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Honestly, it's a shit show
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

That whole ordeal with Angelina, it left him empty but entirely overloaded at the same time. He had to get away from there. Which was what he did. But not without anything. From a closet he gathered two bottles of Matthew his wine and disappeared. Went upon the stairs but walked on. Heading to a part where he was able to catch a breath. Just one floor up, and an arched hallway that looked out over the courtyard. It was just the spot he needed. Putting the bottles on the edge, as he sat down on it himself. Staring down into nothing. The mere touch of Angelina’s hand, caused so fucking much turmoil. One of the reminders why he simply didn’t like being touched, by anyone for that matter. But it had felt different. Way different than anything else truly.

Maybe it was the whole situation that had been off from the beginning. The tiny Grimaldi had been jabbing at him from the first moment on, and while it had started of in good spirits. Maybe there was more to it. And that mere idea, maybe that had been the tipping point when their skin had touched. His mother had been like that as well, all smiley and happy one moment. But in a matter of seconds it could turn around and then he’d be afraid to ever see the light of day again. A sigh slipped his lips.

Popping open one of the bottles. Fucking family. He took a big sip, the alcohol burning in the back of his throat. The fresh air on his face calming him down. He stood there for a while, having one bottle already emptied halfway through. Before he managed to move away from the hallway, down the stairs again. Yet instead of entering the shitshow of a party again. He simply sat down on the steps. Staring out in front of him, slightly buzzed.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:30 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
After the encounter with Maybel, she had been walking around the room, eyes wide open as she looked for the person in question. How hard was it to find a giant like him like god. But as much as she looked, she wasn't able to find him. Frustration had rose to her head and she had angerly grabbed another drink that was presented to her, taking it in like it was water. And as one drink became two... And two became four she had become annoyed by the many looks men gave her. Her dress was ruined, stained by that damn bitch that just couldn't take a few words. And as the evening moved on and she wasn't able to get what she wanted, a combination with the alcohol she already had in her pushed her to be less... Like her usual self. Which was ironic, because she usually was a fake. Now that that faded away she no longer was able to smile at those men and show them that polite little face she was always able to put up. Perhaps the tipping point was seeing her brother with that little Winter girl. She had felt actual rage as she just caught a mere glimpse of them. She had stared angerly at it, her face clear of all the distaste she had for it all. And it made people distance them from her. She glared at some of them, before finally turning away. Fine. If she wasn't getting what she wanted, then she was just going to leave. No-one was going to stop her.

But in her state, with her mind no longer able to think straight and her world somewhat spinning she wasn't really able to find the exit. Where had she come in again...? The empty hall she was in certainly didn't look familiar. As the brunette looked around, she slowly felt those emotions overwhelm her. "Stupid..." she whispered as she kept looking around. Her eyes slowly going back to her stained dress, she could now feel tears burn. She blinked slowly as a soft sob left her lips. Angelina wasn't the type to cry, ever. She always held her head high, trying to act all high and mighty. But now that she wasn't feeling like herself and the drinks had been too much, the ruination of her dress really got to her. She sobbed once more as she felt tears run down her cheeks. Her hands slowly reaching to the stain that had formed on it. She shook her head slowly as one of her hands reached up, trying to wipe away the tears in the process. But as she did, all that she was causing was her make-up to be smeared all over her. But she didn't care. She was clearly upset about the fact that her dress had been ruined. BUt maybe that wasn't the only reason why she was weeping like this. All those emotions, anger, sadness and frustration, just came rushing up. She missed her brother, she missed his reassuring words, the time they would spend together. She missed him so much. And now that she felt so small, so lost, so sad, all she wanted was for him to be here, to take her into his arms and promise her that it was going to be okay. But she knew all too well that that wasn't going to happen. Not anymore...

And the tears just kept coming as she wasn't holding back herself for crying out like this. Her hands reaching out to her face as they desperately tried to wipe it all away. Ugly crying, as they would call it. She looked so vulnerable right about now, so not herself. And that was perhaps because she didn't feel like herself... And she hated it. She hated every moment of this awful feeling in every fibber of her being. And where as she would just get angry normally, all she could do was cry. Cry out as if no-one was here. She was lucky that that was the case, as her little breakdown would most likely not be appreciated back on the party. Here she was alone, here she could be ugly and broken and so messed up, because here it just didn't matter... Right...?

She had cried, so loudly that she hadn't been able to hear him move down the stairs. So when she slowly removed her hands from her face, she almost jumped in surprise. Seeing Luca just down the hall on the stair, she almost felt panicked. Her crying calmed down a little, but her breathing didn't. As she stared at the man she blinked rapidly. Her blue eyes looking over the other. Her face, just like her dress, was ruined now... But that wasn't much of a surprise. Her entire night had been ruined... And she most likely had ruined his night too. She sobbed softly as she saw how he had a bottle on him. Wine, most likely. She stepped forward, slowly as she looked at him, but she wasn't able to make eye contact. She felt like she would cry again if he did. So... When she finally was just a few meters away from him, she came to a halt. She stared at the bottle he had, nodding at it. "Is it any good?" she whispered. She didn't care if it was. She wanted it. She needed it. She didn't want to think anymore. She didn't want to be sad anymore. The answer? More alcohol, ofcourse.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:21 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

There was something about just being present, but not really be present. It brought him some kind of calmth. Yet the emotions that had been stirred up remained. All the things that his mother had put him through, they had all come flooding back to him. Without holding anything back. Every kind word that had been followed by something much worse. Frankly, he couldn’t even count those moments where he had just been hidden behind a curtain somewhere balling his eyes out. Gods. Luca took another sip, one becoming many over the time he had sat on that edge. For even a blink of a moment, the man had pondered about just jumping of that edge. With his luck, no real damage would probably be done. And in the eyes of his father, it would make him even weaker than he already was seen. So no, when that thought struck him Luca had carefully backed away from where he was sitting and put his feet back on the ground.

He simply looked down, onto the quiet courtyard. A solemn expression on his face. Maybe it was time for him to actually go away from the party, some rest would do him good. So he had walked down the stairs, only to forget the first thought he had and sitting down on one of the steps. Staring into the bottle he was holding, halfway gone. Maybe a bit more. And he was slightly feeling it. Not entirely, but a buzz had been created. He wasn’t quite sure about how long he had been staring into that said bottle, but it was the sound of her voice that made him look back up. A frown appeared on his head. She looked.. Like a mess. Her dress was soaked in something, and well white didn’t leave much to the imagination. Making him shortly rub his neck. Slowly he pushed himself up, her stained face, just the way she was standing there. While her appearance had been almost majestic before, nothing was left of that now and he felt bad in her stead. It only grew worse as she came closer to him. ’It’s decent.’ The man hummed in response.

Though he eventually took both of the bottles he had been holding onto, walking over to her. But putting them to the side. His arms wrapping around her, frankly not caring if she’d scream bloody murder right about now. Whatever happened, she looked like she needed it. Was this the alcohol doing it's work? Most likely.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:01 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
The grace she had before had faded away so easily once she had one too many drinks. The fact that her entire appearance was ruined, really struck her harder than she thought. She felt awful and weak, and that didn't match with how she was normally. She would look back at this moment of weakness with such disgust. This is not who she was dammit. She wasn't a girl who would cry over a stain on her dress or a statement that hit too close to home. She was the type of girl that made boys cry. She wasn't the one to shed tears. It wasn't even because of something bad, because damn. She didn't care for this dress. But she just felt bad and those feelings translated in a distasteful manifestation. She hated it, but she couldn't help herself. Deep down she really just had a small heart. She wasn't brave, she wasn't fearless. She wasn't ferocious like so many other women were. She was just a girl who couldn't keep her mouth shut. Spoiled, entitled... She was just like the other high standing women, wasn't she? Damn... She really was an idiot.

So... To keep her mind occupied, away from those nasty thoughts and that awful little voice that just couldn't keep silent, she spoke to the one person that was here. She had been nothing but mean to him and all the boy had tried to do was do his best. And all because she wanted to laugh at him, wanted to make someone feel as bad as she felt on the inside. Well, she had succeeded, hadn't she? Because when she was finally able to meet his gaze, if only for a second, she could see all those emotions... Yet so muted that she wasn't sure if it was just her imagination or actually there. She had always disliked the Winters, but she actually couldn't really recall when that all started. Now she was just making up things to keep that hate up, to justify her rude behavior towards them. But in the state she was in now she just couldn't grasp it. There was no justification for being a bitch like that. The tall man answered. Decent. That was good enough in her books, so she nodded slowly.

He grabbed the two bottles and rose to his feet. Angelina followed him with her big blue eyes. Slowly she blinked, taking a slow step back when he approached her. Was he going to hurt her? She felt how new tears started to burn in her eyes. She.. Really had been a fool. She should have stayed home, she shouldn't have listened to her parents. She didn't want to come, yet here she was. Forced to be here. And now that she had been ruined all over, this boy was going to get his way with her regardless... And that scared her. She closed her eyes, bringing her head lower as she almost shrunk into a tinier version of herself. Terrified of whatever this man was going to do to her...

But it didn't come. He softly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug. He was so gentle in the way he moved... And for a moment she held her breath, not really knowing what was happening. She remained silent, frozen, as she felt how her hands had started to tremble. The sliver of fear that had remained for whatever consequences she was going to face. She was surprised to say the least, since she hadn't expected it in the slightest. But as time slowly passed, a sob left her lips. It broke through that initial shock, allowing her to finally move herself closer to him. She pressed her face against his chest and laid her hands next to it. Her fingers clinging onto his clothing as if she was terrified of him letting go. A second wave of sadness washed over her as she started to cry once more. "It's ruined," she cried out softly. She just leaned in more, letting herself melt into him more and more. "An- And it's such a pretty dress!" Oh... the drama.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:05 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Maybe she was not the person who he should see right now. She had inflicted all these stupid emotions on him in the first place. But just at the sight of her face and her dress, his mind had simply deleted that whole thing. And that stupid protective side of him instantly kicked in. The man cared too much for the well-being of others, that was simply his biggest problem. But in this case, for Angeline it played out. When she took a step back he swallowed, it reminded him of all those times he had done that when his mother had thrown hands at him. Right. No, that was not what was happening here. It did cause him to briefly pause his movement, yet in the end he pushed through it.

Once he held her, he took note of how small she actually was compared to him. In another situation he would’ve laughed. But right now, he just held her. Waited for her to calm down a bit, feeling her arms tremble lightly. Was she truly afraid of him? Or was she just overwhelmed by her emotions? Her sob, it wrecked through his body. He hated this, the fact that she was indeed feeling this bad. Slowly he felt her relaxing though, which made him pull her a bit closer. Fingers gently caressing her back.

’It’s okay.’ The man muttered softly, a dress could always be bought again. She was a Grimaldi after all, Victor would make sure that Angelica would have all the dresses she wanted. ’But it was a very pretty dress, you still look pretty Angelica.’ He whispered softly. Softly he brought his hand up to her cheek, brushing a tear away from her stained face. Looking her straight in the eyes. ’Do you.. need a new dress or other clothes?’ If anything, he could give her his shirt, but they could also go around in the castle. He was sure enough that they could raid the laundry room or something.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:31 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She would hate herself in the morning, but right now she needed this. The support of someone, it didn't even matter who. And for such a silly reason. By Renestrae, she would be so upset if she saw herself right about now. Crying about messed up dresses and a ruined face really wasn't her cup of tea normally. But right now, in the context of the situation, it was like the end of the world for her. It was unreasonable, yes, but not in her eyes. Her mind was just so sensitive, her emotions all over the place. she usually had such good composure over herself and her actions, or at least... That's what she always told herself. She and her big mouth had caused this, and she was smart enough to realize that. Yet, she couldn't come to actually accept that and let it be. She just felt sad, upset... And she had to let it out. And once the gates were opened, other pent up emotions came rushing out. She wasn't strong enough to force it back to a halt, not anymore.

She let herself sink more into his arms. He was so gentle with how he handled her. How could someone so scary be so kind? So soft...? So warm...? He was supposed to be this big bad man, a Winter. An arrogant idiot that just wanted to get the best. He wasn't supposed to be like this. That was not the image she had of his family. And perhaps in any other situation she would have taken him into question. But not now. His ways of handling her was just perfect and she took it eagerly. Closing her eyes she slowly calmed down. The crying still happening, it was now less hysterical. As she let herself melt more into his embrace she slowly synced up with the way he was breathing. Unconsciously her mind started to zone out as his heartbeat filled her ears. Honestly... if she wasn't standing her, she most likely would fall asleep right here and now. She was just in the perfect state to do so. Her mind was tired of the crying, of the sudden sadness... And the fact that Luca gave her this safe environment was really all she needed.

She felt her mind getting a bit more drowsy as she seemed to calm down even more. A soft sob leaving her lips every now and then. And then he spoke, stating that it was okay. She slowly opened her eyes a bit when he said so, tilting her head a bit from his chest so she could actually see him. And he spoke once more, his hand finding a way to her face in an ever so gentle way. She blinked in surprise as she followed his action, looking at him for a moment. Although she seemed calm, she was still crying. The tears finding a way downwards as she had her face lifted towards him. "You think I'm pretty?" she asked softly. Her voice sounded fragile, not like her own. It was funny, because Angelina always cared what people thought of her, but never showed it. She always acted like it didn't matter what kind of things people said about her. But the fact that she was dressed up like this said otherwise... And her zoned out mind wanted to state that clearly. A small smile curled on her lips as one of her hands finally came loose from his shirt. She used the back of it to try and get rid of more tears.

Luca spoke once more, asking if she needed anything else, like a new dress or something. She looked at him with those big eyes, filled with little thought as she just gazed up at him. He was actually really handsome now that she had a good look at him. A soft noise left her lips at first, a noise that was filled in confusion. "I..." She started, pausing for a moment. She looked so confused for just a split second as she looked over him, almost as if trying to find something there. "I don't know," she whispered. Because, well, she really didn't. The small woman laid her head slowly against his arm as she pressed herself more against him. Letting her face rest on his chest once more. "You're warm," she said softly as she closed her eyes again. Observation of a lifetime.

Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:12 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Apparently the girl he was holding wasn’t such a loudmouth at all. She was putting up a front. Something most of the folks around them did as well, The Winter’s, The Grimaldi’s, The Eckhart’s, the Villiers and the Carnegie’s and many more. The entire upper ring was putting up a front and for what? Even he was guilty. Yet he tried, he tried to be something more than just a guy who was acting that he was alright. He was aspiring to do some good in the world. Not that anyone noticed. But maybe that was right how he wanted it? While Luca was fighting an ongoing battle for his father's attention, he was more than glad that no one truly took notice of him. It gave him something extra that a lot of their fellow upper classer’s didn’t have. Though, it was something that was put at risk now. Thanks to that darned woman who had picked up her quill.

He felt herself pressing closer against him. Something he let happen. If anything, in this particular state of mind he was more than okay with this. The alcohol in his body was pressing away all the feelings she had brought up, which was something he gladly accepted. The only thing he aspired at this moment was for her to calm down, so he could properly figure out what happened. Though in the back of his mind, he knew that it had to do something with his sister. But the fuzz in his head was blocking that out as well. At this very moment it was just the two of them. Standing in the hallways of a castle they both didn’t want to be in.

The tears were still crashing down and Luca with his big heart, he simply couldn’t understand why. So he tried, he tried brushing the tears away with his thumb. But it was a never ending job. Her question made him tilt his head. Euh? Now it was his time to blink. Had he just said that? Well, yes. Corners of his mouth curled up, looking her straight in the eyes. ’I think you’re the prettiest one around here cause you show exactly who you are.’ He whispered even softer, as if it was a big secret.

No real reply came, which left him pondering over his next move. Though the alcohol in his system pushed him that far. ’Don’t scream.’ He spoke gently, carefully lowering himself down a bit. Placing one arm in the crook of her knees and the other over her back, easily sweeping her off her feet. ’Let’s make sure you don’t get sick.’ And thus, Luca started to move up the stairs once more with the lightweight that was Angelica Grimaldi in his arms. On their way to some warmer clothing for the young lady. Luca had decided on taking the long route, no one would be afoot in the hallways he was sure. Matthew had put them all to work.

So just a little bit later, he carefully opened the door to his room. Putting her down on the bed. ’Are you okay?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:37 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Angelina felt herself become more tired. The many drinks she had had really took a toll on her. She never handled it well, with her tiny body. She had little experience and therefore such low tolerance when it came to it. She had already felt after she had the first drink, which was Maybel her fault to say the least. But the others, those were her mistake entirely. But she didn't care, she had been angry and frustrated. That fake part of her slowly fading with each glass that was handed to her. And as she noticed how people started to see through her, she had become more angry... Then sad... And now she was just tired. Her crying had made her so tired that she just wanted to pass out in his arms. She didn't really think about the consequences that could have for her. Her mind was so simple right now, she was so easily played if someone wanted to do so. Luckily for her the one person that was with her didn't have any of those mal intends. Such a gentle soul, she didn't deserve him. But she was greedy and needy, especially now that she felt like this, so she wouldn't give him up. Not willingly.

She didn't even know why she asked him this. Asking if she was pretty. She never really cared right? Well... She did. She had put so much time in making her hair look good and had even done her make-up herself. The only thing she didn't have a hand in was the dress, which was a gift of her mother. Maybe that was the reason why it upset her so much...? She honestly didn't know. She was so sensitive right now, she could probably cry about anything and it would feel justified to her. She was displaying everything she wasn't, or claimed she wasn't. Yet, he spoke, and she blinked rapidly. She almost audibly gasped even. If she didn't feel like this she would have laughed at him because of his cheesy comment, since she actually despised such things. But now she felt like she was caught red handed. A blush crept up on her cheeks as she opened her mouth a bit. "That's not..." she started, but her voice died down for just a second. She was so confused, because his words felt wrong in his own right. "That's... Stupid," she whispered softly, losing all the words that she wanted to say. She averted her eyes, not being able to look at him as she said it.

And as her mind tried to put the puzzle pieces together, he did his own thing. Before she could say or do anything he asked her not to scream. And before she knew it, she was lifted of the ground. She didn't struggle, nor show any resistant as she just put her head against him and closed her eyes. She really was tired and her body instantly almost fell asleep as soon as she was in his arms. It was so comfortable, how could she not? It was such simple math. He spoke and she didn't really get what he was saying, more because she was drifting off to sleep. So all she did was hum a silent noise as a reply to his words. Slowly losing grip on her consciousness. A good nap would be great right about now, so why not? No-one could stop her if she wanted to...

She blinked in surprise as she felt movement. She had already dozed off to sleep just for a couple of seconds. But since he placed her down, she woke up instantly. She still looked so confused and somewhat dazed as she stared up at the other. He asked her if she was okay and she blinked slowly, a smile curling on his lips. "Yes," she said, pushing herself on her knees. She carefully pushed herself upwards, leaning towards him. She felt so small now that she was on her knees staring up at him and for that reason alone she gasped for air. Yet her arms moved to him and she placed them around him, put from her position that was just clenching onto his hips. She leaned forward, letting her head rest against him. "I'm not tired yet," she said softly as she gazed up at him. "Why did you let go?" she almost begged him, her hands grabbing onto his clothes as if he could run away at any time. Well, if he did, she wouldn't let him.

Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:12 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

He watched confusion wash over her face, he saw her being taken back by his words and he couldn’t help but softly smile. There was nothing left of that feral woman he had left on the dancefloor. Though maybe he liked this side of her better. The side where she wasn’t trying to get some kind of response out of him. But he wondered who she truly was. That feral one, or possibly this version of herself. If anything one didn’t go around drunk and turning into a liar. But in the end he wouldn’t make such assumptions just yet. If anything, right now he simply wanted her to be okay. That was his main concern, even if he was already way more tipsy then he should’ve been in the first place. But well, a party without drinking was that truly a party?

’Call it whatever you want. But it’s the truth as well.’ The truth in his eyes at least. In the end he was carrying her up the stairs. Just holding her tightly against him. Maybe even stupidly enjoying her warmth against him. Trying to give her as much of his heat as he could possibly manage in the way he was holding her. If anything, he didn’t want her to get sick what so ever. Some peace and quiet, frankly he wasn’t sure if he was doing this for her or for himself. His mind was buzzing with all kinds of matters, but nothing truly made sense.

After he had put her down, he had decided on a bit of distance. Though, Angelica was thinking something else. Shortly he tilted his head as he stepped forward once more, he didn’t want her to fall. So when she clenched his hips he raised a brow, chuckling ever so softly. Maybe even awkwardly.His hand trailing up her back, fingers eventually brushing over her hair. Looking down at her. ’Not tired?’ A soft smile lingered on his lips, a blatant lie. Though well, being drunk did work weirdly. Very carefully he sat down on the edge of the bed. ’Not sure really.’ He admitted, one arm softly wrapping around her shoulders. ’Lay down with me hm?’ Not because he was tired, just because he could feel the room slightly turning around. Luca laid down, head landing in a pillow as he turned on his side. Looking up at her. ’Are you cold?’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:34 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
As time passed she felt herself get more and more comfortable, perhaps even comfortable enough to take another nap. The idea did sound nice, but another idea that came to her sounded nicer right about now. She didn't want to let go of her source of warmth. On top of the fact that she didn't want to be alone right about now. She didn't feel as awful anymore as she had done earlier, but she still felt like she needed him, almost desperately so. And that statement alone was something that would make her roll her eyes normally. She didn't need no man, let alone someone like Luca. He was soft and a Winter to top of it. If anything, she would have taken his softness for weakness and abused it to no extend. Something one could say she did right now as well. But she had no real grip on how she normally was. She couldn't pull that cover up, act all tough and grand as if she owned the room and the conversation they were having. So when he spoke to her once more, she just softly hummed in agreement, not really listening to what he was stating. She was just melting against him, feeling the warmth of him on her skin. He really gave the best hugs, didn't he? She smiled as she closed her eyes, letting herself be treated as a princess as he carried her up the stairs. She just forgot about the big bad world that had wronged her so much or the many things that usually pestered her mind. All she was thinking about was how strong he was and how comforting it was to rest against him. She told herself quietly that she could get used to this treatment, smiling wildly at the thought. Not aware that as soon as the alcohol would have left her system, she would pull those walls back up. After all, was he not like other men? Some showed softness only to display their teeth later on, it was a trick she herself had mastered not so long ago.

She was placed on the bed and her body almost moved as it wasn't her own, not that she minded. She clung onto his hips as she stared up at him, claiming she wasn't tired. She smiled softly at him as she let her chin rest on him, staring up as she awaited his answer. His hand moved up, along her back, to her head. And as he carefully found his way around his hair, she closed her eyes, letting her head softly rest against his hand. She hummed softly, contently so as she listened to his voice. She chuckled as he repeated those words she had just said. He moved once more, something that resulted in her looking at him once more. He moved to sit next to her and her hands softly let go of him as he did. She let her fingertips softly roll off the fabric as she followed him with those big blue eyes. As soon as he had placed him, she shuffled somewhat closer to him. He spoke, answering her question that she had already forgotten. His arm wrapping around her, she closed her eyes again, pressing herself against him as he asked her to lay with him. So when he moved, she moved too. She let her body fall beside him, slowly coming closer and pressing her head against his chest again. The brunette held her breath for a moment, carefully opening up her eyes. She blinked for a moment, before moving her hands up... And letting them rest against his upper body. Playfully they traced imaginary drawings along the fabric of clothing he was still wearing. She hummed once more, softer than before, letting the melody slowly fade into a quiet song she didn't know all the words to.

He asked her a question, if she was cold. She kept her soft singing up for a little bit, before she closed her mouth. Her fingers still tracing along his chest. Slowly she moved her head a bit back, looking up from her cosy position against him. She stared at him for a bit, halting her actions as she did. "Not anymore," she said softly. Angelina couldn't help herself as she showed him a smile. "Are you?" She decided to ask him. She didn't know why, because he really felt warm... So she didn't think he felt cold at all. A man like him didn't seem to feel cold.. Or pain. Could they really feel anything? That lingering thought robbed her of her smile as she slowly averted her gaze, staring up at the ceiling above them. She didn't know why that negative statement found it's way in her head, but it surely didn't have a place there, not when she was in this state. She took a deep breath, letting out a sigh... A sound that was deep and filled with so much emotions. yet, she couldn't really place why it was like that. "I think you and my brother would like each other a lot," she mumbled softly, snuggling up against him as she did. "We should go out..." she murmured after that, chuckling softly as she closed her eyes. It was such a duality, to feel so tired that she could sleep for days, but also feel so much energy that she could run a marathon. Yet she didn't move an inch or pass out. She just remained where she was, saying things that came to mind... Not really going anywhere with what she was doing. But it was fine like that... Right?
Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:55 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

He was drunk. Not out of his mind drunk. But drunk enough to disregard the fact that she had been the fact of the storm of emotions he had tried to drown. But right now, he was simply enjoying being in her presence. Being this close to her and just holding her in his arms. Against his chest. As if it was all he ever needed. Maybe not on a regular day, but at this moment. Angelica Grimaldi offered something not many people had ever offered him in his life. Someone to hold on to, someone he could take care of even if it was in this drunk state. It would be something he’d remember, eventually. Maybe dare he say, someone that understood him. Though that would prevail to be the joke of the century if they sobered up again. But those were problems for another moment. Right now, he was simply carrying a girl that was way too drunk up to his room. A weird thought to begin with for his undrunk mind. Right now, however, it made sense.

In a manner of moments he found himself laying on his bed, with her pressed against him and his arms loosely wrapped around her. Holding onto her like she was his lifeline at this moment. Enjoying the movement of her fingers against the fabric of his shirt. Listening to her humming that melody, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. For once, truly enjoyed this. Whatever it was. Deep down he already knew that this was something he would hold onto. Though right now it wasn’t worth any thought really. Maybe it was the way she hummed it, but part of him did vaguely remember the tune she was humming. Wondering about something. ’Do you sing? You do, right? I’m quite sure you do.’ He whispered almost dreamily.

When their gazes met again, he couldn’t help but smile. Tilting his head for a moment. Slowly shaking his head. ’I’m not. I’m quite comfortable.’ He mused happily. And if he did, he wasn’t really aware of it. Though he did still worry about her and her dress. It probably wasn’t that comfortable for her to be lying here with a dress that was drenched in wine. As she sighed, he frowned. ’Something is wrong.. Can I do something?’ A soft ask, maybe one that wasn’t needed. But he still asked. Him and her brother. Victor? ’I’m afraid my father would have something to say about that. Perfect Victor and what more.’ Unable to hide the disdain in his voice right now. Not that he truly hated Victor, but right now. They weren’t best friends or whatever, anything but really. Holding her a bit tighter. ’We should? Where do you want to go? But, you should get different clothes tho.. Warmer ones.’ A caring tone in his voice. She shouldn’t go out like that, she’d be cold and then he’d be sad. He didn’t want to be sad.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:57 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
She felt so light being held by him. Like she was some delicate flower in his presence. And in a way, she was. Because damn, look at him. He was everything she wasn't. Strong, tall, broad... Scary. She looked over his face for a moment when that crossed her mind. She had flinched earlier because she had anticipated something bad. Men abusing their physical strength wouldn't be a first for her, so was it really a surprise that she had responded the way she did? Was it weird that she labelled him as such? Or that she had treated him the way she did? Had she not wanted a fraction of that power that she usually felt when they were present...? Was that not what she was always after...? Her mind started to work overtime and she sighed for a moment, almost silently so. Her brain didn't have the capacity to answer these questions anymore. Right now all it wanted was to be close to another. And she had found that kind of warmth with the youngest Winter. She would hate herself once she sobered up... That much was for sure. But for now, this was just the thing she needed and her actions all pointed towards it.

It didn't take long for Luca to speak when she was humming. First asking her if she sang, but quickly stating that she did... Right? Her humming broke off in a chuckle when he said it like that. She placed a hand over her mouth, her fingertips carefully pressing against her lips as she tried to hold herself in a bit. After a couple of seconds, she looked up at the boy beside her. Her big blue eyes staring at his. "I do," she said as she smiled. "But... It's been a while..." Ever since the passing of her brother to be precise. She had swore it off because she didn't want to please her parents anymore. "I mostly sing for my parents anyway," she spoke, turning her gaze towards the ceiling above them. She sighed softly, pressing her head softly against his chest. She hadn't preformed for anyone really, the most she had done in the past was sing some songs for guests, at the request of her parents. Now that she was almost of age she was sure that they would exploit that talent to hopefully find a good husband for her. She bit her lip softly when she thought about her, closing her eyes once more. She didn't want to think about such things right now.

They both were warm and apparently also very comfortable. Angelina smiled as she looked at the man. But as it slowly faded and she let out a deep sigh, Luca was quick to pick up on it. The brunette blinked slowly as she looked back at him. One corner of her mouth turning up somewhat. It was a sweet gesture to say the least and so she lifted one of her hands, gently pocking one of his cheeks for just a moment, before laying her hand on his chest. "Could you... change the future for me?" she asked softly with a smile on her lips. "I'm not asking too much right?" She tried to chuckle, but couldn't, so she just kept on smiling. It had been on her mind, even now that she was intoxicated. Perhaps laying on bed wasn't the best idea for her, as her brain would keep mulling over the same thing. When the other started about Victor, she shook her head right away. "No not him, ew," she said, rolling her eyes as she turned herself on her back, her hands going over the arm that was on top of her. "I wouldn't even put my worst enemy through such torture," She was exaggerating, or maybe she wasn't. The expression on her face was just... Puzzled, so it was hard to see what she really meant by it. Emilio was on her mind and so, it wasn't something she could laugh about.

She decided that they should do something and Luca was eager to act on it. Angie turned her head to him, blinked quickly. "Oh yea sure," she said as she rolled over, pushing herself up to the side of the bed. She glanced behind her for a moment, smiling at the young lord. "We should go to Dawnmire," she said with this big smirk on her lips. The young lady rose to her feet, her hands going to her back as she loosened up some of the things that held the dress up. But she was being clumsy and impatient, so the way she handled the situation became more... violent with the second. "There's a lake on the way, we should go for a swim," Yep, swimming in winter was such a great idea after all. A frown appeared on her face, as if she was deep in thought. Her hands still behind her back as she tried to- "Aha!" It came lose and Angelina smiled brightly when she noticed. The brunette twirled around for a moment, before pulling the dress upwards and taking it off in one -not so elegant- movement. She threw the clothing on the ground, letting her hands run through her hair as she got rid of some of the braids and flowers that were in it. Now in her underwear she took a deep breath, moving her arms upwards as she stretched herself. "Just give me one of your shirts," Yea cause that would be enough for travelling to Dawnmire. Heh.
Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:17 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Whatever kind of fight they had actually had earlier, it was all gone. At this moment Luca couldn’t bring himself to recall the emotions she had stirred up. If anything, right now it was simply just them. Just a boy helping a girl. Or who knew, maybe it was the other way around. Something he wanted to cherish. Since he wasn’t sure how long it would last. Nor was he aware of how much she was probably going to mean to him in the future. All of that was covered in a layer of drunkenness, a layer that kept him safe. One that did slightly change the way he perceived things. But one he cherished in the end. He just wanted to be near her, bask in her presence. Enjoy her presence just as they were now. Nothing close to how they had been before.

She covered her mouth while she stopped singing and he pouted. Making him softly shake his head. No. ’I want to hear more.. Your voice sounds really soothing. Could you sing more?’ Such a simple ask, but it was the way he asked it that made it so endearing. Pout stayed present as he looked into her eyes. Feeling a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. Angelina seemed to drift off once more. Making him follow her gaze, staring at the ceiling as well. Holding her closer, whatever his body did right about now. He wasn’t quite aware of it anymore. So the boy gently placed a kiss on top of her head, while he made sure that his arms were around her almost like a safety blanket. Feeling a tad sad all of the sudden. Really, he probably shouldn’t drink ever again.

The poke in his cheek made him chuckle softly. Though it were her words that made him look almost sheepishly at her. Tilting his head. ’Only if you can change mine?’ Fair was fair right? If anything he just wanted to stay here forever. ’Never.’ The man muttered ever so softly, keeping his focus on her. She didn’t seem as chipper anymore. ’What part do I need to change though? To make you happy again.’ He whispered even softer, really believing that he could indeed help her. Really wanting to try right now. Not Victor. It made him frown. Until somewhere deep inside his mind it clicked. Emilio. She turned away from him, and he turned with her this time around; One arm draped over her body as he leaned over her a bit. Bringing his free hand to her cheek, doubting for a second. But eventually letting his fingertips brush over her skin. ’I’m sorry.. Sorry for your loss. From what I heard Emilio was a great man.’ A faint whisper, but hopefully she would be able to get some strength out of it.

They should do something. Sure. What? Slowly sitting up when she had stood up as well. Dawnmire. Wait, Dawnmire as in that other city? For a moment he thought about it. But he was fairly quick to give a firm nod. Without a doubt a bad idea but he couldn’t care less right now. If she wanted to go, then he would accompany her. It was as simple as that. He couldn’t let her go on her own after all. But then she started to get undressed. Which made his cheeks turn bright red. Oh. What? What was he supposed to do now? Did he look? No. Right? Whatever she stated flew right past him. Trying to keep his gaze focused on her face or well anything really apart from her body. She discarded the dress like it was nothing, leaving him quite stunned for a moment. Slowly rising to his feet, this time around he wasn’t able to glance away. His cheeks still had that same red hue. Wow, just wow. She kind of snapped him out of it by asking for a shirt. Which made him turn around. Gave him a moment to himself while he searched for a shirt for her. One that was too small for him. Accompanied by some trousers and a coat as well. Turning back. ’This? You’re not going out in a shirt alone, it’s too cold.’

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:59 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Luca was clearly upset when she stopped humming. When he started to pout she chuckled once more, covering mouth as she did. He was so cute. And then he spoke to her, about her singing, eventually asking if she could sing more. She looked at him for a moment, lowering her hand as she observed him. Her smile widened, as if an idea popped up in her head. If it was a good or bad one, was another thing. "Hmmmm..." she said softly as she placed her finger against her chin. "Okay, but on one condition," she said as she lifted her gaze at the ceiling. "I'll get three..." she lifted her hand, showing off three fingers while she turned back at him. "Free passes for the evening," The smile on her face shifted to a grin when she spoke those words. What kind of passes? Whatever she wanted to be. If she wanted to be carried, then he would have to do it. It was just a stupid little rule she just made up as her brain couldn't think of anything good right now. It was an innocent little thing after all. She would sing for him and then she would ask him to do some things. Labour for labour, a fair deal in her eyes.

She liked his smile. It looked dumb but so endearing. So when he chuckled, she just looked at him for a moment, a smile on her own lips. Why had she treated him like that earlier tonight? She couldn't really remember. Or well, she could, but it felt so... tiring to think about. She really had just done it out of pity, but he didn't deserve that... Right? Come on, look at him. He was adorable and sweet, nothing like she had imagined the Winters to be. And perhaps, if she was sober, she would have claimed it all to be a facade to lull her into a false sense of security. But right now...? Nah, she couldn't even think straight, let alone think about what could go wrong. Nah, it was living in the moment. He answered her with another question and she looked at him for a moment. He just asked the same of her as she had asked of him. Hm... She looked at him, one of her brows raising upwards. But then he asked what he had to change. She hummed softly for just a second. "I don't want to get married," she said, a statement she had made many times this evening already. She opened her mouth a bit as she frowned, thinking about what else she wanted to say. "You were right," she mumbled at him, before letting out a sigh. "But I don't want you to be right," She didn't want this whole system to be right. She turned her head towards the ceiling, placing one hand on his as she turned. "I wanna go in the army," she whispered. "I would love to be a knight," A smile rose on her lips as she softly let her fingers intertwine with his, laying her head against his chest once more. Why was she even saying such things to him? Well... It would make her very happy, as it had always been a dream of hers. But she knew that that was just the thing; a dream... And nothing more.

She had turned herself away from him when the thought of her brother passed her mind. She was a bit insulted that he had thought of Victor first, but she couldn't blame him. He had most likely never known Emilio. If anything, he was closer with the other twin. The baron of Dawnmire had spent her entire childhood in Alderrath with the Winter family. In a way abandoning his own name. She had never trusted him and with everything that had happened, it was all just a bit too convenient for him, wasn't it? He now had a city to rule and a young trophy wife to be that he could flaunt around. It was disgusting, but it was how society worked... And in her own head he had just played the system. He was guilty and she just knew it. After all, she was also pretty good at playing dumb. Those big doe like eyes had gotten her out of so much trouble in the past. It wouldn't surprise her if that sweet demeanour was something that all the Grimaldi's had. It was just a matter of using it correctly. She could feel the other move more towards her and she turned her head somewhat to meet his gaze. Their faces so close together she felt herself get a bit warmer, holding her breath. His fingers stroked her cheek and she just looked at him with this puzzled look... Before letting out a deep sigh and closing her eyes, slowly pressing her head against his hand as she listened to his words. Her hands going to his and placing them over it, guiding him to hold her at least a little bit closer, even if it was just a second.

It was fleeting, because she pushed another smile on her lips, placing her hands around his as she tilted her head the other way. "Luca Winter," she said softly to the other, looking over his face. "You are just..." She shook her head softly as she took a deep breath. "So... Sweet," she chuckled as she spoke, but quickly stopped. "But you're also kind of dumb," she sounded a lot more serious saying those words, because in a way it was way more serious. The way he was, was so easily abused. Did he not know that? He had such presence to him but then when you actually got to know the guy he was just a big softie, caring... Kind. She looked over his face, before finally turning away and getting out of bed. She didn't know where she was going with this, but she felt like this... Subject shouldn't be picked up anymore. The passing of her brother was still such a sensitive subject. She rather left it for what it was then confront it head on.

She didn't care much when she got undressed, stretching herself as she had that stupid little smile on her lips. She turned towards the other, but was a bit surprised when she saw that he stood up, just staring at her with a blush on his cheeks. She frowned and simply asked him for something else, which seemed to get him out of it. He got to work and Angelina just decided to get back on the bad, laying down on her belly as she placed her hands under her chin. Her feet playfully moving through the air as she followed his every move. He got her more then just a shirt and the smile on her lips widened. When he turned back at her, she pushed herself up from the bed. At his question she nodded. Eagirly she grabbed the shirt, putting it on one quick movement. Eventually she also grabbed the pants she got her. She frowned for a moment, unfolding the thing as she looked at it. "These are yours?" questionable if she was going to fit in them. At least the shirt was still big enough to be a very questionable... Dress?
Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:10 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Shortly he raised a brow when she mentioned three free passes. The young man thought about it for a few seconds. But honestly, why would he say no? ’Okay.’ If anything what was the worst thing that could happen? Maybe not something he should think about right now. So he didn’t. In the end just happily going with what she had just asked of him. Slightly too drunk to be making such promises, but well who cared right? If anything it was just the two of them right here. The whole conversation did eventually turn into something else. Into her admitting that she didn’t want to get married. Which made him sigh deeply. ’If it makes you feel better, the same faith falls on me.’ He sighed shortly. A woman he’d marry, a woman his father would pick out. The idea alone appalled him. Shortly he hummed when she spoke on, listening to her and smiling ever so softly. ’Trust me, if there is one thing I don’t want to be right about its that. But we live in a fucked up society. Not sure if that’s ever going to change.’ As her fingers brushed against his, a weird happy sound slipped over his lips. The mention of her wanting to become a knight, made a smile appear on his lips. ’I think you’d make a bad ass knight.’ An assumption he had just made on the spot, but if she was as fierce with her fighting as she was with words. Who knew. ’It’s good to have aspiration.’

Victor. Somehow that man always seemed to weasel himself into any conversation he was having. It made him annoyed to say the least. Yet, when she acted in the way she did. He knew that he was wrong. That it was Emilio who she was talking about. Softly he pulled her closer again when she had reached for his hand. Feeling the sadness she felt, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Which in a not so drunken state would’ve made him angry. Angry at the fact that he couldn’t help her. Though the moment was fleeting, since in a matter of moments she actually called him dumb. Which made him narrow his eyes. ’Excuse me?’ Such a comment. While he was fairly used to being called stupid by the likes of Matthew, he didn’t handle it well when others did. Certainly not when she did. Though instead of that same old tale of getting angry, he just got sad all of the sudden. Staring down at the ground. Where on earth had such a comment come from? Had he been nothing but kind to here? What the hell?

When he had turned back to her with the clothes in his arms he smiled shortly. She looked to die for. Really. Handing her the clothes and in a matter of moments she had put on the button-up and he smirked. ’I must say, that suits you even better.’ Words that slipped out before he even noticed. Tilting his head at her next words. ’Well yeah, there a tad old though. But I’m afraid the newer once, would simply be even larger than those.’ He scratched the back of his head for a moment.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:23 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
He complied to her wishes, and he smiled at her as soon as he did, satisfied with the situation, but mostly with herself. And even though her mind was sluggish, lagging behind in every possible way, she had already brewed up some situations where she could use these passes. Maybe she could demand the other to carry her all the way to Dawnmire. Now that would be good use for these passes. And as her mind started to drift to several places where she could use and abuse this, the conversation went on. It all went back to a subject they had briefly talked about earlier, but now she actually spoke about it with more heart. Luca sighed, answering her by saying he had the fate as her. She frowned slowly as she turned her head towards him. She wanted to ask him why that was, and how that could even be. He was a man after all and a Winter to top it off. It wouldn't be that hard for someone like him to get anyone he wanted. "But you still get to choose right?" she asked him as she looked at him with that big frown on her face. After all, men had the last word in everything they were involved in.

She didn't... Really know what happened to her, to voice her doubts like that. It made her seem vulnerable and weak, something she would hate herself for once she sobered up. Because she laid her concerns and her fears here in front of him, together with her controversial dream. She knew a lot of people would have strong opinions on her views on the world and her desires... And therefore, she rarely voiced them out loud. But the young man spoke, and she looked at him for a moment when he did. Fucked up society hm? That much was for sure. She nodded slowly, averting her eyes when he voiced his doubts. He was right about that, and she knew it. Yet, Luca went on and said that she would make a bad ass knight. She chuckled at that assumption and shook her head, laying it closer to him as she snuggled up against him. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh, one that wasn't as deep and heartfelt as the ones before. "You bet," she said as she looked up at him. "I could beat you in a sword fight with my eyes closed," She said with clear confidence. "And one hand tied behind my back," she beamed proudly as she nodded. She sure as hell could.

The conversation took a... Uncomfortable turn for her and so she decided that it would be better to just steer it somewhere else. That was towards a semi-insult to the other. As he pulled her closer, she actually wanted to push him away, but she couldn't as he was much stronger than her. She let out a sigh as she simply turned her head a bit. It was just the fact that she didn't feel like cuddling when she felt like this.... Or maybe she did, and she was just trying to get away from her emotions as quickly as possible. And where the observation had been both kind and somewhat mean, they both were the truth. And they seemed to hit Luca hard. Angelina turned her head a bit when she noticed the shift in his demeanour... But where she had anticipated anger, he just seemed... Sad? She frowned, tilting her head a bit. "What?" she said softly to the other, clearly surprised by what he was doing. "You're too kind to the point where people walk all over you," she said, slowly shrugging as she went on with the explanation. "Like... While we were dancing you just didn't do anything and took it all, only to run away right after," she shrugged again. "You're soft and sweet and way too kind for your own good and that's what's going to be your downfall," she smiled at him when she said those words, slowly looking over his face. "Some women prey on men like you," She knew, because she was one of them.

But now matters escalated towards the whole clothing situation. His shirt was already too big for her, so she didn't have any hopes for the pants he had given her. She raised one brow when she saw him smirking, clearly a bit unamused. When he spoke, she couldn't help but show a small smile to him. Idiot. "What can I say, I guess I just have the figure for it," she said with clear sarcasm as she spun around, showing off her amazing ensemble in the process. She chuckled for a moment as she shook her head, looking up at him when he spoke. She narrowed her eyes for a bit, but eventually decided that she would give the pants a shot. So, she pulled them up, closed the button and- they fell right off. "Hm..." she just said, placing her hands on her hips as she looked down with the biggest frown on her face. What now?
Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:00 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

Luca wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t sure of anything right now, yet he could already imagine that Angelica already had some plans to use up those free passes of hers. Not that he minded. Not even the slightest. Again all due to the fact that he was intoxicated. A frown appeared on his head, a hint of anger in his eyes again just by remembering it. Shortly shaking his head. ’Oh no, that’s where you are mistaken. If my father is prone to point out every flaw I ever make, and push me into a said direction of his choosing, what makes you think that I have a say in who I will marry?’ The man sighed deeply. Already wishing to put this subject to rest. Not quite sure if she would understand or if she’d just think of it as a joke again. Probably the latter. After all, the life of a Winter was assumed to be picture-perfect wasn’t it?

Her view of the world intrigued his drunken self. Really. Though it would also intrigue him if he wasn’t drunk or anything. A mind like hers was one to keep your focus on. Angelica needed to be careful about voicing such matters with so many people. No matter how you turned it, her life would be something that many people would look into thanks to her family name. But a free thinker like that, it was something remarkable among the people of the Upper Ring. The fact that she dared to even consider such things, was something that he could only applaud; The moment she snuggled up, was the moment a happy sound spilled over his lips. Just pressing a bit closer to her body with his. ’Please I can fight. But well, I think you’re better agility-wise or something like that.’ He chuckled. Would she defeat him? There was always a chance. Frankly, the idea did entertain him. Though, he’d never pick up a blade, not against her.

What followed next, wasn’t something he had expected. And while he wanted to ignore it desperately, his mind took a run with it and ultimately he got quite sad about it. Simply because he didn’t understand why she would state such a thing? He was helping her right? He was doing everything in his power to make her feel somewhat okay again. And then she blatantly called him dumb? It hurt. Stupidly, but it did. She spoke, but he simply didn’t reply. Analyzing everything they had done in the past few hours. And to be fair it was driving him insane. Because apart from the beginning of the evening he couldn’t pinpoint a moment after that where he had been dumb or anything close to it. ’What should I have done then? Make a scene? Throw a big old tantrum, leave you hanging on the dancefloor because you 're coming at me with your words?’ He raised a brow. Shaking his head for a second. ’I can’t do such a thing. If I had done so today, my father…’ A sigh fell over his lips, shaking his head again. ’Maybe they do. Their problem is not mine.’ He shrugged shortly. Still staring at his hands. If she’d only understood why he had taken off on the dancefloor, to why he had reacted the way he did. Would she understand? Frankly, he didn’t even know. But this, calling him dumb. That was just plain rude.

As the situation changed once more so did his demeanor, falling back into that laidback and kind person he was. ’You figure it out quite well.’ The boy smiled up at her, pulling a hand through his hair. Tilting his head when she put the pants on, but they fell off soon enough. Making him scratch his cheek. Right. He should’ve foreseen that. ’I have a belt? Or well, you need to wear something. It’s too cold to go out without any pants. You’ll freeze.’ He pouted.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
Angelina had always expected men to be on top of society, claiming and taking whatever they wanted. And for her, this boy in front of her was no different. Despite the fact that they had just cuddled up against each other as if their lives depended on it. But that was all the alcohol doing its magic. If she had been sober, she would never even think about doing this... Right? She honestly didn't know, her mind was all over the place, so she didn't know much anyway. She asked him about it, lightly confused about why the other seemed so upset. And for just a moment Angie swore she saw a glimpse of anger in his eyes, but it faded away rather quickly. He spoke, saying that she was mistaken. His father was just a different, or so it would seem, as Luca clarified that he basically had all control over his life. He finished up by asking his own question about it all. The brunette tilted her head a bit, a humming sound leaving her lips. "You just do what you want anyway?" she said softly as she looked at the ceiling, being lost in her own thoughts. "Think about it for just a moment, what's the worst he can do to you? Disown you? Force you out of the castle? I'm pretty sure he couldn't do that even if he wanted to," It was true, after all it would be a scandal if any of those things came out to the public. A smile rose on her lips as she turned herself back towards the other. "If you're already at rock bottom with him, then what's the worse he can do when you say no?" not much when she thought about it. His disapproval or anger could be the worst scenario, but those were just some words that couldn't harm you anyway.

She had shared her views and her dream with the other. Why? She didn't really know. He hadn't even told anything special about himself, beside for the fact that he had daddy issues. But she had already figured that one out without the other speaking about. The fact that he never really had a mother in crucial years made her think mommy issues were in the picture as well. Just issues in general with this one. But she couldn't really blame him for it. She had a pretty good life and yet she was as problematic as one could be. Perhaps that was just the whole nature vs nurture thing or... Whatever. She honestly didn't know, her brain didn't care anyway. Luca made a very happy sound and she looked up at him for a moment, he looked happy in that moment. Vastly different from the man she had seen before. She wondered if he smiled much. If she were to believe his words he most likely didn't, as there only seem to be problems in his life. But then he claimed he could fight, but he gave her a point in regards to her agility. She narrowed her eyes. "Oh yea?" she said with this bright smirk on her lips. "Don't be so cocky now," she continued as she gave him a gentle poke in his belly. "Just because you're so tall doesn't mean I can't best you," And with that she clearly meant that she had more then just agility on her side. She had some tricks up her sleeve, after all.

Sometimes Angelina had to learn to keep her mouth shut. But she didn't and therefore she had saddened the other in the room. For a moment she did feel guilty, but she had only spoken out what's been on her mind, so she didn't quite understand why it was such a big deal. Because, in her eyes, her arguments were valid and came from a place of actual concern. The only wisdom she had... And she had chosen to share it with him. Luca seemed to completely lose himself, asking question after question and just completely tensing up. She just looked at him as he rambled on, shaking his head and just... Going on and on.. His father hm? She just tilted her head a bit towards his and before she knew it she just gave him a little kiss on the cheek, before pushing herself upwards in a sitting position. She patted the other on his chest for just a moment, chuckling softly. "Stop overthinking it," she said as she looked away. "And stop talking about your dad, it almost sounds like you're in love with him or something," She said with a little smile on her lips, looking at him for just a split second with those joy filled eyes... Before she moved away from him as quickly as she could.

His clothes were too big, but that was fine. It was just the pants that were an issue. He came with the genus idea of a belt, pouting as he explained she would freeze if she didn't wear any. "Maybe..." She said as she went through her knees. This action made her wobble a bit and she froze for a second, before finally letting out a soft chuckle. Oh dear. "Or you just have to reaaaaaally hold onto me and be my personal blanky keeping me warm," She looked up to him with this smile on her lips as she tilted her head. Those big mischievous eyes that were just filled with joy and a hunger for fun. She finally looked away, standing back up and pulling the pants back to where it belonged. She held onto it with one hand, reaching out the other to him. "Belt," she demanded without looking up.
Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:58 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Luca Winter
Luca Winter
Honestly, it's a shit show OTwu4s1
Honestly, it's a shit show 59b076ec978cf5ffc7d20726da5a498b3cbf135e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Student
It’s a cruel and random world,

’Disowning me would be quite hard, given that I own nothing, nor will I ever own a thing from him.’ He stared at her, shaking his head for a second. That was the harsh truth and he was singing like a bird right now. Alcohol indeed wasn’t the best idea here. But well, it was out now. On her last question, he simply shrugged. Preferably dropping the whole subject that was his father. There truly was no need in pulling him into this entire thing. Whatever this was. Their conversation went on to her fighting him and honestly, he could see her beating him. Though he wouldn’t simply give it to her. ’Guess we’ll have to try that out someday hm?’ He playfully raised a brow. Oh yes, if she wanted to act all high and mighty, then she could prove it as well. While he was quite certain that she could use a blade given that she was a Grimaldi after all, something in the back of his mind simply linked them to be pristine swordsmen or women in this case.

Angelina had set something off in him with her words, which had caused a whole waterfall of words from spilling. Insecurities rolled right out in this very moment. Alcohol again. Though frankly, it did bother him that she called him dumb. There were only a select few people who could actually do that to him, and as far as he knew she was neither of them. But the kiss on his cheek shut him up once more. Looking at her. Tilting his head for a second as her hand touched his chest. Really, if he had eaten anything it would’ve come out by that statement. ’Let’s just drop the topic.’ He groaned shortly, shaking his head. Following her movements.

Chuckling softly at her words. ’Oh, you’d like that would you?’ He smirked at her, playfully raising a brow. Not that he would mind doing so. If anything, they had to ride together. He wasn’t going to let her go on a horse like this, not on her own. As she reached to him, he just got up. Belt in his hands, but instead of giving it to her. Luca found the loops in the pants, gently pulling the belt through it. Really focusing on the task itself, tongue in between his teeth while he did so. Eventually taking a step back. ’It should work.’ He eventually stated, briefly walking back to his desk. Scribbling something on a note, that he’d be back in a few days and they should not worry. And with that, he was ready to go.

Luca had decided on his trusted steed, saddling Cadmus. Stuffing some things in the saddle bag, mainly well the two bottles he had nacked from a closet and yeah that was it. And soon enough both of them were off. Angelina was in front of him as he held the reigns of the gigantic black horse. Arms around her waist as they took off, leaving Alderrath behind them.

but the chaos is all so beautiful.
Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Angelina Grimaldi
Angelina Grimaldi
Honestly, it's a shit show Untitled
Honestly, it's a shit show A30a177aaeed1c2c30dcca9e748beaf8

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Rich girl

❝ All that wildflower energy in her veins ❞
This whole experience was kind of weird. Not that she minded right now. Her brain was at peace with a lot of things right now. If she was sober, she would have taken his words and twisted it in ways that it could really hurt him. Or try to hurt him. She really wasn't a pleasant girl to be with and she all did it to herself, for a good reason. Even now it was hard to filter out all that mean in her. She spoke things so bluntly, so... Obviously, as if anything she spoke about was just what anyone else was thinking. Perhaps, because, right now that was simply how she thought of the world. Why were there so many conflicting things and people and all that stuff. It made it all too complex and her brain was too heavy and slow to keep up. It was all vibes anyway now. So no worries. When he spoke about the disowning part, she couldn't help but laugh softly. She shook her head a bit as she hid her face a bit behind her hand. What an idiot he really was. This wasn't about owning anything, it was about his last name and what kind of status he had with it. Did this boy really think that name didn't carry anything with him? By the gods, he really was simple sometimes.

Fighting, and to be more precise, sword fighting, was one of her strongest points and she knew it. She always had a talent for it, even her brother had said so. And if he had said it, it must be true of course. Emilio had always been truthful to her about these things. Favouritism? No such thing. And so, the other had the balls to challenge her, try that someday and all that. She lifted her brows, lifting her hand and shoving it in his face so that his eyes would be covered. "Tomorrow we duel," she said playfully as she removed her hand. Spoiler, they really weren't. But her zoned out mind clearly had other plans. She felt as if she could fight an army. So what was one oversized Winter compared to that? Hah. Nothing.

And one of her words seemed to have hurt him. She honestly didn't mind, because normally she wouldn't have minded either. And of course she had to carry on, even taking jabs at his daddy issues now that it was properly presented to her. She couldn't help herself, it was just too easy to get him all worked up over this. And even though she was clearly somewhat out of it, she still found it a bit amusing. Only when he asked her to drop it, did she chuckle, shrugging ever so slightly. "Whatever you want..." she looked away for a moment, the words that were going to follow were on the tip of her tongue. A part of her fighting to not say her, but another pushing her more and more into that direction. Eventually, it won, and in a whisper she spoke it; "Mister Winter," Drowned out by a chuckle as she jumped to her feet. No harm done, right?

Now that she had something else to wear it was clear that he really was big. His clothes were way more than oversized and so she took the opportunity with both hands to tease him again, but also to get what she wanted. She nodded when he spoke. "Of course," she said as she lifted a brow. "A strong man like you holding onto me. By Renestrae I can barely contain myself," there was still some sarcasm on her tone, but her loose way of speaking made it questionable if she really was. "But I mean if you want to get another girl from the party you can go ahead," a smile curled on her lips as she stepped forward, tilting her head a bit. "Not that I would allow it, but it would be entertaining," she admitted to him as she chuckled. Her big blue eyes looking up at him as she tilted her head a bit. That's right, he didn't have a choice anymore, because she already had plans with him. And she knew he wanted those plans too. Life was just simple like that.

As she held her hand out to get the belt, Luca took it upon herself to ignore her command. His hands went to her body instead as he started to work at the pants she was holding up. Every now and then Angie could swear that she felt his finger brush along her skin. Something that made her chuckle every so often, as she was a bit ticklish after all. When the tall man was done, he pulled gently, which almost forced her to take a step forward toward him. Caught a bit off guard she looked up at him, placing her hands against his shoulders as she held her breath. By The Gods chill. But as her gaze focussed on him she noted he was really just working on the belt and nothing else... Well... Hm... She cleared her throat, averting her eyes as she awaited for him to be finished. It luckily didn't take long as he announced he was done by stating that it should work. She tilted her head, finding back her confidence in a blink of an eye. "Better be, or you'll have to be my personal belt as well," Not that she would mind, he seemingly did a pretty good job at that. He could do that again if it was up to her.

They moved to the stables as Angelina had taken another jacket from Luca that had been laying around. She hadn't asked for him if she could have it, she just had and now she was wearing it as well. With her arms crossed she observed him. Sometimes making an almost silent note on what he could be doing wrong or teasing him. But no real damage was done as she laughed it off every time she spoke. The horse he was saddling was a big one and Angie wasn't sure what to think of the animal. That was until she was on top of him. As Luca took control right away of the steed and hopped behind her in the saddle, she didn't have much time to think or process... As they were swiftly off. Arm around her and all that. She looked up from the creature, almost trying to look at the man that was now in charge. But she couldn't, so she cleared her throat and started to hum once more. Well, she had to do some work as well right.
Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:38 pm
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