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So long, Daisy May
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Giulia Grimaldi
Giulia Grimaldi
So long, Daisy May Fa2614bd308a00f07763a173d8e45371
So long, Daisy May 3QwhKldS_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Writer

if i'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too
Frantically she scribbled, her handwriting barely readable as her quill flew across the paper. The words had come to her all at once and so it was a race against the clock to get them all down before they left her mind again. She dipped her quill in her pot of ink again, only to find it come out dry. A sigh left her lips as she picked up the pot, tilting it to get the last drops onto the tip of the feather. Nothing. She got up hastily, scaring the shaggy cat that had been lounging on her desk, only to find the little basket that she kept her inks in empty. Fuck. She must have some left, somewhere between the bits and bobs that were spread around on every surface. But after rummaging through her stuff for a while, she had to conclude that she was all out of ink. Fuck. Of course that only happened on moments like these.

She tossed a scarf around her neck as she left through the door and made her way towards the market. Halfway along the way she realised that a hooded cloak would not have been unnecessary either, as winter had made its way to Alderrath and sprinkled snowflakes onto her hair. It was too late now, however; she had to be quick if she wanted to remember anything when she got home.
Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:34 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
So long, Daisy May VJVDjoD
So long, Daisy May 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

Charles was running from one place to another today. He was mainly stocking up on some things at home, like ink and letters and all that fun stuff. Not because he didn’t have an office in the castle where he had everything he needed, but for whenever the opportunity appeared that he could work from home. And well, his supplies there were running out. Charles used the same of everything, a different brand of ink or a different kind of paper it would send him into turmoil for nothing really. A problem he should probably look into some day, but right now that wasn’t important at all. It was rather cold outside, and he was nowhere near where he needed to be. Which annoyed him to no end, but well he wasn’t going to turn around and go home now that was certain.

As little white sprinkles landed on his dark hair he sighed. Nothing that truly bothered him. But if it was snowing now, then it meant that the ground underneath his feet would be getting slippery as well. And well, off course. When he turned a corner, he lost his footing on a rather slippery part and slid further down. Roughly crashing into someone who he caught in his arms, breaking her fall with his body. With his head on the stones he looked up at the white sky and groaned. ’I am terribly sorry, are you hurt? If so, I can bring you to a doctor.’ Ignoring the throbbing pain in his leg for a second. Eyes focusing on the woman in question. Someone he almost instantly recognized as a Grimaldi. Just his fucking luck.

That you wouldn't believe.
Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:12 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Giulia Grimaldi
Giulia Grimaldi
So long, Daisy May Fa2614bd308a00f07763a173d8e45371
So long, Daisy May 3QwhKldS_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Writer

if i'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too
Of course things like this didn't happen on days where the sun was out. They didn't happen too often to begin with; Cleo always made sure to pick up some spare materials whenever she was near the market, which is why she'd sworn that she should have some ink left somewhere. Who knows, maybe she did and just couldn't find it between the stacks of books and scraps. Either way, the truth was that she couldn't find any now and so she just had to go outside.

Cleo wasn't a clumsy person and had quite steady footing. Unfortunately, that couldn't be said for everyone. Before she could quite understand what was happening, she found herself on the hard ground. Except, she realised, it wasn't the ground at all, but rather the arms of someone else. Someone who had broken her fall, apparently, as she didn't have a scratch. She jumped up and wiped the snow and dirt off of her clothes. "No! No, I need to get going." she said, the annoyed tone apparent in her voice. Only then did she look down and noticed that the man who was both responsible for her fall and for catching her was still lying on the ground. He looked slightly familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Either way, she supposed she couldn't just leave him there. "Are you alright?" she asked, extending her hand to help him up.
Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:08 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
So long, Daisy May VJVDjoD
So long, Daisy May 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

An unexpected tumble to say the least. If anything Charles hadn’t expected to find himself underneath a woman like Giulia Grimaldi. Off course something like this had to happen to him of all people. The woman herself was rather fast on her feet again. Which made him smile shortly, it meant that she was okay. Good, no broken bones on his watch. When she did extend her hand, he took it. Pushing himself from the ground and back on his feet. Dusting the dirt of his clothes and looking back up. Giving her an apologetic smile. ’I am thank you, are you?’

But it had seemed like she had to be somewhere. ’Do you need to be somewhere in particular milady?’ Maybe they were headed in the same direction. If anything, a woman like her probably kept herself busy enough so. Briefly bending down and taking a few of the glass vials from the ground that had rolled out of the pocket of his jacket. Vials that had clearly been filled with ink prior to this.

That you wouldn't believe.
Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:23 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Giulia Grimaldi
Giulia Grimaldi
So long, Daisy May Fa2614bd308a00f07763a173d8e45371
So long, Daisy May 3QwhKldS_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Writer

if i'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too
The frozen ground was trickily slippery, she had to give him that. So when he pulled himself by her hand, she had to make sure she kept her footing steady or else the two of them would just tumble to the ground again. Luckily they both managed to stay upright this time, the man now towering over her quite a bit. That was good, she supposed, maybe then her falling onto him was a little less impactful. He seemed fine, at least. "I am, yes." she said a bit sharply. Would she have gotten up that quickly had she not been fine?

That was it, then, or so she had thought. But no, this snowy, slippery moment apparently lent itself perfectly for smalltalk. "I was just headed to get some --" She paused as she saw him bend down to pick up some familiar glass vials, almost identical to the ones she had lying around her home. -- ink. You are not headed to Mr. Lyall's, by any chance?" There were more places to pick up stationary supplies, but mr. Lyall had the most consistent stock and also delivered products of the best quality. At least in her eyes. Though, she had to admit that she had chosen to stick to him rather quickly after arriving in the big city and had not yet tried all of the other ones.
Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:54 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
So long, Daisy May VJVDjoD
So long, Daisy May 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

The way her voice sounded made him shortly raise a brow. But he let it go. Glad that she was okay. If anything one could fall quite hard when it involved ice. Luckily for her, they didn’t need to pay a visit to his brother. Though he could only imagine how that story would go. Clarence would be fawning over the lady in question that much he knew. But he would make certain that she was indeed alright. Looking for hidden fractures and what more. Because that was simply who his brother was. Always wanting the best for others and making sure they were alright. Something that had rubbed off on him as well that he had to admit.

If anything, some small talk wouldn’t hurt, right? At least he didn’t really mind. While gathering the vials he looked back up at her, frowning when she spoke. What a coincidence this was. ’Mr. Lyall’s indeed.’ Charles shortly chuckled while getting up again, stuffing the little vials in his pocket for safekeeping. If anything that man had a knack for getting the best quality items. So needless to say, that was where Charles always went. ’Do you mind me walking with you then?’ He simply suggested. Not really knowing what to expect but in the end if she would decline then so be it. After all, he wasn’t going to force her into tagging along with him. ’I’m Charles by the way.’ And he did know who she was. Or at least he had an idea about who she was. But he wasn’t entirely sure just yet.

That you wouldn't believe.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:51 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Giulia Grimaldi
Giulia Grimaldi
So long, Daisy May Fa2614bd308a00f07763a173d8e45371
So long, Daisy May 3QwhKldS_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Writer

if i'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too
When she had first fled moved to Alderrath, she had to get used to taking care of herself. Or well, had... she supposed she could have had more servants had she really wanted to. But she needed some space, a place of her own, and that included limited personnel. Suddenly, she had to take care of things that had been taken care of for her for all her life. Mrs. Woolworth took care of the cooking and cleaning and bought the groceries; the rest she had to go out for herself. She quickly learned that there was a lot to think of when living on your own. A good thing; it kept her brain occupied.

It was a challenge, though, scatter-brained as she could sometimes be. She knew that if she had more personnel, she wouldn't have run out of ink and she wouldn't have to be out in the snow to begin with. Wouldn't have fallen down like that. She eyed the man for a second, one who she supposed at least had taste. "Alright." she said after a moment of deliberation. "But I am in a rush." She would just love to stay and chat in this wonderful weather that she was so appropriately dressed for, but unfortunately she had things to do. If 'Charles' wanted to tag along that was up to him. "Cleo." she said with a short nod, before heading off. He had longer legs than her; he would catch up.
Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:27 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
So long, Daisy May VJVDjoD
So long, Daisy May 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

Running into one of the younger Grimaldi’ s hadn’t been on his list to be fair. If anything he hadn’t even been aware that she was around here in the first place. It certainly was a welcome surprise and while he’d actually loved to have some kind of small talk with her, she seemed very eager to get going already. Which was something he could understand. After all, they were all busy people. He brushed some snow off his jacket and hummed at her words.

Soon enough walking right next to her, towards Mr. Lyall’s. For a moment he looked at her. Not quite sure if he should speak but well. ’You often go to Lyall’s?’ Some pleasant smalltalk while on route, didn’t seem like too much right? But he was intrigued. If she did, then she was some kind of writer right? It had to be, who else would go through that much ink after all if it wasn’t for writing purposes? The weather did seem to take a turn for the worse. Which made him groan. Deciding on taking off his coat and looking at her. ’Take the coat. I’m not sure this weather is going to clear any time soon, and well. I don’t particularly want you to freeze or something.’ He chuckled ever so softly. Offering the coat to her, a smile lingering on his lips.

That you wouldn't believe.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Giulia Grimaldi
Giulia Grimaldi
So long, Daisy May Fa2614bd308a00f07763a173d8e45371
So long, Daisy May 3QwhKldS_o

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Writer

if i'm on fire you'll be made of ashes too
Sure enough, he did manage to catch up fairly quickly and soon enough he opened his mouth. It wasn't that she didn't like small talk; she liked making connections with others and the fact that she was a bit of an einzelgänger sometimes had entirely different reasons. It just wasn't her priority. As long as he kept up, she didn't mind to chat a bit. She would not, however, let it slow her down. "What's often?" she answered. "I try to limit my visits by planning ahead, but he is the one I go to when I need something." It was all very matter-of-factly, because after all, they were still trudging through the snow.

Which was only getting worse. At this point, maybe it would be better to just turn around and try again tomorrow. But what would she do in the meantime? Sit alone with her thoughts? She had to go, maybe stay in the shop a little longer if it was necessary, but she needed the ink.

She turned her head to look at him when he offered her his coat, the confusion visible on her face. "You would rather freeze yourself?" she asked, her voice soft and sweet but with a certain air of incredulousness.
Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:32 pm
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