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The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
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bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel had a knack for when something fun was happening. But it was just so easy to notice, it was like electricity through the air. It almost always started with a letter, just words on paper, and than the ball started to roll. Letters were just so easily read by the eyes they weren't supposed to, especially in a household that depended on servants. Humans were just so prone to error, and that's why you never knew who to trust. But people like harmless gossip the most, especially if they could start it. Because when you knew something you weren't supposed to, you were suddenly the most popular kid on the block. So when news was intercepted by.. lord who knows, that the new baron was coming to town, Maybel just knew she had to write to an old friend.

It was in fact her own hand-maiden Piper who had told her the duke was preparing to meet the new baron of Glimmerhollow. Piper was just a young woman as herself, just as hungry for scandalous details on what happened in society. She was just some girl, so she had to live her dreams through Maybel. Maybel knew this, but she never brought it up. They just enjoyed their mutual enjoyment. They dealt in little stories like they were trading cards. They spoke about the duke for a short while, over his pasts and the parties Maybel used to attend to. She even admitted that at one of his parties, it was the first time she became drunk. But she didn't utter another word. She was not supposed to be seen there, and they were not supposed to be talked about. Everybody did, of course, otherwise they would not be so popular. They had been so much fun. But then he suddenly disappeared to Glimmerhollow again and now he was a freshly crowned a baron. If he could do it, maybe there was hope for Maybel after all.

But she had no title to inherit. She was a Winter with a very successful father. She had just name, fame, money, and a lot of impulsive courage. So she wrote that letter to the new baron. It was small, in her own tiny, cursive handwriting. It had said: "Dear Frederick, I heard you were back in town. Care to meet up again to catch up? Kinds regards, Maybel." The baron was some few years older than her, but apparently age did not matter anymore, looking at her dearest father. So she did not care with who or what she was spotted mingling. Not that she had ever cared before, but... Maybel got worked up by even thinking about her father's new fiance.

Her note had worked, of course. Maybel had learned that being assertive was usually well rewarded. Some people called her rude or bad mannered. She just called it practical. The time and place were decided, and so she was standing in front of the church waiting a few days later. She had just found it ironic for their great rendez-vous to take place in front of a church. The Faith of Renestrae was just some sideshow in her life. The Faith tried to keep woman like her contained. And she did not like being told what to do.

Maybel was dressed in a scarlet dress, her lips painted blood red. A black umbrella leaned against her shoulder to shield her from the light drizzle. She tinkered with her absently fiddled with her dangling earring, watching the people go by. It didn't take long for a carriage to turn up and a familiar face to appear. She smiled broadly and waved happily at him. But as she saw him exiting the carriage, she noticed his cane and the accessory limp. ‘‘Oh my-’’ She caught herself cursing in front of the church soon enough. She hurried down the street, before he had to walk too much towards her. ‘‘What happened to you?’’ she asked him without much consideration. ‘‘Glimmerhollow was not kind to you, Baron Eckhart.’’ With those last words she looked up to him, struggling to hide a cheeky grin.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 6:52 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
Maybel Winter... in a church, of all places. He couldn't help but chuckle at that notion. He never knew Maybel to be so devout. He doubted she'd think it was in his favor since she had seen his lifestyle. Not exactly the life of a true believer and follower of Renestrae's faith. Who knows, Maybel might surprise him today. Frederick sat in the back of a carriage, trying to sit as calmly as possible. But the ride was quite bumpy, so he had a hard time relaxing. The bite wound on his back leg was extra sensitive today since he just met up with a doctor to get it checked, and the cursed guy had clearly never heard of the word "gentle". Luckily, thus far, everyone has believed his stories about the incident involving his father's hounds. He hissed through his teeth, feeling a sharp pain as the carriage stopped... A little too bluntly, in his opinion... The sight of the always bubbly and flawless girl, however, made his bad mood dissipate like snow on a sunny day. He quickly placed a tophat on his head, grabbed a small wrapped box – that was sitting next to him – and excited carefully with his cane.

He hated when people worried about him or because of him. So he had tried to step out the carriage without too much trouble, quite unsuccesfull of course. She came rushing down the street to him, and he just couldn't help but smile. She was the embodiment of scarlet red, which was a color she wore impeccably. A fact she was undoubtedly aware of. He couldn't help but wonder if she knew the symbolism behind the color and what it did to the feeble minds of men. "Good afternoon to you too, Miss Winter," Tipping his hat to her, his smile turned into a grin, knowing she meant well. "It hasn't, indeed. I hope your dear papa won't mind me taking you with me when I return. You are truly a sight for sore eyes, my lady. Something we could use in Glimmerhollow." He had ignored her first question on purpose, hoping she wouldn't notice. To distract her some more, he pulled out the small box, wrapped in red and tied with a golden bow. "It made me think of you when I saw it," He said with a triumphant tinge in his voice, presenting her with the gift. Already relishing the reaction he hoped she would have. He absolutely loved giving gifts, especially to women.

(C) Ross
Sun Nov 13, 2022 11:18 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel caught herself too late that she didn't even greet him properly. But she assumed he did not care about proper and etiquette, as she did. They were friends after all, and they were way past rules society had forced upon them. But they were in public after all, so when he tipped her head towards her, she quickly gathered her skirts and made a small bow. But she had barely lowered her eyes, before she locked eyes with him again and she answered his grin with a broad smile. ‘‘It's good to see you too.’’ She had to brace herself to not hurl his arms around him. She had missed some good, scandalous fun, which he had an aura with him. But she was scared everything had changed, now he was baron. And it was highly inappropriate to frolic around him like a love-strucken foal.

Maybel had not expected the next words out of his mouth, as he complimented her deeply and.. what was he doing? Taking her to Glimmerhollow? Maybel was not quickly lost for words as the gears in her mind started to turn. Was he... courting her? He wouldn't, would he? She tried to hide the surprise and confusion on her face as she felt her cheeks fluster red. This was her job to do, to bewilder the other. So she smiled at him happily, hiding the dumbfound expression on her face. ‘‘You are mighty kind, Frederick,’’ she mused at him. ‘‘Planning to steal me?’’ she joked quickly. Then she raised her shoulders quickly. ‘‘I believe I have never been to Glimmerhollow. Who better to show me around than the new baron?’’ And suddenly he had fished a present around for her, and she looked up at him with newfound disbelief. ‘‘You shouldn't have-’’ she started. But she took the small wrapped gift in her hands, and her magpie eyes couldn't help but caress the red wrapping. She sighed and rolled her eyes, unable to hide a pleased smirk. He knew she liked presents. ‘‘Thank you.’’

Maybel pulled the golden string and unwrapped the parcel. The most beautiful pendant unveiled itself from the wrapping. Her lips parted in awe when she turned it around in her hands. ‘‘It is most beautiful,’’ she eventually breathed out. From the golden exterior, inlaid with small gemstones, to the big rubies inside. But what she liked most were all the intricate gears that were incorporated in it. It was exactly the kind of things she liked most. ‘‘How did you know?’’ She perked up at him again. ‘‘That I just love things like this.’’ She wrapped her fingers around the pendant and pressed it close the her chest.
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Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:49 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
Simply gorgeous. Was the only thing he could think of as she smiled up at him. Frederick was quite amused by her reaction, as her flustered cheeks didn't go unnoticed. "I certainly am," He replied just as quickly to her joke, followed by a grin that teased a risqué undertone. "Exactly, so you better prepare for a little trip, young lady." He concluded. Of course, it was mostly fun and games but he had in fact half a mind to actually go through with it. But! That was for a later. First an afternoon in Alderrath.

The triumphant grin on his face grew, seeing her reactions to his surprise. If he were a dog, his tail would've wagged uncontrollably. As much as Frederick loved to give things, Maybel certainly loved to receive them. In that sense, they were perfect for each other. He had taken the black umbrella she was carrying to shield her from the light drizzle while she unwrapped her gift. "You're very welcome," It was quite a coincidence that the pendant and her outfit were matching. "My sixth sense," he joked as he put his hand around hers, where she'd pressed the pendant to her chest. "May I?" He gently took the jewelry from her, handing her back the umbrella, so he could place it around her neck. He guided her to turn around for him and fastened it delicately. Carefully avoiding any mishaps like getting it stuck in her hair or earrings. This clearly wasn't his first time... "Let me see," as he looked at the complete picture of the young woman, a charming smile appeared on his face. "Simply gorgeous."

The light drizzle had turned into a pitter-patter while the two had been standing in front of the church. "Let's go inside, before this rain ruins your beautiful outfit." He offered her his arm like a gentleman. "I do have to say, Maybel, I was surprised by your choice of venue. "Are you trying to get me to elope with you?" He asked with a playful shimmer in his eyes.

(C) Ross
Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:39 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
How exiting! She never imagined that he would invite her to his hometown, because he had always spend so much time in Alderrath. But now it sounded very tempting to go on a little adventure. Frederick was sure someone who could bring life to a party. She rolled her eyes when he called her young lady. She giggled softly. ‘‘Well then. I look forward to our little adventure.’’ She raised her eyebrows once while she looked up at him with small michievious sparkles in her eyes. ‘‘Whenever that may be.’’

It was somehow funny that she was a girl who had everything, but was still able to feel like a little girl on her birthday when she received anything. But she had also fun picturing how someone would have trouble picking something for the girl who had everything. Frederick dit not disappoint, as he even color coded it to her outfit. Some magic touch that was. He was also not afraid to come closer, touch her hand, guide her like a puppet. And as soon as he asked if he could, she let him. The umbrella was handed over again and she turned around, while she raised her hair with her other hand with practices ease, while Frederick attached the necklace. While he could not see her face, she took a deep breath. It was her initiative that made this situation happen, and she could not be happier to be pampered like this. So why was she feeling this childish nerves? But she soon realized that they were good nerves. Nerves that made her wonder what would happen next.

So when she turned back around, her usual confidence shone though. The baron asked her to let him see, so she twirled around once with a giggle. He called her simply gorgeous. A broad smile widened on her face, while he was way to kind again. ‘‘Yeah?’’ she asked with that sparkle in her eyes, like if she could not believe his words. His flattery knew no bounds, and she touched the pendant with two fingers again. ‘‘Thank you again. I think it is simply gorgeous too.’’

Maybel was looking up at him, wondering what would be his next move. But he wanted to go inside and offered his arm. She had not even noticed the rain. Maybel accepted gracefully and turned her umbrella somewhat to the side to avoid to knock off his top hat. She chuckled at his next statement. ‘‘Oh please, eloping is so not my style.’’ No, when she did something, it had to be grand. She adjusted her pace to his, taking slow steps. ‘‘I thought it would be funny,’’ she grinned. They would be bulls in a china shop, almost offending the people with their combined presence. She of course had heard about the gossip going around the baron, that he was not the perfect poster child for the Faith. But neither was she. ‘‘However, we are very central. We could go anywhere you'd like, if you would prefer.’’ She glanced up sideways to him as they were walking towards the hall to take shelter against the rain.
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Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:40 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
His smile broadened with her response. "Ahh yes, of course it's not. How foolish of me." Frederick said with a feigned apologetic but playful grin. She was right, of course. He doubted if Maybel had ever done anything in a common, simple, or cheap way. It was something he liked about her. She had a certain type of naivety about life that came with growing up in high society. Especially as Matthew Winters daughter. It was somewhat amusing, and he couldn't help but wonder how she would react if she saw the truly miserable lives some of the people in Alderrath we're doomed to live. Though she had known some hardship, right? Maybel, like Frederick, had lost her mother. Even though they had spent plenty of time together, they never really spoke about that shared fact in their lives. He wondered if she even knew about his late mother.

Frederick appreciated her consideration of his slow pace. "Funny, huh?" he grinned at her as they walked slowly up the steps. "You find me laughable?" He teased a bit. He knew very well what she meant, and to others, it would indeed seem very out of the ordinary. Seeing him, and her, for that matter, in Renestrae's holy house probably just felt wrong. Frederick looked up at the building they were about to enter. For a moment, it felt like someone was watching them. As if some higher power didn't want them there. Especially after that awful night... If he was cursed, which he still had a hard time believing—there hadn't been any real proof so far—he doubted that the Ruler of Nightrein would let him pass the threshold of her house. All speculation, of course. Questions for the high priest and his disciples to break their heads over. But still.. as the pair stepped over that threshold, he was half expecting to catch on fire or something... I guess, not cursed afterall.

"How about this," He started with a quieter, almost whispering voice, taking her umbrella and closing it, after which he placed it against the wall by the entrance. "We first do this really quick thing. Just a small thing that I would really like to do with you." With a slightly mysterious smile, he took her by the hand, guiding her further into the empty church. "And afterwards, we can do whatever you want to do and go wherever you want to go. Deal?" Passing the many empty pews, he took her all the way to the back of the nave. Not really giving her a choice anyway, but he was sure she wouldn't mind. The rain echoed almost pleasantly around the great hall. And there, near the pulpit, a candle rack rested against the side wall. Several of the prayer candles were already burning. Casting a warm glow on both their faces. After a soft squeeze, he let go of her hand to grab a long, thin piece of wooden material and used it to light a candle. "For my late mother." He clarified, offering her the thin wooden stick in case she wanted to do the same. "She'd hate it if I didn't light a candle for her when I visit a church. I actually haven't done in quite some time.." He said, a bit mesmerized by the flame he just lit, as he thought of his mother. He then suddenly cleared his throat as to distract Maybel from any of his vulnerability. His gray-blue eyes, almost dark green in the dimmed light, turned back to her again, now with an almost mischievous twinkle in them. "So, Miss Winter," he said, his voice still hushed. "Any idea where our next stop is going to be?"

(C) Ross
Fri Dec 02, 2022 2:11 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel looked up at him with an amused grin. No, Maybel, like perhaps any girl, had imagined her wedding day down to the smallest details. She knew what kind of dress she wanted to wear, what the location would be, what her bouquet would look like. Maybel would never skip a party, especially not the happiest day in her life. Although, she had been to some dreadful weddings. Girls that were wed of like cheap champagne. Most of the time it was still politics. Like how Alison was forced to marry that dreadful boy. No, something like that would never happen to her. ‘‘Please, like you ever avoided a party,’’ she said with a raised eyebrow, raising her chin defiantly in a bit. ‘‘Or has your new job sucked the joy out of you already?’’

Maybel had a small spring in her step, balancing on her heels with practiced ease. Maybel laughed at his next words, proving the truth in them. ‘‘Incredibly,’’ she mused. She had to admit, he was fun. It was people like him that she wanted to be like when she was a bit younger. The small Winter, trying to be like the big, bad dogs of the upper ring. She had managed to sneak in secret parties, force her name on the guest lists, charm her way in rooms where she probably should not be seen. But she was addicted to the adrenaline kick it gave her. To see sparkles in peoples eyes when they knew an aristocrat was among them, even if it was just little Maybel Winter. So it still gave her this giddy feeling when she could summon a baron with a small letter, and to hear him lean over to him and whisper covertly to her. She placed her hand in his and let herself be dragged through the church, sparks of excitement in her eyes. ‘‘Deal,’’ she whispered back eagerly. Wherever she wanted? Oh, she could come up with a place or two.

They crossed through the church, their every step echoing through the grand halls. She looked around, wondering what he had in mind in this damn place. But they stopped by a candle rack and she couldn't help but look a bit bewildered. She expected a lot, but when he explained why he stopped here, a  compassionate expression replaced her mischievous one. She took the small wooden stick he gave to her. She was a bit dumb-struck by this sudden moment of intimacy. For him to allow her to see this part of him. ‘‘I'm sorry,’’ she spoke softly. ‘‘I did not know.’’ She gently lit a candle of her own, following his lead. She might as well light one for her mother, although she had no idea if she had been a very religious woman. As she placed the small wooden stick back at the rack, she noticed he did not mention his late father. Not much love lost there then. She looked back at Frederick and without much hesitation she grabbed his hand again, intertwining her fingers between his and resting her head against his upper arm for a moment. But that moment quickly passed as he cleared his throat. No time for sadness, so it seemed.

No. It was time to quickly get out of this place. The soft glow of the candles danced over his face and she saw the Frederick she knew again. ‘‘Oh, I have been thinking,’’ she said with a cheeky smile. She locked arms with him again and started to loop back towards the exit of the church again. ‘‘I have always wanted to see the ships in port Silverstone. But I think we have to take a rain-check on that.’’ After all, it was literally raining. ‘‘So I was thinking; I have never been allowed to go to the lower ring. Will you be so honored to break some rules with me?’’ Maybel looked back up at the Baron. She knew he spend some time there. Men were always allowed to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. So why shouldn't she take advantage of that?
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Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:52 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
”Oh I avoid most parties.” answering her defiant gaze with a grin. ”None of them are as fun as my own.” It was true, he rarely showed his face at other parties in the upper ring. The main reason of course was to avoid certain people. Certain women... His own parties, that's where he was in controle. He decided who was welcome and who wasn't. That was the way he liked it. Besides, can you really call a wedding a party? Or fun? Weddings were mere dutiful visits of the upperclass. Showing ones face to proof the notion of it all was important. Eventhough he himself, as one of Alderraths more known bachelors – especially at his age – didn't really feel a whole lot for the transaction of marriage. ”Don't you worry though. You're wedding I wouldn't want to miss. That is probably the only wedding I would enjoy. Knowing you.” he chuckled, imagening the grand spactacle that was going to be Maybel Winters wedding.

Leading her through the church Frederick couldn't help but wonder what went through her mind. Maybel knew him only in one specific setting. One branch of his life that he sadly had to say goodbye to, now that he had earned a new title. One where he wasn't always too sober. One where they enjoyed eachothers company in different ways and rarely alone. He absolutely enjoyed the times he had spent with her around, but he wasn't sure how she would feel about this particular, rare moment. It didn't stop him however, since he had a feeling she would appreciate it somehow. It surprisingly warmed his heart more than he expected. ”No apologies needed,” he understood completely, it wasn't really something to boast about. As she lit her own candle he looked at her. Her gentle way, the soft look in her eyes as they flickered in the candle light. When he returned his gaze towards the candles again he felt her hand grabbing his. Hers was small and seemed to fit perfectly in between his fingers. For a short moment they stood there, sharing a rare intimate moment in the most unlikely places... Hmmm... was he going to regret this?

The corner of his mouth pulled up as she locked arms with him, and they walked back towards the exit. ”Hmmm.” Rain check on Port Silverstone. Although he was very curious what she expected to find there. He then feigned a gasp ”Break a rule? Me? Never!” Naughty Miss Winter, using a man like him for such rebelious plans. He quickly grabbed the umbrella they had left at the door. ”Come on. I know just the place.” the grin on his face utterly amused. He opened the umbrella, stepping into the rain with Maybel close at his side. Making their way as quickly as Frederick could allow towards the carriage that had brought him there. ”Milady,” he said in an overly proper manner, holding the door for her. After he helped her into the vehicle he hobbled to the driver to give him directions. For a moment the man looked at him with a surprised and maybe even worried look on his face as his eyes moved towards the carriage where the young Maybel was waiting. The driver then shook his head in disappointment, while Frederick joined the girl in the back, and took off.

Frederick sat across from Maybel, bobbing from side to side a bit as the carriage soon turned to less and less well maintained roads. The windows drenched in rain made it a little harder to see the streets but it was clear how the quality of the city declined, the longer they drove. ”Miss Maybel Winter in the lower ring. What would your father think of that,” a dry chuckle followed. ”I am curious though, what are you expecting?” he tilted his head a bit as he leaned forward, leaving little room between them.

(C) Ross
Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:13 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel wanted to open her mouth to argue, because she could not believe he of all people would avoid a party. But he soon continued that he only attended his own, which she answered with a all-knowing smile. ‘‘Ah, yes. Well, I like those as well,’’ she answered with her lips pressed together to not smile too happily. And then he started to complain about weddings and she hid a smile behind her hand. Well, some weddings were fun. She was not looking forwards to the next wedding she would have to attend. Well, to watch your own father get married again was probably a sight no daughter should ever see. And she would have to behold it for the second time. Lucky her was too young to remember the first. She made her eyes roll, but he told her he would attend her wedding. She almost choked on another laugh. ‘‘Who says you are invited?’’ she chirped as she looked up at him. ‘‘You just admitted you hated weddings, and I would hate to have a party-pooper at my wedding.’’ She looked at him smugly. ‘‘But yes, my wedding will be grand and glorious, and you will forever spite me for having to miss the only fun wedding you will ever hear about.’’

Seeing Frederick in a different light was refreshing. She only saw the same side of the coin. But today she saw a glimpse of the backside. To see a tender look on his face she wondered why he was hiding. Men were a peculiar species anyway, thinking softness was weakness. And maybe in some ways, it was true. But she was incredibly charmed by it. So when they stood together for just a short while, she knew it would not last, but she would cherish it. Keeping it safely in her memories, where nobody would ever pry.

But Maybel also appreciated the more upbeat mood. The smile widened on her face when he theatrically gasped. They both knew that it was a lie, and that was exactly the reason why she had asked him. He would never deny her. He longed for adventure as much as she did. Well, maybe he outlived his rebellious years as she was lagging a decade behind him. But surely she would be able te revive his youth. And as expected, Frederick agreed willingly and led her to his carriage. Excited she followed, wondering where this place might be, but she did not ask yet. When he opened the door, she chuckled again, joining in his little play. With a exaggerated gasp she laid her hand on her chest. ‘‘How curtious, my lord,’’ she said as posh as she could. She took his hand and stepped in the carriage. Stupid, little Maybel, people would say if they saw her. But screw them. She would have a night to remember, and they would return to their sad homes.

Maybel folded her dress neatly as she sat down, when her eyes went back to the baron who joined across from her. Frederick soon made a remark about her father, which made her eyes roll again. ‘‘Firstly, what my dear papa doesn't know, doesn't hurt him,’’ she told him. It was a silent plea to keep this secret, at least for her father. ‘‘Secondly, he isn't that holy himself either.’’ But she could not suppress a smile, biting down her lip. When he asked her what she would expect, she gave a small shrug. ‘‘I'll tell you, but don't laugh at me if I'm being ignorant,’’ she warned him, pointing a finger at him, but it was all light-hearted. ‘‘I imagine... normal people. People that do not have a care in the world, because their lives don't matter that much anyway. Like, freedom, in some ways.’’ Maybel was probably romanticizing it way too much. But how would she know? She looked back at the baron, expecting him to laugh at her. ‘‘Oh, and I imagine it is filthy.’’
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Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:33 am
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
The plea might have been a silent one, Frederick understood loud and clear what she meant. Reassuring her by pretending to zip his mouth shut, locking it and throwing away the invisible key. After which he smiled a more boyish smile. His eyebrows raised a bit in surprise of what Maybel said next. Matthew Winter? Not that holy? That was truly surprising and interesting to hear from his beloved daughter. The relationship between Matthew and Maybel was famously strong. So how curious it was to hear that from her. He wondered if she'd be so open about him to everyone. Frederick decided to leave the topic of her father alone, though, as she kept rolling her eyes about it. Besides.. he got way too distracted for a moment when she gave him a smile, biting her lip. He caught himself lowering his gaze, following the golden chain of the necklace he had given her that day. He had to look away, smiling as he did, while loosening his tie a smidge.

"I promise." He was curious about her answer, and when she gave it, he was quite amazed. It actually sounded quite profound for someone like Maybel. Growing up in such a sheltered upper-ring life, he never imagined her being this aware of the lower classes, though he doubted any of them would fully agree. It was mostly the way in which she said it. There was no disgust, no superciliousness, in her voice, at least not that he noticed. Just her honest thoughts. It made him wonder if Maybel herself felt a bit trapped in her life. When she looked back at him, she would be able to see the marvel of her answer in his eyes, accompanied by a reassuring smile. Keeping his promise not to laugh. Until she made her final observation. Frederick couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Yes, very true."

They had been riding for some time, during which Frederick had listened quietly but attentively to the talkative Maybel, when suddenly the carriage stopped. He shared a look with her, clearly a bit confused as to why they had stopped already. "Give me one second, my lady," Frederick knew they couldn't have arrived at their destination yet so he quickly opened the door to speak with the driver. They were met with a wall of lively sounds and smells. The most noticeable one; wet, muddy streets after a rainstorm. The smell was quite pungent and hit him harder than usual. He had to cover his mouth and nose. At least it had stopped raining. What was new, however, was the cheerful music played by several people down the street. He couldn't see them as the street was filled with a lot of people. "What's going on?" He asked the driver, much louder so that the man could hear him. "Some kind party, sir. I believe it's a wedding." "A wedding?!" Frederick looked around again and recognized some things that were accustom to wedding parties. Just in a lower ring fashion. Cheaper replica's of what they usually had or did during weddings in the upper ring. Even the decorations were simpler. He had never seen this big of a wedding celebration before. The small street before them was completely blocked off by the crowd, many of which weren't very sober anymore. Not long before their carriage had turned into this street it had stopped raining. Many of the wedding guests who had been hiding from the rain had been drawn out by the sun, causing a traffic jam to their destination. Frederick slapped his flat hand on the wet roof of the carriage. A wedding. How ironic.

After he sat back down he quickly closed the door, to keep out most of the noise and smell. He then looked at Maybel. The corner of his mouth slowly curled up. "Well, Miss Winter. It seems like you and I will be attending a wedding party after all." They didn't really have a choice but to walk through the crowd. Well.. they could turn back of course, or take another road. But where was the fun in that. It looked like a hell of a party out there, something he had never seen at least. Especially since the lower ring weddings weren't usually celebrated like this. And perhaps the two would blend in now that everyone outside was dressed in their Sundays best. So Frederick simply stated that they had to walk through the crowd to get to where he planned to go. He didn't want to give Maybel too much of a choice. Even though she wanted this, to explore the outer rings of Alderrath. She could still change her mind if she had options. So Frederick didn't give her any. Besides, ignorance is bliss, right?
He opened the door of the carriage, carefully stepped out with his cane and placed his hat back on his head. He than turned to the open door and hold out his hand for Maybel with a winsome smile. "Do you trust me?"

(C) Ross
Mon Jan 16, 2023 3:05 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
The carriage was like a little private box, where nobody would hear or see them while they skipped past. The only people who might have known about this meeting were some passerbies at the church who had seen them enter and, of course, the driver, who's scolding gaze she had picked up for a second. She could roll her eyes at men like that, who probably lost the definition of fun somewhere in their childhood. So now they were sitting across from each other, their knees would probably be touching if she had not been so ridiculously short, her toes - as always - barely reaching the floor. Maybel blinked slowly as he loosened his tie, this time biting the inside of her cheek as she studied his side profile as he looked away. Her gaze would not falter, even a second, as she just liked it a bit too much to provoke men and make them a tiny bit nervous. Or, even better, a tiny lot. Eyes up, mister.

Frederick kept his promise as she spoke, romanticizing freedom and being happy with what was given to you. She would never know the true hardships of having to bend and scrape for every little penny. She just imagined some simple life, and that the people were content. At least, that was what had been told to her. Perhaps to keep her mind at ease. And when their eyes crossed again, the baron looked almost amazed by her answer. She looked like she just passed some test, a little bit smug, and she giggled with him as he laughed at her little joke. She sat up straighter, tilting her head a bit backwards. ‘‘Well, I am not afraid to get my hands a little bit dirty every now and then.’’

Maybel had been looking out of the window of the carriage for a while as she happily chatted away to the baron for a while. She spoke about nothing really special in particular. She told him all about the latest news in the upper ring while he had been away in Glimmerhollow. Just silly gossip, mostly. But as the carriage came to a sudden halt, they shared a look. Frederick was a bit confused and went outside to collect news about the matter, and she bent forward to peek outside. It looked and sounded very busy, and the merry music did really surprise her. It sounded like a feast, although it did smell like they partied in a pigsty. Maybel scrunched her nose and sat back again while she waited, watching her very vague reflection in the opposite window to fluff up her long, blonde locks. Maybel let out a chuckle as she heard Frederick from outside exclaim "wedding", releasing her locks of hair away from her ears. The universe was really playing with them today. She perked up from her seat as she heard a slam on the roof. And leaned back as nothing had been going on, watching Frederick turn back in the carriage.

‘‘I see,’’ she said while tilting her head to the side. She glanced sideways to the outside. ‘‘Well, it seems that the stars aligned for us to crash a wedding.’’ They both knew they had to keep a bit of a low profile, but come on, this was just too perfect. Frederick said they would just have to walk, and she gave him a determined nod. This was all she wanted, right? To see the lower ring, the people, and what better to get to know it all than a party. A wedding! And they would never expect two aristocrats to just show up. Nobody would be looking for them. So when Frederick exited the carriage and held his hand out for her to follow, she took it with a sturdy grip. ‘‘Never doubted you,’’ she said with a cheeky wink, and out she was.

Frederick soon led her in the mass of people, slowly making their way through the cobbled street. The hem of her dress was soon wet and muddy, but she did not care, she had more dresses. What was more difficult was to navigate herself over the uneven ground in the heels she wore to make her seem taller. So she kept close to the baron, one arm hooked around his and her other hand on his lower arm. They were a long way now from that little intimate moment they had shared in the church. Now they were shouldering past drunk people that looked a little bit worse for wear. But they had big smiles on their faces and sung along with the songs played by a band she still had not spotted yet. ‘‘This is madness!’’ she shouted after a while, turning her head up to Frederick. Her eyes were big, filled with glittering amazement. ‘‘I love it,’’ she said with a big grin. She even got used to the smell after a while. It was a good day to have her hair loose. After a while they arrived at a small town square, where people were dancing and she thought she might have caught a glimpse of the happy couple. She was not really sure, because she was missing the pure white, glittering wedding gown. But this was exactly what she imagined it would be. Cheap, rowdy, but with amazing spirits.

‘‘I've changed my mind,’’ she then told him after she had watched the crowd for a few moments longer. She had no idea where she was anymore. She could barely believe this was still her home city. It was like a whole different universe. ‘‘I want my wedding to be like this.’’ She looked up at him again, feeling that happy cheer again. And then she finally detached from him and padded a few steps in front of him, where there was a tiny space for her among the crowd to twirl around on the merry music, thinking that Frederick would have no appetite for dancing. But she made the mistake to immediately place her foot on a particularly slippery stone, stumbling to the side only to keep herself standing to grasp on a drunken stranger. She spurted a laugh. ‘‘Sorry,’’ she told him, before quickly returning to Frederick before she really would start a scene.
tag / notes

Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:01 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredHeader
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
”A perfect opportunity to practice. I cannot crash your wedding without some experience now, can I.” He said it jokingly as he turned to leave the carriage. He expected Maybel to be ok with it, as he didn't really give her any other options, but she almost seemed excited! Completely unfazed by the noise and smells. Just leaning into the unexpected turn of events. He knew many of her peers who wouldn't even open the windows to sniff up that fresh lower ring scent, let alone leave the safety and comfort of an upper-class carriage. Maybel was right; it did seem like the stars had aligned. But then again, if you believed in such things, this could all say something about the two of them too. Meeting at a church, crashing a wedding, holding hands.. Who knew what stars were aligning for the friendly couple today?

She placed her elegant hand in his, noting that she never doubted him with a cheeky wink. Once again she made his smile widen. Before he freed her hand of their sturdy grip he couldn't help but bow down a little and press his lips on the back of her hand. Without breaking eye contact. The next moment they were off. Into the masses. Luckily Maybel kept close to him, wrapping herself around his free arm. If it hadn't been for his damned leg and the cane he needed, he would have wrapped one arm protectively around her. Holding her even closer to him if he could. He didn't want to think too long about the thugs they could encounter here. They slowly but surely made there way through the drunk and partying crowd, almost perfectly. Occasionally looking down at the young woman on his arm, making sure she was still fine with all this. No doubt it was a lot to take in. ”Are you alright?” he shouted back at her, but she already gave him an answer with her big twinkly eyes of excitement. And suddenly he was very happy of the decicions he had made that day.

The crowd dispersed a bit at the town square so people could dance. He too had a big smile on his face, infected by the excitement and drunk fun around them. Speaking of drunk... Frederick took a look around to see if there were some drink carts nearby, while Maybel watched. He now stood slightly behind her, leaning on his cane, while his other hand rested on her shoulder. Still a bit protective as he kept his guard up. His thumb slowly caressing the soft skin of curverture up to her neck. Gentle, soft and maybe even a little playful. Which he barely noticed he was doing. Or did he..?
His eye soon fell on a row of big barrels and many crates filled with bottles, not far from them. But as soon as Maybel spoke his attention was back on her as he looked down again, and started laughing. ”In that case I absolutely will crash your wedding. I wouldn't want to miss something like this in the upper ring” he said with a smile from ear to ear. Suddenly she detached from him and a slight panic could be read in his eyes. He wasn't too sure if he should let her go, though, seeing that gleeful look on her face as she twirled around in front of him made him want to join her. He felt the urge to grab her and take her for a spin around the slippery town square. She didn't give him a chance to imagine it for long, however, since the next moment she made a spectacular slide and dive into the arms of a drunken stranger. His first reaction was one of alarm, quickly walking up to Maybel and the drunk stranger. Or at least, as quickly as he was able. ”Making trouble already?” he chuckled and grabbed her by the hand. ”Come with me, I have a plan.” He than said, whispering in her ear.

This time, as they made their way through the crowd, he took her by the hand. Something he could never get away with in the upper ring. A man holding the hand of a woman like that in public, even if it was just to guide her through a busy town square, could cause quite an uproar. Especially him, a well known bachelor, holding the hand of not just any unmarried socialite, but Maybel Winter of all people. The thought alone amused him greatly. Such an uproar wouldn't happen among these fine people, though, even if they cared, most of them were way too drunk to notice. And where there were drunk people, there were drinks. Some sort of makeshift bar had been set up, with some planks and more barrels, to serve the many naps of ale and beer. He was able to quickly secure a brown ale, sober as the two of them were. Something that needed to change at least a little bit if you asked him. ”Have you ever tasted ale?” he asked her, offering her the foamy drink. If there was one thing to experience in the lower ring, it was their ale. And since she already acted a bit tipsy on the dance floor, she surely wouldn't reject to this now, would she? "You'll never find this being served up there." he said with an encouraging smile, nodding up towards the upper ring.

(C) Ross
Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:35 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
The baron proven himself to be a real gentleman. He was the perfect escort of her rebellious little adventure. She still wanted to see the ships at the port soon, but that was a whole different journey. This was fine for now. She soon would get used to the tangy sensation in her nose, but not to the merry bustle of noise in the air. It was like she wanted to hear it all. She wondered what these people would talk about. Frederick held on a bit longer to her hand as she exited the carriage to press his lips to the back of her hand. She giggled softly as it tickled a bit. Her free hand ran through her curly hair, wiping her bangs a bit to the side and slowly curled a strand of her hair around her finger as she did not shy away from his eye-contact. Silly baron, he was falling for all her little traps, and she could not contain her smile from widening as she kept close to him as they entered the masses.

They had to speak in loud voices now, but it was the most fun party she had ever seen. Literally everybody seemed so loose, nothing of that uptight business. No jealous glances of less pretty and less rich ladies as the top of the upper ring was dancing. Nobody seemed to fucking care here, and people were very indelicate. And as looked at the common folk, her breath was caught in her throat as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She stole a glance from the baron, and she quickly looked back in front of her. Maybel bit her lip as she forced herself not to look too happy now, as she noticed him softly grazed his thumb over her skin. It made her tingle all the way down to her spine and eventually she placed her index finger of her left hand between her lips to bite down on her nail.

He drew her attention as she started to tell him about how she wanted her wedding to be. She turned back to him, placing both her hands behind her back as she leaned into him a bit. ‘‘Well if there has to be anyone to change boring traditions, it will selflessly take on that role.’’ She made a point of slowly looking up to him, a challenging spark in her eyes. And with those words, she escaped into the dancing people. See, she didn't need a man to dance, but she did need a flat ground for her ridiculously high heels.

Her knight in shining armour was quick to the rescue as she giggled happily. ‘‘It just comes natural to me,’’ she said playfully. And then he took her by the hand, not even giving her the time to fix her hair. But she eagerly held on tight as he came closer to her to whisper in her ear. Another fun plan? So she nodded, letting him drag her away as she fell in behind with him.

Maybel did not care for a second that everything she was doing was highly inappropriate. There was no-one to witness this. And everything should be like this, it would be so much easier. She could not help but have this stupid grin on her face as she looked at Frederick's side profile. It was just so freeing not to be so dreadful secretive about everything. And she had this man twirled right around her finger. If she would ask that man to jump, he probably would. They arrived at some makeshift bar and the baron got them two drinks, ale he called it. She shook her head to answer his question as she took the foamy jug from him. ‘‘Well, they all seem pretty happy on it,’’ she replied to him as she looked back at the crowd. She raised her chin a bit and she clinked her drink against his. ‘‘Well then, bottom's up!’’ she said cheerily. But as she raised the drink to her lips, she kind of regretted it. The smell was nothing like her preferred drink of fizzling champagne. But brave as she was, she took a swig of it. She immediately coughed as she bore the liquid, making foam fly. It was absolutely vile. She looked back up at Frederick with a unconvinced look in her eyes. ‘‘Hmmm,’’ she tried badly to act if liked it. ‘‘It surely clears the airways,’’ she joked heartily. She probably had to get used to the taste, as she had done with red wine. But she braved the drink yet again, because it obviously would be rude to decline. She definitely had no ulterior motives.
Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:46 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredHeader
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
Frederick chuckled, seeing Maybel take on another challenge that many of her peers wouldn't even touch with a ten-foot pole. Nodding as she clinked her jug against his. Raising his glass, he kept his curious eyes on the young woman next to him, only taking a sip when she looked up at him with her unconvincing brave face. His smile widened out of amusement at her reaction. He himself didn't react in the slightest to it. He was used to the taste after years of drinking. He even enjoyed the taste sometimes. This one was rather unimpressive, though, so he couldn't blame Maybel for her reaction. She even took another sip. He made a face to confirm that it was indeed not very tasty, which she had said with all but words. ”Cheap ale.” He simply stated, after which he took her jug again and carelessly dumped the ale on the already muddy ground. He then pointed quietly towards some crates behind the makeshift bar. Bearing a very familiar and rather particular unicorn logo on them.

”You see those crates?” He spoke softly in her ear, loud enough for her to hear above the noisy crowd. He placed his hand on her shoulder again, pulling her slightly closer, his cheek barely caressing hers as he continued whispering in her ear. ”Technically speaking, those are my stolen crates of champagne. I got word of it yesterday, that they were missing. Stolen.” The slight smirk on his lips gave away that he didn't actually care that much. It happened sometimes, and he didn't want to ruin a feast like this. Besides, he couldn't really use that unwanted attention on them right now, by making a fuss. Though he wasn't going to let it slide that easily. ”So if it's technically mine,” Frederick continued speaking into her ear, handing her the empty ale jugs. ”I wouldn't be stealing anything if I just took a bottle, right?” He then pointed towards a side alley, not far from them, hinting that that was their escape route. The next moment, he reached over the bar with ease and grabbed a bottle.

”Hey! Don't touch that!” One of the bartenders yelled and tried to take back the bottle. Luckily, Frederick was faster, gently but hastily pushing Maybel through the crowd, towards the side alley. Thankfully, the crowd was so thick around the bar area. He could hear the bartenders behind him yell and curse at them as they tried to wade through the pack of people. It would give them a small chance to run—or hobble as fast as he could with his cane—and quickly slip into the alley before they would catch them. Right before he took Maybel into that alley, though, he stopped and took off his top hat. Placing it on the head of a rather drunk gentleman ”If you don't mind taking this, good sir? Much appreciated!” Who knows, maybe the bartenders would think it was him?

The alley had a completely different atmosphere after the busy street: it was empty, secluded, and quieter, but they could still be seen with a quick glance from the square. ”This way,” Frederick, with a smirk from ear to ear, took his young lady companion a little further down. Until he found a small corner in the wall behind some bales of straw, just when he heard one of the bartenders at the entrance of the alley. Frederick quickly pushed Maybel past the bales into that corner before they were seen. He used one arm to lean against the wall slightly above her, trying to calm his breath, but still with that smirk playing on his lips. For a moment, he was more focused on the sounds down the alley—hurried footsteps and some yelling—and placed a finger over his lips to signal silence. Until he laid eyes on the girl between him and the wall. He locked eyes with her and was suddenly reminded of her beauty once again. Which wasn't hard when there were only a couple inches of air between him and her beautiful face. The look in his eyes shifted slightly toward something else. Something that many women deemed his most alluring quality. The finger, which was still resting on his own lips, now moved onto hers. Slowly tracing down her chin, across her jawline, down her neck, and finally onto the necklace he had given her that day. He bowed his head forward, closing the space between their lips to only slightly shift his angle toward her ear. A lock of her hair tickled his skin as he whispered with a warm breath in her ear. ”Tell me, why were you biting down on your finger earlier?”

(C) Ross
Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:58 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
The baron seemed to have a lead pipe for a throat, because he stomached the ale as if it was nothing. She had the foam still standing on her upper lip as she looked back at him while he was laughing. She tried to look slightly offended, but she could not help laughing as well as she wiped the foam away. Okay, maybe she wasn't that good of an actress as she hoped she was. But it was Frederick that put her out of her misery and simply poured the ale on the ground. She hid her bewildered laugh behind her hand as she just watched it happen. Sweet relief, truth be told. He quickly distracted her as he pointed at something next to her. She turned to follow his hand and closed one eye as she pinpointed the crates he spoke about. ‘‘Yes,’’ she whispered as she opened her eye again and looked sideways at his profile as he made her lean back against him. It made her want to bite into something again, even if it was her nail again, but her lip would do for now. She felt quite flustered as his charming voice started to speak again. She looked forward again at the crates and closed one eye again, as she spotted the unicorn sigil at last.

Stolen champagne. Well, these people really knew how to throw a party. She was pretty impressed that they had been able to steal from a baron. Her father would cut the hands of the people who dared steal from him, but Frederick seemed a more lenient ruler. And as he continued to speak, she knew what he was planning. Stealing them back. Maybel looked sideways again as she was given the empty jugs. With her hands full now, she nodded as he pointed the escape route. And as he leaned forward, she was almost squished between him and the makeshift bar.

The Winter girl left the jugs at the bar as Frederick almost pulled her by her hair to make her move. As she heard the angry bartender yell at them, she had the nerve to blow a kiss over her shoulder at him, before her small figure dissappeared in the crowd. She was laughing now as she run on her high heels on the cobbled streets, looking past her shoulder multiple times to see if they might be followed, before being pulled at her arm again as she was steered into the side alley. But as the baron ditched his hat, she started laughing once more. ‘‘Good riddance, that thing was hideous,’’ she teased him. And even though he was tall, it made the difference height difference between them a bit more manageable as well.

Once they were in the side alley, she could control her laughter as they slowed down their pace a bit. She followed Frederick as she told him so. She was thriving in this adventure. She hadn't had this much fun in a long while. Never had she thought she would have to steal. Everything was given to her, but the adrenaline rush it had given her, it was crazy. She had this almost drunken grin of fun on her face as she followed him past some straw bales, expecting them to make a dent in that bottle.

But their little adventure was not over yet, as they had been followed. Before she knew she was pushed past the bales, backed up against a wall. Her palms were flat on the cold stone as the baron was suddenly very close, his hand resting above her head and his body towering over her. However, Maybel wasn't scared for a second. She didn't sense danger. She always felt invinceable. Nobody would hurt her, nobody would dare. She felt like she could do whatever she wanted, so when she had to fight against the laughter as she looked back up at Frederick, who had pressed his finger against his lips to urge silence. She pressed her lips tightly together as she nodded.

But the mood completely started to shift as his eyes softened. As if he had completely forgotten that they were in a precarious situation, and his hand moved towards her face. She was rarely really often surprised, but Frederick was full of surprises today as he dared to touch her, intimately. Her lips parted slightly as he drew his finger down, pulling her bottom lip down slightly before his hand made his way down, giving her all kind of tingles. His fingers felt cold to the touch, but it gave this burning sensation she couldn't shake loose. And as he leaned in, she really thought he might kiss her. She was ready for it as she her eyes darted across his stubbled face. But he moved towards her ear, his hot breath on his skin as he asked her a hinting question. The closeness of his body made her breath rise higher in her chest. She was completely pinned between the baron and the wall, and still she wasn't scared. The excitement took over, even if he had all the control in this situation. Maybel moved one hand from up the wall towards the hand he had placed on her neck. And however flustered she felt by his presence, she still wanted to ooze her usual confidence. ‘‘Why do you want to know?’’ she whispered back. Because she knew he knew. He was Ashmoor's most well known bachelor. He must know his way around a woman. ‘‘Want a taste of your own?’’ she teased him. She moved her hand that lay on his up his arm and chest, until she reached his jaw and made his face turn away from her ear, to her face. ‘‘I would much rather taste that champagne you went all that trouble through to get,’’ she spoke against his lips, their faces barely refrained from touching.
Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:53 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredHeader
bet u wanna  EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
He wanted her. And if she were any other regular woman, he might've taken her right there and then, against the cold wall. Frederick wouldn't be the first to take a woman in the corners of the quiet hidden alley. But that was just the thing. Maybel wasn't just a woman. She was Ashmoor's equivalent to a royal princess. She had Winter blood. But most importantly; this was Maybel. Today she showed him sides of her he hadn't seen before. Surprising, exciting, thrilling, and rejuvenating sides that had made him feel like a young man again. She had a vibrant electric aura, which had been rubbing off on him since the moment they met in front of the church. And he enjoyed who he became around her. All the while noticing how tension between them kept growing. He tried to ignore it - if only a little, assuming it was just that effect he always seemed to have on young women. But now that he had her pinned against a wall, he realized how high that tension in him had grown. Yes, he wanted her badly.

The way her body reacted to his demeanor and his touch didn't go unnoticed. Fueling that desire in him even further. Though, from the outside, he tried to keep it cool and collected. He didn't just want her. He was curious about her responses. He wanted to know how far he could go without actually going there. He wanted to see what she would do if he just gave her that slight nudge. He wanted to know how much control he had over himself and her. And if she would give up that control easily or not. Either way would please him. His gray eyes, almost completely darkened in the shadows of the alley, followed his own finger as it pulled her parted bottom lip ever so slightly down.  Feeling her warm breath, drawing him in even closer, tracing it down until it finally rested atop her chest on the necklace. He had to stop himself from not tracing down any further... not yet.

The look in her eye, as he leaned in, spoke volumes. Frederick had to bite his tongue to not give in to that look and grant her what she expected. He didn't just want her to expect it. He needed her to want it. To yearn for it, to crave it, and to demand it from him before he eventually would give in. It didn't matter to him if that would only take moments or if they had to keep performing this dance for days, weeks, or years. He wanted her to buckle first. Her breath rose as he whispered in her ear a question to which he already knew the answer. The corners of his mouth turned up in amusement at her reaction. Both audibly and physically. Only when she teased him with the idea of a taste of her did he lose the slightest control. Catching his breath as she tried to take his away by teasing. He had to close his eyes for a moment, feeling her hand move up his arm and his chest, which now too had risen under his breathing. When she finally reached his jaw, he opened his eyes as she made him face her. Locking eyes with the defiant girl, who was dripping in an alluring self-assurance now. Suddenly, he realized he would be the one to buckle if he let her push on like this. Being drawn in by her warm breath on his lips as she spoke. By Renestrae, did he want her.

It was the start of a little tug-of-war game between them. Who could tease the other the most? Who would give in first? A game that he rather enjoyed so far, and he wasn't about to give in just yet. He swiftly grabbed one of her wrists and pushed her arm and hand above her head against the wall, pinning her down even more as he pushed his body ever so slightly closer. ”Are you sure?” He asked as his head tilted a bit to the right, while his lips formed a seductive grin. ”I thought the point of this little outing was for you to have a taste of something new?” As he spoke, his eyes drifted off to her lips, full, soft, and inviting. His gaze rested on them a little too long, before he looked up at her eyes again. An amused twinkle in his own eyes. "Of something you haven't tasted before?"

(C) Ross
Tue May 02, 2023 11:29 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
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Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
This was frankly absurd. But the feeling of getting caught was most exciting. And not even getting caught by somebody she might know, because not a single soul of her social cirkel would have dared to make it all the way down here. Nobody here would as easily recognize her blonde curls or scarlet red lips. She might seem out of place, yes. But she didn't care as she was used to making heads turn. It was even more fun that she had caught the eye of the baron, being the perfect damsel in distress in his little play. It was quite the role which she could comfortably slip into. "Oh no! Baron Eckhart, safe me from the angry barman!" A cheeky smile appeared only by the thought, quickly washed away as she was occupied in the next scène of the play.

Maybel lowered her chin slightly as she let her doe eyes throw daggers into his, te tips of her fingers following the sharp edges of his jawline, whispering teasing questions. He even gave him a way out, nudging towards the tool that got them into this situation. But she supposed he had forgotten about that already, and that it was indeed, merely a tool. Something to make him a hero in this story. Whatever, she didn't care, she was perfectly content where she was.

She audibly gasped as he reached his fingers around her wrist and her hand was above her head before she knew it. Her chin went back up again as she looked at his, wriggling her hand slightly in his grasp, before giving into it as he came even closer. Her other palm went flat against the wall as he started speaking, not looking away from his eyes as he did. He obviously picked her over the taste of champagne, she was not daft. And she might have stated that it was a good pick, if she wasn't slightly taken aback with him being so bold. She licked her lips as a slight blush crept up her cheeks as he continued speaking, looking down at her lips so obviously, seducing her even further into just giving in.

A soft chuckle rolled of her lips as she looked away shyly, for only a moment, because the thought of being some doll of a girl he was used to, was to hurtful on her pride. So she arched her back to make the fabric of her dress brush against his body. It was the only thing she could still do in her precarious position. And when she did, she pursed her lips slightly. ‘‘Oh,’’ she breathed when she looked at his lips. He was not exactly being subtle either anymore. ‘‘I do,’’ she agreed when she looked back up through her eyelashes. ‘‘Don't you?’’ And then she breached the distance between their faces, only for her to barely graze her lips against his, her eyes still open, to eager to wait for his response.

Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:03 am
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Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
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Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
By Renestrae, what was it with these Winter's and their ability to push his most sensitive buttons on an astronomical level. Even Maybel, as young and naïve as she was, could make his head spin like no other. Those eyes, hypnotizingly teasing, drawing him in. Biting the inside of his cheek as he watched her soft and pink tongue slip past her lips. Damn, how he wanted a taste of her. The seductive grin on his lips curled a bit crooked when she chuckled softly at his words. Though she looked away shyly, he mentally prepared himself for more of her teasing words. She was clearly a master at using her words. Daddy Winter taught her well.
But it wasn't as if he had to brace for it; no, he felt a thrill of anticipation for them. Her teasing demeanor, the subtle movements of her body under his grasp, and the way her eyes held a mixture of mischief and desire. It absolutely heightened and titillated his desire for this game of tease. A game she knew how to play. Charging the atmosphere between them even further. Oh, how he loved it. For once, something entirely different than the usual games played by his female counterparts. He hung on her lips, and every word she was about to utter in his ear, with that honeyed voice of her.

Somehow, he didn't expect her next move. He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him when she arched her back as she pushed herself against him. His breath caught in his throat as a result, unable to take his dark gray eyes off of her pursed lips. His hand slowly moved up to her face, gently caressing his thumb across her bottom lip, where her tongue had been moments before. Feeling her warm breath on his fingers as she spoke, mingling with his in the little space that was left between their faces, making his heart race. And then, those three little words escaped her lips – "I do." His grin widened, and he didn't even attempt to hide the intensity in his eyes. Her next question, "Don't you?" hung in the air, and before he could respond, her lips brushed against his in a tantalizingly delicate touch. His eyes almost rolled into the back of his head with pure delight at that simple gesture. He could almost taste her. She had such power over him that he wasn't sure if he could contain himself any longer. Squeezing a little on the wrist he was still holding above her head. His other hand found it's way back down her chin and jaw to her elegant neck. As he laid his fingers around them, first softly, feeling along her soft skin for her heartbeat. He needed to feel how much control she truly had over herself and this little situation they found themselves in. His eyes locked on hers, and his lips slightly parted, dancing around hers as they still only slightly brushed against each other. It took everything in him not to give in and release them both from the mental game of fencing he found himself in. Torn between the joy of the game, played so exceptionally, and the pure pleasure of her sweet lips.
Then he tightened his fingers around her throat, ever so slightly, whispering with a low, seductive tone in his voice against her lips, "Are you certain you want to know that answer?"

(C) Ross
Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:54 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
bet u wanna  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
bet u wanna  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Oh, how exciting this all was. She could feel her whole body tingle as she really, really tried to make him squirm. She wasn't even hiding that anymore. She just wanted to show that even when she was little and locked in a man's grasp, she was still a worthy opponent. She was impressed by the Baron's self-control. He had thought he would have devoured her whole at this point. What was he waiting for? She had basically thrown herself at him. Nobody would find them here. Was he afraid? Afraid to spoil a high-born Winter girl like her? Oh, please.

Maybel held an innocent smile on her face, her lips slightly pursed as she looked at him. How his fingers touched her face gently as if she was some porcelain doll. She kept her eyes locked on him, following his every move, watching the tiny changes in his expressions, how she silently kept count of the last time he took a breath. She just knew he wanted her. He might as well scream it out loud. What a thrilling little game.

And she wanted him too. She had heard the rumors of the brazen baron. She was just curious how much of it was true. She didn't doubt the truth of his nightly pastimes. He seemed competent enough. She balled the hand he kept against the wall into a fist as she started to resist him, just a tiny bit. See if he would release her accordingly or... She was distracted by his other hand as he placed his fingers around her neck, joining the necklace he had gifted her earlier.

A small smile made her lips curl up as she took in his sudden bold movement. Again, she thought he had given in as he parted his lips slightly. But what was happening could not be called a kiss, as his touches barely tickled. It was such a small gap to close. She could just force herself with one lunge, and make him satisfy her. But at this point, that would be giving in.

She blinked slowly as she lowered her gaze, changing her mischievous, innocent look for a more challenging one. But as his fingers tightened around her neck, she inhaled sharply. She raised her chin high as she let the back of her head rest against the wall once more. She looked at him from underneath her eyelashes, feeling his every word on her lips. It was almost unbearable now. Just do it, her eyes seemed to scream. But he once again asked her, almost as if he wanted her permission. ‘‘I'm not afraid,’’ she replied instantly. And to put strength to her words, even if they came out a bit strained with his hand on his throat, her other hand took hold of his jacket and she pulled him closer. ‘‘Taste-’’ she spoke, their lips practically touching at this point. ’’- me.’’
Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:45 pm
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