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[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Last time she had sworn not to let him use her body to drown his own struggles anymore, and yet she ended up here, resting her head against his chest and catching her breath from doing the exact same thing she'd despised him for. This night, however, he hadn't turned his back to her as soon as their sin had been comitted. He'd even held her close, whispering nonesense towards each other in between careless and gentle kisses, nothing like their first night within his chambers.  

There wasn't a trace to be found of that lonely feeling he'd left her with after that night, her lips curled into a faint, content smile as he wrapped an arm around the damp skin of her back. Maybe those days spent in isolation had forced him to reconsider his behaviour, or maybe he simply craved the physical touch after spending those days alone his cell. Whatever the reason behind his affection may have been, she wanted to make sure not to take this moment, this whole night between them for granted.

No matter how much she would've liked to stay, to drift asleep atop his chest as she trailed the smallest of circles against his skin, she simply couldn't risk it. Beside her own reputation within the castle and the family, her betrothed had gone through enough trouble already. She could imagine their aunt to have been furious about the maiming of her eldest and only son. Her getting word of him sleeping around with the woman who he hadn't made his wife yet would only fuel the fire of her anger and possible disappointment. Although she would've liked to be selfish and stay within this little fantasy for as long as she could, she simply couldn't do that him.

Though her descision was clear, her heart still sunk at his confirmation, though the following question managed to surprise her. Tomorrow.. she'd tried her best to shove those thoughts aside during their tussle within the sheets. She didn't want to assume tomorrow to be just like last time, acting like nothing ever happened between them and avoiding the other as much as possible. Yet they'd have to lay low about the situation, at least until they had been wed and nobody would bat an eye at them anymore until they'd fulfilled their duties of bringing another sorcerer into this world.

"I don't know," she admitted after a moment of silence. Going back to avoiding each other would be easier than balancing on that fine line between acknowledging what happened without acting like it. One long look into his eyes and she was sure the other's would notice the stained color on her cheeks or her cheeky expression. "Do you want to?" A stupid question, maybe, but she didn't know what else to say. "If not," she continued as she turned her face towards him, putting her arms beside his torso in order to lift her upper body up, seeking out his gaze with a cheeky smile. "You'll just have to hurry up and make me your wife."     
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:10 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The sorcerer never had any problems by being alone. He could manage perfectly fine by himself, he didn't need anybody of his family to loom their shadows over him. But for know it felt like if she would leave, she would take part of him with her. His teeth were biting the inside of his lip with this thought, looking up at the canopy again, taking deep breaths to steady himself, his fingers slowly moving over her back. How much he wanted to whisper barren promises to her, he felt like she appreciated a realistic approach.

And that was what he was continuing, his voice small and slightly uncertain. He didn't know how they should handle things like this. Right now everything seemed perfectly calm. But how soon would they be at each other's throats again, when she had something wicked in her mind again. He liked to paint a ugly picture of her in moments like that, and not see her as the person that might be hiding beneath the surface. A quiet girl, that liked to read in an armchair with a glass of wine. Not this woman he had met, with a sharp tongue and going out of her way to make him snap. One he could only temper when they shared the sheets.

But she had no clear answer for that too. It might be easier to act like they should, or what they had shown before. But he was afraid that every passing moment in company would be harder and harder, between trying to make snide comments and just jump at each other. He didn't know too, because... If they had to be together in some way. He shrugged when he asked her if he wanted to. He had made it stupidly complicated where it shouldn't have been. He was glad they had passed that awkward stage, but he wasn't really sure if he preferred this.

When she moved to look him straighter in the eye, she again made a remark about that wedding. He watched her grin grow as he gave a breathy chuckle. ‘‘Always so impatient,’’ he repeated his words, then hinting to something completely different. He brushed his hands behind the back of her head, before dropping his hands in the sheets. He had avoided her question before by replying with another question, which eventually had spiraled down to them losing themselves in each other once more. And it was clear how much she desired to tie the knot between them, even after all they could do was fight and make love.

‘‘Anyways, I don't think that's for me to decide,’’ he said with a small shrug, looking at the soft curves of her face, blinking slowly. ‘‘Is there nothing in between? Between strangers and married?’’ They could be continuing this dance that they were having, only meeting each other in the comfort of night and pretend to be friendly when others were looking, to not being able to talk when they were alone together.
Wed Apr 19, 2023 5:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
As soon as the high of of their act had vanished, her worries were quick to find their way back again. Even the comforting strokes against her back and the sound of his heartbeat couldn't manage to drown all of them. Last time she had been terrified at the though of the possible consequences, only to be tempted into sleeping with him once again. More than once this time, even. She wondered if that thought ever crossed his mind, wondered if he'd even acknowledge their mistake instead of making her out to be some sort of whore and denying all accusations of their nights spent together. Her stomach turned at the thought. This man had been the most unpredictable person she'd ever ran into, making her unable to even guess how he'd react.

Marriage wouldn't cure her illness, but it sure as hell would take away the worries surrounding it. If she'd only be able to tell him how much that simple act of commitment would mean to her without risking him breaking the whole thing off there and then. She continued the absent motion of tracing cirlces against his skin, completely caught up in her own thoughts as the exhaustion slowly took hold of her body. If only she'd be able to stay here, to drift away within the safety of his arm wrapped around her, leaving her worries to be dealt with tomorrow.

Instead she decided to face him, look him in hin the eye one more time before she'd take her leave, disguising her desperation behind a cheeky smile as she once again mentioned their wedding. His answer wasn't exactly what she'd hoped for, but that chuckle paired with the way he brushed against the back of her head couldn't help but leave her with a faint smile. "I'm serious," she replied with a chuckle, repressing the urge to plant a kiss against his lips once more. He still laid beneath her so carelessly, a complete stranger to the worries which piled up within her mind. Either he truly didn't pay much attention to the consequences, or he actively chose not to.

His next words, however, managed to turn her affectionate expression into a frown. "Being engaged," she remarked as she lightly shook her head in disappointment, looking at him with raised eyebrow. "You know, that in-between stage where you're not supposed to do.. this." Her hand swiftly gestured between them before dropping back onto the sheets again. "And for a reason," she added, her heart racing at the thought of even entering that domain of conversation.

The sorceress sighed as she pushed herself up, the cool air of the room cold against her damp body now that she was no longer sticked against his. She didn't leave the bed just yet, sitting upright beside him as her feet touched the cold, wooden floor. Using her feet, she could barely shove his murky, prison-worn tunic which he'd dropped onto the floor earlier towards the bed, before bending over to pick it up and swiftly pull it over her head. It was big enough to cover most of her body, enough for her to sneak back with. She'd make sure to return for her wine stained dress in the morning. She was about to stand up and take her leave as she took a deep breath in, her heart beating violently in her chest as she was about to tell him what bothered him. "Just so you know," she started, her voice fragile, suddenly drained from confidence as she didn't even face him. "I haven't bled since our previous night together."
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:02 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
What happened to liking it like this? He could feel the air started to become heavy once more surrounding them, even if they were still stuck together like glue. Ezekiel really tried to keep it lighthearted, but he had worries too. He was in a way naive, because he did not want to face anything that might be complicating things. Why did everything always have to be covered in layers and layers of problems, hiding beneath a pretty veil. Yes, he truly was shortsighted that he might expect that this would be it, them picking fights and solving them accordingly. He liked that circle, he liked the ease of that.

They were in a new kind of state of denial, because as they both tried to cloud their worries in lighthearted smiles. She said she was serious. Maybe it were the nerves that made her laugh, maybe it was something else. Ezekiel eyes her up as he narrowed his eyes slightly, just pursing his lips together as he slid his hand past her head one last time. ‘‘Okay,’’ he replied with a soft, slightly confused voice. He didn't really think she was joking anyway. He was getting a bit tired by her beating around the bush anyway. There was now obviously more behind the surface, she was just not telling him. And he knew he should not blame her for just confessing some secret, but then she just need to keep her worries to herself. She clearly didn't trust him. With good reason. They probably trusted each other as far as they could throw each other.

The answer to his question did not satisfy him. Being engaged was pretty much being strangers in his book. They were just two individuals forced to match up. They were no friends, barely even acquaintances. They just happened to be two Vylasars that their higher ups thought to be an acceptable match. And when she mentioned their activities in the sheets, he rolled his eyes before he let his head drop. ‘‘Well, it's a bit late to have regrets now, Chas,’’ he murmured agitated. And who cared? Breaking the rules had been almost more familiar than keeping to them. They would be married one day. At least then they would not have to go to the trouble of getting to know each other too well that things like this would be impossible.

She was clearly annoyed when she moved herself away from him. He let his arm fall beside him as he only turned his eyes to follow her movements when she sat up at the side of the bed. His dirty tunic fell over her head as she clothed herself for the small journey from his room to her chambers. Ezekiel pushed a hand through his hair, pushing away the damp strands from his forehead. This was goodbye, it seemed. He was ready to just let her leave, ending this night with a knot in his stomach, with a lot of questions unanswered. He looked away from her back up towards the canopy. She only drew back his attention as her frail voice broke the silence. He turned his head slightly to eye out her shadowed silhouet. And then she finally addressed the elephant in the room.

Ezekiel completely froze, even his breathing paused for a moment. What? She didn't mean- well, what else could she mean. In his head he was already counting back the days, calculating how worse it could be. He pushed his upper body up slightly on his elbows as he looked at Chaska. ‘‘... What?’’ He could not manage anything else at this point. If she meant what she said. Oh no, this could not be happening. Now it made sense why she wanted to marry so quickly. She had her reputation to shield, to become anything but a common whore. By Lythrana. ‘‘Fuck,’’ he muttered under his breath as he sat up straight, burying his face in his hands. Only then he could feel the panic starting to crawl up his spine. It should not be happening, not this quick. He dared to glance back at her back. It was one of the first conversations they ever held, on that dark lake, which felt month ago at this point. She was clear that she was against the idea of children, that that would ruin her life. But it would ruin his as well. Please, it could not be... He clutched his hair as he kept still, only shaking his head as his thought immediatly went to worst case scenario. How could he not?
Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:43 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well

That lightened atmosphere which managed to fill their evening with affectionate gestures and sloppy kisses had vanished, leaving two exhausted and confused souls with nothing but the problems they’d tried so hard to drown. Where shallow breaths and whimpers filled the room just a brief moment ago, one of those familiar and painful silences now lingered. She’d gotten used to them by now, though, but the fact that this one came paired with some reassuring strokes against her skin and head still managed to surprise her.

She had been the one to break the silence, addressing that one subject he tried his best to void once more. He didn’t understand. He wouldn’t understand. Which is why she rolled her eyes at his answer, a gesture that had also grown to be familiar to her. ”It shouldn’t have happened in the first place,” she mumbled under her breath. Though it wasn’t exactly an accusation, she betrayed herself on blaming him for this whole situation in the first place, even when she had willingly gave into his temptations as soon as he’d crashed her busted lips into her that’s night.

She didn’t know why she hadn’t gotten up yet. She had dressed herself for her journey back to her own room, ready to sneak past the nightshift of guards still patrolling through the castle in order to make it back before sunrise. Why did it always have to be his room anyways?

It didn’t matter anyway, since the confession which had just escaped from her lips would probably refrain him from touching her ever again. She couldn’t blame him, though. She didn’t dare to look back over her shoulder and meet his odd colored gaze, though his voice betrayed enough. The anxiously sorceress bit the inside of her cheek. By Lythrana, why did she even tell him? Perhaps she’d been so desperate to save her own reputation, she hadn’t thought about the consequences at all when she’d let those words slip.

She could’ve just left it at that and taken her leave, but instead her feet seemed glued to the ground as she wrapped that dirty tunic around herself a little tighter. A quick glance over her shoulder betrayed his thoughts, the knot within her stomach tightening as she noticed him sitting up straight, his face buried within his hands. He truly hadn’t thought this through, that surely was obvious.”Maybe it’s nothing,” she tried to reassure both him and herself as her fingernails anxiously dug themselves into her upper thighs.Who was she kidding, though. ”Just promise me you keep your mouth shut.” She finally dared facing him again. Her voice sounded both sharp and small, nothing like those confident whispers from moments ago.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:52 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
It would be forever like this, this dance of will we, won't we. We can and we cannot. So while he had preferred to keep their thoughts to themselves, to just drown in the sheets and not speak of it further. His question of going back to pretending, started to create more and more truth. If it was going to be like this every single time, why bother. And when she softly spoke that it should not have happened in the first place, he wanted to agree. Because they only made it so stupidly complicated, it was almost not worth the pleasure. Even when he looked back at her, and all he wanted was to have her whole, again and again. His touches froze as he kept his distance.

So part of him wanted to argue with her against it, and part of her just wanted to just let her go. It was not like they could change the past. They could have this fight again. Last time she was angry that- whatever she was angry about. That she was under the impression she had used him. But not this time, she was as much - if not more - to blame. But he just could not allow her to have the last word on this. ‘‘Then leave,’’ he grumbled bitterly from inside his mouth. He wasn't forcing her to be with him, not like her parents were. She could walk out this room, step of his bed any time she wanted. ‘‘And I won't bother you anymore.’’

And he sure as hell would not, when she told him that she was maybe... expecting? He sat up straight, his eyes tightly shut as he frowned with his hands in his hair. It would be just his luck that he managed to knock up his betrothed in one try. He hadn't even considered it. And then she hit him with the "maybe it's nothing". He exhaled sharply as he threw back his head. ‘‘How can you be sure?’’ he asked with an annoyed tone, but is was probably more to hide the panic hidden beneath it. And why would she risk it again, if she was so anxious about it. Or was this one sick trick to permanently lock him in this marriage. He would have obeyed their families wishes, but now he felt a bit more uncertain. And as she faced him again with that tone of urgency in her voice. He gritted her teeth. As if he would tell. ‘‘Haven't I proven myself to be trustworthy,’’ he bit back. He hadn't told a soul about their first night. No, he was rather convincing in acting like nothing happened, something that had also annoyed her. There was no way in doing the right thing with this girl.
Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:49 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Even though his words left her with narrowed eyes and gritted teeth, perhaps he was right. She should’ve just left. Maybe, just maybe their night could’ve ended in anything other than arguing. For some reason her mind had decided to just blurt out one of those worries on her mind, knowing that it would’ve caused friction between them once again. And yet, part of her just wished she could’ve told him without trouble. Because who else was she supposed to discuss these matters with? This way of settling their arguments had been their little secret. A secret which they clearly hadn’t thought through.

”Don’t be stupid,” she simply hissed, finally able to look him in the eyes again, fists clenched as she dropped her hands beside her. ”As if that would fix anything.” If anything, it would only make matters worse. For her, at least. He could simply move on with his life, doing the silly, little, irresponsible things he always had while her only chance at some sort of a secure future would be ripped away from her.

Though her worries were genuine, part of her knew that the outcome wasn’t set in stone yet. It wasn’t uncommon for her bleeding to be irregular. Yet, her worries had presented themselves into an opportunity. An opportunity to force him into staying true to their duties, to make quick work of that wedding instead of taking what he wanted out of it and leaving her within uncertainty. She scoffed at the idea. That stupid remark about there being ‘nothing in between strangers and married’ managed to make her blood boil the longer she thought about it. Either he should’ve kept his hands off her altogether, or make sure to seal their arrangement with a ceremony before he did. They were to be married anyway, so why wouldn’t he just cut the cord?

Clearly she managed to strike a nerve, seeing how he frustratedly buried his face into his hands. If it hadn’t been for his selfish behavior, she almost felt guilty about bringing it up. The sorceress rolled her eyes at his remark. It had been clear that nobody ever taught him how a woman’s body worked, and yet he had known exactly how to make her plead for his touch. “I can’t,” she snarled back, repressing the urge to cuss him out once more. ”We’ll just have to wait and see.” She still had time before she truly needed to start worrying, but he wouldn’t have to know. All he needed to do was man up, take responsibility and free her from these chains of uncertainty. He surely hadn’t been complaining during their truces within his sheets, and yet the idea of making her his wife seemed to back him up in a corner.

His next words surprised her, especially when he seemed offended. Did he expect her to trust him? ”I barely know you.” Frustration and annoyance in her voice had shifted into an icy tone. To be honest, she hadn’t made up her mind about this man at all. All she knew was that he was her once shot at a decent future, whether she approved of it or not. Once again she took a deep breath, reminding herself of why she’d informed him of her worries in the first place. ”Though I wouldn’t have told you if I didn’t have a glimpse of faith in you.” She glared back at him as she spoke, before finally finding the strength to get up on her feet, turning herself towards the bed as she stared down at his exposed figure, not entirely sure how to feel about her attempt at manipulating him like this.

“I have to go,” she simply repeated after shooting a quick glance at the window behind her. It wouldn’t be long until the sun would rise, and another day of pretending would await them.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:17 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 3 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel stared at the canopy for a few moments longer. They were really amazingly talented in ruining a good moment. And they were past fixing it by a kiss, because he already played that card a few times too often tonight. And as she kindly reminded him, he shouldn't have. He licked his lips slightly as she called him stupid one more time, what also became a familiar sound. He shrugged slightly. He never said he was smart.

He meant it when he told her to leave, for him to be out of her hair, even if it would be very tempting to end up like this. It was almost worth the fighting. He gave her a side-eye as she bit back that it would not fix anything. ‘‘How do we fix it then? A wedding?’’ he scoffed slightly, while he dropped his head back in the sheets. Maybe she was right, but he would never admit that out loud. They could be married and at least the barriers of having to be in their own beds in the morning would be away. They could fix their arguments of the day each and every night.

But when she brought up the whole disaster of her maybe being pregnant. It wasn't fair, those were his stupid thoughts. Why Lythrana put him in this position. He was the youngest of all of his cousins. It was like they sacrificed him to be their first test subject, to see how this would all work out. They didn't have much to lose with him fucking everything up, and they could learn from his mistakes before they chose a wife for the golden boy. But he had already made mistakes. He obviously was asking the wrong questions, because Chaska was getting even madder. His nostrils flared as he looked back at her. ‘‘Stop scaring me,’’ he hissed back. He hated the uncertainty. And by every patron, there must be a way to get rid of every problem, even that one. She had been so disgusted by the idea of having children. He knew he should be the one comforting her, not the other way around. But he just couldn't.

He was truly agitated when she made him believe that she thought he might be untrustworthy. It was as much his secret to keep as hers. Because she had pulled him into this... burden. Was she thinking the load might be less heavy if they shared it? No, it had doubled, tripled. But when she struck him with the "i barely know you", he swallowed heavily. That was true. Not that long ago he had promised her they had the rest of their lives to figure each other out. Now the rest of their lives seemed to come running up to them lightning fast. ‘‘Right..’’ he only responded, that bitter tone still clear under the surface. He dropped his head back between his hands, rubbing the sides of his head. He only looked up as she told him she didn't have faith. He rolled his eyes and looked away. ‘‘Sure, Chaska,’’ he murmured softly.

When she rose, he sighed and watched her figure cast long shadows through the room. Even if he was still mad at her, it was hard to see her leave. Even if he wanted her to, even if he told her to, and she told him. He looked up to her face, debating with himself if he should do something, say something. But he remained silent as he gave her a small nod and dropped back down to his side, turning his back towards her.

But just before she could truly leave, he bit his lip, turning his head slightly. ‘‘See you tomorrow.’’ They hadn't truly decided what tomorrow would contain. If it would be more of this, or if it would be civil, for once. ‘‘Sleep well.’’
Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:55 pm
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