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Caspian Elessar
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Ravaryn Citizen
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar
Caspian Elessar IzBexY8
Caspian Elessar Ser-criston-ser-criston-cole

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Knight

Caspian Elessar
“Knighthood lies above eternity; it doesn't live off fame, but rather deeds.”
Gender Male
Age 24 YEARS
Species Human
Magic None
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Royal Guard
P.O.B Ishgard
Residence Ishgard
Faceclaim Fabien Frankel
Build Slim, but muscular
Height 177CM
Skin tone Slightly toned
Hair color Black
Hair Texture Wavy
Eye Color Dark brown


A charming personality and easy on the eyes. Words to sum up Caspian. He is a man that carries himself with a certain pride. Knows how to act around people of importance, though he always keeps his cool in almost all situations. Except when people make him thick. But even then he tries to make sure to handle it with certain grace.


It varies, if the man is on duty he always wears his armor. While he isn’t on active duty but let’s say training the squires he wears a simple practical attire in which he can move around decently. When he isn’t on duty, the man sticks to the same practical attire. Always wearing a bracelet that is colored in blue. Which points to his own family.

Constellation The hunter
Alignment Neutral Good
TraitsCourageous, dutiful, dedicated, honorable, just, loyal, trustworthy
TraitsDefiant, stubborn, too selfless, opinionated, meer hier

Caspian is a very fun-loving and laid back person. He is not afraid to throw humor into the mix when he has a conversation with someone else. He has a sort of calm vibe around him which makes him good to have around when one feels particularly stressed. Being able to put things into perspective rather well.

The man carries a natural sense of leadership with him. Something that has been taught to him at a young age and stuck. Always keeping an eye on those around him, or fellow knights that might fall under him. He often feels more responsible than he should. Both about the people that he protects and those who he teaches. The man has an undying sense of loyalty towards the Ylindar’s. Keeping them safe is one of his main goals. He’ll do close to anything for that to happen. The man doesn’t step away from confrontation, if needed he will go straight into confrontation if it is prone to keeping those around him safe.

While he might come over as a strong and ruthless warrior (which he is), the man has a warmth around him that lures people in. Which makes it very easy to connect to the man. While he wouldn’t call himself extremely sensitive, he is prone to wanting to satisfy other people's needs before his own.

More to be added later on.

SkillsSwordfighting, warfare, archery, one-on-one combat, reading, writing
Unskilled atPatience
HobbiesTending to his horse, teaching pages and squires

Family Tree


father Nerian Elessar
mother Amira Elessar


Brother 1 bro
Sister1 sis


Aunts & Uncles TBA
Cousins TBA
Weapon type Long sword
Expertise Expert

Caspian can wield plenty of weapons. But the one he wields on a common base is his long sword. One that has been in the family for decades. While he is already considered an expert in wielding the blade, there is still room for improvement.

The Order of Elessar

The order was established by his predecessor. Maurin Elessar. A knight of old. Who had the idea to establish an order in Ravaryn. So that the kingdom could always fall back on their own. The idea itself started as Maurin teaching young sons of nobility to fight following the knight code. Every aspect of knighthood was put into this education.

Delivering the best knights in the kingdom. Ones that joined the army of the King automatically. Tying the Elessar name to that of the ruling house. Now a day, the order still exists. Training elite knights. One can see it as a school of knights. Serving both as knight in the army and teachers as well. (so ravaryn has no boerenkinkels)

Eight of the corn moon

The first son of Nerian and Amira Elessar. The one that would inherit everything the family has built up over the years. Both of them were over the moon with the arrival of their baby boy. His father probably a bit more because of the fact that he had a son. With his father being one of the Royal Guards, directly serving the King. The young kid getting all the love in the world. He was quite the social kid as well from a fairly young age. Always helping out others. Ecstatic when his siblings were born as well. Taking on that protective roll already.

When he turned seven, his days as a page started. While his father had already taught him alot about knighthood. This was something else. Training under Lord William. Helping him and his family with household duties, educated about the duties and mannerisms of a knight and the physical aspect as well like learning how to ride a horse, jousting, swordsmanship and how to hunt. He would also train with other pages, using wooden shields and swords. Showing how much skill he already obtained through his father, he often came out as a winner of those sparring matches. Yet, that didn’t mean his skill was that great already. Often getting defeated as well, which made him determined to be even better. This particular way of training fell directly under the training of the Order of Elessar.

During this time he didn’t see his family as much as he would’ve liked. Not meaning that he didn’t see them at all, but he didn’t live with them. His father believed that this was best for the young boy. Though as he grew older, his skill grew as well. Though the young boy already felt the pressure of carrying the Elessar name. Knowing that he had to step it up on a daily basis, to carry out his legacy.

When he turned 11, the days as a Page were over. He returned to the academy of his family as a Squire to continue on with his studies. Which involved learning how to fight on horseback, look after his own horse and that of the lord he served and the weaponry as well. Training proceeded with real weapons and getting taught various fighting skills, frankly him and his colleagues honed all of their skills close to perfection almost. Caspian also the more theoretical aspects of being a knight, subjects like warfare were taught to them? While not the most interesting, most of the other boys didn’t really pay much attention to it. But for him, this was one of the more interesting things to actually learn. He had always been intrigued by the big battles. Often dreaming about partaking in them as well.

As the years passed by and the boy grew out to be a man, he also discovered other things in life. Not indulging in one of the most primal needs a teenage boy could experience. Yet he also learned to have fun. To let go from time to time and not always be driven by duty. There was more to life than duty and as they all experienced, it became clear to him who would actually continue to grow as a knight and those that would get stuck at a certain point.


When turning 21, he became eligible to become an actual knight. Completing his studies. The night before his dubbing ceremony he spent in solitude in the chapel. To think about the choices he was going to make. Taking part in the ceremony meant a life of duty in service of the crown. Something he committed to. Swearing an oath when his shoulder was touched by the sword. Proclaiming him a knight of the first order.

After completing his studies, the man returned home. He was chosen to become part of the elite group that served the Royal House. Which meant that he was chosen to serve his duties in the castle, protecting the castle in case any battle broke out, both inside or outside the castle.

⚔ Secretely the man can sing.
⚔ Caspian owns two horses, a black mare& a black ] stallion.
⚔ Can handle fights with a lance, bow and arrow, short and long sword
Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:24 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Caspian Elessar XuTWurPc_o
Caspian Elessar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Let faith decide
Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:08 pm
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