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Adriana Grimaldi
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Ashmoor Citizen
Adriana Grimaldi
Adriana Grimaldi
Adriana Grimaldi Green-leafed-plant-iphone-se-wallpaper-ilikewallpaper_com
Adriana Grimaldi 6YL3qgO

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human

Adriana Grimaldi
The blood moon is on the rise The fire burning in my eyes.
No, nobody but me can keep me safe And I'm on my way
Gender female
Age 25
Species human
Magic none
Religion faith of Renestrae
Occupation being a proper lady
P.O.B Dawnmire
Residence Dawnmire
Height 170cm
Build slender
Hair color brown
Hair texture wavy
Eye Color hazel
Skin Tone slightly tanned


As a woman that cares how she looks, Adriana always pay attention to the details. From the hairstyle and clothes to the jewelries, every little part of her outfit is there to highlight beauty and feminine curves. She pays a lot attention to her figure and do whatever it’s needed to keep herself in good shape.

Likes dresses that elegantly shows some skin. Most of the time with uncovered back, hands and neck. Believes that looks often sells ideas and it’s the starting point for a good manipulation. And also a great way of showing wealth and power.

Has a soft spot for jewelries and they are the main part of her image. Always with detailed accessories on her ears, neck and hands. She never feel too safe to go out unprotected so there's always some kind of a weapon undercover. Needles looking as hair clips, small daggers conveniently hidden in her golden belts and so on. She’s always prepared just in case.

Depends on her mood she could be with an amused smile, sometimes with an arrogant look. Eyes always looking around analyzing people and places. But sometimes could be calm, with distant gaze and gentle voice. Always walking with pride and elegance as every woman should.
Constellation the Archer
Alignment True Neutral

+++ (analytical, self-assured, smart, ambitious, cautious)
- - - (manipulative, selfish, arrogant, two-faced, proud, jealous )

Her ambitions are the drive that dictate all of her doings. Ready to do everything in her power to achieve the goals she set herself to. Manipulative and two-faced, ready to play the role that she needs just to be victorious in the end.

All of the people she has as friends are people who are useful to her. People on high places or with remarkable skills in some areas. Power is the ultimate weapon that could guarantee you security and good life and she sees that. That’s  why she always calculates her attitude depending on the person who stays before her. Knowledge is big power too so most of the time when talking to someone she is the one asking questions. Cautious not to give too much information and to receive the maximum of other’s secrets.

Truly loyal and honest to few people in her whole life. One of them is her brother whom she really cares and wants the best for him. It’s very hard for her to trust someone but when she do, that means this person is really important for her at that point and will do anything to protect him/her.
Family Tree


fatherMaurizio Grimaldi
mother Vittoria Grimaldi


Brothers Emilio II †, Victor & ??? Grimaldi
Sister ??? Grimaldi


Aunts & Uncles -
Cousins -
Magic type none
Expertise none

Adriana was a curious little girl. Spent most of the time outside home surrounded by nature. And that’s how she met her first love. Jhon Elion was a wealthy, handsome man but first of all he became her best friend. Paying her attention, joking, treating her like a lady. At the age of seventeen she was already madly in love with him and they got married.

The first year of their shared life was a fairytale came true. But after some problems with his family losing money, losing his sibling he changes. Becomes cruel and angry all the time as if Adriana was the problem when all she was trying to do was calming his nerves and making him happy. Not long after he slipped his anger and hit her. For the first time, he regretted it for very long time and despite she’s hurt of his actions, she forgiven him. Things became more calm but just for a while till his guilt vanished.

Beating her became a habit of his and Adriana had no idea how to deal with it. Feeling ashamed that something like this is happening to her by the man she loved. Her pride deeply hurt, she searched for a way things to get better. She tried to not cross him and not being around when he is not in the mood.

Till the day she got pregnant. The news were exciting for her and believed that this will fix their marriage. Jhon was very happy about it after she is told him. He started treating her better for a while and the young Adriana truly hoped that this time it’s a true change. But months went by and his previous behavior started to show up again. She was sick of it and decided to run away from him. For the sake of her child. Already on the road something stoped her carriage. The madness in Jhon’s eyes horrified her. She fought back trying to run away somehow but he was stronger ... as always which results in losing the child.

Adriana had no hope left. She found the man before her so much different than the man she loved once. There’s no way running away so there was only one way left. Calmer than ever waiting him to come back for dinner. He left his sword near the table. After they were done eating and he was drunk due to her kindness filling up his cup all the time she managed to get the sword and kill him with one pierce through his chest.

But minutes after that there's a knock on the door. A man she never saw before. Just as she was thinking, that was her end. Blood dropping down her hands. But the man helps her instead. In return she owe's him a big favor. At the time, this sounds as a small price to pay.

Finally she’s free as a bird...

x her brother's death affects her so much, she's absolutely horrified from dogs and wolves x
x loves plants and especially the venomous ones x
x keeps her husband's sword as a trophy in her bedroom x
x has a collection of venomous frogs which she adores, she even named them all x
Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:28 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Adriana Grimaldi XuTWurPc_o
Adriana Grimaldi MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:53 pm
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