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[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
She did not own the nerve. He was so convinced by his own self-indulged mind. All she did was bark and no bite. She was the first to throw accusations, but when he came to close to the core, she shut her out. Exactly like he did. She was thinking she was so much better than he was, so weighed down by the burden of this arrenged marriage. She did not wait for him down that tower because she wanted to, only because she thought she had to. She was raised so pristine, to be the pretty princess. She was probably just disappointed she had to marry the black sheep of the Vylasars. That was why she was so angry all the time. Would her life not have been so much better if she would have been granted the hand of Myrddin. But no, it was just him, "Ez". Maybe she was not that holy after all. Maybe she was hiding something beneath that nosy façade. Maybe this was punishment as much for her, as it was for him.

So he dared her to the last inch, his mind was racing at this point, like there was not a straight way out. There was no right answer anyway, she would be mad no matter what he would do or say. Except one way: and that was giving what she wanted. But he would never roll over and show his belly like that. This could have been such a wonderful night, with meaningless banter and soft chuckles. Yes, he screwed up, but she continued what she started. He should blame himself for falling into that trap anyway. Because if he had ignored that longing first kiss, she would have been the rejected wife. Than this whole situation could have turned around completely. So when she finally spoke again, Ezekiel raised an eyebrow in defiance. She would not. She did not dare.

It was an understatement to say that he was surprised. Her flat palm hit his cheek in a spectacular way. His face was turned to the side to collect the hit. It stung all across his face as he was completely lost for words. The sharp noise of her hand slamming against his head was the only sound that followed for a while as he was stunned to complete silence. Only the high pitched ringing in his ear was still present, but he would assume that would be just him. He just had.. no idea what to do. He was so used to getting his way, either with running away, or drawing to his final protection with his familiar. He had asked for it, he had basically screamed in her face to hit him, mere millimeters from her face. And he had gotten what he had asked for. Finally something he could not blame her for.

In the mere second he got to look back at her, he caught a glimpse of her bewilderment. She gave him no time to respond, because her hands were at him again in an instant. For just a moment he flinched back, in a reflex, because he thought she might hit him again. But she got hold of his face and before he knew, her lips were against his once more. And in the time when her tongue brushed at his lips, he could remember thinking he would never understand this girl. But if this was defeat, he would take it. Without much hesitation his lips parted and their kiss found it's familiar rough rhythm, as he was pulled towards her with ravenous hunger.

His body twisted so he could place a hand in the nape of her neck and pull her closer. Suddenly he could almost forget that he was stark-naked in a tub, his skin still steaming from the hot bathwater. His fingers weaved between her hair, noticing the few strands that were still damp from the earlier drop in the water. Then, he still had been gentle when he brushed the locks away, but now he was pulling on her like he wanted to devour her whole. His teeth found his way into her bottom lip as he wanted to make her feel the sting that she caused to him. He pulled her lip slightly as he broke the kiss for a moment. ‘‘You hit me,’’ he stated with genuine surprise and conflict in his voice. His eyes darted across her face, looking for traces of anger still lingering there. Oh, what the hell, she tried to make up for her crimes. So he pulled her into another kiss again. his hand trailing upward, deeper into her two-toned hair.
Fri Apr 07, 2023 2:54 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Her eyes widened at the sight of him taking the seemingly unexpected hit, almost immediately regretting that decision the moment they locked eyes. She didn’t want to hit him, and yet that feeling of euphoria surged through her body, proud to finally have stood up for herself when the man before her had given his everything to push her to the limit. This had been the response he’d asked for, so this is what she gave him. A reminder not to ignore her warnings and shut his ever running mouth for once.

Though that euphoric feeling soon faded as he flinched under her touch, making her stomach turn the second before their lips met. Right now, however, it was easy for her to drown those feelings of guilt with the taste of his tongue while his fingers found a way within her long, white streaked hair. They were back to square one again. No trace of love or tenderness to be found within their touches, all while she had so desperately tried to avoid this situation. At this point she couldn’t care less. The rough nature of their kiss has grown to be comforting. At least she had been the one initiating this time. The one who was now in control, considering the vulnerable position of the other.

A quiet whimper escaped her lips as he bit down on them, pulling on her lower lip before breaking the kiss. Perhaps he wanted it to hurt, and she couldn’t blame him after what she did. She wouldn’t stop him from taking his revenge in between their touches, taking each bite and scratch the same way he’d taken that hit. Of course he had to remind her within that brief moment of catching their breath. The sorceress remained silence, looking him in the eye with that same expression as before. He deserved that hit. He’d dared her to do it, and she did. Still she couldn’t find the words to respond to him, still processing that foolish action of hers.

”I-“ He didn’t even gave her the chance to explain or apologize, pulling her in for another kiss after she’d barely opened her mouth. Perhaps he didn’t care for the reason nor an apology, simply craving his revenge through the rough rhythm of their touch. At this point she couldn’t agree more, digging her hand through his silver locks as the other started to wander, brushing against his neck and shoulder before breaking the surface of the water before trailing downwards for as far as the tub allowed her to. No waistbands, belts or trousers managed to halt her this time, her hand free to explore his body beneath the water’s surface. If they were going to commit that same sin again, she’d be the one in control this time. 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:03 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The words that had exited his mouth were more in surprise than he was actually mad at her, or hurt. Well, his cheek did sting and he had challenged her to do so. He just never expected her to get physical, in that way. The kiss that followed had been well received, as they just were so desperate to fall into each other's touches again. The push and pull of their tongues and the way he made her make those funny noises when he bit down in her lip. He smiled smugly as he released his grasp on her lip. His eyes opened slowly before he said what he needed to, still in slight bewilderment, the smile replaced with a frown. He was met with the same perplexed look, as she didn't have the words to come up with a witty remark quickly enough. She barely got a the chance to bring a word over her lips, as he shut her up with another kiss.

His hand intertwined with her hair as he dug his fingers firmer between the locks, pulling from time to time to try to make her create those little whimpers which he had quickly learned to enjoy. He smiled against his lips once he got more of what he was craving for. But Chaska seemed to have other plans, as he felt her fingers slide over his wet skin, making him anxious in all the right places. But as the feeling of her fingers changed as her hand crashed through the surface. He had not expected her to be so bold. And as her hand found it's target, he could not suppress a moan in her mouth, followed by a sharp inhale. He eyes fluttered open as he gritted his teeth together and as he tried his hardest not to grunt too excitedly. He averted his gave to not let her enjoy his shameless face and buried his face in her neck, where he started to place kisses down from her earlobe to the pearl necklace she still wore.

The only proof that they were but engaged, not yet married. This kind of behaviour should be saved until they had spoken their vows. But they had already broken that tradition, so who cared if they continued to challenge the wrath of their patron. He breathed heavily in her neck as she continued rile him up, s he had to lean his forehead against her collarbone.
Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
To her surprise he hadn't stopped her from continuing her exploration below the belt. Last time she'd barely been able to tease him before had turned her around, quick to take control over the situation himself. This time his need for control didn't seem as present as she could easily navigate her way across his skin. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for. Hesitating for a brief moment as her fingers folded themselves around him, followed by a reaction which only managed to aggravate the heat between her thighs. The sorceress grinned against his lips, trying to get a glimpse of his expression as she continued. Sadly he decided to avert his gaze from her, though the feeling of his shallow breaths against her neck and the kisses that followed were soon to make up for it.  

Seeing him like this unleashed certain kind of feelings within her which she never dared to explore before. That stuck up, cocky  Ezekiel whimpering under her touch instead of bossing her around. It was a feeling similiar to that glimpse of euphoria she felt when she'd smacked him in the face, the only difference that this action wouldn't be followed with a wave of guilt crashing over her once it had been done. For the first time ever since her arrival in Lythrania she felt like she was in control of something. That something being the man who had buried his face in her neck, nibbling away at her skin as he soon reached the pearl necklace.

"Careful with that," she whispered as she distanced herself a little. Her fingers detangled themselves from his silver hair, caressing his cheek before firmly taking hold of his jaw, forcing him to look her in the eye as she sought out those noises once more. She wanted to witness him as he melted under her touch, wipe that smug grin off his face with a single motion of her hand. The thought alone shallowed her breathing, widening the grin on her face before..

The sound of glass against the wooden floor halted her in each motion, forcing her to turn around. The remains of the bottle now laid spilled across the floor, half of it staining the bottom of her light colored dress. The sorceress cursed from underneath her breath, just loud enough for her betrothed to hear. Apparantly, her slight shift in position had been enough to knock over the remains of the wine, right at the moment where she finally though she had full control over the situation. Just her luck.    
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:19 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Their faces were touching eachother as the kiss was interrupted by what was happening under the surface. His lips were hovering above hers as he could not think clearly anymore. His breathing was irregular and messy as he made his way down her neck. He had to keep hold in the nape of her neck as the heat started to rise ever so slightly each passing second. Where he had felt in total control with his harsh words just moments ago, he was at her mercy now. He wasn't sure if this was her making up or punishing him, but he wasn't in a hurry to find out.

As soon as his lips reached the cool touch of the smooth pearls around her neck, she didn't seem to be that eager to continue. Oh please, fuck that trinket. It was nothing more than a silly tradition. It held no real value, expect for maybe the people responsible for this arrangement. So when his heated breaths continued above her collarbone, he had to fight the urge to rip the damn thing off, as he fingers rolled the pearls between his fingers at the back of her neck. Her fingertips danced across his cheek, making him think back at the first time this day she had tempted him into a kiss. But she was not gentle anymore, as she took his jaw and forced him to look up at her.

The look that followed between them was one of those that sparked fire between them. She wanted to see him writhe underneath her touch. As his lips were parted slightly as he looked straight at her, he couldn't help but feel vulnerable. However, two could play that game. Ezekiel slightly narrowed his eyes as he stared her down, exhaling deeply from his nose as he eventually had to roll his eyes upwards, just swallowing a curseword.

Faith had not truly abandoned him, as he heard the dull thud of a bottle slamming to the floor. It was just enough a distraction for them to both look at the floor. In that short moment, he could find the strength in his knees to move his upper body out of the tub and push Chaska away from the spillage. “For fucks sake, Chas,” he accused her softly. That might leave a stain, but he did not care much for the state of his chambers. He now fully jumped out of the bathtub, no longer worried by Chaska seeing him whole. She had seen it already and we'll, they were too far gone anyway. He picked up the bottle, where just a few nips of wine was left. He took it.to himself to chug the remains, before turning back to his betrothed, leaving wet footprints wherever he went. He quickly looked her up and down, seeing the wine already had started to stain her dress pink. He held out a hand to pull Chaska up from the floor as his hands followed the neckline of her dress. “Let's get you out of this mess.”
Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:10 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sorceress couldn't get enough of those noises, her heart racing faster with every heated breath or whimper escaping his lips. Especially now that she was able to look him in the eyes, witnessing the pleasure reflecting within his expression, even though he so desperately tried to keep it hidden. She tried her best finding a comfortable rhythm, the smirk which danced around her lips widening as his eyes rolled backwards and she fastened the pace just a little. Perhaps it was the wine which granted her that tiny bit of confidence needed to push her over the edge, taking control of the situation unlike last time. Unfortunately that same glass which granted her the ability, now laid spilled across the floor, ruining that intimate moment for the both of them.

The sound of the bottle against the floor was soon followed by that of water splashing against the tub as the sorcerer sat up, pushing her away from the red wine staining the wood beneath them. She narrowed her eyes at his accusation, though the way he said her name didn't fail to excite her, especially paired with that frustated, breathy voice. She simply rolled her eyes at him, not planning to apologize over something stupid. "Why didn't you just finish it before giving it back," she bit back at him, though her tone of voice was more daring than accusing, simply seeking one of those riled up responses which had grown to kind of excite her in a way. Perhaps because those rough touches would soon follow. It had been the one guaranteed way of getting him to acknowledge her thus far.

She couldn't help but letting her gaze shamelessly glide over his exposed body as he'd risen himself out of that tub, standing before her in his most vulnerable form as water still dripped onto the floor. She didn't care that it would flush her cheeks this time. The wine and the heat of the situation probably stained them a permanent color of crimson already. Apparently he'd taken her advice, quickly chugging the bottle before turning his attention back to her. The sorceress bit her lip as his gaze slid scross her before taking his hand, barely gotten up on her feet as his hands started to trace the neckline of her dress. He truly couldn't keep his hands off of her for a second, but she didn't complain. "You're making quite the mess yourself," she purred at the sight, referring to the wet footprints spread throughout the room as her hands started to wander once more, his skin still heated by the water's temperatures.

Her lips soon found the tender skin of his neck, ready to mark what belonged to her this way rather than giving him a pearl necklace. She worked her way down to his jawline as her hand grabbed a handful of his silver hair, pulling back his head to grant her better access. Distancing herself after her work was done, the sorceress proudly admired her work before pressing her parted lips against his once more. Briefly, this time, as the feeling of the stained dress against her legs began to give her the ick. She broke the kiss to turn her back towards him, presenting him the puzzle which held together the back of her dress. The same type as which he'd struggled with last time. "I expect you to be quick this time," she teased him as she pressed herself against his bare hips in a demanding manner, tempting him to make quick work of the second dress which he managed to ruin. Once married, he'd own her a whole new wardrobe, though she'd be glad o let him undress her out of each dress he'd ever gift her.    
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:29 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The way they were so desperate to be making each other yearn for more. He had to admit, Chaska had some nerves. She took complete advantage of his vulnerable position, which at this moment he did not mind that much anymore. Seemed that they had something in common after all, or this was revenge for all her opinions she had about him. It sure made him forget about the sting on hit cheek from when she had hit him square in the face.

Blessing or curse, didn't matter, the moment was interrupted and he had a chance to take this outside the confinement of his bathwater. He looked at the wine on the wooden floor for a moment. They shit would stain, but he was to occupied right now to worry. So he took his last bit of liquid courage. He showed her the bottle for a moment when she made a comment about it. He turned it upside down as he narrowed his eyes slightly. ‘‘Whatever,’’ he breathed as he carelessly tossed it to the side. The last thing they needed was shattered glass as well on the floor. But he didn't hear the noise of glass falling apart, so it should be fine.

His hands quickly found hers as he pulled her on her feet. His graze traced over the back of her hand when he found her eyes again, as he slightly deepened his gaze when he turned his head down a bit, drawing his eyes down to her chest as he was already mentally undressing her, folding his fingers around the fabric as he pulled her closer to him. He gave her a quick smirk at her next remarkt, his eyes going up to her face for a second. ‘‘I don't care.’’ She was quick to continue too, as it was her turn to place her lips in his neck. His hands slid away from her neck as he folded his arms around the small of her back as he allowed to pull against him, because honestly, he could not help it anyways when she just continued to rile him up. She followed with another kiss, which he answered with a small nip on her lips. In the meantime his hands had moved upwards on her back, hooking on some of the string keeping it all together, weaving his hands through it as he tried to find the end of the knot. But Chaska was impatient already as she broke the kiss and teased him to make quick work with it, urging him on with her hips. If he was truly petty, he would have dragged it out for forever. But who was he kidding, he wanted it just as much as she did. His fingers found the piece of string he needed to pull to make his first opening. ‘‘Always so impatient,’’ he commented as he looked up briefly at her. And than as if was a dance, he took her hand again and brought it up and over her head to twirl her around, keeping her hand in a lock as it crossed over her body. And with his other hand he pulled the strings of her dress apart as he was more familiar with the system now. And rather than pulling the dress almost apart, he slowly pushed the fabric of her shoulders, one by one, as it opened to her bare back. He left a wet trail from the back of his hand as he touched her all the way down the curve of her spine. Then he pulled her hand again as he turned around again, finally hurrying as he pulled the rest of the fabric down, getting down on his haunches, not holding back as he pressed a kiss on the inside of her thigh. It was certainly time to give something back.
Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:43 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
As soon as he’d set foot outside the tub, that submissive behavior had vanished into thin air. The sorceress rolled her eyes at his remark, gritting her teeth for a second as he tossed the bottle aside. “Watch out, you idiot,” she hissed at the impact, though the bottle had not shattered against the wooden floor. Still, who in Lythrana’s name threw glass bottles aimlessly through his own chambers.

One remarkable talent of his was his ability to make her swallow her anger as soon as he’d lay his hands on her. His remark didn’t fail to excite her, making her heart flutter as he pulled her closer to him. ”My eyes are up here,” she purred, moving her hand beneath his chin so she could redirect his gaze upwards again. She didn’t know what kind of dark magic he used to cast such spell upon her. It was af she couldn’t refrain from giving into his touch. That first, gentle kiss had been broken because she didn’t want to fall into that trap once more, and yet she ended up here, feasting upon the tender skin of his neck as his hands intertwined themselves with what little rope still kept her dress together, before she turned herself around in hopes of speeding up the process.

She tried to suppress the wide grin at his remark by biting down on her lip. Something about the way he said those words flared up that heat between her thighs once more. “Just for you,” The purr went paired with her hips grinding against his once more, tempting him to hurry up. She didn’t know where that response came from, honestly. She’d cursed herself for giving into his temptations last time, only to do the same the second they were alone again. This time, though, he’d made sure to claim her by hanging those pearls around her neck, securing their soon to be marriage and minimizing their chance at getting caught before they had been wed.

A smile danced around her lips as he twirled her around, making quick work of her dress like she told him to. She could tell he’d gotten the hang of it now, comparing his struggle during their first time. A few months, perhaps weeks from now on he’d be able to effortlessly undo her dress with his eyes closed. She didn’t mind being restrained as he let the fabric slide down across her shoulders, exposing both those and her back, inhaling sharply at the touch of his wet fingers trailing down her spine as she cursed from underneath her breath. Such a tease, he was.

His teasing didn’t stop there, lowering himself after turning her back around and dropped the fabric of her dress on the floor. She didn’t feel as exposed compared to last time. Perhaps because he had rid himself of his clothing a while ago. Her hands dug themselves into his silver hair as he continued lowering himself, her cheeks flushing as his face neared her hips. “What are yo-“ Her sentence was cut off, softly gasping as she felt his lips against the inside of her thigh, wondering if he’d truly go beyond there. Most men didn’t care for their whore’s nor wife‘s pleasure, after all. She hadn’t expect him to be any different, only feasting upon her body for his own pleasure. Perhaps this was his way of proving her wrong.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:17 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
He has cast all the shackles loose. It was not like him to crave for another person's warmth so desperately. But ever since they last shared the sheets, he could not have looked at her the same way, no matter how hard he tried. And now she wore his pearls, something she was apparently careful about. They soon would share a bed every single night, and by Lythrana, it might be for the best that their would be no more surprises then. They had passed that difficult hurdle the first chance they had gotten. It made it easier that she was just as shameless as he was, pressing marks on his neck he knew would be visible in the morning.

And even when he admired the soft curves of her body, looking at what soon would be released of the imagination, she brought his face back up. He moved his chin slightly away from her touch as he looked up, before leaning back into it when their eyes met. He licked his lips for a moment, before agreeing to her wishes and making work of her dress.

A soft chuckle filled the room as she told her it was just for him. He bend a bit forward, pressing his body against the back of hers while he undid the laces on her back, his lips close to her ear. When he was finished with undoing the rope, his fingers drifted past the pearl necklace. ‘‘It better be,’’ he breathed heavily in the nape of her neck. But even if he was teasing her with her comment, she had managed to feed his hunger for her even more. Stupid, bewitching little words she spoke, like if there was dark magic in her veins. Because why would she want him, after all they could do was fight? The answer was very obvious, the same reason he still wanted her.

Her hands were quickly to find his hair again, as he trailed his nose against her skin as he worked his way down. At last he found the place he knew would make those knees buckle for him. And as he heard an unsure sentence form above him, it was cut off as he pressed his lips to her skin. The noise that followed only spurred him on as he pressed another one close to the last, moving just up slightly. His hands slid up from the back of her knees to her butt, his mouth moving teasingly closer to the center of her pleasure. But he moved away shortly, to repeat the process on her other thigh.

But before he could continue, he got back up again, his hands kept on her hips as he quickly looked up at her face. Control had quickly been shifted from her to him, and he pushed his body forwards, pushing her backwards towards the bed, forcing her down backwards in unslept sheets for the past few days. His hands went back to her knees as he pushed her legs apart to create room for himself to make his way back to her.
Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:40 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Tomorrow morning she'd once again despise herself, letting him use her as a way to distract himself from whatever unpleasant feelings lingered. Instead of getting him to open up to her they were getting tangled up in each other once more, tongues grazing against one another's skin and hands trailing down the muscles and curves of their bodies. At this point she merely even cared, completely caught up in the sensation of his touch, waiting for him to get rid of the fabric refraining her from feeling his skin against hers.

The sorceress sharply inhaled at the sensation of his breath against the nape of her neck, his words making her wish for the relief of of their bodies melting together, as she so deeply desired ever since their last shared night together. As his fingertips traced against the necklace, however, the couldn't help but to feel a glimpse of anxiety, not wanting him to pull or tug the jewelry in any way. That necklace was her gateway to a safe and secure future, a future with the man which gently slid the fabric of her dress past her shoulders. That same man who'd managed to make her blood boil several times ever since her arrival, pushing her to the point of hitting him straight in the face.

Instead of releasing his anger upon her by letting her meet the same fate, the silver haired sorcerer seemed to have a different way of taking his revenge. Her hands nervously dug themselves through his silver hair as he nipped at the inside of her thighs, forcing a set of quiet whimpers out of her mouth as he moved closer towards the surging heat between them, her legs tremling in anticipation before he swiftly moved away and got back up his feet. The sorceress found his gaze, the sound of her shallow breaths breaking the silence between them. Before she even got the chance to scold him for teasing her like that, a shriek escaped her lips as she was swiftly pushed backwards, soon to be met with the feeling of the familiar bedsheets against her back. The same sheets in which he'd made her feel so lonely after turning his back to her, and the same sheets out of which she had quietly sneaked back the morning after the time their heartbeats first joined together.

He barely granted her time to reminisce about that night, her hips burning under his touch before his hands slid back to her knees, roughly pushing them apart as her heart raced within her chest. She could've barely kept quiet as he'd teased her with his lips against her thighs, but now he was no longer playing around. Her shallow breathing grew louder, one of her hands grabbing a hand full of his silver locks as he feasted upon her. She tried her best not to grant him the pleasure of hearing her moans, but she couldn't stop herself as his name escaped through her lips, almost in a pleading manner, followed by some inaudible cursewords as her back curved from the sensation. She caught but a glimpse of the top of the canopy bed and ceiling, before her eyes rolled backwards and her legs squeezed themselves around his neck. If this was his revenge for that slap against his cheek, she wouldn't mind ruining his pretty face once more.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 11, 2023 11:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
He couldn't even remember why they had been fighting in the first place. Maybe tomorrow he would know, when he would replay everything in his head, over and over again. From the moment she was waiting for him at the foot of the stairs, until this moment, when he was down before her, caressing her body in ways that should not have happened. But Ezekiel had never been true to the rules. He just wondered if his bad habits had already rubbed of to Chaska, or that she had always had a wild side to her that he just didn't know about. Because he hadn't bothered to get to know her like that, before tracing every inch of her body.

Everything he did seemed to create a reacting: a sharp inhale, a soft gasp, a tremble of her skin. It had given him this sense of dominance over her. She had undoubtedly felt it when he was still in the tub, but know the droplets on his skin started to evaporate and the clammy feeling of their bodies touching began to feel oddly familiar. But the feeling that urged him on the most, was that she admitted he was on her mind. That he was the person she kept thinking about. Only him. A privilege he somehow, even after all the hurtful things he had said. He would make up for it, and she'd seemed to agree with it, because every noise that followed from her mouth after that, had been those in shameless pleasure.

That moment of looking down at her splayed on the bed, was intoxicating. Was it really going to be like this for the rest of their lives? How soon before this would not be something they would have to secretly - not that they were taking precautions right now - but were almost expected to. He quickly stowed that thought away, because he had a pretty girl yearning for him.

It had crossed his mind to just follow her unto the bed immediately, but he hadn't grown sick of her whimpers just yet. So he dropped down on his knees, curling his arms around her things as he looked up at her. It didn't take long for her to urge him on with her fingers in his hair. They had completely switched things around with her trying to hide what she was feeling. But when his name rolled over her lips, he couldn't help to feel this giddy pride. How she writhed underneath his touch and made him ready for whatever was to follow. It was answered with her squeezing her legs tight around his neck.

He wasn't done yet. It all came circling back to that first night together, spend with them crashing down in these sheets in a lot less dignified manner. So when the tension around his face was released, he crawled back up between her legs, grabbing her by her sides to move her up more towards the center of the bed. He bend forwards to press a kiss on her sternum. His heartbeat started to rise again as he splayed a hand across her lower abdomen, while his other hand moved down her back to raise her hips slightly.

de hele kamasutra later-

Ezekiel's hand was around her jaw as he looked down at her smiling. His chest moved heavily as he had reached the peak of pleasure. He moved his hand to brush hair out of Chaska's face, and then his shoulders budged slightly as all the adrenaline suddenly seemed to drop. He kept looking at her as he chuckled softly. It was like the release of all that tension, and it was the only way he knew how to. He moved his body back, taking place between her legs on his knees, resting his hands on her thighs. ‘‘That was-’’ The sorcerer couldn't even finish his sentence. That was something, alright.
Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:44 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She couldn't help but wonder if this night would leave her with the same amount of shame and regret once she'd quietly leave his chambers once more, softly sneaking away not to wake him and having to face him in the morning. She hadn't felt that lonely before, wrapping herself within her own sheets as the 'borrowed' clothing of her betrothed covered her body, his smell lingering as she closed her eyes within the safety of her own chambers. She wouldn't even know what to say or how to act. This way, they could've gone right back to narrowed eyes and crawling under each other's skin, avoiding the other as much as they were allowed to.

That feeling had vanished into thin air as feasted upon her, the room filled the sound of her breaths and whimpers as her hands made a mess of his already tangled hair. Thoughts about the morning after didn't even occur to her as her legs wrapped themselves around his neck, almost pleading him to continue. Soon enough sharing the sheets would become a nightly occurence, one where she didn't have to worry about sneaking away anymore. They'd end each day tangled up within eachother, drowning their worries in the taste of the other. The idea of marriage never once excited her, but if nights like these would be a given, perhaps, it wouldn't be that strange of a concept..

The sorceress had to catch her breath in those brief seconds of peace, her heart racing and aching for more as she felt him crawl back up, firmly taking hold of her and changing her position with ease. She didn't struggle, especially not after the treatment he'd just given her, giving into whatever he'd set his cocky little mind to. She could despise herself the next day, when her body wasn't aching for his touch and her mouth cleansed of the sensation of his name. For now she'd simply give in, her cheeks flushing at the surprise of his lips against her sternum. It wasn't as if they hadn't explored each part of each other's bodies, and yet that tiny gesture of that kiss against her skin managed to drive her wild. Perhaps because it showed that he cared about the woman beneath him, that she wasn't just a body for him to use and dispose of. Which is why she granted him a cheeky smile as she sought out his gaze, biting her lip as he positioned himself to finally release her of that surging heat in between her legs and force his name through her lips once more, hopefully not waking their family or staff as he did.

piemelen piemelen piemelen piemelen ------

The sound of heavy breaths filled the room as their chests moved rythmically up and down, her lips curling to a faint smile as he brushed the stray hairs out of her face, her gaze fixed on his as he did. Teeth showed themselves at his chuckle, not able to repress a small one of her own. The euphoric feeling hadn't lasted long last time, after being shut out by him the second he'd managed to relieve himself. With his response her hopes for a better ending rose, relaxing her tensed muscles the second he moved himself back. To her surprise he didn't leave. He simply sat himself down in between her legs, the warmth of his hands comforting while rested against her thighs. The sorceress couldn't help but smile at his breathy, cut off sentence as she bend her knees a little in order to sit up, grabbing a handful of sheets to cover part her exposed chest as she did. "..Nice," she responded with a chuckle, clearly out of breath as she tried to finish his sentence. Any trace of anger within her voice had suddenly seem to vanish.

Quietly she moved a little closer, leaving him in between her legs as he moved close enough to rest her head against his shoulder as she leaned in, burying her face within his neck as she craved the warmth of his touch, perhaps silently begging him not to leave her be this time without having to use her words to do so. Her two toned hair draped across her shoulders, sticking against her damp skin as she held onto bedsheets which still attempted to cover her chest, serving as a barrier between their bodies. She didn't know what to say, honestly. Her usually sharp tongue abandoning her as she breathed in his smell. This was wrong. Denying both Lythrana and their family's wishes when she knew the deity would find her way back to them, punishing them for their impatience. And yet, even with that knowledge, she hadn't been able to resist him.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:35 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Their passion had risen to new heights. So much that not only the temperature had risen, but also the amount of decibels that were being produced. This was obviously not how he'd had imagined his first moments spend once he'd been out of that prison cell. He had expected a cold return, alone while he tried to figure out how to move on from that moment. But he wasn't alone and he might have help in planning the near future. But for now he was living in the moment, not caring how life would be looking like when morning came. He didn't even care how it would be spend the following hour. He would improvise along the way. For know he would only have to focus on Chaska, their bodies intertwined and the pure bliss he was experiencing.

He really had to catch his breath after that. His lips were slightly parted as he panted, sitting between her legs as he kept himself close to her. He had not forgotten about their fight, but he had also not forgotten the few tender moments they had shared before the first kiss of this night. It was like he was being torn in two, because he just liked that there was at least somebody in this castle that seemed to care for him, but at the same time he sometimes wanted to scratch her eyes out when she knew exactly which strings to puil to make his blood boil. He both hated and relished the way they settled arguments. But he stayed put, because he knew she would blame him for neglecting her if he didn't. That she would think that she was something he could take whenever he wanted, only because of the pearls around her neck. He was just scared to admit that it was much more complicated than that. It would be easier if she just enjoyed what they had and not dig underneath the surface. At the same time, he felt like he owed her at least something. At least the air still seemed light as she returned a chuckle and finishing his sentence. ‘‘Yeah,’’ he rumbled from deep in his throat as he gifted her another smile. He moved slightly back as she grabbed the sheets to cover herself. He licked his lips as he looked away, somehow aware that when they were finished, it was back to square one. He moved his hands away from her legs to his own lap as the dust seemed to settle.

However, she came in closer once again, resting her head to his shoulder. Slightly taken aback, he moved his hands out of her way. He was thinking about leaving the crime-scene, putting on a robe and leave her be. But he decided against that as he felt the tickle of her hair against his nose, feeling a funny flutter in his chest. She had taken care of him - in her way - so maybe... He took the sheets and wrap them over her shoulders, his arms followed as he hugged her just slightly tighter. ‘‘Is something wrong?’’ he asked in a small voice as he frowned, staring at the headboard of bed. Ezekiel was terrible with words, she might have noticed that already. But he would try. To talk. Just for a little while.
Thu Apr 13, 2023 12:44 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
That shared night between them managed to linger within her mind ever since it happened, taunting her with images and sensations of the things they shared in between his bedsheets. The same bedsheets as where they once again settled their argument, trading their sharp words and accusations for shallow breaths and pleads. She had craved the feeling of his hands upon her skin ever since that night, not expecting the next time to be so different in nature. While she still marked his skin and dug her nails deeply into his back, her hate and frustration towards him had made place for a feeling unknown to her. A feeling she’d yet to explore.

Perhaps her cheeks would be a permanent crimson color after this night, seeing how many times she’d feel the heat flush them. The way he confirmed her reply and smiled at her couldn’t help but to leave her flustered. She’d blame her feelings on whatever spell was being cast on people sharing the sheets with each other. That strange feeling of wanting him close, especially after their sin had been committed, it must’ve been related to the situation.

No matter the cause, she couldn’t stop herself from seeking out his warmth, even when he’d just backed up a little. The safety of the sheets pressed against her chest wasn’t enough. She just needed him closer, feeling as if he truly wanted to take care of her despite the fact that she couldn’t refer to herself as his wife just yet. She would be, soon enough, if Lythrana wouldn’t release her wrath upon their marriage before they’d even stand a chance to prove themselves.

To her surprise, her search for warmth was answered with more kindness and compassion she’d ever dared to imagine from him. He carefully wrapped the sheets around her shoulders, before tightly hugging his arms around her. She hadn’t known what to expect. She had been happy if he had just stayed and allowed her to rest her head upon his shoulder for a little while, long enough for her to process what had happened between them. Instead, he’d given her exactly what she wished for in this moment; His arms around her, providing the safety and stability which she’d so deeply craved after the first time they had shared the sheets.

She couldn’t help but to bury her face a little deeper into his neck, leaning into his touch as a small, content smile laced her lips. His sudden comment surprised her. “No,” she simply answered, letting go of the sheets within her hands to wrap her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry I hit you.” It took her a while to break the brief moment of silence, surprised at her own words when she did. Even though you truly deserved it. The words laid on the top of her tongue, ready to be fired at him without shame. Yet she managed to stop herself, not wanting to ruin the one moment she’d craved for. That spell he managed to cast upon her after these intimate moments surely was something else.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:15 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The sorcerer knew this should not be happening. Even if it was shared in true love, instead of... whatever was happening here. It was screaming at one moment, trying to make each other deliberately hurt, to spending heated moments in the sheets, followed by this weird truce, passed in comfortable silence, only broken by two-word sentences. There could be novels written about all the thoughts racing through his mind while he looked at this girl. But for now, it was a calm after the storm, and he kept it close in his arms while his heart still had trouble slowing down.

He pressed his cheek to the side of her head and just ever so slightly moved him thumb up and down on her back. He didn't know what made his walls crack and tumble for a while. This little, intimate motions that she made, it was just nothing like he had ever received before. But he did not flinch like that first night anymore. He just stared at the wall as the silence lingered for a while longer, before he asked her if something was wrong. Because this seemed out of character. He had expected some back-handed compliments, passive aggressive remarks, reproaches that he would leave her alone again. If only she knew she was stuck in his mind too.

Ezekiel was terrible with words, however. He only used words to break something down, not build something up. Because he knew which battles he could win, and which he was afraid to face. There was still a part in him that wanted to flee from this situation. Because as she wrapped her arms around him, he dreaded that she wanted to crawl in his head again. He was afraid to let her. Because everybody that knew his secrets, would only use them against him one day. It had always been that way. And he would rather be some unachievable bad-guy to her, than the messed of version of his true self. So when she murmered that nothing was wrong, at least that was one burden less. Perhaps Chaska was just easier with letting her guard down than he was.

His shoulders shook slightly as he laughed about her apology. He really had been an ass a moment ago, wasn't he? ‘‘I really thought you wouldn't dare,’’ he whispered, not really replying to her apology. Because in all honesty, he didn't deserve it. But, he still owned some of his pride. But he did feel some remorse to her as well. ‘‘I'm sorry too,’’ he whispered softly, without having to look straight at her. ‘‘I ruined a nice moment.’’ It could have been perfectly fine, them just sharing a bottle of wine, no string attached, as she took care of him, undeserving so.
Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:09 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She couldn’t help but wonder if this was a phase other arranged couples went through. That rollercoaster of emotions, going from frustration and anger to impatience and yearning. When she and Deimos arrived at the castle she had been nothing more than furious. At the way the world worked, at her parents, at him.. Perhaps she’d even taken it out on the silver haired sorcerer, testing the waters as she kept pushing him to see how far she could go during that night in Silvercrest. And now the cold touch of those pearls around her neck kept reminding her of their mistakes. If only they’d be able to quickly get their wedding out of the way, then most of her worries would be lifted from her shoulders.

But at this point those pearls around her neck only signified their engagement, meaning she’d have to leave his chambers sooner or later, return to that temporary guest room which finally started to feel familiar to her. Yet she’d pick these sheets over her own in a heartbeat. Perhaps because they came paired with a rising chest and a beating heart in which she could find her comfort. It was quite ironic that even when their little pack had been ripped apart by the obligations of their family, she couldn’t get herself to get used to the life of a wolf. Maybe that was one of the reasons she to desperately clung onto this mismatch, in hopes of starting a pack of her own.

For now, her racing thoughts could be tamed with a brush of his thumb against her back, wrapped up within his sheets as the silence between them felt comfortable for once. She might’ve even dared calling it peaceful, compared to the usual, brief moments of silence between them.

Though his voice was quick to answer her apology in the form of a laugh. The sorceress couldn’t help but smile at his reply. ”I shouldn’t have dared,” she admitted, even though she agreed with her words. She hadn't assumed he’d actually manage to push her that far. Yet, she couldn’t help but to feel a glimpse of pride for sticking up for herself. He did deserve it, after all. Or else she would’ve been able to keep her composure.

She didn’t know why she’d apologized in the first place. Maybe she just wanted to end this night on a good note, or maybe she was just trying to make him feel bad for acting out. One reason she hadn’t even bothered to keep in mind, though, was to get him to apologize as well. Her muscles tensed for a brief second as he did, certainly surprised at the words he whispered.

Quietly she moved her head away from his shoulders as to look him in the eye, unwrapping her arms from his waist as one of her hands found its way to his face once more, cupping his cheek as her thumb softly brushed across his skin. He deserved to feel bad for his behavior, honestly. And yet, she couldn’t help but to feel bad for him whenever those emotions of shame or sadness cracked through that bricked up wall of his. ”Maybe,” she admitted. She couldn’t deny his jerk-ish behavior after all. Before continuing the sorceress leaned in, softly pressing her lips against his for a brief moment, comparable to that first kiss they shared this night. “But I still quite enjoyed your company.” Her other hand had found its way to his torso, absently tracing the outlines of his muscles. ”The past three days have been quiet.” She meant those words, even though her anger had been justified. Still, that apology and the warmth of his arms around her after their truce within the sheets had been more she dared to expect from him. She didn’t want to throw that away by twisting the knife.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:26 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The sorcerer had still no idea how he had to handle this in the future. Because in the end, it would be them together for the rest of their lives. And in moments like this, that didn't seem that impossible. If he could freeze time, bottle this feeling, he would gladly be drunk on it forever. But the hangover that would follow this moment, he knew it would be coming sooner or later. It was inevitable with them, he just felt it watching them, like a predator stalking in the shadows. Maybe this would change in the future. Maybe it could change even this night. But if she would ask the hard question, he just didn't know if he could answer them. If only it was that easy. He could not trust her, even if they were about to be married.

So would they be that loyal to duty and family? Or would they break those promises too, just as they had broken many rules already. The pearls were the only piece of proof that they had obeyed their matchmakers wishes. It felt cold to his touch now. But even ice could leave burn marks.

So he let his thoughts simmer as he held her close, not knowing what his next move should be. He would much rather slowly pick her mind apart, but Chaska seemed more like thunderstorm, giving him much at once, and then leave him on edge as the thunder rumbled away.

But for tonight he'd made him angry, and he'd made him laugh. It almost felt as easy as that first night in Silvercrest again. They had found common ground again, but in a very different place and scenery. So when she continued their little conversation of saying sorry, he gave her a small shrug. ‘‘I would have hit me,’’ he said with a hint of humor in his voice. He really would have. He had hit people for less. And maybe it was also confessing he had been a dick, very much on purpose. He had seen an opening to strike hard with his words, and he taken it unapologeticly. ‘‘It's okay,’’ he continued quickly. ‘‘I've got thick skin.’’

Chaska removed her head from his shoulder and found his eyes again. He really didn't want to look straight at her when he was speaking from the heart, if only if it was for a moment, because it made it somehow more true. But she was so bold to take his cheek in her hand again, bringing them back to that short moment in the tub where everything clicked, where everything was perfect for a second. A kiss had ruined that then, but she was willing to risk everything again, as it was her this time that bridged the distance between their lips. Was this apology accepted, or just a game she was playing, repeating their mistakes endlessly. But as her hands trailed up his body, he couldn't help but weave his hand between her long locks again. His eyes fluttered over her face as she told him about the past few days. ‘‘And you aren't the quiet type?’’ he said with the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was so much easier like this, when their words weren't filled with contempt and envy. It could make him forget about all their fights and just enjoy them being together. Enjoy forgetting reality for a while. Because after all, she was the only one who could truly understand what they had to struggle through, together. And then for her to say that without him. Did she miss him? So his eyes were drawn to her lips once again as he moved his face closer together, but not yet pressing his lips to hers. ‘‘So why did you kiss me now?’’ he echoed her words, spoken accusingly by her on the side of the tub. Perhaps he was still a bit tipsy, that the walls he built around himself were still brittle. And even some of the boy in him was crawling to the surface too.
Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sudden change of atmosphere surprised her, especially after the act they'd just comitted. Last time that had been it. They barely shared a word before closing their eyes and drifting to sleep, their only form of connection the way she had cuddled up against him for a few hours, before quietly sneaking back to her own room again.

This time he'd taken her into his arms when she took the risk of seeking out his comfort once more. Thusfar they even shared tiny chuckles and comments which didn't carry an underlying tone of frustration or hatred. She didn't know whether to feel happy or confused, but for now she decided to simply push those feelings aside for as long as this moment of comfort would last. They would have the rest of their lives to fight and sting each other all they wanted, while she could imagine moments like these to be rare. After all, the way this man and his mind worked remained to be mystery to her.

Her head, which still rested atop his shoulder, moved when he shrugged in response. A soft chuckle left her lips once more as he kept surprising her with this sudden shift in behaviour. She couldn't help but to enjoy this secret side of him a little, though. "I bet you do," she replied softly as the smile on her face lingered. Perhaps you needed thick skin to be a city guard, especially one which she assumed got into fights often, knowing what he did to their cousin. She was quick to shove aside that thought, however, as she still hadn't heard his reasons behind his actions. Beside, he had endured his punishment, spending three days in isolation within a murky tower.

She didn't know why her lips had been drawn to his once more. Perhaps it was her way letting him know that her anger had faded, for now. That his apology had been accepted. Or, perhaps, she just craved the taste of his lips once more, in the same, gentle way as previously this night. Her hunger for his touch had been satisfied, and still she couldn't seem to keep her hands off him. He'd managed to infect her thoughts ever since that first night, as she caught herself despising him during the mundane tasks of her everyday life, and fantasising about his touch at night. And now, as if her thoughts hadn't been conflicting enough already, he was holding her in his arms, speaking kind words and even apologizing for his behaviour.

His voice snapped her back to reality, away from those ever changing thoughts as his hand had found its way in between her two toned hair once more. "Depends on who you'd ask," she responded, a teasing smirk on her face as she looked him in the eye. Her previous words had been true. In this moment she really did enjoy his company, feeling as if she weren't as lonely within this huge castle after all. That smirk remained to lace her lips as he leaned in closer, making her close her eyes with parted lips as she awaited the gentle touch of his kiss once more. Instead of a kiss, however, she was met with some familiar words. Words which made her open her eyes, gazing up at him through her lashes. She remained silent for a second, before her lips curled into a faint grin. "Because you wanted me to," she echoed his words from before, a challenging twinkle in her eye as the hand on his cheek slid to the back of his head, gently intertwining her fingers with his messy hair before leaning in a little closer, her free hand remaining to trace his muscles as her grin grew wider. "Am I wrong?"  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel blinked slowly as she responded softly, telling him that she bet he did have thick skin. Well, she would soon have to grow some as well, staying in a place like this. Maybe she would avoid the brunt of the tough love - as he would bitterly call the way he was raised. It didn't used to be like this all the time. He could have been more of the careless kid he used to be. But when anger and jealousy entered his body, ambition and glee left. He just liked things to be easy now, in a world where nothing made sense. And for a while he could live in his ignorant bliss, having his name to excuse him for his shortcomings and privileges to keep him afoot. He ignored his problems and they ignored them. Everything just changed as soon as Chaska had been introduced in his life. It was like everybody suddenly remembered he was a Vylasar at the end of the day, and he had duties too.

But in this limbo between duty and ignorance, he started to feel at peace. Nothing else mattered but this messy relationship he had started to create. It didn't matter that he had came stumbling down the stairs from a prison cell. He could face those consequences in the morning. It didn't care that he used his tongue to hurt and provoke her the first moment, only to pleasure her the next. No, he should cherish the afterglow they were living in right now. He didn't want this to stop, he just- even falling asleep was something he was putting of.

The sorcerer was even willing to swallow some of his pride in exchange for that. It was so easy to fall for her now soft touches and gentle banter. Maybe he would blame her the next day for setting up a trap for him. Maybe he would toss and turn in his bed for hours, spinning ulterior motives in his head why she was doing what she was doing. He still wasn't sure why she had waited for him. Or made him a bath, or steal a bottle of wine. Did she truly want to hear his side of the story? She still had no answers to that, but instead she had gotten his fingers trailing between the waves of her hair, speaking gentler than he had ever done before.

‘‘I am asking you,’’ he followed her words. He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear again. They truly didn't know the most mundane things about each other. He didn't knew when her birthday was, or what kind of food he could wake her up for in the middle of the night. They only knew how to fight, where some very specific nerves lay to make each other hurt. He didn't know her dreams, what she wanted their future to look like. He only knew how she felt in the dark, he knew every curve and edge of her body. But he had already given up on the idea that things like that would just naturally come to them.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly as she prepared herself for when he leaned in slightly. Ezekiel couldn't help but feel slightly smug as she was so eager. And when they shared another longing look, he couldn't help grin, his eyes narrowing with his smile. They were back at square one again, keeping it so very safe, because making out was becoming more common than surviving a conversation. So he smiled close to her lips, looking at her closely. ‘‘Well now I should be threatening to hit you,’’ he whispered to her with a hint of a chuckle in the back of his throat. ‘‘But I'll be the better man for now.’’ And he finally bridged the distance one again, placing his hand at the back of her neck, the other still straddled around her back. He broke the kiss for a moment, resting his forehead against hers,to admit what she had not been willing to the last time: ‘‘You're not wrong.’’
Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:06 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Nobody could’ve prepared her for this moment and the feelings which came paired with it. Just moments ago this man had pushed her to the point of getting physical, only to have her wrapped around his finger the next, filling her head with delusional ideas of how this marriage could possibly turn out for the better. The bliss of their passionate truce was getting to her head, almost completely forgetting about what this arrangement was about. In this moment, however, she couldn’t seem to care. This was all she had wished for after their previous night together. Perhaps Lythrana did pity her, and she wouldn’t dare question her blessing disguised as a tipsy, cocky, silver haired man which happened to have a soft side.

Her heart fluttered at the gentle gesture of tucking her hair behind her ear, done by the same man which had been hungrily tugging at it moments ago. The sorceress shyly shrugged at his answer, flattered by the sudden interest. Getting lost in each others bodies and touch had been like second nature, and yet she struggled with answering a simple question. ”You wouldn’t believe me if I say I usually am,” she joked, quite embarrassed about how vocal she had been when her legs had been wrapped around his neck. She didn’t even mind some peace and quiet, but blurting out something like that had been easier to admit that she had been bothered by his absence. ”Perhaps I’ve just gotten used to your presence,” she continued, trying to shrug off the fact that she basically admitted she had missed him.. or something like that.

There it was again, that smug grin on his face. That same grin which had fueled the fire in her before, wishing she could’ve wiped it off his face as he managed to crawl under her skin again. This time, however, that same expression didn’t fail to make her heart skip a beat as her body begged her to have a taste of his lips once more. Instead he smiled against her lips, speaking words which forced her lips into a grin of their own. Before she could make a smug comment of her own, however, her betrothed had once again bridged the distance between hem, feeding her desire with each second of tasting the remains of wine from his lips.

A glimpse of disappointment struck her as he broke the kiss, but was soon to vanish when she was met with his forehead rested against hers as he spoke the words which made her heart skip a beat, suddenly forgetting each smug and cocky comment she would’ve liked to throw his way. Once again she was at a loss for words, her heart racing as she tried to find comfort within the hands resting on her back, keeping the sheet wrapped around her shoulders. ”Neither were you,” she admitted softly, not entirely sure why she granted him that knowledge as she quietly twirled some of his silver locks around her finger.

She didn’t gave him much time to think about her answer, though, as she was quick to crawl onto his lap, seeking the closeness of his body against hers while her lips hastily found his once again. Swiftly deepening the kiss in a rushed manner as her hands started to wander. Perhaps this was her way of defending herself after the regret of letting her walls down. This drowsy state of bliss would do her more harm than good if she kept opening up to him, giving him all sorts of bits and pieces which he would be able to use against her once they’d be caught up within their sharp words and accusations once more. If he continued his honey laced words and gentle touches like this, she might end up telling him her deepest secret. The sole why her parents had decided set her up with him. She couldn’t let that happen, not before they had been wed.

The sorceress panted as she broke the kiss, catching her breath as her mind wandered in between her worries. ”..Maybe we should make quick work of that wedding,” she breathed teasingly against his lips, gently drawing circles against his chest as her fingernail softly grazed his skin. Her other hand remained to mess up his tangled hair even more. Beside the hurry behind her illness, she might’ve forgotten about the worry which managed to haunt her ever since their first night spent together. A worry which would continue to grow each time after they’d decide to settle their arguments like this. 
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:56 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Chaska was everything he would describe as inconvenient in a wife. He always knew he had to be married some day, to some unlucky girl. He had never prepared for love. In the perfect world, he imagined a girl that would stay out of his way, do her own thing and leave him be. They would do what would be necessary and stay out of each other's hair the rest of the time. But now he wanted nothing but her hands in his hair, tangling and tugging as she so often did. To feel her nails digging in just the right spots. But Chaska was also pushy, constant in his aura, questioning his every being if she got the chance. The only way to shut her up seemed to end up at the same place, tangled up in his sheets.

But the tables had turned, at it was him that asked a careful placed question. And when she started to be a bit more hesitant, he could do nothing but relate. The two of them shared maybe even more than they already knew. Except from the ability to make snide comments, get under each other's skin, being unhappy with their place in the world. In the chaos of it all, they had found each other, even if it had been a forced meeting in the first place. He would hate to call it fate, so he refused to do so. He would prefer making the best out of the worst situation.

‘‘No, I don't,’’ he said with a small smile. ‘‘All you do is talk, talk, talk,’’ he teased with a glimmer in his eyes. And as she tried to cover her earlier remark that things had grown so silent without him. Well, maybe even he had missed the fighting those three days locked up in a cell. It was better company, even it it was screaming and fighting. It was still hard from him to separate Chaska from his anger towards his family. He knew he couldn't blame her for having to marry him, but he subconsciously still did. Expect in moments like this, where that ever looming cloud seemed so far away. ‘‘Already?’’ he answered with a small grin. ‘‘I don't think I will ever get used to this.’’

The kiss that followed, fueled his body once more to press her closer to him, proving his previous words. His body betrayed his lust every passing second, craving the feeling of their skins touching, not caring that they were still clammy from what happened before. They had barely time to catch their breaths, but it didn't mean he didn't like the taste of the gentle and lazy kisses, trailing his lips over hers, before small confessions slipped in passing.

Ezekiel had no time to reply to her question as she moved forwards onto his lap. His hands slid down to her hips as she did, supporting her weight as their lips crashed together again. He breathed heavily in her mouth as she deepened the kiss, pushing back as temperatures started to rise again. This girl had such a grip on him in such a sort time. Because as soon as they found middle ground between the sheets, every wall seemed to drop and they could converse perfectly fine in touches. He was ready to tear away the sheet between them and just start from square all over again. But she broke the kiss to state the very thing he was trying to forget. His eyes fluttered up to her, his brow furrowing slightly. ‘‘Why?’’ he asked. He stole a quick kiss from her lips as he tried to drive away that thought out of her head. One hand moved up from her hips as he touched the pearls around her neck, the physical prove of their situation. ‘‘I like it like this,’’ he whispered. Don't ruin the moment. A wedding seemed so far away still. So he dropped the pearls and cupped her face to bring her in for another kiss, pulling her closer to his body.
Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:35 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sorceress rolled her eyes at his answer, though that look in his eyes didn't fail to make her heart skip a beat. "Someone has to," she replied as she matched his teasing tone of voice, shortly biting her lip as she dug her fingers through his hair. "Besides, I believe you've learned to enjoy shutting me up." Talking like this felt so easy. She could tease him all she wanted without ending up in an argument of raised voices once more. Those few words in between the taste of his lips was something she could get used to, especially paired with the feeling of his damp skin against hers. Her smile widened at his answered as she repressed the urge to lean in once more. "That sounds like a 'you' problem," she whispered as she grinned against his lips.

And yet she couldn't hold herself back, her body heating up at the touch of his hands against her hips as the gentle nature of the kiss grew more passionate. No matter how she had despised him before, she simply couldn't seem to get enough of his touch now that she was finally able to have him. All those built up feelings and emotions which she had been bottling up ever since that first night resulted in this hunger for the sensation of his skin against hers. A hunger which, surprisingly, hadn't been satisfied by joining their heartbeats together once more.

Apparently her attempt at shoving her confession back under the table had been well received. The way he pushed back into her kiss, breathing into her mouth as he did only managed to bring back that emerging heat in between her thighs once more. A few weeks ago she had never experienced the feeling of granting another person access to her body like that. In fact, she'd even despised the thought of it. And yet, at this point she kept craving him, the thought of having to leave his chambers and return to that room of her own haunting her as she got lost in the taste of him.

Which is why that remark rolled over her lips without thinking it through. Her heart sunk at his questioning response, crushing her hopes of him agreeing and continuing these acts they weren't supposed to commit. The swift kiss which followed led her gaze back to him, as she was confronted with his questioning expression. Yet his hand made its way towards the pearls around her neck, which managed to warm up against the heat of her skin now that the fabric between them had been teared away. The sorceress bit the inside of her cheek as the pearls rested in between his fingers, a faint smile lacing her lips at his answer. She agreed. She, too, liked it this way, and yet she yearned for that security of being his wife.

Before she could answer his question their lips found one another once more, the distance between their bodies narrowing as they once again found their familiar rhythm. She could appreciate his way of avoiding her answer, and yet she slowly broke the kiss, his face lingering close to his as she tried to find the words to tell him. She couldn't simply tell him about the worries which had been troubling her mind recently. Knowing him, he'd shut down completely at the thought, refraining from touching her ever again. Perhaps he'd even blow off the wedding, leaving her with an everlasting reminder of him and the sins they had comitted, all while slowly losing the ability to actually raise that 'reminder'.

"So that I won't have to leave you before sunrise anymore," she purred against his lips, quickly shoving away the thought of telling him the truth as she teasingly grinded her hips against his, quietly gasping at the sensation. "And so that we can keep doing this." Her voice had changed into a mere whimper at the touch of her hips against his, desperately craving for their bodies to melt into eachother once more. It had been the only way she had been able to distract herself from the worries piling up inside her mind, so she gave into that feeling of desperation as she pressed her parted lips against his once more, continuing that motion in hopes of getting him to rid her of those worries once more.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon Apr 17, 2023 11:39 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
As the fuzzy, numbing feeling of the alcohol slowly started to go away, it was replaced by some whole other feeling that made his cheeks rosy. Especially when she seemed to be able to read his mind so effortlessly. He smiled like he was caught against her lips, his face scrunching up slightly as he did. ‘‘I'm starting to think that you want just that,’’ he spoke softly, looking up at her while he spoke those words, just in time to see the surprise in her eyes. He chuckled at the words that followed, quickly proving his habit about how fond he was about shutting her up.

When he had first laid eyes on her when she was a grown woman, he hadn't imagined her like this. It always had lingered in the back of his mind, the duties a husband and wife had to perform. Never had he imagined it to happen so quickly, or that once it happened he would be create this craving that never seemed to be satisfied. He would just blame it on the butterflies that happened whenever you discovered something new to enjoy. These things soon would fade, wouldn't they? It didn't seem probable, as their kisses deepened.

Marriage made everything so real. He wanted to live in this bubble just a while longer. A wedding truly seemed to be torture right about now, as everybody's eyes seemed to be targeted on him. He had crippled the star boy of the castle, and sadly Myr had a few more friends than he had. A wedding would be a dreadful event and only he was to blame. So when Chaska seemed slightly displeased with his answer, he just removing her chance to respond, tearing the sheet away from between them, giving him access to the whole of her body once more. He would never understand the complex feelings of a woman. Not without opening the can of worms that were his own. So he hid them beneath a blanket of ever rougher hands on her body, slowly making his way down her hips again.

But she broke the kiss and they shared a longer look between them. He slightly tilted his head, furrowing his brow as if to ask that same question he asked before. Is something wrong? His fingers traced a figure of eight on the small of her back as he kept his eyes on her, trying to suppress that impatience growing inside of him.

However, she soon found her fire again. He smiled, matching the curve of her lips. He wanted to respond that they could figure such small inconvenience out, but she make him swallow his words as he gasped softly from her movements. His gaze went up to her face again. ‘‘Can't argue with that,’’ he mused with a small smirk. So he buried his face in the nape of her neck once more as he moved his hands to the back of her thighs, pulling her in even closer. His breath was heavy on her skin as he pressed a trail of kisses from her ear down to her shoulder.
Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:16 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
His words didn’t fail to make her heart flutter. He was right, however. Fighting and arguing had been the only way she knew she eventually got what she wanted; His undivided attention and the feeling of those rough hands against her skin. In the morning she’d yet again despise herself for being so desperate for his touch. Perhaps it had been her way of rebelling against the choice of her parents, taking back control over the situation while in reality he had her wrapped around his finger instead. Luckily, he stayed true to her words, pushing away those thoughts to the back of her mind as he managed to shut her up with another kiss.

The concept of marriage was a heavy subject for the both of them, though she imagined the reasoning behind his avoidant behaviour to be different from hers. At first she had been angry, wanting nothing to do with him or the duties of being his wife. Though, being forced to stay within a strange city far away from home had given her enough time to think her parents descisions through. She hated to admit the fact that she came to understand their worries, dreading the moment her illness would strike, a moment which crept ever closer. Perhaps she even dared to say she agreed that living a sheltered, domesticated life was her best chance at comfort in this world which hadn’t been created for someone like her. All she had yet to do was to secure that life, even it meant leading on the man which managed to make her feel things she didn’t know she was capable of feeling.

And so it all circled back to that one thing they both had been craving. The one thing which allowed them to escape the worries clouding their minds, drowning in the rough touch of hands across their bodies and shallow breaths against their skin. “I figured you’d say so,” she breathed against his neck, finally satisfied with his answer and the way his lips found their way back to her skin, a quiet gasp escaping her throat. That firm grip on her thighs was enough for her to figure out where to go from here. After all, she needed him as desperate for their wedding as she was, forcing him to start missing her in the mornings and cursing her absence at nights where she wouldn’t be by his side.

-------- wij zijn ziek ----------

Sweat dripped down her back as the sound of her panting broke the silence within the room. While her damp skin had had almost cooled off before, clumps of her white streaked hair now sticked against her back and shoulders as she gazed down on him, a look of satisfaction lingering within her eyes as she trailed the tip of her finger down his chest. The feeling of that big, bad, sorcerer which now laid beneath her couldn’t be compared to anything she’d felt before. At this angle she was able to properly take in his features, surprised at how handsome he’d actually grown up to be. That face no longer resembled the one she remembered from her childhood, though his eyes still felt familiar. Nostalgic, even.

After absently taking in the sight of him and the marks she purposely left him with, her lips curling into a smile as she did, she lowered her body, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips before resting her head atop his chest. The sorceress closed her eyes, comforted by the rhythm of his beating heart. Perhaps the wine no longer poisoned her blood, reminding her body of how tired it actually was. Her eyelids had grown heavy to the point where she didn’t even try keeping them open.

She knew she had to get back to those sheets of her own soon, before she’d drift off to sleep right here on his chest, sleeping past the cracks of dawn as a servant would be knocking at the door of an empty room in the morning. She had witness how fast word traveled throughout the castle. Before she’d know it, the story about how she was sleeping with her betrothed before they had been wed would soon reach the ears of Lady Vylasar herself.

“I have to go,” she mumbled after a brief moment of silence, even though she made no attempt to get up just yet, making sure to enjoy this moment for as long as it lasted. She wouldn’t be surprised if their next meeting would result in an argument once more, leaving her hurt and frustrated as she tossed and turned within her own sheets. Maybe she’d get used to that feeling one day, as long as they’d be able to make it up to eachother as soon as the moon had risen, and Lythrana could gaze over the mismatch she’d put into this world as they panted each other's names.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:24 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Image
[M] Put the weight of the world on my shoulders - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
He wanted to postpone the ending of the night for as long as he could. Even when their eyes turned small for sleep and their heartbeats would finally slow down. He wanted to ignore all the worries and problems he would have to face in the morning. He would want nothing else than to flee this place, don't look in the eyes of any family member. That was the easy way out, rather than keep his head high and pretend like nothing had happened. He still awaited the wrath of multiple family members, the ones that had their happy, easy lives filled with magic and glee. Now he was stripped of his magic, and he wasn't even mourning it that badly. Maybe it was of the best after all. It would be better he would never touch that damned stick again and let his bear slumber in an eternal hibernation, while he would live out his days spending on the sidelines of Vylasar prosperity.

So blame him for being in this moment where nobody else could intrude. Here they could write a while different story, still build on a foundation of anger and envy, but at least they were one and the same in that. He wondered if she might be running away from something as well. Maybe why she was so desperate on this union to work, bringing it up time and time again, was because there was something in her past she needed to erase. He had thought about it quickly before, not knowing what it was. Because it seemed to easy for her that she was just obeying her parents. Or maybe he was just making things up, aching for somebody that could resonate with him.

His mind was quickly swept blank again as she brought him back in the here and now, as his breaths turned shallower. It was becoming harder to look up at her as she moved with his impatient hands pulling her closer. The slight salty taste of her skin from their previous tussle in the sheets was another new sensation, but he made another mark in her neck, just before he was pushed down to his back, his fingers digging in tighter at the soft skin of her legs.

-- insert smut gif --

His hair stuck to his forehead as his chest moved heavily. He head his eyes up on the canopy as he tried to catch his breath, in this afterglow what he had just witnessed. This night had truly been centered around them further exploring each other even further. He was drawn back at her when she laid her hand across his chest and a small smile followed as he saw her smug face. He then followed to just look at her, his eyes slightly narrowed as they took a moment to remember this moment. Because the looming dread that this soon would end was crawling ever closer.

Chaska lowered her back to him and a sloppy kiss seemed to seal the end of whatever this was. He closed one arm around her back as she nestled herself on top of him. He didn't mind that both their bodies felt clammy to the touch, he didn't even mind her curling up to him. He didn't flinch anymore. It was like night and day how they ended that previous night, where he could not face her anymore.

And then she said what he knew what would be coming. And even as she told him she had to go, her body stayed dormant. ‘‘I guess so,’’ he replied absently, placing his free hand beneath his head. He looked down at the top of her head for a while. ‘‘What about tomorrow?’’ he said in a mere whisper. Maybe that was what he was dreading the most. Having to walk between his peers again, not being able to come up with a good excuse why he had been in prison. Just discomfort of knowing that everybody knew. He gritted his teeth when he looked away. ‘‘Are we going back to pretending?’’
Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:00 pm
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