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Do you really wanna play - Page 2
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Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Do you really wanna play - Page 2 7mKmf4U5_o
Do you really wanna play - Page 2 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The way she phrased those words so easily surprised her, as if lying was like second nature to her. Quite ironic how she had despised her parents for their choice to marry her off to her second cousin, only for her to cling onto the arrangement like her life depended on it. Because, in a way, it did. It just took her some time to realize it. Time, and a shared night between the sheets with the man who was going to fulfill that duty, perhaps.

As soon as she finished, a silence haunted them once more. A silence in which she could no nothing but shift her gaze between his odd colored eyes, refraining herself from continuing her pleading, just to bring an end to the deafening silence surrounding them. Though her last spoken words had been too desperate for her liking already. No matter the importance of their marriage, she'd promised herself she'd never beg for anything. One day she would grown dependent, but that day would not be today, tomorrow, or anytime soon.  

The sorceress didn't know what to expect. Perhaps another stab of words or accusations being thrown her way whilst raising his voice like he had done before, which could likely remain to be a reoccuring theme during the whole of their marriage. She almost flinched as he began to speak, not expecting his voice to break the silence just yet, though she was surprised by how his demeanor seemed to change. She wasn't met with fiery eyes or gritting teeth this time. For once he even seemed to agree, softening her gaze as she found his. He even dared to close the distance between them by stepping forward, making her heart race as he did. For a brief moment she expected his lips to find hers, before his gaze shifted from the necklace back to hers. The sorceress tilted her head slightly, not entirely sure what he meant, though she was relieved had the sudden lightened atmosphere, daring to lower her defenses as she listened to him.

Suddenly his voice sounded so genuine, as if she could have a peak at the true man behind the mask of agony and self pity. It caught her off guard as she tried to form a fitting responde. Perhaps he had even managed to spark a glimpse of guilt. The sorceress scoffed at his last sentence. "Don't worry, we're so much more than that," she reassured him, a faint, perhaps apoloteic smile around her lips. "Dragon magic runs through our veins. We're the only ones within the realm able to summon celestial beings at our command. Our family may be complicated, but you should never forget about your roots, nor be ashamed of them." If that wasn't something to take pride in, what else could be? "But I agree," she added, though she had no clue what he meant with "their way". That didn't matter right now. All that mattered whas this rare occasion of him opening up to her. A truce in which none of them jumped at the other's throat for once.  "We'll
be better off shaping our own destiny."

Her gaze had followed his towards the tunnel above them before shifting back to his face. A face she didn't know whether to crash her lips or her fists into at times. "I'm glad to witness some sense coming out of your mouth for once," she noticed aloud, her voiced laced with sarcasm as she teased him, though the corners of her mouth had curled themselves into a grin. Perhaps he wasn't all that bad.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Do you really wanna play - Page 2 Image
Do you really wanna play - Page 2 Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
This sensation of whatever this was, was completely new. Yes, he had a family's honor to keep high. But he had never had someone so connected to him. That everything he did, would be directly taken back to her. And if he went on to make bad decisions, it would be her life he would be dragging down with him. It was some kind of dependance to him she probably despised. And even if there was a powerful woman at the helm at this moment in time, it usually was a men's world after all. She would have a family to raise, while he was off doing... whatever his aunt would make him. Whatever she liked, because at the end of the day, he would be in service of her. Every smudge in his ledger, would be doubled in that of Chaska. Only when she so clearly asked him to not ruin her life with him, he understood that responsibility. And maybe he even started to acknowledge it. There was no going back anyway, the pearls shimmered on her neck. Another consequence of what he had done in a temper, without thinking much about it. He had challenged her to be his fiance, and now when he faced her as such, it just scared him. Though, he would never show or admit it, because opening up scared him even more.

It was like he finally started to make sense to the girl in front of him. As if after fighting the battle, they met on middle ground. They could see eye to eye once more, reminding him to that weird night they spend on the lake. At that moment, he felt as if there might have been something that they could work for. They seemed similar in a way. And it could almost be described as - after enduring some awkward silences and bickering - a pleasant evening. He had let his guard down for a moment and she had come crawling in. Only to fester in his mind for days on end, until everything came crashing down. And after he fell asleep in her arms, that poison only expanded widely.

So when that middle ground was met, where he expressed his frustrations about this all, she seemed pleased. Her anger seemed to flow away like the tides. He knew it wood be flood soon enough, but maybe he should enjoy the low tide for a moment. She called them - as in he and her - more than that. Did she saw them as equals? He did not linger long at that thought, because he didn't want her to think that he thought she was not that. They should be equals, did they not? Maybe that was how their way would work, whatever their way would be. But as she spoke about the summoning magic as if it was something to be proud of, something that was special. Something that he should not be ashamed of. He wanted to summon nothing but a bitter laugh at those words, because she had no idea of the inner strive he had with his "dragon magic". He did not feel blessed with it at all. It was a burden, a curse. Not for people like Myr or his aunt, that summoned this lovely little animals. Nobody around here knew what is was like to harbour a monster. Maybe Chaska already knew. Maybe somebody told her. But she didn't seem scared of him as she spoke of it, so he expected not. She had no idea the nerve she had just pulled in him, so he stayed put. He did not respond to her words he knew she chose to reassure him, but- it was complicated. She was right about at least one thing.

Now she talked about destiny. He looked away while he mustered a small smile. ‘‘Destiny,’’ he echoed softly, tasting the word in his mouth. ‘‘Whatever that is for us.’’ The stubbornness in him told him to push of against everything his family wanted from him. The pettiness wanted to go back to ignoring Chaska for the time left being. The rational in hem told him that he would have to work hard to figure out whatever it was. ‘‘But at least it would be ours.’’

As the storm that had raged between them had seemed like it had drifted of, he almost felt defeated. The war that he was ready to prepare himself of, had seemed to be delayed. For now, this few words between them had been able to bury the hatchet, for now. And her stupid comment about him making sense, made him produce a sarcastic scoff. ‘‘Don't test your luck too far,’’ he warned her, but with a slight playful undertone in his words. It wasn't like he was not angry with her anymore. He wasn't that easy to forgive and to forget. She had shown claws, and he knew he had to be careful. But also she had shown some kind of softness that just wanted them to be able to look at each other without grudges. He just knew there were so many things he could say to her right about now. But everything meant that he would show some true colours, and the urge to protect himself to letting somebody in again. Because the people closest to you, would hurt you the most when they eventually betrayed you. So he remained closed as he extended his arm to her one last time. ‘‘Let's show them all those damn pearls, won't we?’’
Thu Mar 30, 2023 12:56 am
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