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All I need is a change, all we need is a chance.
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Banner10
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine
With the ease of practiced fingers, her hands glided through her long brown locks, braiding as they went. Checking the two long braids and the dress she was wearing, a very Alderrath lowerclass type of frock, in the small mirror on the wall. Something totally different than what she usually wore. Which was exactly the reason why she wore it. She didn't want to give any impression of her Iri heritage today. Lorraine intended to completely blend in like any other Ashmorian. Just a simple young servant girl looking for work within the Winter estate. The outfit was part one of that plan. And as she was making sure every detail of her outfit looked correct, part two came barging into her caravan. "One passport for Madame!" A young raven-haired boy threw a slightly scrunched and forged passport into her lap. "What do you need it for cous?" As she ignored his question, she quickly browsed through the document. "I don't even want to know how you got your hands on this one... Does it have that special stamp? I can't use it without that stamp." With a triumphant grin, Enzo, her younger cousin, placed his finger on an elaborate stamp imprint. "Don't worry Lor, I know what I'm doing. But where do you need a passport with a stamp for?" he asked again. Lorraine squealed with joy, her plan seemed to actually work! She jumped to her feet, thanked her cousin with a hug, and ran out of the caravan. "For a new job!" she yelled enthusiastically as she left her flabbergasted cousin in the caravan.

Relieved that his forged passport worked, she found herself walking through Alderrath later that day. She had already made it to the middle ring without a hitch, but was about to face her next big challenge. The upper ring. Trying to calm her nerves, she shuffled, on her flat shoes, towards a couple of guards, standing... well.. guard.. at one of the entrances to the upper ring. Her final destination. "Passport." One of the guards ordered her with a gruff tone, while the other stared her up and down. She swallowed away the lump in her throat, as she handed him the passport and managed to force a smile. "What is your business today, young lady?" he asked, as she averted her eyes away from his penetrating stare. "A new job, sir. In service, at the Winter astate.""Hmmm.." the guard checked the passport again, then returned his gaze to Lorraine, who was silently staring at her feet on the pebble stone floor. "Welcome to the upper ring, miss. Good luck with the job." Only when the guard handed her fake passport back did she realize the pounding of her heart. The two guards stepped aside to let her in. With eyes full of sheer disbelief and her knees weak from the overwhelming realization, she stepped through the gate. She actually made it...

Lorraine had one memory of the upperring; her mother, then heavily pregnant with the twins, and a still very young Lorraine at hand. Standing in front of the big wooden door of a big fancy estate. Slamming shut in front of them. Unwelcome and unwanted. In her darkest moments, the sound of that slamming door still echos through her heart and soul. Now she was again in front of that door. Behind it was a life she had dreamed of for as long as she remembered. A life she had wished for. A family she always wanted to be a part of. Longing to shine like all the Winter's. Be a part of their glory, like her mother had hoped for all those years ago. That was a hope Lorraine herself still cherished. Hoping for a miracle. A chance. To prove she belonged. Now that chance was finally in reach. Shaped into the job of a servant girl for none other than her own father, Matthew Winter. She wasn't sure how exactly she was going to handle it. Or if he would recognize her after all those years. Or even what she would say. But a change like this wouldn't come again, so she took it. With that in mind, she determinedly stepped closer, reached out her hand and knocked on the big wooden door..

>Her hair<
>Her dress<
Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:12 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. X
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He would get some new applicants today. People, or more specifically women, that were gonna try and get the role of maid on them. Maid of the Winter family was a title that carried power with it. He knew that some of his servants had some sort of... extras due to being employed by him. He paid them generously as well. If they did good work, then why not? But he was hard to please and despite all the talk claiming that he was very kind to his maids, there were also rumours that he was viscous when it came down to certain matters. One of them being his daughter. The other being... Not getting his way. If he wanted something, he would get it. But those rumours were mere whispers, something that rarely reached his ears. Because if it did, he was always sure to find the culprit. He had a talent for matters like that.

He had a glass of red wine in hand as he looked over the city in front of him. The view from his study was absolutely stunning. They were high enough up to look down on most of the other buildings. It truly gave the superiority that he felt oh so much. He brought his hand up, taking a sip from his beverage as he slowly turned away from the window. A knock on the door disturbing his train of thought. He had already prepared everything for the young maiden that would join him today. He wondered if she was truly prepared for this matter. If she was aware of what he had planned for her. He could already see it before him. A pretty girl smiling upon seeing the great winter estate. The castle looking ever grander than the stories had told her. Fairy tales and sweetened up words that their mothers had told them. He was looking forward to shattering every little piece of that twisted fantasty.

He stepped past his desk, taking a seat in the leather chair, placing the glass of wine down. As he pulled some of the papers closer to him, a smile crept on his face. "Come in," He said, his hazel eyes slowly turning towards the wooden door. His ever charming expression on display.
Fri Oct 21, 2022 4:04 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Banner10
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine
Of course, the door wasn't opened by her father, something she always imagined when she fantasized about meeting him. So Lorraine's expression turned a bit disappointed when a butler opened the door and asked her why she was here. After she had given her answer as politely as she could, the man reprimanded her immediately. She wasn't supposed to use the main entrance. He quickly sent her through the servant's entrance, after which he told her to follow him. Quietly, she obeyed and kept close behind the butler, going up the stairs to the main hall. She had never been inside her father's estate, or any estate, for that matter. She was finally able to fill in the fantasies of how he and his family lived. Everything she saw was so grandiose. His riches were very clear, almost dripping from every detail in the home. It made her eyes sparkle to know that she somehow was a part of him and all this.

The butler took her up multiple flights of stairs. Lorraine noticed that she hadn't seen anyone else yet. It seemed practically empty. The polar opposite of the family she grew up with. The Iri lived on top of each other, and it was almost impossible to find some alone time. So to see this huge, empty house was mind-boggling. Lorraine loved it. She imagined herself living there. Passing several closed doors, fantasizing about what was behind each of them. She decided that, if she got the job, she would explore extensively.

Finally, the butler stopped in front of a door at the end of a long hall. Lorraine hadn't kept track of how many stairs they'd climbed because she was too distracted by the art on the walls. The butler knocked on the door, and suddenly the nerves, which had been pushed to the back of her mind, came rushing back. Her cheeks flushed red as they waited in silence for a few moments. The voice of a man, sophisticated and smooth, came from behind the door. Her father. The butler opened the door, stepped in to quickly announce her arrival. He then stepped aside, expecting her to go in, but everything went so fast all of a sudden. The butler gave her a look that made her quickly step inside, as she was hesitating to do so. She looked around the room for a brief moment to see that it was a study. When the butler closed the door behind her, her eyes fell on the man sitting behind a wooden desk. A charming expression on his handsome face. Lorraine felt the muscles in her throat tighten. She tried to swallow the nerves away, smoothing her frock with her hands (as if that would help her in anyway), and stepped forward. The curtsy she attempted was unsure and clumsy, clearly something unusual for her. "Lord Winter." Was the only thing she managed to squeak out. after which she wisely held her tongue. She knew better than to speak before her turn.

>Her hair<
>Her dress<
Sun Nov 27, 2022 11:52 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. X
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
The door was opened and the person in question seemed to hesitate. No stern walk like he was used to, but something more reserved. As he looked up he saw a beautiful young maiden. She had pure skin and inky black hair. It really made her fair skin seem even more flawless. He narrowed his eyes somewhat. Young servant girls really could be something else. But as his smile widened, showing of his charms, he didn't let any of those thoughts cloud his mind. She stepped further in the room, until the door was closed behind her and she was before him. Matthew observed her, the way she stood there made him feel somewhat amused. Was it all really too much already for her peasant mind? How cute. He really felt for her, he really did. To know that this was the peak of her entire life. Kind of sad, really. But he wasn't one to judge.

She tried, she really did, and he appreciated it. As she greeted him, he got up. Perhaps it would intimidate her even more, as his height could be quite scary if you weren't used to it. As the man took a step from his desk, he walked around it and towards the young woman. As he held her gaze he came to a halt next to her, slowly turning his upper body as he observed her. His eyes went over her face, her body and eventually her feet. He tilted his head, showing off a charming smile as he took a step back. Making a small bow on his own as to show her the proper way of doing it. As he lowered his head, he remained in the position for a little bit, before looking back up. "Now you try," He said softly, gesturing at her with a nod and smile. "Don't worry, my dear," He said. "We all have to start somewhere," That wasn't a lie, really. He was just amused by her... Atmosphere. And he wanted to see how far he could push this one. Since well... She sure was a beauty.
Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:58 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Lorraine Doe
Lorraine Doe
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Banner10
All I need is a change, all we need is a chance. Di15mbp

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Mage
Occupation: Medicine woman
She was Chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine

She held her breath, keeping her eyes toward the floor and her hands folded in front of her, too nervous to look him in the face again. He had smiled so charmingly and welcoming. She noticed how he had observed her as she walked up to him. He didn't seem to recognize her. Nor the fact that she was a girl from the Iri. Which was a big relief in a way. Still, she secretly hoped he would recognize her in such a way that he would accept her as his own. Oh, how she hoped she was good enough for him. But perhaps it was better if he didn't... for the time being.

But when the man got up and walked around his desk towards her, she couldn't help but look up at him with big green eyes. She knew he was a tall man, but seeing it in person was a little different. She didn't even notice how she was still holding her breath. As he looked her up and down, she could feel her cheeks flustering red and warm, as she answered his charming grin with a genuine but shy smile. It felt so unexpected to suddenly be so seen by him, after years of being pushed to the side and unnoticeable. What he did next, however, surprised her even more. Was he actually willing to teach her something? When he addressed her as dear, her shy smile transformed into a beaming one. She nodded and tried her bow again. This time it was better, though still not completely right like his example, but only because she didn't immediately realize what he tried to do at first. ”Thank you, my Lord, that is very kind of you.”

>Her hair<
>Her dress<
Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:17 am
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