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You come from a long line of saints
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IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel had dropped her skirt to the ground as she walked on through the flooded streets. Getting that ruined was better then for any passerby to know that she wasn't wearing any shoes. She felt absolutely horrible and she had lost the feeling in her feet a very long time ago. She was absolutely soaked to the bone, without any coat, her hair sticking to her face and neck. It seemed like the greenwilt storm was not planning on lying down any sooner. Maybel had just hugged her arms around herself as she walked on, head down, hoping nobody would recognize her.

Well, there weren't many people out in this weather. Because, why would anybody? Even the carriages did not pass by as often as they used to. Everybody was waiting the storm out by the fire, as she should have. But her aunt was set on giving her pneumonia or something. She would get her back soon enough. Oh yes, this was a proper war now. And the stupid thing was, she had no idea what she had done wrong to deserve this. This was outright cruel. The raindrops on her cheeks were mixed with some silent tears, as the hopelessness had caught up with her as she miserably pushed on.

Maybel was so lucky it had been not a crazy long walk, but really she had no other idea or place where she could crash. She had never been here, so when she glanced up though her lashes to look at the house, it was some worn down mansion. It had all the fundamentals for a nice, pretty house. But it desperately needed some love. It was former glory. Anyway, it was a roof over her head which she desperately needed.

Maybel knocked on the door loudly and continuously, just hoping that somebody would open the damn door this time. And when the door suddenly opened, she almost just fell over the doorstep. She pushed the wet strands of hair out of her face and looked up at Alexander. ‘‘Hey,’’ she said with a watery smile. ‘‘I need some dry socks.’’
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:13 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander had spent the bulk of the day mapping out his newest invention. Drawing up plans, and whatnot. It was his least favorite step. But a very necessary one. One mistake in that stage could spell disaster later down the line. It was a lesson he had learned the hard way. He remembered the accident well. The dammed thing went up in flames. That wasn't the worst of it through. It took part of Blackmoor manor with it. It costed Alexander to have that wing rebuild. He had set that money aside to be used for the house, though not like that. He had wanted to use it to refurbish the house, give it a new lick of paint. Because it really needed it. Nothing had been done to it since his great-grandfather had built it all those years ago. But after the fire fiasco. Alexander had no choice but to scrap is plans. He still did small things to the place whenever he could. But a big renovation was just out of his budget. The young lord sighed. As he stood up from his chair. Still, he shouldn't complain. The house was still very grand, and while he didn't have the funds, he wished he had. The man still made enough to live the high life. The thought made his smile as she neatly organized the papers he had been working on. So he start again tomorrow right where he left off.

Only when the man was done, did he notice the weather outside. It was simply pouring. How long had it been like this? He really had no idea. When Alexander worked, he often focused completely on it. This zoning out absolutely everything around him. The brunette walked closer to the large window of his study. It wasn't just raining outside, no, a proper storm had rolled over Ashmoor it seemed. Hmm, just another reason why he shouldn't complain about his house. Despite the state, it was in. It kept him safe from the elements. A luxury many did not have. Alexander placed his hands behind his back as he moved away from the window. He was getting rather tired. It was time to spend the reaming hours of the day in the main living area of the house. With a worm fire, some wine. And a good book. 

Though, when he made his way to the drawing room, he passed the front of the house too. And it just so happened that someone was banging on the front door. Alexander saw his footman running past him, probably on his way to greet just whoever was making all that racket. But Alexander stopped the old man. "It's alright, Manfred, I've got it." He said with a smile. The servant looked at him with defiant-yet well-meaning eyes. And just like the young lord expected, the man protested. "Come now, is it really such a strange thing for a man to answer the door of his own home?" He asked, still with a smile on his face. But his voice got noticeable more stern. The retrainer backed down. And Alexander walked past the man

Really, he had been curious. Curious for who in the world it could be. It was storming outside, properly storming. Who would make a house call at a time like this? Maybel, maybel did. Alexaner almost didn't believe his eyes when he opened the door. He thought he was dreaming. But when he felt the cold wind on his face, mixed with little raindrops. He knew that wasn't the case. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him then? Alexander was ready to convince himself that-that was happening right now. 

But then she pushed her body over the threshold that separated the inside and outside the house. And the young master had grabbed her, gently by the arms. Supporting her. She felt cold to the touch, and yet the hint of warmth he came to expect from here was still there. Faintly, flickering like dimming candlelight. She needed warm socks, she said. But to that Alexander could only shake his head. "My dear, you need much more than that!" He proclaimed, his voice full of worry and shock. "A bath must be drawn for you, and you need fresh clothing. I think I have some things you can wear." He moved away from her. Just a little bit. So he could close the door behind them, and he guided her further into the house. "After that, you can warm yourself up further by the fire if you like? I've got a really grand one in my drawing room. And perhaps you'd like some soup too? Or maybe just thee-anything you want." He tried to give her a comforting smile as he spoke. Though the panic still shone true in his eyes. 
Tue Nov 22, 2022 6:12 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
The relief that washed over her when it was his face she saw when she opened the door. She could burst into tears right then and there, but she cracked a joke, trying to uphold her tough demeanor. Because she had to remember herself that this was all a game. Her life was a game, it was not real, was is? She could press the reset button any time she wanted and she could start over again. But right now, it felt like she was stuck in some part of the storyline she could not avoid, how many times she would start over. It would always lead to this doorstep in the pouring rain.

Only when his hands touched her arms, she realized how cold she was. His touched seemed to burn right through the thin fabric on her arms. She shivered and pressed her jaws shut to try to stop her teeth from clattering. Maybel let him guide her slowly trough the house, her muscles were all tensed up tightly against the weight of her now heavy dress. And when he said she needed much more than that, she first started to laugh, but that laugh faded into her bottom lip trembling and her fighting against the tears. But she lost that battle and a sob rolled over her lips. ‘‘I am so sorry, Alex,’’ she started to interrupt him when he so kindly started to plan how he was about to warm her up. ‘‘I am so sorry,’’ she repeated with a trembling voice. ‘‘I got caught up in this storm and.. and I did not know where else to go. And I am so sorry I know looked up where you lived. And I did not mean it.. I-’’ Maybel never felt vulnerable. She always knew there was someone looking at her back, that she could do whatever she wanted. But there were only a few people in the world that were bigger than that, and she managed to get in a fight with one of them. She hated this feeling and having to explain what happened. She was a fool to show up here. She met his gaze, which was so lovely, but he also saw the worry. She did not deserve his kindness, not after how she played him into liking her. ‘‘I should not be here,’’ she whispered.
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:47 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Alexander's smile was already on shaky ground, so it really didn't take much for it to be knocked away completely. Though when the woman spoke the next five words. Not only did it make his smile disappear. It made his whole stomach twist in a terrible knot. He looked at her with confusion for a few moments. While he racked his brain for possible reasons she could be be apologizing for; since in his eyes, she hadn't done anything wrong. Then came the tears, and Maybel repeated herself. ‘I am so sorry,’ It echoed in his mind. Not only that, but also the way she had said it. With a wavering voice. It hurt him, everything about this seemed to cut him deeper than any knife could. But Alexander didn't speak up. No, instead he listened. He listened as Maybel got every word she wanted off her chest. He only held her, in a warm embrace. In an attempt to console her. He didn't tell her to stop weeping. Because contrary to popular belief; crying wasn't a bad thing to do. At least he didn't think so. So he wanted her the opportunity to cry her heart out if she wanted to. It was a healthy coping mechanism. While keeping your emotions all bottled up all the time, certainly was not. More than that, he wanted to show her that she was safe with him. Even at her most venerable. Because everyone needs someone like that in their life, no? And he wanted to be that person for her.

Then she locked up at him. And he at her. Their eyes locked. His was still full of her, and hers full of tears. ‘I should not be here,’ She said then. And Alexander moved his hand to the side of her face. Cupping it. "Maybel." He said in a soft, yet clear manner. "Please understand one thing." He continued on as he moved some strands of her wet hair away from her pretty face. "You don't have to apologize for anything, because you did nothing wrong. I'm your friend. So you're always welcome at my house." He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment. While his gaze intensified. "And I will always help you if you want me too." It was a promise. Then the young master realeased the woman out of his gentle grip and stepped back a little. Giving her some space. "Now if you really don't want to be here. I'll escort you home." He would even stay behind if she wanted to make th journey back alone. It didnt matter to him aslong as Maybel was happy with in the end. "But you dont have to go."
Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:53 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel's teary eyes looked up at him in this way that she did not know how to feel. And when he looked at her with this look of.. bewilderment. She thought she had screwed up everything once more. Her face tried to work against the sad frown that just seemed to force her way there. She looked down, trying to steady her shivering hands. And then he pressed her against him and that opened the gates. She just could not stop her shoulders from shaking when she pressed her face against his chest to smother the sobs. She had no time to feel shocked at what he did. She felt pathetic. She was exactly what everybody thought she was: a stupid rich girl. She held no land or power. Just a fancy name and some gold on her name. So she just let Alex embrace her, feeling his warm arms around her shoulders and she cried.

Maybel managed a deep breath when she looked up at him, and her gaze fluttered away when he touched her face, his fingertips like hot coals on her cold, red face. But it was surprisingly soft, making her tear up once more when he started speaking. She felt like a child coddled by her mother. But, she never did experience that after al. All the love she was given was by her father. The heat traveled further down her body when his fingers pushed the hair out of her face oh so gently, and eventually she managed a watery smile. "You did nothing wrong, I am your friend". Yes, he was a perfect friend. And she was the shitty mental wreck that showed up uninvited. ‘‘Thank you,’’ she breathed. And she meant it so deeply. This made the music box he gave her earlier, which still stood on her night stand, pale away in comparison. This was a gift she did not deserve.

And then he let her go and it was like getting out in the pouring rain again. She hugged her arms around her body, shivering silently. His embrace was like a warm living room, a fire crackling happily in the corner, steamy hot cups of tea, the smell of firewood, herbs and candles all together. It had felt like a home. He offered her to take her home. ‘‘No!’ she replied quickly. She did not want to be home. And he promised that she could stay. That alone made the tears well up again, but with a trembling hand she brushed them away. ‘‘I mean-’’ a weak laugh rolled over her lips. ‘‘Look at you, I got you all wet too.’’ She pointed at his clothes where he had pressed her against him. She stepped forward tentatively, not knowing where to go or what to do with herself. In this strange house where she was hopelessly dependent on this lovely boy.
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:31 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

A throaty ‘‘Thank you,’’ left her lips. And Alexander could feel the corners of his mouth curl up ever so slightly. He wanted to act modestly, like he usually did when others showed their appreciation for him. Wave if off with a laugh, and act as if, well, "It was nothing really." But he didn't do that this time. Instead, he reached for her hand. And squeezed it gently, His eyes softened. The worry in them seemed to melt away like summer snow before the sun. And was replaced by something else. Something that made his look appear, so full of understanding. "Of course." He said. In a steady manner. Self-assured. Like he fully stood behind what he said to her. Which, he did.

When he tore himself away from her. His heart immediately regretted it. The way her arms wrapped seemed desperate for something to hold. Yet there was nothing to cling. So she wrapped them around herself. Not to mention the shivering. It was such a sorry sight to see her so. One Alexander never thought he would see. This Maybel was so different from the one she had presented to him in the short time they knew each other. Yet, as the old saying goes; "there are always the sides to a coin." He had offerd to escort het back home. He understood that perhaps at this moment, she would want to be alone. In a familiar setting. Or perhaps seek comfort in her family members. But he had barely finished his sentence before an answer was thrown his way. It was a quick yet very clear ‘‘No!’ Alexander would be lying if was somewhat pleased with her choice. Because in all honestly, he did not want to let her go. He wanted her here. With him. ‘‘I mean-’’ And then, she laughed. It was frail and watery. But it was there. And it was enough to make him smile fully back. Then she spoke about his clothing and about how she had sullied them. In all honestly, Alexander hadn't even noticed the patches of wetness she had created on his clothes when they held each other in embrace. Nor did it matter to him. It didn't seem important at all. But now that she had drawn attention to the fact. He took it as an opportunity to change the subject to something a little more light-hearted. "So you did." He began as he took her hand once more and guided to a grand staircase that was standing a little further back in this entry area to the house. "Now we must both change into something else." He went on as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "But no matter, I've got a closet full of coats and the like. Why, I even have some that I think would look great on you too." He laughed as he acted like he was inspecting her. Even walking several circles around her. "They might be a little big for you, though." He teased as he stepped back. He moved his case to the stairs again. It lead to the top floor. He had enough rooms in where Maybel could freshen up for the time being. "Come, let me show you to your room for now. I'll send my chief maid your way, so she can assist you further."
Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:15 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel just needed to stop crying, it was so embarrassing, really. But she had started to calm down and wanted to somehow fix what she had broken. But she had no straws left to clutch. She had completely left herself exposed like a nerve, just on hit at the right angle and she would shatter. But she could also just as easily mend, as Alex took her hand in his. Her eyes drew down at his fingers enclosing her hand, squeezing softly. And not because he had to, or that it was what he was supposed to do, because he somehow knew what he needed to do. She bit her tongue and cast a grateful glance at him.

It was at the point that she gave that small laugh, that the air somehow started to feel lighter around them. The tense moment had passed and she forced herself to collect herself again. She knew their would come a moment where she had to explain herself. At least she owed him that, because she knew he was just to pure to ask or go prying. He would give her all the space she needed. Offer him a room in his house. He would probably give her the whole damn mansion if she asked to. But for now new clothes would do. ‘‘Sorry,’’ she replied, but this time with a bit of her usual sparkle in her eyes. But she took his hand gratefully and walked towards with him towards the stairs, painfully aware now that she still was not wearing any shoes.

Alexander took the moment where she dreaded the moment she had to claw her way up the stairs and feel the dress stick to her all over again to chat happily away. He spoke about changing into something different and said she longed for the moment to step out of all of this. She giggled when he said she would look great in something. ‘‘I look good in everything,’’ she said, raising her chin a bit. But then he started inspecting her and she buried her face in her hands. ‘‘Except this! Oh my, stop looking at me, I'm a mess.’’ Eventually giving him a playful whack when he said it might be a bit to big for her. ‘‘You think?’’ she replied sarcastically. She knew she was very small and it never really bothered her. But she would probably drown in everything he would be able to offer. But is was alright. But then he offered her a room where she would be able to get back to live.

A lovely girl helped her out of her wet dress, drew her a hot bath that seamed to scorch her cold skin, but eventually managed to warm her cold bones. When she was finished, indeed a set of clothing was waiting for her. She drew a hand through her still damp hair. Her cheeks still glowed red from the heat. Never in a million years had she expected to dress up like a man, but here she was. She did not even remember the last time she wore pants. She shook her head with the hint of a smile, and first she but the thick, woolly socks on her poor feet.

Maybel's feet barely made ant sound when she went down the stairs. She, as expected, drowned in one of Alexander's coats that she wrapped around her, the sleeves extending way over her hands. She was like a little girl playing dress up in her mother's wardrobe. The only thing she missed was shoes ten sized to big for her. ‘‘Alex?’’ she called softly when she roamed through the empty halls.
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Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:22 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

Only when he heard the pitter-patter of her feet on the cold marble floor. Did he remember the fact that Maybel wasn't wearing any shoes. He had completely forgotten about it. Because, well-there had been more pressing matters to attend, too. Even now, when Maybel was in a better mood than before. He didn't ask any questions pertaining to her situation. That would come later. When she had some time to freshen up. Or at the very least. He thought she would tell him then. But perhaps it was not for his ears. Whatever the case, he wouldn't speak about it if she didn't bring it up first.

The two shared a sweet and savory moment next. When he had said that she would look great in one of his coats. Maybel quickly responded in a manner, he had come to expect from her. ‘‘I look good in everything,’’ The winter raised her head a bit. Though it wasn't because out of vanity. At least it didn't strike him like that in the slightest. It seemed more like the truth. Like she had just spoken a fact. Something no one could argue with. And naturally he wouldn't. "You do indeed." He laughed softy. Speaking more to himself than to her. Alexander made a great show about inspecting her. Like one would do in the theater. Walking circles around the person, hunched over slightly. And keeping an extremely focused look throughout. He had done it as a joke. But perhaps he did deserve that whack he got from her. It was all in good fun. Though, he had te admit; she can hit hard. And he held his hands in front of his body as he backed off a little. The young master joked that whatever he had in his closet would be too big for her. A comment that got a sarcastic response. Though, Alexander wasn't thrown off. "Come now," He said in a light, teasing manner. "Didn't you just say that you looked great in everything?"

Alexander helped Maybel up the stairs. He felt she needed someone guiding her along. Just in case, he wouldn't want her to trip over her clothing and fall. When he showed her the room, he left her alone for just a little while. Before he walked back done to the main entryway of the hall. There he had a bell system, allowing him to call for any servant he liked without having to go looking for them. And soon enough the maid arrived. And he instructed her accordingly. Alexander watched as she saw the servant disappear into out of view. He then called his groom Manfred. Who arrived quickly, too. It was clear that the old man was racked with curiosity. Though didn't ask any questions, something Alexander knew took a lot of will power from the man. The young master then told him to light a fire in the drawing room, and to follow the standard precedings they had whenever Blackmoor manner had a quest. When his servant asked about the Victuals, and what he would like served. Alexander thought for a moment. He glanced at the staircase. His mind wandering off too, Maybel. He could have something prepared for her. By the chef he had in his employ. But-he had this great recipe for stew that really no one but him could make. No matter how many times the head cook tried. It was always missing something. Alexander had learned it from his mother. He had fond memories of making the dish with her when he was but a boy. It was great for when one was feeling under the weather. It had a certain flavor to it that just made all worries and doubts fade away. At least for a short time. Almost like magic.

So he made it himself. Alexander wasn't a great cook by any means. But he knew how to make this meal by heart. Luckily they had all the necessary ingredients, because he wanted it to be perfect. For Maybel. She deserved nothing less, after all. The process took longer than he had anticipated. And as Alexander look at the old clock they had hanging in the kitchen, he started to get a little worried. He had no idea when Maybel would be ready. And the last thing he wanted was to keep her waiting for long. Perhaps he should send a servant. To collect her. The young man looked back at the food he was cooking. It was almost ready. Just a few more minutes. He should be able to make that, right? The loud noise of the kettle brought him to reality. Not only was he making something for Maybel to eat. But was preparing a cup of tea for her too. When all was ready, he moved all the plates and cups up on a serving tray. And actually carried it himself. Perhaps it was unbefitting for a nobleman like himself to do so. But he didn't mind it all. He rushed to where he thought Maybel would be. Though always careful to maintain his balance. He didn't want anything to fall off, after all.

And sure enough, there she was. Alone, in an unknown house. Naturally, she didn't know where to go. The woman called out for him. And somehow, it stung his heart. When he caught her eye, he waved with his free hand. Beckoning her to come to him. And when she did, he spoke. "I'm sorry about that." Was the first thing that left his lips. "I hope you weren't waiting long. I resolved to cook something for you by my own hand. Since, well; I thought you would be craving something warm. But I misjudged the time it would take me to prepare it all."
Thu Nov 24, 2022 8:22 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Alexander was nothing like she had expected. The shy boy she had met at that exposition was not the man that was standing in front of her right now. She had thought him soft and easy to whirl around her finger. Oh, how the tables had turned. For somehow he now was the one speaking so confidently, doing anything in his power just to make her smile. She pushed some wet strand behind her ears, just to have her hands do something instead of trembling like strand of reed in the wind. So when he used her own words against her, she giggled again, shaking her head as if she was insulted. He was witty, and funny. And all while he was being so caring. And he had not asked a single question. He only showed her warmth and kindness. Maybel could cry again.

But she felt as reborn when she exited that bath. When she had looked in the mirror she felt oddly pale. There was nothing to cover up imperfections. Nothing to make her cheeks or lips pop. She felt naked, and when she pulled the coat firmly around her, these was nothing to hug her in the right places. She hadn't looked so unfinished since childhood. And she just knew her hair would dry and make it frizzy. Well, she had to own up that she looked good in everything. She took a deep breath, pushed the damp strand of hair out of her face once more. No more tears, she promised herself. So there she was, tiny and out of place, in a house of what she could only name a very dear friend.

The sight coming into the hallway was nothing she had ever expected to see. It was Alexander carrying a tray with steaming plates of something that smelled marvelous and the spices of tea. Maybel stood there in awe. ‘‘You made this?’’ she asked. For her? This boy just kept on surprising her over and over again. She then heard Alisons voice in her head. "Sorry Maybel, but you have never been of service to anyone". She had laughed about it then, but she now realized how painfully true it was. She would have never done this. Maybe she would have arranged it, but never would she had taken matters into her own hands. She looked away again, not understanding why she felt so bad. Here was this wonderful boy, doing everything in the world to make her feel better. In any other case she would have laughed in her fist and be proud of herself that she had managed to make this possible. And somehow she still now felt sorry for herself. And sorry for him, to make him think that he needed to do this. But he didn't. And yet he did.

She approached him as he beckoned her, somehow maneging to carry the whole plate with one hand. This was nothing like home. It was like she had stepped in an alternate universe, where all the rules were backwards. She let out a disbelieving chuckle. ‘‘Don't be sorry, I'm the one intruding your house.’’ She glanced up to him and gave him a sorry smile. It was true. She had just barged in, cried and then let her been taken care of. She had no idea how she could ever possibly repay him. She pushed up the long sleeves of her borrowed coat. ‘‘Let me help,’’ she said, taking the steaming cups of tea from the platter to relieve some weight. ‘That way?’’ she asked, pointing to the room where the merry sound of a crackling fire was coming from. Upon his agreement, she walked forwards to the cozy drawing room.

Cozy was the best place to describe this place. It was nothing like the grand halls and rooms in Winter estate, nor like any of the ridiculously richly decorated rooms in any of her fathers mansions. It was much more toned down, much more reserved, and yet it felt more homely than any room she had ever lived in. Her pale green eyes scanned the room and than she placed the mugs on the coffee table. She carefully sat down at one of the couches and felt hopelessly out of place all of the sudden. And before Alexander got the chance to be more nice than she deserved, she looked up at him. ‘‘Thank you so much, for everything. You have been nothing but kind and hospitable and you did not ask any questions. And I- I was such a mess and please forgive me.’’
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Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:32 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

When he approached her, tray in hand. She was all astonishment. ‘‘You made this?’’ The woman asked, awe-struck. Alexander on the other hand just shrugged. "I am the only one who knows how." She said, matter-of-factly. Though, his manner had a hint of playfulness to it. Something it always really had, only a true sorry sight could persuade the man to change his demeanor into something serious. And Maybel in tears was certainly one of them. But lucky that had all passed now. When Maybel stepped towards him, he explained himself. And apologized for making her wait. But to that, she only chucked in a manner that made it seem she was unconvinced. ‘‘Don't be sorry, I'm the one intruding your house.’’ After she had spoken those words. A sad smile followed. It made Alexander frown. "Don't say that." The man said, softly this time. Tenderly. Because for him; it didn't feel like she was intruding at all. She didn't barge in at all; Because that would mean she was uninvited. And that certainly wasn't the case. Maybel was always welcome at his house. Whatever the reason. He would always make time, and space for her. No matter what. "You're my most esteemed guest, so you're not intruding at all. If anything, I'm honored to have you here in my home." He went on as she showed her a gentle smile. It was true, even, Alexander never had a visitor as grand as Maybel Winter. But then again, he never had the chance to host some quite as pretty as her either. The lady then rolled up her sleeved and offered to help him with the tray he was carrying. He nodded, and before long she snatched the cups of tea away. Taking a lot more weight off the tray than he had thought possible. But he was glad all the same. Because it made the rest a lot easier to carry on one hand. "That way?’’ She then asked. Pointing to a certain direction. And he knew the why, even when they were standing here in the hall. The sound of the fire he had ordered Manfred to light for them in the drawing room could be heard loud and clear. "Follow me." He whispered. Though, it probably won't even be needed for him to take the lead. Maybel had demonstrated for the second time this evening her impeccable direction skills. By first finding his house, and now the fire. 

When they entered the familiar room, a sense of shame almost washed over him. His house was not as grand as Maybel was probably used too. And while the drawing room was one of the better looking rooms in the house. It still most likely paled in comparison. To the winter palace, and her father's grand estates. Thus, he stayed back a bit, as Maybel placed the cups down on the table close by the fire. And took a seat in one of the couches. Timidly, he followed her example, letting the tray rest right in the middle of the wood surface. He didn't, sit, though. Instead, she decided to stand for just a little more. He walked over to the fire, to make sure it was proper lit. Since Manfred had a habit of failing in that department. But Alexander forgave him for it, he forgave the man for almost anything. He was old and frail. And any mistakes he made were because of that. Not because he meant any ill will. He then her Maybel speak up again. "No, you must forgive me." He then said as he turned towards her. "You must forgive me for not receiving you properly. I- I don't even have anything appropriate for you to wear." He gestured toward her clothes. "It looks good on you, don't get me wrong, but, it's not worthy of you. And neither is this house. It's falling apart- I'm ashamed that you have to witness it in this state.
Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:40 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel believed him immediately that only he knew how to make it. It was not like she knew how to. She smiled broadly, looking at her feet for a moment. ‘‘Impressive,’’ she laughed. Everything seemed to come so easy to him. He somehow always knew exactly what to say, and so. He was the most gallant man she ever met. It took only one look at him and you just knew chivalry wan not dead. And every apology she made, he just brushed it of like dust on a shelf, like she could do nothing wrong. It was like she was used to. Maybel always abused that fact. She never faced any consequences or felt guilty when she used one's goodwill to her favor. But this time it was different. She was supposed to be angry, livid to what had happened to her. She should want to tear her aunt to pieces and was supposed to plot her revenge at this very moment. But she just didn't feel like it. She was tired and it was so easy to fall in the comforting words of Alex. So as he told her he felt honored to have her in his home, she felt her cheeks glow up and she quickly stepped away with the steaming mugs, hiding her face for him.

Then the mood started to shift in a bit of an awkward silence. She sat down, fiddling with the long sleeves of Alex' coat. She hid her face somewhat in the collar of the coat, eventually brushing her fingers through her damp hair. Nobody touched the food or the tea and Alexander had turned to the fire. Until she had dared to break the silence with some miserable pleading that almost made her cry again. He immediately turned to her, somehow thinking that it was him that should be forgiven. She looked at him confused, shaking her head with a relieved smile. Somebody should write this down and later they could laugh about how pathetic they both sounded. She caught herself on thinking about later already. Like it was supposed to happen for them to have some kind of future together. But he confessed that he was ashamed and she leaned over the armrest to grab his hand. ‘‘No, please. Don't be ashamed. I am nothing but grateful,’’ she said while she looked up at him, gingerly pulling him towards the sofa to sit next to her. ‘‘I love this place. I love how it feels lived in, how it has character.’’ Well, that was one way to describe it. The house probably had known it's better days, but she did not care anymore at this point. ‘‘I have been in castles and palaces my whole live. But I have never been in a home.’’ The warm glow of the fireplace illuminated their faces as she gave him an encouraging smile. ‘‘I love your home.’’ Maybel gave a small shrug. It was true. And then she hugged the big coat around her body. ‘‘And your clothes. I can't remember if I have ever worn pants,’’ she giggled. ‘‘I'm keeping them,’’ she added teasingly. She raised her eyebrows at him and hid her chin in the collar again.  
tag / notes

Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:18 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

The man had turned his gaze away from the woman when he spoke his last line. Instead, he moved his gaze to one of the windows. And sure enough; it was still pouring outside. It probably wouldn't clear up until the next day. Meaning that Maybel would have to spend the night, if she wanted too, naturally. Since well; he beds he had available weren't like the ones she was used to, that was for sure. He figured Maybel was the kind of girl who slept on a mattress with for the gods. With silky soft sheets. And a golden frame. His thoughts were interrupted when she grabbed his hand. Something that made snap his head towards her immediately. ‘‘No, please. Don't be ashamed. I am nothing but grateful,’’ She said, while she guided him, only letting him go when he sat right next to her on the couch. Alexander was a little surprised how willingly his body went along with the silent instructions Maybel gave it. She went on; speaking about how she loved it here. For, apparently; it felt lived in. Had character. "That's a kind thing to say." The man mumbled, though Maybel was able to make him smile a little. "You see, this place was build by my grandfather- it was a grand house back then. One of the most expensive manors in all of Ashmoor." When he thought back about it; about how his grandfather had poured his hart and soul into this place. Just to see it fall into disrepair. It made Alexander beyond sad; since he was party responsible. "He designed the whole place himself, for him and his new wife. The love of his life and my grandmother. To raise his new family in." He gestured to one of the many paintings hanging in the room. It was one of his of a beautiful youthful woman and a studious looking man. His predecessors in their prime. "She died after after the birth of her first child." A sad glint could be seen in his eyes as he had his gaze cast downwards. "To preserve her legacy, he maintained the house for decade, and ran it like she would have done." His father had been a kind man, but never good with money. So when the elder Preston died, so in a way did the house. Since, Morrigan moved his family to an apartment complex in the city. Because it was cheaper to maintain. He even had wanted to sell the house- but no one wanted to buy it for the price it was listed. Eventually the man landed on his feet enough to move back to Blackmoor. But the place had been a shadow of its former self then. And while small repairs had been made; it would never be enough. Alexander wanted to change it; he wanted to honor his grandfathers dying wish. "After his death, my father didn't have the money to keep the house initially. So we moved elsewhere." He then smiled, though it was a watery one. "But as you can see, we came back eventually." A chuckle followed. Though, it quickly died down. "But after that, the house was already beyond repair." He turned back to Maybel, locking eyes with her. "I'm trying to change my fortunes, you know? That's why I'm always trying to invent the next big thing; well, part of it. I really want to improve the world too. But, I hope to make some money with my creations. So I can use it to refurbish this manor." That was his big dream, really. And it was something he wouldn't give up on. Not in a million years. He listened as Maybel talked, about how she had lived in grand places all her life. But never in a home. It was something, Alexander never really thought about. But when he did; it changed his perspective a bit. "I wish I could too." He responded when Maybel said she loved his house. Because at the moment; he certainly didn't. But hopefully it will change one day. The winter changed the subject entirely, moving it to the clothes she was wearing. Well, they were his clothes, but. She was keeping them. And he wouldn't deny her that. "Very well, you can have them if you like." He chuckled as she seemed to bury herself in the oversized coat. Then he moved to the dishes he had prepared for them. They had been steaming hot, but with the time that had passed; would be safe to eat now. "Come try my special recipe, I worked so hard on it, you know? So you better like it; otherwise I'll be beyond offended." He teased her as he reached for the self-made stew. His spirits lifted a bit.
Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:52 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
You come from a long line of saints  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
You come from a long line of saints  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel just did not realize how much gold she had struck in that one lucky meeting. She had been her usual bold self to jump the gun, just for some good old fun. Never had she expected that she would be sitting in his drawroom in his clothes, being warmed by the fire and being served his own cooking. And then for him to apologize to her for the state of his house which she had just barged in like she owned the place? She was incredibly lucky. And when she reassured him, he had that hurt look on his face as he replied that she was kind. She wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him, scream at the top of her lungs that he was the kind one. But when she had lead him towards the couch he started to tell about his family home: Blackmoor Manor, and how his family had raised the place from nothing.

Maybel drew her feet up the couch and crossed her legs. She hated the sad look on his face as he told his story. Her eyes danced over the many paintings he pointed at as he told his story. Faces of his family, all young and beautiful. She spotted men with the same curly, somewhat wild hair as Alexander had. And as he told that his grandmother died after her first child, she stared at the young woman in the paintings. Some angelic looking person taken way too soon, which reminded of her own mother. Somebody Alex would have never known as well. As she looked back at Alex, he had this beaten down expression on his face. Maybel frowned and softly placed her hand on his as he started to further the sad story. About moving away from the house, but eventually returning. It was at that point they locked eyes again. She wanted to wash away that terrible sad expression. ‘‘I am so sorry,’’ she breathed, for the lack of better words. She did not know how to handle grief like that, hardship like that. The only feeling she could muster was to echo his sadness, how she felt like crying all over again. She wanted to see him smile again like when he had comforted her, and not hear those joyless chuckles. Her eyes danced over his face, her lips parted like if she wanted to say something, but no words came. And she realized she unwillingly had drawn closer, desperately wanting to console him, her eyes drawn to that watery smile.

However he started to talk about his dreams about inventing the next big thing to save this place and in the meantime make the world a better place. Maybel chuckled softly. ‘‘So that's your big secret invention,’’ she said with a playful tone, lightening the mood a bit more. She relaxed back in original position, brushing strands of frizzy hair behind her ears. If there had been a moment, there it had been. In that moment of vulnerability that Alex had opened up about. But it had passed and it was probably for the best. But it had make her think. If it was just money... she could help with money. But she was certain Alex would never accept it, his moral compass seemed to just for that. But her heart broke for him as he told her he did not love his family home. She turned back at him, trying to look cheerful. ‘‘You will, soon enough,’’ she promised him. ‘‘Because you will invent something big and you will build this place back up and you can be proud of it.’’ Her fiery determination sparked back up again.

So, that was determined then. As was her new addition to her wardrobe. A heartfelt laugh rolled over her lips. ‘‘Thank you,’’ she cooed happily. The first thing she did not feel guilty about, because she could bring a little piece of home with her. But for now they had to eat, and she nodded in agreement. She laughed when he warned her not to dislike it. ‘‘I would not dare to dislike it.’’ And otherwise she would be the best liar she could possibly be. She took the plate from him, mouthing another "thank you" and placed it on her lap. This felt very against any etiquette rule she had ever learned, but this she also liked. So after a suspicious glance in the stew, she tasted it, and she could not hide the look of surprise. ‘‘It's actually really good,’’ she told him with an amused look on her face. ‘‘Maybe you should change professions after all,’’ she teased him.
tag / notes

Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:45 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
You come from a long line of saints  EK3xGIZ
You come from a long line of saints  Y0YhZZM

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Inventor

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one else can see."

When he told her his story, she listened. Silently, but not absentmindedly. No, he could see she was invested. Perhaps even a little too much, since the somberness he released when he told over everything. Seemed to affect her as well. Just when her mood had lifted. He and his own insecurities ruined it again. Man, he really shot himself in the foot, didn't he? Undoing all the hard work he had put into Maybel eerily, reassuring her. Comforting her. Getting rid of that terrible moment of sadness. Just to call in back in himself just a few hours later. He knew he had to stop, and lighten the mood again. When he heard a soft apology escape her lips. So he threw some smiles after some of his next comments. But they were lackluster, and fake. He, just, couldn't force himself to mean them. He was a terrible liar, after all. A fact that was driven home even more when the woman next to him brought up his "secret" invention, in playful passing. He supposed she wasn't wrong, in making the connection. But it still didn't feel right. He had made up the whole story to impress her, in the hopes she would continue to talk to him. Because at the time, that was all he wanted. Just to be a few moments longer in her company. But he hadn't thought the whole thing through very well. And when she mentioned it again on their outing. He had wanted to supprise her with the most exciting answer. Even if it was just another lie. But now the truth came out, he supposed. And just like always, it was far less pleasing than what he wished it to be. "Yes," He said, his voice barely a whisper. Not knowing what else to say on the matter.

When he heard passionate words next, he was almost inclined to believe them. Well, in a way he did. For he had always believed in himself, and his abilities. Even when they, so far; hadn't paid off yet. It was more the way she said it. So, conviction was so intoxicating. That, really, she could make him believe anything. Such power did she yield. That Alex was sure the woman could make a fortune, as a business owner. Or even a lawyer. Or even better; as an actor. Oh, he would love to watch since on some grand stage. Swaying the audience into any emotion required for the scene she played in. But for now, the lady Winter seemed to be content with her current place. On his couch, wrapped into his clothing. Which she wanted to keep, something he ofcourse allowed without a single thought of hesitation.  ‘‘Thank you,’’ she murmured happily.  Alexander chuckeld to himself. This time, sounding not so joyless as before. When he started talking about the food he had made, and how she better not dislike it. She quickly responded back that she "wouldn't dare" to. She then took her plate, and he followed suit. Yet he could not eat before her, and her approval. Something that was suddenly so important to him. Since, well, he made her wait all that time, it had to be worth it right? And he wasn't gonna lie, his ego did kind of need that boost. When he saw that surprised look on her face. He panicked a little, thinking that she did, indeed, not like the combination of spices he had used. Were they too strong? Too overwhelming? ‘‘It's actually really good,’’ She then said, amusement present all over her face. Alexander sighed a sigh of relief. As he leaned back a little. As he finally took his own first bite of the meal, he had cooked.  ‘‘Maybe you should change professions after all,’’ The nobleman nodded his head with a smile as he thought the suggestion over in his head. "Perhaps I should, but only if you will taste test everything for me."
Sat Dec 10, 2022 5:21 pm
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