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It's been a long time
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
It's been a long time 53zL75vk_o
It's been a long time TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith
Evan sighed with a scowl on his face as he looked at the list of items he had written down. He hated doing the inventory of his shop and this was exactly the reason why. Who knew he was running low on so many supplies? Well, he had been doing a lot of requests lately, so he guessed that it couldn’t be helped. He had earned a lot of money over the course of the few months. Most of the money had been going to the healers that were attending to his father. The man had grown old and sick and Evan had contemplated to let the man die without any help. The man hadn’t taken care of Evan like he had been supposed to do, so Evan felt like it would only be fair if he would leave the man to his devices and let him die already. But there was still some old fear implemented in his soul that didn’t allow him to do that. And if word would get out somehow, he would get accused of murder. While he wasn’t a saint, that would go too far, even for him.

So Evan went on his way. He knew a few shops were he could get his supplies at the would ask for a decent amount of money. He had his coin pouch with several golden coins with him, guarding it more closely because some kid had tried to rob him before. Most of the people around here already knew that they shouldn’t pick a fight with Evan. He was quite good with different kinds of weapons, but he could also beat your ass in close combat. Those were solid reasons why it would be a good idea to just leave him alone, but there were always fools in the world who didn’t have any brain cells left inside of that thick skull of theirs.

As Evan made a turn so he walked through an alley, he narrowed his eyes when he saw someone familiar in front of him. No… no, it couldn’t be. How many years had it been? Too many. He had walked through those alleys so many times and he had never seen her before, so why would she walking here right now? But Evan started to follow her, his supply mission soon forgotten as he tried to keep track of her. He didn’t want to make it too obvious that he was following her, but he also didn’t want to waste too much time. So there seemed to be only one option left to assure himself that she wasn’t who he thought she was. His voice rang out loud and clear and echoed spookily through the ally as he yelled her name.


@Ksayah Fields

Tue Nov 01, 2022 1:24 pm
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