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Enjoy the show [FOP]
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Enjoy the show [FOP] Image
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Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The summoner had been looking forward to the arena the most. It was a glorious spectacle, something gruesome they would never allow in Lemuria. Especially not after the boy king had given up his crown. He had spotted the head of the council in the crowd. He barely knew him, only that the kind man had given up his castle to the likes of him and his kin. Ezekiel leaned back in his seat as he watched the battle unfold for who would be this year's champions. It was easier to focus on the skilled people below than on the company he was seated between. On his right was his wife and on his left was his newfound sister. He hadn't told anyone about her yet, because he hadn't expected to be seated right next to her, as she broke up the Zinyra with the Lythranian visitors. Awkward was an understatement.

Ezekiel only spoke when he was spoken to, or commenting on what was happening in the Sun ring from time to time. When the champions were being decided, he could feel the tension in the air and even the sorcerer leaned forward in his seat.                It almost inspired him to pick up his training a bit more, as he felt a bit out of shape compared to some of the bulky warriors down below. So he was surprised that a woman was chosen as a champion. But still, he should not be, in a country led by women.

Applause filled the arena as the champions were chosen and a short break followed, as he knew the highlight of the day was prepared: The traitors that would be lined up for execution. He had no idea his companions were up for it, as it was not for the faint-hearted. It was not every day that you would watch a person die. He crossed eyes with Chaska for a moment but kept his hands closed together in his lap.

His attention was drawn back to the ring as the doors were about to be opened to reveal this year's traitors. It was a quite barbaric way to get rid of your realm's criminals. Ezekiel wasn't quite sure how he felt about his neighboring country's customs. Most of them were great, but even the moon had a dark side. At the end of the day, those people were bad people, so bad that the Queen would serve them up to the public as some piece of dessert after a stunning meal.

The doors swung open and a man entered the ring. It took Ezekiel a single glance to recognize him, and it was like he was doused in ice water. His eyes turned big as it was like the freezing grip of fear clutched his neck. It was like he forgot how to breathe, the hairs on his neck standing up straight. No, this could not be happening. He just got him back. He had come to terms that he would never see him again, that they would go their separate ways and do whatever they needed to do. But not like this. He could not just sit here and watch him die. His hand had trailed down to the edge of his seat and held on so tight his knuckles turned white.

Rhysand made his way into the arena and looked up, which made their eyes cross. It lasted only for a second. However, it was enough that they both knew what fate had decided. Ezekiel could feel his stomach turn as he tried to act normal, but his whole body was on edge as he looked away. The look on Rhysand his face, barren of his usual starry eyes and up-to-no-good smirk. He couldn't watch. He just couldn't. Rhysand was not supposed to die. He had told himself: death's laws didn't apply to him. But the necromancer had already been granted one miracle. Luck had finally run out. They would not let him win. They both knew that.

Ezekiel desperately felt the need to flee, but there was no way to go. He was like an animal locked in a cage, and they were prodding him to see when he would snap. He looked back up, staring to the other side of the ring, avoiding what was happening underneath. He shouldn't feel this way. Rhysand was just a man. He shouldn't be the one acting up. Not when Rhysand his family was sitting beside him. They should be feeling things, not him, a bystander. But nobody but the two of them knew their history, and what had been buried all those years and had just come up the surface again. At this moment, everything just poured out as the summoner fought against his body and mind to stay put.

Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:41 pm
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