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[FOF] Long story short
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] Long story short 9s9opHd
[FOF] Long story short Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The Twilight Ball occurred only once a year, which made it a very special occasion for all the citizens of Ravaryn. People came from far and wide to celebrate together. Arianna had learned to enjoy the ball as a child, and now it felt most important to her. There was just something about seeing each other's excited smile as they hailed in the new year. After the darkness, there would be a light shining down upon them all.

The Princess was making her way around the beautifully decorated ballroom. She had talked to most of her father's councilmen, as well as other noble attendees, already. Or rather, they wished to talk to her. But what caught her eye in this particular moment was the delegation from Xaila. Each year, the Ylindars invited members of the royal family in Xaila, as well as the former royal family in Lemuria, as was tradition. Likewise, the Rizals invited the Zinyra's and the Vylasars. Most of the time, only a few came. However, after one of the Rizal's married into the Zinyra family, a whole delegation of Xailans had shown up. With a kind smile on her face, Arianna now approached one. "My lady," she greeted her with a kind nod. "How are you enjoying yourself?" She asked in a respectful manner. She did not quite know if the woman belonged to the Daetrys or Zinyra family, or none at all. So she held back from possibly incorrectly addressing the woman of short stature.

& Imoren Zinyra

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sat Dec 31, 2022 3:14 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Imoren Zinyra
Imoren Zinyra
[FOF] Long story short Imoren10
[FOF] Long story short Zya_tr10

Character sheet
Age: 23 Years Old
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Heiress

Imoren Xipris Zinyra
Apocalypse... It is not a death of fire. It's not showy. It is the inexorable setting of the sun, without another hope of morning
Imoren had not spoken to many of the guests at the ball, but she had asked someone to point out all the important people to put faces to the names and titles she had studied before coming here. When a woman with dark hair and a silver gown greeted her and asked if she was enjoying herself, Imoren knew it was Ravaryn's crown princess. They looked like opposites in gold and silver.

"Princess," she said as a greeting, giving a small curtsy. While she did not enjoy events like these, the Zinyra heir knew how to behave when talking to someone of a higher station. The only thing she did not care to fake was a smile. "It is an interesting bunch of people together in the ballroom. I enjoy myself by observation." Not everyone was intriguing, but with so many different people around there was always something going on. Besides, it was somewhat bearable here temperature-wise.

"Imoren Xipris Zinyra, a pleasure to meet you," she introduced herself because she had noticed the Princess had not called her by her name. She had probably guessed her origin, but there were far too many Xailans here today to go much further than that guess. Imagine mistaking the wrong person for a Daetrys.  
Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:34 pm
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