even remorse, to that familiar anger. He looked at her and wished she would show more of that. He could handle that, he knew how it felt, and how easy it was to lose yourself in destructive feelings. Because often he would only show glimpses of it, in his clear annoyance or passive aggressive comments, until he snapped, started to raise his voice and punch his knuckles bloody. So she could throw at him whatever she wanted, things he knew, but he didn't recognize bitter accusations when it came to cases of the heart. And once he was in a familiar, almost peaceful state of rage, he couldn't shake it loose. And fueled with wine, the pleasant numb feeling between his ears was replaced with the urge to confess every little thing she did to get under his skin.

‘‘Because you wanted me to.’’ Ezekiel looked back at her as if the answer to her question was obvious, clear as day. Maybe he let himself go once his guard had been down for a second. Because he het felt small and... safe beneath that touch of her fingertips on his cheek. She had drawn him in so easy, he had felt for her trap that easy. Well, that was for as much as giving in. He had learned from his mistake, never again. Not even for her pretty face, and even prettier eyes.

But once he started to fight back at her, she started to show some true colors. He felt almost cruel as he made her shrink even more, but he had barely started to explain what he truly thought about her, this whole situation. He could write a whole novel about it already, but no, he kept his stories close to his chest. But her words were still sharp as a knife, cutting him deeply. It was not like that, but he pursed his lip together as he looked at her. He would never admit that it had been scary once the storm had settled down. To look at her the same way again. Because it would never be like it was before. ‘‘I told you that you could stay, didn't I?’’ He eventually murmured softly, not daring to look at her. Because in that moment, he did not want to make her leave. But it was necessary, wasn't it? They weren't supposed to, be like this, already. The anger still lingered, as she finally started to confess defeat. And he felt triumphant. Finally she had nothing to say back at him, meaning there was truth in his words. No witty remarks. Now she knew what it felt like to be on his side of history. He scoffed at those words when he looked back at her, moving closer to the side of the bath again as he sought out her gaze. ‘‘Am I wrong?’’ he asked her, denying her polite demand to stop talking.
Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:31 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She hated the way he'd be able to manipulate her emotions so easily. The sorceress had been so content with herself, being able to set aside her own inner conflict and take care of her betrothed when he needed it the most. Although it had been part of the plan to make him open up to her, she'd even grown to enjoy their little intimate moment of soft chuckles and stupid jokes. In just a brief moment, however, he managed to turn those feelings upside down, leaving her the emotional mess which she'd grown familiar with these past few weeks.

The sorceress hadn't known what answer to expect, though she certainly didn't expect an apology. Those words, however, paired with that stupid all-knowing look in his eyes. It made her grit her teeth in response. "You're a coward," she simply hissed back, though she didn't deny his accusation. The man before her thought so high of himself, even though she literally picked him up from his dirty little cell. Didn't he have a glimpse of self worth left? Or was it that tiny glimpse he so desperately tried to protect?

The fire within her was fueled with each second passing, she simply couldn't grasp the motives behind his behaviour. She had tried so hard to take care of him while he was at his lowest, and still he managed to crawl under her skin and pinpoint exactly where his stabs would hurt. "I'm serious, Ez. Just keep your fucking mouth shut," she snarled through gritted teeth as she turned her head towards him, eyes glaring like daggers. Her arms no longer wrapped around their legs, but had fallen to her sides now knuckles turning white from clenching her fists as her nails dug into the palms of her hands.

Of course, the man was desperate in having the last say, even daring to bridge the distance between them as he moved closer to the edge of the tub. The sorceress didn't move out of spite, ready for another eye to eye confrontating if that's what it took to put him in his place. Those three little words managed to push her over the edge. This man wouldn't stop until she'd give in, telling him what he wanted to hear. Well, she'd rather feed herself to the kraken than to ever let him get off on those words.

She didn't back off, rather giving into his invitation as she moved her face closer to his, her eyes darting between his as she leaned in against the edge of the tub. "Give me one, valid reason why I shouldn't punch you in the face right now." Though her voice had lowered in volume, it was as sharp as a blade.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It was stubborn pride that made him lash out like this. It was not like he raised his voice and threatened with violence. No, he spoke with carefully picked words, trying to hit her where it hurt. But also fueled by that bottle of wine still in her hand, because it made him want to spill truths he would regret in the morning. But it also want to make him unravel why she did what she did, said what she said?  Because she was seeing this so black and white. Maybe if he spoke up, he would make it easier for her. If he would say what was truly on his mind. But no, he would rather close up again and ignite that fire. He was being unfair. But that was what he felt like he was being treated as. She thought he saw her as some kind of whore. She did not want to say that ugly word, he could tell that much, but she was thinking it. If only she knew how her face haunted his dreams.

He had gotten her right where he wanted to, lost for words. But the consequences were stark. She was getting madder and madder, without much of a useful word coming out of her mouth anymore. Finally she felt what it was like to be in his shoes, nailed to the ground because there was no right answer anymore. He was being a terrible person, he slowly understood that as she cursed him out. Ez. He flared his nostrils slightly by that pet-name. He had heard it one time before, when she curled up next to him. That time it make his heart stop and struggling to breath properly. He bit his lip and stared her down, giving her a small shrug.

With only those few words, she opened up a can of worms of memories. Shut up. Ez. All throwbacks to that heated night, in this very room. And while he was still trying to get to grips with that, he knew it would be a huge mistake to repeat those actions. It would complete the circle and soon bring them back at point zero, not talking. He did not know what was better at this point, just living in blissful peace without speaking unless strictly necessary, or all this fighting. But by Lythrana, at this point he just wanted to have her. She riled him up in all the wrong ways. And that was exactly the point she was trying to proof. So he was stuck between a rock and a hard no pun intended place.

She could handle a lot, he thought. Maybe that was why he was pushing her so much. He wanted to make her understand that he was not the single one two blame. They needed two to dance this tango. They were fire, feeding fire to each other, and act surprised when the flames came lapping at their feet. He almost expected her to walk away - he would have had a long time ago. But no, Chaska was a true fighter, accepting the challenge, bringing her face closer to him again, threatening to become physical. He blinked slowly. He deserved this, really. So he didn't care if she would hit him. He had survived worse. ‘‘Because then-’’ he started as he moved in even closer, daring to let his breath grace her skin. He could almost taste the wine on her lips again. He could distinct her smell over the soap. The wine was truly taking over now, as he lost any care in the world. His hands gripped the edge of the tub as he looked her straight in the eyes. ‘‘You would have to ruin your husband's pretty face.’’ He was really asking for it know, but he was daring her to do it. He did not really believe she would. And what other options did he have left? She would curse him out no matter what he would do. And apologizing? Neither of them would, that much was clear. She could pick which flavour she wanted as they eventually gave in to each other. This, or the rusty taste of blood once more.
Fri Apr 07, 2023 1:06 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
He should've accepted her warning. She had given him the chance to shut up, lean back into the tub and enjoy that godforsaken bath. Though her betrothed wouldn't be her betrothed if he wouldn't take any opportunity to go all the way until her patience ran out. At this point he was just tempting her, seemingly not believing that she'd ever lay a hand on him that way. In a way he was right. She didn't want to be that kind of person, that kind of wife, and yet it was exactly the kind he was turning her into.

Her heart was racing as he closed that little distance between them even more, his lips but a hair away from hers. She could taste the wine as he spoke, paired with the smell of whatever herbs the servants decided to throw into that tub. The sorceress bit the inside of her cheek at this following words, sinking her teeth into the tissue until the taste of blood forced her to stop. She'd warned him, and he simply needed to satisfy himself by pushing the wrong buttons over and over again. And yet his voice, the sensation of his breath against her lips made her desperate for him to help her get rid of that surging heat between her thighs. Her breaths became shallow at the thought, paired with the state of adrenaline he'd forced her into. "Gladly," she breathed against his lips, though her voice was toned down to a mere whimper.

With that final warning she leaned back, creating little distance between them as the palm of her hand found his cheek in a swift motion, the sound of the impact echoing through the room. The sorceress inhaled sharply at the hit, a whirlwind of emotions rushing through the whole of her body as she stared at her shaking hand, not knowing whether to feel euphoric or immediately regret that decision. She did it. She'd truly hit the man she was about to marry.

Adrenaline surged through her body as her eyes found his, her gaze a mixture of emotions, though she didn't grant him much time to witness them. Before he was even able to respond to her action, she was quick to cup his face within her shaking hands as he crashed her lips into his once more, grazing her toungue against his lips in desperate hopes of him answering the kiss instead of returning her previous action and truly beat her to a pulp. She wouldn't win a true fight against him. She'd known that from the moment he'd lifted her up with ease that night. This would be her best chance, and she knew he'd been craving it as much as she had.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:04 am
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