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Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal
Time will tell
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The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal EmesTWTJanebanner
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

"How about this one? I love this one." Jane's dear mother's expression said it all as she held the dress in front of her. Not good enough. It was a lovely dress and it complimented Jane dearly, but her mother needed Jane to look her absolute best. Ever since Jane's return, Elizabeth seemed to have made it her personal mission to find her eldest daughter a new suitor. Jane couldn't bear the idea, of course, even though her mother meant well. It was just the way of things. Jane didn't want to let her family down, but deep down, she felt like she was already betraying Emilio and all the memories she once shared with him. Jane tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she put the dress back in the closet. Suddenly, her eye fell on a specific piece of fabric. She reached out carefully, letting her fingers slide down the long, delicate lace. She recognized it right away. Her weddingdress. A strange mix of warmth and coldness filled her. As if someone took her into a loving embrace while simultaneously piercing her heart with an ice-cold blade. Her mother saw and quickly pulled Jane away from the closet. She gently wiped away tears that Jane didn't even notice until that moment, calming her down with the kindness only a mother has.

Elizabeth proposed that Jane seek out her sisters' help. Charlotte had the best sense of style and fashion. Not to mention her closets filled with dresses. What Jane didn't know was that Elizabeth hoped that her girls would bond over it and find comfort in each other's company again. Jane had been unintentionally avoiding her sister ever since Charlotte's engagement to Victor, and Elizabeth had noticed. Jane, of course, agreed with her mother, pushing down the uneasy feeling that crept up. She quickly fixed herself up a bit before she went to look for her dear sister.

"Lottie?" Jane's voice echoed a bit through the somewhat empty hall where Charlotte's room was. Instead of her sister's voice, however, Jane was greeted with the sweet meows of Opal. "Hi there, sweet girl." Jane smiled at the cat and picked her up from the floor. She scratched Opal's favorite spots, softly chatting, as she carried her into Charlotte's room. "Lottie are you here? I could really use your help." She said that last part a bit softer as she looked around the grand bedroom.

(C) Ross
Mon Dec 05, 2022 11:27 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal CWnwfQN
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Today was a day like all others. Charlotte had spent hours making sure her hair looked as perfect as ever, even though she had absolutely nowhere to go now. She did have a dinner planned with Victor later on, so she guessed it was a good thing she was so on time. Now all she had to do was pick out a stunning dress. The choice really was quite hard when she had so many to choose from, as well as so many more times she'd see her fiancé.

It wasn't until she heard the doors to her chambers open that she snapped out of her dress-picking trance. Her head peeked around the door to her walk-in closet carefully, and a happy smile appeared on her face when she spotted Jane standing in her room. "Sister!" She spoke excitedly, glad to see Jane showing her face around her. It hadn't gone unnoticed that ever since Lottie's engagement to Victor, her sister had become more distant. She wrapped her arms around the elder sibling, almost crushing Opal in the meantime. The cat let out a whiny sound, not content that the attention wasn't on her. As soft coos left her mouth Lottie carefully picked up the diva. "Oh, you said something about help, right?" She asked a little absent-mindedly as she hugged the whiny cat.

Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:46 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Jane Winter
Jane Winter
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal EmesTWTJanebanner
Friends change, Lovers leave, Sisters are eternal EmesTWTJaneIcon

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Sick little bird

Jane looked around the room, a bit in awe of its design. A smile crept onto her face as she imagined her baby sister leisuring here. Charlotte had been a little over a year old when Jane moved to Dawnmire, and ever since then, they had only seen each other on visits or important family events. It saddened her a bit to think of the sisterly childhood bond they could've created in this room. Or this castle in general. How they missed out on so much. They were both adults now. They'd never get the chance to do their childhood over. And with that thought, she started to feel guilty about avoiding her only sister.

When Charlotte's pretty face peeked around a corner, she was greeted with a bright smile. Which somewhat relieved her of her guilt. At least Lottie didn't hate her for it. ”There you are!”She replied, mimicking her sister's excitement. She'd happily wrap both her own arms around Lottie if it weren't for the protesting cat she was holding. ”Oh goodness, sorry, Opal.” Jane giggled while Charlotte took the cat. A heartwarming smile appeared on Jane's face at the little interaction between owner and pet. ”Oh, yes!” Remembering why she had come, she turned to Lottie. ”I need some help with a dress.” Her expression gave away how she was in a rather tight spot, but she also felt bad for asking her sister in the first place. ”You see.. mother is taking me out to .. well.. in a nutshell.. find a new ...suitor.” The words alone felt crushing, and she swallowed some emotions away that tried to creep up. ”We can't seem to find the perfect dress, so mommy suggested I would ask your help.” Only than Jane truly looked at her sister, with her hair and makeup all done and the beautiful dress she was wearing. Realizing she might've been interrupting something. ”Unless you don't have the time right now? You look gorgeous! Are you going somewhere?” Eyes glimmering with curiosity. Jane could only imagine the life that Charlotte had as a socialite in Alderrath.  

(C) Ross
Thu Mar 23, 2023 1:11 am
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